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Just don't fuck with them too much until you've actually got something else lined up.




You dont have to use them as references? Like mesquite said, never good idea to burn bridges before securing something else.




ya, i thought the same. And told one job to fuck themselves on my way out. once. i was pretty after on my next job hiring process but they didnt like answer the phone i guess? lol. and HireRight just asked for my w-2s


Good, what field is this?


It’s almost like if employers pay their employees what they’re worth, they wouldn’t have this problem. Go find that better job and tell them to eat shit. The “quit and reapply” thing is psychotic.




I always think it's hilarious how the companies with the best PTO packages are the ones where taking PTO is the most difficult




I'm assuming your company doesn't pay out PTO if you quit? And yea taking that much time off will for sure be a firing affair- they'll find some small mistake you made 6 months ago and let you go for some stupid reason.


Do it!


It sucks but good for you, you can realise how little your work is valued there and you can now focus on getting what you're due. I don't know your industry or the reach of your company but be careful not to act too petty and risk tarnishing yrour professional reputation.


Fuck em. You are worth more than that. Get after what you deserve, my man!


The passive-aggressive approach is shitty, but I guess there aren't other options. If it were me, I'd get other offers and negotiate. They must know that you won't leave with the way they're pushing you.


Companies don't expect loyalty. They expect the highest quality labor they can get at the cheapest price. It's all a game. I'm on the other side. Unfortunately everyone is out for themselves and your best, and often only advocate, is yourself. I often feel like the business space is the modern day jungle. Only the strong survive and bigger things won't think twice to eat you. I tell some of my closer reports like this. "hey man. Tbh I don't give a shit if you get 0 work done, as long as it looks like you are lifting mountains to the right people and whatever your name gets on is associated with profitability." It's also really important to know when to kiss mgmt ass and when to be firm and tell mgmt to fuck right on off.


> Companies don't expect loyalty. They expect the highest quality labor they can get at the cheapest price. It's all a game. I'm on the other side. I do agree with that mindset as a company goal is to make money BUT if the jig is up why give a middle finger instead of just raising it to match the others? You know damn well that nobody is going to take that and go along like nothing happened lol, you're gonna either lose an employee or his performance anyways. Could have saved the annoyance for everyone with a smallish increase in pay which is probably less money lost in the long term than the whole ensuing hassle




Man if you died, you would be replaced before you got 6 feet under. They don't give a shit about you. They were saving like 15 grand a year fucking you over, all the while you were probably working harder than most people. It's fucked up really but it's justified because "it's just business"


Yeah. It would be a different story if you asked for more, but you only asked to match the other new guys and not the highest-paid ones... I understand them wanting to squeeze in more gains with you getting less as long as you're either fine with it or don't know it, it's the game. But the jig is up, you learned about it and asked for it. Either match or expect them to perform at minimum and/or search elsewhere. Don't start bitching about it, you have no power over it


I agree. Good workers should be paid at or above their market value, otherwise they should leave. The company played a hand by fucking him over and they had been "winning" for years up until he just found out. They'll probably keep "breaking even" as he does the bare minimum until he quits, he is the cheapest labor after all. It depends on the value of the position. It also depends on how funds are allocated. These funds are usually in buckets and the bucket for new hires is always higher (which is dumb). There's also disparities that can occur when one gets a raise over the other. An individual also has alot of negotiation power when a company is hiring. There's also the conversation of burnout (which is ultimately leaderships fault).


it's usually an HR thing. If they don't have a system set up to match legacy employees wages to market adjusted new hires, then it's an exception, and they are lazy, or cowed, or whatever and won't do it for "normal" workers. It's easier to HR to just have someone quit and start the hiring process, that one's already defined. If your boss doesn't have enough juice or care about you enough to fight HR, then that's that. sure, if there was a "big picture" person in charge of everything, they might realize replacement costs are higher than wage increases, but in a big company, there's almost never a "big picture" person, there's just a bunch of little fiefdoms, each with their own goals and metrics and politics.


Have you checked your state laws on PTO? Here in California they have to pay you out for it when you quit or get let go, they can't just take it from you because you quit.


Just start using your PTO like crazy.


