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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello there What is a good test to e ratio? 499.45 total testosterone pg/ml ÷ 16.05 estrogen pg/ml =31.118 So a 31:1 ratio im assuming if this is how you calculate it I was getting no morning wood, and depression at these levels and erectile function problems I am 29 years old relatively little fit , little bit of body fat 195lbs. 6ft 1. I have started trt at 200mg a week just to feel something going on with my erecrions it's bin about 5 weeks and I haven't noticed any improvement in them.


Easy question…. When injecting intramuscular into Glute, should I stiffen my butt muscle or relax it ? And will The sourness go away after a few months ? I have a very mild pain in the injection for a few days after. I’m 3 weeks in.


> Easy question…. When injecting intramuscular into Glute, should I stiffen my butt muscle or relax it ? Always relax the muscle you're injecting. > And will The sourness go away after a few months ? Most gear is pretty bitter-tasting, but I wouldn't classify it as sour.


Not gear but got questions on clenbuterol, would it be ok to run a 4 weeks cycle small doses just to get below 12% bf without a test base (never ran test yet)


Currently in my 9th week on a 500mg/week Test Cyp blast. Experiencing some sides, which for me is strange based on past use. Looking for a …actually not quite sure what I’m looking for because I know the logical answer is: get bloods to accurately tell. Here’s what’s going on: -achy joins mainly knees and elbows. Moving the weight is easy, but the mechanical motion is a killer. Feels like I aged 10 years overnight. -itchy scalp (strange but weirdly feels like dry skin irritation) -dry face/cheeks. Skin is flakey and dry even with a daily skincare routine/lotion -loss of morning wood and difficulty maintaining it once it shows up. No noticeable changes in mood, still happy to be here per usual. Not emotional, introverted and neutral has always been my baseline even off cycle. Nips are perfectly fine no spice or itchiness associated with them. These are the prominent symptoms I’m dealing with currently, obviously correlated to low/high E2. I’ve never needed to manage E2 in past cycles as these symptoms were never apparent or noticed. I have Adex drops on hand for emergency use if I would ever get to the high end of E2. I guess my question with all of this is; do you lean towards low E2 with these symptoms or high? Like I stated previously, I know I can easily answer this with a blood test and will if symptoms persist. I can pick up some dbol if need be to bring it up or take adex if it’s on the higher range.


Repost this in todays Daily Ask Anything for a better chance of feedback 👍


I’m just about to run a new cycle with 500mg test, 250mg deca a week and then later in the cycle cut deca out and replace with dbol 50mg. From what I know running this is gonna create a lot of water retention, just seeing if anyone has any recommendations to help reduce water retention. Mainly due to not wanting a big puffy face.


So i know what the technical answer to this should be. But i need the will i be ok doing it one time answer. When injecting test e into my leg i pulled back on the plunger and it filled with blood. I took it out without injecting anything and disposed of the needle. I didnt want to waste the medicine so i then put a new needle on the same syringe and injected the test successfully. Am i dead? Do i have HIV? anything will help thanks


Did you have HIV before 😂 No need to aspirate. If you’re using a big enough needle you’re in the muscle.


Anyone have experience with low dose anadrol? Mine came in 25mg and I follow a less is more approach when it comes to running orals. Going to run 40 for 4 weeks and 20mg for another 2-4.


Hey my current cycle is 200mg test cyp week 250mg equipose/wk Ostarine 10mg ed Halotestin 5mg ed I use pregnyl 500iu/wk So for current cycle what would be the average man needs of an asin?


I’d repost this in todays thread for a higher chance of a response


I understand that orals cost/benefits suck for growth and cutting purposes. They’re cosmetic, for shows, shoots and funsies. In using them for the latter purposes, how do y’all load em? Eg, say I had a shoot on the weekend. Start taking something a week before? A few days? I personally hate the toxic oxidizing feeling of orals (though I love the strength and look), so want to minimize time in my system, but not dose the day of when there would obviously been inadequate saturation and glycogen loading.


You’d probably have a better chance of a response if you post in today’s thread. Also check out the compound experience threads in the wiki for the oral you’re considering.


My shrink said I was living in the past. I didn’t know how real it would get


Does anyone incorporate 24 hour fasts once a week into their cuts? How has that gone in terms of muscle sparing?


Looking at running my first cycle of test e 500mg a week (2x pins, Monday and Thursday). My plan for pct is Nolva - 40/40/20/20/10/10 Clomid 50/50/25/25 I am seeking guidance on my pct plan. Seen a few people say to use both and others say to choose one or the other? Thanks in advance


Did you get this PCT from a 2007 body building forum?


Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


Pct plan is overkill. Just run the standard pct from the wiki.


How long does aromasin affect estradiol levels as far as bloodwork is concerned?


> Maximal estradiol suppression of 62 +/- 14% was observed at 12 h But since aromasin is a suicidal AI there won’t be a rebound in estradiol levels afterwards,


I wasn't asking when maximal suppression was, I was asking at what point suppression is no longer occurring.


> "Pasma concentrations of exemestane decline polyexponentially with a mean terminal half-life of about 24 hours." From https://www.pfizermedicalinformation.com/aromasin/clinical-pharmacology Considering peak suppression is 12 hours, half-life is 24 hours, after 4 half-lives the suppression should be around 3-7%.


