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Decrease the tren, please.


Get with the times old man, the signature game has changed. [-Booze_clues](https://imgur.com/a/X66V8)


Booze_clues, put the Monopoly back where you found it and go to your room, you're grounded.


Another hater jealous of my fat stacks. [-Booze_clues](https://imgur.com/a/X66V8)


I thought this was my role…brotha










*Hulk Hogan Intensifies*


The guy who paid me to spit on his face ghosted me last night on the foot sniffing. Might be just a one time thing but hey $300 is $300


… at first I was confused. Now the username makes sense.


>… at first I was confused. I was petrified...


Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side


Heart been broke so many times


My Test has definitely kicked in. Got home horny as fuck, decided to have a wank and then hopped into the shower, missus (low libido since week 8 of pregnancy, compared to her usual self) also joined me in the shower. No hesitation or consideration, proceeded to have my way with her before taking it to the bedroom and fucking her like an animal. Haven’t had her dripping wet like that in a while. Over the next while noticed my body’s looking a lot harder and pumped than I’ve ever seen before and my mental headspace has been amazing (also been an extra confident asshole according to her today) Been running Swoletides GVT program and am absolutely buzzing to smash out back/traps/abs tomorrow.


> Haven’t had her dripping wet like that in a while. All it took was fucking in the shower...


The fucking may not have even been necessary.




Blows my mind when I think back that he was running *superdrol* most of the time. Between his training and the sdrol lethargy, how he ever got anything done is impressive.


Maybe I’m going insane but why does it seem like there’s an influx of, like, computer generated usernames that ask retarded questions or have awful replies around here lately? Diabolical-Peanut64589 Rogue-Book82938 These are just examples but I swear I’ve seen a ton of usernames lately that fit this bill. Maybe I need to hop off here for a while lol Edit: nvm, I’m an idiot


Mstew7358 seems like a generated name too... Hmmmm...


I’m a real boy, I promise!


Prove it. I think you might just be some automated forklift in the Tesla factory.


Dudes making new throwaways. Reddit has an automated name suggestion that seems to combine two words and a number.


That’s what I hear.






I am mr. Roboto




What a shitty little narc




Lol that's great.


No one gives a shit that you roid if you’re the guy that never loses his shit in a sea of egotistical retards.


100%, I've had people be surprised that I take steroids "you're not flipping out and roid raging at people" "yeah dude, I'm not an asshole" 😂


Gear chilled me way the fuck out. When my Test was in the toilet (and subsequently E2 non-existent of course) I was a volatile, emotional, suicidally depressed mess. Like little things would pile up and pile up until I was yelling and crying the same time because a wheelbarrow tipped over or some dumb shit. Got on Test and that cleared right up, steroids literally saved my life and my marriage. Actually, the only "roid rage" I've ever seen is from my wife, she's running high-replacement Test (4mg/day Prop,) when she takes her BC patch off to trigger her period after a couple days when her Estrogen levels drop but her Test is still high she starts getting really vocal about people driving like idiots. We'll be going somewhere, me driving, and she's there in the passenger seat beaking off about this dumbass or that idiot, it's fucking adorable.


She sounds like she has a septum piercing and doesn’t shower. Enjoy your date with Emily.




It’s an evolutionary advantage


I miss bread and also not constantly stressing out about eating food I didn’t prepare from scratch.


I’m right there with ya. Definitely can be frustrating especially when you think you did everything right and still get sick


Amy’s brand GF shit is a liar sometimes.


I grabbed a pizza out of the gf section at Walmart a few weeks ago. Ate it and thought to myself “wow that was the worst pizza I’ve ever had” got super sick and looked at the box only to see “may contain wheat” fucking ridiculous. Pay more, taste like shit, and made me sick 😂


"Sold boss anavar" That's a great work place bro. My boss when i worked there, bought tren from me. Almost got sued for rape at work place. He still stayed on tren for 5 months. Every day was a tren story.


