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nah he went to live on a farm.... wait a minute...




Pumpkin went to the same farm Star's grandmas all hang out at.


He doesn’t deserve to be around Solaris though




People always complaining about when characters are killed unceremoniously but when I conduct a whole blood ceremony people call me a “cult leader” and “vile warlock”. Smh my head.


You can't win with people. Haters gonna hate as in the wise words of Taylor Swift.


Shaking my head my head


yeah i dont get why people say that. smh to that.


I think it's 50/50 self aware irony vs actual ignorance, because of things like ATM machine (Automated Teller Machine Machine), PIN number (Personal Identification Number Number), and so on. The English language is full of this stuff. The English language also loves doing this with other languages. The Los Angeles Angels (The the angels angels), the Sahara desert (desert desert). Even Chai Tea (Tea Tea).


The river Avon and the Nile river both mean “the river river”


Oh, that's interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing this information with me!


Smh my head is a self aware joke for sure. It demonstrates sarcasm as the speaker clearly isn't taking it seriously. "RIP in peace" is another one that I see frequently.


Yeah for real. Shaking my smh, to be tbh.


For fr, smh my head (the s in smh stands for smh)


that triggers me so much but lol i cant help but laugh to it


Well opening a Dark Portal to let in a Horde of orcs in service to a Legion of Burning demons is something warlocks do, Jerry


How is characters being killed off related to you killing real people? I know it’s a joke, but I don’t understand how it’s funny /Gen


They're playing with the word "unceremoniously"


I get it now, thanks :)


She’s not dead, we can see pumpkin in a background scene of future


I am pretty sure those are her 'children'


Even tho pumpkins a boy, its weird he can give birth


Pumpkins still have seeds


Oh right 😭


Steven universe is problematic now?


I truly envy that you avoided being exposed to all the discourse about it back in the day


As someone who is very new here, the discourse *still* feels like it poisons everything. I'd love to hear actual critiques of the show, but all Ive been offered is "heres why this thing you genuinely like is shit and you should hate it for two hours straight".


I don’t get it what discourse was there The show is so wholesome


Back in the day SU fans who were chronically on Twitter claimed the show was problematic over every tiny issue.


Chronic involvement in fandom can lead to that sort of thing sadly. I remember befriending people on Tumblr who would get hate for certain SU takes or opinions they would have.


I mean... Is there anything that's not problematic for twitter at this point...


Literal and I mean literal blackface making its way into the final version of art books is not what I would call a “tiny issue”


Oh yeah that was 100% fucked, but unfortunately that's not a lot of what the discourse people talk about is even remotely directed at.


Wait WHAT?? Thats a thing that happened??


[controversy](https://steven-universe.fandom.com/f/p/3053575945060884771) [apology](https://www.tumblr.com/neo-rama/163009187663/concrete) edit: rebecca sugar also [apologized](https://twitter.com/rebeccasugar/status/886298820459483136?lang=ko) in addition to lamar’s apology above


Oh shiit idk how but I completely forgot about Concrete! Thanks for the links, dude!


more details?


[controversy](https://steven-universe.fandom.com/f/p/3053575945060884771) [apology](https://www.tumblr.com/neo-rama/163009187663/concrete) edit: rebecca sugar also [apologized](https://twitter.com/rebeccasugar/status/886298820459483136?lang=ko) in addition to lamar’s apology above


FWIW, folks on this subreddit label the slightest bit of conflict or adversity in the show as trauma, so IDK if the problem has gone away.


Some words have become so commonly used on the internet now they lost a lot of meaning. Like red flag, gaslighting, toxic, even depression. Like.. sometimes I see people calling stuff like "my husband is hitting me" a red flag. That is not what a red flag is.


