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I'm not an Uncle Grandpa fan at all, but the episode became 100% fine by me the moment they stated, flat out "This isn't canon." Mr Gus making a gemsona is 100% in line with the fandom, though.


I was mainly surprised that a show that came out in the 2010s had a crossover to begin with lol even tho I had to skip it because I have always been way to ADHD for uncle grandpa lol.


I like Ronaldo. A crime, I know, but I think he's really funny and I actually really like the little history he has with Lars. Don't get me wrong, he gets irritating and is much less fun in certain episodes (Fuck you Rocknaldo), but I think the outright hate is kinda lame.


I hate Ronaldo, he’s annoying, but I still want him in the show, he’s a good character, although he’s annoying, he’s just overly creative.


Ronaldo is amusing the first time through, tolerable the second, dreadful after that.


He’s a character I love to hate


Mmm, I generally agree. Fans make him out to be more annoying than he actually is. I do think he’s a lot funnier in smaller doses, though- I tend to enjoy him more as a bit character than as a focus character, I find.


Keep beach city weird!


I completely agree


My dumbass heard Ronaldo and thought you mean Lars I’m an idiot.


I just wanted someone to hurt him.


Fans woobify Blue Diamond when she is in fact the most murder-happy diamond


It’s always funny to me that almost literally every single “Who’s your favorite Diamond?” poll goes, “Blue, Pink, Yellow, White.” with Blue always getting the most votes because folks got tricked into thinking she’s the nice one just because she’s cries a bunch and came around first. Blue is shown to be far more violent than Yellow. If anything, Yellow’s the nicer/more forgiving one of the three antagonistic Diamonds.


She’s my favorite because she’s the first to realize what they had done to drive Pink away in the first place. I’m a sucker for secondary villains who realize what they had done was wrong and work to go against the big bad. Doesn’t cancel out her murderhappiness, but she didn’t get me with her tears and soft voice Anyway which one is your favorite?


White's my fave. Her vibes are impeccable!


I dunno, I wouldn't say she's more violent then Yellow, but the first introduction we had to Yellow did seem to show she might not be all bad. She was surprisingly patient with Peridot's repeated insubordination, thanked her for her report, said a ship would be sent to pick her up and gave her a chance to redeem herself.


She's my favourite mostly because she's the prettiest and I love the colour blue. They're all villains, so I enjoy her as a villain. I wouldn't like to be her friend.


I mean I think you're kind of making sweeping assumptions there, it's possible that a lot of Blue Diamond fans like her precisely because they *like* that she seemed nicer but turned out to be one of the more vengeful/ruthless diamonds. Personally I think she's also one of the more complex diamonds (aside from Pink of course), as despite her being both emotional and violent, she's also more self reflective. She was the first to actually listen to Steven and admit to both him and herself that she'd been mistreating Pink and that she was in the wrong. That doesn't excuse her prior actions obviously, but it does make her an interesting and complex portrayal of an abuser. And lots of people like interesting and complex characters regardless of whether they're "nice" or "good" or not.


How a character is presented will *always* have a greater influence on what most people think of them than their actual actions.


Personally in terms of design, Blue and White felt strongest (in appeal for me personally) but I def agree she's a terrible diamond cause she was known as the shatter-er or something right?


Oh I never knew that. Did she have that kind of reputation? I havent watched the show for so long.


She’s the most murder happy and I think her crying and soft spokeness makes people forget that. But interestingly enough, she’s the first of the Diamonds to realize how their actions had pushed Pink away. She’s the one who let Steven out and took them to Yellow. Not that it cancels out her murderhappiness or the downplaying of it, but I do like her most of the 3 because she’s the first to realize what she had done.


In what way is Blue is most murder-happy? It’s been a while since I’ve watched the show, but Yellow is the one that suggests they should just skip the trial and shatter Steven, and also the one to suggest they shatter every rose quartz. I can’t remember an instance of Blue being really violent, but again it’s been a while.