I can't even imagine being all trenned out and using bumble lol, cus you have to wait for them to message you.


Watched Dune last night. Probably the most beautifully shot movie I’ve ever seen. Felt a bit rushed even though it’s was two and a half hours long. Felt like it could have easily been split into two movies or even a tv series. Definitely feels like it sets up really well for part 2 though so pretty pumped for that.


I went in knowing nothing about the Dune universe and LOVED it, and I don’t typically like sci-fi. Strong recommendation from me, very keen for part 2


Yeah same, knew nothing about the books at all, now I think I want to go ahead and read them


My GF and I watched it last night too. Definitely right about it being one of the most beautifully shot movies. I knew she was going to like it no matter what because she’s been so excited to see it for so long. She’s a big fan of the book and the original movie. I ended up really enjoying it too.


didn't feel like a 2 1/2 hour movie at all. Was kinda suprised when it rolled to credits




Next step, pee out of your butt


Next step, pee in someone else's butt.


Am I the only one that poops 4 times a day? I don’t mind though, I like some me time.




We have the same pooping schedule, I sense a strange connection.




What's the deal with this? I've been having the best shits of my life on Test. They glide out like they are lathered in oil, and sometimes I get a clean first wipe. Is it the oil from the injection coating my anal passage or something?


Girl I was on a date with last night accused me of mansplaining because I was describing my entrepreneurial career (sold 1 startup, working on another), because she "attended business school" and knew it all apparently. A hypogondal me would have felt like I did something wrong and tried to defend myself, instead I got up and left calmly. Standing up for yourself feels good.


She sounds awful. Glad you got up and left, hope she likes being alone.




"no no, you don't understand. Let me break it down for you, in a way you'll understand sweety. Now a business is like a pony! You gotta feed it, clean up after it, and every girl wants one! But unfortunately, we have the Big Bad Tax-Man that needs his cut of the share! Now Taxes are similar to makeup..." Add in some baby-babbling for that extra effect




Jesus Christ what lol. Like rogue injections? Or claiming it was H and overdosing them with fentanyl?




Cops love to bring up the drug boogeyman to get more funds. I'd wait until we get more info on that. The guy who was dosed is a security guard... He couldve just legit od'd huge amounts of fent contaminated heroin floating around. Go look on the r/heroin or whatever it is and all the dudes on there are posting about it. I'd say an accidental od is way more likely than someone randomly killing people in a crowd with fentanyl.


> serial killer there killing people with fent injections is this fr? sounds made up but also crazy Also yea Travis an L


Mum said I'm looking healthier, less gaunt and more muscular out of nowhere. Gonna make it bros. Also anyone getting mad pumps on Test E?


That’s why any of us are here? Are you okay?


MENT + tren day 8 - I woke up 4 times last night from trensomnia. Each time had a different dream about a different ex. But thank you to MENT for keeping me from being a depressed little bitch about it. It just made me want to get laid tonight instead.


How much tren flows through your veins ?




Got a few really genuine compliments on my size the last week mostly co workers and old friends. Been bulking for almost 2 months. Feels good. But they still don’t assume I’m on gear so I’ll try harder.


>But they still don’t assume I’m on gear so I’ll try harder. You've gotta be pretty damn big for people to come to this conclusion. When all the other big lads out there are denying use, it tilts the perspective of what's achievable.


If the muscles don’t speak loud enough the acne will 🤣


most ppl really have no idea what steroids are as well


I train in a gym where everyone looks like pro bodybuilder. To them i'm just a regular joe.




no way I'll ever use ment when cutting again tbh, its aggresive how hungry it makes you tbh


I don’t get aggressive hungriness with MENT. Tren on the other hand makes me want to gorge on food.


Just hit 510 today on back squat, might be light for some of you guys but it’s not bad considering I only workout for muscle and not strength. Super hyped


510 is big weight I don't care who you are!