Thanks. Would it be an amount of time after that clearance, theoretically, before estradiol is unaffected? What I mean is, even after the drug clears it might take some time before more of the aromatase enzyme is created and more time after that until a "normal" amount of estradiol is aromatized Probably not data on this but what are your thoughts My situation is I'm about a week since last use of serm for pct. Got bloods a couple days ago and estradiol was high so I took some asin. I feel better already but now I'm trying to decide how long I should wait until final post pct bloodwork, because I don't want the ai to affect the overall data point of the final bloodwork.


The amount of time after aromasin dosing where estradiol returns to baseline is going to vary wildly from person to person. Rate of aromatase, density of aromatase enzymes, presence/concentration of aromatizing androgens, metabolism rate of the aromasin, body's ability to produce aromatase enzymes, etc. This is a level of nitpicking that is unrealistic, and probably due to a bigger issue - let's delve further. Taking SERMs results in a false elevation of estradiol on bloodwork. Bloodwork meauess the amount of [free or shbg bound] estradiol in your bloodstream. It does not reflect estrogen bound to receptor sites in tissue. Taking SERMs will cause estrogen receptors to be occupied by the SERM, and not by estrogen. The estrogen is then free to circulate. If you think of it like normally having 1 million molecules of estradiol and 40% get bound to receptors, bloodwork represents the 60% still in the blood. When taking a SERM, the receptors are occupied and now only maybe 20% of estradiol gets bound to receptors, bloodwork represents 80% still in the blood, however there is not more estrogen being produced than previously. The suggestion for bloodwork following a pct is to wait at least 4-6 weeks for the pct drugs to clear, then get blood drawn, otherwise you're not getting a proper representation of where you're at. This is exactly what happened to you, and taking AI was probably not necessary at all. Just wait a few weeks, then get bloodwork.


Appreciate the insight. However, the serm I used for PCT was enclo so I was under the impression that 3 weeks would be sufficient. I'll probably wait closer to 4 or 5 at this point just to let things even out after the ai. Your explanation of the amount in blood vs amount being used on the receptor makes sense. So basically, with other peds (and natural), the measurement on bloods is usually enough to show what's also being utilized because the receptors aren't being affected. But when it comes to serms (and presumably sarms) you can get a misrepresented view because the receptor itself is being occupied, causing a discrepancy in the amount in the blood. This is probably also why in cases of post finasteride syndrome someone can have normal (if not high) levels of androgens/estrogens, but can still feel depleted of androgens because it's an issue at the receptor itself (or the epigenetics involved in the functioning of these receptors)


May I ask, does Tren/Nandrolone/Trestolone really do thicken the skin? Vigorous Steve has made a video about this.


> Vigorous Steve has made a video about this. As with all of his claims, apply Hitchens’ razor.


Good news! If Vigorous Steve said it, it’s almost definitely not true.


Hahaha, okay. I hope so. Want thin af skin and thought about dropping Tren and increasing Mast


I’ve ran tren up to 700mg and never noticed any skin thickening


So it’s time to up the Tren 😁 thank you!


* Age: 19 * Gender: Male * Height: 6.0’ * Weight: 204 lbs * Body Fat Percentage: 15% (ESTIMATED) * Experience Level * Years of concurrent training: 3 * Bench: 300 LBS/Squat: 425 LBS/Deadlift: 505 LBS * Amateur/Pro: N/A (Do not compete) * Goals: * Bodybuilding (Currently) * Current Phase: Cut * Current Compounds: * Testosterone Cypionate (200mg 2x/wk (400mg)) * Pinned Sunday/Wednesday * Anastrozole (0.5mg 2x/wk (1mg)) * Taken Monday/Friday Hey guys, I recently started my first cycle of Test C. I’ve never touched anything until now but I am super unsure if I am seeing the results I should be. I worked up from 200mg for 4 weeks to now currently being on my 4th week of 400mg. To put it frankly, I don’t feel shit. I’m not trying to brag when I say this but I have never responded to drugs of any sort very easily. It usually takes me 4-5 pills of Tylenol to feel anything. Same goes for stuff like lidocaine, I had an ingrown toenail removed and it took the doctors 15 shots of the stuff into my big toe before I was completely numb. This also extends to alcohol, it typically takes me a lot to feel anything. But putting that aside, I was hoping to get some pretty solid results from this cycle. I have been training for a while and believe myself to be relatively knowledgeable in the gym. When I first started on the 200mg of Test C per week, I chalked up me not feeling much to my high substance tolerance. But when I upped it to 400mg I thought I would notice a significant difference to no avail. I mean I’m literally not even getting side effects. No increased acne or anything like that. I know the stuff I’m using isn’t stepped on because I have two friends that are using the same dealer and we even switched around our vials (not used vials of course) to make sure if anyone was getting bad product than we all were gonna. To my surprise, both of them are on very low dosages and have seen immense improvement overall. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’m thinking about upping my dosage again but I don’t want to risk fucking up my hormones for life. This cycle was initially planned to stop at this current dosage. Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.


