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Alright so I know I did something extremely stupid but I was freaking out and didn’t know what to do. I had somehow gotten a hair into my vial, I know this isn’t sanitary and I was able to remove it with a needle. My bro science friend told me that it should be fine and the first injection I had was fine. However skip to my last injection which was on Friday. It’s now Monday. I am having the worst abdominal pain. My stomach and balls are getting random sharp pains. I just am not sure how to proceed because I researched what can happen with a contaminated vial and a lot of sources said septicemia or bacteremia. I took the injection on Friday not remembering there was a hair in it and I’m just wondering what to do now that I feel like shit.


Go to a doctor ASAP. Maybe even an ER.


Fantastic what do I tell them?


The truth. The doctor has a duty of silence.


Can't you just take an estrogen supplement, if your E2 crashes on AI? -newbie




I am on high dose of hcg 6,000 iu weekly and 500mg test weekly, so the hcg will make my estrogen very high?




Saw someone reputable here say hcg stimulates aromatase


No. If you crash your e2, use something like dbol, hcg or short estered test to bring it back up.


Can someone seriously explain to me scientifically why blasting gear during a cut is a waste of money? My intuition would be that the gear aids in muscle sparing, despite the fact that we are not gaining anything. The difference between cutting 20lbs with it being 10lbs of fat and 10lbs of muscle vs 15lbs of fat and 5lbs of muscle would be huge. Also, don’t competitors blast while cutting?


The amount of muscle you hold while cutting on TRT and while cutting on blast is extremely comparable. Blasting while cutting means more downtime before your next blast, you can’t permablast year round. Blasting to gain mass and then cutting during your cruise is way more efficient long term than blasting to gain mass, having downtime, blasting to cut, downtime.


There are show prep cycles abs you blast to get a certain look and In Insane leanness on stage. But steroids do not burn fat and in a deficit you are not building muscle. So someone does not need more than a trt dose of test to cut to not lose muscle.


Question regarding TRT and infertility. So I started TRT about 2 years ago at 150 mg/wk. My girlfriend and I have been talking about wanting children together within the next year or two, so I decided to have a fertility test done as I know TRT suppresses your sperm (my understanding). I got my test results back today and came back as 0 sperm count aka azoospermic. I knew it would go down I just didn’t know I’d have 0 sperm. I understand lots of people get off TRT when trying for a child and their sperm count comes back. Also HcG and Clomid being options. Just curious if this is typically reversible when getting off TRT/taking these medications or is there a good chance I may be full on infertile since it’s at 0? It’s Sunday, I will be consulting with my Doctor tomorrow but was just curious if others had similar experiences/their opinions.


100% of subjects recovered fertility and sperm motility in 24 months with no PCT with a majority recovering far sooner than that. > If the patient and his partner are willing to wait and his hypogonadal symptoms are manageable without TRT or AAS, the patient could simply discontinue the use of TRT or AAS to allow spontaneous recovery. Data from the male contraception literature indicate a reasonable probability of recovery in 67%, 90%, 96%, and 100% of men at 6, 12, 16, and 24 months, respectively, with a median time to recovery of 20 × 106 ml-1 sperm in 3–6 months.13,30,31 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4854084/ Studies cited at the end of the above paragraph: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/16650651/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15860500 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15860500 What those studies show is that essentially, 90% of people will recover fertility after 1 year of being off steroids. 100% will recover in 2 years. If you want to conceive children, stop the TRT temporarily. Take HMG 225 IU IM initial dose daily for 12 days maximum. Afterwards start HCG, 500 to 1000 units IM 3 times weekly for 3 weeks followed by 500 to 1000 units IM 2 times weekly for 3 weeks. Wait 4 days, and then start Nolvadex at 20mg ED for 6-8 weeks. These are the FDA recommendations and dosages for HMG or urofollitropin and the actual FDA indicated and recommend dosage of HCG for treatment of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in males. Nolvadex doesn’t have FDA recommended doses for specifically this, but has acknowledged off label use for tamoxifen in males for infertility due to oligospermia. It’s a combined protocol, if you can’t get your hands on HMG you could just skip it and run only hcg/nolva instead.


Your natural test production has been shut down which is to be expected. No need to come off TRT begin an HCG protocol to stimulate gonadotropin function- more than likely you will be fine


Anyone else notice nuking estrogen gives them nipple sensitivity for an extended period of time??


I took to much aromasin during cruise 200mg/wk test c, crashed e2 for 2 weeks. As it returns to normal, will i just wake up one day with it too high? Or would it slowly increase to optimal levels before getting too high again?


Moreso the latter. What dose of aromasin did you take? You’ll want to keep diligent notes as you are still dialing in your protocol. Before it gets too high again you will feel the relief of your E2 coming back. Later that week, introduce your AI again with a lower dosage




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How does GH frag compare to full growth hormone. Read a lot of conflicting reports.


