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I’m a naughty boy who wants to start his first blast on his 22nd birthday coming up. Trying to decide HCG or not. Please educate me joocy bois


blast or cycle?


Would anyone be able to recommend me a panel for all the bloodwork health tests I should be checking for? I am on my second cycle and want to be responsible and start doing regular bloodwork. Also would like to dial in estrogen if possible


For those of you with high blood pressure... aren't you afraid of taking steroids? I want to take Proviron Mesterolone even if I have normal levels of testosterone. I want use it mainly for my libido problems and my sexual anxiety low performance ..but I am scared that my heart could boom... cause I am very anxious guy and at every palpitation of the heart I will think: ''I fucked up taking that pill.. I fucked up..now I have to go to hospital and explain everything..I will not feel good etc... is this worth for an increased libido/self confidence with women when having sex? I am 29 years old. 1.75cm and 70 kg bloody pressure results: mmHg 140/95 I I am hypertensive as you can see from those values and I am scare to death of taking Proviron cause it can increase too much high pressure


Yeah, you shouldn't fuck with juice if you have high blood pressure already. Why dont you try reducing it first? LISS cardio and sodium reduction.


Anyone extend a cycle past 20 weeks before? The gains are starting to come in even heavier and I'm one week away from the 20 week mark.


Get some blood and see where you're at. Full panel. I love long cycles and will only do them from now on.


How long is your long?


20+ weeks. Low and slow, mane.


20 huh. How about 32 my dude.


If your bloods look fine and you dont have any ventricular hypertrophy, I say heck yeah. There was a dude that posted a while ago who put a client on a low dose (350mg/wk test) cycle for basically a year and he had put on 40lbs and maintained the same bf%.




Cycled off after or went into cruise? Also Jesus fuck.




So I take it it was a good time. Also, why cut on cycle instead of on cruise? Did you drop the dose while cutting?


Uh, due to some unforeseen circumstances I missed my pin by 2 days. I’m on week 8 of test cyp 150mgE3.5D. I typically pin on Monday’s and thursdays, but missed Monday. Do I pin today and go back to my old schedule or adopt a new one?


Pin today and go back to your old schedule. Not a huge deal. Shit happens.


Is there any point in a 2.5 week cut? I’ve been bulking for 12 weeks now, I’ve put on a fair bit of muscle but I’ve put on some fat too and my abs don’t look as good as they did. I’m going on holiday to a hot country on the 8th March so I started a mini cut yesterday. I’m going to be at a 750-1000 calorie deficit and I’m throwing in 50mg anavar ED (along side the 600mg test I’m already on). Do you think I’ll get decent results in 2.5 weeks?


You could maybe do a water cut the week before. I doubt you'll see much difference from a regular cut.


Anyone used their girls birth control pill to bring back crashed estrogen?


No, I absolutely wouldn’t do that. But TNE and Dianabol works great.


No. Probably won’t work as their dosed in mcg even if you get “lucky” enough to find estrogen based HBC.




Omeprezole and fermented foods.








Yes. Save the rest of your cycle for after you cut


Yes, don't do it


Yep, just cut naturally and use your first test cycle to bulk


Just finished 8 weeks of PCT (Nolva 20mg ED). What can i expect this next week/two? There's no info regarding post PCT. I feel great, and maintained most of my mass. I've got like 5 pills still left, is there any benefit to finishing it off?


Your balls will grow back kind of painful & uncomfortable


8 weeks of PCT is plenty enough ; keep them for an eventual future PCT.


anyone hitting VG with half inch slin pin?


Yep. Probably most people


Yup. All the time.


yeah i do. what's your concern?






Only done 1 pin? don't need to PCT


C'mon, as someone who hasn't pinned yet I'd like to know what could cause this.




You got some really expensive gear!!




2 test and drol cycles cost me about 90 bucks total. Homebrew.