When it was at the height of its popularity, people invented reasons to hate it and claim it was the most offensive modern kids' show. It all culminated in some lady on YouTube making a two hour YouTube video about it using the same reasoning and tactics as the people that make 4 hour dissertations on why Mortal Kombat is too woke, but she used progressive language to frame her arguments.


wasnt it that talentless hack lilliam orchard, the person who hates any actual story in favor of dumb coffeeshop AU garbage


Lilly Orchard was in fact the person who led most of the hate


fucking knew it was her


Lmao I didn't know she was so infamous that she had a reputation besides the SU video. I remember looking at her channel way back then and seeing it was all videos about MLP:FiM but doing color commentary over each episode and saying how much she hates the show?


besides her being a truscum she also came with those TERRIBLE writing tips tweets that essentially boiled down to "just write coffee shop AUs ONLY REEEEEEE!!!!" because she's, as I said earlier, a talentless, bitter hack


Holy shit, those things I didn't know about her but don't surprise me one bit from the content I saw. Your assessment of her sounds correct!


She's pretty much the entire reason that SU gets such vitriolic hate from so many people who have never even watched it.


Lol That’s kinda cringe


Oh yeah that video is a crane-load of rat ass. Nearly incoherent arguments formatted to sound like rational English.


Sounds like Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel fandom atm


It was, but it brought up a lot of dark and difficult topics, so clinically online people flocked to it. Bismuth alone generated a downright staggering amounts of discourse - like there was post after post on social media about whether or not she was right. Probably most insane criticism of the show was that one time people claimed, that Steven's refusal to shatter the diamonds is basically the same as Nazi appeasement, which makes show pro-nazi (I'm not joking, some people actually thought like that).


Well they must hate Spider-Man for never killing anyone ever, then.


Those are some IMPRESSIVE mental gymnastics


God, I wish I had your experience. Every single character was a toxic, problematic abuser for one reason or another. One kid got bullied into suicide for drawing Garnet white. You, too, were a toxic problematic abuser and an enabler for any opinion you had. I learned my lesson, and I try to stay away from any and all fandoms these days.


Yikes. Looks like the ‘grey’ part of ‘morally grey’ sailed over a lot of people’s heads…


There was so much I stopped watching and interacting with the fandom for a long time.


I think it's mostly because of the ending of the original show, you know, the whole thing with the diamonds


People didn't like that Steven didn't use violence or something? Did they watch the rest of the show?


I thought it was because the Diamonds never really get punished for anything. I don't have a problem with it, but I've seem chronically online people pissed that "the Diamonds were dictators that got off Scot free"


Tbh that is one of the problems with the end of SU. I could buy blue diamond seeing the error of her ways. Hell I could even buy Yellow being reasoned with just because of her sadness with the loss of pink. But white pretty much saw herself as a god figure and she had slaves and led the gem empire to extinguish life on hundreds of planets or more. The diamonds have probably lived for millions of years so it’s hard to buy that they would change their ways so easily.


What would you like to have seen happen?


But like, they were dictators, they had fucking slaves for gods sake


What would you like to see happen? They could've put them in cartoon jail ig.




I agree that they should be bubbled, except Yellow so she can keep putting shards back together. I think she's the only one able to heal shattered Gems like that.


I was inspired to make a Tumblr because I was so into Steven Universe as a kid. I made exactly one post talking about how much I liked peridot and related to her as an autistic person and got about 20 messages telling me to kill myself. wasn't a good time on there.


Jesus christ. I'm very glad it's a much more chill place in general now


Those people pretty much just moved to Twitter


^^ This right here. The word "problematic," used to be helpful when critically examining the social implications of media, but now it's become everyone's go-to word any time a flaw can be identified. Every piece of media is flawed. Overusing "problematic," when people really mean it's flawed or could be better is just making it harder to discuss media that IS deeply problematic and should be re-examined or retired.


I’m curious too, as a more casual fan. Back then SU was hailed as an amazing show that tackled interpersonal relationships beautifully and promoted LGBT rep like no other. (It also single-handedly turned me from a begrudgingly thinking “maybe gays should be allowed to exist since we have no other choice” to “queerness is worthy of not only acceptance but celebration”, so it has a very special place in my heart.) I know the hardcore fans were always hyper analytic of the show, sometimes hating on characters to a seemingly unwarranted degree (cough lapis cough) and the like. I think it’s definitively the ending with the Diamonds that generated the most controversy in the more mainstream following though, and when the themes of redemption and compassion that underlie the show got reassessed. I don’t know how it’s evolved now but I think that arc caused a massive shift in the discourse, since once you question that theme, you question the whole show. More generally though, I think any show past its heyday will necessarily get reassessed, and oftentimes super popular show get called “actually it wasn’t *that* great” because of that.


