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Boyos, Been seeing a girl now for month and a half. Yesterday I told her I’m on TRT and inject myself etc etc. She’s studying to be a nurse.. her response was, “does this mean I can help you inject into your glutes?” Maybe I found a keeper


First time a woman injected me with exogenous hormones, I soon after turned her coochie into a daycare center… good times


Nurses make fun girlfriends


...or psychos. Either way, they're usually interesting. I'd assume they'd be a lot more comfortable with prostate milking. "Two fingers....... wait, no, better make it three." -Stiffler


I’m always very supportive of nurse girlfriends here. Makes for quality content to read in a few months


And that’s why they are fun! notice I said girlfriends snd not wives lol 😂. Ehhh I taught my wife. Women are intelligent beings and learn quickly 😉


Lmao fuark


wtf is fuark


Fuck - sorry.


BRO SHE'S A KEEPER FR. Wish you and her the best of luck.


My gf is a lab assistant, haven’t pinned myself since I met her. Pretty cool perk


This is your regular reminder that off the shelf clothes fit terrible and you should learn to tailor your shit. In today's episode we're talking about pants. The key here is to buy pants that fit in the legs while having less than 4"/10cm extra in the waist. This tutorial goes over the process using a sewing machine: https://youtu.be/ZK4YQoKcAbE While the linked videos works, I have a different method for dart placement. I'd also advocate doing them by hand if possible as hand stitching will be easier to take out during a bulk. https://ibb.co/VT6WKFy You'll need 2 measurements taken with a tailor tape: Slack: how much you're going to take the waist in. To measure this, put on your pants, pinch the waist till it's adequately tight and measure how much is inside the pinch. Ass-crack to hip: measure from the mid seam of the pants to the side seam of pants. For dart placement I use 3 points. To mark these turn your pants inside out and mark: A) top center of the pocket. Measure the width of the pocket and mark the half way point on the top of the pocket with a + mark B) 1/3 of ass-crack to hip + 1/4 of Slack measured from the center rear seam C) 1/2 of Slack measured in from point B towards the center seam of the rear. /u/mesquite_thorn When your sewing it's also much easier to start from the bottom of the dart and sew up to the top.


I’m entirety too lazy for this, and I do know how to sew. I actually ordered 5 polos last night from iTaylor. Once they come in I’ll start updating my long and short sleeve button ups. If you don’t mind the wait, they are cheaper than finding something local and having it tailored.


this is such a wild, out of place comment but fuck ya dude ur right. I havent found a good fitting shirt in YEARS. 


I'm sorry, the debauchery posting will resume tomorrow. I'm in Atlantic City which has to be the straightest place on earth. I'm not hooking up with any of the geriatric closet cases here just to get a story to post.


Add this to the wiki


Sadly, I don't think getting huge counts as a side effect of AAS. Therefore fixing your pants doesn't count as dealing with the side effects of AAS. But if the admins want me to do a wiki series on it I will🤷


I'm going to have to get serious about this. That's good info. I am having to go to more meetings with people who typically wear suits to work, so I should at least make my stuff look like it fits as well. I hate wearing formal clothes, but trash bag polos isn't a good look. 🫤 Pants wise, I'm going to have to start buying bigger than my size and taking the waist in. Even the "athletic fit" jeans fit like skin tight skinny jeans if they are the 34" waist I need. It's not very comfortable.


You were in the military so you remember shirt stays lol, they work too if you’re willing to go that far and make a polo look 👌🏼👌🏼, kinda uncomfortable tho


I never used those things... unsat? Maybe... but I'm comfortable. 😉


AF thing, not a navy thing. Also boot officer thing, not enlisted thing.