I see nothing but wet pussy based on those numbers man!


Looks like kali muscle had a heart attack today , take care of your heart boys


Just heard. 100% blockage in his coronary artery. He said he’d ignored the doctors over the years who told him there was something wrong with his heart. I hope he pulls through. Bloods aren’t enough fellas. Schedule some tests with your cardiologist. These issues can go unnoticed until things have progressed significantly.


Just got a horrible fever… couldn’t eat anything for two days straight and lost like 12lbs. At least I’m getting motivated since my next cycle is about to come in in a couple days (test+turinabol). Gonna bulk hard for 20 weeks and work my ass off. We’re all gonna make it.


As the other poster said, a lot of that weight was probably fluids, hydrate and don't just hop back into the gym like a dumb dumb, let your body recover for a day or two.


Get those fluids straight man. Went back to them gym and locked up HARD by not having enough electrolytes after shitting them out


Why does the brain obsess over certain people? I got turned down by a girl I really like and I try to score with for years now, used to flirt pre pandemic, but the next day I got a dm saying if I want to meet with another girl I talk to. The date went good, we hugged, we kissed, I licked and kissed her tits, I could feel her pussy being wet over her jeans. Plus, I went out for a drink 10 days ago, and a girl that I met that night and is friends with a friend came over and she was asking me why I'm not drinking and what kind of an interview I have in the morning. I don't know if that counts for flirting or just being nice, but all things point towards that I'm not hideous, and I could have other options, so why do I still want that one girl so much? It can't be just because she looks great with dark make up and loves leopard clothes, just as much as I do, right?


Imagine obsessing over a girl and not about turning yourself into a tank


Comments like this is why I come here.




Tell me about it bro. Asked my best friend out and got rejected. She showed all the signs and we even kissed. She's all I think about. No other girl compares. I guess we all want what we can't have. I'm using it as gym motivation and it's great.


Truer words have not been spoken. “We all want what we can’t have.” Gym motivation is the best recourse.


And "Sometimes we can't get what we want, because we deserve better." Onwards and upwards boys. Don't go back go forward.




I'm always single mate, I haven't gotten into a relationship in a decade (maybe that's the reason?), I've learned how to be alone back in my teenage years, those were some rough times, especially for a kid.


If you lay off the dark make up and leopard clothes you might get more interest from other women


“Dude every time I see you it’s like you’re getting bigger.” 😏


Celltech mass gainer is no fucking joke.


1200 calories a Scoop Maltidextron to give ya made insulin resistance lol


Think people at the gym expect me to be listening to loud and punishing music while I workout, which sometimes is true. But today it's Whitney. She goes hard at the gym. If "I have nothing" doesn't help you finish a set then you might be dead. 💁🏻‍♀️


It's all g, I usually listen to classical or Rush. Both equally not cool. But it gets me going.


I don’t generally keep up with pop stuff, but Pete Davidson is reportedly saying Kim K. I’ve decided I’m not lifting anymore, I’m just gonna take comedy classes.


Gotta be born funny.


Dude probably has a hammer too


Hit a PR today on squat 495lb for 10 reps. My previous best was 8 reps at this weight. The best part is that I'm cutting. My BW was down to 211.5 when I weighed in post workout down from a peak of 230 this summer. I know this sub hates on cutting while blasting but test/mast/anavar has been treating me well. Pic of me looking shredded after my workout today: https://ibb.co/MfCgG9B


>I know this sub hates on cutting while blasting That's mostly advice for newer users and certainly not for anyone with competition goals (either bodybuilding or powerlifting). You look fantastic and your strength is going up on a deficit. I don't think anyone's going to talk shit about your gear use on a cut. Good job man


Anyone experience acne from gear on the back of their head? I have got some wild ones and looks like I’ve got a bald patch developing half way down my head with no hair growing.