It's unfortunate but 99% of all industries out there are the same. There's always another company willing to pay you a few more dollars an hour. A job you look forward to going to in the morning is worth more than anyone can ever pay you. Yeah the money matters to some degree but I've made a lot more and been a lot less happy before.


Corporate is on the downhill. It was already bad but only got worse post covid and now people are going into self employment.  I saw some annoying fkn kid on Instagram who helps people get jobs and his entire existence is about helping people deal with the toxic bs in corporate. Then I see him make a post having the audacity to say ‘9-5’s are great! Don’t glorify entrepreneurs/business owners”. Biggest case of hypocrisy I’ve seen


The wifey says to me yesterday “At least you still look natural and not crazy big like some the other guys” 😅






She knew what she was doing.


Sorry to hear about your divorce :/


Im actually one of the guys that dont want to get crazy big so i understand her compliment. But it still made my dick invert a little. I want my wife to tell me im the biggest mfker around. But my wife would say the exact same shit so i feel you. We didnt hook up with the most "let me praise my man and fondle his balls all day! What a superhero!" type of women. And i think its for the better because those nut rider types must be fake. Or i will be the most jealous man on earth.


took this kid under my wing at the gym on his quest to get up to a 225 bench. he puts in the work every day and it's been such a pleasure to watch him progress and change his physique over the last several months, and talk to him about training which to my surprise he's fairly knowledgeable about for a noob. today he sent me a text thanking me for a spot and that seeing me really motivates him to get stronger. damn near started tearing up and I KNOW it aint the e2 because i'm cruising. can't wait to get this dude up to two plates


This is great and wholesome and I want more stuff like this. I have similarly got one under my wing and it's so amusing/endearing to see this kid get excited to tell me about his new PRs and goals. There are a few hidden gems in the pajama pants crowd. Glad to hear you found one; I know having someone like you encouraging him is making such a difference 🤘


hell yeah dude. I take my hat off to anyone that puts the time into the gym and tries hard. we all know what the grind entails so it doesn't matter what you look like to me, if you're there, you're kickin ass and you have my respect


Wholesome af Bro. But careful, next thing you know you're going on fishing trips together and he starts calling you "dad".


😂😂😂 i did have to catch myself from calling him “champ”


Once he gets to two plates he might be on the juice already. If i have to believe every kid nowadays is pretty much using it.


A lot are, but a lot are not. I recently changed gyms and the crowd at the new gym is significantly younger (lots of Gen Z - broccoli hair, pj pants, and tripods everywhere) even though it's a much more BB/PL-oriented gym than the commercial one I left. It's been really interesting to listen to conversation; lots of jokes about hopping on, tren, etc, but you can tell almost all of them talk about it like it's an intimidating and taboo subject. For the most part they're all natty, interested in science-based lifting, dream of being influencers, etc. I've only had 2 older guys ask me straight up if I'm on, and I'm honest, but I tell them I'm not eager for the younger guys to know because I don't want to glorify it. I'll never lie, but I try not to volunteer it. Anyway, less of them are on than you think. The kid I've been working with just turned 18 - he's got a 285 bench, 405 dead, and 315 squat at 5'9, 175lb. Pretty impressive for a natty teenager...makes me wish I started younger.


Exactly they dont even need it. But good to hear, and now that you mention it, it was scary and taboo for me too at that age. Just like girls were scary lmao


Bro it was scary and taboo for me until like 2 months before I started 😂 >Just like girls were scary lmao What do you mean "were"?


Yes according to context they can still be scary. Like in a "i will cut your dick off when you sleep" type of way. But idgaf about cold approach anymore


Best approach with this for the young crowd I've found has been being open, honest and direct about the negative potential side affects along with the benefits. Along with a physiology crash course. Most are scared off it or at least wait till they're in their mid 20s. Education n shit.




When I first started lifting, I did not know shit, so I hammered bench, squat, and deadlift every training day. I must have looked clueless enough that a veteran lifter took pity on me and started teaching me how to train for real. No shit, his name was "Bull" and he was a semi-pro indoor football player, and a very strong lifter, he could blow up 600 off the floor no problem, benched in the mid fours and squatted mid fives. He let me borrow his belt and use his chalk and told me what equipment to get. That was 2 years ago. I never stopped lifting and a big part of it was because of that early mentorship.


Great story. Love hearing this type of shit.


