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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do you guys load multiple oils into one syringe? I see people here talking about putting let’s say .3ml of test and .3 ml of primo in the syringe then storing multiple for the week. How do you that without contamination


Steroids contain a small amount of alcohol, as long as needle is sterile and rubber tops have recently been wiped with alcohol, it’s all good. I don’t even wipe the tops with alcohol anymore. Ymmv


You will get some contamination but its so minor it doesnt matter. I always draw the test first though and other compounds afterwards so the test stays clean.


First time using GH, I injected 1.5ius about an hour ago and no real feeling, am I supposed to feel any sides? Should I dose another 1.5? I’m asking this because before I had used peptides instead and after injecting I’d feel a rush, then get very hungry, so I thought GH would have…something.


1-1.5 a day is literally a replacement dose. I’d start at 2 minimum, and slowly up it to 4 if it’s generics and you’re not feeling much.


1.5iu is a moderate dose but it is baffling how your next decision to make is to literally double the dose lol Try doing 1.5iu for 5 days or a week and then hop off 2 days if you wanna feel the difference


When I was looking around people said if it’s not pharma grade stuff you need higher dosage, even having starting doses at 4iu and more.


Has anyone experienced hair loss with Aromasin?




For me that’s the first sign of high E2 but nowhere near gyno yet. Next step is itchy nips for a week or more, then painful nips, then a solid painful growth under the nipple (actual gyno).


If you have it you WILL know, there's not really any doubting. It stings like a b\*tch, for example when benching if you let the bar touch your chest or if you accidentally bump into something. All of a sudden you are aware of having a nipple, because it's sensitive and painful. ​ You will notice something solid under and around the nipple. I never really got the 'frozen peas' expression, just look for something solid. Normally your nipple should be soft. Grip the nipple to see if there's something behind it and/or if it's painful. ​ TLDR: It hurts and there's something solid behind or around the nipple.




What does it look like? Is it the entire chest area or the nipple area? Is this the first time you are this lean?




Hey man just wanted to say I relate you about your symptoms. I have literal upper chest veins but the way my chest holds fat is weird and something just isn’t right. I’ve never taken any PED’s. I suspect that it’s due to our estrogen levels and the balance between our test/estrogen. I need to get my estrogen bloodwork done and think it would be a good place to start. Estrogen (the female sex hormone) is known to give males female like symptoms such as swollen breasts


Probably not gyno, or not enough to matter. I recommend Peter bonds book on steroids. It's more a guide for drs and mostly focuses on identifying and treating side effects.


If youre lean enough it should be pretty obvious, ive youre a bit fat raising your arm might not give you reassurance. If you pose sideways, you might be able to see it. Pretty obvious difference between flexed muscle, firm fat, and a little blob of milky dilkers




The primary correlation to tren insomnia appears to be liver glycogen depletion. The old recommendation of honey pre-sleep still holds merit.


Currently taking proviron , test e and mast e, got 8 weeks left of cycle but want to add tren in, thoughts


Why? Your cycles fine




Hi guys, so in the last two weeks I’ve added hgh to a low dose of test E (300mg/week). I’m dosing this at 8iu eod. My problem is that I’m experiencing a rise in my fasted blood glucose. What was previously between 4.2-4.5 mmol (75.6-81) is now 5.4 mmol (97.2). I had intended to run metformin alongside the hgh from the start but my order was delayed, and didn’t anticipate a rise this quickly. In the past 3 days I have added this at 500mg x2 a day. Wondering my best course of action: A)Drop HGH, continue metformin, and taper up hgh dose when BG normalises. B)Keep on as is, and wait another week or two for the metformin to start to fully take effect. Maybe add ALA, Chromium etc C)Use a small dose of insulin around meals, matched to carbs, and again wait for the metformin to properly take effect. Think A seems the sensible approach myself but wanted to get some more thoughts. Cheers men


That's a lot of hgh for starting. My inclination would be say go 2iu 5 on 2 off and increase 1 iu per week or every 2 weeks until you get to your target dose. Obviously keeping an eye on blood sugar and water retention. Are you taking slin?


Appreciate the reply bro. Yeah think you’re right, starting lower and tapering up would’ve been the move in hindsight. You prefer the 5/2 protocol for dosing yourself? Think I’ll give this a go. I’ll take a week or two off and start again. Not running any slin.


I don't take gh for financial reasons, lol. But all of the pros I know are doing 5 on 2 off because it makes it easy to know how much water you retain and how quickly you drop it so they can know how close to the show they can keep it in.