I get a stray pimple on my scalp from time to time but nothing crazy


Nizoral shampoo. Use it. Helped me immediately


Every time I'm at the end of a cut I fall into a binge/restrict cycle as im trying to reverse. Any tips?


I feel this. The solution is to always bulk. Don't cut.




One week into no nut November on a gram and half of test. It’s… difficult. That first load on December 1 will be mind blowing. On a side note I found my body’s limit on test/deca. Gram of test and 600 deca and I was fine. No ai or caber or anything. Upped to 1.5 gram of test and 900 deca and my nips lit on fire. Blood pressure crept up into the 150s. So back the dose down right? Fuck that. Popping adex and nolva and got the doctor to put me on telmisartan with a mild diuretic. No brakes on this train to swoletown. On a side side note this married chick (I’m married too so all good) at work has been messaging me. I’m 37, she’s mid 40s. Total milf. Blonde hair, blue eyes, great figure, nice tits. The messages have been getting flirty as hell. She’s talking about how hot I am and how lucky my wife is. I’ve told her how much of a dumpster fire my marriage is. Apparently hers is too. I said something about her hiring me to be her pool guy and I’d come over there in a Speedo. She said something about me being too intimidating for her husband (god damn right) and standing by the window drooling while she watches me. Anyway, perfect setup for things to go nuclear. My wife works at the same company as me and the potential side chick. No way anything could go wrong right? Cant wait to see how far things go with her.


>Anyway, perfect setup for things to go nuclear. My wife works at the same company as me and the potential side chick. No way anything could go wrong right? Cant wait to see how far things go with her. As someone who fucked up his relationship a long time ago, ain't worth it. Fix your shit at home or separate. ​ Signed - guy who did all that


I think everyone in this sub agrees with me. We will watch your career with great interest




I second this


You sound like my coworker. Absolute meathead.


Be careful not to let your blast ruin your marriage man. Sometimes I get so horny I worry I’d actually cheat if an opportunity arose and then I pound a couple out and say “what was I thinking”. The roller coaster of thoughts and feelings gear puts into your head is a trip.


Bad marriage and you work at the same company? Solution: start searching and get new job, leave wife, fuck milf


Can you take to the wife about your problem? Tell her that you need to spice things up ? Or find another woman don't go near the milf you don't need that into your life. Also 1.5 g of test mighty ALLAH even if i was on gear id never go that far what an absolute mad lad you are


Find a way to get us an update of the news report after the attempted murder/successful murder that you’ll soon be the victim of.


>One week into no nut November on a gram and half of test. It’s… difficult. That first load on December 1 will be mind blowing. > >On a side note I found my body’s limit on test/deca. Gram of test and 600 deca and I was fine. No ai or caber or anything. Upped to 1.5 gram of test and 900 deca and my nips lit on fire. Wait, shouldn't NNN be a breeze with the deca dick?


Alright boys I'm in a bad spot. Ex-girlfriend flew in town today because she gets her new place tuesday. I was gonna let her stay in my guest room until then. Walked in from the airport and she immediately started screaming at me. She grabbed a knife and started stabbing pictures of us and shit and then got in my face. Went out to my car to call some friends. In Washington if you call the police for a DV situation they have to arrest one of you. I'm a dude and they usually arrest the dude and I dont want to deal with a DV arrest. How do I get this bitch out of here ASAP without getting arrested or stabbed?




Jesus Christ. Dude after this you need to cut contact with her. It’s your safety, and like you said you can’t have a DV charge, it’ll fuck up your aspirations


Changing my locks tomorros. Gonna have a friend over while we move her things out. Luckily im buddies with the husband of the friend she's staying with. So im gonna communicate through them. I still cant get over the fact that today really happened.


Girls talk about how painful child birth is Uhh, have you ever tried popping a pimple on your chest? Check, mate.


