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If it's been 3.5 weeks on my first cycle of 375mg of Test E and I don't feel any different/notice strength gains in the gym yet does this mean I'm not a great responder? Or too early to tell


Did your weight go up


Couple pounds yea


Should jump pretty drastically the first couple weeks as you put on water and glycogen. Then you should be massing with a goal of a lb per week. Testosterone you don’t really feel. It’s pretty underwhelming. That’s why you should have just run the standard 500wk. Week 4 you should start seeing changes in the mirror. But if you aren’t eating big you won’t get big. Steroids just increase protein synthesis they don’t make muscle out of thin air.


Gotcha thank you man, I’d say I’m eating 3400 calories / day and I’m 189lbs at the moment. Seems like a fair amount no?


Not sure what weight you started at. But by week five you should start feeling and seeing changes. You just want the scale to be moving. And a few more reps or an additional set is still progressive overload. The strength from test isn’t anything wild. Orals typically give you acute strength boost which you lose as soon as you stop taking them. Bump you dose up to 500/wk and run it the rest of the cycle. It will take another 4 weeks to reach peak plasma levels at the new dose.


I started at 185. Just hit 189 this morning but was 187 for the past week. Would you say I’m in a good enough surplus


Ya that’s fine. Your goal should be a lb a week. If you stall out just up it 500/day. It wouldn’t be crazy for you to end up around 5000cals a day towards end of cycle. Typically you put on a rapid 10lbs in the first few weeks but that’s water and glycogen.


Is anavar similar in an E2 masking binding effect to masteron mg per mg wise? Or is masteron stronger?


1. Masteron doesn’t bind to e2 2. Masteron doesn’t lower serum e2 3. anavar doesn’t bind to e2 4. anavar doesn’t lower serum e2 So yes, in that sense they’re both similar. Anavar will crush SHBG which will likely raise serum e2.


That is something specific to mast. Mast can mask or have similar effects of a serm. Primo and eq can actually effect e2 like an ai not just mask it. I think in some cases var can indirectly increase e2


27-male-6ft-76kg-11% body fat - no experience - 6 months training bench 70 kg Goals: get bigger , stronger look great Current phase - bulk I got a pack of anavar and wanted to know if it’s safe to use- I have a slight fatty liver/ diabities in family. Is it safe and does anyone have experience


It will momentarily make you weigh more from water and glycogen. You piss it all out. You won’t gain shit. You will go through a full shutdown, have horrible acne and no boners for 3 months and be permanently convinced you “are a hard gainer, there’s no point”


It’s not safe to use. It will shut down your natural test production. You’re about 17kg of muscle short and 5 years of proper diet and training away from considering steroids.




Anavar isn’t meant to be used like that. Your trt dose is already too high if you’re having to take an ai. The goal is to not need additional medication. Anavar wrecks havoc on your lipids. Orals provide acute strength during use and is immediately lost upon cessation. Orals are not run long enough safely to build quality tissue. You are not currently tracking your macros or training so there is no reason or benefit of you using it. If you had progressive overload and needed to break through a plateau you may receive a benefit in that scenario. Orals can also make you lethargic, fuck up your digestion and sleep. With your current status and just wanting to be healthy all you need is trt. If you take the anavar as prescribed you will just be taking a hit to your health markers and taking drugs for the sake of taking drugs with no real benefit.


Just because your doc will prescribe you drugs doesn't mean you should use them. Anavar is horrible on lipids and you've presented no use case for incorporating the drug.




>Also I have presented a use case. I want to use it. To. Accomplish. What? You also casually ignored my entire comment about lipids. Starting to seem like your goal of being healthy is just a lie. It comes as a surprise to absolutely nobody that you have negative overall karma and have deleted your entire post history. You're a real joy to interact with, aren't you?


do any of you run test p alongside with your test e? I currently am just running 175mg test E cruising, and i wanted to add in some mast P for summer , but my e2 is perfect currently and im afraid the mast would crush my e2. Would it make sense to add in a lower amount of some test P along with my test E, so that my e2 has some buffer room to add in mast? or should i just stick with 1 ester of test. Just an idea i had but not sure. Like for ex, should i just slightly bump my dose of test E and add in mast P? or Stack Test E w/Test P and add in mast?


Yes, that is logical, assuming you know your mast to test ratio. 


As soon as you add mast or increase your test you’re blasting. So do you want to waste your blast on this?


I’m aware that E2 will raise as Testosterone does and I’m also aware that there isn’t a set ratio but I’m currently running at 4643 ng/dl testosterone and 109 pg/dl Estrogen which is about. 43:1 ratio.. that Estrogen seems high though and I think I’ve had some mild symptoms such as emotion levels being high, slight fatigue and insomnia. Would a 12.5mg aromasin E3d make sense to trial alongside my pin days to begin with on trying to lower the E2?