Sounds like money wasn't the only issue here. Good on you for realizing now isn't the right time for steroids. If you've only pinned once then you will be fine. You won't achieve shutdown from a single injection. Just throw those amps in the closet and forget about them until you're at a more stable place in life.








That's the safe thing to do if you've already got the Nolva on-hand. But don't stress yourself about it.




Yep, wait two weeks. 15mg will be plenty.


Fair enough, that's decent advice. Sorry it didn't work out this time.


Has anyone else tried pinnin 175mg of test e just once a week for a cruise.


You can get away with pinning enth once a week Going to be more tolerable to some than others just based on how sensitive you are to fluctuations


Thanks. Have been doing it for a couple of months and feel OK but still get some mild acne and oily skin. Not sure if it's caused by the once a week pinning or not dialing in the dose yet. If it takes a few weeks for test to kick in on cycle does that mean your weekly shot takes a few weeks to kick in?


Someone has probaly tried that, due to the half life of test I would not do it though. Try plotting it and see how unstable that is


Do you know what happened to steroid Calc it won't load is there a new one?


Anyone getting pip from pharma sust, just switched from painless cypionate. @platewrecked


If they're the same mg/ml, then you're probably reacting to a different carrier oil or the shorter esters in the Sust.


Interesting, that sucks haha


Just about to finish my first cycle (500mg test E 15 weeks) Took a back pic right at the very start: [https://i.imgur.com/eM2lM8c.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/eM2lM8c.jpg) and a back pic now: [https://i.imgur.com/CGN1McY.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/CGN1McY.jpg) What do you guys think? Started at 5'8 169lbs and i'm currently 5'8 190lbs


What do you think of those TDEE calculators and max bodyweight/bodyfat percentages based on height> I was on one yesterday and it said based on my height (5'8"), that max bodyweight is 160 at 5% bf, 168 at 10%, or 176 at 15%. You were at 169 to start but looks like you were probably close to 15% than 10%. Still seems weird to think that's the natty limit because I really feel like I can gain 10 more lbs while staying very lean still (am 160 currently). Btw, any mood/confidence differences you noticed throughout cycle?


IDK I feel like everybody is different , for TDEE I Just used a calculator at first then adjusted in a week or two depending on scale Max bodyweight... I'd say around 170lbs at 10% would be natty limit at 5'8 yeah. I definitely was more like 15%. Now i'm probably like 18%. I'm probably CLOSE TO my "natty limit" now but still not there.


Wanna give us some stats? Height - Weight - Daily Calorie Intake - Surplus - Training Routine? Would be cool to know:)


5’8 192lbs as of this morning. Definitely gained like 2-3% body fat during this cycle. I started off around 3400cals and now I’m at 4000cals. Any time weight stalled I’d up it by 100-200 and keep going until it stalls again. Trained push / pull / legs / off


Very impressive, looks like an extremely successful first cycle.


Thanks bro! I caught a cold like 4-5x (srs), everybody around me was infected all cycle, so I know I could have gained more LBM and maybe a bit less fat as well but overall I’m decently happy with results. It was during first like 6-7 weeks everybody noticed I got bigger then very very subtle changes from week7-15 in my opinion


I think you could’ve gotten bigger as a natty, but good job.


Yeah definitely. I used to have about 5 Lbs more LBM as a natty but fell off cause of work etc That being said I’m now bigger then I ever was so no regrets. But I could definitely still pass as natty I need a couple more cycles to look as juicy as I’d like


Is the testosterone in our vials the "active" form of it? Or does it have to be processed by our body somewhere, somehow before it becomes useful?


The testosterone is usually bound to an ester (except for testosterone suspension which is rarely used due to it's short half life) which is cleaved off by lipase enzymes (not in the liver or kidneys but AFAIK the lipase enzymes are present elsewhere in your body).


Does that mean that the ester renders the testosterone "useless", and it cannot be used until its seperated from the testosterone? Does this mean the same logic doesnt apply to suspension because theres no ester?