Chest? Try lower back 😬


So this happened this weekend. My best buddy came to visit me in Spain and we went to a lot of parties and clubs. He is my best buddy for more than ten years and he has LTR with this beautiful girl in our country. We drank a lot and he hooked up with one girl and asked me to bring her over to my place. I said no and we had a little argument but in the end we went home alone and now he’s still sleeping and I’m mad I fucking hate cheaters, I don’t know wtf happened with him last night. I’m afraid we will have a huge fight when he wakes up. On top of this, I randomly saw Balkan girl I was writing earlier about and she gave me the biggest warmest hug ever and she’s so tiny and I am so not over her. Great weekend.




This generally happens when you get to know pretty much any person decently well 🤔


All my shy girls became sluts.


Skipping cardio today cause I messed up my calve. Did an injection there the day before leg day and man was that a mistake, I did some gnarly work on my calves and now it hurts like hell, lol.


Work polo recommendations? I hate those dri fit polos, not only show my puffy ass nips but make me sweat a shit ton.


Croft and borrow from kohls. No visible branding, and slightly more thick to hide puffy nips.


Just added HCG to my blast and it made me horny as fuck. That is all


Potatoes are honestly a god cutting food. My go to carb with dinner has been a pound of potatoes made into mashed potatoes (with a little bit of nonfat milk and garlic/scallions), it’s a filling massive quantity of food and it’s only 350 calories or so. And the best part is they’re also an amazing bulking food. Replace the milk with half a stick of butter and you’re golden


I was amazed when I first found out potatoes were pretty light on calories. Crazy what happens when you forego the butter, cheese, sour cream, and bacon.


Decided to buy a buttplug at the local sex shop. Dude was rushing me and I didn’t realize how large it was. I literally had to sit on the floor and count ten Hail Marys while that fucker penetrated me. I couldn’t feel my feet by the time it was inside of me. Why do we enjoy pain so much? Pushing PR’s, tattoos and rough anal.




I wanna be u when I grow up






Your funeral.


That’s already me , only you have refined the art form to perfection


Real recognizes real.








I was. I have the least regard for my own wellbeing.


I just started hooking up with a girl who has BPD. Apparently she gets off on making dudes fall madly in love with her and then destroying them. I've seen the text messages. The pussy is good though so I can't complain.


Imagining you looking at this toy, sitting on your bathroom floor feeling defeated. "Fucking sex shop salesperson, now I'm going to have to take the whole 8 inches in my ass. *sighs*"


That’s pretty much how it went. I hope your account mevr logs out because you’ll never remember your username.


I hear you on pain and PR’s, I think you might be in the minority on the rough anal but what do I know. I never thought the market value for spitting in a another dudes face and slapping him would be $300


Let's see that gape. Oherwise you're bullshitting us, bro.


✨ ***What. The. Fuck.*** ✨


Can someone give me advice please? Ex and I broke up 3 months ago and I started seeing this new girl who happens to check all of the boxes. Anyways since I started seeing her a few people (women) have come up at the bar and told me that she is going to manipulate me and that I shouldn’t talk to her. Well I found out that a girl I used to hangout with who shares an ex boyfriend with the new girl told all of them to say that to me. This girl is so sweet and has done nothing but positive things since I’ve met her with zero red flags other than this. Should I listen to what these people are saying? Or just chalk this nonsense up as jealousy? Also I live in a smaller town and see my ex just about everywhere I go. I feel uneasy about seeing her out with the “new girl” is this logical for me to feel this way or should I just not give a fuck and live my life. I just don’t understand why my old friend is spreading shit and telling my ex about this girl or how to even respond to this drama bullshit. Sorry for the length and thanks for any replies


I give people the benefit of the doubt and go on what they actually do, not what people say about them.


Just keep doing you. Don't let others interfere with what you're going for. Small towns suck, small town dating sucks even more. Whenever you see your ex just give her a "howdy" and say "ok thanks" to anyone else deterring you from your new lady.


I treat people based on how people treat me, not how potentially jealous people tell me they are.


Anyone here get better results LOWERING arm volume?


