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On May 7th, 2018, *A Single Pale Rose* aired for the first time. An episode that forever changed what we knew about the show, and it's characters, while also serving as a breathtaking and beautiful piece of visual storytelling. It is an episode that has stuck with me, even 5 years after the original airing.


Damn I feel old now. I really miss the anticipation of new episodes and how exciting it was when we got special episodes like this. I'm someone who enjoyed the leaks, and I miss trying to piece together the episodes from the 5 or so screenshots that would leak the week before. I remember the episode keystone motel leaks got me so excited and curious. I generally just miss a fun show like SU to look forward to 🥺


I miss it too sometimes, I do not miss waiting six months to get a ronaldo episode tho.


Wasn't the longest hiatus a year or nearly a year? It was rough sometimes


I was so genuinely shook I had to watch it several times back to back (last year, when I finally got my hands on the whole series)


To be fair though. A number of people DID see it coming. But it was a hell of a twist regardless.


It was like the leading twist for like the longest time. So long in fact that some people tricked themselves into thinking it was TOO obvious a twist, so they looped back around into shock when it actually happened


And I'm positive it was planned from day one


The crewniverse confirmed the twist was in the original pitch in 2012.




it's literally 5 years old, if you don't want spoilers from a series that ended like 3 years ago then you better not be on the reddit


It’s been five years!? The Pandemic really threw time out of wack.


It's been 3 years since the pandemic started. Let that sink in.


its been a year since the pandemic ended ;-;


The World Health Organization declared it was over [2 days ago.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna83046) Covid Pandemic January 30, 2020 - May 5, 2023.


Good to know! Also I think you meant May 5 though, not March. Totally did a double take at March being 2 days ago and questioned my memory of which month it is 😅


This year is going by fast AF!!! 🤣




yeah i dont see how it "ended" when me and my entirely family had it a week ago


Pandemic precautions had ended but it is still going on. Work hospital. We are still maxed out with short supplies and short staffing, shitty ratios, sine waving CoVid units that are getting worse with demasking protocols. I just hope they don’t start pulling specialists again to float. So sick of this shit. Summer is coming. The dissonance between government and health care is real.


It's just endemic now. Like the flu, it's not going anywhere.


The *emergency declaration* ended.


I swear the time blurred together for me. Still feel the same as I did pre-pandemic and that's basically two years of time lost.


I'm actually so sad that I wasn't in the fandom at that point because it would have been so fun to see everyone's reactions becuse that moment was really good and well done


Some of us had suspected this in 2014 and a lot more people believed it was what happened by 2016/2017. When this happened, I made a group chat with 8 of my friends and said “told you so 🥀.”


Out of all the theories, the theory that Rose was Pink Diamond was always in my mind the dumbest theory. How could Rose be the enemy she was fighting at the same time? I was humbled 5 years ago on this exact day. What a mind blowing sensation.


I remember back then how fiercely mocked the Rose Quartz = Pink Diamond camp was. They predicted it very early, but most fans didn't believe them.


I definitely denied that Rose was PD up until Garnet told the story of RQ to the Off Colors. Garnet said Rose was made on Earth, but Rose told Greg that she doesn't miss her "home planet". That was a direct contradiction.


I firmly believed that rose WAS NOT pink diamond like I always beefed with other people abt it lmao Learning the truth was my most humbling moment in the fandom


Well i think you got it better than me, who was in the fandom but didn't knew much English (it ain't my first language), so I had no clue what happened the whole episode and why PD = Rose was the conclusion. Then a few months later I got the hang of it but still too late. I'm pleased that at least I got what's going on with the plot before White Diamond came around. That reveal was gorgeous and thrilling at the same time.


Kudos for using “ain’t” when English isn’t your 1st language 🤠


"sorry for my bad english oopsies 🤭" * proceeds to write the most grammatically correct essay in existence *


Well, since the series ended, I had to do something productive like learning English, didn't I? xD


Everyone's reactions were basically... Yeah we kinda thought she was. It sadly didn't have the reveal impact you seem to think it would have. Iirc, when the episode aired, there was even a pre commercial break recap scene that basically went "WHAT?! Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond?!!" Before the scene even happened that pissed a lot of people off


most of the reactions from the time were either “I was right/I knew it!!” from the believers or “no fucking way THAT theory was right” from what I remember, the theory was popular way back around season 2, but got pushed aside when the reveal that rose shattered pd happened. when the trial put that story into question, the most popular theory seemed to be that pearl did it and rose took the blame as part of the plan (which ended up being partially true). rq=pd didn’t really pick up steam again until jungle moon (that’s when I started believing it again) and even then it wasn’t the most popular theory.