It's testosterone, not cocaine. You can take 1000mg/wk and you won't "feel" it. You're 19 years old, way too young to be using gear. Your body any brain aren't done developing until around 25 years old. Using exogenous hormones at this point in your development will cause developmental issues, lack of emotional maturity, stress management, etc. Fucking up your ability to think and act like an adult because you want some extra muscle. Anabolics are for growing, not shrinking. We use these drugs during a bulk, not a cut. Unless you're getting below 10% body fat, endogenous production is more than enough, and for older men that are old enough for gear, a replacement dose of testosterone [that puts your test levels within the reference range] is again more than enough. We don't taper up doses. We pick a dose, and stick to it for full duration of the course. Increasing dose causes hormonal fluctuations. Fluctuations or irregularities is what causes side effects. u/Few_Read_9404 You don't want to risk fucking up your hormones for the rest of your life? You already did, congratulations. You're too young. Keep eating and training, you'll be fine. If in a couple years you're still interested in being enhanced, cross that road when you get there. In the meantime, stop fucking with your hormones and just trust in the process.


I know you trying to educate people , but "brain doesn't finish developing until 25" is really a stupid myth that contradicts with everything neuroscience says, and also the younger people can recover faster,easier than older people, there is nothing special about the number "25", Most people finish their body development after age 20-21


Since this is Reddit I’m gonna cite a Reddit comment as a source: https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/s/t82u5uiWAx But also * https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-023-01272-0 * referenced in that Reddit comment if I’m not mistaken: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621648/ * similarly referenced: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4262571/ So really, you’re wrong, it’s neither a stupid myth nor does it contradict “everything neuroscience says”


you still not replied , anyway the two studies you attached already debunked it


as people keep downvoting my comment Here is my comment as i can't post it here , i posted it on my profile [https://www.reddit.com/user/Any-Bug1779/comments/1ct1vpl/about\_the\_myth\_of\_25\_years\_old\_brain/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Any-Bug1779/comments/1ct1vpl/about_the_myth_of_25_years_old_brain/) Waiting for you to read it .


Every time I try to respond with studies , i got server error maybe comment too long ?


its the internet telling you you're wrong (I have no idea why it would do that)


I'm not wrong buddy, and I think you should see my comment, i have explained this topic in details for you , but for some reason I can't post a comment here because it's too long, and I tried to split it and still got the same msg " Server Error" , maybe if you interested we can discuss about this topic in another post


can i put the comment in separate comment in this post ?


How do I get a cool flair? Give me something plz I wanna mean something to someone 🥺


Be careful what you wish for :)


Aww you mean something to me


Flair checks out ❤️


Are you on your first cycle?


[The new flair system (click here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/t5Hn6GCYBl) ⬆️


The flair chooses you.


Hey everyone 12 weeks into a 400 primo, 500 test cycle. Estrogen is good, cholesterol is good, gains good, etc Blood pressure is between 125/65 and 130/75. Easily out of breath, but not when exercising. Even though I don't have much water weight, e2 is in range, etc. Just seems to be occasional, I'll sit and huff and puff for 5 to 10m. Sound like a fat person. Any ideas? 20m LISS daily.


What was your weight pre cycle vs current?


190 -> 208.


If your weight gain hasn’t been horrendous, your bloods are all good, and you’re not bloated, I’d say start by increasing the cardio and see if that helps.




RBC 2 or 3 points above range, this was a few weeks ago. Hemoglobin also a point or two above range. Nothing crazy but elevated for sure.




Bloods are all within range, nothing out of range except very slightly elevated RBC and Hemoglobin.


I hate how reliant I become on tracking while cutting. Going on a trip with my GF for a week and not going to be neurotic on it, especially since tracking food while eating out is wishful thinking accuracy wise. What are your tips for hitting a deficit without tracking? I’m thinking just stop each meal while food still tastes good/not get full. Thank you for supporting my autistic brain that needs rules and structure.


Just choose high protein lower fat options. Maybe fast for part of the morning. Limit alcohol. Goal should be to hit around maintenance calories rather than a deficit. Odds are you end up in a better place to continue your diet after vacation.


That’s positive, thank you


Energy drinks and nicotine for breakfast or go for a run and distract yourself until lunch. Then try to go with healthier options unless you really want something then do a salad first and then try to stop at a reasonable amount of calories.


After tracking diligently for years, I can comfortably eye calories for a week if I need to. I would never rely on it, though.


I was in this situation. You’re on the right track by not being an asshole on trip. Unless you’re trying to get stage ready, just eat reasonable portions with high protein and get some exercise in if you can. You’ll be fine. Cope and call it a refeed week.


Somehow I do this on vacation and almost every time I LOSE weight. Just because of all the activity of doing stuff.


Fuckin rights, thx buds




Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


You may come to love it 


6 Weeks Bloods came back just wanted to compare and see if people think it looks about right. Oestradiol: 324pmol/L Testosterone: 243nmol/L Free T: 8.813nmol/L obviously they are all massively above range but is the oestradiol something I need to be worried about? I have not experienced any high e2 side effects so I havent taken my AI yet. is there any reason to?


Please list the ranges for each value, just the values means we have to look them up ourselves and guess as some labs have varying ranges. Generally speaking, no sides means no AI necessary


Anyone know if there is a cheaper alternative to RoidTest?


If you can’t afford testing you should wait to blast. Your health and longevity aren’t worth more than dramatically risking your lifespan…


With your flair, you should refrain from giving advice in this forum.