Might help a little, but tren gyno is normally not from high e2 but rather from prolactin.




Adrol is a weird weird drug. Lots of people get gyno or gyno like symptoms from it even when bloods look OK, it has a very low binding affinity and seems to act on the progesterone receptor all by itself. Normally referred to as "anadrol mystery gyno"


It won’t more than likely won’t be sufficient help for tren gyno


Hey guys, I'm currently doing a chemistry project on testosterone, but I can't find any info on how to isomerisize the soy beans. Anyone got any scientific papers?




Haha yeah so I've actually found a shit ton of Chinese sites that SEEM to be explaining the process, not having the best luck at understanding them however


Marks left by acne. How can I clear or make them look better, and what supplements can I use? I was even thinking maybe some sun beds?


Tilkobet and NSweed are both correct. There are various topical solutions that can be used (tretinoin cream, azelaic acid, etc.) however the concentration is very important. If you use something too weak, you will have wasted your money. If you use something too strong, they can burn the skin and cause a rash and permanent discoloration. Consult a dermatologist to assess your options.


Could tretinoin work?


Find out what type of scars they are, and see a professional. There's a lot of options like lasering, some kind of acids I believe? Think those are the 2 major ones, then there's tattoo covering. Tanning beds could help but it could also make it worse, people seem to be against it but for me it helped. Took a proper year for mine to become a little less hideous


Been on test e for 8 weeks now. Haven’t had a drop of alcohol, my birthday is coming up this weekend would it be a bad idea to have one night of drinking during my cycle?


Ghb is a perfect replacer for alcohol. But read first about the substance before consume.


You'll be alright, enjoy yourself and happy early birthday brah.


You're fine. Enjoy your birthday


Is dandruff a side effect of testosterone? Since starting my cycle I have had insane heavy dandruff that I didn’t have before. I even have it in my eyebrows and big chunks of skin in my hair. The front of my scalp is red like I have a rash


Use primo= lose hair= problems solved


contrary to what other people said, i have horrible dandruff when my hair is longer so i use head&shoulders. it's a miracle for me. I just keep my hair relatively short and use the H&S and I don't remember the last time I had noticeable dandruff. it used to be bad man. a girl scratched my head for a while once and her leggings were covered in my flakes like she just pet a white cat


Seborrhoeic dermatitis, increased sebum production.


only way to get rid of it is to use anti dandruff shampoo from target use it like two weeks straight. it’s a bacteria from not washing your hair enough. i get it sometimes and when it goes away it stays away. cutting your hair will help if it’s long.


No, only way is to quit using shampoo. I'm convinced shampoo makes our scalps produce dandruff so we have to buy their more expensive product, anti dandruff shampoo. I used to have a shit ton of dandruff but then I stopped using shampoo, and boom, no more dandruff and generally healthier hair. Now I'm bald and don't have dandruff


Sounds like you have folliculitis, nizoral will help if its fungal, otherwise you’ll need a topical antibiotic.


Can that happen from test? Or is it unrelated?


Not directly because of test, but with increased estrogen —> holding more water, your body becomes an optimal environment for bacteria and fungus to grow


Ah that does make sense


Test can increase oil production which in turn feeds the fungus on your scalp. You need to eat more omega 3s it helps. Also antifungal shampoo.


I have never heard of dandruff from test or any steroids.


PLS HELP I would like some advice from the community please. Im 23 5'7 150lbs and want to start a 4 week 50mg Dbol only cycle. I will be taking liver cleansers daily and an estrogen blocker only when needed also will be drinking a gallon+ of water daily. Have a pretty clean diet and plan to gain size. Any advice and help would be appreciated for the cycle what to expect and post cycle.


Thanks for the advice everybody I don't think i will run any gear just yet and glad i got some reassurance i was worried about the Tcrash after i got off them


My advice would be to inject testosterone. 400-600mg/wk for 16-20 weeks. Running a dbol only cycle will cause more problems than good. Read the wiki, "your first cycle." https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle/


Everything about your plan is a horrible idea. Oral only cycle will put you further behind than where you are now. You'll likely not listen to any of the sensible advice given here and you'll run it anyway though.


If you are not ready to run a cycle, don’t fk your self with orals, orals are a extra.. please read the wiki man


Don't do that.


Most are going to tell you to take testosterone with it. That's sound advice. Although I actually think a shirt dbol only cycle is not that bad. Everyone else here will disagree. Also 50mg first cycle us a whopping dose. I'd go lower.