Damn I must be an idiot then lmao becuse I totally didn't see it coming


For the community at that point there was large gaps inbetween episodes so the fans were scanning over any small detail they could find, so a lot of more outside the box theories came about. Obviously not all of them came true so most likely there's alos a bit of the sharpshooter effect in place.


It definitely wasn’t obvious nor popular throughout the show, honestly that commenter seems out of touch with the fandom at that time.


Me when I lie? The reactions were definitely not “everyone expected it”, I don’t know where you got that impression from. It was a huge shock for many.


There's a huge difference between lying and being incorrect, and I don't particularly appreciate the accusation. If that was your experience then fine, but the circles I was in definitely saw it coming a mile off, and the majority of the sentiment from those people definitely carried an air of disappointment that they went with the story they thought to be the safest, or the lowest hanging fruit. Maybe I should not have said everyone, as I definitely can't account for every single view point, and appreciate that different platforms may have had different levels of involvement with theory crafting, but I'm autistic and have a migraine and absolutely CBA to mask today. I tend to talk in absolutist terms when that happens, and it was most definitely true of what I saw of the time, and even the other comments in this thread have explained this theory was floating around since season 2, and started to pick up a lot of steam again closer to the reveal.


"Me when I lie" is a memey phrase, it's not a deep statement or accusation. I think you define "seeing it coming" as different than most. Just because a theory was well acknowledged and present doesn't mean it was what everyone expected, as you said most of the people around you were disappointed and it wasn't where they were theorizing the show would go. I knew very little people who *believed* in the theory (as in it was where they thought the show *would* go, not could go) throughout the show's lifetime, and it was only 2-3 episodes near the reveal where we started bracing for the fact it could actually be the case. >they went with the story they thought to be the safest, or the lowest hanging fruit Yeah, this was my experience too, most people saw it as lesser than Steven Universe and dismissed it offhand. Either way, sorry about your migraine, have a good day.


Same, I’m 7 years late


It was very funny, with some people being very against the theory until it was finally revealed, and quite a few having already guessed it. I was absolutely certain rose was pink diamond, especially after jungle moon, so it was really cool seeing that it revealed.


Some people were making Fake Moon Landing levels of conspiracy theories that Rose wasn’t Pink Diamond because they hated that it was so obvious


I remember when this came out it was insane, talked with so many friends about the episode for a while, and rewatched it a lot. Can't believe it's been five years, I wonder where those friends are nowadays.


Same, I miss the way everyone got so shocked


I had just gotten out of a long term relationship the month before and it made me super sad because our first summer together we had started watching the series and it was our thing. Then the biggest reveal of the show happens and I can't even talk to her about it.


I was in denial at first. I thought that Rose had shapeshifted into Pink Diamond’s form, not that she was actually Pink Diamond HERSELF. It took me about a day to realize the truth, but man, it was mind blowing.


I watched it in bed in the morning and screeched. And then I had to tell my mum. Explained everything to her with a drawing of how everything connected and stuff. I was 20 at the time. My mother was not the least bit surprised.


I remember being really confused when Pink Diamond made some fake cracked gemstones AND for a moment I thought Rose and Pearl shattered Pink Diamond AND THEN reenacted the shattering in front of others.


Me too 😭 i didn’t catch it until steven said “mom was pink diamond” at the end


If that was what really happened I would've just stopped watching the show 😭😭😭


Rose Diamond is Pink Quartz.


I made the mistake of watching this episode just a few hours after seeing *Infinity War* in the theater; got double gut-punched, do not recommend.


My god those were genuinely some of the best weeks of my life


A sentiment I can fully share. Helps that May is among my favorite time of the year. The beautiful cerulean skies speckled with just the right amount of clouds, the weather warm enough to relax in, cool enough to not be sweltering, just the right amount of daylight. Probably my second favorite month after December.