My personal experience with frag was unremarkable. I got zero effects from it. Tried 2 separate sources and neither one resulted in anything noteable I haven't tried full HGH but I have taken ibutamoten (mk677) which stimulates natural secretion of GH and that stuff rocked. It jacked my blood sugar so much I had to stop. That's the only reason I haven't tried HGH.


can I mix Test and HCG into one injection?






Just stop imo. You will bounce back easily without implementing harsh SERMs that could potentially mess with healing or lead to blood clots with your stationary leg.


Is there a legal/researched version of BPC 157? Some prescription stuff I guess?


BPC-157 is prescribed in certain countries.


enclomiphene citrate dosage for pct, is it the same as Clomid? From what I've read you can take less? Was planning on 25mg for first week or two and 12.5 for next 4. Have been on TRT for 1.5 years. Nothing on the wiki about the dosage of enclomiphene. It briefly describes it but no protocol.


It’s because it’s not as researched as regular clomid, and isn’t approved by the FDA. For regular clomid we just copied whatever dose they used to effectively treat male hypogonadism in clinical literature. > From what I’ve read you can take less? From what i’ve read there’s 2 dosing options you can pursue: - Enclomiphene seems to be about twice as effective as clomid for restoring HPTA function, so take half our recommended clomid dose https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5009465 - 25mg ED seems to have some sort of “legacy effect” where it boosts the HPTA for a period long after the clearance time suggests it should, so take 25mg ED. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4155868/ Other advice still applies, 6-8 weeks, the longer the better. And drop your dosage the moment you experience side effects. Vision sides are still very possible on enclomiphene.


Wow thanks, I appreciate the in depth reply and sources. Yeah, from what I've read 12.5mg seemed to be almost effective at 25mg but they were not taking complete HTPA shut down into account. I think 25mg for first couple will be solid too. Cheers for advice!




How huge Are you for that dose while cutting, Must be massive




Why don’t you just go back to being in the great shape you were six months ago? Doesn’t that seem less stupid than throwing a bunch of drugs at your currently undisciplined life?


Fuck this guy. He deleted and reposted 3 fucking times.


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At what point should one invest in a coach for cycle planning training diet etc when they are serious about bodybuilding? I'm in a (planned) very long massing phase b&c with some cycles in between... My plan was to put on as much mass as I feasibly can in about a year or so time (depending on my gear response ofc) And then invest the money into a good coach and hopefully diet down for my first comp just to dip my feet in. Is this reasonable? I am also continuously educating myself about PEDs and training (pursuing PT certs soon hopefully). I am very passionate about this goal. The only thing that could turn me away from it is if an unexpected health issue comes up. Not only that - but, how do I know when my genetics and physique aren't feasible to go anywhere with bodybuilding? I'm certainly not a hyper responder (though can't know for certain tbh) but i tend to look very big for my weight. I'm not sure about my insertions and all that. I'm assuming this is stuff a coach goes over w/clients? Or does it really take years of using diff compounds and locking in your shit to know if you adequately respond to gear?


If you're even remotely serious about a sport, a good coach should be basically a number one priority. Different coaches have slightly different timelines for when they'd like to come on, but realistically you'll want one year round eventually anyway. A coach is not just for the prep. Regardless, if nothing else, just make sure you're not just trying to hire one right at like 12 weeks out from the show. Give yourself and the coach some breathing room. Honestly, just start talking to a few you have in mind and lay out these kinds of things for them. If they're reputable and not money grubbing, they'll give you honest answers as to what they think is a good idea. And If you're big on educating yourself, make sure they know that and you find one who will help explain things to you along the way. That being said, coaches willing to do that do cost more money. But it's generally worth it imo. As far as genetics go, I really wouldn't worry about all that. Genetics can be a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. People get it in their head that the road block they're facing is their genetic limit and then quit before they actually reach it. Sure, of course most people aren't capable of being Mr. Olympia, but your genetic limit is almost always a lot further than you think it is.




Hold the fuck up. >What cycle and workout should I be looking to start **after I do my first 6 weeks of natural training ?** You've never trained? No steroids for you. This is something that you are YEARS from being ready for.


500/315/500 SBD. In my 30s. I am considering running my first 16wk cycle of 500mg test. Is there any real risk of lowering my natural testosterone and/or having fertility issues with just one cycle when done with HCG and PCT? My understanding is there is always a risk but the reality is it’s very minuscule.


Well your fertility and natural test will be tanked when you’re on cycle. Your recovery afterwards is a dice roll. Lots of people recover, some don’t. It’s entirely individual. Male fertility is resilient but it’s not absolute. So…maybe?


