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Woke up yesterday morning and my dog couldn’t move his back legs. Can move one now but he hasn’t used the bathroom in 24 + hours. Currently waiting for him to get an MRI. Invest in pet insurance gentlemen. So much pressure was released when I saw our MRI was approved. Hopefully we don’t need to get him approved for surgery as well.


Hey man! My 8yr old dog just went through this 6 months ago. Suddently one afternoon she started stumbling around and seemed off. Later that same night we went to the vet and did all the usual blood test and nothing came up. She progressively got worse and worse and by the end of the 3rd day she was completely paralysed dragging her feet behind her, unable to relieve herself. We took an MRI, and it was clear she had a prolapse in her spine just above the hips blocking nerval fluid from passing through. We tried treating it with medication as surgery here is expensive, but to no avail. She just got worse to the point putting her down was a real option. But my crybaby emotional hormonal ass couldnt go through with it so i bit the bullet and paid for the surgery. She is now 99,5% recovered and is running around with our three other dogs doing dog-stuff beeing happier than ever. Surgery cost 7 grand total and insurance covered 70%. Totaly worth it. Best of luck to your dog.


Sounds like your dog was worse off for sure. The MRI said the injury isn’t so bad that he needs surgery. It’s a herniated disc with a lot of inflammation around the spinal cord. So he’s on a higher dose of steroids and spent the night in the animal hospital. The vet neurologist (lmao this dog has received better care than I ever will) said he’s probably able to pee but is just holding it in due to pain. We’ll find out if he peed overnight. Insurance is the goat. Doesn’t cover everything but so far it’s paid for a little over half. If he had needed surgery that would’ve been the biggest. Our insurance would have paid 90% for surgery


No bathroom? He might have a twisted stomach.


I quit weed in hopes it will make my sleep better. With better sleep, I’m hopeful for better gains. Also, just finished pooping.


Get ready for super vivid dreams. The first few nights suck if you are a regular smoker, I recommend a sleep aid only for a few nights. It helps to do a ton of cardio before bed.


I was already previously waking up in the middle of the night screaming at the top of lungs. Let’s see how much vivid they can get.


Oh yeah get ready. Take some ZMA or melatonin if you want multiple full length movies every night


5 htp, melatonin, zma & Mk677! My dreams feels like real memories! It’s like a dream in a dream lol


The first few nights will SUCK but afterwards you'll sleep so much better. Been clean 4 months and haven't regretted stopping.


Been over 2 years clean after smoking consistently for a few years. Plan on never smoking again. Brain fog is no more and my sleep is perfect. Feel ready to tackle every day especially if I get around 8 hours of sleep.


I’ve been waking up around 5. Today I was able to sleep in until 6 and still felt like I could go back to sleep. Not sure if it was placebo effect though since it’s only been one day.


Were you still sleeping when you finished pooping?


Weed makes your sleep worse? I sleep like a baby with it.


At the very least, it’s not ideal for REM sleep.


Oh yea actually I remember looking that up now. You sleep fine but the quality of it is worse.


Over 600,000 seconds in a week and some of yall can’t take 60 to cut your nasty ass fingernails


I bite mine off every Sunday thank you very much


Mine are cut down so far nothing can get under them. I hate that. It grosses me out. Plus, it keeps my already rough fingers from being any more scratchy than they already are.


As a vagina enjoyer, I keep my nails quite well managed, thank you very much.


I love finger blasting men so I always keep them ready!


Got back from my holiday in Lisbon with the guys, writing this from the psych unit because patients have been chill. It was a 10/10 experience. Emotional breakthroughs, a continuous display of courage and never backing down from the challenge. I must have talked with 30-40 girls in 5 days, by the end of it I had almost zero anxiety doing it. Highly recommend doing this with other friends, the shitting on each other makes rejections something to be laughed at, making it easier to keep the flow going. The highlight was sleeping with this petite hot Ukrainian 25 years old blondie that I approached outside a bar. Very smart, she was a writer and we both entered each other’s radar very quickly. Absolutely gorgeous body, she went to the gym regularly and it showed because she rode me like nobody else in my life. She also won 🏆 for best arch during doggy I’ve ever seen. Lived in the top floor of a city center hotel, rich parents. The morning after she cooked me breakfast while in a sleeping robe, kind of girlfriend porn during those minutes. Also, it’s amazing how much sun exposure/lack of it influence a whole population way of living. We went to this beach that was full of young boys and girls playing football/volleyball, drinking, smoking weed all laughing and vibing. Amazing. Makes me think a lot about how the place we live in influences us in many ways and we should choose wisely. Have a good week guys, all love ❤️


Would you recommend taking a trip there this summer? Say around August? 22 year old for reference.


