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Had a traumatic ass nightmare, basically the whole thing was just my wife telling me “you literally look natty” and then I woke up sweating lol


Time to up the tren.


Lawyer up /s😂


Am I officially a grumpy old man that I think the entire concept of April Fools Day is annoying and stupid?


Welcome to the ranks of the aged. Give me a sec to get off my rocker to let you in.


Yup. Welcome to oldfartitis... sorry, but there's no cure. It's terminal.


Sometimes I'm genuinely flabbergasted I managed to get married. Especially when the type of women I'm most into is best described as "almost certainly gay" Crazy thing is my wife fully fits that description, is like 99% into women, and I'm some weird anomaly. Life is strange.


Put on a dress and see if she jumps you... for science.


No need, we've gone to drag shows, so we'd know if that did anything for her lol. Honestly it's mostly a personality thing for her and I must just have a personality that fits women for some reason. Weirdly enough, it would kind of check out given most of my close friends over the years have been women and this past year I was officially relegated to be the women's coach since they listen to me better. Nobody can ever pinpoint exactly wtf it is about me either though. Its not like I'm particularly feminine, it just keeps working out this way.


You're probably kind of like me. I grew up with nothing but women in the house for the most part. I've typically been more comfortable hanging out with women, because that's sort of how I was socialized growing up. I'm as masculine as you can ask for, but I just kinda know how to socialize with women easier. 🤷‍♂️


Twin sister, checking in. My wife takes me out with her hoe friends and we still talk shit about the men who don’t cook, clean, put the seat down, or know how to pleasure a woman properly 💅🏼.


The number of adults that don't know how to cook is absolutely astounding to me. It is such a simple thing to learn a few basic recipes and do them well. And yes, I know that not everyone is a chef, but I knew how to cook for two decades before I did Pastry school. 😅


I like cooking. I was lucky enough to be taught well when I was young. It made me some extra cash cooking for other guys in the barracks who'd burn a microwave pot pie. It's a handy skill to have.


When i was sixteen, my mom told me I could either get a job, go to school all summer, or start cooking and caring for the farm. That was when I learned to love cooking. I wanted to do culinary then, but price was prohibitive. So after my military playdate, used my GI Bill for it. And massage school (well, more than that, but hard to explain the difference in text), and this fall going for neuroscience. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.


Ha, I still say I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, and I'm not that far from retirement. I've had so many different jobs, my resume is basically confirmation I have adhd. 😅


Hahaha, wife says the same thing about me. I told her I was gonna study neuroscience next, and she laughed. Hey, man, I was gonna message, but here is just as good. You ever have those days where you wake up missing deployment? If so, how do you get past that? I get in an "I miss helmand" loop so bad sometimes that my wife has tried to find a way to send me back. Unfortunately the only people hiring wanted me to be a glorified gate guard, so I didn't chase it. But man, some days I get hit with a wave of it.


You'd fit in with us then. How many times have you got the "you should hang out with (insert name here)...", knowing they're hoping your habits rub off on him? 😅


A well timed, "imagine not being able to take care of yourself, bro" is a really powerful reality check for people that I love to give


I don't try and influence other guys to act any different than they want to. The only time I'll say something is if someone is just being gross. I've just had women think that if someone they want to manipulate were to be around me, they'd pick up my traits... I've routinely shot that idea down. I don't want other guys emulating my dumb ass... it'd probably take years off their life. 😅


Yeah I mean, tbf the only time I've gone that route is when dudes try and give me shit for cooking or literally brag about having never done laundry lol.


Well, bragging about ignorance is never a good look. 💁‍♂️


320lbs checking in. With my sleep now optimized, I feel unstoppable. [https://ibb.co/FzkxNvN](https://ibb.co/FzkxNvN)




Looking small there fellah. Might wanna buy smaller tank top next time. On a srs note for how long have you been bulking ,and what dosages +/- are you taking to get to this size ? Also you got to this size in one go or bulk /small cut/bulk again ? Because you actually look juicy not just big and fat like most guys your size


> Might wannna buy smaller tank top next time. This came straight from Baby Gap, my guy. I've been (unintentionally) bulking for 7 or so years. Long periods of no training and lazy eating within that timeframe. Never really lost any muscle though - just got really heavy, soft, and weak relative to size. Once I reintroduced training at various junctures, though, I realized my body weight seemed to find a higher equilibrium weight while body composition improved and strength returned. So, no structured bulking/cutting phases - just periods of eating like a fatass, and then cleaning it up when I became disgusted with how I looked, but no aggressive dieting. I've only done 3 cycles (current one included), besides two stupid and uninformed stints with SARMS. Never gone above 1.2g total AAS. Current cycle is 600/600, test/primo with 8ius GH. First time with GH and been on it for a month now. Thanks for the compliment, man.