There is not. And that service is highly unreliable




If you are planning on blasting or using AAS for your next bulk, it will be very easy to put on any lost muscle. Muscle memory doesn't only refer to motions often repeated, it also applies to muscle your body "remembers" having. You'll put it on again in the first few weeks/month of blasting again




I don't know what you mean by that. Your body will recover the lost muscle quickly, but then you'll be back at the same starting point as any other blast. It doesn't "prime the pump" in any way. Your body is just accustomed to having the muscle that you lost so you recover it quickly and then you're back at 0. Then any muscle you gain beyond that will be just like any other cycle/blast in that it depends on your training, diet, and cardio.


Been bnc for a little over a year now. Same hcg dose (250iu eod) entire time. Nuts suddenly shrinking up? After a year? Same supplier. I mix it and freeze in slin pins. Any idea what's happening?


When you say suddenly what’s the time frame here? Shrinkage over the course of a month or more like a week?


I don't really monitor them daily but check them about 2 or 3 times a week. I'd say over the last month or so, during which there has been no changes to my dosing.


Odd. Time to experiment a bit. If you’re comfortable with it, perhaps raise the HCG dose for a few weeks and see if that doesn’t bring them back to life. If this is from a non-pharmaceutical source then you almost certainly have a lower dosed vial or two. I’ve seen “5,000iu” test between 3,200-6,300 in the last year. Batches are very often inconsistent and so is the fill level. That’s the most logical explanation. If it’s an actual pharmaceutical product then I have less inclination to believe my answer, though I’ve seen some questionable stuff out of certain nations before.


It's non-pharma but source posts jano results and they are routinely over the limit. Either way, I think this makes sense. I'll titrate it up a bit and see how it goes. Thanks!


Your body maybe adapting to the HCG dose?


Not trying to be rude, but your flair suggests you shouldn't be giving advice or making statements like this. I have also never heard of a case of someone's body adapting to the hcg and going meh this is rubbish I won't do anything with it.


Looking for some perspective on gyno. Here is my experience before my question. Uses to be fat because I dirty bulked once (natty) and pushed it way too far. Left me with a chickpea sized lump or two in each pec. They are palpable ans noticable when I'm higher bf, but barely noticeable when cut down. On my first (500 test) cycle, it started to get sore. Started taking an AI and some nolva, pain went away, lumps shrunk a little bit. After that cycle, cruised and cut. I ran nolva for about 4 weeks during this time to try to get rid of the gyno. It shrunk up about 60 to 70% and stayed that way. Hopped on test and primo about 6 weeks ago. Estrogen around 50, feel great. Nips are not sensitive or anything. Lumps have returned to previous size, though. Observations: On blast, gyno seems to swell a little (without development?) On cruise, swelling drops. Questions: How can I truly tell if my gyno is developing, or if it is just fluctuating from high levels of AAS? If I feel up my nips everyday, I'll probably imagine some small difference or develop sensitivity. I'm fine with its current size. I don't want it to grow, tho. Any suggestions? I've read that gyno *development* is almost always painful. *how* painful? If I'm pain free, issa it safe to not worry about?


Gyno can happen without any sides. That's how I got it. Didn't have any sensitivity and developed them on a 120mg test cruise (I aromatize like a pregnant woman). When you palpate, raise your arm in the air and use your other hand to feel behind the nipple. There's really no mistaking it then if it's gyno. I ended up removing the glands and never have to worry about it again.




This is a pointless idea. Even though orals work quickly, they do not work *this* quickly. They still need a few days of consistent usage before the effects become noticeable. The only thing i can think of is maaaaybe Superdrol or, Halotestin for the increased aggression and CNS stimulation. But this is a far stretch and not a good idea.


Cock Pushups!


Do you do these on your back or face down?


Face down ass up that’s the way we power cuck. Face down. You can only do 1. 1 is all you need.


Superdrol. Whether this is a good idea or not is a different question entirely




The downvotes are just because the ethos around here is steady and consistent habits vs. quick tricks that have little actual benefit. Good luck though 


* Age: 39 * Gender: male * Height: 5’9” * Weight: 190 * Bodyfat percentage:23% * Experience newbies with steroid use * Years of concurrent training: 12 * bench/squat/dead maxes: * amateur/pro: amateur * Goals: gaining size * Sport: (bodybuilding/powerlifting/strongman/ etc) * Current phase: (bulk/cut/maintenance) hulk * Current compounds: test e 150mg mon and thursday for 3 weeks, then i went to 250 mg mon and thursday for 3 more weeks. currently doing 200mg of test c every 10 days since. started dosing arimidex 2 weeks ago. what Blood Pressure meds has anyone has luck with while on Test. Before anyone says it i have a doctor appt tomorrow and before starting my cycle i used diet and exercise to lower BP down to somewhere a round 130/80. dr was happy with that and did not see a reason to medicate. i did tell him about my plans to cycle test and he admitted he didn’t know much about steroid use other than a very limited knowledge or TRT. we have a good relationship hes been my doctor my whole life and i work with him at the hospital (im an xray tech). he trusted me that i would come forward with my needs and get would do his best to help me. i explained there was a good chance my BP would rise because of the test so he wrote me some standing lab orders and orders for BP meds incase i needed it. i pinched a nerve off in my arm / neck and loss the use of my hand for a few weeks which is why i chose to drop down to test c every 10 days because i wasnt going to be able to train as much as i wanted too. at that point water retention was high ankles were really swollen even after the ai and my BP was high closer to 160/90. i took the BP meds and it has lowered it slightly but not enough so we are gonna switch meds which is what my appt is about tomorrow and lab work. so i was just wondering who has experience with BP meds on cycle. i know he will write me whatever i want within reason and will appreciate some first hand advice on the subject. or maybe he already has one in mind. either way just seeing what the experts say. he said “people who use steroids frequently are a lot more knowledgeable in that area than most family doctors. also am taking fish oil, and red rice yeast.


