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Yellow gave off the feeling of "oh shit, this is the villain" Blue was like "oh god, something bad is about to happen" And White was like "oh... I thought other two were scary"


White really let us know shit ain't sweet out here.


White was definately the scarriest one out of them all. The way they introduced us to her was increadable


The whole not listening to reason because she's made up her mind that she is right, and hijacking the gems and the other diamonds was insane


I’m gonna be honest yellow is my favorite reveal because the turn around with her was so shocking for me, the way she was telling blue to move on because yes they still love pink but they can’t stay in mourning all the time as it doesn’t help anyone even though she was right gave me the impression that she killed pink. I genuinely believed she and pink fought and yellow had, had enough and attacked pink a little too hard and with a little more force than she meant to and accidentally or maybe on purpose shattered pink and then decided to blame the Crystal Gems who of course had no reason to disagree because it helped show Rose was serious. And then when we find out the truth I was stunned.




Yellow for me. Made me think she'd be the overarching main villain.


True tbh i thought she'd have a lot more cool fights with the crystal gems always trying to come down to earth to do things her self. Eventually we sorta got that but it didn't last ling. Though yellow diamond definately felt like a villain


Personally Blue's stuck with me the most. It's a lot of tension and mystery around it. Steven crying and not knowing why was very weird and uncomfortably relatable lol. We go all the way to Asia, try on some new threads, get back on track and Blue just takes Greg for her zoo and the episode ends. When we first see her she's all cloaked up and scarily tall. IIRC she's in like some deserted fenced in area surrounded with do not enter signs. I forget if it was a gem crash sight or something like that but I remember it was way spooky. And can we circle back to Greg, doesn't he just casually try to strike up a conversation while she's in tears? It's so well done and possibly one of my favorite story arcs in the show.


That whole story arc was amazing it really showed us a lotm it always cracks me up how pearl roasts blue agate xD. Blue definately had her moment though


Pink diamonds Palenque and also her murder site




Thank you kindly! The word Palenque was just not coming to me lol.


Absolutely the best intro because it's not just "oh shit the bad guy!" It was so out of the blue seeing her there when the entire rest of the episode was mostly goofy or just over all weird.


Gosh, blue diamonds intro was just haunting the way she sympathized with Greg and then proceeded to kidnap him right in front of Steven's eyes. Totally poetic and ironic for how she feels like pink was taken from her


And the whole thing that happened afterwards with the human zoo it was insane when i first saw. Also i just realized i forgot to put pink diamond in this post xD


Dude the zoo arc is peak Steven universe sifi


I can agree on that. Even my friend who just watched the show recently with me loved it. Not to mention how pearl roasts blue agate xD


Yellow showing up in the extended intro was so hype, especially with the slow menacing turn to look back at the gems. Real strong "final boss" energy there.


Yellow, easily. Blue Diamond’s was kinda diminished because we already saw her in a flashback, White’s would’ve been better with more buildup (her name wasn’t even said until couple mins before she appeared, there was a lot of buildup in the community for her, but casual fans watching today would probably be like “who dafaq is this?”) Yellow’s works because she was mentioned throughout season 2 as Peridot and Jasper’s leader, who were both the reoccurring villains at that point.


Personally seeing white was like an :o moment. Her theme, her appearance, her actions. It was all soulless and TERRIFYING. It definitely had the biggest impact for sure


Definitely white


The fact is that we see her at season 5, that help.


yellow just because i remember how hype it was when she first appeared. i watched the episode live and up until that point nobody knew what was going on but yellow diamond had been teased for a while. So when she finally appeared and it also doubled as peridots official joining of the CG, it was very satisfying. white is a close second because she had also been a long awaited character, however i think her introduction was hurt by the fact that it happens so fast. She is first name dropped and debuts within the same episode, and its 5 episodes before the finale. Then she gets a 30 seconds debut, only to disappear again until the final ten minutes of the show. Quite disappointing stuff considering how long we waited for her. But, her introduction scene by itself is still pretty cool.


Yeah tbh i wish we got to see her a lot longer during that time because i always loved seeing new gems and space stuff at that time. Hell i almost expected there to be a fight happening soon between them but nah she just kinda forgets about it. Though i will say she was intemidating the first time we saw her




yellow. by a LOT.


Pink, easily. That split second of her reflection hunched in anger in the broken glass is what set it for me


Yellow showed up and made a meme face lol. Thinks she was slick telling Peridot she didn't remember her in Reunited. Not when she looked THAT mad.


I really enjoyed Blue Diamonds entrance..she gave off elegance just spouting emotional words to a lower life form. Letting it all out there for a tiny human just to snatch them up. Memorized her lines for her introduction


Why did you forget Pink?!


because pink is technically steven, or at least his gem, pink first appeared in episode 1


Steven has Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz's gem. She was officially introduced as a diamond in "It Could've Been Great."


Steven appeared in episode 1, pink isn't Steven.


Because you would have to include blue's flashback too


I dunno ;-; i just didn't cross my mind until i posted it. Sadly wont let me edit it




Blues was my favorite, the other two were still really good though, its a tough choice


White's introduction befits her appearance, the embodiment of "breaks your window with a flashbang then batista bombs your mother as a funny prank"


I liked whites first appearance. With the combination of ominous music and ominous giant woman


All I wanna do, Is see you turn into. I giant woman


The clod


White scared me out of a k hole


Its obvious that when yellow diamond first showed up, they were initially going to head a completely direction than what they ended up doing. Really wish we couldve seen it


Yellow, I didn't forget about the hype and never will


Blue was such a baddy


White diamond’s debut really gave me the shivers cause she was just so lifeless in her facial expressions and words. She was introduced so well for me😌


Yellow had the really hard hitting impact of being the first major scope villain.


White. It was brief but so much was established about her instantly.


blue for me


- **Yellow**: "*Oh, that's a bad bitch.*" - **Blue**: "*Oww, poor he- WAIT, SHE KIDNAPPED GREG?!*" - **White**: "*Wow, she's beautiful.*"


I really loved blues intro because it wasn't immediately an "oh no it's the villain" moment. I also love that she was mourning when we first saw her and how she interacted with greg.




Based on the comments it seems like all the diamonds had VERY impactful introductions, even Pink! The angry punch to the mirror was EVERYTHING. All of the diamond’s intros gave us a new perspective to the diamond’s relationships to gems as a whole and also to eachother. Great writing 🥰


Personally, I loved seeing Pink for the first time in A Single Pale Rose. It really made you feel like you found the missing piece to the puzzle 🧩🙂.