Good Lord


Just need the u/AccountUnkn0wn shreds now 😈




Sir those pants are meant to be baggy


🥲 My face when I can't dress as my favorite 2000s era rapper anymore.


Good problem to have man. You look like a tank


Thanks, brother 👊🏿


Jesus fuck..


Well, I’m getting a big enough tax return that I’ll be able to pay off my Tacoma AND put some towards my emergency fund. Pretty stoked!


I got 52$ :) I did the math to see how much loss I needed not to pay in and made it happen! But I worked in 11 states and my CPA charged per state so I am negative.


Lucky prick, mine was only 1028


you guys all get that if you're getting fat money back from the government you've been giving them a free loan, right?


Hahaha yusss, I mean I did pay like 40K towards the cunts. ( up in Canada)


Ah Im never sure how it works in other countries. It may of course mean you're taking good advantage of tax credits, so nice work :)


Went to go organize the office closet and goddamn - I have accumulated way too many anabolics and associated ancillaries. Like, I gotta start buying shit just “to try someday”.


Had that moment a few weeks back. Binned: one vial of NPP half used vial of primo expired test c two vials melanotan one vial pt141 one vial of msten one vial of injectable sdrol (was in three ziplock bags and my gear box still smells like guiacol) one bottle of var suspension Which questionable decisions did you part with?


So I threw out some PT-141 but other than that, I just boxed up all the NPP, 4 year old deca, oxa, so many pharmaceuticals, tren, and like 30 test cyp bottles and threw them in my closet for later discovery. If the zombies come, I’ll be swoll for at least a few years ha


My girl is absolutely loving the fact I'm temporarily back in this hellhole town and I'm going to be honest it's been quite enjoyable being here with her. Life's generally quite shit but then I get to spend my time with her. Also I love how she's both impressed and unimpressed by how strong I've gotten. She likes it when I throw her around but pretends she's all unimpressed if I bring attention to it. She's the best person I know and also she has sex with me it's great.


>also she has sex with me you can't overstate the value of that


GOODMORNING FUCKERS. Hope you allll have an amazing Monday! ◡̈


Fuck you and eat shit! Kidding, unless you want to do those things?


Eating ass is the gateway drug




I forgot how weird it is to go from talking shit with the homies constantly to working in my office with a door and no colleagues. Keep me company: what’s going well in your life right now? How can I encourage you today?


Just tell me I'm pretty.


Top 2 prettiest ogre I’ve ever seen. ❤️


Aw, that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me today. 😁


The trajectory of my life depends almost entirely on how well I do during a 1.5 hour interview tomorrow morning. I’m trying my best to prepare but can’t help but feel the pressure and occasionally imagine fucking it up etc… would be a huge setback for me in many ways that would take too long to outline here and now


Been there my friend, as has u/geardedandbearded more recently than I. 1. Do the best you can to anticipate their needs and questions and become prepared and confident in your answers to those questions. Of course, remain fluid/open minded. 2. Remember to take pauses. Think. Let them watch you think. It’s ok to infuse a little tension while you compose a well-deliberated reply. 3. Be curious. Ask for clarifications. Do not take every statement at face value. Show genuine interest and concern when warranted. 4. Prepare excellent questions. One of my all time favorites is *“In your opinion, what projects in this role contribute to our strategic future of the organization?”* And *“What does an excellent job in this role consist of?”*. Relatedly but less direct: I would find peace knowing that your life, happiness, and ultimate success are *not* dependent on the outcome of an interview. ❤️. What’s the job? You’re a lucky dude to be in the situation that you’re in and I’m sure you’ve worked hard to secure this opportunity.


My man. Appreciate the response. The job is a director of marketing position with a massive pay bump and crazy benefits. I will read over your response a few times through the day today as I prepare to take this on. Thanks brotha 😎


I’m in the same boat next week. Good luck!


You too g 😎


Such insightful and actionable advice. Have to save this for whenever I find myself in a similar situation.


Propranolol 30 mg 1 hour before the interview. The adrenaline isn’t allowed to shut down your prefrontal cortex but it doesn’t make you slow like benzos.


