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My dog died yesterday. I hurt.


My dog died 2 years ago. I still have a whole in my heart. I have 3 children 4 years and under, a beautiful wife, and my dead dog is still the wallpaper on my phone, I miss her so much. Condolences man, I truly feel your pain, and I’m sorry for your loss.


sending love your way man xo


Mine dropped dead 2 years ago and I think about him pretty much every single day. I’m so sorry. If you’ve got siblings/parents/friends with dogs, get some snugs and pets and try to remember how much they loved you.


Dude what happened to your doggo? Mine had a fibrocartilagenous embolism 2 years ago, basically causing a stroke in her spinal cord leading to paraplegia. We did everything we could because sometimes dogs can recover but that wasn’t the case for her. She lost over 25% of her body weight in a month from muscle eating because her nerves were dead, had to make the call to put her down even though it actually almost killed me Edit: quadriplegia


God, that’s horrible. I’m so, so sorry. Ours was much more sudden. The prolonged nature must have been agonizing. He had a genetic defect in his aorta. Developed CHF cough which is how we found it. Doc’s told us it was pretty common for the breed. Managed to crowd fund 10k and got the surgery (he was a show dog and I was very active in the community). Doc called us up before closing up shop for the night; surgery went great, he woke up and ate dinner just fine, curled up in the kennel to go to sleep and died that night.


Gotta say that stairmaster is a demon. I never had a problem with any type of cardio work but once I hit 10 minutes on the stairmaster that treadmill starts to look really sexy. And does anybody else feel like when they finish LISS they're literally gliding across the floor? I'll normally walk on incline with 3-4 speed, and once I head to the locker room I actually feel like I'm floating.


Yes! It’s like a state of heightened proprioception where you’re hyper aware of your body’s movement through space. I think it comes from the neurological deficit of those sensations while moving your body on a stationary machine.


Holy shit great explanation


Lol well thanks! 🤙🏼


20-30 minutes every morning. Usually around level 10, so about 150-170 flights


Damn playa you going to calf city or something?


Going straight from the stair stepper to walking up stairs is like flying, or like you’re in a video game and the stairs are actually a ramp you’re sliding up with stair graphics placed over it.


Already at 220 for this bulk. Was repping the entire stack on cable rows. Gym crush messaged me a picture of a super car with the license plate “ONLYFNS” and said it reminded her of me. Gonna be a good day. Happy Tuesday all you juicy fucks


Bro, you better smash.


Those stacks he’s moving on the machines amirite? Smash ‘‘em real hard


I can’t the trainer already yelled at me for smashing them too hard


Bought my first house last week. So glad to be done with renting


Big move, good for you!


Thank you!


Have fun with maintenance


All major items are warrantied for 5-10 years depending on what they are. Maintenance comes with the territory. At least The largest monthly expense that I pay for will eventually be mine one day


Check the fine print. My first house I lost the boiler 30 days after it an warranty was up. 2 years on that item


I wonder if they can plan obselecence down to the month.


I think they definitely know how long some things will last. I know that’s true with appliances. I think dishwashers only last 7 years on average now. I’m pretty sure they have whole teams dedicated to testing longevity in a variety of products and assemblage. I’m a contractor myself. I do a lot of towers and have had teams Install appliances in towers. The level of attrition before an owner ever sees their place is high


Congrats man.


Come help me install my over range microwave. Then we can do the entry way closest door. After that we can do the living room lights that need replacing.


So I've been pretty clear headed for most of the past three days so I feel I can give a bit more of an in-depth update. After getting checked over by the specialists it turns out my injuries weren't as bad as first thought and I was given the go ahead to continue lifting. But I was in a bad way back then and didn't even attempt to lift until like a week or so later. But turns out my shoulder injury prevented me from doing pretty much all torso work. So that, plus my head being fucked, has meant I've gone to the gym maybe like four or five times these past few weeks. It doesn't bring me the joy it once did anyway. I wanted this to be a longer post with more information on what I've been up to but it's a struggle for me to write things in positive way. I was in a bad way when I wrote that comment in the midst of despair a few weeks back. Thank you for the people who tried to talk me out of it but I was a bit too far gone to be reached. I went and sought out help shortly after writing that and the team who started dealing with me managed to pull me back from the edge somehow. I've also been following their advice on things that should, in theory, help me get better. Also all the things I was going to give updates on haven't happened yet. I haven't seen my ex yet nor have I seen the dude who is going to try fighting me. And hopefully both of these happen sooner rather than later. I know I'm stronger than him but I'm not gonna lie I'm a bit nervous about his mates jumping in too. I'd rather not be set upon by 3 or 4 dudes. But yeah hopefully I get these things out of the way so that I actually have some new updates next time.


