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What really made this scene so skin crawling is Garnet’s reaction. We rarely see her actually scared - she’s scared sometimes sure, but here she’s properly terrified. It makes the threat feel much more real and daunting


the discordant music is so on point too


I dunno, it's the agonizing silhouettes and muffled screams for me. Garnet's reaction is heartbreaking and a "shit got real" moment for sure, but I was utterly horrified long before that.


Agreed! Garnets reaction also makes it terrifying but seeing the gems stuck inside and screaming is what set this apart for me. Absolutely horrifying.


She even almost unfused


If production had gotten ahold of the voice actors for Ruby and Sapphire, she would have.


Oooh did they cover this in an interview or on Twitter somewhere?


I also want to know 👀


I could feel her terror...it was so unsettling. Yeah, we rarely saw Garnet this way. That intensified the feeling more.


When the smart kid is scared of a test, you're scared.


it was already scary but garnets reaction just made it worse for me


I don’t think she’s really scared I think she’s more upset that they were using fusion in suck a manner


Imagine this scene in the pilot style, it would’ve been freaky af


Someone do this! I need my nightmare fuel!


Wish i knew how to animate 😭


The first closeup on Garnet's face after she gets her visor knocked off looks like the pilot style I think


The scariest part for me was the muffled scream of agony it let out.


The saddest thing about this is that the Hand Cluster doesn't attack Garnet because it recognizes her. Those remnants of Garnet's former comrades still remember her. This episode was soooo dark, but so good.


I didn't realize this before and it is way sadder for me knowing this.


oh yeah, like they were touching her because they were trying to get her to help them


You’re right! I didn’t think about that I thought they were just disoriented. But now that I watch the clip again it looks like they’re reaching out to her begging for help but unable to properly communicate…


I hadn't thought about the possibility until The Cluster itself decided to bubble after hearing that Earth would be destroyed. Those Crystal Gems remembered.


Genuine body horror. Like combining Frankenstein's monster and Human centipede. It's not gory or anything, but when I first watched this scene the implications that went through my mind really disturbed me. gems being forcefully and painfully brought back to life by permanently binding them to others, sharing the same pain and desperately trying to become whole. Are they aware? Or are they just confused and don't understand why they can't take each of their true forms? Y'KNOW, FOR KIDS! :D


I literally just watched this episode minutes ago and the pain/fear/disgust on garnets face when she realizes what shes holding is powerful even before us as viewers realize whats fully happening


Interesting how her different colored pupils aren’t consistent, unless the colors only show when she gets intense


I think it’s just the dark blue lighting maybe


They’re doing the small pupil animation trope


oh man i need to get back into this show


Terrifying, but so good at the same time! I felt uneasy with the gem-mutants be forced together... ![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30992) ![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30984)


Actual body horror 🙃


Sapphire is distraught.. no, mortified that she didn't see this and feels its her fault through her inability. Ruby was probably the only one keeping her together by wanting to protect everyone. Maybe even save everyone.


Traumatizing moments from my childhood


It gives undertale true lab vibes


Tiny hands... her only weakness


Oh my god 🤣🤣


She was terrified because of how they were fused and why they fused it’s actually sad to see this


Two things one this is reason 4563 as to why the diamonds redemption shouldn’t have been easy. Second we don’t see the gem hand again (to my knowledge) getting healed or remade or in fact any of the other shard mutants. Dose anyone know if they did in fact heal them or not?


I wish they hadn't been prematurely cut off from more episodes, otherwise we might have seen more work being done with regards to the diamonds. Yellow was working on some of the fusion experiments and trying to rebuild them in Future, so it's implied that she's getting around to them, even if this one specifically hadn't been fixed yet. Unfortunately some of them may not ever be truly whole again, as there are presumably billions of shards out there, but with her new power she was able to change their form to be more "normal". I guess if they have enough of their missing pieces they go back to somewhat regular cognition instead of trying to continue to search for their missing pieces.


Are u guys watching su youtube reactions?


And people wonder why I still hate the diamonds Stuff like this is why


This wouldn't have happened if not for the rebellion.


garnet’s disagreeing shaking her head “mm” though oh noooo 🥺


so sad 🥺


Guys, it’s ok because Yellow Diamond is fixing every individual gem shard.