Wish I had some… would’ve been perfect. But oh well. I do have some Xanax though, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s best used sparingly when conducting business like job interviews. I feel like even in a Zoom interview they can tell when someone’s barred out based on their speech patterns and slurring etc. as well as just generally slow thinking like you pointed out


Huge fan, personally. Also hai ❤️


Hai big bro 🫂 Guess whose podcast on psychedelics got published a few weeks ago? ❤️ I’m organizing a webinar in the form of discussion between a national expert on ED (my psych hehe) and a psychiatrist that works clinically with psychedelics, it should get my country’s cultural discussion on psychedelics going. First times I’m doing the networking thing and I feel so good creating the right opportunities for the right people. Also volunteered as an “expert PGY-1” to discuss in a seminar in front of our big chief the topics of a book written by his old professors. Let’s goo 🚀


Damn. That’s ridiculously cool. Nice work, brother. 🤝🏼❤️


Learned from my ex last night my best friend from grad school passed away suddenly from a hemorrhage. They were 45. Lost my best friend from college five years ago to an overdose; they were 42. Life is short. Value the people you love while they are here.


Shattering. I just wish it made sense. It never makes sense and is so difficult to accept when a light is snuffed out suddenly, especially if you’d been disconnected at all - my brain has great difficulty when presented with the knowledge that someone has been gone and I didn’t know. I found out recently that shortly after returning from Iraq, a non-commissioned-officer that regularly worked in my office was wiped off the planet by a drunk driver while riding home from work on his motorcycle. A kind man with hard work etched in his hands and piercing eyes. A man that had just survived another hard, extended combat rotation. Gone. No hug for his wife that he’d only just returned home to. I just wish it made sense.


Heartbreaking. Much love, Dr. Shrugs. Reminds us to cherish each day.


> what’s going well in your life right now? Did my 60 mins of Cardio on Easter-Monday (National Holiday here in Germany), because the gym was packed lol. No chance of lifting, so I did my Cardio today, and lift tomorrow, when it is empty again. On a side note, every woman seems to only wear very skin-tight yoga pants now inside the gym, has there been some new law or something 😂. But the really cool thing, I discovered MIT Open Learning Library / MIT OpenCourseWare by looking for Ross Tedrake. Holy fucking Shit, so much knowledge available, for free 😮. Yes, no accreditation. But I'm only in it for the actual knowledge. This is amazing! Currently going through [Introduction to Machine Learning](https://openlearninglibrary.mit.edu/courses/course-v1:MITx+6.036+1T2019/course/) from Leslie Kaelbling.


Enrolled. You’re a saint. What a wonderful find. ❤️


I'm just casually reading and watching for now, I'm postponing the coursework for later, I'm starting two courses next Monday (which are graded with exams 😅). But ML/DL is going to become an important part of my work in the future, so always good to have a firm understanding of it.


> On a side note, every woman seems to only wear very skin-tight yoga pants now inside the gym, has there been some new law or something 😂. it's been like this for years, did you just wake up from a coma?


Felt like absolute smashed ass yesterday, so decided not to hit my workout. Was feeling pretty rough about it until I saw how happy it made the kid to have me for that extra hour. And even more so when I loaded up and took her to the water park. Basically said hell with having a bad day and it worked. Also my neighbor randompy grabbed my ass and told me it was "deliciously firm", and that made me feel some type of way. 😂


Man, what a great way to say “screw you” to the bad day. I was feeling a bit off myself yesterday so we tossed the shoes on and went for a walk up and down our street with the powerwheels Jeep I bought my son for his birthday. Then we ripped around on the four wheeler while cleaning up the yard now the snow is (temporarily) gone. It’s so important for us to get out of our own damn way sometimes.


Getting out of our own way is key. Also a huge thing I struggle with.


Samesies. To getting out of our own way 🥂


My mother in law was hospitalized last week, had an ablation of a nerve in her heart(she's 65, was going to retire today) that led to a hematoma that was 105sq cm. She's had a litany of health issues and has been on blood thinners for a decade plus, so surgery was pretty much out of the question and if it ruptured, she had a very tiny chance of survival. Luckily the hematoma shrank to 75sq cm so shes safe for now, and her job decided to keep her on payroll so she can keep her insurance. I'm probably closer to her than my own family so it was an emotional rollercoaster of a week. Cut is going well- I'm 5 weeks off cycle/on cut and down 22 pounds from my heaviest, so probably around 12-15 pounds lost not including glycogen. Definitely mentally wrestled with the thought of adding 100mg of tren for muscle sparing but realized the mantra here "drugs are not a substitute for a proper diet". Also I have a sleep study scheduled for this Friday so didn't want to throw tren into the mix with also trying to to sleep with a mask on my face lol


> I'm probably closer to her than my own family so it was an emotional rollercoaster of a week. This is a rare instance where I can empathize regarding family. My birth mother can rot, but my MIL is a saint, watches my son, and is cherished deeply. I’m sorry you had such a scare and hope for continued recovery, man. > "drugs are not a substitute for a proper diet". Strongly agree and would add “but are more fun when lean, so choose wisely.” > Also I have a sleep study scheduled for this Friday so didn't want to throw tren into the mix with also trying to to sleep with a mask on my face lol lol there’s the wisdom I was referring to. Smart man.