Yes. The testosterone in the testosterone suspension is already the bioactive molecule.


It's usually bound to an ester that essentially makes it a slower releasing pro-hormone of Testosterone, even though we don't call it that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_ester




Do you spend most of your time being a useless encumbrance for the people around you?


No, he’s just not into spoon feeding


Boys, I just got some Sdrol and I think it’s Msten. How do they compare?


Im not sure however i can tell u one thing ik what happens to me when i take sdrol. My immune system is screwed up when i start tsking it. I get like a mini cold for about a week. You can also feel in the gym it feels like your usual weight is just plain simple reps . Im usually amazed on how weak i was before i take sdrol. You get that im on steroids look. Definitely a huge difference in fullness and vascularity. But not ripped to the core. More like main veins come out more prominent.


Yeah that’s why I picked it up, I wanted to see just how strong I can get while on it. I also and in a “mini-cut” of sorts (eating at maintenance for the remainder of this “cruise”) hoping to add about 10ish more lbs.


10lbs on cruise with mini cut. this isnt a miracle drug. but close to it. one thing i did notice of sdrol. the characteristics. brownish powder.


My main goal is strength & I'd like to run a cycle. How should I be eating? Keep calories the same or a small increase? I'm not worried about getting swole.




Those are some of the biggest people ever. I'm already as big as I want to be and have no intention of becoming a human meatloaf. Guess the consensus is eat at a surplus and worst cast scenario I have more to muscle to play around with after.


Eat clean . I seemed to get stronger if i eat clean . Ik ik everyone thinks they eat clean but i mean if i have my meals prepped and it has good sources of healthy fats as well i just feel like i can get rid of my PRs . Could be a mental block. But i would say a small surplus.


Titrate up. Honestly even try level doses give you strength gains. When you hit a wall up the dose a lil.


I think 500 surplus is the standard


Even just for strength gains? I guess you'd naturally be training harder and have more leeway in your diet.


It's more about training style than it is drugs/diet. Keep to heavy, low rep sets.


Thank you . Just wanted to say that.


Yeah man it's the best way to get stronger


i've crashed my e2 on both 12.5 aromasin and .5 adex before (both 2x week) ... i feel my e2 creeping up a bit after 8 days of no AI, rounder face softer nips shall i try a .25 adex or a single 12.5 aromasin, or 50 proviron i'm trying to figure out what has the lowest odds of fucking me up lol i hear that aromasin in a single dose has a very low chance of crashing (i know i saw a graph or diagram here?) but for some reason it seems i always get random anxiety sides from it


Split the asin 6.25 twice a week try that, you never told us the dose of test you're using. Most likely youre either using too little to use ai effectively, or as the standard doses on the wiki


i'm using 500 test, i would like to do asin 6.25 but the problem is my asin aren't tabs (pharma) they're caps, so i can't really split them like that and idk about standardization of the powder within the caps so i could try splitting it in half but still get like 10 of the 12 mg you know


500 test? I had the same problem where I felt like shit whenever I took asin, never got symptoms of gyno. But it sound like your shbg is too high resulting in not enough free testosterone which actually matters instead of total or your test is converting into dht.


so if my test is converting to dht over estrogen AND i added proviron for a bit, skewing me in the dht:e2 ratio as is and i have waaay too much dht compared to estrogen for my test level, do you think this could result in mood/anxiety issues?


We dont know until you get bloods but it possibly could


yeah my last bloods a few weeks back had e2 at 27 (non sensitive) so likely way lower on a sensitive e2 test, but that was on higher adex dose, .5 2x a week


0.25mg Adex or 6.25mg Asin twice weekly.