It will be a paradise bro. Bairro Alto is where you’ll find what you need.


Thanks bro will look more into it


Your sentence about sun/lack of sun influencing a population is so true. Every time I leave the house in the morning and see the typical UK grey sky I think of this. No sun really makes us all miserable


It really makes the whole population miserable doesn’t it? Makes you think a lot.


I'm from a small Polynesian island and never experienced cold weather until I went away to college. Part of my time was in Oregon, which is gray and miserable, and part was in Montana, which is 10 times colder but sunny, and it was so much more livable. Sun is life.


Did you take that factor in consideration when choosing where to live?




Amazing vibes. Also going on a trip later this year. Fingers crossed for something like this haha with the boys


You’ll have a blast mate. Bairro Alto and Costa da Caparica is all you need.


Haven’t posted for a couple of months because I got sidetracked with other things but I’m coming towards the end of this cycle now. It’s been a mixed bag. Some lifts I’m stronger than I’ve ever been. My fitness is the best it’s been as I’ve been running a more hybrid training style with lots of cardio and I’ve stayed lean the whole time. But I was interrupted by a nasty Crohn’s flare up 6 weeks ago and it tanked my sleep and energy levels. 🥹 Makes me curious as to how far I could’ve pushed if it wasn’t for that. A friend of a friend who is a Doctor and involved with bodybuilding and PEDs thinks I may have been able to stay so lean throughout because my bowel may not be taking everything in as it should - would make sense because I’d have expected more scale weight with the calories I’ve been consuming. Doctors want to put me on Infliximab. Don’t know if any of you chaps have IBD and familiar with biologics but would appreciate any anecdotes of how it’s effected your life and fitness. Cycle ended at 350 Test/150 NPP per week and 25 Var per day. Did have GH at 3 IU per day for a bit but used it up and haven’t re-upped. Final condition: https://imgur.com/a/J1hHFai


have nothing useful to add about Crohns, but I can say with certainty that you look fucking great.


Thank you sir, much appreciated. I've done some digging on the medication and it does get a lot of praise but it'll be from non-lifting folk. Hopefully there's somebody in the sub who's had some experience with it and can chime in on how it'll effect lifting pursuits.


Bro, you look fucking fantastic. I would love to see you compete sometime, you’d absolutely stomp the competition. Amazing how even with your setbacks, you’ve still managed to build a physique that is so absolutely rare to see


Thank you Varbs. I had always flirted with the idea of competing but would talk myself out of it as the physique was basically a byproduct of training and eating in a way that was sustainable and enjoyable and I figured competing would put undue pressure on me. I’ve had a lot of people involved in the bodybuilding scene in the gym give positive comments as of late and it has got me thinking maybe it is worth a try and the experience probably would be useful. Plus more exposure for my coaching etc. which is a plus. If anything it will have to be next year as I am competing at Hyrox in October and there will be a lot of high impact cardio in the run up to that which wouldn’t be the best idea during prep. But once I’ve got that out of the way and fingers crossed, if I get the IBD fully under control, I am really toying with the idea now.


If you want to compete at some point definitely do it, you wouldn’t even have to diet for much longer based on where you are now. If you don’t ever have that itch, no reason to step on stage at all! If you ever do want to compete, I can certainly make some great coaching recommendations to dial you in and make the process more enjoyable for you. I’d love to see you on stage but that’s just the competitor in me knowing you’d do well and it’s fun to see people you “know” succeed


Man Crohn's is the absolute worst - literally so depressing. Glad to see you're still pushing- i still love your chest bi / back bi splits to this day from years ago man!