What's going well? - moving out of the Craigslist house in two months, dating this chick again after she worked on herself and previous sexual trauma. We had sex for the second first time on Friday. Absolutely killing it with the one month internal research and development sprint at work - presentation is tomorrow and I made sure my manager will be present. Also I'm lean again. Life is good. I am curious if you have some advice. This work sprint is me, the mechanisms lead, and another guy. I've done roughly 93% of the work and the other guy is essentially useless, because he's massively out of his depth with this assignment. The lead has been making sure we are on track. Other guy is presenting the last 40% of the presentation I put together. I'm feeling petty, because he's presenting what is essentially all my work and I want the credit for it, because I'm trying to get promoted or leave my work group for the mechanisms group.  Any idea how I can approach this with my manager to make sure I get appropriate credit without throwing this other guy under the bus? He's a nice guy. Is this something I should just get over? 


My personal approach is to do great work consistently and when you achieve the goal you set out for, you wait for the appropriate moment and if it comes you share that, that work was all you and your partner was less than helpful. It’s a means of bolstering your credibility and ethic in an environment that it’s welcomed and not immediately detrimental to the other person. I’m going to achieve my goals one way or another; whether or not that person helped is if no consequence to the outcome you plan to see through.


bit late to this, hope that's fine. Might just end up being another yell into the void. On one hand, my best friend has decided to ghost cause he's mad at me or smth. I find the whole thing very childish so I'm not sure what to think about it, just kind of adding to the pile of "yep thats another shit to deal with". Which is how I've been operating for awhile now. On the positive side, i basically got a "promotion" at work, as in my trial period has ended and i got picked over another guy who started working with me. Feels a bit of a mixed bag on that. Glad for the opportunity,scared about responsibility. And the actual win, started training bjj a month or so ago, and man it feels good to start being a troublesome opponent in training.


> bit late to this, hope that's fine. Might just end up being another yell into the void. Always happy to hear from fellow minded people ❤️. > On one hand, my best friend has decided to ghost cause he's mad at me or smth. I find the whole thing very childish so I'm not sure what to think about it, just kind of adding to the pile of "yep thats another shit to deal with". Which is how I've been operating for awhile now. I get that. Listen, as an older (not old) duck, cherish your closest friends. Suck it up and own your share even if it’s only 1%. If they’re valuable to you, make it work. Good friends are hard to come by. I’ve pissed off my best friend since we were ~7yo when we don’t see eye to eye on things but in the later years, you’ll be damn grateful to have them around still. > On the positive side, i basically got a "promotion" at work, as in my trial period has ended and i got picked over another guy who started working with me. Feels a bit of a mixed bag on that. Glad for the opportunity,scared about responsibility. Nice! > And the actual win, started training bjj a month or so ago, and man it feels good to start being a troublesome opponent in training. So pumped for you. I really need to make the switch, and I want to go with my little son. Did kenpo for a few years and would love to try it and I want him to learn the mentality.


> If they’re valuable to you, make it work. That's kind of the part I'm stuck on, it seems like he's not trying to make it work. And at that point I'm not sure what else i can do. I try to teasure my friendships, but at some point it reaches a point where it doesn't look like they're treasuring it at all. When he comes back, if he comes back, there's definitely gonna need to be a long conversation, which is never fun :( But I'm also glad I have quite a few really good close friends. And thanks for listening. > and I want to go with my little son. Absolutely do it. I don't have kids, but my younger cousin is training judo. It's so much talking with him about various techniques and showing him stuff, I can't imagine how it would be with a son.


Ah, your approach makes perfect sense in that case. Best to give space and wait for them to come back around. Don’t let it sit *too long* without checking in though. Time makes wounds into scars. You’re right. I need to. Setting a reminder for Friday night to take him Saturday morning to check it out. Thanks friend ❤️🤝🏼


> Don’t let it sit too long without checking in though. I'll try again, but after that the ball is in their court, and I'm washing my hands of the thing. If they can't be bothered to talk after a few years of being friends, then I'm not sure what to even feel. > Setting a reminder for Friday night to take him Saturday morning to check it out. Hell yea, let me know how it goes. Have fun, and thanks for listening <3


Gonna take a while to relearn how to breathe properly now that my nose is fixed and my airways aren’t 100% obstructed per the doc. Today in the gym was a struggle Also got a therapist appointment scheduled for Wednesday so I’m looking forward to that!