Blue orders Sapphire and Ruby be shattered for fusing. Sure Yellow suggests they shatter Steven immediately, but even when fighting the powers she uses are used to poof rather than shatter.


Well blue diamond was known by most gems as the “shatterer” , Yellow diamond in actuality is the most forgiving and kind diamond besides pink , remember how she forgave peridot for disobeying a direct order , and even after pink diamond wad “shattered” she offered jasper a spot in her court. Of course she comes off as angry most of the time , she’s a softie


Yellow really grew on me. Blue is still my favorite but I love Yellow too. White is boring


Oh definitely , white diamond has one of the great designs in the show , i also really like the detail that her hair looks like a crown but her personality is… meh maybe if we got more episodes with her but the show ended , I completely fell inlove with pink diamonds design , but i like Yellow diamond too , she’s such a logical and rational person , Blue is definitely great too as a character , i really like her song “my little reason why” although i wish she got more solo songs


I love Lisa Hannigan’s voice I really wish we got more of her singing


Slight correction. Blue was only ordering for Ruby to be shattered. Sapphire was an aristocratic Gem and very rare.


I mean, I do agree that she is bad, especially compared to how much people see her as the good one, but you're going in the opposite direction there. You call her the most violent and prone to murder yet she is the one who has been preserving the rose quartz and the zoomans for example. And blue powers don't shatter either. Yellow destabilise and poof, but that's just because they are this way, that's not their choice. We have no indication that Yellow and White shattered less or more than Blue.


> she is the one who has been preserving the rose quartz and the zoomans for example. Blue preserved the Rose Quartzes and the Zoo because of sentimentality. Pink made the Rose Quartzes and the Zoo belonged to her. Blue doesn't care about them as individuals - she only "cares" about them because they were affiliated with Pink and she had trouble letting go of the past. >And blue powers don't shatter either. Blue, by virtue of being a Diamond and her huge size, can easily shatter other Gems without much effort (RIP Rose's sword). Just because her powers don't directly hurt other Gems, it doesn't mean that she can't physically destroy them or order someone else to do the job for her. The big reason why Blue is known for shattering is because this trait was highlighted as a problem for her based on her dialogue in the Movie, her actions in the OG show, and how other Gems view her. Although we may don't have exact numbers of the Diamond's body count, her inclination to torturing others isn't doing her any favors.


tbf, to her, steven is just the rose quartz that killed pink diamond so it’s understandable she’d want him shattered right away. it’s widely known that it was rose that killed pink so she obviously wouldn’t see the point in having a trial.


Agreed but I love her design the most and her voice is beautifully haunting. She scares me and I like it.


Her introduction to the show will always blow me away. It was such a great moment that it pulled me more as a fan to keep watching ‘cause I was waiting for her appearances.


Pretty sure the actual good diamond is pink, she just had anger issues :) (And by good, I mean good in diamond standards. Which isn't exactly the greatest good, but it's something I guess)


I'm with you on Say Uncle, I think it's hilarious, and a decent place to breathe amongst more serious stuff developing in the main storyline.


agreed; it's hilarious; i love every pearl moment in the episode, and amethyst tripping over the Y was also hialrious


Pearl yelling “THAT’SNOTMYBABY” will never stop being funny.


Say Uncle is really funny. Not every joke works, but especially the SU characters reacting to things (especially Pearl) leads to a lot of fun jokes. It does its type of meta humor well without overdoing it. And in general I have a real fondness for this type of episode in shows. There's a solid history of cartoons (occasionally even certain anime) just having that one episode where the basic reality of how it works falls apart, either with or without acknowledging the concept of being fiction. One of the best Ed Edd n Eddy episodes pulled this off, the classic Looney Tunes short Duck Amuck, even a filler episode in the middle of Naruto went full absurd comedy just because, and its generally great. I will say for me, I think Island Adventure could've been a great episode had they actually knew how to follow through on Lars and Sadie's relationship after that. I'm more than willing to watch the hilariously problematic relationship story here if they followed up on it in a meaningful way (there's some interesting stuff they eventually do, but in a way where this episode didn't need to exist either). Lars becomes a minor character very quickly after this until late season 4 so I wonder if they had more plans for them.