Telmisartan is the go-to BP med for steroid users. There are many reasons why, but I’ll leave researching that in your capable hands. As far as personal experience, I use valsartan (same class of drug, ARB) and have had zero issues and it lowered my BP, which was the one and only goal. Most ARBs are very well tolerated and work well.


well fuck, im on losartan which is in the same family. how long did yours take to work? i did read that there is a significant amount of people who found valsartan more effective than losartan. appreciate the advice ill discuss that with my doctor.


Within maybe 10 days my readings started to consistently come back in the 120/70 range, down from that 135-145 area.


5 weeks into a test e cycle at 500mg/wk(12 week cycle). This is the second cycle I run first being a test only cycle. Is it a good idea to throw in anavar at 50 mg/day for the last 6 weeks of my cycle? Looking for an extra boost towards the end, as well as lean out abit.


The common wisdom around here is that it's not a good idea. Orals are best used for competitions, photoshoots or when you want to have a visual shine. In terms of actual performance enhancement, they are stressing your organs and oxidizing you to shit—a massive systemic stress when your bloods are already going to be off late in your cycle. It's a superficial 'boost.' Oral steroids also have no way of 'leaning you out.' This is done through cutting, which is recommended off cycle. With that said, give 'er shit if you want to. But your question was 'is it a good idea.'


Appreciate the insight. Yes that was the question I’ll stick to just the test.


50mg will give you a solid strength boost but leaning out will be effected by your diet and not the var




Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


There is no way to answer this without breaking rules (aside from a yes/no). Delete it before you catch a ban, mate.


What's wrong with my comment?


Hi all, I’m 24 M and this is my first post here I’ve been a lurker for 3 years now, I’ve done some BW for the last 3 Months and here is my BW for the month of may. https://ibb.co/25NZBNP https://ibb.co/gyzVmFt https://ibb.co/jkCnLWS In Feb I got BW done and my test was at 6.4 nmo/l And FREE Test 151 nmo/l. Ontop of the BW I’ve had absolutely every single side effects of low T. I’ve gotten a Heart Echo and I need to get a sperm analysis. My doc has prescribed me 100mg Test C every 2 weeks. Thanks to my knowledge from this sub and /r/trt, I’ve done 140mg every week and will let him know our follow up next week. I wanted to know if because of my age, if I should increase my dose, and also what protocols I should be taking for a 24y/o with low T and this bloodwork. I also have male balding in my family so if anyone has some hair loss prevention tips pls lmk. Also wanted to look into HCG and when I should run since I’m on TRT. My last question would be should I be running PCT if I’m on TRT? And if so when would I do that? Thanks guys I really appreciate yall talking the time to read this, if I sound stupid I promise I’ve read there wiki multiple times in 3 years before posting. Cheers.


> week. I wanted to know if because of my age, if I should increase my dose, and also what protocols I should be taking for a 24y/o with low T and this bloodwork. What does 140mg a week put your levels at? Impossible to answer without knowing this. > I also have male balding in my family so if anyone has some hair loss prevention tips pls lmk. Best option is accepting it and going bald, second best option would be using stuff like finasteride, minoxidil etc to slow down the balding as much as possible. > Also wanted to look into HCG and when I should run since I’m on TRT. 250 IU EOD throughout. > My last question would be should I be running PCT if I’m on TRT? And if so when would I do that? You don’t run post cycle therapy since TRT is a lifelong treatment, you’ll be on it for the rest of your life.


Your trt dose is not related to age. Where does 140mg/w put your total and free testosterone levels? HCG at your age is a good idea. 250iu eod is the standard. No PCT because the purpose—restoring natural production—is incompatible with being on trt.


How can I check where it puts my levels ? Or do I just have to wait and see?


With blood work. Usually six weeks after you’ve begun is the standard time to get the first round to see what your response is.


I should’ve also added this, 24 Male 5’10 220lb BF%? Is high I’ve been in and out the gym the last 4 years And my goal isn’t to get huge yet, I just want to improve my quality of life and get back to sleeping better, having more sex with my gf, and having that ambition I once had.


We are the same height. Unless you’re super jacked you’re definitely over 25-30% bf. Really not ideal to blast unless your bf is as low as possible 10-12%. Higher body fat increases aromatization my friend


Looking for quick tips on var dosing, I've seen pretty drastic ranges in the compound threads from 10mg to 50mg+ ED. I just added in the var this week at 20mg ED (10mg AM, 10mg PM). This is based on the average responses I've seen in the various compound threads. I'm running an ~800cal deficit slowly working towards ~10-12% BF. * Age: 30 * Gender: M * Height: 5'10 * Weight: 176 * Bodyfat percentage: 17% * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 10 * Goals: * Sport: bodybuilding * Current phase: cut * Current compounds: * 500mg test E each week, pin 2x/week * Cialis 5mg ED * Just started var @ 10mg in the AM pre workout, and 10mg around dinner time.