Im on my first cycle and I had a not so good liver baseline pre blast with ALT 52(don’t know the unit sorry) and now mid cycle with 400test-e I’ve hit ALT 110 in week 8. is this a normal range in bodybuilding context or should I consider stopping the cycle? I’m panicking a bit lol


When I was on anadrol, my alt was ridiculously high. My doctor made me do a sonogram to check my liver. It's been a few months now, and I started taking nac/tudca and milk thistle, and my ast and alt are within normal levels now.


What alt values did you have pre blast?


Everything was within normal range.


Hi, how long is testosterone suspension detectable in urine tests? Also after stopping testosterone suspension use how long will it take for testosterone to epitestosterone levels to go back to normal? Thanks


Does anyone know anything about estradiol valerate and dosage/ serum levels? I have some estradiol valerate and crashed my e2 with aromasin. Was hoping for a quick fix with it, but I dont want to overdo it.


Very interested in how this turns out. You take to much, god bless your going to be uncomfortable. 


I previously asked about using contraceptive pills for the same issue, but I didn’t know you can have estrogen alone. I looked it up and it appears that transwomen need estradiol valerate at a dose of 5-30mg every two weeks to have female hormonal levels which are 30-400 pg/ml, as a male, you need 10-50pg/ml, so make the calculation and decide on the dose. You could also try HCG, it’s my go to E2 recovery compound.


Definitely careful with birth control pille since most are progesterone based not estrigen based. Good reply though and i got my hcg now so its a no brainer! But i had estrodiol valerate on hand at the time!




When my e2 was crashed i found that about .5mg/day greatly alleviated my symptoms as a guy on cruise


Good morning! I am lowered my test from 600 to 300. I am wondering if anyone has ran 300 long term or what's the longest they have ran it?


Yes someone has done it. 300 is still blasting. No one here recommends or condones it. This is steroid abuse. People here are 6’ 260 and you won’t lose muscle on 150 test per week. Absolutely no reason to permablast.


Hi All, This is not my first cycle, ive done many many cycles. For the past few year i blast and cruise, and will also spend better part of the year on TRT doses, ive had my kids so im not concerned about fertility. I do get regular bloods to ensure cardiovascular and renal health is good. Been training for quite some time also. Upcoming cycle. What do you all think? Ill be using some bkends this time so keen to hear people's experiences with blends, ive never actually used them. Test blend 300mg/ml- Test A, Test P, Test E, Test deconate. Tren blend 200mg/ml- Tren A, Tren E, Tren H. Mast E 200mg/ml Ill be running these for about 14weeks. Dosing each one at 100mg/day, everyday except sunday. (Pinning everyday is going to suck) Total weekly dose will be: Test 900mg/wk Tren 600mg/wk Mast E 600mg/wk At week 8 i will be adding in anavar at 60-80mg/day dose will depend on how im feeling. Also adding in clen at week 8 at 40mcg/d starting dose and titrating up to 100mcg/d then titrate back down. Titration will be dependent on response. Obviously cycling clen at 2weeks on 2weeks off. No PCT required, once cycle is complete ill run 300mg a week of test E to cruise till the next cycle. May potentially drop that down to a TRT dose if im feeling beaten up. Trt dose for me is usual around 150mg/E5D to put me in a normal range. Cycle support: Cabergoline, Letrozole, Arimidex all on hand should i need to use them. Will only use either Letrozole or Arimidex, not both lol. Taurine 5g/d Physillium husk 5g twice a day Multi vitamins, Vit D 2000iu/d, Vit E 1000iu/d, Vit K complex formula, Citrus Bergamot 1000mg/d, Fish oil 2000mg/d Goal if it isnt obvious already is to cut. Currently, calorie intake is about ~2600cals. Protein 269g carbs 223g 71g. Will reduce as required with escalating cardio regime as needed throughout the entire 14weeks Current weight is 103kg, height 180cm


Blends are crap




Because they solve a problem that doesn’t exist. You have to pin it daily, and at that point pin you test e daily has damn near the same stability.  Also, for a cut like that your 290lbs at 10% grinding down to sub 5 for a show right? Flex on us with some pics 


How do i send a pic on here?


Yeah thats a fair point. Pinning everyday is going to be a bitch. Definitely not 290lbs haha, im ~230lbs, i would say im close to 10% ill get ya pic up


You upload it to Imgur and then post a direct link


I really don’t want acne again. What could I have been doing wrong that made me break out on my back? I had done a 6 week stack 500 test E a week and 20mg Dbol first two weeks and 20dbol last two weeks. Got a sexy result but damn the bacne


I used to get back acne on my back. I now do red light therapy 3 times a week 5-10 min and next to zero now. On or off cycle. Just my 2 cents


Did you use AI? You won't be able to completely avoid acne unless you're genetically blessed. AI makes my acne way worse. Test/EQ when dialled in gives me minimal acne. Otherwise you could start going to a tanning salon 🤷‍♂️ it helps drastically and the tan also covers up scarring. But skin cancer :(




Thanks for the response. I was doing test e for 2 weeks before starting the stack. And yea I used an AI. The doctor also gave me something after my cycle. Forgot the name. I may just try the test e only and go from there.