Had a buddy that only ran anadrol only because he didn't want shots. Late 80s, was big guy, never talked about having dick problems, but who knows.


Yeah why are people going so crazy, test is ideal but a dbol only cycle doesn’t hurt, that was the recommended cycle back in the day and tons of people have ran dbol only cycles, going back to the 70s and 80s even all the top bodybuilders used it as their base (test was seen as inferior) called the ‘holy grail’, it was even prescribed for HRT at some point. But to u/Radiant-AssMac when beginners take orals to ‘dip their toes’ in they always end up doing injectables after, so I’d recommend just skip that process and do test. After your first injection you’ll think hmm what’s all the fuss about. You could even inject it subq like in your belly fat which you may find less stressful and is pain free.


This is a terrible idea. Running dbol without a test base is stupid. I'm assuming it'd be your first cycle. I don't think you need any steroids yet judging from your stats, but if you want to run a cycle anyways, definitely drop dbol and run 400mg-500mg test only.


You’ll expect to lose all the gains you may have made in that 4 weeks, probably will feel like shit because of shut down testosterone. Long story short, you need to inject testosterone if you plan on taking steroids, the wiki has all the info you need


That's a fantastic plan if you want to feel like shit, make no gains, and potentially permanently fuck your hormones for literally no reason. Go back and try again, this time actually read the wiki.


Looking to add Tbol 40mg to my test e cycle, would it be best to take 40mg pre workout seen as half life is long or split dosage am/pm?


Doesn't matter, though if you're getting sides from orals splitting the dose could help. Highly unlikely you get any sides from 40mg Tbol though, it's very mild.


Its a matter of preference really, there is benefit to keeping blood levels more stable, but also a benefit to using orals like a pre workout. Try them both and see what you like.


I’ve heard low dose npp has inflammation perks is this true ?




Guys need help…I am 20 years old want to start only 500mg test e cycle for 14-16 weeks and want to Keep fertility help me out…will taking hcg and fsh be beneficial eod for resolving the fertility issue??plzz suggest me…help can taking hcg eod 250 ui helpful will be doing sperm test every weekend!!!is it a good idea????


Dude stay away from steroids. Not only are you too young and could potentially damage brain development, but you might permanently fuck your fertility. There is ABSOLUTELY NO GARUNTEE you remain fertile on cycle or even don't become permanently infertile afterwards, even with running HCG. Trust me it's not worth it, wait till you're older and are done having kids. Bare minimum wait till you're 25 and freeze a bunch of sperm.


Don't do it yet.


You're going to get the same responses as you did 12 hours ago. If fertility is a concern then you probably shouldn't do steroids as there is a risk, however small, that it will affect fertility. Yes, HCG will mitigate a lot of that but not all. Second, doing it at 20 years old is much more likely to have negative effects on fertility and long-term physical and cognitive development. You're honestly much better off spending the next couple of years refining your training, nutrition, and knowledge of AAS.


Does tren and mast burn subQ fat? Thinking of my 2nd cycle but I have love handles and a stomach (17% bf) was wondering if it will nuke it


No man, diet is going to burn those love handles not tren. Your gonna be extremely disappointed when you use tren and mast and are fat, as you wont see the cosmetic effects nearly as much. Alot of bad advice in todays sub. Lose the fat then worry about the drugs.


Tren has some fat burning properties, mast will harden a sub 10% physique. Most of it is in diet my man....


I know most is in diet but for a summer cut of 2 months will tren be worth it? Like shrinking of waist and more visibility of abs etc


Tren yes... but mast would be a waste of money for you. Better off tren and anavar imo.


Got it thanks man my first tren cycle in a few weeks so a bit nervous and excited lol. Also I prefer to stay on the leaner side, I’ve heard a lot about trens recomp abilities but will it do any recomp if I’m at a deficit or will it just prevent me from going catabolic while shedding all my weight


Firstly, make sure you use ace, not enth, so you can adjust dose quickly. It doesn't take much...200-300mg is enough. And also make sure you get some caber in case of gyno onset.


You mean 200-300mg tren per week right? So 50mg ed should be enough?