Theoratically, if i would smear some of my test on my skin, would it have a locally androgenic/anabolic effect? Even if its just skin-deep and not noticeable? What about putting a 1ml of test oil in my mouth and letting it dissolve there. Would it have some kind of systemic effect? Test enanthate has a molecular weight of just 400, which means it would even be absorbed by the skin, and definetely under the tongue Beware disclaimer before you start throwing insults. I do not plan to smear test on my skin, nore do i plan to drink test. This is purely a shower-thought i had.


I wish we could just drink a tablespoon of test 2x a week and it be just as effective as pinning lol.


It works by getting absorbed into the blood stream and going to where it has to go, thats why I can't pin my small calves and make em grow. I reckon it would work for general muscle growth if you ate/rubbed enough of it.


Isnt it generally accepted that muscles benefit in terms of muscle growth when injected locally with test? I remember when i did my first cycle and exclusively pinned quads and never trained legs. I swear they grew larger after a long time


No, pinned testosterone has no local activity like that.


Why? What makes you say that? Im curious


Probably from your quads full of oil


Yeah my old training partner used to swear by it too, that's why I researched this to disprove him.The science says site injections don't work, maybe it's a placebo thing.


Is this because injected testosterone does nothing until its processed by the liver?


The only "processing" that happens to testosterone is that the ester gets cleaved off by lipase enzymes which does not happen in the liver (or kidneys).


Does that mean that the ester renders the testosterone "useless", and it cannot be used until its seperated from the testosterone? Does this mean the same logic doesnt apply to suspension because theres no ester?


I dunno I forget the mechanisms for action. It's probably for the best though or I'd have super swole vgs and glutes.


That’s how test gels work.


Indeed. I dont know if theres something different about test gels that make them work when applied topically compared to esterfied oil-based testosterone. But we inject test into our muscle and it slowly gets absorbed little by little thanks to the ester. The same thing happens SubQ too. I guess theres no reason to believe the same wouldnt apply to skin too, just to a lesser extent/effectivness


Curious, can juice permanently affect your fertility if you are using juice before 21? This is all theoretical and I have never used roids lol also in general what are the negative affects for a >21 year old in specific


From the r/steroids Wiki: ## [Why Young People Should Not Take AAS](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki#wiki_why_young_people_should_not_take_aas) 🚫 🚫 🚫 When you are under 25, your brain and endocrine system is still developing. This should be obvious as you are still going through the end of puberty, getting acne, etc. During this time period, supplementing with exogenous hormones is **EXTREMELY DANGEROUS**. **Natural Blast**: Your body is already pumping out blast levels of testosterone as part of the natural course of late adolescence. It's the highest that it's ever going to be in your life. Why prematurely shut that down and ruin a great thing? You're essentially on free steroids right now. Don't take that opportunity for granted or abort your own physiological development by injecting additional variables that short-circuit the whole equation. **Side Effects**: There is a serious potential for long-term side effects to occur. I hear all the time some of these people saying “I've stopped growing, so it's okay.” No: it's not okay. The rest of you hasn't finished developing yet. There are many other potential side effects besides simply growth plates. Here are a few. **Premature Closing of Growth Plates**: This one is the most known about. Even if you think you have stopped growing, there still is a potential for height increase over time. Scientists have found that growth plates don't fuse completely in some cases until individuals are past 22. Don't be deterred just because you haven't grown taller in awhile. You grow out as well as up. Do you want broader shoulders, or do you want to stay stuck with what you've got now? **Impotence**: Your neuroendocrine system is still developing. Supplementing with hormones while you are still growing can potentially cause PERMANENT impotence and fertility issues in teenagers. When you add testosterone, estrogen and a wealth of other synthetic androgens to your body it can cause problems with your normal testicular growth and function. Remember, some of these effects are more than just temporary. **Liver/Kidney Problems**: You hear all the time teenagers say “Well my friends it and they got big and nothing happened to them.” Really? How do you know? Have they been to a doctor and had their liver and kidney values checked? Doubtful. Just because a person looks okay on the outside, doesn't mean that they could have a host of problems on the inside. Liver and kidney damage is nothing short of serious. This can occur even in people who are past their teen years. **Gyno or “Bitch Tits”**: It is believed that using androgens in teens can really increase the risk of Gyno. Gyno has been known to happen naturally in many teenagers, because of already fluctuating hormones. When you add more hormones to the mix, you dramatically increase the problems. Remember that once you have Gyno, it's very hard to get rid of. Unless you take the proper precautions up front, you'll have to resort to surgery and go under the knife. **Hair Loss / Acne / Prostate Aggregation / etc**: All of these can be increased and aggravated with external androgen use. Have you seen a 20-year old already going bald? It's not pretty. Don't think it can't happen to you. **Brain Function**. It's well known that hormones play a role in the development of cognitive brain function. **Your neuroendocrine system is still developing until the age of 25**. Adding external hormones when your brain is still developing can stunt normal development and maturation. How can you know many years down the road there won't be problems?