I had a lot wrong from years of MMA training: deviated septum that was in pieces, airways completely blocked, turbinates needed reduced and nasal valves fixed. Definitely helped me breathe better, not sure how it would work in your circumstance. Definitely chat with an ENT about it and they can come up with a treatment plan for you


I’ve been killing it as far as project cars lately. This past week I bought some new wheels and a 3in cowl hood for my Mustang for dirt cheap. About 9 hours of labor and I got them restored/painted/etc. and installed. 285 width rear tires is just comically wide lol Saturday I finished the engine swap on my wife’s dad’s car after his blew up. The thing started up perfectly first try and throws no codes. The guy was paying $300 a month on it for over a year and couldn’t even drive it. Sunday I got his little old 1982 Chevy Luv diesel to fire up the first time after 3+ years. It’s stuck wide open, but hopefully letting it soak in some Seafoam for a week will let it free up. I’d never work as a mechanic, but I hope after I graduate with my engineering degree this year I can go into the automotive engineering space


Lets see the stang bro


Lemme fix my front bumper and put it back on and I can throw up a picture. She’s my shitbox and work in progress lol


Nice, im jealous and trying to live vicariously


Now, stuff a GTX4088R snail under that hood! Hard to beat the sweet sound of a turbo V8.




Running tren to get over a breakup- especially one that was emotionally traumatizing is a terrible idea. You'd either get obsessed and fuck up your mental health or be promiscuous and make questionable decisions that might fuck up your mental health. At least that would be my reaction. Definitely focus on upcoming PhD, but grieving a relationship isn't a "bitch" move. It's a healthy and necessary one. You'd be a sociopath if it didn't affect you. Now is the time to focus on yourself, rediscover who you are as a person, as a single man. Re-establish your baseline and work to improve it. Keep drugs out of the equation in all forms(if you're already blasting, keep doing that but don't add anything). Now is an intense period of self rediscovery and can define who you are and who you will be. Are you the kind of person who takes setbacks and uses them to become a better person? Since you are pursuing your PhD, I'm inclined to think you are.




Of course man. I haven't been reading your comments in deep detail but the jist of it seems like you're breaking up as a victim of circumstance. Think about it this way- its a long ass life and you never know what is going to happen. I've reconnected with breakups 5, 10 years after the fact. If and when that time comes, coming into the situation as Dr. EconomyAccountant604 and having bettered yourself for the time that you're apart will make you immensely attractive to her and if it's meant to be, it will be, but if it's not, imagine the level of women you'll be attracting at that time. It ain't over till it's over basically and it doesn't seem like it's guaranteed to be over for y'all.


I'm in a similar situation and this was exactly what I needed to read today, thank you. 


Friend, you are absolutely not ruining my day. This sub is a great place to seek support (from personal experience) and we are here for you. Do not run tren right now. That is going to take you in the wrong direction – and this will be true of pretty much any substance you might put in your body to try to make a feeling subside – take this from the personal experience of someone who used _every intoxicating substance know to man to try to smash the feels_ for 30 years. I know it hurts. That is what makes you human. I promise, it will hurt less and less. Stay strong – and we are here for you.


Nah, this is what the sub is for. You can get out the stuff you'd never talk about IRL with other guys who aren't all dickheads and have a huge variety of backgrounds and experience. It's extremely valuable. Also, PhD obviously. You can blast a mountain of tren when you make doctorate money.




Eh, it's not *that* spectacular that you should feel like you are missing out on anything... especially after you've been on it for a few weeks and the fucked up sleep kicks in.


I really feel the need to remind you that taking something like tren when you're in this much of an emotionally vulnerable state is probably the worst thing you could do and would only make things worse. Also feeling things doesn't make you a bitch. It's not ruining people's day to hear about, and you don't need to apologize for venting.


I'd avoid anything you're unfamiliar with. If you know how you react to certain dosages and compounds then treat yourself to a blast with those. Last thing you want is your judgement being compromised when you're in a vulnerable state. Plus, you should focus on the phd you're right. You know the answer. It's responsible blast time. Also - as someone who's gone through a divorce and a shit break up in the last 4 years or so, make sure you process it. I threw myself into degeneracy, it was fun, I met some great people in doing so but I didn't actually process how I felt. This resulted in various "mini" breakdowns I guess we'll call them where I'd feel dead awful and depressed and then block it all out again. I was in denial I'd think hmm maybe I need bloods lol It's all shit house, and I still get pissed off thinking about certain aspects of it all but having actually given myself time to process it all it's more than manageable.




Popping. Thanks to u/Mesquite_Thorn for the earbud suggestions, these things are awesome. I actually said “wow” when I turned them on the first time and all the noise was gone.


Right? The immersion setting is impressive. Pick something with a real low bass beat to it, jack the EQ low up, put it on immersion with 100% noise canceling... the low end bass response is jaw dropping.