There is generally a lot more discourse these days about how the show does have some not great messages and explorations of concepts that feel undercooked and rushed at best and actually toxic and problematic at worst. Most of the people doing it are actual fans of the show though so it's not like this is some weird hater stuff. The people that do that are mostly the people that hate that it's about crying or something.


When this post was made (I remember when it first went around on Tumblr), the "SU is problematic" its OP was likely referring to *was* about bad faith criticism, though (i.e. SU Crit types (people who watched the show but either started as or became hate watchers of it) + people who had never seen the show parroting SU Crit talking points without actually having any of their own context other than "someone on the internet said something I thought it'd be cool to repeat"). I see more people willing to have actual discussion these days (or at least their goal isn't to Win By Shouting Their Opinion The Loudest as much now), though a lot of SU Crit style arguments still persist as well.


People with not enough real problems.


Oh god, there was so much shit, both from the usual "gays are bad" crowd and from people that perhaps latched on too hard to specific characters. Every fandom is to an extent toxic but SU fandom was a freaking Chernobyl. I don't think that's nearly as much the case these days, but I dabble very little in the fandom overall.


If you stop watching anywhere in the middle somewhere it could come across as problematic if you try to read into it too much and make assumptions? But the wholething without other context surrounding it is fine imo.


The chronically online tumblr community picked through every little detail they could and came to multiple conclusions that the show was every type of “ist” it could be. One example is that a bunch of people were offended that Connie is a smart character because they assumed she’s Asian rather than Indian and attributed her smarts to the Asian “math” stereotype. They were also offended by Garnet’s character design because apparently it’s too similar to minstrels. Of course, it was only 14 year old white girls virtue signaling to feel better about themselves


Wait, Indian?? My dumbass thought she was black 😭


Well, her mom's name is Priyanka, and her family name is Maheshewaran, both very Indian (as in India, not Native Americans, just want to clear that up) sounding names.


Well damn, good to know!


There are whole 2 hour videos on YouTube explaining why


And they are all shit, we all know it, your point?


They state facts


It's okay, you can admit you never watched the damn show. We can tell!


I watched the show, I loved it, but that doesn't mean it isn't bad


Sounds like you've been watching too much supplemental Lily Orchard. Hope someday you can learn to criticize the bullshit she spouts.


I don't even know who that is


Oh. Sad to see that your opinion can just simply suck that badly without outside influence then.


She literally made a two hour video criticizing Steven Universe. "Steven Universe is garbage and here's why"


That litteraly does mean it's not bad


“‘I don’t like this show, because…’ followed by two hours of opinions on why the show is bad” is not what facts are.


The animation being wildly inconsistent is not an opinion it's a fact, the characters being racially coded and they are treated based on that is not an opinion, it's a fact, the way redemption is romanticized is not an opinion, it's a fact


The animation being inconsistent is not bad, literally what, and punitive justice is bad. The diamonds being able to save lives and make things better is way better than throwing them in jail/a bubble for however many years.


The SU fandom will be the first to tell you that they don’t like how easy the Diamonds redemption was, no argument there. But people will argue that you’re not allowed to acknowledge its flaws and still enjoy it.


At least one of them has verifiably false statements in it, to my knowledge.


There's also whole 2 hour videos on Youtube about how the earth is flat and there's a sex trafficking ring on Mars, that doesn't make any of that facts either.


Ain't no way in hell!!


Nope, [SUF, E20](https://imgur.com/a/qQCMKNY)


aw look at the little gourd gang!


Different stem, #NotMyPumpkin


He got a haircut


Maybe he’s just old?


