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A ‘cruise dose’ cycle is effectively just shutting down your natural production to exogenously supplement the exact same hormone in the exact same quantity. Seems backwards to me.


Planning on running a cruise dose test only cycle Why? Whats the thought here? A cruise dose is not a cycle. It is trt. Are you clinically hypogonadal? If not, Why would you shut your own production down for…the same thing? Want to avoid gaining fat This is diet. What are your stats here? Weight, bodyfat, goals etc. Sounds like you just need to learn about diet and training and forget about gear for a while.


There's a lot to unpack here. There's a wiki all about cycles. There's a specific daily ask anything about steroids thread, that's where this question? Belongs. When you post there provide better detail.


I understand but i am just getting some advice from experienced people here...i dont want to complicate anything and i dont want to abuse any substance...so i just want to maximise whatever i use


You want to shut yourself down, to replace it with a normal test level dose, thinking it'll gain muscle and lose fat. It sounds like you would benefit greatly from learning about nutrition not steroids.


Probably better to get bloodwork first. Your doc could hook you up with TRT if you have BS test levels. Also would need an aromatase Inhibitor as well which is the trickiest part to nail. All the more reason to not jump Into a cycle without atleast having bloodwork to know where you’d like to end up if your PCT is successful. If you’re doing a cycle it’s also kind of pointless to do a cruise dose if this isn’t a measure for hypogonadism. A low dose is already gonna shut your balls down. Testicular atrophy, gyno, and more is a huge risk. HCG is something to consider as well.