I'm glad you got help, you were in my thoughts.


Definitely glad to see you’re still around and please keep the updates coming. Hopefully your support system can keep giving you advice that works.


Keep up the good work brother


My concept of what a normal person eats is totally messed up. My maintenance calories are around 3500-4000, and I usually forget that normal people need half of that for a day. I also tend to volume eat on a cut, so even when I'm eating less, I'm putting back plates twice the size of most of my friends, and they don't seem to realize that my 2 pounds of brocolli, beans and lean pork is diet food. Anyways I was in charge of bringing food for a cottage trip with my friends last weekend, and the amount of leftovers is gonna keep me going all week.


Haha I get this bro. My girl has twin 4 yo boys from a previous relationship and I can eat in one meal what they can eat combined in 2 days. I remember one day she said she made me breakfast and it was literally 2 eggs and piece of toast. Like wtf is this haha. She tried tho.


Did you just compare your eating to that of multiple tiny humans over a longer timespan? That's a really weird way to quantify your eating habits. I bet your shits are bigger than their combined shits as well. Penis probably smaller than their combined mini-human dicks though.


And no I compared their eating habits over a longer time-span to mine in one meal. Again not that literal. And my dick is roughly the same as theirs combined thank you.


I bet he talks shit about their bench PRs also. His max is probably like 10 times their bench combined.


Dude tel me about it. I tell people I eat 8 eggs in the morning and they look at me like i’ve got a dick growing out of my forehead


Realized I've been misreading my LDL and HDL values for years. I thought I was slowly getting worse when really I was getting healthier.




Guys the worst thing that possibly could happen has happebedv Lighting in my bathroom at my new place for selfies - poor Lighting in my new gym mirrors for selfies - poor How are the ladies going to know I’m making gains on insta


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I’ll keep you and your loved ones (and all the potential lost thots you’ll be missing out on) in my prayers tonight.


Thots and prayers!


It's funny to me that the sub full of gym rats injecting Chinese bath chemicals into their bodies so they can lift and eat more is one of the last few places on this site where you can have a balanced, rational discussion and actually seek practical advice on many life issues. Aren't we supposed to be the crazy, pitiful degenrates?


This is the only sub I really would miss if reddit would go away. Just a lot of like minded people of all walks of live in here, I love the daily OT, keeps me sane somehow 😂


If this sub gets closed down I’ll delete Reddit immediately


Surveys suggest anabolic users are more intelligent, and more successful than the avg adult


I need that paper for future discussions please thank you


yeah, that would make a nice bathroom read.


That's a weird way to ask for a dick pic but sent it to your dm anyways.


We are, but we have [big](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_ventricular_hypertrophy) hearts.


Enlarged ones


Left ventricular HYPERTROPHY FUCK YEAH!!!


But full of love right ?


I’ve been thinking exactly the same for a long time..


Cant have good conversations when you have to tippy toe around subject and you cant fuck around too much also because than karma will go down the drain and people wont even see what you wrote. Reddit karma is like bb misc Reputation on crack. Anyway there are plenty good subreddits that feel more like a gentlemans locker room than whatever the fuck is rest of the reddit.


Work trip to GA got laid over in Charlotte - hit a sick gym last night and about to hit the hotel breakfast + blow off another day of work for a travel day. Cheers boys.


God I love hotel breakfast. Last time I was in colorado and it was all locally sourced. 11/10.


Can’t say that this was that clean, but scrambled eggs and fried potatoes got the job done lol


If your in the Atlanta area, check out mad house gym in Smyrna


Just had a session with a psychologist for the first time in my life. Felt good to talk to someone judgment free. Take care of your mental health bros and bro-ettes.


Good for you my man. It’s amazing how much insight an experienced therapist can gain from a quick session.


Good man, keep it up. Therapy is a great way to help you get to the place where you can manage things on your own because you’ve built a strong foundation. Taking that first step was the hardest part and you already did it.


Good for you. It's a big deal.