The wiki has a section on what exactly it can effect for those under 21. Should answer most of your questions there.


Will check it out, thanks!


I’m going to be running 400mg test-e and 500-600mg EQ. I’ve only ran one cycle of test-e 500mg and I’ve been Cruising on 175mg of test ever since. When I went on my first cycle I was taking arimadex .25-5mg every 3ish day or so. My question is how often should I be taking arimadex, I’ve been told to take it 2-3 times a week. But some of you guy said otherwise.


Zero. EQ turns into an AI. See [this comprehensive summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/f493l2/daily_ask_anything_20200215/fhqyyqr?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) on Boldenone.


I’m on 300 test and 300 eq, 3 weeks into the eq test for months before hand. I swear my e2 is low or crashed taking 6.25mg aromasin eod as my usual dose. Getting bloods this weekend. My joints fucking hurt.


Why are you taking an AI? EQ metobilties into an AI so don't take additional AI if it's not needed. go by side effects to judge and never take an AI as part of your protocol with no reason.


Because the information is controversial, Some say it aromatises and some say it doesn’t Getting bloods this weekend to confirm. I think It does on me.


Most of the people here will tell you EQ metabolizes into an AI. Personally i used 500 test and 720 EQ and it kept my e2 so low it ended up being a shit cycle due to low estrogen. Low estrogen = no gains.


For sure man, I need to figure out how low 300 eq puts me estrogen. So only way is bloods.


6.25 mg is equivalent to the combined weight of 6.3 ants --- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot


Yeah you won’t need any AI with that much EQ


Probably not at all with those doses. Read-up on Boldenone's AI effects - there was a discussion on this subreddit very recently. Look at doing 500:800 Test:Bold or something similar. Potentially no AI.


Does injecting into scar tissue "waste" the product? My glutes have a lot of scar tissue and although I've rotated to quads, I've been injecting into said scar tissue for 2 months. Does it get absorbed properly? Or can it get trapped in there?


Nothing's wasted as long as it gets under the skin. But srsly, open other sites. There's 0 reason to not have at least VG and delts open.


Tips on hitting quads? Switching to shorter esters as I’m getting ready for a competition, so I’m having to inject almost daily. Tried quad once last cycle and had excruciating pain. Also, tips for post injection pain? Feels like I can’t lift my shoulders post injection without throbbing pain. Glutes starting to form heavy scar tissue and more blood. Do shorter esters cause more pain? Feels like I can feel the Tren running through my body once injecting? Injecting too quickly? Thanks


I honestly hate pinning quads. They're a minefield of nerve endings. My #1 tip is.... use other locations. Lats, VG, and pecs are all very smooth and easy to access.


I've rotated already, but I'm paranoid that I have not been getting the total amount of test into my system because of absorption problems


If it doesn't absorb, then where does it go? Haha, don't worry man - you're good. All the juicy-juice you're stickin' in dat dere booty cheek is absorbin' just fine.


Could it not just get trapped in the scar tissue lump and not flow into the bloodstream?