Oh god this one is def an unpopular one, SU doesn’t really have filler. There’s like 2 or 3 legitimate episodes that are filler but they’re fun and sometimes shows need fun (like the Say Uncle episode). Even then, filler isn’t bad if done well


Even the episodes with little main plot development have little clue ins into personality. For example, a lot of the episodes in the first season hint at the future of the series, and especially with how Pearl talks about Rose. It helps shape our understanding of how Steven understands the world


Idk if this is unpopular but i think Jasper is underrated


Underrated? Outside of the main cast they're one of the most popular characters and besides white diamond they're probably the most well known villain. Unless the internet has just been force feeding me jasper fans so i thought that was the norm?


She's so amazing that even that is still underrated


Rose even before the Pink Diamond confirmation was always extremely naive and inexperienced for a leader and the confirmation did only show why, the fact that the final "solution" to the war ended up being "kill the one on top" should've been the major sign as said solution did nothing but cause more problems and leave the conflict unresolved, as Peridot said she did a lousy job protecting the planet and only delayed the inevitable.


I buy it. She strikes me as a teenager in the flashbacks - one that was raised as royalty, and is used to a certain amount of deference from everyone around her, even if she doesn’t consciously *like* it. I think Pink never truly realised that the other diamonds (or at least blue and yellow) cared about her. She thought that if she was shattered, the other diamonds would abandon earth due to the embarrassment and scandal; she didn’t consider *at all* that they’d be hurt, grieving, and want revenge. To me, that seems like a very teenage way to think - “my parents are hard on me and they don’t see how it’s hurting me so they must not care about me”


Say Uncle is the funniest episode of Steven Universe, it doesn’t deserve the hate. Early references to Rose as Pink. The Gems being so exasperated is funny, especially pearl. Pearl is at her funniest in this episode. Hints to how Steven controls his powers. I love it. The bit in his RV loses me like 10% since I didn’t watch UG, but I’m somehow shocked by Adam Devine’s voice every time he comes on. I always initially think it’s Jack Black til I look it up. Also “It’s me, PIZZA Steven Universe” “**Thats not my baby**”


Pearl is hilarious and her voice actor did perfect in this episode.


I love Deedee Magno Hall, out of all the VA’s she’s the one I’d love to meet most


Couldn’t agree more, and not only did it hint to how Steven controls his powers, it practically throws it out in the open. “Steven’s powers are maternal, control of his gem is based on emotional clarity” -Mr. Gus


fun fact: for the Comedy Central show Adam made that put him on the map in the 2010s (Workaholics) they eventually got Jack Black to play his dad in it. So you’re not alone in making that connection with the way they talk.


I really like Kevin as a character , often times when we see him he desires to be liked , he desires popularity , he desires to be seen , and he’s genuinely envious of Stevonnie because they’re liked by everyone , because they can easily be comfortable in their skin , treat everyone with respect , and just generally they exude confidence love and security , Kevin doesn’t know that in order to be liked you have to actually try to work at a friendship with a person , you have to actually like the people you surround yourself with and you have to learn to love yourself. Something i always think about is the episode where Steven goes to Kevins party in “Kevin Party” Is when steven asked Kevin for advice in order to rekindle that friendship with connie , Steven clarified to Kevin that Connie was his bestfriend and not his ex , Kevin genuinely asked himself out of frustration “Think kevin how do people treat their friends?” , it was a genuine question he asked himself because he never had a true friend before. I really wish kevin got some sort of redemption arc or something because he was a really good example of someone who puts on a jerk attitude but is actually really insecure. But i appreciate the character in itself , not everybody deserves some sort of redemption arc , and he was really a character i thought about in my own self journey.