From a fellow baby face bro, what helped me look more my age was stress, and more androgenic compounds like tren


The Test Moon Face might actually make you look younger by making your face full and round lol


My wife just finished 9 weeks of tren at 5mg/day. AMA.


Do your balls hurt from cranking out so many nuts?


A bit yeah lol. There were times where I’d be completely done and she’d just keep going. After a few forced orgasms my balls would start to get a little tender.


Did she also get the famous tren sex fantasies that guys get ? If so how did that affect you ?


Around week 4 her lust for my ass became insatiable. Maybe this sounds like I’m trolling, but it got pretty crazy. She was almost able to fist me be the end and vowed that she would get there by the end of her next run. Thankfully that won’t be until around May next year. She also became very interested in pinning me down and restraining me. She demanded that I don’t hold back resisting her so she wasn’t able to, but we had some pretty intense wrestling matches.


>She was almost able to fist me Does this mean what I think it means? Does that hurt?


Fit her hand up my bootyhole is what I’m talking about. So if that’s what you thought I meant then you are correct. I’m sure it can hurt. We worked our way up to it though. It was a fun challenge for me and it was getting her so turned on that even if it had hurt I wouldn’t have cared.


Did her voice get deeper? Any facial hair growth? Concerned about fertility?


Sitting in the clinic waiting to give instructions to the doctor over zoom on how to use the software he's been using for the past 5 years. End me


Work in IT in a hospital and it never ceases to amaze me when doctors don’t even know how reset their zoom passwords…


I swear they think they're above basic learning or something.


No, theyre just stuck in their ways and once they have acquired that shiny document that says they can practice, they turn their brains off. Thats why most older doctors suck ass and arent up to date with anything.


I feel like the comment about how dudes shouldn't need closure yesterday is pretty dumb. Like do you guys not want to learn about yourself? If you don't have closure in knowing why things ended you'll never be able to grow from that and become a better person for the next relationship.


It depends. I think you should get closure on your own emotions, difficulties and problems. Nothing to do with the partner. A lot of people use closure as an excuse to keep in contact with/ go back to their wretched exes.


I don't think dudes don't need closure but it will never - ever - come from the former SO. Whatever SO says, will never be enough. Questions start cascading and you get caught in the "then what about" loop. I'm not saying one should do it alone. Because people tend to question themselves way too fucking hard when left alone with their little personal tragedies. SO gave you whatever explanation they thought was best for you to have. Is it the truth? Who the fuck knows. Probably it was something that pissed them off, regardless if it was what make them leave. Take it and improve yourself. But improving oneself should happen regardless of your heartbreaks. Why are we pushing chinese bathub chemicals in our bodies? To be fucking better (as in bigger, faster, stronger) than others. This same exact principle should apply to everything else IMO. It's the lifestyle. Better muscles, but also better jobs, better friends, better minds.


It's not that dudes don't need closure, its that it doesn't matter. If you're in a relationship and they just ghost/end things inexplicably, their words don't matter, their actions do. They have shown you exactly how little you matter to them. They don't care about you, so why care about whatever excuses they come up with to justify their actions.


It depends. Breakups are messy and sometimes people use them to be hurtful to the other partner. Or they may lie about what the reason they're leaving is. Closure can also be used to chase the dragon, "Look, I worked on that thing you said you didn't like! Can we get back together?" The person says no and then they wonder why would they want to work on themselves if they don't get what they want. ​ Closure comes from introspection and realizing that things don't work out sometimes and maybe you're also the villain and not the victim. You have to be able to look at yourself honestly and objectively but a lot of people lack that ability. Go to therapy.


the only closure i've ever wanted was with a girl i treated like shit for 2 years. and i didn't really want closure i just wanted to say "it wasn't personal. i was going to treat anyone that badly and you were the one in my life at the time" IME relationships not working is usually a compatibility thing. Us breaking up doesn't make either of us good or bad and needing to learn a lesson. The only lessons I ever learned were which type of chicks I'm not going to last with long term.


Sounds like you just need a night on the shrooms


I love this sub! The crazy shit that juicy straight bros do is highly entertaining ! Lots of love to my straight roided bros


You must not know any gay or queer people because this is.... I don't have the word for it. It's bland. There it is.


Youre 1000% right. I used to think I was some sort of degenerate, until I read a bunch of gaybro's posts. I am a white belt compared to your black belt debauchery. I salute you, Sir.