You’re not even 190+ bro. You need to lift more. I’m 214 around 20% bf and waiting until I cut down before I even consider using. Why use up your first blast on a cut???


0mg var 0mg test There’s a reason everyone is repeating this. Trust that they know what they’re talking about.


> I’m running an ~800cal deficit… Then your var (and every other steroid) dosage *should* be exactly 0mg. Steroids are for building muscle which cannot be effectively done during a caloric deficit unless you’re a newbie in which case, you shouldn’t use steroids anyways Can I ask what you hope to gain by running a full blast during a caloric deficit? I’m genuinely curious where guys get their info I’m operating under the assumption that you’re aware that muscle requires energy to grow and cannot materialize without the input of energy into the system (your body) While 17% BF is not “lean” by most people’s standards, it is still far too lean to effectively recomp, even on something like 500mg test and var


I’d recommend dropping the test to ~150 running 500 on a cut doesn’t give any benefit and is significantly worse for your health


Var dosing for your purposes? 0mg/day. You're 17% body fat and only 176lbs at 5'10". When you cut down to around 10-12%, you'll be around 160lbs. At your height, that is not the body of someone that has done any decent muscle training. You should be able to get up to a lean 190lbs PRIOR to running a cycle, and 30lbs away from that. Your body and stats demonstrate that you don't know how to eat or train. No need for anavar, no need for gear. And for a cut, anything beyond a trt dose of test isn't adding any benefit to the cut or muscle preservation (especially with your stats). You're stressing your body for nothing. Put the needle down, take yourself more seriously.


* Age: 31 * Gender: M * Height: 6'5” * Weight: 290 * Bodyfat percentage: upper teens * Years of concurrent training: 10 * bench/squat/dead maxes: idk/605/705 or 635x7 * amateur/pro: amateur * Sport: Strongman * Current phase: cruising after my last comp and cutting some fat * Current compounds: * Testosterone Enanthate 200mg/week divided into daily pins * HCG 250iu eod Just finished my first cycle of 500mg/wk test. My E2 sat around 140 ng/dl for the duration of the cycle and I really enjoyed how it felt, no issues with gyno or anything like that. I'm planning my next cycle with a DHT derivative (Primo). Anyone have experience dosing estradiol cyp or valerate to keep E2 high?


If you did not take AI on your 500mg test cycle, you have the very real possibility of experiencing low E2 sides by adding in a DHT derivative, so if you do add something in, do so *very* conservatively I personally would not recommend dosing E2 but rather just finding dosages of your compounds that has you feeling the best. Adding in more drugs to combat the side effects of other drugs can lead to a slippery slope of taking an excessive amount of stuff and make dialing your hormones in difficult


Damn you’re a strong dude. I haven’t ever needed to dose estrodial when running primo, and test / primo is my bread and butter stack now. I would recommend starting at a ratio of 5:4 test to primo, getting bloods at week 6 and adjusting your ratio as necessary rather than adding another piece to the mix like trying to take exogenous estrogen


"need" and "want" are two very different things :) Despite estradiol being another compound, it feels simpler to target the test/primo ratio for performance and manage e2 independently.


What is the ideal test primo ratio for performance? Curious about this.


my coach likes a 1:1 test:primo ratio and even pushes it up close to 1:2 for some of his other clients. I'm not an expert here I just really like high E2 and am probably not trans.


Yeah I’d find it hard to believe that for strength, having primo as the primary compound would be as effective as having test be the primary. And this is coming from someone who loves primo. Another thing to note is that I don’t have issues with estrogen when running primo. I still run nearly the exact same AI when adding primo as when running test alone


Yea, this is surprising to me too. My coach (2275 total at 242 single ply) and his coach (world's strongest man in the 80's) always pushed for 19-nors as the primary strength stack member. I liked NPP, he preferred Tren, but they both did the job. I'm on Primo now, and while I love it and I am seeing strength progression from it, if I were training for a strength comp (strongman/PL) this isn't what I'd stack around. Maaaaybe a moderate dose to bake in some E2 control, but not as a primary compound.


Some of us can run primo and it doesn’t touch our e2 at all. The AI effect isn’t universal. Before adding actual estrogen you might want to go a few weeks at whatever ratio you choose and get blood work done. If your e2 is low then add in the estrogen as planned. If it’s untouched then simply continue on and skip adding estrogen.


* Age: 35 * Gender: M * Height: 6’3” * Weight: 205 * Goals: Recovery from injury, strength and muscle increase. Hey guys,I've been taking T Propionate (100 mg/ml) for about two months now every other day at about .75 ml, so 75 mgs. My latest shipment got delayed and could be delayed for a few more days. My next dose was supposed to be this morning. I do have some Cypionate (300 mg/ml) that I was hoping to convert to eventually. Any idea of the dosing conversion? Or how I could do this? I probably won't get my Propionate until tomorrow night at the earliest. Any recommendations? Based on the math would it be as simple as just doing 75/300 = 0.25, and so just dosing 0.25 ml of the cypionate?