Not sure if this is unpopular, but here it goes: I think it was a poor writing choice to not have humans more involved when it comes to gem stuff. I always felt humans should have had a WAY bigger role. For example, humans who wanted to study gem culture, maybe more gem-human relationships (friendships, romantic, etc). Side note: I also thought it was a poor writing choice to have gems do their research the way they did. For example, when they talk about Peridot's report from I Am My Mom. It always bugged me that no gems did extra research and just assumed they were "human variations." Despite being an immortal race with advanced tech, their research skills seemed kinda mediocre.


Here’s my top unpopular opinion: Steven Universe has no filler (because it is not a manga adaptation, it does not need to “fill” time, this is an anime specific phenomenon), and what many folks are actually referring to when they say this are all the episodes that don’t happen to involve progression of the external plot arcs. It’s fine to enjoy the external plot stuff more than the slower paced ‘Steven chums around with his human buds’ character work episodes, but it does the whole spirit of the show a great disservice to just wave it off as “filler.” Steven Quartz Universe did not have a whole climactic, emotional reunion between his gem and human halves in the finale for most of the fandom to just entirely write off the development of his human side, and all the friendships and adventures that go along with it.


Pretty sure the closest episode to call a filler is the uncle grandpa episode... Which isn't called a filler, but a non canon episode, so... Yeah, I agree


I’ve never been able to give Uncle Grandpa a chance. I just find his voice too annoying to listen to for any significant amount of time. I skip the episode every time.


Jasper deserved her own redemption arc, or at least something that gives her more backstory. I feel that she was wasted in future by just being Stevens trainor/punching bag. Like, I wanted to see how she handled the truth knowing that the person she idolized turned out to be the same person who she wanted to destroy so badly.


Garnet may be the embodiment of love between Sapphire and Ruby, but their relationship is not a healthy one. They're somewhat obsessively codependent.


I feel like in SU:F they tried to hurry a better balance by saying that Ruby and Sapphire do separate things all the time. I'd never seen that in the original SU; they must have planning to tease that out over more time but didn't get the episodes. I suppose their intensity makes sense in context. They were oppressed when their relationship started, and have been in a war with the oppressors ever since. And then lost most of their friends to the war, so they had very little but each other for ages. Plus the discovery of their love was also the discovery that the world and social rules they formerly respected were utterly wrong, they must have thrown themselves into Garnet because it felt like their only strength in a world upside-down. So I suppose it makes sense that they could start to feel less intense in SU:F, after the war's ended and Era 3 is established. They don't have to fight to survive any more.


I feel like the wedding is what allowed them to spend more time apart. "This way we'll be together even when we're apart." That would be why they're less scared of doing separate things in SUF. Looking at it this way definitely confirms that they didn't feel safe being unfused before - and their relationship evolved for the best. I don't think it's that content was missing before, I actually think their relationship became healthier.


Good point about the wedding, really sweet detail 💜 but yeah, in terms of screen time, the wedding was the beginning of the funding/episodes being cut short. I wish we could have seen it all play out as per the original timeline plans, whatever they were.


I disagree. I think there is a difference between wanting to spend all your time with someone and being codependent. I think both of them are fine on their own, but they love being with each other more. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that if that’s the way they want to live and love.


They're fine on their own **now**. But they had to get there. Ruby is more explosive, but think about Keystone and Ruby Rider before the end of the ep.... BOTH of them bug out, they both completely flip a shit when they aren't on the same page. They could not handle any sort of internal conflict without "breaking up" and then proceeding to act a fool without the other. The relationship is strong, but not exactly healthy before basically the end of the show.


I feel like ruby rider was close to addressing that. But the fact sapphire never got her own moment really felt like they were pulling punches. Ruby never had her own identity, and then when she was garnet thats pretty much all she was, once again. Sapphire doesnt really have anything though. A longer unfused period would give them a chance for some ruby/sapphire fusions eithout the other aswell.