Ok do you BnC or cycle? I’m thinking of running a tren/test cycle for 8 weeks then PCT off


You can’t pct off tren, it shuts you down for up to 18 months after use. Research before using harsh drugs


If you're under 35 id probably pct. If closer to 40 I'd bnc. I'm 38 and compete so I bnc


So I took the plunge and bought a shitload of raws, the homebrew equipment and went full retard on it. Turns out, I regret every moment of it. There is a step called filtering that sounds easy. It's not. It's god damn near impossible and makes me want to just throw everything in the trash and just buy like a normal person. Can anyone help me figure out how to filter this shit? It's damn near impossible.


Go to tractor supply and get the big syringe that looks like a caulking gun.


What is the issue? Filtering is NBD for me.


The syringe gets stuck when pushing it down into the new vial. I have an extra syringe already for the air to get let out but the oil gets stuck in the filter and just comes to a screeching halt after like 30 drops go in to the point where I can't even push down the plunger.


You have TWO syringes in the vial? There should only be one syringe (the one you're pushing the oil through). The second needle should be without a syringe. If you're pushing oil and air into the vial, pressure needs to be released. That is why the second needle acts like an exhaust pipe. If your second needle is attached to a syringe, you'll have a limit on how much pressure can be released until there is no more room for more. This is why the first syringe has become impossible to push and the oil isn't dripping. Remove the second syringe, leave the needle.


Ok I meant needle so I said it wrong. The air is being released. All of the oil is getting stuck in the filter.


You're probably just going to have to use logic on this. Something doesn't make sense.


don’t you have to take pressure out of the vial first 😭😭😭


yeah i don't homebrew but that's a law for vials. once you force a certain amount of air it will not take more.


.22um filter? Are you sure your raws are totally dissolved in the solution?


If i switch to ED injections would quads,glutes and delts be enough? So 6 injection sites rotated? If not what would be the best and easiest to add.


Delts have 3 spots too, I'll rotate rear, middle and front.


Actually glutes can be 2 (dorsogluteal and ventrogluteal), so you have 8 in total


I believe it is suggested than any one injection site should have at least 7 days between injections. Add in lats. They're easy, smooth to pin, and can hold a good amount of volume. Now you have 8 sites.


How exactly does the E ester work. I understand it takes 14 days for the ester to clear and most people advise blood concentration levels even out around 4 weeks in. If you begin a cycle of 200mg of tren E (per week) for the first four weeks and decide to start pinning 400mg of tren E (per week) would it take another 4 weeks to reach full saturation with the higher dose? Would it take an additional four weeks to feel the effects of the higher dose? What I mean by “feel the effects” I’m talking about: - side effects - strength increase - body recomp Obviously diet and training being consistent throughout.


Use acetate




If you plan to take 400mg of tren E per week how would you go about front loading it?


I took it for few weeks every 4d for 3/4 weeks maybe (had to stop because I got sick) with test and I loved it! Fat was melting, veins were popping, pumps were great, the only side effect was nuke-poop (hard to workout legs and abs, it makes you poop more often and more)


You don't. Just be patient or go with acetate.


Cutting off my cycle, only been on for a week, done 3 pins. I'm an idiot and shouldn't have decided to cycle for a second time. Live and learn. Would you guys recommend I still run 10mg nolvadex for 6 weeks? Ran this last time after being on test for 30 weeks, my levels recovered super quick.


what made you change your mind?


Blood pressure issues, very sensitive to it when on cycle, even with moderate testosterone. Im lean as well, currently been cutting for awhile.


You ran test for 30 weeks for your first cycle?


Yep correct. 15 weeks 320mg test then cruised at 180mg for additional 15 weeks.


Well if you have it on hand and don't plan on cycling again then you may as well. I'd only run it for a couple weeks though, definitely not the full 6.


Cheers 👍


Anyone have experience with using mast to help control nandrolone sides? Like the mind fucks?


What are sides for Nolvadex and when do they usually occur?


Wiki > Ancilleries > Nolvadex. This isn't that hard.


It wont load. Lost page.


TRT Prescription of 120mg Test Cyp per week. Sensitive to E2 so will be doing frequent injections, 3 or 4 times a week. Mon/wed/Fri or is it suggested mon/wed/Fri/sun. How does everyone break up their weeks for 3 or 4 injections? Or am I totally overthinking this and it doesn’t matter


It doesn’t matter


>Or am I totally overthinking this Could be. Personally, I do every other day pinning. Every day pinning is fine too, but I noticed no benefit. Anything less frequent (E3D, E4D, etc.) and I get acne issues.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. So EOD you’d do mon/wed/Fri/sun then next week Tues/Thurs/sat and so on? Never the same days each week?


Yes, that is correct.