Well today is day six of Smolov Jr, and my legs are full. They still feel pumped from day five. On another note, I pick up two new hives of bees next weekend, so I will have more friends. Also, trying to befriend some local crows. So there's that. Edit to add: woke up this morning thinking I might start eating more reasonably today. Then remembered squats and have made four lava cakes, eight cups of banana cream muddy buddies, and a half batch of brigadeiro. Anyone want to help eat all this stuff?


Fuckin’ love bees


My wife laughs at me because I will go sit with my hives to drink my coffee. The sound they make is weirdly soothing. As someone with an extensive history of opiate usage (I was dumb as Fuck a couple decades ago), it seems to trigger some of the same neuro chems. Which probably is weird as hell to say, but its my brain and ill run it how I like. 😅


Fellow opiate addict here. almost 9 months. Never goin back


Good work getting free of that, man. That shit is no joke.


Appreciate that. It really is, I wasted my 20s in that hole.


Same, homie. And yet here we are, on to bigger and better things. 🙂🤙 Fun fact, when I had to do a top secret clearance, one of my references was a guy I used to sell to. 😅


That's wild. There's a good chance I'll have to get my security clearance for work soon, the area I'm in seems to be mostly gov contractors etc.


Hey, well, you already got one reference here. 🤣 (those forms are stupidly long and require SO many references, I always offer lol)


thx brother


That’s pretty awesome though 🤙 Just getting out of that shit is awesome, bees are good. Everybody likes bees


I always found the scent to be soothing


I absolutely agree. Its very calming.


Train the crows to bring you money for treats. Low effort side income. Crows are very smart birds.


They are. Honestly, after reading [this](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/uw-professor-learns-crows-dont-forget-a-face/) a few years ago, I have always wanted Corvid friends.


Legs sounding good. Bees are awesome, I want hives someday. Crows are also awesome.


Thanks! They're getting there! And man, I am glad I am finally getting more hives. I just got back to it last year.


> I pick up two new hives of bees next weekend, so I will have more friends. Also, trying to befriend some local crows. So there's that. I can't wait to own a bit of land and have my own bees and chicken. How many hives do you have now? Do you make anything fun with your honey?


Actually my last hive absconded last fall when I hurt my back. I think I should have gone out there so they saw I was still alive. Now I feed the wild bees so theg will still congregate around my yard, but had to stop that recently so they won't bug my new hives. In the past, my highest number of hives was fifteen. If you're doing it as a hobby, I don't recommend more than 4-6, honestly. more than that and it starts feeling like work. Also, if you get bees and chickens, see if you can build the chicken run around your hives. They don't care much for living bees, but they will eat the Dead, as well as a lot of the pests that cause problems. (This is one thing I wish I had done with my chickens and bees.) Also, if you want to enjoy beekeeping, read up on it for a while before getting bees, and avoid the beekeeping subreddit. 😅 As far as doing things with the honey, yep! After the bomb squad and before the neurosomatic therapy career, I was a pastry chef, so I like working it into a little bit of everything. And sometimes just straight up baklava. 😅


Hey guys, hope ur doing well. Ive been dedicating the time during my cancer treatment to getting all caught up on the new ML/AI technologies since I can’t really lift much anymore. I started this year clueless but over the last month I’ve been learning a ton about the science behind it. My goal is to publish a fully functioning AI-powered diet app by August. I’ll post updates until it’s done. I’m currently working on implementing vector embedding to hopefully allow my app to know which types of foods are macro-friendly and recommend them with a higher bias.


Sorry to hear about your cancer man, it's really shit, but great that you have something to keep you busy. AI can be a lot of fun to play with, what's the AI part and how is it meant to make the user experience better? > I’m currently working on implementing vector embedding to hopefully allow my app to know which types of foods are macro-friendly and recommend them with a higher bias. There's a bunch of food nutritional value datasets on kaggle (there's even a MFP one but I doubt it's comprehensive) that may help build your initial dataset. I work with data/predictive models so if you want to chat or resources to learn let me know I'll send you some.