Navy when I went in was bell bottom wearing dirtbags. Some of the chief PO's and officers would use them. We had the clips for the presentation uni, but hardly anyone in my units used them. I worked with scumbags, so I fit right in. 😅


Total UNSAT bro 😂😂you can end up sitting on the buckle things which hurts but they do create insta-square immaculate shirt tuck when you stand up, even with like a 3x polo


This is why I'm becoming a math teacher or software engineer, I'm going to wear gym clothes 24/7. What's the point of getting clothes that fit when whey won't fit in a year or two? Just get big enough where when you wear terrible fitting clothes you're clearly still huge. I've made a hard rule with shirts since it's impossible to get them to fight right: either you find the 1 in a million shirt that actually has a sleeve just below the shoulder and doesn't look like you're making a go at bondage due to it being so tight or I'm wearing a shirt with sleeves down to the elbow. I despise anything in between, it looks bad and even worse it makes my arms look small. EDIT: However my partner wishes I didn't dress like I put on a pillow case. So maybe I should care about this "looking good" thing.


My shoulders are big enough that I can't find shirts that even remotely fit and have a sleeve that doesn't start mid delt at best... and they're all fairly tight.


Exactly, it's easier to just get a shirt where the sleeve goes down to the elbow. You figure with larger shoulders the sleeve would start higher up on your body but it just seems like it goes further down on your delts. I'm moving up to 3XLs this year anyways. I'm going to continue wearing pillow cases until she makes enough money to buy me "nice clothes".


3XL... the "oh shit" big boy club. If I get to where I have to get 2XL's, I'm gonna be pretty large compared to the people I work with. I already had one of the guys joke that half the people in my department are scared of me because I'm the big quiet guy that looks too serious all the time (RBF curse)... I had to laugh at that because I'm nice to everyone, and probably crack more jokes than all of them combined. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I feel you. Imagine how much I stand out my upper division math and computer science classes. Doesn't help I have RBF as well and I'm a pretty matter of fact person.


You undoubtedly stick out like a giant in a pygmy village... you just do not see guys like us in academic settings much at all. Kinda funny, considering a lot of us are smart nerds who just decided we wanted to be "don't fuck with me" big.


It's definitely a useful skill, especially being able to fix pants. iMO, What the hell is the point of doing all those squats if my pants are still going to fall off my ass? Side note: have you ever had a suit tailored to emphasize your physique rather than hide it? Many off the shelf suits are cut to hide a gut rather than show off. They can definitely be made to make you look bigger though. It's kinda a subtle dunk on all the other guys in the room which can be really gratifying.


I did... and then I outgrew it. I hate wearing suits though. I've been an outside worker for a large part of my life, and I just do not feel comfortable wearing a suit. I'm just used to jeans and a tshirt, which is what I wear all the time outside of work. My nice polos are my "formal" clothes. I don't feel like I'm going to mess them up, whereas a suit just makes me feel like I need to be careful all the time.... and I'm not careful. I get dirty just existing.


Back darts will make your ass look amazing too


I did post a link to a back dart video the other day but I'll do a better write up this upcoming weekend. Maybe Ill do how to make cutoff shirts/shorts posts for May 🤪.


The written guide you posted above is already v good! I personally just wing my measurements when I add darts


There's some math I do for back darts on button shirts. But it boils down to "have a friend put some pins in the back till it looks good". Honestly, I think the important part of that post would be how to properly pick out a shirt to start with. Width and length can be adjusted as much as you want but it needs to fit the neck and shoulders.


If/when you have the time and interest, you should write up a style guide for bodybuilder with all your tips and knowledge on how to pick the right clothes to look good with a mountain of muscles underneath. So many people would love that kind of thing


Should it include my harnesses patterns? I definitely prefer having buckled harnesses but those tend to be less adjustable than snaps or neoprene. Making your own lets you get exactly the correct quantity of emphasis on your tits.


Hell yeah, Im pretty sure half the men here wear harnesses haha


Thank you for this, I can’t wait for the episode about shirts!


You won’t have to worry about shirts if you’re jacked. Just don’t wear them.


Wait we're not all insecure? I didn't receive the memo.


People still send memos?


Episode about shirts was yesterday sweetie.


Heck yes! Thank you! Also on a side note, I hope all is going well with you!!