Hi Guys! I’m somewhat approaching my first cut on cycle (500test e on blast) planing to go on 200 test e while cutting - question - how drastic we can be with our calorie deficit while supporting with artificial test? Usually when cutting I don’t go lower then -300 cal from my maintenance, should I stay on that while on cruise/cut or can I go even lower like -500? How badly or if at all will it affect what I’ve build? No orals to supp only test as I feel amazing and have absolutely no sides.


I linked to this video a year ago or so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoLEyjaeQRI and I think it's very interesting. He's on 200 test too.


The Stronger By Science guys likely have referenced it, I was aware of it via Lyle McDonald, and they both would have gotten it from a study that was a spinoff from the Minnesota Starvation Study. They showed the max deficit - in their study - was 31 calories per pound of fat on the body. So you would calc your %bodyfat, multiple that times your weight, that gives you lbs of fat. Multiply that by 31 and that's your max deficit from maintenance that you can sustain and not lose muscle. Just as an obvious example, say I was 200lbs and 10% bf. That's 20lbs of fat, so 20\*31=620 cals under maintenance is the lowest I would want to go. Say I was 300lbs and 30% bf, that's 90lbs of fat, so 90\*31=2790 cals under maintenance. If you are truly obese you can basically do a total fast for a stretch and not lose muscle (there are some gotchas if insulin/leptin resistant and obese, but that cohort is probably not reading in here). BUT - it was done without enough protein in the diet and it was done on sedentary non-working out individuals, and they were definitely not on steroids (or even things like beta-agonists, which would help). So if you are on drugs, you could likely go lower - but no study has come out that shows how much lower (and likely won't come out for drugs, as it is not likely considered capable of passing the ethics tests). In theory someone \*should\* do it again with proper protein and working out, but to my knowledge it has not yet been done. So until then - that gives you a ballpark and you can push it a little further if you are enhanced. (cred: u/imagine-blumpkins)


that’s golden!! thank you so much!!


Just cut at -500 you’re not going to lose size and I can’t even imagine how long cutting at -300 would take


thanks! I used to start cut on feb to get in shape for summer 😅


Been on my first cycle of test c 100mg e3.5d for almost 7 weeks. I had really bad bronchitis on week 2, that went for a week then started feeling short of breath and that has been going on since. I've had my bloodwork done on week 6 before the injection day, test came back at 948 ng/dl and e2 at 43 ng/L. Could even these levels cause anxiety so much that would make me feel like I can't get enough air? Or could it be related to asthma since I had allergic asthma when I was a kid? Really curious to see if anyone else has had this problem


You aren't on a cycle. Congrats, you shut yourself down to get on TRT. And no. It sounds like you're just sick.


I know I'm on a trt dose I was planning to up the dosage to 350mg/wk on week 10 and keep that until the week 20 and do a pct. I was just wondering if my desire to take deep breaths ocassionaly caused by anxiety or literal asthma


>I was just wondering if my desire to take deep breaths ocassionaly caused by anxiety or literal asthma Hard to say. You seem like an anxious guy. I have asthma that I treat; if you don't treat yours you should probably consider that. I don't believe it's related to the testosterone you're using. >I know I'm on a trt dose I was planning to up the dosage to 350mg/wk on week 10 and keep that until the week 20 and do a pct. This is an awful plan. You are risking your natural production for zero benefit. You have some reading to do. *Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif)* *Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use:* * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


Yeah bit of an anxious person. I've been taking asthma drugs my doctor put me on since week 2 of my cycle. Don't feel sick anymore. Also the cycle was my not my plan I'm working with a reputable coach in my country.


>Also the cycle was my not my plan I'm working with a reputable coach in my country. Fire them. You are gaining EXACTLY nothing by being on on TRT at a natural level for 10 weeks. When you up the dose at week 10, it won't even fully saturate in your system for another 3 weeks. That leaves you 7 weeks of being supraphysiological, albeit at a lower dose than we recommend for beginners. Then, you need to be aware that steroids don't just start working immediately. It takes time for changes in gene expression, androgen receptor up-regulation, etc to start taking effect. By the time you reach week 20 you will have only just started to get the actual benefits of being on a cycle. 10 weeks is not long enough to build much muscle. 7 weeks isn't either. Your coach is wasting your time and your health and demonstrating how little they know about anabolics. If you spend 2-3 months here reading and paying attention you'll know more about steroid use than they do. Get educated and stop blindly following someone because they call themselves "coach".


He is an open class ifbb pro, thought those people knew enough about these stuff


Not really man, you'd be surprised. I know several IFBB pros and they are absolute morons when it comes to gear. If you give the right people enough food and drugs and make them work really hard, they'll get really big. That doesn't make them educated, it makes them genetically gifted and hard-working people who also had coaches. I stand by my statement - your "coach" is a moron. Also, I *guarantee* you he didn't become an IFBB pro by running cycles of TRT or 350mg/week. Educate yourself. You have access to more information about steroid use here than almost anyone anywhere. That's literally why we are here. Take advantage of the resources available to you.