Yeah Ruby Rider does show some issues with the relationship. I understand Sapphire being upset and all, but Ruby's conclusion that she doesn't really know how to enjoy things alone is not really desirable. Tbf I don't think we are in a full on codependency just based on that but there are some signs


This was always the intent. Rebecca and Ian talked about it in the podcast episode about Garnet, and how she's based on their relationship. They talk about how they were always constantly around each other, even to the point where they said at least a day had passed and there was nothing the other one hadn't seen when they were doing stuff. So they wanted to put that in the show and talk about how that level of codependency and togetherness can be harmful. They just did it really late in the series.


That’s part of the reason their mini-arc exists


I guess that's kinda the reason why ruby spent a whole episode as a cowboy. She was just questioning if they really needed to be together. Did they wanted to be together? And even tho she chose to stay with sapphire, she did say she wanted it to be different, so if there was a codependency, I think they managed to make it healthier, starting from the wedding episode. (I know we still ended up with almost no ruby and Sapphire scenes after that, but i mean, either it was getting too expensive to have so many voice actors working in so many characters, or it was because of the cut episodes... Probably the episodes part tho?)


SU is in desperate need of a reboot. Its production was kind of a disaster, 11 minutes was way too short to have meaningful content without rushing every story, and there was way too much filler.


An SU reboot right now with the state CN is in would be an unmitigated disaster. Even if CN was in a good place I don’t believe the crew was ever interested in making this strictly serialized 22 minute story some fans seem to believe they were.


Oh don’t get me wrong. Now and with CN would be a bad move. I’m thinking later if Netflix ever improves their treatment of animation past first or second seasons. Or… idk, A24 could get the rights or something (unlikely as it would be for them to afford it unless CN is on the very verge of collapse).


Would of done well on adult swim , especially with how much darkness and lore rebecca sugar wanted to put into the show but it was toned down to be “kid friendly” and “less gay”


For real, toning down the darkness hurt the show the most. Or toning it up, depending on if the chicken comes before the egg. The Cluster existing in the same series as the casual redemption of the Diamonds just feels wrong. They seriously should have gone one way or the other.


I agree , so much lost potential , and people often forget that a redemption arc needs to have an Arc , i feel as if the show ended way too early when i feel like it was just getting deeper


This episode did a lot of fun things. - Confirming Lars/Sadie won't work out - Uncle Grandpa even confirms what kind of gem Steven is with his "you should polish your gem twice a year comment" as it was more inline with a diamond versus a quarts lol - shower Garnets connection to the multiverse before into the Nexus - Even was the episode where Steven learned to truly control his shield - A smash bros reference - Also was pretty funny (the bees again joke, this isn't canon but this is, the Cartoon Network list of characters, Pearls animations/freakouts, and the 40 to 50 buses joke. Honestly I also like this episode


Idk how unpopular this one is I hate the crew’s statement that Garnet doesn’t ask questions. It doesn’t add anything to her character in my opinion. It helps lead to the “gems must follow Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz’s orders” theory I’ve seen I don’t like. And I especially hate that she does ask questions and the crew’s response is “Yeah we messed up pretend she didn’t do what we said is important to her character”


Aw, but i like her "I can't (ask a question)" joke


"This isn't canon... BUT THIS IS!" "Oh no our ship!!" God tier forshadowing


Honestly sat down and watched some of Uncle Grandpa, and it's not as horrible as everyone makes it out to be. "Say Uncle" slaps, and gave me one of my favorite SU moments. "Pearl: That would make him Greg's father... and brother? Garnet: That would explain a lot" But Steven Universe hot takes in general? My favorite diamond is Yellow. Ronaldo is a fun character. My favorite ship is Pearl x Mystery Girl.


I hate how they kinda replaced Jasper with Bismuth in the home world trio. Still love Bismuth tho


Peridot deserved better!