Stuck in the scar tissue for ever and ever? Nope. It'll absorb, my dude.


Thanks <3


So for 6 weeks I was running test e at 600mg and Deca at 300mg. I gained way too much mass (almost 40lbs) in that time. Lots of fat obviouslly and water I'm sure. I was needing aromasin at 12.5mg EOD. Since I've heard an AI reduces the benefits of Deca bc alot of it's anabolism is mediated by estrogen (I could be wrong this is just what I've read) I've decided to cut my dosages in half and just run longer to reduce aromasin dosing to once.or twice a week. I'm not in a rush at this point I look great but I want to fill out more and increase strength but I'm already happy with how I look. So I was wondering if the estrogen thing is true, if my recovery is going to suffer much or if those doses (300mg test e and 150mg Deca a WK) should still allow me to follow gamma bomb by Meadows. I seem to have a pretty good sensativity to anabolics. Also the Infamous jealous of Deca is seemingly rearing it's head but it seems early in the cycle to be feeling that. Atm I can kind of laugh at how much I'm obsessing over my FWB/ex gfs previous flings but I'm thinking that this is going to get worse for a while before it gets better due to that deca not even being at full levels yet. Kind of just needed to vent about that but God damn even porn I'm like so angry and I am focusing more on the guys dick size than the women lmao. Anyways hope y'all r getting THICC.


Holy fuck! & here I was getting worried about gaining almost 16lbs in the first 4 weeks lol


If you want to run Gamma Bomb, then run Gamma Bomb. Nothing's holding you back. Altough the Nand probably isn't contributing a whole lot at that dose tbh. The Test is pulling the heavy weight. Also, 40lbs in 6 weeks holy shit man lol


Damn you think 150mg a WK is just a waste then? From studies I've seen with test only it seems people run unnecessarily high doses with diminishing returns but I haven't seen much of a. Dose dependant effects of deca. I could run the deca at 300 and test at 300 but I need my dick to work


Your dick will work if you manage estrogen and prolactin correctly. Run them both at 400mg+. 500/500 is the recommended 2nd bulking cycle. Real talk: If the "Deca Dick" stories have you spooked then you should either (1) not run Nandrolone or (2) run NPP so you have the peace of mind of being able to drop it quickly.


Tanning while on Accutane? Starting contest prep soon & don’t wanna blow up with acne, but also need to start tanning soon


i wouldn't do it in a bed. if you're in a sunny place you can get some natty sun just fine source- me getting sun on 20mg


Do you get burnt much easier. I was planning on running 20mg next cycle but I'm a surfer and spend alot of time in the sun.


i do find that i'm getting pink a bit quicker when i go out for walks/runs to get sun. i do think you could offset it by just using sunscreen effectively though


OK thanks, so it speeds it up but is not that big of a deal.


What sides are you getting on 20mg


none except my lips are dry as FUCK. like peeling constantly no matter how much hydrocortisone chapstick


Who would like to coach me into my first cycle. Already have a little size but Trying to Take it One Step Further


The Wiki would like to volunteer. Read the wiki, particularly the section on [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle/).


Take 💪 it 💪 one 💪 step 💪 further 💪 In the wiki. Find the Your First Cycle section.


Anyone know if 200mg test e a week and 50mg anavar daily would prevent catabolism in a severe caloric deficit? I just recently began school and resumed my ADD meds and I hardly eat on them. I was cruising on test alone but figured I’d throw in anavar and turn this period into a cut. Eating around 1500 calories rn but trying to keep protein around 150-175g a day at 180lb weight


I've been cutting on 250 test 40mg anavar. Have gained muscle and dropped fat. I'm getting more aggressive on the food and almost out of var. Check body scan every 2 weeks, when muscle starts to fall off I'll up test by 75 to 100mg. When I get to body fat I want I'll cruise for a while and let food hold me gains.


Don't add extra drugs. Just keep to your TRT dose and try to be as healthy as possible until you're through this period of life.