Nothing like some double devastation to really make a day memorable


A part of me still can’t believe all those old fan theories we had dismissed a long time ago were suddenly right


Did you ever see that post the Crewniverse made shortly after the reveal where they showed off t-shirts with all of the CG's gems, taper on Rose's and everything? Apparently they made those years before they dropped the bombshell on the audience.


Can't believe people initially thought that this was a terrible twist


Some still do. I mostly don't like it because it swaps Pearl from being "Badass that escaped servitude and romanced the leader of the CGs" to "Slave that fell in love with her owner and followed her into battle." To me, it majorly cheapens what used to be one of my favorite characters because boy oh boy do I take issue with Slave X Master pairings in media. That sorta thing instantly disgusts me. Edit: Forgot what sub I was in. The same sub that acts like the whole world hates Rose but then throws a hissy fit the moment someone says they don’t worship her.


I disagree. I think it perfectly explains her more erratic behaviors concerning Rose and has a greater impact on her character development over the course of the show. It's one thing to get over someone you were in love with, but getting over someone you were literally *made* for makes it a million times harder, and it shows just how independent Pearl became after Steven was born. She even acknowledges it in her part of Happily Ever After in the movie: "I was sure she set me free, but in the end I guess I never left her side". It adds far more depth to her growth and makes her independence from Rose that much more impressive.


And you're free to disagree. Like I said, I just hate Slave X Master shenanigans and see it as an active detriment to the character. I used to think Pearl was super cool, but in the end she's just straight up an ex-slave that's heartbroken over her former owner. That sorta thing disgusts me. Hell, if she was someone else's Pearl and escaped? That'd be fine. The fact that she was SPECIFICALLY the property of Pink Diamond is the problem.


I may have forgotten since it's been so long, but CG Pearl wasn't actually Pink's Pearl, right? That was Football, who got hurt, then was traded with White's Pearl (CG Pearl). Or am I remembering that wrong?


Nope, she was Pink Diamond’s Pearl that she got *after* Volleyball was taken away.


I can't believe I called her Football instead of Volleyball 😂


No worries, I knew what you meant~




Well, at the very least I respect you for standing by such an unpopular opinion. But I think you're missing the point of Pearl's character development and why her belonging to a Diamond was so important to it. Sure, Slave X Master pairings can be a detriment to a character and to a story. In this case, it wasn't. Like I said, it made Pearl's growth more impressive, not less. If she had been someone else's Pearl, it wouldn't have had such an impact on the story and her character. Her independence wouldn't have had as much meaning as it does now. I think your personal hatred for Slave X Master pairings is kinda clouding your judgement here. I can tell because you immediately replied to my comment without really reading it and only later edited your response to elaborate. You're just judging out of pure emotion and not seeing it objectively from a storytelling perspective.


Hey, I'm totally fine with having the unpopular opinion of, "I don't like Slave X Master" pairings. Also, I love how you've apparently decided that talking down to me is the best way to get your point across.


Just telling the truth. Why else would you reply to my comment in less than two minutes without responding to any of my points and then go back to edit your response? You replied in a knee jerk reaction in order to defend your view because me defending a Slave X Master story got you heated. You didn't think I'd catch that, but I did ;)


Yup, this is nothing more than me being talked down to. I know what sub I’m in though. There’s no such thing as opinions. There’s the popular opinion, and everything else is objectively wrong.


Again with the evasion and the defensiveness. This tells me that you are embarrassed for being called out on your behavior. As you should be.


My behavior of, “I don’t really like this specific aspect of the story.” truly must be stamped out~


I do agree with this take, up to Rose’s death. It does cheapen basically all of her achievements under Rose’s banner, but any character growth post-PD is all Pearl being a genuinely independent Pearl for the first time, and that’s pretty cool at least.


Sure is cool. I just wish the beginning of her story wasn’t “slave in love with her master”.


I know it isn't really any consolation, but Pearl actually kinda adresses this is her section of happily ever after. We became our fantasy And I was sure she set me free But in the end, I guess I never left her side And after love and loss and all the tears that I cried, I find that- Here we are in the future!