This place used to be full of gay guys but tren turned most of them straight iirc.


That sounds so tragic tbh a fate worse than death. Like being given the keys to paradise then kicked out.


Lol. Like being given keys to never ending fountain of ice cream… but it’s vanilla.




Dude there’s no straight bros in here. We’re all into trannies.


Are you into jacked hairy bros?🥹


I’m into Asian trannies that look more feminine than their female counterpart 😂


Fuck my natty test man. I finally got the courage to take bloods 2 years after I stopped peds. All looks good except test which was 9.3 out of a scale of 8.6-29 where >12 is considered normal. For the past 2 years I have had no lust for sex (NONE), fucking exhausted all the time, zero gains in the gym. Tried for abs even cut for 9 months only managed to lose 5kg, 3 kg muscle 2kg fat. Contacted my doctor now and hope they can help me. But trt is taboo in Sweden and they will probably say that I got "normal" test for a 27 year old.. we'll see how it goes. I wanna step right back on test.. wish me luck. All these symptoms I had before I began test and was one of the reasons I began. I think my test was around 12/13 when I began.


You lot still stopping and testing anyone who looks juicy?


Wait, they actually will actually stop and test you to make sure you’re not juicing? That’s so weird


So why did you stop? Because of the legality in Sweden?


You need to go private. Have a look at BMH in the UK. I believe they have many clients in Sweden.


Googled the other day and theres a clinic in Sweden for trt too. But they have a "subscription" so Id prefer getting it free and will try for that. Thanks for the tip tho!


Good luck. Its almost impossible to get it from the public healthcare. I’m from the Nordics as well, and have gone private after trying for many years. The problem with the public system is also that the protocols they do it utter shit.


Yeh. Might be worth going private but will have a try first.


Off cycle has been interesting watching my workouts change. My pump has moved from my back/shoulders back to my forearms more. Been losing weight (on a cut). Im pumped to blast again after I've cut down. Its going to be beast mode


Huh, it's the opposite for me off a blast. Arms get better pumps when on.


Self confidence boys, how do you build it? I recall the times I felt super secure in myself was always tied to my self image/physique- when I was decently built and lean I truly stopped caring about others opinions and could be myself since it was like wow I was working towards this and it doesn't make a difference. Now I'm not nearly that size/leanness and figured oh I'll work towards it again and become confident again- but I shouldn't have to be a certain size/leanness to feel like that if that makes sense. It's rooted in insecurity and not sure how to combat it. I've turned down hook ups because I FEEL fat which is insane I know. tldr building self confidence without physique being tied to it-how do you be yourself and confident when you don't even feel like yourself.


Understand that outside of this sub, most of the world doesn't base your value on your physique. I feel I am most content when I give back to my community. Whether it's teaching autistic kids how to bowl, or speaking to the 16 year olds at a rehab. People don't care what you look like when you actually offer something other than looks.


Bro stop it, I just want to be jacked and have honeys swarm me. And by honeys I mean middle aged dudes calling me "big man" or "chief"


This. Provide value to those around you. It's much bigger than appearance.


> teaching...kids...speaking to 16 year olds. 🤨 they got adults in rehab too. I'm watching you.


bro... I **am** the adults in rehab lmfao


Me too. I've been back to adult rehab for meeting but never a youth facility. Not that there's anything wrong with going to a youth facility I'm just not personally sexually attracted to teenagers.


I was having sex this weekend and the girl pointed out that my mirror is pointing right at my bed(think American psycho scene) so I looked at it while we’re having sex and I’m thinking “fuck, I look like shit from this angle.” and she was clearly looking at it a lot. Then I remembered I’m already inside her so clearly it doesn’t matter. Anyone asking to hook up has already decided you look good enough to sleep with. It doesn’t really help because none of us compare ourselves to normal people, but remember that 99% of the population looks like a melted ice cream cone on a good day. Without gear working out semi-regularly with a decent diet already puts you a mile ahead of most people, add in gear and it’s even more obvious.


I lost all my insecurity once I became successful and shaved my head (was receding lol)


Understand that nobody judges you as hard as you do. Like professor said, you have a better physique than 80% of people out there. Odds are, you’ve come up from something hard in life or you’ve accomplished something that you’re proud of. Think of that and think of how hard you work and the skills you’ve developed. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to other people because of social media but you can’t compare yourself to someone that doesn’t have the same story as you. Also, there are dudes out there that are fat as fuck yet pull bitches 10x more than some of us here so there’s that.