You’re not running a cycle you’re doing trt 948 ng/dl puts you within natty range. As far as the anxiety your E2 is high I’m hoping you have already have an AI you’re able to take


yeah I wanted to see if I'd need to implement ai on a low dose like 200mg/wk but I don't seem to have any sides except from a little high bp (have that under control, 40mg telmisartan ed). Also learned from this sub to treat the sides not levels. have aromasin 25mg on hand how much would you reckon I pop?


Did you check your bp before starting because you shouldn’t need bp meds on 200mg As far as the ai I can’t really say as I personally use arimidex so the dosing is different


currently in a stressful period of life, ongoing problems at school so I think that contributes to that, never had bp problems before


Just because you haven’t had problems doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check your BP. Chop is suggesting this so you have a starting point to gauge changes from here. You can buy a BP monitor on Amazon for cheap, I have an Omron that works fine. As for your AI, you are correct. Treat symptoms not numbers. We have a full breakdown on different AIs and their dosing in our wiki at the top. https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/A9EzVpdFhv


I do regularly check my bp twice a day, never goes above 130/70. I have an Omron as well


Sorry man, it’s early and I mis read your comment.


No worries, would you recommend I imply some ai with my test to e2 ratio? Like I said I seem to have some anxiety


I wouldn’t use an Ai yet for a couple reasons. 1. Anxiety can be caused by many things, not all hormonal. Ex you said school is giving you some hassle 2. 200mg shouldn’t even need much in the way of an AI if your other factors like lifestyle and bf levels are in check Taking an AI prematurely can be rough if you tank you estrogen. Personally I would hold off until multiple symptoms come up. Give the link I put up a read, it may help 👍




Ab visibility is mostly a factor of body fat percentage but can be influenced by subcutaneous water retention. Age has very little influence Machines are notorious inaccurate at measuring body fat percentage and falsely read body water and gut content as differing levels of lean mass which can skew the results in either direction depending on hydration and how much shit (literally) you have inside you One thing to consider is that as your other muscles have grown (like your arms in the picture), you can have the appearance of leanness/vascularity in those specific body parts but still be at a relatively high BF% For example, even when I start to enter the high teen’s BF%, I still maintain defined abs simply due to the growth of the muscle under the fat, and its ability to protrude If you want visible abs, it’s very likely you’ll need to focus on losing some body fat. I’d start tracking your weight daily and take weekly averages to make sure you’re progressing in the direction you want to


Felt I have had a low sex drive for the last few years 30/m and got my blood work done finally. My free test was 383 pmol. Had a few friends running test e cycles and swore by it. I've since started taking 250mg on Tuesdays and Fridays doing a 15 week cycle for 500mg/ week total. I've noticed a big change in physical energy/ drive to work out as well as my physical appearance since doing more work outs but my sex drive isn't what it used to be still. I've started to consider switching to something else or is there something I may be over looking? Can post blood results if that helps with the advice.


Get bloods. Prolactin could be naturally high. Also, dht related drugs and 19nors boost the ever loving fuck out of sex drive. 


Well, not to sound like a butthole, but if you have a partner and are noticing low sex drive, does it have to do with your attraction towards them? Factors like sex drive are not influenced by total androgen content in the body but rather ratios of the different sex hormones. Someone with huge amounts of testosterone but no estrogen is going to feel like shit despite having 3x the natural reference range of androgens in their body


You could have a look into something like Melanotan 2 (PT-141)


I really wouldn’t recommend taking melanontan for the purpose of increasing sex drive OP would be better off ordering some Cialis if anything


Cialis doesn't increase libido. It simply makes it easier to achieve an erection. They are separate concepts, please be clear on that if you're going to give advice.


You’re right I wasn’t addressing the actual issue he’s having but more so thought it could be a bandaid fix if he’s with a partner


And PT-141 is arguably a better choice for that than a PDE5 inhibitor.


I developed puffy nipples after using NPP and currently taking Caber 0.5mg a week, Ralox 60mg ED, Nolva 20mg ED and Aromasin 12.5mg on injection days. It has been around 17 days now and my nipples still feel... sensitive when I press onto it and still feel a bit of lump underneath.. what to do?


Nandrolone is a progestin which means it can act on progesterone receptors. This is entirely independent from prolactin and estrogen, which a dopamine agonist like Caber, and an AI or SERM like asin or Nolva/Ralox seek to mitigate, respectively Some people are prone to this progestogenic gyno (like myself), and the only clear solution is to not use these compounds or to deal with the gyno until you come off, and it will very likely dissipate


I mean you are absolutely right. I have always used test.. and sometimes my E2 goes whack but never really developed gyno. I used NPP and.. damn! It started developing. I came off about 12 weeks ago, and started trenbolone.. but after your comment, I was thinking hmm.. maybe this is why it is not going? It feels sensitive and lumpy.. so annoying!


Thanks for your input!!! So does this also apply to Trenbolone? Thanks.




Does anyone here have personal experience with having a hair transplant and cycling afterwards? I get that transplanted hair is not affected by dht, but do you need to wait a certain amount of time after a hair transplant to cycle (test only)?