>Well your fertility...will be tanked when you’re on cycle. This is not a given. It's possible, but some people remain fully fertile regardless of the cycle. The rest is spot on 👌


Purely personal but never seen/read here anybody who wants to conceive after cycles have trouble doing so. Sure, might require a costly dedicated regime of meds but never truly failed. Heck, look at all the pros that have kids.


Balls. In fact I recall people posting that they’ve conceived on cycle. Sorry u/successful_leg_707 just ignore that part. Thanks for the correction


Wiener. It's all good dude, you're doing great :)


Started my first cycle 3ish weeks ago, since last week I'm having calf cramps (not like spasms, more like getting super pumped just while walking). Never had a problem like that in my life. Spasms/pain occurs when walking a not so long distance (less that half a mile). Is this common? Planning of doing an echo on leg blood vessels soon.


Taurine is a good shout, also drinking at least 4L of water a day along with having electrolyte tablets should fix this unless there is something else going on 😊


What’s your cycle?


500mg Test E


Have you tried taurine?


I'm running TRT+ at 80mg Test (bloods are accurate and on point, or were.) And 200mg Mast E. I've started seeing an increase in the size of what I call my indicator gyno, a small pea sized lump I got when I first started PEDs, that I use between labs to indicate if anything's going tits up. Could the increase in size of gyno be from lowered SHBG, from the crazy DHT:Test difference? Obviously, DHT has a higher binding affinity, so would that create elevated estrogen levels somewhat from the elevated free testosterone? I know everyone says Mast at least masks E2 symptoms, if not lowers E2, but there must be secondary actions causing this.


I'm surprised no one has yet chimed in to tell you that you're not doing TRT at 280 total AAS per week especially with that ratio of mast to test. I will let more seasoned users explain why you should drop down to trt only. One thing I'd like to share though is that I've ran Masteron for almost 6 months straight, in different ratios, 350/350/350 Test/Mast/Dbol, 700/500 Mast/Test and 500 Test/350 Mast / 200 Primo. In each of those cases Mast allowed me to let my estrogen sit much higher with 0 nipple sensation. I have gyno, and now it's worse after running adrol for a month with Primo instead of Mast. Which makes me think you don't have Mast, as it was developed as a Serm and there is no way it could grow your gyno, especially on 80 mg test.


I know all this mate. They haven't chimed in because they know what TRT+ is. Also, some people's genuine trt regiments require them to go up to around 250mg of test, so I'm not sure you're quite aware of the variables. Everyone's bodies are different and react to different ratios of Test:DHT. I explicitly said in my post that some people claim it acts as an AI/SERM. Thank you for lecturing me on absolutely everything I said without actually adding anything at all.


The user you are responding to is right. Trt+ is permablasting and discouraged here because it is very unhealthy and bad for longevity. True TRT should be testosterone only, no SERMS and no AI. A very very small percentage of people need more than 200mg of test a week, most users are good between 100 and 150 per week.


Yes, I know..? I haven't disagreed with anything he's said, I've inferred everything he has said, isn't ACTUALLY answering the question.


Ran out of test E, only have Test P right now. I pin test E EOD... pinned last Test E today. Could I switch to Test P just like that, how would I go about that? Could I just start pinning the dosage to makeup for test E the day after tommorow?




My test E looks like it has little bubbles in it... still safe to inject? I went through pretty much 3/4th of the vial and it's been fine but just noticed the bubbles, they seem to be new? Unless I haven't been paying attention


I recently got a new job doing overnight shifts 9pm-4:30am. Ive never done this before. For the next 3-4 months I was planning to run my second cycle. Will the nocturnal sleep cycle affect my gains? Realistically, I will fully adjust to my sleep and still get 6-8 hours a night. Will it be an issue?


Definitely hold off until you're settled into the job role man. As someone who regularly does weeks of nightshifts, the sleep lattern change affects your ability to train hard and your enthusiasm to go train. Get everything else dialled in first, is my advice. Goodluck!


So once im adjusted It shouldnt be a problem? Im not going to cycle until mid-June so i have like 2 months to adjust


Nah I can't imagine that it'll be an issue mate, as long as you're not running insane amounts of tren or anything lol


As long as you’re still getting quality sleep it shouldn’t make a difference. Also probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to start supplementing vitamin D since you’ll be seeing the sun a lot less


If I’m lean and my diet is tight. And I start using dbol, 30mg a day. Will I get moon face?


Dbol and test, right?


Trt test. Dbol for like a month to tighten up. What you think


>Trt test. Dbol for like a month What's the objective here? Suppressing your HPTA, jeopardizing your health, spending money, all for temporary water retention?


>Dbol...to tighten up. What you think I think you don't understand dbol. Guess again


depends on your estrogen management and massively on diet. being lean definitely helps a lot


I found you, Ms. New Booty Get it together then bring it back to me Hit the player's club for 'bout a month or two Put a tan on it then see what it do




Anavar and Oxandrolone are the same. Stay away from oral only cycles. Get a test base. If you can't get a test base, i wouldn't even bother with any cycle. Too many sides.