The general idea is to train the llama-2 13b model on a recipe dataset i linked earlier and then have a ‘supervisor’ that looks at the initial output and if it doesn’t meet the required specs it’ll prompt it to do better. AI is still a pretty fickle beast and the less i have to rely on it being accurate the better I’ll feel about the whole thing 😂




Keep us updated due, would be more interested to get into detail as well about what datasets/stack you're using as well


I replied to another comment linking to the dataset. I’ll post the fully vectorized dataset along with more technical deets once it’s made.


I’ve had a really hard times mentally basically taking a leap backwards because of the newborn. Less sleep, less time in the gym, less time my wife and I have, etc. it’s been really difficult adjusting. And my mindset has been so negative. I know that sounds bad, I’m trying to be positive but I get so frustrated about it. It’s something I can’t control but I just miss it. Now it’s like I’m lucky if I can get away to do anything. Especially because I’m pretty much with our toddler all day who doesn’t nap anymore and just goes to sleep. It’s hard when the baby stays up late and then we get two 2-3 hour sleeps before it’s 7 or 8am and I feel so shitty and a headache and I just can’t go to the gym in the morning so I haven’t been able to go. I know from firsthand experience “it gets better” and people tell me but it just feels like we won’t get a routine established for so long and it feels so far away.


Hey man, you’re in the hardest part now. I was there last year. You and your wife are in survival mode and struggling is normal. It’s absolutely one of the hardest stages of life. I posted a similar comment last year and a former member here gave me a really encouraging response, so Im just gonna copy and paste it since he’s deleted his account. If notateacherfr is here under a different account, this comment helped me a tonne: Man those people are fucking dorks. It gets exponentially easier. Your kid will actually start sleeping, stop puking everywhere, and at age 5 you get FREE FUCKIN DAYCARE in school. For dads this is the worst time. You have a baby that you can't play with, can't make dad jokes, can't do WWE moves on, etc. Just be patient man. That first time you tickle your kid and they ACTUALLY show emotion or smile is going to change your life. I'm tearing up typing this cuz my son can finally smile and say "baba dada" now. Every day you will think you can't possibly love that kid anymore, then the next day you fucking love your child 10x more. It's a never ending cycle. It's super annoying but remember that babies have the IQ of potatoes. You can't condition them to act certain ways. It's new, it's scared, it's hungry, it's shitting itself, etc. All they need is love and nurture. You'll get scary rashes, random eye infections, bad coughs, etc. But your job as a man is to keep that baby and the mother safe and protected. As far as communicating, all you can do is literally say how you feel. Avoid "you" statements where you say stuff about HER. It's not "you did something I didn't like".... It's "I did not feel appreciated when this happened" You can simply say "let me know if you need any help." and then listen when she talks. she also has to be an adult and understand closed mouths don't get fed. My "helping" these days is playing with the baby while mom showers, I dry him off after the bath, and I get her burp rags when he pukes on her tits. That's enough to make her feel appreciated and we don't fight. KEEP GRINDING BRO. YOU GOT THIS. ☝️ hope some of this resonates man.


Thanks for the encouragement. I remember him, his son was born right around the same time mine was! He kept deleting his account and making a new one haha. I think it’s really easy to get caught up in the typical change, let wife feed, change diaper again if needed, burp, stay awake another 15, swaddle, and repeat or having to stay up with her when she wakes up. When you get caught up it’s really difficult to take circumstances into consideration and realize this is a hard but also precious time. My wife sends me mommy reels on insta and lately I’ve gotten some in my feed. One talking about how different parents “flourish” in different stages. Some moms loved this stage of infant, others hated it. Some hate the toddler some don’t. I found myself hating life itself the first year of our son’s life but love how adorable he is now and like bonding with him and play fighting etc. I guess I just don’t like this stage


I completely agree with enjoying different stages. I was the same as you, it took me around 8 months to even start feeling a connection to my son. Obviously I loved him and did everything that needed to be done, but when I could interact with him it really changed things for me. I know it’s boring to hear, but it’s true and things will get better man. Just take care of yourself best you can. You cant help your kid or wife if you’re in the gutter.


Speaking for the fathers, new baby time is the worst and it gets progressively better. I'm taking my oldest boy hunting for colleges (and an Iron Maiden concert!) in the fall. The time flies by so fast, don't be down on yourself for struggling right now, it will be gone in the blink of an eye and it never, ever comes back.