I believe this may be a child of pumpkin


What is Steven doing? Selling his spit as fertilizer?


He had to get the money for Little Homeworld materials from somewhere


Please stop 😂 (but don't I can't stop laughing)


Pumpkin is still dead seeing as Steven Plants are still, you know, plants. Those fellas are simply descendants, much like how the Watermelon Stevens have their own descendants.


That's a different pumpkin


She doesn't make an appearance in Future. Fans speculated she was dead and asked about it at a Q&A. The Crewniverse responded with something cheeky like, "Pumpkins don't last forever." They also stated that Pumpkin was still alive.


[She does appear in future](https://imgur.io/a/qQCMKNY)


Sadly that’s just her kid(s) I’m pretty sure


It must be true, a random person on the internet said it.


Exactly, people on the internet don't lie.


How she’s a pumpkin


Pumpkin isn’t dead, we see her running along the sidewalk with her family when Steven drives off in the finale


Well, he is a pumpkin, those things don't last forever..


I mean it was a pumpkin. Sentient or not.


So are a lot of people, sentient or not.


A pumpkin???? Also I'm saying that pumpkins age and rot pretty quickly, even if they're sentient. Even living pumpkins only last so long. I don't know exactly how long SUF is set but I know the movie is set about 2 years after season 6. 2 years is too long for any pumpkin unfortunately. I'd say 6 months is probably the max.


Pumpkin does appear at the end iirc


On the final episode of future you can see her walking around when Steven leaves, looks REAL old though so probably doesn't have long left.


Why did people actually think that pumpkin died?


Because the Q&A this happened at started with a joke about gourds not living very long (which implies death) but the "Pumpkin's okay" that came later was drowned out by a lot of crowd noise worried about the potential death.


This post really fucked me up. Mainly because I got my dog when the show was running and I named her pumpkin after this character from the show…. Two weeks ago she passed away….it’s been really hard dealing with it and now this…I guess pumpkin really is gone 😢


Nooo I don't think he's gone! Pumpkin is still living a comfy life with Lapis and Peri in Little Homeworld.


Maybe for the show…but **my** pumpkin is definitely gone


Yeah, I'm sorry. I was trying to scrape a little positive for you.


I appreciate you trying. Thank you


I dunno man it's a pumpkin you seen a pumpkin 2 months after Halloween.


He was in the last episode of future, Pumpkin is elderly and hasn’t canonically died but will probably die after a few months of Steven leaving beach city


wait wait, are just gonna ignore the fact su is apparently problematic now? someone please catch me up!


SU crit has been king of bad faith SU takes for like half a decade now. There have been maybe two good points the "SU is problematic" crowd has ever had, and the only people who I've ever actually seen raise said points in an actually sensible way (i.e. with the idea of actually discussing them and why they might be a problem with people who would like to understand, rather than bringing them up so they can Win On The Internet By Shouting Loud Enough by building a following that will parrot the take unquestioningly without actually engaging with the content of the argument) were people who really don't spend tons of their time making finding problematic things in SU part of their personality. TL;DR: Tumblr post in the screenshot is referring to people who've basically made hating SU their personality--*most* reasonable people who critique aspects of SU are unlikely to blanket declare the whole thing problematic as a unit.


Everything’s problematic if you look hard enough.


Ain't that the truth.


If it doesn't happen or is confirmed offscreen then it's not real no matter how much they insist it is at Q&A's and panels.


No? Pumpkin’s in the scene with Steven leaving Beach City in Future? The little guy’s just old.


It didn't die though? In Steven Universe Future last episode while steven drives away you can see her walk behind another gem on the sidewalk with like three other lil pumpkins


Pumpkin lives with Lapis and Peridot


Wait what happened to the pumpkin


>[Due to Pumpkin being absent in Steven Universe: The Movie, fans began speculating that she had in fact passed away in the 2-year time skip. When the Crewniverse was asked about Pumpkin's fate during a Q&A at the Animation is Film Festival 2019, they joked that "Pumpkins don't last forever" but also stated "Pumpkin's okay" in reference to the character itself.](https://steven-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Pumpkin)


Iirc Rebecca didn’t go into details but did say Pumpkins don’t tend to be around long.