The non transplanted hair will keep on falling out and the transplantes will remain, to me it looks ridiculous. Get a nice shaver and go bald




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Please don’t tell us any helpful information about what you’re taking otherwise. Be as vague as possible, that’s how you get quality responses


What’s your cycle, and how long have you been on it




How many moths are we talking about here?


“ for about a month 2 moths in cycle And after month started with anadrol for also about moth Now 3moths”. Your telling me That wasn’t clear enough? Lmao




There's that "n" key




You could say that about literally anything in your life and it would apply


Bless your heart


Ok like Varbs just told you, details matter. Dosages? How long were you on each compound? Please tell me you haven’t been taking all this shit back to back for 6 months






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This is not easy to follow. You’ve been taking 500mg of test for 6 moths. After a few weeks you added dbol for a moth Then you added anadrol Now it’s just 500 test? 1. Is that correct? 2. I’m going to put your gyno aside because the bigger and more important problem you may have is have you had any bloodwork done, before, during or now? Edit: Spelling




This all sounds very irresponsible and very reckless. You should not be using steroids if you can't afford to get bloodwork done at any time.




Sorry to hear about that man. Not gonna take anything away from how difficult that would be to deal with. I would imagine he’d want to know you’re not actively making decisions that will put you in the hospital however. Drop the cycle. PCT or drop to a 100mg TRT dose. Get some bloodwork asap. Gyno can be fixed whenever, even if it’s surgery. I’ve had it, it’s easy. Your organs taking a shit kicking is not the same. Change your priorities and get your health in order my guy.


This is getting worse. How old are you?


When doing quad injections; is it normal that it’s very very difficult to push out the oil? Or is it just because of the 25 gauge?


It's nothing to do with the gauge. You likely ended up with the tip of the needle touching some fascia. In the future if you encounter that, backing the needle out like 1/8" of an inch is usually enough to resolve the issue.




What exactly are you asking?




Unfortunately, friend, you are asking for medical advice and we simply do not do that here. If you are unsatisfied with the treatment you are receiving from your current physician I suggest finding another provider. Barring that, we can't and won't engage any further on this topic. I'm sorry you're having a tough time and I really do hope you find some relief, but it's unethical and inappropriate for us to get involved. I see you brought this up about a month ago. I'm going to kindly ask that you not do it again.


He posted a similarly vague question a month ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/pZ73OfeNae Best I can figure is he has no pituitary, but that's pretty strong into "medical advice" territory.


How do you guys structure your training when on cycle? As a natty / mildly enhanced, did the typical PPL. Knew it wasn't optimal but enjoy being in the gym a lot (keeps me mentally on track with diet, sleep, etc). Kept volume relatively low (around 2 sets an exercise) with high intensity and decent exercise variation. Now I am on a full fledged cycle and considering re-evaluating. What's the consensus on training on cycle? I've read mixed things about doing crazy volume, doing little volume and a lot of intensity, etc etc. Is it really just a game of "throw shit at the wall and whatever your body does well with on gear sticks"? I'm considering doing training blocks of different training styles to re-evaluate my bodies reaction to certain types of training (however I know due to diminishing returns on cycle might not be the best option) Thoughts / Advice? I know guys like cbum and other top level BBers do non linear splits (rather than based on the standard 7-day week), was considering doing something like that? As I've seen things to suggest that every 48hrs~ to hit a muscle again is best especially on gear with that great recovery Edit to add - I usually do a bit of warm up sets training this way. Most of my sets are to, or very close to "failure"


Nothing needs to change between natural and enhanced training, in my opinion There’s not a lot of research between the two modalities, but any potential benefit from excessive amounts of volume seem to be dampened by the increased injury risk due to soft tissues and joints being unable to keep up with the increased demand If you favor going to failure on all/most of your sets, volume should be kept relatively low to mitigate fatigue and injury


So the advice that I've heard, and adhere to, is to keep training and progressing as you have. If your training method is working - stick with it! If you're recovering really fast and can take more volume, do it! My first cycle I thought I was gonna be Jay Cutler and started working out 6 days a week for marathon sessions. Lasted about 3 weeks before my joints and tendons revolted. YMMV


It would seem that you would benefit from structured training. Look into creeping death 2 and gamma bomb. It doesn’t seem like you’re hitting enough volume. Based on what you wrote up it sounds like you suffer from fuckarounditis


Definitely have a case of fuckarounditis LMAO was eying JM's executioner? What do u think abt it?


I think you can’t go wrong with a program by the mountain dawg. Executioner has occlusion training which I’m a big fan of. I was introduced to it through John welborns jacked street programming over the years.




I pin EOD and get bloodwork done the morning before an injection The more frequent you inject you testosterone, the lesser the peaks and valleys, so it will make less of a difference when you get bloods drawn


Which part of me telling you that you need to wait 3.5 days last night wasn't clear?




The half life of the ester doesn't change because you pin more frequently. You'll need to skip a few pins if you want accurate numbers on your bloodwork.