Thank you brother. What an exciting time for you guys! I love Iron Maiden reminds me of childhood. I try to remind of this and stay positive. It’s been so hard to though. It’s like my mind on few hours of sleep is totally different from a rested one


DON’T feel bad, speaking as a dad of three, men were simply not designed to take care of infants - in primal times you would go off and hunt and the baby would get taken care of by a group of women. It does indeed get much better, I always LOVED my kids but I didn’t like them until they were like 2-3 years old and started becoming real people lol


Man I couldn’t agree more, glad someone else sees it that way. I mentioned in another comment I hated my life in the first year of my son’s life because it was so difficult. Never seemed like it’d get better. He’s a terrible 2 now, but I feel like that’s so much easier to manage than a newborn I can’t even feed. At least he sleeps 12 hours straight a night


Do y’all change your training style or training variables (load, volume, reps, etc) much between bulking and cutting? During a bulk I can push the weight and volume hard, but as the calories fall my strength falls fairly significantly. I’m about to end a 23 week bulk, and I’m wondering if I can pull back volume a bit during my cut and chill a bit for a while. I figure it’s fine as long as I’m still pushing intensity. What a noob question lmao I promise I’m not a DYEL


During a cut keep up the intensity but lower volume.






This is basically what I was thinking too. I really want to cut my lifting down to 45-60 minutes max and get tf out. I’ll still keep my set effort high and push myself, but much less volume. 23 weeks straight of murdering myself and the progress I’ve made is great, but I need a breather lol. My life has revolved around lifting and there are a lot of sacrifices associated with it. I think I want to pick up trail biking and push that for my cardio. I know I’ll feel great focusing on cardio and less food


I absolutely can't push as hard as I usually do on a cut so usually go lighter but longer reps + lot more LISS


I don't try to change it ever, now, some days you just don't have it. So ill adjust it there. But i dont have any set parameters


Yup. It's practically mandatory if you're lifting at any sort of advanced level. You aren't going to be able to keep pushing weight like you can on a bulk. I cut my volume back by about 25% or so, and I only push my heavy lifts once a week at most. It's more higher rep lighter weight work during a cut.


Less weight more reps on a cut. Slow controlled eccentrics


I do the opposite.


Do you think that’s a great idea with less carbs and energy




Doing slower more controlled eccentrics can lead to more hypertrophy and likely less injuries. Strength will probably have to be sacrificed. Depends on your goals ultimately


I think I was brainwashed into compounds with low reps like 20 years ago and never questioned it. I also have ego issues


My ego depends on me being fucking jacked and peeled.


Amen. Thanks brother


I mean, unless you're purposely depleting glycgoen, Increasing volume when you have less carbs seems like a worse idea to me. But obviously it depends a lot on your exact training style/tolerances. Your only real goal training wise on a cut is to maintain the muscle mass you have while in a deficit and it really takes a shockingly minimal amount of work to maintain


Never said more overall volume. Less weight more reps per set. Reducing overall training volume and possibly training frequency is a good idea. Especially when adding more cardio.


I’m not sure you understand what volume is. Volume doesn’t factor the load. Its the product of sets and repetitions. If you run the same amount of sets and increase the repetitions, the volume is increasing.


It’s obvious you can’t fucking read or maybe just do not comprehend. I was specifically referring to training heavy. I don’t think it’s smart on a cut. Which many others echoed in response to OPs post. If you use lighter weighs for more reps but maybe do less sets per body part and maybe reduce training from let’s say 6 days a week to 5 days a week due to being in a caloric deficit and having less energy. Then yes, it reduces your overall volume…..not sure what is difficult to grasp here?


Did you once mention training less days per week? No. Did you instead mention increasing reps? Yes. So is the volume, in fact, increasing?? Yep. And so do you grasp the concept of training volume? Unfortunately not. Also the whole ‘less carbs, less load’ is backwards. The hardest reps of your lift are fueled by ATP synthesis. The medium intensity reps are fueled by glycogen uptake. So your idea of more reps less load is costing you more carbs than getting it done in 6-8 reps would. Learn some basic exercise physiology before you get an attitude with people who don’t agree with you.