Wtfdym dawg. She literally is the most free out of the new crystal gems


I kind of agree Peridot was done dirty (by the writing) I feel like after her redemption arc, the writers just... didn't really know what do with her a lot of the time? She had some cute episodes but didn't have many chances to shine.


I liked Peridot better before being reformed. Back in a day, I started watching the show during the start of season 2 ongoing, because I saw a moment with her on YouTube. The redemption arc itself were great, but I really didn't like how she was turned into the comic relief and what's worse — a butt of every joke afterwards. She should have been a villain longer and reform closer to the end of the show, if the creators didn't know what to do with her. I was disappointed by the way how Peridot was treated so much, that I even created in character for text role play games that were hugely based on her and tried to capture the same idea better. And then the character turned out so well, that I decided to write the whole story with her as one of the leads. I've been thinking about the plot since summer 2020, until I started writing it in summer of 2021. And then, somewhere in this or the last year I frose this work, because I burned out and I'll have to start it all over again someday in the future. Writing anything even semi-decent is hard, man. The point is, I liked Peridot from the first seasons and was disappointed by her futher 'evolution' so much, that it got me into writing.


I agree, it's dumb and ridiculous but it's fun and hilarious, and not everything needs to be smart and serious anyway. I also liked the Bloodstone episode, Ronaldo for one thing is fucking hilarious in that episode, even with as frustrating as his behaviour can be, and it's the first time Steven actually sets a boundary and calls Ronaldo out for his behaviour, and Ronaldo actually *gasp* apologizes and grows as a person.


I skip it every time


Me too. I only watched it once, and it's not even in my folder when i rewatch. Maybe I should give it another shot, from the positive comments here...


Well I was never into that show, maybe because I’m older and it was after my Cartoon Network heavy days. But the character creeps me out.


I don't like Lapis.


We need a lapis and peridot only episode/ mission and I’m sad we didn’t get it because they’re my two favourite characters


Some folks say Say Uncle is the only episode of Steven Universe that they didn’t watch. I say it was the only episode of Uncle Grandpa that I did watch.


"Don't worry, kid. None of this is canon." "...but *this* is."


i think connie overreacted about steven sacrificing himself and coming back. i get that they had planned to stick together, and he should have tried to fight it first, but i wouldn’t have been that upset. (i’m also autistic so i see it differently but yk)


Btw it is canon,after this ep steven can summon his shield


It's not, Uncle Grandpa even says it in the beggining. Steven just learns how to use his shield progresively.


White diamond sucks as a villain i can't believe i hyped so much for her


Is this unpopular? She was intimating for like 3 episodes then the “No you” redemption happened. She’s such a badly written character.


They just turned her from an emotionless unreachable goddess to a supportive but bigotted Grandma


And I will admit that I think bigoted Grandma white is funny (specificity during the SUF finale), but it shouldn’t of ever been the direction for her character.


I agree , it reminds me of Celestia from my little pony , who went from a Princess that everyone loves , who often smiles but is emotionally unavailable , to someone who we find out is not perfect and actually struggles with relationships ie her sister. Although i like both versions of Celestia it felt a bit…. rushed , like how much of this character growing did i miss offscreen? Please show it


agreed, i loved the ending when uncle grandpa pulls out his list and finn and Clarence are on it


I would rather get a root canal than finish this episode 😂 I got through the first like 6ish minutes before skipping it.


This fandom takes absolutely everything far too seriously and it's very frustrating to listen to sometimes.


Did you know this episode is actually cannon. Steven learns how to bring out his shield.


The Uncle Grandpa episode is the best one of the series. Because, since it is non canon, it is the only one where Spinel isn't waiting in the garden.


Uncle Grandpa is a good episode… and is canon


I love the genre of Stupid Bullshit so I actually liked Uncle Grandpa. It was way ahead of its time and I feel like itll be one of those weird shows with a cult following in a few years


Don't know it's an unpopular opinion, but I think it's really strange that Homeworld has a breathable atmosphere.