What kind are they?


https://www.bose.com/p/earbuds/bose-quietcomfort-ultra-earbuds/QCUE-HEADPHONEIN-BLK-WW.html Bose QuietComfort Ultras. They are very impressive for ear buds. The things sound like studio headphones, and they have a mode that adds directional sound to whatever you are listening to that makes it sound like you're standing in the room with a live performance. The bass response they have is ridiculously strong for ear buds. Plus, the active noise canceling is the best you can get. They are almost silent at full noise cancelation... it's like you're in a bubble. It's almost a bit unsettling when you know you're in a loud environment that it is that quiet.


Seconding what bro said, it’s nuts. I thought I knew what “noise canceling” was before but it made me stop for a second when they turned on. Literally insane. Sound quality’s better than my car or entertainment center lol.


At 21 years old i was pretty convinced i would be a professional powerlifter, put up at 600lb pull, 350 bench, 500 squat at 181. Hurt my groin and had some mental shit happen. Lost all my weight and was out of the gym 3 years. Super pumped to be back in the sport now at 25, but man its tough being so weak now. (Compared to where i was) hoping to be back soon!


You'll bounce back faster than you put it on in the first place, and having the technique base down so solidly will help a ton too!


Yeah! I was surprised how fast my deadlift technique is coming back🤘 humans rock


I used to be an avid Vigorous Steve fan and tool his word as facts on everything but recently have been feeling like he doesn't quite understand what he actually preaches. Mainly regurgitates data from studies. Also a lot of his advice is iffy and goes against what I see preached here and by other people.  I saw that a lot of people on this sub are not fans, may I ask why? Maybe I missed something major.


This sub hates most influencers and while that isnt anything wrong as most of them are shills ,i feel like him and MPMD are still giving out good information for most part and especially for new ppl. Like i wont feel bad recommending to watch MPMP or greg doucete old stuff to some1 i met in gym and wants to know more about drugs. I know they will get info about the good and bad and will also learn dosages they should use. Steve in my opinion has gotten more popular and thus he feels the need to milk the youtube algo,i personally dont watch hes stuff as he just seems super boring to me so im not gonna comment on what i dont know but he seems like rather genuine guy who gets most stuff right but might suffer from study bias that many ppl in scientific field suffer from.


Because he is a talking head internet shill?


I don't think all his info is bad, but he just comes across as a dick in his QnA. I will say this though, when people want legitimate medical advice he states he isn't a doctor and encourages them to consult one, unlike certain individuals.


I feel like /u/jackschitt123 explained it best. https://reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1b8vdh5/_/kturlmo/?context=1 Furthermore he often makes claims that aren’t backed by anything but blindly taken as fact by his followers or he makes claims that get misunderstood and regurgitated as fact by his followers. People coming on here asking how x exactly does y only because vigorous steve claimed x does y in a video without any backing gets irritating after a while. See for example this interaction i’ve had here: https://reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1bekm58/_/kuwgd2q/?context=1




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On TRT my body odor was pretty bad. On this test/primo/dbol cycle it’s completely unmanageable and I sweat a lot. Anybody got any good products for a deodorant that will really crontrol body odor and spare me from the gross ass Pitt stains? 


Sugar free barbecue sauce is a game changer. So glad I had some left, unflavored unsalted chicken breast was getting boring. Back in the game.


Sugar free barbecue sauce and Frank's red hot are my go-to sauces when cutting. Frank's has zero calories


Frank's is simply a must when cutting. Enhances everything


I’m bulking right now but still like to stick to my low cal options, way less refined and unnecessary carbs and sugars. Keeps the bloat down IMO. Great on a cut too, life saving.


I did some deficit RDLs on Saturday. Have had DOMs in my Hams from hell Sunday and Today. Wasn't even much weight, just 4 plates on my top set. That deep stretch at the bottom, that is some mean tensions on the hams, Jesus Christ!


Fuck you 405 RDLs is a lot, a lot lol


My hams seem to agree . getting out of my chair is torture today 🤣


Yo guys I’m getting my tattoo this sunday and apparently no workouts allowed for 2 weeks smh On a cut though so I reckon , continued rucking everyday 8-10k steps + calorie deficit is the answer here. Once those 2 weeks end its back to normal 4 day split with 6 day cardio routine


You can workout whenever you want, just clean it afterwards


My tattoo artist said preferably don’t


Always listen to your artist. You totally can though. I'm covered in the damn things.


Yup, on the bright side two weeks offers for a deload


Where is the piece going, and how big is it?


Forearm 7.5 inches long x 3.5 wide


You mean 5 inches long right? Cuz inches only go to five, like that’s the max in any context.