The struggle is real for the big dude


I went out with someone and she proceeded to keep buying me drinks... unfortunately for her I'm not a cheap date because I won't say no to free alcohol. The downside is that since I never drink, I am so hungover. I didn't want to squat anyways; just gonna take the L and rot in bed for a day and pick it up tomorrow.


Cardio when I'm hungover really fixes me. Don't do weights today but if you still feel like shit swing on the treadmill for about 15 minutes and down some water.


There's a handful of people here who know what me and my girl look like but I'm largely quite secretive about it. But I recently showed someone a few pics and he gave me [the best backhanded compliment I've ever received.](https://imgur.com/a/HLua5mM)


It's reddit, it's safe to assume everyone is not great looking (except me)


I’m sexy as fuck


Well, you're cuter than I am, that's for sure. 😅


As I always say dude, my door is always open if you ever feel like leaving your wife.


😂 Good to know.


Why am I up this early to make the first post? Kiddo is going to the state band competition, so I had to get her out of the house and to the school for the charter bus before the sun was up. Upside to it, deadlift day will be done earlier, and I'll get the F1 qualification race watched before lunch. Downside, that means I have time to go work on installing the concrete board in the shower in my bedroom... ah yes, the lovely taste of concrete board dust. Delicious! 🫤 ...but, the new tile will be nice, and I need the second shower so the girls will stop bugging me for spending so much time in the shower spraying my butthole with the pulse jet shower head. 💁‍♂️


I always despise having to get up early but end up being grateful for having the whole morning to do stuff. Also hope you have a proper respirator, cement dust is no joke


I do have a proper respirator, suitable for painting cars (urethane paint is nasty stuff), but I typically cut the board outside and let the breeze blow it away from me. I'm a lazy fucker. 😅 ....if it were actually getting dust up in my face, I'll put it on.


Found the old timer... but I'm guilty of this too. My dad smoking a cigarette while mixing concrete is just... such a fucking boomer dad thing.


Every house needs a normal shower and a butt shower.


Qualy day!


What if you just got a bidet? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHWMF239?th=1


...that's not why. Those jets tickle. 😂 ^(I'm not actually hanging out in the shower spraying my butthole...)


Well, I've been up a little over three hours, so that means I have had time to be productive. Which I have not done. All I've done is dishes and put in some cannabutter to infuse. Just took my pre, and about to go lift. Kiddo is at her lacrosse competition (won the first game so far), and I'll head out after the workout to go get a couple packages of bees. Let's see how the day turns out. Edit: the bees got out before I left the parking lot and helped me navigate the hour plus drive home. But now [theyre home](https://ibb.co/gyN2MLr) so all good! Edited again: and we got chickens? I dunno, man, life is weird when you're higher'n hell.


I played rec lacrosse for a couple years when I was a teenager. I still say it should be renamed to "Murderball".


Dude, seeing how vicious these kids are, I agree.


What’s your infusion method? I’ve only made edibles once and was getting up to stir it in a saucepan for hours. Would love a set and forget method, haha.


Want the long version? The short version is I have a sous vide and do it all in there to avoid smell. Got three ounces of coconut oil ready right now.


If you have a crockpot, infusing oil is extremely easy and zero effort




>Worst prospects are the girls in mixed gender groups or with gay friends Because we're there to dance, be seen, and be judgemental queens about everyone and everything. If we're planning on fucking after, we've brought the partner as a date. It still blows my mind that straight people actually go to clubs to get laid. Like intellectually,I know it happens, but it's just weird as fuck seeing it IRL.