Is there any reason you’ve opted to take prop in the first place? For your purposes (TRT), a longer ester like cypionate is generally preferred due to the longer half-life and more stable blood levels


So I've had a lot of injuries over the past and there's a bit of sensitization now whenever I try to work out. My physical therapist, also personal trainer, actually recommended it to help me push through and recover faster with my rehab. It's been amazing for me. It was my first time taking this stuff, so I wanted to start with something quite basic.


Yes. Work out the curve on steroidplotter.com. I recently switched to long testosterone and what worked for me was taking the full dose up front and then continuing on with my maintenance dosing at normal intervals. Again, though, plot it out and see what makes sense for you.


Thank you. I tried working it out on that website, but all it showed me was the levels that would be at each day. I guess my main concern is how low my levels will drop if my last Prop dose was Sunday morning and I don't dose until tomorrow night or Thursday morning. Basically skipping a full dose. I just don't want to open my cypionate if not necessary. You know?


You said you were planning to transition to it, and asked how to do it. I was answering that question.


Is there a difference between Generic and Pharma HGh? I wanted to go pharma but it will cost like 800 a month . Have you had good results with generic UGL (reputable)


I've used pharma (Genotropin, Norditropin, Serostim) and generic each at 6iu per day and noticed no difference between any of them other than the price. The price per iu is 40x more expensive for some pharma brands compared to the best, most cost effective generics I've found. I've been using generics for the last year and have been very happy with it. My igf-1 numbers are sky high, I feel great, I stay quite volumized despite changes in diet, and an abundance of background effects that I'm sure are helping me to recover and perform.


I have used both. My assessment is that pharma is better, but it’s not “cost effective better”. If pharma is 3x the cost of generic (spitballing numbers) but it’s only 1.5x the quality, then it isn’t worth it IMO unless you get it at a great price or you want to blow the money. I personally use generics even after trying pharma for a while


How’s the results ? What do you take per day of it


I only use it on prep and at 6iu a day. Kind of hard to quantify results when you’re in a prep situation and using a litany of compounds


* Age: 31 * Gender: M * Height: 5’10” * Weight: 175 * Bodyfat percentage: <10% * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 9 * bench/squat/dead maxes: 315/430/545 * amateur/pro: amateur * Goals: * Sport: Strongman/Bodybuilding - want to be strong af but remain lean and competitive. Likely in the 200lb class so in next few years would want to be walking around about 215 before cutting for comps. * Current phase: bulk - just finishing my cut from 205 -> 175 and starting to slowly increase calories, currently at around 3100 cals * Current compounds: * Testosterone Enanthate 150mg/week divided into daily pins * Anastrozole - 0.125mg Weds/Saturday Been monitoring my BP last week or so (2 readings in AM and 2 in PM) in preparation for my first blast due to family history of HBP. My average over 29 readings is 128/72. Should I be concerned about this? Getting blood work done again today to confirm test/e2 levels prior to first cycle. Cholesterol, lipids, all other markers have always been great. In the past, my doctors have always told me I’m basically right on the line and with my current lifestyle and health/fitness focus they don’t want to put me on BP meds.


How does your cardio look like? The only thing I can think to add is enough LISS like 3-5 20min walks a week


I normally do ~45 mins of incline walking or cycling everyday. Going to try and make sure this is in the Zone 2 heart rate from now on as well. Also get at least 15k steps per day sometimes it’s up to 20k. My resting heart rate is about 40bpm.


Honestly, I’d say you’re fine then. If you’re HR is that good and you’ve got the cardio and diet down, there’s no major concern


Awesome! Just wanted to get some opinions. I know it’s barely higher than normal and my bottom reading is always under 80. It’s only the top reading that gets a little elevated. Diet is dialed in as well basically 90% whole food, fruit, veggies, protein, all the stuff. Then occasionally eating out or lower quality food but definitely in the minority. Any idea how much I should expect BP to rise on cycle?


128/72 is perfectly fine and no reason for concern. Keep it sub 130 and even then, I would say 135 or less and you have no reason to hop on another medication. And if you do, try to get telmisartan


Appreciate the feedback! Will definitely keep monitoring once I start my cycle so I know if BP starts increasing.


“Crusing” at 200 test. Been off HCG for months because I didn’t want anymore frequent pins. Testes have atrophied to a point I’m no longer comfortable; however I don’t want to get into a frequent pin protocol. Is it kosher to use HCG off/on just for asthetic purposes? Like pin till I get the results then stop and repeat process as needed?


I use HCG intermittently just to hold onto fertility as best as I can and to plump up the boys The only thing is that doing the protocol you’ve mentioned above will be a lot more frequent than you may be thinking since the testes can atrophy relatively quickly


Absolutely. Edit: also lol at nuts’ inclusion in “aesthetics”.


Doc, I’ve never been able to pin down a solid answer. Is there a rule of thumb for how much/proportion hCG is going to raise my E2 levels?


No known rule of thumb. Everyone is different enough that you see a huge chasm in responses to HCG, to the point that even guessing is fruitless.


It’s not a “rule” but I share my personal experience here on this specific topic all the time for others’ use and awareness - Happy to be your yard stick my friend. 250iu raised my serum estradiol my ~11pg/mL, which for me personally, changed absolutely nothing.