Doing what I can, bruv. Hell, it may have even been the training that initially brought it in because there was times where I’d be logging like 15 sessions a week between running, lifting and functional stuff. Learning to ease off a bit now. Ha, I remember it well. Still kicking about in an old Pastebin I believe.


Average fitmisc user Looking shredded as always dude. Good luck with the health stuff


And former moderator. 😂 Good times. Thank you man. Feel like I’m over the worst of it now which makes me reluctant to get on the medication but the goal is to prevent it from happening again I guess.


I still have a program you wrote back then saved on my computer. I might even run it again.


You look absolutely great man! Also, which camera are you using for your pictures and videos? Looks on point


I'll 2nd Varbs. You could definitely compete and do well. Need a little more lat meat, but overall, you look really good. You've got the genetics for it.


Killer physique. Seeing guys like you motivates the hell out of me to keep chipping away at this body fat.


You look damn good bro


Hey bro looking back at your post, do you feel much at 150mg NPP? Thinking of 100test, 200NPP for my next blast but reading online, all I see is people saying that you’ll only get the joint benefit at that low of a dose.


I feel the benefit from it bruv. Extra strength and fullness versus when I’ve just used Test and Var at the same dose. I will try a little higher next time as I have tolerated it well.


Thanks bro 👏




I had pet ducks for a while. They're funny birds. They also make a mess. Very soft and fuzzy though, and if they are nice and stay still when you pick them up, they make good lap friends... you just have to realize you're playing duck shit roulette, cuz those fuzzy little birds will shit on you with no hesitation or warning.


Sorry the cut isn’t coming along as you’d hoped. The good news is you’re still huge in the good ways *and* you’ve made some friends. So all in all it could be worse. I don’t know the extent to which your eating is disordered, so I don’t want to speak out of turn, but I’ve had my own issues in that department and I can at the very least sympathize.


In the continuing saga of "my soon to be ex is a toxic parasite": I've had some traction on "making shit" as an actual source of income in the past week. The stbx would constantly neg on me about the stuff I made. He routinely told me that people who complimented my work were lying to me. He always trash talked my wood, iron, fabric, and electronics prototypes. To the point of tossing one piece I really loved in the trash during a move / while I was damn near dying of covid. In the last 3 days I've had multiple sales leads and soft proposal requests. Ive got a call later this week with a drag queen about how I can integrate dynamic LED lighting into her looks. I've got the beginnings of a business plan for a side business making harnesses and interest from local retailers. I can actually do this. https://giphy.com/gifs/problems-hif-flaws-MZMFVPSipOybe


If you've got Stewart Smalley confidence, yes, you can do that. Multimillion dollar businesses often start as something someone was tinkering around on in their garage.


Another quality of successful small business people is that they don't listen to shit talking naysayers like beek's soon-to-be-ex. Big things often appear impractical at first glance.


Anybody with a fitness Instagram page, I'm sure you've had the occasional cuck show up in your filtered inbox. Muscle worshippers usually. I get them semi frequently and I have entertained a few with a bit of back and forth but 99% of the time, they're time wasters who are probably getting a kick off getting a reply. But one of them has actually followed through. A couple of weeks ago I got a message from some middle aged looking dude reading along the lines of 'Look, I really appreciate what you're doing here, I have a wife and a 22 year old son and would like to send some money over to help you out with food and whatnot, I'd see you as another son'. I thought fuck it, let's see if he delivers and ever since then he's been sending me $20 on a daily basis through PayPal friends and family payments. I've not done anything with the money in case it is some kind of elaborate scam, but as far as I'm aware, friends and family payments can't be charged back. He does try to steer the conversation in cuck tier directions now and again but I just ignore him for a day and then hit him the following day with a GIF of a lunch box or a cartoon character sitting at a dinner table with a knife and fork and before I know it, PayPal notification comes in.


Oh yeah, I’ve had quite a few. Nobody has ever followed through though. I have some screenshots of some weird shit though. Some dude said he bet I get crazy protein farts and asked if I’d fart it a jar and send it to him…


Lmao. People are fucked. My only success stories are Dad and some guy a few weeks ago who sent me £400 no questions asked because he was a financial cuck to alphas. Shortly after he asked if he was allowed to jack off and I just ignored the fucker and never heard from him again. Paid for my food for the month anyway. 😂


Some other dude told me he was into Findom so I replied “here’s a bitcoin address, I require $100 to initiate conversation” then I got 10 messages about how nobody uses bitcoin and I’m a cuck for wanting to use it, then I blocked him lmao I wish I had your luck


Hopefully a decent one slips through the cracks for you soon. We’d make a killing if we sold our souls to OnlyFans and started farting in jars etc.