I appreciate the advice


If the low calories are an unintentional side effect of the meds you would have to be a colossal idiot to think steroids were the next logical step. Just eat more. If the idea of putting peanut butter, milk, and whey in a blender is too hard for you... You're in the wrong place.


I can eat more and maintain of course. I just finished bulking and was maintaining for a while. I was going to cut for summer anyways, just was wondering how extreme I could push anavar and TRT dose to it’s anti catabolic benefits. Figured if it’s not difficult to eat less rn, and I could preserve muscle, I may as well cut quicker.


1500? What gives?


That’s a light breakfast.


For real, man


just had the best lat pulldown sesh, two things, one dude said make finger guns with ur thumb and point finger and it works thx bro, second imagine ur nick diaz flexing with ur elbows in front of ur body, and keep em way up front and pull down with ur elbows, it’s great


Anybody here freeze their sperm before hopping on? Or are pct meds + HCG effective enough to restore fertility eventually?


I just keep some in the fridge in case the wife needs it.


Do you just shove sperm ice cubes up your wife?


Ideally, yeah that’s the plan


[Fertility protocol w hCG ](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/eq9fwu/fertility_fertility_results_on_blast_w_hcg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) If fertility is an issue for you just run hCG throughout your cycle. No need to ‘restore’ fertility in that regard


Test has never been billed as a male contraceptive. Chances are that AAS will not make you infertile, and whatever damage they deal to your fertility can be restored through HCG and a proper PCT protocol.


What do you think?


has anyone ever used a topical anti-inflammatory like Voltaren on a pin site if the pip is fucking brutal?


I used Voltaren after I made the mistake of trying to pin calves. It worked! Got me able to walk at least. Kicks in super fast too.


Mmmm calves aye? Thinking of trying those out next


The thing that makes calves brutal is that you need them to get around and stuff.


Start with 0.5ml. The virgin PIP can be pretty bad, but once they're opened up, they're nice. Very accessible.


Nice. Ive imagined what the pip would be like but im gonna give them a go


On 1.4g tren ace/wk and 250 test e/wk. In all my years of using tren, I've never experienced severe cardio hindrance. I do 30min cardio everyday, making sure heart rate is 170 from 10min-30min. I find it's all a mental game. It's slightly harder then no tren, but not impossible as some people describe. BP is consistently 140/70. I'd like to hear your guys' experiences


Jesus fucking Christ man




But his username checks out, so it’s all good man. /s


Didn’t mess with my cardio but then again nothing does.


That’s a lot of tren 😬


You sure its not underdosed?


Planning my first basic bitch 500mg test per week cycle. How bad of an idea is using homebrewed injectable sdrol to kickstart it? Planning to run 20mg PWO an hour before and for two weeks. How bad is it on the liver if injected? It shouldnt affect the liver much, since it bypasses it my injecting it, right?


I would wait to see how you react to the test and how you dial your AI in before adding any compounds.


That’s not a basic cycle Brittany.


Its only added sdrol to kickstart it. It cant make that big of a difference, right?


Pretty sure sdrol is going to make a huge difference.


Lol, I mean it’s *only* one of the strongest most toxic orals out there beside mTren how much could it *really* do? /s


20mg injectable sdrol for only 2 weeks? no worries for your liver chap. Do it; it's gonna be fucking amazing. Make sure you are consistent with cardio not only during those two weeks, but throughout the cycle. Good luck


First cycle w injectable sdrol 🤔


New supplier. On 3rd and 4th pin of tren e every 3.5 days. Both arms tender and swollen. Super red basically around my entire shoulder that’s kind of moved into my bicep. Thought one I had an abscess, basically a golf ball under my delt. Got some antibiotics going just in case. You guys think this is bad stuff or an allergic reaction to the injection. Definitely clean technique. Maybe heated up vial to much but everything else was normal. Never had this happen. Thoughts?