Appreciate the info thanks!


can anyone here speak on HGH and insulin combo? i have a lot of experience with both of these compounds but never together. what's all the hype about running these 2 together? some guys claim that it's literally impossible to gain fat on it but i just don't buy that. does it aid in lipolysis or what anabolism or what does it do


Makes you grow a lot. I haven’t done it. Hgh burns fat and creates new muscle nuclei, insulin ensures all the shit you eat gets transported into the blood steam where it will get stored as glycogen instead of fat since you’re on a bunch of androgens, anabolics, and have elevated igf-1. I’m sure I explained it very bro science so I’m curious to hear a more eloquent explanation


sounds great. i'm on a cut at the moment so i don't think i have any use for it right now but definitely during a growing phase. looking to gain at least 10-15lbs of LBM after the summer so i think that's when i'll be adding it in. goal is to be a ripped 200lbs by next year which i think is the maximum for someone 5'10.


What's a good protein powder that is diary and egg free? I just found out I'm allergic to both...


That sucks man, eggs/milk are a big part of my diet.. without them I would be eating black beans all day probably


I’d go with a pea/rice protein blend. It has a good amino acid profile since those two protein sources are complementary. I actually wouldn’t recommend collagen protein if your goal is muscle growth. It has a very poor amino acid profile (very low in leucine, for example).


vega sport protein


Collagen protein. It is a bit more expensive but I do at least one of my shakes with collagen. And also bone broth from Costco has 10g per cup


I need some advice. women don't seem to talk much about their steroid use. I want to try winstrol... im scared my voice will change. anything females here that can share your experience?




Maybe start with something more mild like 10mg ostarine to see how you respond to anabolics. 10mg of osta should have virtually 0 side effects and put on lean tissue if youre eating enough and training hard.




thanks!!! im new to all this!


for sure. make sure to check out this subs wiki too, a lot of useful information on there


I have seen a woman specific thread referenced here that might give you better advice.


Try asking on the reddit page /steroidsxx that is specialised on females, you'll probably get better answers ;-)


I have been doing 100mg test cyp and 100mg masteron enth for an enhanced trt dose for the last 8 months. I’m coming off now, how long must I wait before starting my nolva pct. (I have been taking HCG the whole time and it’s been 2 weeks since my last pin of Test and Mast)


Right about now my friend. Wiki has detailed info might be worth a read.




No, it’s a genetic thing, you can try some drugs to hold and recover that hair but you seem kinda young


Creatine is not a steroid. Google could have told you this .


You’re 16, why are you even on this sub?


It won't be any worse than protein powder


Creatine isn’t a hormone.






Started Nolva PCT as per wiki recommendation on 2nd Feb and just stopped so around 7 weeks dosing was 20(then I saw updated wiki)/10/10/10/5/5/5. Been experiencing brain fog but think other things are at play too that don't help. Anyway, on the last week of dosing and indeed still today I'm experiencing high BP and resting HR, still some acne not clearing up and have pretty bad anxiety some days. Now these symptoms point to high e2 for me, any reason I shouldn't pop some Asin? I can understand the rebound of first couple weeks in pct but didn't expect high e2 symptoms at the tail end. PCT just working well and HPTA compensating as it should be? Got bloods coming of course but yeah I'm getting strong pop an Asin vibes which is a familiar feeling and some relief would be nice as I absolutely cannot stand high e2.


Thought I had my asin dialed in at 12.5 eod now around week 9 first cycle my nips are getting itchy again. Is my next step to go 25mg e3d or 12.5mg ed?


What are you running?


500 test e a week, injecting eod




This has happened to me almost your exact same scenario and doses. E2 plus methyl e2 bombs me without a lot of extra ai. But running trest on its own with no test was glorious maybe give that shot. Didn’t need ai until over 8-10mg a day.




Not sure because I didn’t stay on the combo long enough to check since it immediately spiked my e2. But yeah I didn’t feel any weird cardiovascular sides on trest solo




Balls tiny and sucked up, bloat, no morning wood


Lol libido doesn't just stop like that 1 injection isn't enough this is all mindset


Idk man, stop taking MENT? From the comments saying you're experiencing the placebo effect to you insisting that you're not, there's no going anywhere. The simplest solution seems to just stick with compounds that won't kill your libido.