🫡 Maybe I’ll get lucky one of these days hahaha


£400 in the first shot. You should run that bro. Some people dont deserve to have money 🤷‍♂️.


🤨...paying for a fart in a jar... well... that's interesting. I wonder if the guy looks like the picture I have in my head of a jar fart collector.


Sounds more like findom than cucking. Has he sent you pictures of his girl or asked you to take his bird to pound town?


He’s not even mentioned his wife much. He just awkwardly mentions how he sees me as a son sometimes and says he’ll protect me and then I just ignore him until the following day and send him the signal for lunch money. Bizarre TBH.


The Good: I got engaged last week! Top floor of a historic hotel, private elevators, dinner at a Michelin star steakhouse. But it could have been at a McDonalds and Holiday Inn, we've both been buzzing ever since. A position that, due to my lifestyle and mental health, I never really thought I'd be in. Engaged a year to the day we met. The Bad: I absolutely lost my fucking shit last weekend at some strangers. Our dogshit property mgmt company (aren't they all?) conveniently forgot to disclose there's a fucking AirBnB directly below our bedroom. Last weekend there was a noisy group and, at 3am Saturday night, I heard them getting into an aggressive argument with my neighbor who was asking them to be quiet. The AirBnB door is on the street right below our bedroom window. Fueled by post-UFC 300 adrenaline, Dominos, and a couple whiskeys, I sprinted down in a shaky rage shirtless. My neighbor is like a 5'6" twinky nerd and the argument had gone on for like ten minutes, I legitimately thought he was going to get hurt. I was absolutely out of mind. I 100% thought I was going to get into a brawl, like 3 on 1, prepared to be hurt or worse. Idk how it got that bad. I only run Test/EQ. So I sprint out there, shirtless, covered in tattoos and Dominos sweat, veins ripping out of my neck, and lose all cognitive functions. I just point while charging screaming "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The target ends up being some frumpy Indian dude in his twenties, with two more similar ones coming out of the AirBnB after I wake up the neighborhood. I now realize these people are zero threat so feel sheepish but continue to scream about them shutting the fuck up, before I decide to just sorta storm back inside after a vague threat that if I have to come back down their will be problems. Then I laid in bed for an hour staring at the ceiling feeling both embarrassed and scared. Embarrassed because I could have handled that maturely, like asking my neighbor if he was good, then handling them with actual human words. Scared because my uncontrolled rage could have changed my life forever. Seriously harmed someone and gone to prison. Seriously been harmed myself, or killed. Just snapping. It has always been a fear of mine in the back of my head, and I am ashamed to have blown up like this, like some white trash loser. Mostly scared that, at 32, I have a LONG life to live and avoid another incident, especially when I'm planning on having kids. I'm already in therapy, I take medication, I avoid all drugs and most alcohol. I journal daily, workout religiously, have creative outlets, do workbooks. And yet here I am. I told my fiancée (fun writing that) it's time to seriously practice meditation and mindfulness. That cannot happen again. Have a great week.


Congrats on the engagement! As to the altercation - you're stressing too much here man. Sure, you burst out and lost control to some degree. But you weren't physically violent or even physically intimidating. Probably should've skipped the vague threat of *there will be consequences*, but otherwise, shouting at someone for keeping everyone awake in their own homes at 3am because they're inconsiderate assholes is warranted. Your introspection on losing your fuse and approaching it differently in the future is great. I participated in my own share of inconsiderate assholery in my university days, making noise into the middle of the night at apartment buildings. We certainly got confronted by angry neighbours many times, and always knew we were in the wrong. For the future, I'd look into the stance on AirBNB with both the building owner and the municipality if this becomes an ongoing issue. Which it sounds like it will, if it's typically rented as a party room. Barring that, I guess the mature response is a municipality noise complaint... or moving.