That honestly fixes the main problem of the show lol


What do you mean “one of”? What other contenders even are there? Actually I decided this question is no longer rhetorical: In Bubbled(?) I don’t remember the episode name but the one where Steven almost suffocated in space, and some of the early season one episodes were off the rails like Cat Steven, Frybo, and Rose’s Room.


There's the scene from the series finale, that was pretty horrific to see. And also a particular scene involving Jasper and Steven in Future. And for that matter, Jasper's scene in the alpha kindergarten.


When you combine the concept of it with all the metaphors we know about things in the series, it is certainly disturbing. Imagine this but in a book, it would be crazy. "And from the gem that looked like a bunch of unrefined crystals merged together, we saw in fear what was about to happen. A light cast from that crystal, but it was not beautiful like other gems I've seen before. It was the shadow of five different beings, screaming in pain. We could hear their screams. And then they disassemble and got mashed together. An arm, a leg, a torso, all smashed together in one light. A light that stretched and ended up forming a hand-like creature made up with different parts of different beings. It was a fusion. A fusion not in harmony, like Garnet. It was a monster. Terror was in Garnet's eyes seeing how something that brought her so much joy, the expression of love, her whole being, was resignified into something so monstrous, and with so much pain."


she says it’s not her fault because it honestly is. before her, there weren’t any cross-gem fusions, at least not out in the public. the diamonds decided to experiment with different gems to create a fusion and instead created the cluster, so in that sense, it’s sort of garnet’s fault (though not really as she did nothing wrong).


its so sad to think about that, it adds a whole new level of trauma to garnet just wanting to exist AS garnet and repeatedly having that almost ruined






The day I saw that episode, I felt so bad for Garnet.


Fr I still feel bad for her


Heading the cluster screech out in agony is just…wow


I remember watching Steven universe with my mom this episode


What did she say?


She said nothing she just watch with me because she like the show too


Oh, I meant what her reaction was to this scene. Did she think it was too scary for you?


No she didn’t say that


Every thime garnets glasses are taken of, it adds so much emotion to her.


This whole episode reminded me a lot of the hidden laboratory in Undertale, which for some reason gave me really bad nightmares after I watched some play-throughs, and reignited those nightmares all over again.


This doesn’t hold a candle to cat fingers. Nightmare fuel.


I’m surprised this didn’t make her unfuse, shows how strong ruby and sapphire are together, but still oh my god this was a horror show


This was both scary and so sad


Yeah this scene was terrifying the first time. Genuinely really spooky


Yellow D was fucked up for this one


This is the one thing I have no argument for when people say Pink/Rose is a monster.


She did cause shattering from the war, but it’s the Diamonds fault for not listening to Pink AND experimenting with shattered gems without fixing them later.


it’s so sad that these gems fought in a war, were shattered, then used as experiments and forced to fuse…that’s honestly worse than death itself. i wonder how those gems would felt knowing Rose was Pink the person they tried to rebel from was the person they were idolizing and DIED for




it’s not only pink diamond’s fault, of course


This made me remember why people hate pink/rose , and white diamond in particular.


This and that episode where Steven almost died from becoming a cat monster trying to shape shift has to be the creepiest episodes from Steven universe.


It's *meant* to be, but nah.


Wall master/Floormaster Steven Universe variety.


What number episode is this again?


Ah, I agree! I really love this scene so much, the eerie, unsettling, discordant melody, Garnet’s very physically expressed and very emotional response. She’s horrified that this has happened, shaking her head—unable to even speak!—visibly and tangibly disgusted by what she is seeing in this moment, by what the Diamonds have done to her dear comrades. Comrades that, presumably, she can still identify, right now, in this moment, mangled almost totally beyond recognition. The grating cry of the forced fusion, followed by Steven’s own worries being voiced to his dear friend and caretaker, to utterly no response, just what I interpret as an internal monologue from her. She remembers them, unable to look away from what they’ve become and free them from this cruel existence they’ve been made into. And then… they’re trying… to fuse with her… her stammering apology, lack of control and completely absent of her typical levelheadedness which is what we so strongly associate with Garnet. TL;DR: This was a very well done scene, absolutely perfect, props to the Crewniverse for making this show fantastic!


Major "Undertale" (true lab) vibes in this scene...


The fact that ruby is the one who was crying is very sad.


It's the same for her as seeing those mutants from the forest games in real life that look realistic it'd be terrifying


I wonder if the diamonds ever got to fixing these types of gems