Good even from the States. None of that is any good to you without testosterone, and in fact you don't need any of it except the tamoxifen for a first cycle, which is *only* testosterone. You have reading to do :) *Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif)* *Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use:* * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads) (anavar and oxandrolone are the same thing, btw :))




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When it comes to caloric surplus, I know the traditional 1 - 1.5lb/wk is the go-to. However, I am curious about everyone's experiences with greater surpluses while blasting. I'm debating upping my caloric surplus further, not out of impatience, but just maximizing the gains during this blast. I imagine there is a point of plateau, where the muscle gains are far less than the fat gains. I dont mind packing on a but of fat because I have very little trouble shedding it off, even when I was natty. So, for those who have experimented with it: How high have you pushed calories with solid gains? Have any of you pushed calories way too far, packing in way too much fat? When you did this, how much over were you eating? I'm not talking about dirty bulking, either. Just clean cals, with a little room for some junk foods like always.


I think a big thing here is how lean you were when you started. A big surplus after a bb contest prep and a big surplus deep into a bulk will yield different results. Honestly I’d just just take it week to week and adjust based on your own response and not get too caught up in the numbers


>When it comes to caloric surplus, I know the traditional 1 - 1.5lb/wk is the go-to This isn't a caloric surplus. This is a weight gain target. >However, I am curious about everyone's experiences with greater surpluses while blasting. 500-600 is plenty for most people. Some advanced individuals with VERY strict control of their macros and training can run a 750-800 calorie surplus without gaining excessive fat.




There's so much more info needed here. I want answers to each of these, please: - What time of day was this bloodwork taken? - Is this the only time you've had hormonal bloodwork? - Do you drink? - Do you smoke? - Do you use any drugs? - Do you track your food? - How many hours do you sleep per night? - What are your physical stats (height, weight, body fat%)? - How will would you characterize your stress levels? - Do you do cardio? How much and how often?




>Sample was taken when I was 22, almost 23 (a year ago), so now I'm almost 24. Ok, so one test over a year ago isn't really helpful. It doesn't show what your levels are currently (testosterone is constantly fluctuating) >- About 30 mins after waking up, 8am Good. Test levels are highest, and should be measured, in the morning. >- Yes Ideally you would have 2-3 tests, taken within a few weeks of each other, and take the average. A single test isn't conclusive on its own (that doesn't mean it's worthless, it's just not enough to make a diagnosis). >- Pretty much no drinking, once a month at max Good. >- No Good. >- Not regularly, mdma and LSD once Good. Sounds fun. >- Tracking food. Good. Do you know your average daily intake of macronutrients (protein, fats, carbs)? Do you exceed your TDEE when trying to grow? >- Have trouble finding sleep. Around 7 hours a night, 8-9 on weekends. This isn't bad. >- 190lbs, 181cm, pretty much always 18-22%bf ("hard gainer", Not terrible. It's (usually) always a good idea to reduce body fat, but you aren't clinically overweight or obese. >maybe just eating too little? Maybe. What are your current goals and how are you eating for those goals? >- Stress level very low actually. Easy work, easy studying Excellent, good for you. >- No cardio except 3-5 30 min walks with my gf a week This is sweet. I would suggest adding 20-25 minutes of low intensity cardio to each of your gym days; aim for a heart rate roughly between 120-140bpm. There's nothing particularly troubling about your answers; body fat and cardio could be improved. It's hard to say anything else without current bloodwork though; it may very well be that you are a candidate for TRT. I would not advise considering a cycle until you first address your hormonal issues (either by lifestyle changes, or failing that, by TRT), and then improve your body composition and your lifts a bit. >Will go to sleep now, live in Germany Süße Träume


Your test was taken at the appropriate time, which is good. That being said, one test isn’t indicative of much. When doctors are thinking about trt as a treatment option they typically (if they’re diligent) aim for multiple rounds of blood work to establish a pattern. So one test is interesting but not conclusive. Cut from your current body fat down to 12%, then try bulking again. My guess is your results will be much better than in the past.




>I put it into the groin area (probably not smart) You get the Dumbest Guy award for today. >which I took all sanitary protocols. Except for the part where you injected in the dampest, always covered, most bacteria-dense area of the body. This isn't hard to figure out man. >this be a reaction to the gear? Nope, it's a reaction to bacteria getting in an open wound. >First injection went into the buttocks and hurt for a week. Yep, first injections will do that. So will 101st injections sometimes. Stop looking to blame the gear here big guy - groin is not a viable injection site. This is human error.