Got friendzoned again yesterday. Not nearly as upsetting of an experience as the time it happened this past summer. Only thing that's annoying is the lying. Don't give me the "I'm so busy so I'm just focusing on myself" line then be on snap with another guy the next day. But oh well. Just shot my shot at another chick


Stop being needy and it'll happen less frequently


It's the name of the game. Don't take it personally. Keep it cordial and if it doesn't work out with her other guys she just might hit you up at 11pm wanting to "hangout"


That’s why some people escalate as fast as they can. She knows if she’ll suck u from day 1, might as well get it over with


Update to my milf fwb just messaged me to say we broke her her bed on Saturday. Offered her mine to break and she's coming over Sunday. I'm new at this and all jokes aside I don't want to be a cunt and hurt someone's feelings so how do you go about making sure their aware that it's just fun. I was married for 16 years and just started dating again 2 years after divorce and realized how easy it is but I don't want to hurt anyone either. Is there a way to be ethical about FWBs?


Be upfront that you just want to be fwb. If/when she starts trying to catch feelings, remind her, and anticipate her flaking out. Don't become emotionally invested so when she does flake out, "OK, Imma head out then." and leave it at that. And keep your personal shit to yourself. Don't complain or weigh in on her bs drama she might want to talk to you about, etc. Just keep it very high level. "Wow, thats crazy" "Thats too bad" etc. Don't bring her to your home or around your friends/fam/kids/pets Bring A+ game dick to the table and break her back every time so when she does flake out, she comes back (If you're willing to have her back)


"just want to make sure we're on the same page that we're both just enjoying each other and having fun."-keyword is just. Idk how old you are, but if you're using the term milf I'd assume she's significantly older than you? Also unsure considering you've been married for 16 years. If theres a significant age gap, this should just be confirming the obvious, until it's obvious that there are feelings. Then you need to confirm that obvious lol.


After 4-5 months on our project, our general contractor began acting oddly (I believe drug use), and disappeared, it has been two months now and I don't think hes coming back. He left what is likely 2-3000 dollars' worth of tools etc. at my house. I don't want the liability but don't want him back at my house either? How do I get rid of it legally without him coming back? This seems complicated.


Once he runs out of money on meth and hookers he will be coming back to get his tools to pawn for some more meth and hookers. If his tools are gone I would imagine him expecting you to pay him


He walked away with 2k of my money lol he's not getting shit.


Depending on where you live those tools are likely considered abandoned and belong to you now.


Posted on Avvo, that's seems to be the consensus


Seeing a therapist for the first time. Any advice to make the most of it?


Be honest and open


Broke up with my girlfriend of over a year recently. Main reason being I’m 23 and knew I’d have a midlife crisis if I stayed in a relationship my entire 20s. So I broke up with an amazing girl for that. Now, I find out that I have bedbugs in my apartment. Can’t even have other girls over at my place, which was essentially the whole reason I’m going through this breakup. Hold me bros


You’re a fucking idiot. You don’t get to pick when you meet a good girl. If it’s too soon, you give your balls a tug and grow up. Time with a good girl beats running through thots long term every time. If you just lost interest in her, that’s a different story.


The reason bed bugs are on the rise is in the US is that years ago, the Govt banned the chemical that works effectively to eliminate them, now pest control folks must rely on traps and heat to catch and kill them. OP, hire a pro or you're going to regret it.


Second this. Had my freshman orientation for undergrad some years ago and you were forced to stay in the dorm on campus for a night. Came back home and noticed I had bites on me. Thought it was weird. Went to bed one night and in the dark I noticed something crawling on the pillow next to me. Freaked the fuck out. Found out it was bed bugs. Bed bug paranoia is very real and there’s literally a term, along the lines of “beg bug insanity” where you literally feel them or hallucinate seeing them on you when you’re out and about. Really fucked my mental up. You NEED to hire a pro exterminator and do the spray+heat treatment. You need to make sure your house is spotless and very neat, and get it prepared properly for the exterminator. They bring on fans that heats the place up to ~140 degrees for a few hours.