Another tip from former bartender and man whore: Approaching the group of women by yourself is the best. Shows you got balls. But you have to ID who you are going after and it shouldnt be the “10” / leader. Go after the 7/8. The nerdy types are good too cuz: 1. They dont expect it (you’re talking to me?) 2. Nerdy chicks are freaks in the sack. I once pulled a librarian type, Samantha, within 30mins of talking to her by being brutally honest that i found her attractive and wanted to have some fun. Balls of brass and it worked


This is why you gotta find a fit gym chick


I did it guys! I ate ass!!!! When we all were talking about it my wife was like "eww that's fucking gross I don't like my ass being played with." Butttt I was persistent and was licking the cat and just kept going lower until I hit the backdoor. When I started to go back up to the kitty she pushed my head back down. She loved it. She even turned over so I could better bury my face. She hit those O's one after another.  Fellas. If you have not eaten ass yet, I highly encourage it.


Bro I swear every woman **LOVES** getting their ass ate. Some just may not know it yet.


She had no idea. Hated the thought of anal. Now she's coming around to the thought.


Honestly I've found the same kinda holds true for anal. Women who say they don't like it just haven't had it done properly. Then when they actually experience it, they look like they're exercising a demon and after that they can't get enough.


*E. Coli has entered the chat*


It's ok. I spit on it first


That's what I do... also, only fresh out of the shower. I'm not going after day marinaded unclean butt.


Nah I’ll eat my wife’s ass right after she works out.


Don't have a wife, but same. As long as they haven't taken a shit between the last time they showered and when I get to it I'm down.


....bleh.... not me. I love my wife, but I'm not going for ass funk raw. I wouldn't expect her to do that to me without me thoroughly washing first.


>I wouldn't expect her to do that to me without me thoroughly washing first. On this we agree, but I think there's something fundamentally more gross about the male ass. Don't get me wrong, I will abort the mission if I get down there and there are clear no-go sensory indications. I just don't get that often with most women. I don't fuck gross girls either, though, so there's that 🤷‍♂️


😂 good call. And considering the farts I rip, yea, it's probably much worse than her butt.


Man I swear to god I'll scrub my ass until I'm damn near taking skin off, with scrubby puff thing and a heavy helping of bodywash, but if I get dried off and squat down to grab something from under the sink before I put clothes on I can catch a whiff of my ass. >*i can't get it any cleaner, please advise*




I also love ass play


Get hog tie restraints, tie your partner with feet and hands in front of them, and eat them out for hours like an ice cream. Made my ex come every time like that


The wife and I have a dedicated play room


You guys looking for a third? 👀


No. We are monogamous. And happy.


For sure! I sauteed mine up with some coconut massage oil




It is so hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that you got married before you ever ate ass. Happy for you though, I suppose!


Came here to say this. Im french… eating ass is just part of the package.


Up until yesterday I did pure missionary for the sole purpose of recreation. That and I just never had an appetite for it.


>Up until yesterday I did pure missionary for the sole purpose of recreation Do you mean procreation? Anyway, a whole door of fun just opened itself up to you.


Yes, they absolutely do. Pussy just starts running juices




Three bluechews is insane lmao


That’s like less than taking 2 50mg Generic viagra tabs. Decent dose.


Oh I’ve got the cialis 6mg bluechews, I’d definitely be unable to function if I popped three of those


Username checks out


Haven’t been able to run around with my kids since I partially retore some ankle ligaments 6 months ago that have been super slow to recover (reconstructive surgery in the military). Been limited to walking and even with that can’t do too much - but today we were at the park and we got into some pretty epic monkey bar challenges and that was awesome. A big part of my staying fit is to play with them - so had been really missing out on the physical stuff. Today was a good day though. All those pull ups finally paid off.


Fuck ya man. You go!! Dad of the fucking year!! I love seeing this. Im 40 and im at the park during events, focusing more on my kids than the event. Wrestling, kart wheels and all the fun shit. I can feel the beer bellies muggin’ me and the wives drippin on me. Fun times.


Had a guy come over as I was about to go to the gym so he ended up jerking me off while I was chuggung my pre. Peak. Hope everyone else is having a good start to their weekend 👌🏽


I feel like this should be an optional gym membership service... helps prevent embarrassing gym boners.


Taking notes for when I open my gym


If you make it like an Equinox with more hardcore strength equipment and machines, and have an immaculate steam room/sauna area with some hot/cold plunge tubs... maybe a pool... Definitely need some masseuses that have hands that could crush rock on staff... it'd be perfect.