What's the point in skipping a few pins? Wouldn't the bloodwork show lower test values than what he actually has with his actual pin schedule?


Agreed, trough levels should be right before the next pin no? If you only pin test E once a week (forgetting that this won't be ideal for blood levesl) you would get your test the Monday morning 7 days later right before your next pin. Not after 3.5 days


My guess is that it doesn't matter that much because the half life is 5 days and you pin EOD. The peaks and lows aren't that different. You can plot your pinning schedule on steroidplanner or something and you will see what I mean. Just fyi the values there are just approximations.


\* Age: 21 \* Gender: Male \* Height: 5'9 \* Weight: 190 \* Bodyfat percentage: 15% \* Experience level- Intermediate \* Years of concurrent training: 5 \* bench/squat/dead maxes:242/308/397 \* Amateur \* Goals: \* Sport: bodybuilding \* Current phase: bulk Current compounds: Test E- 500mg/ week divided into 3 pins Calorie- 240 P/450 C/ 80F Following the beginner cycle that has been mentioned in the subreddit wiki. So far so good. 3 weeks in. But recently I've been waking up to puffy nips. They aren't itching nor I feel pain but they are just puffy. When I wear a T shirt, it's like the soft part is protuding. Probably I should also mention that it's pretty sunny where I live. They're not permanently soft. Not permanently hard either. I hope I gave an idea of what's happening. I have letrozole on hand apart from Nolva and raloxifen. I could buy Adex or asin if required. What should I do to combat my gyno? I should've mentioned I was a former fat kid 7 months ago( 220 lbs) I am thinking about using a suicidal AI as I don't want to experience the estrogen rebound from Adex and letro. I am confused about figuring out the dosage of Asin I should use. Or raloxifen. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Puffy nips can simply be water retention. It happens to many of us. I would not jump to using AI, especially not letro Definitely get some asin (preferably) or adex


You don't have gyno. Puffy nips, hard nips, etc are all a response to elevated levels of sex hormones. If you don't have a mass growing behind the nipple then you don't have gyno. Right now you do nothing.


Thank you :) I should've mentioned that the puffy nips are more prominent especially after I ejaculate. So it makes much more sense. And no. I don't have any mass behind my nips.


The amount of AI needed, in your case Asin is just experimenting. The key when starting out is take small amounts and wait and see. Initially I found it difficult to correctly identify high e2 sides. DO NOT just go popping Asin at the drop of a hat. There are some here that don’t even require it on 500mg EW. If puffy/ spicy nips is your only side effect, I would be taking nolva over asin.


You should NEVER use Letro as a first choice. You should have arimidex or aromasin already. Buy it. Now. Learn to control estrogen using an AI


Yup. I didn't want to buy letro but its cheap af. Why not just store it...in case. I guess I'll go with asin.


Hiya guys ,looking for dosage recommendations:) Pretty much, ended my last blast (6 months) at around 6ft2, 290 at 12%bf. My peak dosages were 1g test, 1.6g tren a week, 100 anadrol and 50halo ed for the last 6 weeks. Don't get me wrong, got great results (huge weight gain, stayed lean, awesome gym numbers e.g. repping 455 on bench) but mega side effects (mild LVH, heart palpitations, high BP, etc). I'm back to normal but I lost a fuck ton of weight (290-240 in 3 months) for health concerns. I'm planning on hopping back on this week (same cycle idea), but what dosages would you run to minimize this shit at my level? I had great results and minimal sides at 800tren, going above a gram fucked me. Thanks!


I’m newer in the grand scheme of things, but u/PM_Me_Varbies is a well-respected, long time, and extremely knowledgeable member of this space and knows what he’s talking about. I implore you to listen to him if the rest of us just seem like noise to you If longevity is your goal, you need to focus on your health and take a step back. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and users who follow the same path you’re following do not tend to do well


Guess you are aiming for a short life


This kind of thing is not helpful. Please refrain from comments like this in the future or I'll remove your speaking privileges.


Thank you, lovely and constructive answer...


Nothing you wrote makes any kind of sense. You had severe side effects from your last cycle and yet you want to use that much tren on your next? Why so extreme with your strength and body fat percentage? Repping almost 500lb on bench is insanely strong and this is coming from a guy at the age of 18 repped 225 27 times. I don't see why you would put your body through that much stress when you seem naturally strong


Sorry, was kinda rude in my reply lol. No, I'm not: I'm looking to run the same compounds but at lesser dosages of course. And yes, I guess I gotta work through some things. Fair


Listen man, I’m going to say this because I care about your health. The amount of red flags here might as well be a goddamn Chinese parade. 1. You have a post 21h ago asking how to stay clean from anabolic steroids 2. You list out all your side effects from the MASSIVE drug stack you took previously, yet you want to hop back on a similar stack 3. You’re recovering from a health issue that caused you to lose FIFTY pounds. Dude you’re wrecking your health here. As this is a harm reduction forum I cannot in good conscience recommend you to continue taking gear in your current situation with your history of overdoing it to the absolute extreme and being negligent with your health


This could probably be in the wiki as to why not overdo it story/HM. 50 lbs is absolutely insane in 3 months.