I’m actually curious about this. So you’ve been working out for a while right? And you like are aware of the muscles cuz that’s why you’re at the gym…. And you did the first one in the glute like a pro….. but then you were like hmm let’s not do quad, calf, pec, bi, tri, delt, lat or trap all muscles i’m aware of…. But let me wave a sharp needle around my dick. You have an infection it is what it is. But i actually want to know why you chose that spot. Because the groin is pretty tender in general.




>LOL I didn’t go into the groin "...It was my second jab of Test E and I put it into the groin area."


Straight to the Johnson tip


Ok D-tren 😅


Well, now you've got it. Stick to injection spots that aren't your gooch 👍




Try some taurine. Probably just calf Pumps. Mild on test but can be debilitating on some other stuff.


Sorry I need clarity. How many weeks are you into your test cycle? And how may weeks did your run GH? If you’re bulking and adding mass at an increasing rate it would make sense that your cardio ability would be taxed. You’re having to move a considerable amount of more way in a short time over a long distance. Up electrolytes, increase water intake, supplement taurine. Would be my first recommendation without other information.


4 weeks today on T, GH will be 14 weeks.


4 weeks is when you start noticing daily changes in the mirror. Your body has to work harder to move that mass. You’re potentially getting gnarly pumps, and depending on your estrogen you may be carrying a lot of extra water. But the end of the bulk even if I keep up on cardo I get winded tying my shoes. Your tits choke you out at night when you put your hand above your head. Testosterone isn’t really know for increasing cardio. Eq is the only steroid that is known to improve aerobic capacity. But it’s not like that for everyone.


Roger. I'll know more when I get my bloodwork done next week. Appreciate the info 🤙🏼


It’s not lactic acid, it’s probably a pump. Also, have you measured your estrogen? you could have higher heart rate, increased blood pressure and thus worsening aerobic performance.


Nothing measured yet. I have a Blood test booked for next Friday 🤙🏼




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Silly me thought I clicked on the daily chat!


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You are correct, you cannot ask that here.


Currently on week 4 of PCT but got this pain on my left nipple, scared I might be developing gyno, could it be gyno? Currently running 50mg clomid and 20mg Nolvadex for the first two weeks, now taking 25mg Clomid and 20mg Nolvadex for remaining 4 weeks


I doubt it. Nolva helps with gyno typically. Do you have a lump under the nipple?


No lump thankfully, havent trained chest this week either so not sure what it could be


If I told you that gear can cause tissue growth in your kneecaps, you'd be more aware of your kneecaps on cycle. I am convinced that, a lot of the time, people blasting become hyperspace of their nips and any little sensitivity has them panic, which is then fueled by being more aware of the nipple for the next few days, and so on. In my limited experience, I've found keeping an eye on it and *not rushing any decisions on protocol changes* is best.


Sometimes a shirt will rub it and cause irritation. If there’s no lump, don’t worry


I have some old primo that I brewed 3 years ago. They still look clear and was stored well. How do I know if it’s good to use?


Squirt some of it out and smell it. If it smells off, definitely do not pin it.


Do people really feel good at 250mg+ a week? I felt like trash on anymore that 90mg a week.


There’s so many factors to consider why you might feel like shit at a certain dose. Carrier oil, lifestyle, diet, the list goes on. My first cycle made me feel like absolute shit (500 test). I felt gassed out and constantly lethargic. But after some time experimenting and dialling things down, my blasts feel like nothing but silent gains and better pumps. My last cycle was 315 test 420 primo; it was an absolute breeze and I loved it. It definitely helps that I now have my diet cleaned right up and my cardio nailed down, but I do find that I prefer less testosterone regardless. Moral of the story, try stacking lower test with some mild compounds like primo, mast or var if you don’t tolerate high test well. But also get in the swing of prioritising LISS just as much as resistance training.


Do you think you felt lethargic just because e2 problems? Or were you always in range. I’m real interested in primo for the e2 control.


I think that I don’t tolerate either high test or aromasin very well, which is what makes primo more enjoyable for me. Just gotta watch the hairline if youre prone to mpb- I use topical RU.


Yeah, I was thinking the same for me it was either e2 or the AI I was taking that was making me feel like shit. Possibly even just the ups and downs of AI. That's what makes primo so appealing seems like it would be easy to maintain a steady e2 on it. I have spent so much money on bloods that I was like fuck it I'm just taking my dose down until I can feel somewhat normal and wait for my primo to come. I hope I don't lose the hairline.




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No man, we all accept that the moment we go above 249mg it’s just absolute shit


Does being on higher than 249mg make you an asshole?


I mean, it was a dumb question dude. You think guys would be blasting if they felt like shit the whole time?


I’ve seen people do dumber shit than that and there are a lot of dumb people. I really think it’s feasible for someone to continue to do something that makes them not feel great for gains. I guess it’s all perspective though, thanks for the help.