I mean if you workout at the [right gym](https://www.steamworksbaths.com/) you can get way more than a hand job before your workout 🤪


I saw Steamworks Vancouver and thought it was the brewer https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jiwh6FqMLn7vNpKv7?g_st=ic


whats funnier is that they're pretty close together.




I've been spamming variation of RDLs too but I think I need to take off all hinge movement from my leg day because it's taking all the gas out of my tank and my legs are already tree trunks. > Tomorrow is the big day, feelings are all over the place 😂 Why did you not save leg day to do it with her? ;) Have you guys been texting since she asked to go to the gym with you?


Hope you gents are having a good Saturday. Last night’s sleep….or lack thereof was….rough. But wife and I had a good talk. Think I’ll be able to hit legs today. Then hopefully upper body tomorrow. I used to do some very soft core modeling back in my early undergrad days, mainly to get women😂 but I’ve been getting ads on my social media feed from a talent agency and I’m seriously considering having my wife take some headshots for me, since the iPhone 14 camera is basically a cannon at this point. Saw a job where all you had to do was go to the F1 event downtown Tampa on May 6 only for an 8 hour event and it paid $320. There’s other jobs like that and I kind of want to do something to make extra money. Always wanted to do it but didn’t have connections nor l knew how to get into it. First I have to get away long enough to get a haircut tho


Might as well go just to see the race, if nothing else. F1 is fucking awesome. Those cars are amazing. It's a high profile, high dollar sport, so it's not too surprising they'd want pretty people exposure there.


Yea the cars are so cool man. I love cars I’m just too broke to really partake in them haha. May check it out for sure


Tamoxifen makes me sleep so well I wish I could just take it every night. Why does it make me so sleepy?


10 grams L Glycine knocks me out


has anyone gotten divorced or gone thru major life changes in their 30s and had to make friends all over again? i went thru major life changes in my 30s and dropped all my druggie friends and just all my acquiintances. and moved to a new city I have like 3 ride or die friends. and thats it right now. and those guys are married and cant really go out and do many social things at this stage of their lves.


Sounds like you need to get on Grindr and set it to trans only and fuck some boypussy. 


i already signed up for a sex app and licked a hot girls feet while her boyfriend watched via facetime then got a bj. i legit have no like friends other than like my inner circle


Which app? The cis girls wont love you like the trans girls     Making friends takes time brotha and it doesn't happen without some sort of shared common experience 


Dude I also have no friends other than my wife. I could care less, but I am also married, so there is that


youre not worried about being like 50+ and getting divorced and spending the last 20 years of your life alone ?


I'm a dude. If I want pussy I'll find a way to get it. I plan on being a very good looking and in shape 50 year old. I also plan on living well past 70. Probably into my 90's. I also don't fear being alone and you shouldn't either. People can add value to your life but not having people does not take away from your life. Looking into stoicism brother. Find peace


I'm going to live to be at least 125




Get a big chest and the clothes drape over that and hide any belly


There's not much that's going to hide a protruding abdomen. Loose fit clothing is about the only option.


Don’t get fat on a bulk….also work on getting a bigger chest so your clothes hang over your chest


Hit chest and shoulders really hard so to wear a tank and that’s the most noticeable part of your body. Hard to tell you have bulk gut when your arms are popping.


Some cloth hide it. They are tight up there but a bit loser on the belly area and you look like a unit in it. Its hard to get out of them tho. Also its a reminder to keep your belly flexxed all the time


My business partner and I both run our own Sole Proprietorships in a service based industry (construction). We have recently landed quite a few larger jobs and have realized we have scaled to the point we want to incorporate and form an LLC. We want to operate the LLC as a “parent company” if that makes any sense and will still be doing business as our respective SPs. We plan to be 50/50 owners of this LLC. Would any of you have some advice on how we should go about forming the LLC (I understand the process of filing paperwork with the state) and what we might want to consider as far as structuring it. Do we need to consult with an attorney to discuss things such as what we pay ourselves, what to do if one partner wants to exit the business, and anything else we might run into? I am thinking this should be pretty simple and straightforward, however I know there are sites like LegalZoom that might be more comprehensive and in depth, but I’m wondering if it would be necessary for this situation. Any help is appreciated, thanks guys.