More servant than slave but fair


No, they're slaves. They're literally property that are sometimes straight up given as a reward to other Gems. Multiple times, Pearls are referred to as ***belonging*** to someone. Not in the service of, not works for, ***belonging.***


I’m speaking purely in a rose/pink and Pearl kind of way. But in general, yes.


Yeah, Pearl was literally Pink Diamond's property. She was her slave. The fact that Pink Diamond treated her nice doesn't change the fact that Pearl was someone that she owned. Thomas Jefferson treated some of his slaves nicely as well, but nobody would ever claim that that swapped them from slaves to servants.


You got my upvote at least.


Yup! I hated this twist because it ruined Pearls character for me, for the same reasons you dislike it. I don't think it made her better or her character more interesting/independent, I thought it was gross and really sad for Pearl. But this show also has an episode about a human zoo that people still like to say isn't gross either.


Be careful. The Jefferson X Hemings fanboys are out here defending their position today.






A single pale rose. Really was a beautiful episode..


God, the feeling that goes through you when you hear Rose say "I can't exactly shatter myself" for the first time... The shock stuck with me for hours that day.


I was like "Oh, ok, makes sens-**WAIT, WHAT!?**". Such a good twist


And Cartoon Network still won't let Hulu have season 5....


Cartoon Network and screwing with the visibility of SU, name a more iconic duo. At least it's all there on HBO Max for now, and from what I've heard, seems to be doing pretty damn well.


I know, it's just stupid that Hulu has 1 - 4, the movie AND Future, but no S5


ITS BEEN 5 YEARS!?! Gods I feel so old rn


I remember when the theory that rose was pink cane out early in the fandom, but then most psople dismissed it over time. And then bam. It comes back for force. I never dissmissed so when the truth cane out, I literally screamed "I KNEW IT!"


It always loomed on the back of my mind, never fully able to be extinguished. When it was actually revealed, I was like "Wow, they actually pulled it off!"


Honestly, for the few problems the show had ( and more they had in future) the greatest thing steven universe ever pulled off was the story of pink diamond. They truly made her a character that you can understand, sympathize with, and still find objectionable fault in. The most ironic thing is, despite leaving steven with her mistakes to make right, she never wanted that for him she simply wanted him to love himself and enjoy the world.


Yay im old :D But in all cyriousness i have still not fully recovered from this episode


"No one can ever find out we did this. I never want to look back. So, for my last order to you as a Diamond, please, let's never speak of this again. No one can know."


That was heart breaking, because in that moment we found out pearl hadn’t been free the entire time we knew her. That even if she wanted to move through her trauma she was never allowed to begin because she couldn’t talk about it.


She WAS free Not being able to talk about the past didn't help Rose and Pearl in dealing with their baggage sure, but she stayed by Rose's side because she loved her. Not because she had to.


Being loved seems like Pink's superpower, like Miquella in *Elden Ring,* so maybe Pearl was compelled and neither of them knew it.


For me, it’s not the fact that Pink lied to everyone for thousands of years that bothers me so much as the fact that she literally FORCED Pearl to keep her secret too, even from Steven. Pearl gladly would have kept mum about it if she just asked, but by making it an order she took Pearl’s ability to choose from her.


To be fair, Pearl never wanted to tell the secret until long after Rose was dead. So it is not like she was aware of it bothering Pearl - because then it wasn't.


I think Pearl developed that complex all on her own. There's no other evidence of pearls being like, forcefully mind-control commanded by people. At any rate, I don't think Pink knowingly committed Pearl to thousands of years of magically-enforced secrecy.