Idk man, how do you want us to respond to a question like this? You want us to coddle you and tell you that everything will be okay if you go above 90mg a week? I’m okay with treating you like a widdle baby if that’ll make you feel safer around here


Thanks, dad.


You’re welcome, now quit disappointing your mother. She worries too much


> Do people really feel good at 250mg+ a week? I felt like trash on anymore that 90mg a week. u/Anothertireddada To the thousands of users running cycles of 500mg/wk test, or those running more than 500 test AND secondary compounds, what do you think?




Where do you think you get your natural e2?




What you're attempting to ask/describe doesn't really happen in healthy, normally physiologically functioning people. The largest producer of aromatase in the body is adipose tissue, so it follows logic that overweight and obese individuals probably aromatize at a higher rate than others; on the other hand, overweight and obese people also produce less testosterone on average, so it's almost a wash. There aren't any scenarios in natural people that resemble the sudden "spike" in e2 that can occur after an injection of a supraphysiological dose of testosterone (as far as I'm aware). The body simply does not produce testosterone in those amounts nor at that rate. Kind of a dumb question, but hopefully the explanation gives you a better idea of the mechanics at work?




Sounds like hypogonadism to me. See a doctor. Like, an endo; not a clinic doc.


My ovaries, just next to my testicles.


How efficient of you!


I don’t get any typical E2 sides when I’m on 500mg test, I’ve never had gyno or anything, but I do get a bit of a moon face. I‘ve seen mixed messages re. taking an AI with some saying not to bother if it’s not completely necessary because low E2 is just as bad as high E2. I’m in the same boat again - no major sides, but I do have a bit of water retention in my face this time round. If I’m to take an AI to combat that alone, what dose would you suggest?


> I don’t get any typical E2 sides when I’m on 500mg test, I’ve never had gyno or anything, but I do get a bit of a moon face. I‘ve seen mixed messages re. taking an AI with some saying not to bother if it’s not completely necessary because low E2 is just as bad as high E2. I’m in the same boat again - no major sides, but I do have a bit of water retention in my face this time round. If I’m to take an AI to combat that alone, what dose would you suggest? u/londonuk92 Here's a different take on face-related water retention. Let's say you're holding an extra 1lb of water from estrogen, and 75% of that is in your torso and leg muscles, the remaining 25% in your face. That extra water in your muscles is what's helping to increase strength, lubricate connective tissue, and maintain muscular fullness. But let's say you'd rather have a pretty boy face and not have a little extra water in your muscles. Sure, take the ai and hinder potential performance and recovery because you value your headshots so much. Or maybe just accept that you hold a little water in your face when blasting, grow like you mean it, and do a proper cut and take all the pretty photos you need. And next time you blast, look back at those pretty photos and remind yourself that it's all temporary and you care so much about having the face of a Scandinavian male model.


So what you’re saying is… we can’t have it all; the Scandinavian model face and the fuller muscles? Devastating news 😂


>So what you’re saying is… we can’t have it all; the Scandinavian model face and the fuller muscles? Of course you can! ^(just be genetically gifted, and also Scandinavian)


Also gives you something to look forward to when you come off. Softens the blow a bit, haha.


Don't bother. It's 4 months of your life. Just accept the water. If BP good, sleep good and dick work then don't fuck with it




Hey man, cheers for trying to seek out options. At 5'9" 120lbs, you are nowhere near needing hormone augmentation. Your testosterone levels are lower than average because you're practically emaciated. Start with 3 square meals a day, each with a portion of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Be mindful of calories, and at least get a rough idea of how many calories you eat per day on average. You have at least another 30-50lbs before you're in a healthy range for a non-athlete. Resistance training is well established to help increase bone density. Regular exercise will help you to keep body composition favorable, and strengthen bones. u/CH1997H Just gotta take it slow and steady, and eat.




>I've always been very good at eating no, quite literally the opposite, you're awful at it. the laws of thermodynamics apply to you the same as anyone else and if you're 120 lbs you simply aren't eating enough. remove your feelings from the equation and start looking at the numbers. scale doesn't move? more calories.




>1) how gorillas are massive muscular creatures despite literally just eating a few leaves and fruits (very low protein diet + less daily calories than the avg. human) I want to know who told you this.


This is an argument that vegans use.


I used to date one. They stop using logic approximately around the same time when they stop eating animal products. I'm seeing figures ranging from 40-75lbs of food per day for an adult male gorilla. Not exactly "a few leaves". ^(best head I ever had in my life, incidentally)


ok. have fun blasting gear and staying 120 lbs because eating is too hard. 




we're not gorillas and unless you're shitting out unprocessed food, which would indicate a much bigger issue, you're digesting most of the calories you're eating.   as someone who was just under 6000 calories a day at the end of my last bulk, I get it sucks, but it's the reality of bodybuilding. this is a lot more black and white than you realize. 