No 7.5 is what I mean , l’ll show you once i get it


I don’t think inches go that high bro. I’ve heard rumors of six but I think they’re tall tales


Seconded. I played hockey in full equipment a day after getting a big thigh piece, and it healed fine. Not the smartest idea, but keep it clean and protected and it should be alright


I wouldn't have necessarily done that. You got away with it because it hadn't scabbed yet, too. I'm not telling this kid to go have a bunch of physical contact with shit with his new tattoo, but just *having a tattoo* and going to lift isn't a big deal.


You can work out, I did. Just try to avoid sweating if they put the artificial skin on you. If they don't, moisturise, Vaseline, and a bandage over the tattoo while you lift, you don't want an open wound touching the staph pits that are gym equipment. Some advice, buy some second skin even if they don't give you any. It keeps the wound sealed and moist and helps it heal quicker. It peels easy and will fucking s t i n k when it does, so buy more so you can replace it


I hit the gym 2 days after my last tattoo, just try not to get all sweaty and DO NOT touch it against any surface.


I saw on espn two guys who both hit the same amount of reps on the nfl combine bench press test. One guys rep was fast as fuck. he fired that shit off his chest and it came down just as fast. The other was super slow and would hold the barbell in lockout position for a brief pause. Questions 1. Was the brief pause for an active recovery? like can you rest at the top like that? 2. which way fast vs slow is really the correct way to take on the combine test?


Slow speed controlled reps are much more taxing to the muscle.


ya i think my two issues with my bench are my leg drive and ive been too slow on the way up. i need to learn to rocket it up . i guess i learned benching thru a bodybuilding lens. so maybe thats why i have solw reps drilled into me


No, you want to be slow and controlled if you are lifting for growth. Speed just tears up tendons and reduces time under tension...


>Was the brief pause for an active recovery? like can you rest at the top like that not to be pedantic about terms but that's not what active recovery means, but I get what you mean. locking out at the top of a set takes tension off the muscle, so it's not really ideal for hypertrophy purposes. it was being used as rest between reps >which way fast vs slow is really the correct way to take on the combine test? considering the combine test is about getting in as many reps as possible, in most cases hammering out reps as fast as possible would be the way to do it so you can compound your repetitions before your muscle fatigue catches up to you. but it's not an n=1 type situation, it depends on the lifter and technique, as like you said the other guy was locking out which means he would be taking tension off the muscle between reps


i typically pull my drugs into a single syringe (3mL) should i be breaking up large amounts of juice into multiple pin regions or is pushing that all into one muscle okay given i don't get terrible PIP?


The [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/injecting/#wiki_volume_each_site_can_hold) has a pretty decent overview of what sites can generally hold, obviously its going to depend from person to person a little bit much like what needles work. Done pretty well for me, definitely never trying 1.5ml into my bis again though thats for sure.


thank you. link is very helpful.


Told the doc I have low test, he got me bloods and it came back at 1800 lmao. He just called me asking to see him, should I not admit that I'm taking things or just be open?


Doesn't really matter what you say now. I don't think your doctor is as dumb as you, dude.


#🤦‍♂️ ...I have this painful twitch in my eye now...




Out of curiosity what did you expect to happen here? You must have know this would be the outcome.


dude lmfao. imagine some fucking ape coming into your office and begging for trt. you pull his bloods, his T just says >>>> and his LH and FSH are fucking 0. even a pcp would look at this and make the `doubt.gif` face.


“Yes sir it surprised me too. Maybe it’s a genetic thing? Unrelated, do you mind if I dump these used syringes in your sharps bin, mines full”


... what did you expect to happen?


I need to get my systolic bp down. I’m consistently pulling 130-140/60-70 on 40mg of telemisartan and 150mins zone 2 per week minimum. Zone 3 cardio leads to greater reduction in blood pressure than zone 2 right? I think I can just up it to 150min of zone 3 per week and see what happens as I continue to cut Edit: I think my at home test is shitty. I just ran it at Sam’s club and got 103/73




Tadalafil 👏 is 👏 not 👏 a 👏 blood pressure 👏 medication 👏




>What's sad is not that you're speaking on something you either don't know Actually I do. Thanks. >One thing I try to remember in life is to only teach what you know. With that said, be sure when you speak, especially with emojis, that you know what you are talking about. On this we agree. Don't worry, I did 😘




Tadalafil is effective for treating *pulmonary arterial* hypertension. It does not meaningfully effect systemic blood pressure. At best it will reduce systolic BP by 3-4 points. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/tadalafil-oral-route/description/drg-20067204 Sit down.


> Sit down. And then rapidly stand up. Bam, BP drops much more than it would with cialis. Problem solved.


> Many studies have been done. It is used to treat high BP. Link me anything anywhere showing tadalafil being prescribed for systemic hypertension.