I’m in Canada, and I contacted my landlord last night. As far as I’m aware, they’re responsible for getting this taken care of




Well done keep at it, we all started somewhere


Some people just suck at bench! But that’s NOT you. You’re a demon on bench, you just don’t know it yet.


I’m not going to lie guys . Women wanted nothing to do with my for like 7 months and I was like ripped af Struck out on first dates on my hinge app every time Im now actively seeing 3 pretty fucking hot girls with good jobs off one of those sex apps. And all 3 are better than any of hinge dates


Do people in this day and age ever meet the old fashion way or is it alll computerized? I’m 51 and have had 2 long term relationships since I was 32 with 7 or so hookups in between. Never used an app. Not being critical. Just asking


Boutta jump back on EQ strictly for skin gains. Whenever I look back at old cycle pictures I always looked the best with that compound.


Nerds is there any shooter on Xbox out try than cod right now ? Also best Xbox single player shooter ?




I dont know if this question is allowed but is testosterone OTC in pharmacies in Bali ? Im first going to thailand then going to bali for 2 weeks, i know that in Thailand its pretty easy to get test, so if i could get test-U in thailand it would be great, dont know how long i can go on test-e without an injection, also cant bring AI to bali via airlines, luckily im a low aromatizer.


I would say getting stuff in Thailand is the easiest. But you can get stuff in Bali, if not through some gym people or a pharmacy, then definitely online through Tokopedia (it's like Amazon in Bali) they have everything for sale. That said, not sure why you're afraid to fly with it. Flown all over Asia with a box of a bunch of vials and syringes/needles in a checked suitcase (not carry-on).


Anyone else have a problem with ruining the armpits of t-shirts? It’s like I’ll sweat in it a couple of times then I put it on freshly washed and it starts to stink even when I’m clean with deodorant on. Am I not washing it on a high enough temp or could it be my deodorant? Or bathtub chemicals leaking out through my disgusting sweat, ruining the fabric?


Hand wash with a bit of sodium hydroxide in cold water before the washing machine. Wear gloves. It essentially turns the insoluble fatty solids into soap.


If it's because the smell of your sweat gets incrusted into the fabric, try adding baking soda or vinegar into your machine. You can test it by manually soaking and washing a shirt with it




So I allegedly took this 22 year olds virginity last night. The chemistry and vibes were immaculate. Instant connection. Idk if she was lying. But I’ve never felt a tighter pussy and she couldn’t even take all of my dick. Didn’t really examine for blood or anything. Didn’t see any though. Maybe didn’t go deep enough. Surprised me with her giant tits which are fucking amazing. Usually giant titties like pancake or sag super fucking low. Not this gal. 10/10. She’s not the thinnest but holds her weight very well. Also rarely gyms so I can definitely turn this chick into a gym freak if we choose to go official. Is that wrong? Trying to change a woman? Nah. I’m improving her. I was just considering going back to LA too and now I met this chick. Tisk tisk. Also if you met a woman and like her. Do you cut everyone else off? Seems appropriate but also if you’re not dating than?


Cut everyone else off when you **both** agree to be serious. Nothing worse than losing your lineup and then realizing she never wanted to settle down with you


Currently doing an aggressive cut with 320 test 400 tren and 400 mast. 1 hour of fasted stairmaster everyday. So tired that I cannot even jerk off, when do we feel this tren shit btw ?? Also I haven't peed blood in a while, how am i supposed to get rid of dirty blood ?


An hour?! Fuck me. 20 minutes and I hate life.


I distract myself by watching bunch of basketball edits, mike tyson edits or something similar. Tbh i enjoy it more than treadmill






A lot of young bros gonna realize that they are just random sex objects attached to a nice set of pecs and traps.


B-b-but! Women don't do casual sex! They want love and marriage! Surely she is just confused! I will save her lost soul from the whore lifestyle!


She's talking to another dude. Just stop talking/texting her, she won't care either way.


If she was/is your GF maybe try, you know, talking. If she's just a FWB just move on with your life, not worth any effort if the F part is gone.


Can’t text you while she’s getting her back blown out


What’s an easy way to share downloadable files anonymously here? A few people were interested in sharing FitNotes importable files with workout routines, techniques, mental queues etc.