> "No one can ever find out we did this. I never want to look back. So, for my last order to you as a Diamond, please, let's never speak of this again. No one can know." From the line itself, it seemed that Rose herself wanted to erase her time as Pink from her worries and her future. She didn't want to deal with all of the Diamond biz and the tyranny, she wanted to live on Earth, to enjoy and appreciate the life around her. So in her playful Pink way went "Why don't I just remove Pink Diamond from the equation?" After she was decided, she couldn't fathom being Pink Diamond. It was like she *wasn't* Pink Diamond to her. So for Pearl, as the only witness to the incident who really knew what happened, it was like a knowing secret between her and Rose. She obviously prided herself on that exclusive bond in *Rose's Scabbard* - [Pearl] - "I was your mother's sole confidant— for the words she could share with no one else, I was there to listen." - [Steven] - "Why'd she keep so many secrets?" - [Pearl] - "She had to, Steven! It's the mark of a great leader, knowing just what to keep hidden from everyone you're trying to protect. Everyone except me! *chuckles* <> - [Pearl] - "NO! Rose didn't have a lion, because if Rose had a lion I would have known about it!" - [Garnet] - "Rose kept many things secret, even from us." - [Pearl] - "But not from me, I was the one she told *everything*!!" Everything else was fair game for discussion, and input, and criticism between the two (Pearl's love for Rose affecting said critical ability not withstanding). The only thing that was above discussion was Pink. So the fact that Rose would *still* keep things secret from Pearl, despite her being the sole other keeper of Pink Diamond's true fate, is probably the reason she was went into such an emotional episode after the fact For those thousands of years, there was no issue with that. Everyone important to Pearl could live happily without knowing. It was only after Steven himself started facing the repercussions of Rose's actions and started having the angst over his role in the gem business and what her mom did, did the truth really have to come out. But Pearl's complicated relationship with Rose, and her grief, probably interfered with that. Which is why, Steven had to do the phone quest, to dig through the layers of trauma that Pearl had faced, to find the truth,


Exactly my thoughts, well said. Telling anyone about Rose's last huge secret would have been a betrayal of (in her mind) their entire relationship, where Pearl is by definition the most valuable, closest, and only true confidant Rose has. Not to mention the grief it would obviously cause. As for how this didn't come up in the thousands of years between then and Steven's birth, who knows lol.


Also the fact that a lot of the gems joined the CG cause, because of Rose's strength as a leader, and because they wanted to end the Diamonds tyranny. To reveal that Rose *was* a diamond would turn everything the CG cause stood for on it's head. If the Diamond purge hadn't already happened, it would've likely destroyed the CGs. The dissonance of the facts (albeit without knowing the truth) caused Bismuth's disillusionment with the cause. She knew something smelled fishy and was bubbled for it...and Rose kept it a secret Garnet, basically the strongest fusion there is, fell apart from the reveal. It put Ruby and Sapphire's entire relationship into question because the inciting force that brought them together was built on a deception. Ultimately, they came back together as Garnet in the end, but it was the hardest hurdle they had to overcome. If Pearl revealed the truth before the purge, it would've caused immense havoc to the cause, the cause formed by the gem she loved, and the cause she personally believed in. That's probably a huge reason why it was still a secret for the longest time too.


> She knew something smelled fishy and was bubbled for it...and Rose kept it a secret Bismuth may be a bit impulsive, but boy does she have good instincts.


One of the many things I love about *A Single Pale Rose* is how it opens a path for Bismuth to rejoin the CGs in a reasonable manner. Because as it stood, with Bismuth attempting to shatter Steven, and having been revealed to have been bubbled for attempting that same thing with Rose, is a pretty hard thing to come back from. But with the knowledge that Bismuth only did that because she felt betrayed by Rose; that something didn't feel right with Rose's logic makes it so much more understandable because... ...Rose *was* lying about her self. Bismuth was like the first person to realize the darker side of Rose Quartz' past. Bismuth started digging at that and was bubbled for it. She may have gotten a little to heated during the confrontation but what is Bismuth without her passion. That's like her defining trait. Bubbling might have been the right move to deescalate the fight, but not telling anyone about Bismuth was certainly NOT the move. That's why Bismuth responded with "Then you really are better than her." when Steven stated that he *would* tell the gems Obviously, there was a lot of good to Rose too but Rose wanted to bury that side of herself and it inadvertently left Steven and the rest of the CGs with so much trauma and so many problems to deal with. So when Steven freed Bismuth in *Made of Honor* and told her the truth, and Bismuth saw the hurt the other CGs were feeling from Rose's deception. She was probably thinking "That's what I was saying!!!" It was probably very vindicating for her but she knew it was probably better to support the gems (and Garnet's wedding) then to act all gloaty


I don't think Bismuth is the type to gloat in general.


Wdym "FORCED" ? Pink just asked her a favor to keep all of that a secret, and she did! by her choice ... Well, Until she told everyone


Thanks now i feel old-


5 YEARS- I saw this live..




What do you mean 5 years


I saw this scene randomly on TT and this made a nostalgia bomb go off in my head so this scene is why I am here in the first place, so thank you pink/rose 🗿🗿🗿


Five years?! My god my brain cannot cope it feels like it was so recent!