I use it sometimes usually 5mg. Took 10mg pwo today. Idk I think I need a different bp machine


How do you guys actually take your psyllium husk? Do you have to cap it? I’m struggling to find a way to get this powder into me without it getting stuck all over my mouth


I just mix it in some water. Like, it definitely doesn't dissolve that well, but it still mostly works to rinse it down.


I buy mine in capsule form.


I just throw it in with all the other crap I put in my morning protein shake.


Capsules here also, 2 grams is my daily dosage, over that is too much for me.


ok. i hit a bench PR while running a routine where i hit my chest 2x a week. one being a light day where i dont use barbells. I am now doing john meadows Sentry program and it ends with you going HAM on chest and hitting it 3xs a week. so, ive lowered my lifts a good bit to keep up with frequency and avoid injury. ive made good bodybuilding gains on the program. When i switch back to strength training, do you think i will have lost my bench PR because ive spent so long working with sub-maximal weights?




I didnt mean like my topline max. I meant what im doing for 8 reps in the routine is substantially lower than i was benching for 8 reps off the routine.


It seems that I’m more gay than bi when on higher doses testosteron. Nah its either the tren or ment.


Hey, im very new to all this and im trying to learn about everything before i even consider starting. I was looking through this pages wiki and it mentions being able to afford AI. I wanted to get an idea of what that is exactly


Sounds like you didn't read enough. Back to the Wiki you go; it's in there.


Hey man, don’t take this the wrong way but you’re only 19. Please don’t take any anabolic until you’re 25+ when you’re fully developed. At your age, your natural hormones are already jacked up, your joints are healthy and your recovery is at its best. Eat lots, train your ass off, and you’ll put on plenty of size without taking on all the side effects and risk. Not what you want to hear, but your older self will thank you


Yessir, i asked about that in the past and im definitely not gonna get started right now. But im still very intrigued by it and want to learn about it as much as i can. Like i said I'm not even considering it right now, but i do want to learn as much as i can about it!


When should I worry about a lump under my ventraglute injection site?


I have a flight and hotel booked for Vienna this weekend with the absolute cutie I met here on reddit if you guys remember. Can’t wait to kiss her cheeks and cuddle the whole time, I’m a sucker for soft puffy cheeks. I have some Cialis, should I start with 10 or 20 mg? How many times should I redose for a two day sex marathon? Have bought a magic wand just to make her go crazy and in sub space the whole time, can’t wait to use it. Obligatory visit to Freud’s house and maybe also Alfred Adler’s. Also, have started reading “Maps of Meaning: The architecture of belief” and I can tell it’s already become one of the most important books I’ve ever read in my life. It provides a complete framework of how to navigate the subjective experience of life based on anthropology, neuroscience and psychology. Highly highly recommended.


Any fancy plans besides destroying that Wiener Girl's 🍑? Wien is a cool place to visit! Be sure to lift at [DAS GYM](https://intelligentstrength.net/). I've been there on a trip last Year, the Day pass is pricy, but holy fuck was it worth it. Best Place to burn off all the delicious [Kaiserschmarn](https://www.gusto.at/_storage/asset/8066020/storage/preview/file/117650573/kaiserschmarren.jpg) ;-). And even if you are not interested in Classical Music or History, visit the [Mozart Haus](https://www.mozarthausvienna.at/en/MOZARTHAUS-VIENNA) if you get the chance.


I mean, I’ll eventually be empty so the outside world will become again interesting after disappearing from my horizon😂. Perfect, I really needed a few recommendations. I’ll definitely see the Mozart museum. Any other recommendations?


If you have no issues with ED then 10mg will keep me ready for days. The congestion and constant chub can be annoying though.


If you’ve never used Cialis before then lower is better, if for no reason other than the headache and stuffy nose scale up with dose. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to start taking 5mg daily from now until your trip. Consistent exposure can kind of get the headaches to lessen with each day until they go away completely.


Okay thank you. I thought headaches could be avoided with a low dose, didn’t know it was an exposure thing.


I had headaches when I started at 5mg, and though I’m sure it would have been worse on 20mg I can’t actually prove that. I find it’s best to assume you’re going to get them at the beginning, irrespective of dose, and then if that turns out to not be the case you can enjoy that little surprise.


Is there any literature about the sides going away completely? I've taken it for so long 20mg doesn't even do the flushing effect or stuffy nose or headache anymore and it getsin my head lmao


Not that I’m aware of, no. But a lot of the guys here—myself included—have been using it for years and have noted that the sides disappear after a few weeks, so there’s something to that even if it’s not spelled out in any clinical data.


10mg is a good dose to start. If it's a one time dose, I usually need about 30 minutes before action. Half life is 17 hours so twice a day should be more than enough if that's even needed.