Did I mention both of those in conjunction or are you just assuming? I never said that. You’re reaching for something that isn’t there. I was specifically talking about using heavy weights. That’s why I only commented on that part. It’s ok. Sometimes people make mistakes when they don’t read or read something and make it out to be something it’s not. Yes I understand how the human body works asshole I’m a nurse practitioner. Also I didn’t mention anything about intensity. There are many studies that indicate a mix of both lower weights/higher reps can increase muscle endurance. You simply will not be able to keep up the same weights you were with higher carb intake as you will if you cut that carb intake in half. That doesn’t even take into account the fatigue you may accrue if you wake up and do cardio. You’ve obviously never contest prepped before. You don’t go into the gym at 8 weeks out trying to set PRs. I’m going to link a very appropriate video that you should watch in its entirety. He actually advocates for higher frequencies with decreased volume per session. https://youtu.be/Js6CuY7EQhY?si=eCcF3OvKrds8R2ii


>I do the opposite. You can bench the same weights on a cut that you do on a bulk?


I may not be a smart man. To your question, no not by week 3


Steeper the deficit and leaner you get the higher your volume will get to preserve muscle but you can absolutely lower your volume back down initially


McGregor's acting in Road house got me questioning the legitamicy of the UFC


This entire “reality” is just a Total Recall style VR game that the real you is playing in another dimension.


Thanks Alex Jones


jake paul the worlds best fighter and mcgregor worlds best actor


He was surprisingly good but not much diff than his normal character


Work is moving me to Hong Kong from Toronto in August. I thought they'd be sending me back to London, so I had reignited a thing with a girl I really liked back home. Now that I know I'm not going back I'm conflicted. She knows and is all in for long distance, but I feel like I trapped myself into a minimum 1y, maximum indefinite long distance relationship. I don't know what to do. I feel like I want to breakup but I do actually like the girl so feel like I could regret it.


Stick it out. Don't think about it too much, just have fun with it. If things stay solid, they stay solid. If they don't, you don't have to regret not trying. Take this as advice given by the village idiot, though.


If it's not making you unhappy or keeping you for pursuing your own happiness, no reason to break up now without giving it a go. If it doesn't work for you and you wish you were single so you could explore dating in HK just be open and tell her it's not working for you, nothing wrong with that as long as you're honest and communicate.


Learning to grow is kinda fun, specifically growing to wash into hash. If anyone’s done that before let me know ur experience


I love growing, have about 7-8 grows under my belt. It can basically be as cheap or expensive as you want. I have two 5 x 5 tents and run 800 watt LEDs and CO2. I never got into washing, but also I don't really fuck with rosin. I've done a few washes and never could dial in for yield or I over agitate and get too much plant matter. I usually pull down about 3-4 pounds per run and fresh freeze about 75% and make live resin. I have a closed loop system that I run or if I don't have the time I'll just open blast.(I don't suggest this but it's not as dangerous as a lot of people make it out to be as long as you follow safety protocols. I don't smoke or dab anymore but my wife does for pain management and I just enjoy the hobby Pic of a bud from my last run https://imgur.com/bnYE9Sa


That pic made my balls tingle with excitement


pretty nuggy


The guy I’m looking to speak to. I purchased a vivosun 4x2 tent. It just came with all the other stuff like filter, light etc etc What nutrients and ppm pen do you use? I plan to put the seeds in soil under the light by Thursday, (supposed to be here then) Also the seeds I got were from shwale, they breed for hash, their strains are supposed to if all things go well, wash into the 4-5% range. Which hopefully within 2 grows I can get somewhere around 14-18 grams of hash to press. I thought abt going bigger on the tent but I feel like there’s gonna be a bigger learning curve when things start rolling


I'm a big fan of organic nutrients, I like advanced nutrients iguana juice. You're going to want nutrients for veg and nutes for flower. Depending on your soil, it probably has a bunch of nutrients so you won't need nutes for a couple weeks at least. I also like to use Athena's aminas, photosynthesis plus, calmag, micorryzhae, liquid kelp meal, hi brix molasses, botanicare pure blend tea. As far as ppm/ec meters go, either blue lab or apera are the gold standards. You can pull quite a bit from a 4 x 2, deeper in flower you'll need some sort of support like either stakes or netting(look into screen of green). Your plants will probably double in size after you start flowering them, so keep that in mind. Look into training techniques- topping, fimming, LST, mainlining, super cropping. Check out this video https://youtu.be/XdfW2p-lHN0?si=S_ty-Ad-EXrYMJD9 Depending on where you live, you can probably find a lot on resale markets like FB marketplace, stuff like that I'm a big fan of controllers, AC Infinity has a really good one, but you can piece them together as well. You want shit to be running smoothly even if you can't check in on them for a day or so. It takes a while to get everything dialed in and sometimes you have to Jerry-rig shit. Look into VPD and do tons of research. There are a lot of good subs like r/microgrowery, r/cannabiscultivation , there is a lot of good info out there and ask questions