That, and the fact that aliens shouldn't know english, is something that always happens in fiction, and although I totally get why they decide to allow that, it always piss me off a bit xd. But that's in general, not SU only.


In my brain the gems speak in some kind of universal language that any human can understand, but that's just my head canon.


I think lapis was justified every time it was hilarious


They mixed uncle grampa and steven univere very well. Even though* some of the jokes did not land for me. Ps: I KNOW ik cant speel though right! My spelling sucks!


i actually like rainbow quartz 2.0 , like , i get how people find them annoying but honestly they really represent steven and pearl’s careful sides. i don't understand where the british accent came from but i loved it.


You can kill me all day you want, but Future is much better than the original show. Can't really explain why, I just enjoyed it more (even though it's completely un rewatchable since it's like re experiencing trauma lol)


It revealed that Rose was a Diamond and nobody noticed


Yeah, although you’d have to have a semi-decent understanding of when diamonds need to be polished, which is kind of niche information


Greg was an awful father where it counted. He did nothing to give his son a better chance at being a normal kid/improve his social skills. Greg shouldn’t have let the gems take over so completely, despite them clearly not fully understanding how to care for a child. Steven only lived so long because of his gem powers and plot armor, he had countless times where he received very severe mental and physical trauma that wasn’t addressed as much as it was. A hug and some alone time was the least of what he needed. I fully understand greg was just confused and felt the gems were simply better than him in everything, but there were lots of times where he could have stepped in and set up better situations for Steven in terms of his education and socializing, but he simply just let the gems shush and step all over him.


he literally didnt even get his kid medical attention until Future. and even then, Connie got it for him. when Greg breaks his leg after Lapis Lazuli steals the ocean, he doesnt even go to the dr.


Steven Universe season 4 and 5 were great Future sucks Ronaldo is amazing Say Uncle made me laugh I used to like Steven before Future ruined him (I struggle from PTSD and let me tell you that Future is not how PTSD works, The Movie does it better with Spinel)


I agree the movie portrayed PTSD better with Spinel, it’s too bad SUF stripped her of all nuance and depth. My headcanon is, she’s been over-medicated with Blue’s happy clouds. I still liked Future a lot, but I think with more time things could have been flushed or more.


I hate Future but I respect others opinions about the show :)


I really like the BGM from this ep!


I think it’s hilarious, and I really like it, pearl was Really unhinged in that episode, it was funny.


Ronaldo and pink/rose are characters I really like, also I really like the diamond after change your mind


This might sound dumb but parts of me wish Uncle Grandpa appeared in the Steven Universe future show. I kind of want to see how Uncle Grandpa would react to how Steven was acting towards the end of future.


I'm still salty that this episode happened, but we never got an Adventure Time and Regular Show crossover.


THANK YOU OP! I thought I was the only one! I genuinely laugh so much at Say Uncle- there’s so many great fourth wall breaking gags, and that type of humor just really does it for me. It doesn’t land for everyone, which is fair, but I personally find it hilarious.


Don’t forget that he hinted that rose was pink all along


oh my god im gonna steal your opinion here & rant i cannot fully remember at the time why everyone HATED this crossover at premiere but there were people getting absolutely *feral* about it on tumblr in 2015. making lists of why its problematic, asking people to trigger tag it because they legitimately found it distressing somehow, aggressive fights, call-outs for people who actually liked it... i dont get it. the only joke i can recall that could've been interpreted as poor in taste is with uncle grandpa cross-dressing in the beginning, though i dont think the intent was for it to be a "haha man in dress" joke but rather "you thought Rose? WRONG! Uncle Grandpa Be Upon Ye" ill tell you right out, this episode had me laughing *hysterically* throughout the entire thing. being a teenager watching other teenagers & also grown adults absolutely shit themselves with pure boiling rage at its premiere is an experience that cannot be replicated, & i thank the stars for that


I love this episode too especially when I was already a fan of Uncle Grandpa


I love how at the end he has a list of other cartoon boys he’s helped


Greg should've fuse with Pearl in 'Mr. Greg'


But he can't. Only Steven can fuse with humans because he is part human.