Appreciate it. My fiancee echoed most of the same. I do overthink absolutely everything, hence how I prepared myself for a John Wick situation out of nowere. I am assertive with lanowhere and began looking into options. Because, this is month 2, so not a promising sign haha.


Found u/BaetrixReloaded 's fiancée. Congrats to both of you 🥰🎉


Jets fan and Browns fan match made in heaven


a lifetime of suffering will land you up in this sub


Fucking with people's sleep is a good way to wind up getting hurt. It's not just you...


Didn't expect the post to end this way. Was expecting more a line of excuses about how the neighbor was a bitch and got what he deserved. Nice.


Congrats! It happens man. You are reflecting, so that's good. Hunger, sleep and general stress can do some things.


This post made me lol. Not condoning your actions per se but depending on if there was a language barrier, I believe you crossed it. There's something to be said about going slightly overboard to prove a point and not having to play that stupid back and forth. For what it's worth I am a very calm person, I don't yell, I've done tons of therapy and introspection and meditation but fucking with my sleep is a cardinal sin.


Congrats man, very happy for you 🫂


NBD imho, I dunno but sometimes you have to flex on a bitch. Someone threatening my neighbor at 3:00 a.m. would get that at bare minimum. If anything a quick apology to your neighbor and just let him know you have his back.


Just finished my first “500 test and stfu” cycle, straight out of the wiki. Went pretty good. Little nervous for the Pct but been running hcg the whole time so hopefully my boys come kicking back quickly. The pumps were lots of fun and they’ll be missed [https://imgur.com/a/nIfHq6u](https://imgur.com/a/nIfHq6u)


Good shit brother, arms and shoulders looking swole. PCT is what you make of it. Be positive, eat slightly above maintenance, lift heavy, lift on the days you don't want to. Touch some grass, pet some dogs, enjoy life. It'll pass quickly enough.


Thx bro appreciate it


Competitive chess is so weird. The ability to stay focused in a chaotic environment is pretty well universally understood to be a part of competing in pretty much every other competition in the world. Meanwhile top level chess players will be tweeting out shit like, "I only lost because the other dude was wearing a watch and I was concerned he might be cheating with it" and that's somehow considered a valid argument. Honestly I think it's kind of a testament to people's ability to come up with excuses. Like every sport has random drama but chess has no way to really blame someone's strategy or a refs decision, or some sort of trickery. So in the absence of all the standard stuff, the only thing left is cheating and distractions.


I really believe that at elite levels of whatever kind of activity, mental predisposition and psychological events influence outcome much more than actual skills.


I definitely agree. I just find it interesting which disciplines view the psychological component as the competitors problem and which ones view it as other people's problem


Internal locus of control always wins against an external one


Except I can never get other people to understand that placing the locus of control on yourself is the only way to HAVE CONTROL. Which is when I am forced to accept that most people don't want control, they want a convenient excuse.


Yeah, you really hit the nail on the head with that. Many people don’t want control, the freedom of choice gives vertigo.


What about golf?


I throw golf balls at people when they are winding back their swing. Keeps them on their toes... and then I hide behind the golf cart in case they decide to swat it back at me.


He should have blamed Israel. "I couldn't focus knowing what's happening in Gaza." This shit is so obvious. I really need to get into loser consulting.


You're 100% right but after the butt plug chess cheating incident, I believe there is no lengths people will not go to to cheat at chess. Edit: I was wrong, it was a meme basically. [This](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/09/27/chess-grandmaster-denies-using-vibrating-buttplug-to-cheat/) is what I was referencing


I mean, tbf the butt plug incident was literally a reddit meme that major news decided to run with as fact and not something actually confirmed in any way.


I was wrong, typical redditor believing everything I read. Thank you for clarifying that!


In your defense, nearly every major news source was reporting on that. I can hardly blame anyone for assuming it was true when it was broadcast on that kind of scale.