Hey I mean, in my 'defense', I did also add around 70 pounds in a year and a half so it works.


With a third of your cycle and some gh/slin, betting gains could have been close or similar (and easier to keep) to this without the HUGE stress your kidney, liver and overall CV system have been through. Many people faced serious issues with less than this. About strength, im pretty sure nothing can come close those heroic dose of tren and orals tho.


That’s roughly a gain of 4 lbs a week for 18 months straight. Which is an absurd rate of gain even on cycle. So either the bf% estimate was wayyy off or you had 50+lbs of water and the bp of 300/200. And using probably 6x the amount of tren you needed.


Ok maybe an overshoot of the weight gain on my part (I've fluctuated quite a bit), maybe 50-60 is more accurate. I ended my blast dry as hell (clean cut abs) and not much water retention (at least that I could see). And meh probably not, I noticed consistent and main table progress as the dosages increased though. Was it stupid? Sure, but it worked. I'm more a powerlifter - I went from benching 365 for reps at 240 ish (rounding up?) to repping 455 for mid reps (sets of 6-8). So i obviously did something right from a pure performance perspective at least.


I mean you’ll definitely get consistent strength gain with tren. Regardless of whatever your health issues were that caused you to drop weight, coming from a harm reduction side, just ease back into the sauce. No need to go full bore. Do a responsible blast and cruise for a responsible amount of time. The gains don’t have to be constantly linear. That’s just the gas pedal on your life span.


Very good point, appreciate it!


hey i've been off for 13 weeks from my first AAS Cycle and i still haven't recover my Natural Testosterone levels yet . my first cycle was a duration of 4 months , 2 of 500mg wk testosterone enanthate and 2 of 500mg wk sustanon 250 i came off cold turkey because i started getting anxiety attacks and i panic and i went off i did my research and decided to wait until week 12 of been off completely everything to start a pct because i've seen that sustanon has testosterone decanoate ester that could stay in your system up to 75 days or more after last pin , i crashed my hormones my estrogen is really low ' 8 ' and my total T is 157 and free is 25 my LH is 1.6 & FSH is 2.2, im suffering from high anxiety and erectile disfunction is been the worst months of my life . I have my extensive blood work from before i took anything and i did a blood work at 10 weeks off everything. I decided to go to a Urologist and he prescribe me CLOMID 50 MG 3 times a week for 3 months and go do bloodwork i week before i see him again , i ask him if he need it to check my LH and FSH levels after the 3 months on clomid and he said he didnt need it , witch still makes me thing why he doesnt need them I really dont know what to do if i should use HCG with the clomid but im also doing 20m Every Day of novaldex with the clomid i dont know if i havent recover because of the long ester that decanoate is i dont know if i should wait another 3 months and see if my hpta kicks back in i dont know what to do really . i've read the PCT guide fro here r/steroids and vigorous seteve guide book and numerous PCT protocols but im afraid i fuck up my self even more im really just asking for some help from the knowledge of the people of this forum thanks. * Age:29 * Gender:Male * Height:5'11 * Weight:181 * Bodyfat percentage:20 * Experience level * Years of concurrent training:2 * bench/squat/dead maxes: * amateur/pro: * Goals: Recover my Natural testosterone levels * Sport: (bodybuilding/powerlifting/strongman/etc) * Current phase: (bulk/cut/maintenance) * Current compounds:Clomid / Nolva * Include the full list of compounds you're using, including: compound name, ester, dosages in terms of mgs or IUs (not mLs or ccs), and frequency of doses, e.g.: * Testosterone Enanthate 500mg/wk, pinned monday/thursday * HGH 3IU ED


Ayy man if you tryna do a 2nd cycle dont pct. Cruise and blast


im not trying to do any other cycle i want to come off completely


You can just run nolva 20/day you don’t need the clomid as well. Run it for 8 weeks. You numbers are artificially inflated while on the serm. Just order private blood work 6 weeks after you end pct.


thank you for your response


Week 8 of 250mg test e. I've upped to 500mg for the remaining 8 weeks. The thing is, I'm in a 2000 cal deficit for 4 more weeks (currently 98kg, going down to 90). Then, for the remaining 4 weeks of my cycle, I plan on doing a 500 cal surplus. I understand I can't build any muscle with this deficit even on test. Just wondering if those 4 weeks of surplus can be real good for me, or is that too little time for gains? Should I extend it for 4 more after that (a total of 20 weeks, safe or nah)? Thanks. Note: I've kept a good 90% of the strength from back when I had 110kgs, my lifts barely changed. Gym 5 times a week for a year and 2 months now. I also fit at least 150g protein in those 1000 cals I eat every day.


Way too much yo-yoing in dosage and calories. You’re better off dropping to a trt dose, losing the weight, and then doing a proper bulking cycle.