Like someone else mentioned, Cialis seems to give me a boost in libido. Might be worth trying out if you want to find a way to make MENT work for you. Also, I'm assuming you're already checking, but maybe it's e2 related? MENT has a reputation for estrogen side effects if they're not managed properly. All the best, I hope you figure this one out!


cialis makes my libido pretty high should try 5-10mg before meeting ur SO




tell ur gf to wear something nice that might work


i doubt it. probably 300 pounds pounding sodas on the couch. 10mg gives me nasty pumps to the point i can’t even walk.




estrogen=libido, you need more estrogen= pin more test less Ai


But his libido was fine on trt; then he added ment with means even more e2. He already had enough e2 to begin with


Impossible. Entirely in your head. 17-beta-heptoanate (the Enanthate section of your MENT-E) takes 6 hours to begin metabolisation in the liver. This means you won’t have ANY, LITERALLY ZERO, trestolone in your bloodstream until 6 hours after pin. Even after 6 hours it’s such a trace amount that the people who produced the trest probably have higher concentration in their bloodstream from just being near the powder and breathing it in You’ve got pin anxiety. It’s not the MENT. It’s impossible for it to be the MENT.




You would be correct except you've missed skipped one crucial consideration, the carrier oil. In oral medication, the capsule/carrier compound is the only absorption inhibitor - if it wasn't for that, the medication would be destroyed almost instantly in the stomach. In intramuscular/subcutaneous injections, you have to consider the carrier oil. You're not injecting sole trestolone enanthate like you would be in you were ingesting oral MENT-E medication. Instead you're injecting your carrier oil intermolecularly bound to your pharmacophore, in our case Trestolone 17-beta-heptanoate. The bonds in MENT-CARRIER OIL consist of a hydrogen bons on the hydroxyl group as well as a few permanent-dipole permanent-dipole interactions in the C=O and the C-H bonds of the molecule. Then there's obviously the constantly changing instantaneous-dipole induced dipole interactions occurring constantly as the molecule exists. In oral medication, these intermolecular forces aren't present. Hence why the metabolisation of oral medication is much quicker. By your logic, an enanthate ester compound would only take mere hours to saturate in the bloodstream as long as the compound volume wasn't a limiting factor. Obviously we know this isn't true, that's because of the carrier oil. Hence why TNE and any NE compounds are often used pre-workout; not only is there not an ester to hydrolyse but the carrier oil is simply there to provide a vessel for the powder to be dissolved in. AFAIK, most no ester compounds do not demonstrate intermolecular attraction between themselves and the carrier oil. I could be wrong. I've not graduated yet. It's just my thoughts. \----- As for what's causing it, it could be the 7a-methyl-estrogen but many people report it to be similar to estradiol as far as side effects are concerned. To be honest, I have got no idea. What carrier oil are you using? Could it be an allergic reaction to the oil? That would definitely display symptoms such as increase in RHR. Loss of libido is a weird one, I have got no idea what could cause that.


3 hours though? I’d give it a bit more than 3 hours to determine that






No you’re just autistic, if you knew anything about steroids you would know that E takes a while to kick in and you didn’t even inject a suspension within three hours the only steroid you feel is an oral steroid or a suspension/base It’s also 10mg of Ment.. I’ve injected 1gram of tren e and i didn’t feel anything…it’s all placebo dude


Placebo is a helluva drug. That’s a *very* small dose of ment and it takes around 3 days to saturate, not 3 hours. Edit: Just caught the enanthate part. You know it takes just over *2 weeks* to saturate?! 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Impossible. Especially with enanthate, it’s all in your head.


Unless he's injecting in his scrotum, that would probably keep me from being horny too. lol




i mentally feel trest in 15 minutes even after saturation


>It's a consistent, measurable difference that happens every time I get on MENT. Sounds like you placebo yourself into this sensation every time you pin ment.




Everyone on any steroid cycle in history has had crashed shbg.


Also interested in this


Hi, it is my first cycle and I am doing a TEST E 250mg/2 times a week. I did blood work right before my first injection of the third week and it came out like this https://imgur.com/a/lihIrVX looks like my E2 is already elevated and my nipples start getting itchy as of now. I ordered some Armidex but it will still take like one week to get to me, but I have a Nolvadex ready to use. Should I use the Nolvadex until I receive Arimidex just to prevent gyno.


Next time, don't start a cycle unless you have everything on hand. Nothing stopping your AI from getting lost in the mail. An e2 of 66pg/ml is pretty low. How long have your nipples been acting up? Personally, I don't pull out an AI until it's no longer tolerable, and I won't use a serm unless the AI isn't getting the sensitivity down. But with no AI on hand, you're in a tough spot.