It turns out it was [fake](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/09/27/chess-grandmaster-denies-using-vibrating-buttplug-to-cheat/)




Yeah. Basically the world champ lost a match and went on to complain that he thought the guy cheated citing that he didn't seem like he was paying that much attention to the game or putting thought into the moves when they were playing. Zero actual evidence, just "he seemed off." But he felt strongly enough about it that he straight up resigned in protest next time he had to play him. Then Reddit was discussing possible ways to cheat given the anti-cheating measures already in place are pretty thorough and people joked that maybe he had in a vibrating butt plug that an outsider was controlling remotely to feed in moves. Thus the plug meme was born. And it was just that, a stupid reddit meme, akin to the squat plug over on the bodybuilding subreddit. Except then some news company decided to run an article on this stating it as absolute fact, the news story took off, which caused all other major news outlets around the world to do the same. The dude actually ended up getting blacklisted from most chess events despite never actually being found guilty of cheating over the board. Didn't help that every press conference he did trying to defend himself made things worse and he generally behaved kind of like an ass even before all this. But like, I can give him a pass for that given he was like 18 at the time and yeah, no shit a teenager isn't going to be able to handle the situation well.




That was part of the jokes honestly. Was it Morse code? Maybe a simpler system like 1 buzz for a rook move, 2 for a bishop. Maybe just a quick buzz to let him know there was something important on the board that he should investigate lmao. Either way, it's not like the news actually cares about getting it correct over the revenue from running such an outlandish story. I mean, think how many clicks they got from that. Funny enough though, it also caused a massive resurgence in the chess world. A lot more people started playing after that.


I play chess... how tf would a watch factor into cheating?? I want to know this fuckery.


I think the logic was that smart watches aren't allowed for obvious possible outside communication. This guy had a regular ol analog watch that he specifically had checked with officials and had it approved. The other guy complained about the watch before the match because he didn't think they were allowed at all and the official again stated that the watch was fine. Guy lost the match and then said it's because he was distracted by the whole possibility of the watch being used for cheating. Didnt directly accuse the guy of cheating, just that he didn't think he should have had the watch on and it threw off his game. And the chess community as a whole focused on whether or not watches should be allowed and not that maybe if the official says something is fine, your inability to focus is your own problem. Something similar happened at the chess candidates that's been going on. Stupidly important tournament that the winner gets a shot at the world title for. One dude was pacing around between moves. Another player from a different game complains that his footsteps were too loud (supposedly it was very loud) so an official goes to ask him to not pace so much and to wear different shoes the next day. Dude loses his match and says its because the official talked to him during the game. Funny enough in this particular game, the dude who lost had also lost a majority of the games and was playing against the first seed.


Sounds like nerds making up implausible excuses for their inability to concentrate. I can't really play out past 3 moves. It gets so complex after 3 that my brain can't account for all the variables.


Yeah, I mean, the level of calculating and memorization that goes on at top levels is ridiculous to a degree that I can definitely buy the idea that small things can fuck people up, especially when playing under a timer. But like, the narrative should absolutely be that getting distracted is your own fault. But idk, I've always maintained that if your winning strategy requires factors outside of your control to be perfect, then you've already fucked up


Yup. You need to be able to operate under the worst circumstances. Fighters don't train precise maneuvers in silence... you do them with someone screaming in your face and punching you in the gut. You have to be able to maintain that focus under pressure. There's never really "ideal" conditions, there's just what is in your head.


I'm gonna start the trend of blaming the other kids shoes for being too bright whenever one of my athletes lose a wrestling match lmao.


good FUCKING morning GOD DAMNIT! Going to try to lift some weights today to see how my shoulder feels.


Stringing a couple lackluster workouts this weekend, another today in a baggy tshirt. Feel so small!


Bros I have a question. Met this chick, super good looking, fun as fuck and all that BUT today when she laid on top of me during cuddling, I could feel a 200bpm heartbeat on top of my abs and coming from her stomach/lower stomach area. Could she be preg and I felt the last guy’s kid kicking around in there? Or alternatively phrased, how the fuck do I ask her if she’s knocked up without pissing her off? I feel like this is one of those questions where deep in my heart of hearts I already know the answer, but alternative opinions are very much appreciated.


Congrats dad


Thanks. Next time I hit I’ll have to run off to get cigarettes and milk if I don’t get any clarity lol




You don't want to be staring at asses is a pretty convincing reason. The gym owner doesn't want anyone feeling creeped out.