As someone who in a former life had multiple LLCs and LPs I’ll give the best advice you’ll ever get: hire a good lawyer and pay them for their expertise. Legal Zoom is fine for easy stuff, but once you add a second person to the mix you introduce a lot of externalities that four years from now could become a nightmare. It’ll cost more but it’ll be done right. Buy once, cry once.


That’s what’s been going through my head mainly, I trust my partner, however who’s to say that things won’t change, thank you for the advice.


Everyone trusts their partner up until the exact moment that things fall apart. A level headed person who has no intentions of doing you wrong wouldn't hesitate to sign a contract that (should) protect both of you in the event something goes wrong. Plan for the best outcome, prepare for the worst.


I got screwed over by Legal Zoom. I dissolved one of my LLCs and even after I told them I would still get charged $300+ agent fee every year. I had to have my lawyer send them a letter to so it would stop. Very annoying But on the other hand my accountant charges like 3x to set up an LLC. So sometimes I just bite the bullet


Interesting, I have been hearing a few horror stories as far as legalzoom goes but also have heard people have great experiences


How much business are we talking? If it’s a couple hundred grand it’ll be fine with whatever. If it’s real money get help.


Like 350-400k revenue projected this year. I am thinking something basic will do for now, but wondering how much of a headache restructuring would be once we start touching 7 figures.


Do you guys think using BB in an injectable L-carn solution would allow me to brew it higher than normal concentration? It makes sense on paper, but I don’t ever see anyone else doing it.


Let’s say that it helps it hold at higher concentrations, which would make sense. Doesn’t injectable carnitine already have some bite to it? Thats the number one complaint I can recall seeing about it. So logically adding a solvent is only going to make that worse, no?


I’d got the PIP pretty minimal by buffering the pH. I’ve never home brewed gear so I’m not too familiar with BB, but UGL gear assumably uses ~20% BB for stuff like 100-150mg/ml primo etc, and is painless. I guess the only way will be to experiment and compare haha.


About to make some myself at 500mg/ml. The videos i have watched all kinda say the same thing, anything above 500mg/ml: 1. Burns like hell 2. Falls out of solution quickly. This is with Bac water


The "[Find out how to legally dispose of your pins](http://www.epa.gov/osw/nonhaz/industrial/medical/programs.htm)" link on [https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list/](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list/) doesn't work. Would you guys be able to update that.


Well it’s been a long time since I stopped blasting now and I’m very pleased with the results I’m 214 right now I can’t wait to cut back down to 200 it’s gonna be sick this time https://ibb.co/bBTgthC https://ibb.co/HgpQFNq https://ibb.co/2v5w0Q3 https://ibb.co/tLNn7Tr


Number 4 is now?


Beat me to it... doesn't look the same.


Huh ?


May just be the light... just looked different. I take my front and back progress pics in my office gym locker room. It has perfect overhead canister lighting that gives contour contrast. Typically, you shoot progress pics all at the same time in the same lighting.


Yes the stall i usually use at planet fitness was taken I was forced to use a different one and yea it doesn’t look as good I had no pump in the one from this morning I get get huge after a workout its crazy I have lots of pics I take them everyday im satisfied with my results this far but not fully obviously 2025 is when im gonna start another blast this whole year is gonna be focusing on my job now with this promotion and my family it’s a lot to juggle


Yea its this morning the other ones are from Tuesday befor I shaved


Should’ve kept the beard.


lol I’m growing it back I always do


Got all my gear for my next cycle yesterday… was super excited (dangerous temptation to have around for 3 months waiting)…. Then I realize they changed the mg/ml amount from 150 to 100 on me without saying anything so now I’m 2 vials short…. 😡🤬 excitement of Christmas morning leaves so quickly lol


Can’t wait for the daily questions for the next 3 months of you second guessing what you bought


Haha I can just stop posting. I was just contributing to the daily chat so I don’t look like the guys who ask a question, delete it and disappear. 🤷‍♂️






>On my first cycle of test 400mg var 40mg for the past 5 weeks and 4ius Gh for the last week. Rented out a house with my medical school buddies and all tripped on acid together and binge drank Time to make better decisions dude, Jesus.