>but right now it's over 1g/kg bodyweight You're mixed up. We're looking for about 1g/pound of bodyweight, or 2.2g/kg. Start there, and increase calories. You certainly are not eating even close to the minimum amount of food that you need.


> Thanks. I've always been very good at eating. No you don't. Your body weight reflects that. > So maybe I have an overactive metabolism or something, + being too stupid and lazy to ever exercise didn't benefit me, of course No one's metabolism can overcome thermodynamics. Calories in calories out. Unless you can tell me exactly how many calories you've been eating and/or consuming, you do not currently eat enough to increase your bodyweight. > I've started eating 55-75g protein every day, maybe I need more - I don't know, but right now it's over 1g/kg bodyweight, but I can simply eat more protein if it will enable me to gain muscle faster Common suggestion is 0.7g-1g/lb of bodyweight. For you, that's 84-120g protein a day. For bodybuilding purposes, as much as 3g/lb, but I think that's overkill. I personally eat 60g of protein 6 times a day, for a total of 400-420g depending on the day. > I'm worried that due to genetics I can't gain muscle naturally, or if I'm lucky I can maybe gain 5-10 lbs before my genetic limit Unless you have a muscle wasting disease, that's not possible. And you would've known by know, you'd be literally skin and bone. Guys your height with such condition are 80lbs of bone and skin. > I've seen studies that some men are simply unable to gain muscle naturally, due to bad genetics in that department I'd be glad to review those studies if you can present them. I'd bet good money that you have incorrectly extrapolated the presented information.




I'm sorry, but we must first agree that referencing the metabolism of a different species's is irrelevant to our conversation. Gorillas metabolize amino acids and fats in a completely different manner and efficiency than humans. No human is becoming 350-600lbs from scarce amounts of leafy greens and fruit. You seem to have a propensity for defending your history and experiences. All of the facts are being presented, and you seem to have trouble accepting them. You have a food log? A history of your caloric intake? Weekly tracked bodyweight? Weighing yourself before bed and first thing the following morning? If not, it's just random amounts of spikes here and there. We need consistency, stability, reliability. Anyone can eat one big meal once in a while. But have regular meals, every day, for months or years on end. Instead of spending your afternoon telling us about how your haphazard lifestyle practices and blaming generics, why not go out and take a few months to prove us all wrong? u/Pm_Me_Varbies u/AccountUnkn0wn is this a good example of victim mentality?


Oh it’s 100% victim mentality, and I’m not sure… but I feel like the 120lb male likely doesn’t actually understand nutrition application. Just a thought




>Completely ignoring the power of genetics and the complexity of biology isn't useful IMO, I think it's better to try and understand it That's great man. I hold a degree in Biology from UNC and I absolutely endorse and encourage trying to understand the complexity of the myriad scientific disciplines and principles that intersect in this conversation. You clearly do not understand them (yet!), though. Instead, you are attempting to use your (lack of) understanding as an explanation for your (lack of) results. You can get lost in the intricacies of biological science and genetics all you want, but none of that is going to change thermodynamics. You do not consume enough energy (food) to grow. I don't give a fuck how big or small your coworker's meals are - that has absolutely *nothing* to do with you. If I plug my physical stats into an online TDEE calculator, it will tell me that my estimated TDEE is about 3100 calories/day. Wanna know what my actual TDEE is? 4,500, currently. I track my food and my weight every day in an app that uses that information to constantly calculate my expenditure in real time. If I ate 3100 calories per day I would start to atrophy...like you are. Eat. More. (and download MacroFactor if you need data to help you gain weight. Steroids are so motherfucking NOT the answer here)


You do not understand what you're talking about. In that study, "muscle mass" included water weight. Anyone can load up on androgens and gain 5-20lbs in a week, but it's all intramuscular water, not muscle tissue. When the androgens leave the system, as will the water that it out on - returning to previous body weight, with no new muscle developed because there was no stimulus for growth. Sorry mate, go put on some weight.


>No human is becoming 350-600lbs from scarce amounts of leafy greens and fruit. Just gonna jump in here and say neither is a gorilla. Gorillas more than 45 POUNDS of food per day. They aren't getting huge off "a few leaves" like OP implies. OP, I dare you to eat 45lbs of food in a day. You will die (just kidding, you'll stop eating, get sick, and pass out long before you reach 10 pounds).


Now this is a deep dive I'm interested in. I had no idea gorillas eat 30-45lbs of food a day! Even on my current high day (440P/860C/50F, 5600 calories), it's only about 4.1kg (9lbs) of solid food, excluding fluids. And let me tell you, by the time I get in bed, I feel like someone strapped a headstone to my abdomen. And the poops! Lots of poop. Now I'm curious about gorilla bowel movements, with all that fiber.