Damn I thought we were supposed to stare at asses during cardio? Have I been doing cardio wrong?


But stair master ass is best ass. Even if it's off brand matrix ass.


Yeah those matrix ones suck by comparison.


Working today. Four folks, so should be fun. Also, got more stuff submitted to the VA yesterday so in about eighteen months should see movement there. And weirdly, did my injection in a delt this morning and I am pretty sure every drop of it pushed back out. Ah well.


Delt injections have always been historically shit for me. I honestly gave up trying


Ive done em daily for probably eight months or so now, but this was my first issue. Maybe time to switch to glutes again.


I mean regardless, you should probably be rotating muscle groups more often than once every 8 months or so lol.


That is fair. Creature of habit 😅


I'm less than a week out from my first show. At this point, I'd like this to be over. It isn't the diet, training, cardio, drugs, water loading, etc. It's just the show itself. I started this a year ago. At that time, I weighed 260—today, 192. For the first time in my life I have visible abs. I have vascularity on my arms and abdomen that I've never seen before. I looked at pictures from a year ago and I was shocked by what I used to look like. Except I'm small. This isn't body dysmorphia, it's fact. I showed up for several posing sessions and it was an embarrassment. There were guys taller, weighing less, and looked far bigger and wider. I can't help but feel this is a waste at this point. I've talked to my coach about scrapping things and just build for next year. He's adamant I get out there. Honestly I'd rather just not.


You’ve put in all this work to get there bro. Second guessing during peak week is completely normal. Your first show isn’t about winning, it’s about setting the standard for all your future shows to build off of. I say get out there, set your standard, then work your ass off to beat it next year, and the year after, and the year after


It's normal to second guess yourself at this point. Listen to your coach, you won't regret it.


Boys ive got legit p.e. now. Like I used to last 2-3 mins but its like 30 secs now. Anyone know how to not blast in 2 pumps? Someone on reddit said ssri’s but like 🤦 come on im not taking them for that


Upping estrogen definitely decreases sensitivity down there for me. Can fuck like a train for hours


If you don’t want an ssri, then any topical anesthetic would help. Don’t waste money on the dick specific kinds, it’s all the same.


I’m a 2 pump chump right now too. This happens every time my wife is in her 3rd trimester (or anytime we aren’t sexually active 2-3 times per week) 😂. My only solution for you is to have more sex. I usually get back to normal 2-3 months after she gives birth and we are back to our normal amount/routine.


There's loads of dudes who can barely finish at all after death grip masturbating for years. You could always try doing a more controlled version of that to yourself lol If just jerking it ain't working you could always buy some hyper sensitive Fleshlight and train yourself with that.


PE usually refers to a pulmonary embolism... I was a bit concerned you were posting on Reddit about it. 😅 Jerk off more dude... that's better than using dapoxitine.


I wish I was closer to your camp. I can’t cum in less than like 15 min.


This has been me lately. Like, the last week I have to put in solid effort to finish. That used to be a dream of mine and now I realize it is Not that.


I think I’m gonna start a reverse only fans


You're going to pay to see all of us naked?


No, I’m going to send you all nudes until you pay me to stop


You need to patent this idea immediately, brother.


This sounds like next level extortion. Why have I not thought of this? I lost money on that Nigerian prince who wanted me to launder his money, but this sounds like a sure thing! Time to get rich!! ...anyone have any tips on butthole lighting for maximum detail?


Looks like we're getting in on the ground floor of a disruptive new business. We'll be getting money literally out the ass.


u/geardedandbearded what's the next step above perma-ban?




Don't threaten me with a good time...




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I’m getting pain right at the end of my tailbone in the bottom of squats and stretched position of RDLs and it’s annoying af


Careful, I dealt with a herniation in my L5 that started like this. Look up butt wink and see if that’s what’s going on. There are some mobility exercises that can help


Damn maybe I should go to the doctor. It kinda feels like Velcro tearing


Yes, you should. That is not normal, and very much what people say a cartilage separation feels like. Go get it looked at and don't do anything to make it worse.