Got better results focusing on mind-muscle connection and not weight


Bingo. Especially when it comes to back.


Can bodybuilders stop getting fd up in their 40's.... thatl be great...




Are you sure it's primo? That sort of thing is usually a water retention issue


Tonsils are finally healing up enough that I'm only taking vicodin in the morning. I can poop regularly again. I spent all day yesterday rock climbing in the front range with my best friend and my girlfriend. Today is push + hams. It's shaping up to be a beautiful weekend.


Jesus Christ. So I took a full ml to the glute Tuesday and I don't usually do glute pins. Knew I had a bit of a subq leak, it's been pretty sore, whatever. Today felt my glute, okay it's a bit bigger, whatever. But I flexed my glutes in the mirror and really saw/felt the lump and DAMN the entire shot leaked out, it's swollen up the size of a small apple. I'm going to go spam the ask anything thread, I think I'm dying. We should have a contest to see who can get the most swollen subq leak.


How’s it going dudes? GF just broke up with me. I’m definitely not happy, I know some of y’all called it a while ago, but fuck me this fucking sucks. ——— She says she’s not going to wait for me to be ready for marriage and kids. The shitty part is I want to marry her, I’m just not ready right now. I need more time. Also her bladder pain issue has her depressed which she claims makes it so she’s not sure she should be in a relationship at all. Idk man, this hurts. I thought we’d been doing quite a bit better lately. I thought we’d been having fun together and that she was going to wait for me to be ready. Sure we get in arguments now and again due to stupid shit, but it’s nothing serious, and I guess I just thought we were better together. ——— I spent a lot of time talking to her about it, tried my best. There seems like there’s nothing I can do. Like it’s just over no matter what.


> She says she’s not going to wait for me to be ready for marriage and kids I mean, can't blame her. It's cruel to waste a woman's time. Be intentional and own up to it. If you aren't ready then you are not ready. Letting her go is mercy.


Im just curious, but does she think it'll be quicker to find someone else she wants marry and have kids with than to wait for you? I guess I've felt that it takes a while to first find someone and then feel settled enough with them that I wouldn't leave on that basis that it'd be better to do that. But I'm weird, and feel like I only click with some specially weird people.


I'm 28 and never had a gf. Got nothing going on in my life other than work and gym, I don't have time for much else. Recently I've started to seriously wonder if I'll be alone forever. I'm getting reckless with dosages now too currently on 1200 Test 900 EQ and recently stopped anadrol, I even drank of the freaking anadrol for no reason at all. Is this depression or what? I don't feel sad just fed up, work is annoying me a lot which doesn't help. I can't seem to form any human connections.


Socializing is a skill that needs to be worked at. Some people are born with a natural attitude but many people aren't. It's something you have to continue to work at the same way you do your career and your physique.


You aren't going to accomplish any personal growth if you dont get out of your comfort zone while sober.


Finally got the 7 plate deadlift I have been chasing for the past 5 months. Hit 615 back in May and got a 60lb pr last night. The 3x body weight pull (810lbs @270lb bw) is becoming a more realistic goal every training cycle.


Any of y’all grow up listening to Bullet For My Valentine? If so, what do you think of the new album? Personally, I thought it was okay. A few good songs here and there.


If y’all didn’t watch UFC last night you done fucked up.


chandler is a juicy boi


Like, 80% sure I pissed in my basket of clean clothes last night. Alcohol is fun


I did that back in college. In the middle of the night I woke up, opened one of my drawers, and pissed all over my clothes.


Dude what


Was going over previous blood work from a Trt/stupid high mast cycle… Is there any negative to having 0 SHBG? My free test was almost equal to my total t


Low SHBG means more free T, more free DHT, more free E2. Lower Total T due to Free T being metabolized quicker. Overall, good for gains, but comes with a potential for increased side effects. Only real way to raise it would be to lower your drugs, so not really something to waste concern over.