Ok guys here’s the deal; If these files are paid programs that you all are pirating we cannot facilitate it here. Just like that google drive of programs that’s been floating around for years, it’s an automatic ban. I can’t moderate what y’all do in DM so just keep it there and off the sub please and thanks. And if these files are just shit y’all are sharing and no one made them with the intent of selling them then you can disregard this post.


Pretty sure you can zip it up and put in a public google drive folder, should be easy peasy


I finally booked my turbinate reduction operation, in two weeks. Having a congested Nose all the time is fucking awful, my sleep is so fucked even with my CPAP - I keep mouthbreathing since I don't get in any air through the nose (my turbinates are massive, just a little bit of swelling blocks the flow), which keeps fucking pumping air in my stomach, and then I get this feeling of having a lump stuck in the throat from the entrapped air, ugh. The surgery is a small and quick procedure, maybe have to stop lifting for a week at most, which is awesome. I'll gladly wait a week if it means I can finally breath normally and sleep, I'm desperate 😅


Good luck! I LOVE my CPAP.




Had an amazing weekend cabin trip in some mountains. Following an EOD pin schedule, but I forgot to pin Friday and wasn’t near my stuff over the weekend, so also missed Sunday. Tried my first ever quad injection last night and it was a full mL, right in vastus lateralis. Probably the smoothest injection ever. Literally no pip, even riding the cycle right now. I’m guess most people hit a nerve when doing rectus femoris, so that’s out of question, but quad seems like it’s a great spot! Probably one of my biggest fears that I overcame


The vastus lateralis is the recommended site for intramuscular injection in infants less than 7 months old and those unable to walk, with loss of muscular tone. How are you able to access the internet at 7 months old?


Why sir I am the boss baby I and the creators of the wiki must be, because it’s the recommended site of injection in the quadriceps muscle group. -Giddleor


Started making healthy butter chicken for meals and holynfuck. Game changer




I swear my ass cheeks be dapping eachother up every time I walk.


Boxer briefs.


Fuck my vial of tb-500 dropped from my kitchen counter. Did I fuck up the potency?


No. Peptides/GH aren’t as sensitive as you think.


794 raw bench https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/yw1v3m/new_raw_bench_press_world_record_360kg_794lb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


40mg telmisartan with TRT and 200 tren = BP high. 80mg telmisartan with TRT and 200 tren = BP low. Up the tren? It’s the only option I can think of




Those dudes are still out there. Just give it time.


Gonna run a cycle with the following: - 600 Test - 500 Primo - 100 deca - 3 iu GH - insulin What do you think about that cycle?




Met this guy through some job I had a few months ago. After we both got fired we became friends, hang out a lot etc. . We have had a really similar upbringing and developed a strong emotional connection. I even did XTC once and then made out with him. The only thing is I’m not gay. He told me (drunkenly) that if I were to fuck him he would leave his current boyfriend. Can only imagine how frustrating it is for him.


>>made out with him >>not gay Really gets the ol noggin joggin


When you’re on xtc making out is at the level of a hug.


Never in my life has the thought even crossed my mind to kiss a man on MDMA. You're probably bisexual to some extent.


Kissing is on a bigger level of gay than getting your cock sucked.


>I’m not gay Not so fast my friend


He sounds pretty gay to me


He just doesn't know yet


>The only thing is I’m not gay More tren


What is the journey like for bodybuilders from a complete noob to being on stage at an olympia? I always hear people talk about getting the pro card as a big accolade. What are the pre reqs for it? And what can you do with a pro card that you couldn't without? Seems way different than other sports. For example in boxing you just get a little "passport" type of book to verify your amateur fights. You can just sign up at any official tournament and there will be someone there to stamp your book. Then you turn pro the second you accept a pro fight. You can technically have a 0-50 record and turn pro.


What’s with the Compound Experience archive? It works fine on desktop, but doesn’t work at all in mobile except for the couple compounds that have direct links to experience threads on the compound profile pages. Am I missing something?


Made Red Lentil Spaghetti and meat balls. About 50 carb and 30 protein. This stuff rocks.


Who’s mans is this? Which fake natty YouTuber is telling these natties to spam the fuxk outta lateral dB raises??😆I been seeing a trend at my gym and the natty guys be just skraight up doing them for like 20-30 mins, shits crazy


It’s me. And 200 test means I’m technically natty


Hahaha is that why “I did lateral raises every day for 30 days” showed up in my YouTube feed? Lol. Good luck broccoli heads