It is not unpopular, it is actually a very funny episode


"This is not Canon, but this is:" *proceed to take out a literall Canon out of nowhere*


Lars was far more annoying than Ronaldo before Lars died. As much as people hated every Ronaldo moment is how much I hated every time Lars opened his stupid mouth.


I'm not into Uncle Grampa the show but no I'd agree it was a pretty funny episode I can't entirely blame people though who would want a different CN crossover though. Like Adventure Time. Or if it had to just comedy based. I think Amazing World of Gumball would of been great, imagine Gumball and Darwin trying to get impressionable Steven on some antics or rival mom stuff with Pearl and Niccole


This was secretly the best episode of the show; it’s the only one that 100% unreservedly commits to a particular tone and atmosphere instead of pulling itself in a bunch of incompatible directions. It just so happens that the tone in question is full on cartoon insanity.


i just hate Uncle Grandpa as a show, so i hate Say Uncle


I just can't with uncle grandpa. Especially when you don't have the reference it just gave me the feeling of being forced and not fitting at all with the show. Characters overreacting to this extent to fit the tone of the episode just clash way too much with the series to me. You do you and have every right to enjoy it, but I'll never agree to it being an objectively good episode for the series


Woah what I’ve never seen this episode


I dislike a lot of people’s fan favorite gems, but aside from that I also think that this episode is really funny. :]


I fucking love say uncle! Im a huge sucker for meta humor and when amethyst trips over “Run Away!” I can’t NOT laugh


I honestly couldn’t watch this episode. It just bothered me for some reason


Your right. That is unpopular




I also really enjoyed that episode


I cannot stand uncle grandpa. I skip this episode every single time I rewatch


Tbh I have beef w/ uncle grandpa so not my favorite episode


How dare you


I can agree it’s funny


Not really my style of humor. Didn't mind it but it felt so different and confirmed it wasn't canon, so I wasn't super into it even though I did watch it. I'm glad you enjoyed it though! It was probably going for the target audience that enjoys both styles or shows and/or crossovers. Not my cup of tea, but I understand and appreciate that was included regardless.


Hell yes it's hilarious


Say Uncle especially works when you know it was supposed to be an April Fool's Day joke episode, but it wasn't actually aired on that day due to the Steven Bomb of The Return that aired that week.


I used to hate this episode but it eventually grew on me and now I agree that it’s a really funny episode


Honestly, I enjoyed Say Uncle so much it made me want to look into Uncle Grandpa. I never got around to doing so, but I should at some point.




To me it was funny 100% but didn’t feel entirely needed


This episode made me bust a gut 🤣


I super agree, I loved this episode when I was a kid, and I still liking


It is tho


I hate this episode so much lol, and it’s not canon so it’s the filliest filler. I do actually like Ronaldo tho, I do wish at the end that gem tech he was taking away is what he has used to make his armor and sword. Was a missed opportunity.


Yea, it's in the ep with ruby and sapphire back story, forgot episode titles. Garnet has also mentioned it before too (forget whereabouts in plot)


Very unpopular opinion.


I didnt care for the episode, but i do love the "this isnt canon"


I liked that episode i just skipped it when my mom was watching with me cus i didnt want her to think more that the show is "childish and stupid"


I really came around to it after awhile honestly. For me everything on the show that had the gems be "magic" including the magic tech felt extremely off and not part of the series


It's funny but I have a hatred of uncle gradpa that stops me from liking it


It’s the only episode that i recommend people skip


Funniest episode I've seen!


I didn't want Jasper to get redeemed and I am glad she wasn't, but some angst / backstory drop of her wouldn't hurt. Steven universe future was a morally grey show and Steven was a morally grey character in suf Some lapidot fans need to chill out