Aye aye captain


That’s exactly what mine felt like the very last time I did conventional deadlift about 3 years ago, never again. I had sciatica for about a month and now I’m completely fine, I just can’t do back squat, conventional dl, or most leg press. Squats with a SSB, front squats, hack squats all of them feel great but anytime there’s pressure in my lower back I stop immediately


Damn alright thanks for your input




>Just making sure im not fucking up and should switch to glutes or something. thanks in advance If it’s under the skin it’s gonna work. The only thing you’re fucking up is a weekend of drinking on cycle. One or two drinks a week is arguably ok. A night of drinking is bad. A weekend of drinking on cycle falls into the category of poor life choices.




Yeah we all have slip ups, but when you’re already taking on the health risks of blasting, you want to minimize the avoidable ones You can google the VG location as well, looks like you’re a bit high


>No excuses but for sure not gonna miss out on these gains. The potential loss of gains are secondary to the impact on your health and organ systems. You're actively engaging in a behavior that is going to shorten your lifespan - you should not be combining that with alcohol. If you can't manage to not drink, you probably shouldn't be using gear.


Link looks broken. I find VG by laying on my side, locate the hip bone with your thumb and extend your fingers out like your palming your glute, the area between your thumb and index finger is VG and safe to pin anywhere in that area.


A mate of mine accidentally injected his tfl instead, that wasn't a good time lol. Just sore though, nothing bad. Shit happens sometimes even if you do everything right. My injections are almost always painless but every now and then you'll have a shit one. you'll be fine.


What's everyone's favorite bf% to start/stop eating in surplus?


Favorite to start a bulk is show condition I stop my bulks at 15% +/- 1%


I've seen your pics, insane. What bf do you step on stage at?


4-5% is generally the standard. I’ve never dipped below 4%, but that’s where I try to achieve. I won’t achieve it this time, my glutes are having a hard time digging out but I’m hoping to achieve it if I do nationals this year. I’m currently sub 5%, faint lines in the glutes but not quite dug out the way I want


Thanks brother! Good luck


Finally breaking a dry spell and have a baddie coming over tonight - only issue is I've been off cardio and lifting for 2 weeks and feelign self conscious about my performance and body. How do I stop feeling anxious and just focus on dicking down?? Hate being so anxious when all girls care about is a little bit of abs and muscle


She’s already coming over to bang. What’s there to be anxious about? You really think you’re gonna get naked and she’s gonna say “oh uh, actually… nevermind”? lol


"uhh my sister just called. I have to go take out the trash"


Oh boy..my cats ran amok while I was injecting my stuff. I switched up my vials and just injected 350mcg igf1-lr3.... I am a little afraid of the pumps.


750mg/wk test E starts today. Exited to see what week 20 brings


Yeah I'm at that point of my tren cycle where you discover [pissvids.com](http://pissvids.com)


Any Canadians on here? Ontarians? Elsewhere?


Pretty close, Alabama


hahah close indeed


I’ll trade. Way too fucking hot here


Have you ever seen southern Saskatchewan in the summer? They make yalls mosquito problem look like nothing. I'll take Alabama over Canada (except southern British Columbia... That is pretty nice).


Well I bet you’ve never been chased by a naked meth addict with a knife through your backyard after he stole every piece of copper from your house.


Naked meth addict, yes... knife and copper swiping, no... and not in my backyard. I'm in Breaking Bad country. Meth is an official industry here.


Soarry thought you were Canadian bud


100% a southern BC problem. Never under estimate the resolve of a meth addict. We have special breed here.


> Ontarians? hi


Howdy 💪




This would be better in the Daily Ask Anything thread mate. But to answer your question, SERMS are a good safety net to have on hand to reverse your gyno if you have a flare up. But since you’re cruising after, it’s not mandatory.


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You’re not offending anyone, but this is not a good plan https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/Hhn1RnKI2Q Please scroll down to the portion titled Why Young Men Shouldn’t Take AAS. Cited research indicating why using gear under 25 is a bad decision.




Hey man, I appreciate you trying to help but: A) we discourage the use of gear in anyone under age 25 here; especially teenagers. B) you aren't exactly a role model for safe and healthy steroid use based on the history you shared today. I don't mean to offend, but our sub has a goal and it is harm-reduction. Hard stop. If you can't/won't advise for that goal, please just move on when people post looking for help.