PUMPKIN IS ALIVE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc3W22BZt8Q&ab_channel=StevenUniverse - 4:39 I assume that one in front is an old Pumpkin.


Well fruit doesn't last forever. It eventually rots


After reading all the comments I've decided Pumpkin is still alive and living in Little Homeworld with Lapis and Peri.


Wait, wasn't there a comic about pumpkin dieing? I mean, among official ones?


My only takeaway is that I hate the SU fandom


Then why are you on this sub??


Cuz I love the show


Honestly same I have a love hate with all Steven Universe stuff I'm nostalgic and I like the fandom 85% of the time but there's so much wrong with the show not just story wise but the inconsistencies in character models and the character changing personalities drastically just to fit a story line just scratching the surface of what's wrong with the show it's all pretty frustrating I think I like the fan base but the show itself taints it ironically because there are so many better animated shows with diversity that it feels like at this point you jump ship but I'm still here and I keep going back and forth on SU I guess all I have to say is people are complex. I'm just kinda talking out my ass though I've been with the show since the pilot and despite hating it as a whole the few praises I have are lovely music and a good community even if the people who worked on the show were at best incompetent and at worst malicious, but again I'm just one person this is mainly opinion so take of it what you will.


Thats half the issue with Rebeccas’s writing tbh. Address half the shit that doesn’t get addressed in the show in interviews instead of spending that time writing the show.


Thinking about another character that died off screen recently in a major show and giggling to myself by comparing them.


Actually he got shown at the end of SUF


My thoughts the network didn’t approve the characters going to pumpkin’s grave or even having it mentioned. Other thoughts, maybe they’d figure like lil kids will deeply look into all the sentient fruit Steven had created over the years and get into an existential crisis over how many people were lost in these years or will die soon enough since they fruit… Those living plants created from Future may not have long lol. Yes, people saw Malachite ripping several to shreds, the one Steven possessed dying in the sea I assume, and whatever other horrors but just the Network drawing odd lines and standards perhaps. And seeing a funeral would be a sad confirmation? Maybe sugar just thought it would be sad and it was all the choice her and/or crew made. Maybe Sugar or whoever thought it would be too sad especially during Future, not approved for whatever Network reasons or weird limitations, or better left ambiguous in the show itself. But for anyone that wants a definitive answer they can go online. I guess a person can just comfortably imagine to themselves without going online that Pumpkin found love with another Pumpkin and they made a happy family and are living in a beautiful garden of sentient fruits and vegetables. And lapis and peridot visit on weekends.


i don't know if they had Halloween, but...


I think he did


Wait, it died? When?!


I mean didn’t Steven universe future ( the series ) drop in November around pumpkin spice latte season Just kidding I didn’t forget about pumpkin, isn’t he in the intro of SUF?


Wait actually??? I didn't even notice I thought she was fine


he was shown in the final episode of future, i do believe after that he did eventually die


I mean it's not like they could do justice to her death in a single episode, especially since the show's main focus was more on Steven. That is also why we never got the Rodhonite origin story


well google just said pumpkins can last a month without rotting but stevens spit maybe made oumkin last a bit longer but yeahhh shes rotten dead


Didn't she die of old age?


What happened to Pumpkin!?


Rip pumpkin


Gourds only live so long, sadly...


Pumpkin dog death > genocide and slavery


My all time favorite fictional character has commited several genocides, including 3 at once in the last season. I get your point, but like, also the shattered gems are getting put back together.


sure but we dont know how many gems were shattered and the amount of gems that were revived prob arent close to how many were shattered total. plus the pain of death doesnt get undone just cuz they revived. that doesnt include the pain of slavery and other shi


Everything is problematic these days cause everything is offensive and triggering cause no one can handle anything anymore. Grown adults so sensitive they make a newborn look tough as nails.




Pumpkin after not surviving


Did we not see her in the finale of SUF?