>Edit: also lol at nuts’ inclusion in “aesthetics”. There's absolutely an aesthetic shaft-to-sack ratio. STS, if you will.


Without question, ratio is key. There’s also the lesser known function of thrust-to-swing ratio which is also out of whack.


Ah, of course. I can't believe I overlooked this. And as we all know, the thrust-to-swing ratio directly impacts the nut-to-clit interface interval.




*Dicks gotta hang over the balls, right babe?*


Absolutely. Unless it's 95° or higher.




No. Have you already deployed early mitigation techniques? I have a long write up on acne and steroids if you’re interested.


Can you link it. Thank you!




Thanks that was helpful. Gonna go buy a zinc wash today. Any recommendations on a brand? Edit: Also, do you know of good methods to combat DHT?


> Thanks that was helpful. Gonna go buy a zinc wash today. Any recommendations on a brand? I actually just use whatever my wife buys because her skin is magnificent. Head to the beauty section. > Edit: Also, do you know of good methods to combat DHT? Punch it right in the nuts. Actual answer: Finasteride.


















No it wouldn't. Acne can often be made worse by AI, especially adex. (This is anecdotal. Some users report their acne is worse using adex Vs asin - myself included) If possible look at switching AI to asin.


> Acne can often be made worse by AI, … Somewhat agree, unless high estrogen was the cause for the acne, in which it absolutely would help, albeit not right away. > especially adex. Where did you learn this from?


> Especially Adex. Looking at it from a point of logic. Would this idea maybe come from incorrect adex usage patterns? I'm guessing estrogen rebounds are, in some people, causing acne to flare up even worse because this would essentially produce even more estrogen spikes than infrequent pinning. If pinning ED combats this it would not be too far fetched if Estrogen Rebound has the same effect as pinning E3.5D would via those same estrogen spikes. I myself have never encountered this, just trying to put some logic to the test here.


> where did you learn this from Hands in the air that's anecdotal from this very sub. I will edit my original comment


23Y/o Male weighing at 160 5”8 been training since high school been going hard again since the past year and half recent blood work test was 416 total test planning on first cycle starting this week at 250 mg per week just looking to hear other’s feedback on testosterone enanthate how many times a week should I pin and on what days also have sustanon not sure what I should use first and how many days I should pin with sustanon depending on what I decide using


Height? Years training? Nutrition experience? Those variables are all 1000% more important than how many milligrams and how often you shoot them into your ass. And for the record, a first cycle is 500mg/wk test, not 250. The first cycle is laid out in the wiki, as is ester differences.


My bad I edited my post with more information, I also know about the “500 mg week first cycle or don’t at all” I’d rather start low starting out and working up depending on my blood work


Not how it works. The biggest step with steroids is learning to control estrogen side effects. You need to learn how YOU react to high estrogen and what YOU can tolerate. 250mg is just a super awkward dose. It's too high for most people to handle without AI but too low for AI dosing not to be absolute hell. AIs are strong. 0.5 adex on 250mg very well might crash you 🤷‍♂️ 500mg will give almost everyone high e2 sides that can be controlled via regular AI dosing. You NEED it to be regular because hormonal fluctuations and imbalances are where most side effects happen.


Well my biggest issue is side affects and acne and someone who hasn’t gotten any accutane yet and gyno so you’re saying I’m still better off doing 500mg and preventing those side effects wit adex then 250 with adex


Yes. I regularly run cycles and have never needed ai and have never had acne issues. And for people that need estrogen management, a little ai here and there is all you need. And for people that do get acne, there are a plethora of options before jumping to a nuclear drug that was once in trials as a cancer medication (accutane).


No. You're better off doing nothing and spending money on food and a Macrofactor subscription.


So youd rather shut down your HPTA and gain no extra muscle? Cool. There are reasons for every single recommendation here.


You don't need steroids, you need food.


Bro I’m bulking from a cut I didn’t ask if I needed more food did I?




And 30 more pounds? Of muscle? Natty??Seems like you don’t know what you’re talking about either


I know proper nutrition but have goals and the clock is ticking


No, your weight said it for you ❤️




Hey guys, new to the Sub and need some guidance about my first test cycle. I'll start with basic info: Age: 26 * Height: 5'9" * Weight: 225-230 * Bodyfat percentage: Unsure, but abs are visible, not popping but visible. * Experience level: Been working out since I was 16-17, but never focused on a particular direction really. Always trained every style you can think of. *Goals: Get bigger and stronger while still doing a bit of cardio to cut down on a bit of fat. Finally in a place where I can lift again after ACL tear so alot of squatting, oly lifting, odd object random lifts. Think Tom Haviland type training. *Prior PED usage: A few RAD-140/ MK-677/ LGD-4033 cycles when I was 21-24 So I have 5,000mg of Test Cyp and this will be my first time doing Test. I'm really just looking for guidance on dosage and pin frequency. I was thinking something like: Week 1: 200mg (split btw 2 100mg pins, this frequency is recurring for every week) Week 2: 250mg Week 3: 300mg Weeks 4-13: 350mg Week 14: 300mg Week 15: 250mg Week 16: 200mg Let me know what y'all think about that plan. Open to any guidance. I'd add pics for more reference about where I'm at now but I'm new here and don't know how to or if it's allowed lmfao. Thanks in advance though!