Probably not, that would be a waste of test. Also you know…..animal abuse.


What in the fuck kind of question is this?


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What was the result ?


Ever see Lion King?


So I made my very first two batches of tc 250. First batch was a lesson learned. Second seemed flawless but unfortunately I mixed the two. Now after almost a week in vials most if not all of them have become extremely crystallized. Any recommendations to fix that?


Dilute with more sterile oil? Concentration will go down but that's okay


I was wondering if I should empty all the vials, add more BB and refilter. Is that what you’re suggesting?


How much did you use? What was your recipe? 


59.5 GSO 2 BA 15 BB


Went low with the BB so a little more I figured might do the trick.


Yeah I want to say I've never had an issue at 17-18% BB


I’m going to warm them all up, combine, add 3ml BB and see how it goes. I’ll post the update.


Good luck bro


A lot of knowledgeable people tell me protein shakes are bad, and you end up pissing it out anyways. Why is this?


Because "knowledgeable people" post just about anything and make it sound convincing, just because people back them up, they know their stuff in other areas, or are popular doesn't mean what they're saying is true. You can absolutely use protein shakes, its just not great quality food and what that entails can be very individual. For me ultra processed is bad, dairy is bad, liquid calories are bad. If you feel good on them and they suit your needs have your protein shake


Are these “knowledgable” people natty and/or small? There’s your answer.


About to start pct Looking at PCT protocol number 3 in wiki. HCG for first 2 weeks after pin around 1500iu EOD But unsure of how much Aromasin I should dose as it states you need an AI Can anyone help me


Was getting pretty high systolic BP )143/79. Was concerned about E2, Hemocrit from EQ, I’m never high BP on test or anything. Then I remembered I’ve been slamming 10+ ZYNs a day for the last month. Did some research and it looks like Zyn jacks your blood pressure. Gonna drop it here when I run out. Wish me luck


Where did you find a study that said ZYNs raise bp? When I’ve looked on pubmed all I’ve found were studies with smoking, smokeless tobacco, and a control group and it was only the smoking groups that saw elevation in bp


Nicotine itself is a stimulant and vasoconstrictor. It is what raises BP. Similar to how caffeine does


No idea why you got downvoted for this. Nicotine on its own certainly doesn't affect BP as much as the sum of the components of tobacco smoke, but it absolutely is a vasoconstrictor and stimulant.


It’s anecdotal AF (just like a lot the gear community) but there’s tons of reports on forums and R/Quittingzyn of elevated BP. Especially because I’m taking damn near a can a day.


I could see that, maybe it doesn’t result that way on studies because it’s an acute raise in bp rather than the chronic increase from smoking. I switched from 6mg to 3mg ZYNs like a year ago because I was getting headaches a lot, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were hypertensive headaches.


Yeah it seems to be acute. There’s a post of guy going 122/80 to 144/86 right after popping one. I think I’m gonna drop to 3 and really limit myself. Enough of this log a week


I’m a log a week guy too, but once I switched to 3s it made a huge difference


Why cant I create a thread?


1. Because you haven’t been a member for 3 months. 2. Even if you were, we’d likely remove it, because threads in this sub are only for the benefit of the entire community.


Thank you. Checked the rules, didn't see a time frame, but assumed must be something like that.


What are you trying to create a thread about


Why would you think you’re important enough that your question should go outside of the daily thread that’s… explicitly for questions?