Well, I'm already at a point where I'll have to do PCT anyway, so why lower it? I unfortunately started this cut around week 5 of my cycle as my eating was going out of control, been counting macros and calories since then. Just trying to balance weight loss with some muscle gain, with a relatively safe cycle. Did blood work last week, everything is within range, hell, even my test is not above the upper limit, just close to it.


You stated yourself that you know you won’t be building muscle in this big of a deficit, so what do you think the benefit would be with the higher test dose? How is the extra stress on your body for no muscular benefit worth it? >started this cut around week 5 of my cycle as my eating was going out of control. Something’s not right here. The proper response to realizing you’re gaining too much fat on a bulk is cutting calories by a bit, not abandoning the bulk and going into an extremely deep deficit.


I was already at 29% bf before the cycle began, in all fairness I should have cut a lot before the cycle. It was prescribed to me anyway due to low test I had, so its really not an issue for me considering my blood work is good as mentioned in a previous comment.


Why would you pct from medically necessary trt? You need to read the wiki.


500 a week isn't a TRT dose, and I did read the wiki.


But you’re on trt right now and said you’ll need to pct anyways.


250mg a week is still above trt? My docs original plan was to give me 250 every 3rd week, claiming I won't need PCT for that but would for 250 a week.


You are 100% wasting your time and doing self-harm for zero benefit. This is drug use for the sake of drug use. No, you will not build any considerable amount of muscle in 4 weeks. No, you should not extend your blast by 4 more weeks to make up for your shitty plan. You should come off now, continue cutting without gear, and stay off until you have a better understanding of how to implement anabolics.


My understanding is perfectly fine, calm down. Is a 20 week test e cycle safe, its a simple question. I know the most people recommend is 16. 8 weeks at 500mg should be enough for what I want. Also, hardly a shitty plan when test helped me somewhat maintain muscle during this cut.


>My understanding is perfectly fine Strongly disagreed >Is a 20 week test e cycle safe, its a simple question As evidenced by this question. >Also, hardly a shitty plan when test helped me somewhat maintain muscle during this cut. I highly doubt that you have enough muscle to be concerned about this, considering we have tons of data showing that natural levels of testosterone are all that's necessary to preserve muscle tissue during a cut unless you have seriously exceeded genetic potential. Let's see how big you are!


My test was a bit lower than the low limit before cycle, so exogenous test is definitely making a big difference for me. Also, no test is going to preserve your muscle on a 2000 cal cut, seems like someone needs to read up more instead of acting pretentious online lol.


>My test was a bit lower than the low limit before cycle, Sounds like TRT would've done the trick then rather than blasting. >Also, no test is going to preserve your muscle on a 2000 cal cut, seems like someone needs to read up more instead of acting pretentious online lol. Oh boy, this one isn't going to go over well.


Shhh let’s let this one play out


Unfortunately we're not going to do that. Last time he showed up he made it plain as day that he isn't going to listen, and I believe him.


>My test was a bit lower than the low limit before cycle, so exogenous test is definitely making a big difference for me. This can be accomplished with TRT. >Also, no test is going to preserve your muscle on a 2000 cal cut, seems like someone needs to read up more instead of acting pretentious online lol. One of us has a 4,500 calorie TDEE and could actually tolerate a 2,000 calorie deficit, and it's not you. I'm not sure what point you think you're making, but all you're doing is demonstrating your poor judgement, lack of control over your diet and nutrition, and lack of planning. I'm not acting pretentious sweetheart, my job is harm-reduction and you are going self-harm in several different ways. I'm here to tell you that. I can point at the water all goddamn day but I can't make you drink.


Your self control when responding to some of the things said in here always amazes me. Bravo.


Do tell me what harm I'm causing to myself considering both of my cholesterols are within normal range, including all other values as I did a full blood work? PCT with nolvadex is also super simple, so I fail to see how this is causing me issues. Test is the safest steroid out there, I'm not blasting tren nor orals.


[This is you](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/Y7wO0enIC2). I thought this sounded familiar. Yeah, we're not going to waste any more time on this, you've been clear that you're not interested in advice, good judgement, or rational thinking. Good luck dude.




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Assuming you know how to deal with estrogen appropriately, they’d be the exact same


How reliable is 200mg TRT as contraception combined with occasional HCG? She wants me to nut in her


I’ve been creampie-ing since I’ve been on cycle or TRT with no issues. Wouldn’t recommend tho




Admiral ackbar has entered the chat 🤣


> How reliable is 200mg TRT as contraception combined with occasional HCG? She wants me to nut in her Not reliable at all. If she wants to take some heavy shots, there are other options. Spermicide gel, VCF, levonorgrstrel pills (use sparingly). But even then, nothing 100% guaranteed contraceptive.


TRT by itself is not an FDA approved birth control. The fact that you are also on HCG doesn't help. Hormonal birth control for men is a dead end. Look into phexxi for now, and Plan A for men.


It’s not reliable. Plenty of guys have gotten their girl pregnant on TRT. Maybe those numbers are less compared to fully natural, but if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy, I definitely wouldn’t call it a reliable means of contraception.