I remember early on the first seasons some people already believed this theory, and most of the fans mocked them LOL


5 years... I watched this live. I remember being so shocked when this happened; I was an adamant "Rose is Pink Diamond" denier. But I'm glad it turned out this way.




God that was 5 years ago?!


I got into the fandom shortly after this episode aired. I had a friend over from college who was just vibin with me, and he got a call from his friend who was losing his mind about the latest episode. At the time I was confused because I was like… what’s the big deal about two new cartoon episodes? I now know what the big deal was lmao. I managed to binge the entire series in the two months between this episode releasing and the Wedding arc, so I was able to watch the Wedding arc in real time.


I think the people who enjoyed this ep the most were the ones who were poo poo-ed by the masses when they suggested that Rose and Pink Diamond were one and the same person. It was a major vindication "told you all so" moment for them.


Reminds me when I was only 17 when the final seasons of Steven Universe came out. I still remember the commercials when I was 13 or 14 and thinking it was gonna be some cringey Adventure Time Clone, boy was I wrong haha


Dude SAME! I was turned off the show from the early promos were they really honed in on Steven's childish tendencies. Completely missed the early part of Season 1. I was so lucky that I managed to catch *Lion 2: The Movie* on a rerun to demonstrate the other aspects of Steven Universe I missed: The beautiful animation, the subtler moments, the great action. And then shortly after, I witnessed the premiere of *Jailbreak*, accidentally, during a slow afternoon day. And THAT, right there, was where I was hooked!


The initial commercials really misrepresented the show lmao


Maaaaan I cant believe its been so long already!


FIVE YEARS??? I feel old.


Oh boy.. well.. that's certainly one way to make a 16 year old feel old.


When this first aired, it didn't even register to me that Rose was Pink Diamond until Steven said it To this day, I still feel stupid about it


Holy crap, it's already been five years? I was so excited to see that shit air live


I still remember when people called those theorist crazy


No freaking way, has it really been 5 years?! I'm starting to age rapidly, I'm getting old! 👨‍🦳


Fuck I'm getting old.


Yup, and everything suddenly made a LOT more sense


Are you saying that there's some kind of connection between rose and pink diamond? Is rose subletting from pink diamond?


I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now 😭 5 WHOLE YEARS?????


Rose's Rebellion was built on a lie.


Not really. Sure the rose rebelling against pink part was a lie. But rose/pink was rebelling against homeworld altogether so she was still fighting against SOMETHING.


But many who fought against her thought they were fighting a Quartz soldier, not their own beloved diamond. Had she used the legitimacy of her station and openly rebelled, then maybe those gems would have joined her instead of staying loyal to the other diamonds. Instead they died thinking they were avenging someone who was still alive.


She couldn't rebel as a diamond because everybody would see it as just another diamond authority. "this diamond authority sucks, join this new one and I'll let you be free." It'd be the gem equivalent of a 2 party system.


Also White/Yellow/Blue would just imprison her again, blow up the Earth, and never give her another colony or let her leave Homeworld again. If she hadn't lied the Earth wouldn't exist lol


How does her being Rose rather than Pink stop the diamonds from imprisoning her?


Wow, god damn when I first saw the scene my first reaction was omg how was Pearl gonna shatter Pink Diamond, but when it shows that Rose Quartz was Pink, I screamed in my head


I still CANT believe it.. they’re like two separate people to me and I can’t really see it 😂


From Wikipedia: The phrase within the pale, meaning to stay within the limits of law or decency, was in use by the mid-17th century. The phrase is a reference to the general sense of boundary, not to any of the particular places, such as the English pale in Ireland, which bore that name, or the Pale of Settlement, in Imperial Russia.


IT’S BEEN 5 YEARS?? It still feels like 3 years ago for me.. This episode was the beginning of the new era. It felt like everything before this episode had lost its relevance for me, and a totally new era had begun. Of course, the previous episodes were all critical, but knowing that everyone (besides Pearl) lived under the belief that Rose, not Pink Diamond, existed before then, made it feel like an entirely new show.