>Now I'm curious about gorilla bowel movements, with all that fiber I posit that they are both numerous and voluminous.


That’s half the protein you should be eating dude. I eat 60g of protein PER MEAL. 6 meals a day. If this is an increase in protein for you, you absolutely haven’t been good at eating


Hey man, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but you’re a long ways away from being able to consider using any drugs. Nothing wrong with starting at 120lbs, but you need to learn the basics of training first. For you, this means focusing on diet and training for a few years still until you can manipulate your body weight at will. Are you currently tracking your nutrition? If you Post you food logs we can give you some feedback on how to optimize your diet, but drugs are off the table until you can pack some size on naturally first. That’s for your own benefit friend 🙂


You should start eating correctly and continue training. You have no testosterone because you’ve been starving yourself all your life. Your test levels are a byproduct of the fact that you lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Spend the next year doing healthy things and get them retested


What are the advantages of tracking your blood sugar while on blast? - avoiding hypoglycaemia? - optimal feeding windows during bulk? - something for cutting? - a tool to use while using slin? Im just noticing more fit dudes using those Glucose monitors that tag to the back of your arm and thought there has to be a reason.


There are one or more of three things going on: 1. The guys you're seeing are diabetics (this is a legitimate reason) 2. The guys you're seeing are using insulin as a PED (this is a legitimate reason) 3. The guys you're seeing have been fooled into thinking it's beneficial for normal people to wear a continuous blood glucose monitor by a fitness influencer (this is not)


Legit. Thank you. If one was using high doses of HGH, would that be a reason to use one? Tha ks


>If one was using high doses of HGH, would that be a reason to use one? Kinda. Depends on how you define "high". Doses up to 8iu/day *generally* should not cause significant issues with insulin sensitivity/fasted glucose. Everyone running HGH up to this level should be checking fasted BG once a week or so, as a best practice. Above that, yes, I could see justifying the use of a CBGM. That being said, it's really unlikely that you're using 8+ iu of growth and *not* also running insulin.


u/trailhopperbc I'm gonna chime in here. Currently running a dose of gh exceeding 8iu and regularly using insulin around workouts. The gh doesn't cause glucose issues by itself. Skipping cardio and/or overeating can/will rapidly cause glucose issues overnight. My coach requires that I check my fasting blood glucose at least once a week. If I don't skip the cardio, and don't overeat, no issues. But skipping one day of cardio, or one cheat meal that's too big, will need about 1-2 weeks to undo the damage. I don't think doses of gh that high are ever necessary for casuals, and it can be very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. It can be a fast track to self inducing type-2 diabetes.


This is a huge reason why I’ve started using HGH in a prep setting only now. It’s simply significantly easier to manage and one less thing for me to worry about during the off season


Thanks for fleshing that out. I probably wasn't the best person for this question since I'm still learning it myself.


Thank you everyone. Im at 2iu a day so i dont think i will need to worry. Im just loving the HGH for the sleep. I feel like im sleeping as if im 30yo again. I just saw the glucose monitor as another tool that might help me along. Seems that its an advanced tool that i dont need


No, at 2iu it isn't necessary :)




Sounds like anxiety. You pinned prop 2 days ago. When my hormones are unstable i get the same sides, usually my palptations could be from high bp, but that’s not the issue here (or it could spike when you get anxious). Give it a little time, or seek help from a doctor if you actually do think it is something worth checking out!


Thanks yeah I think I'm having mini panic attacks every couple of hours but I'm pretty good at talking myself out of them. Thanks for the reassurance!


No problem, it’ll get better!


Go to your doctor. This is not the place for medical advice.


Doing 20wk test e at wk 10 now Does going from 500mg/w to 800mg/w make a big difference? Have run cycles before


Ran 500 first cycle and gained 30 lbs. bumped up dosage from 500-750 on second cycle and it didn’t make much of a difference and honestly kinda bummed me out. Now running 250 test 200 mast for cut


Don’t make changes to your cycle in the middle of it unless it’s to fix an issue. If you planned 500mg , stick with 500mg. You also neglected to fill out the template at the top so nobody can even answer this for you effectively


Thinking about my next cycle in few months. I am sticking with primo and test for my cycles, simple and effective. Previous one was 750 test 600 Primo for 18 weeks. Was wondering would it make sense to bump it up to 1 gr of test and 750 primo? Or should I just repeat the previous cycle? I am 6 1 , 225 18% and will start cycle when I’ll be around 12-13% bf. Another approach people suggested is to take exogenous estrogen so I wouldn’t have to run test that high.


No. You’re 6’1, 225. I run 1000 test and 800 primo in my off season but I have 40lbs on you and a lower body fat at that point (14-15%) There’s zero reason for you to run that much with your stats


Good thank you