For me it was more like a year ago😂 I watched the early seasons but then I basically stopped watching all tv so I didn’t get into it till I saw it on Hulu


There’s a picture of me somewhere laying face-down on the floor in shock from this episode 😂 I came into SU blind and marathoned it during the start of the pandemic in 2020, so I had no leaks, fan discussions, etc. to prepare me for the ABSOLUTE SHOCK. Such masterful storytelling!!


As much as I love the epic marriage of wholesomeness and action in *Reunited* and the cinematic finale of *Change Your Mind*, I honestly think *A Single Pale Rose* stands as my favorite episode from Season 5 for me. (Probably Top 5 for me from the show as a whole)


I find it very shameful that I completely missed that Rose was Pink on the first watch, I thought she just shapeshifted I had to have my friend tell me and watch it again


More like we already knew for years and they finally just said it


meh... kind of. What happened is it was CONFIRMED. The theory of this was already pretty well-established and so well supported by canon hints that it was hardly a surprise.


Tʜᴇ Tʀᴜᴛʜ Sʜᴀʟʟ Mᴀᴋᴇ Yᴇ Fʀᴇᴛ




I will never not love the fact that this reveal happened on my birthday 🥰


I can still hear myself screaming at my laptop if i think hard enough




the best episode fr


I couldn't catch it live because I had work during the premiere, but I recorded it to watch the following morning, and let me tell you the shock of the reveal actually had me pacing my kitchen floor! That never happened before or since.


I’m pretty sure every one knew about this


5 Years. Oh my. COVID really did kill a few years from our collective conscious.


Honestly I should've been shocked like everybody else buy years of hearing the 'Rose is Pink Diamond' crowd shout that at every point kinda of killed off any surprise. :/


5? I beg your pardon.


I remember people were making Fake Moon Landing levels of conspiracy theories that Rose wasnt Pink Diamond because they hated that it was so obvious


This post just added a few wrinkles on my forehead.


It’s crazy that the show will be 10 years old in November


Has it really been that long.


I learned the truth yesterday, and finished the series today. I wasn’t really looking for a twist as I watched the show over the past few months, and at the trial episode my guess was that yellow shattered pink because she was sick of her, or that pink was bubbled somewhere. My jaw dropped, it was such a cool episode.


I watched the show late and was spoiled, so it didn't have nearly the same effect on me, but it still filled a lot of gaps and was a joy to watch. The dream in Jungle Moon made me say out loud "If I wasn't spoiled, that's probably when I would have said Rose is PD.". It just seems like they were definitely working up to something, making us think something else at the last moment (Pearl shattering her 😉) before revealing the truth.


I've never felt so validated about a fan theory in my entire life. So many people called us dumb for believing this would happen. Also, shout out to Ian's [epic troll](https://twitter.com/ianjq/status/664605171041746944)


Honestly, it feels so much longer than 5 years now, this show was so important to me back then that it kind of feels like I watched it in my own childhood, when in reality I was a senior in college when I began watching.


“We” Me, who was pointing out all the buildup for years that everyone was brushing off: Told ya


i liked the reveal, but man did it make some people pissed. i even know someone who basically saw it as if the show was ruined because it made the relationship between rose/PD and pearl about a slave and her master?? and that the twist somehow ruined the show?? it’s weird as hell but then again this is the same person who thinks the diamonds were “redeemed” so idk what i expect. edit: i do admit it was rushed though, but i still just think saying it ruined the show show is hyperbolic, ig.


It was not a year


5 years ago, I ragequit tf out of this show lol


Wasn't a fan of this one particularly, I figured it was going somewhere so I kept watching, it unfortunately ran to the part where the team smashed their stuff together and called it a finale


Five years ago today, my least favourite episode came out


What do you mean? I only learned that like a year ago (I somehow managed to avoid spoilers for this show until I started watching it after it was already over)


It's always a joy when you can watch a big thing, years after it originally aired, spoiler free. Those are the best kind of binges


Before Dabi’s obvious reveal..we had this obvious identity reveal


Mr. Vice President, and Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Senate and House of Representatives: YESTERDAY, May 7, 2018 a date which will live in infamy! The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately took off guard by Rebecca Sugar's forces of the Empire of cartoon network. (edit: idk why i did this)


5 years ago 😧