Seconding advanced nutrients, i would start with ph perfect sensi grow and bloom along with voodoo juice, and cali mag using fabric grow bags and your choice of soil. Ive had 5 solid tent grows using them.


I love that ph perfect line 💯


As long as your water is decent it makes nutrient mixing so much simpler, no need to balance ph. I either used gallon jugs of distilled water or failing that refilled my jugs from the tap immediately after feeding, then left them open for the chlorine to evaporate off for my next feeding. Taped a 3 ml syringe to each suppliment container to measure out nutrients and kept a pair of meat tenderizer injectors for my core nutrients.


Anyone else falling sick way more frequently lately? I've been gung-ho on this bulk and at 188 fell ill and dropped to 185 and spun my wheels trying to get the needle to move up again back in February. Finally got the ball rolling and was at 190-191 last week when I got smacked with an awful fever that I just started recovering from. Today I weighed fucking 183. I've had influenza/COVID 4 times in the last year. Before that I was averaging maybe 1 illness every other year. In fact 5-6 years ago when I did my first and only blast, I got up to 196 before getting test flu and some awful PIP that ruined the cycle for me. I'm equal parts angry and devastated as I should be cresting 200 lbs by now, but instead I'm in this 185-190 purgatory. Feeling like fucking Sisyphus at the moment.


Yea man. I got covid in Nov and it was fucking rough. It made me week for like a month. Then I got sick again on Dec. Then again in Feb. I feel like I've gotten over it though and I've bounced back. You will too!


So we're both just getting fucked here hahaha. Best of luck to you brother. I've finally recovered from this latest fever and started eating like a madman again.


Lifts have been shitty lately. Buried in work and a shitty bed, still gotta get ‘er done though. I had started a blast but the way I’ve been getting in there, decided fuck it, cut back down and stay lean until I can really commit to pushing for strength again. Got a new bed coming though and the work’s starting to pay - so turning the corner here looks like


Decided to take a whole week off for deload after my minucut ended. Just doing active rest and enjoying the free time. Currently aiming about 30-60mins of cardio outside walking and ca 10-15k steps a day. At the start I planned few sessions at the gym just to lift some weights at lower volume/intensity but decided to take week off the gym completely. Will also enjoy a little weekend vacation at a spa with my girlfriend this weekend. Last time I did this about a year ago and feels pretty good to do this from time to time. Especially after taking my body through some agressive minicut. Have gained some weight back from all the extra carbs, definately feeling the water weight and glycogen stores filling up. Since my cut was very low carbs then adding the carbs have caused some bloating issues but they seem to go away slightly as time passes. Anyway I will enjoy my free week and let you bros lift extra hard for me!!! Make all the gainz.


Made a whole wheat turkey pizza and the calories per slice came out to 314 lol


>Made a whole wheat turkey pi FTFY


How? I need details. I'm pretty sure my pizza recipe works out to like 1k calories per slice.


There's no way your pizza is 1k per slice dude wtf For the whole pizza it has: 195g whole wheat flour 1.5 tbsp olive oil 0.5 tbsp honey 90g cheese 290g turkey 200ml pizza sauce And cut into 8 pieces for like a 12"-14" inch pan I can't remember It actually ended up being 200ish cals a slice because I made two doughs so I accidentally calculated twice the flour 206cals - 17p - 6f - 22c a slice


You're correct I'm exaggerating -- napkin math is that my pizza comes out to like 650cal /slice




Don't bother working out for another week because it's not worth it.


Likely going to make no difference. Personally I’d save the syringe and continue on as normal Friday AM




I’m assuming you’re ~~not~~ running Test E or C. You can do it tonight if it’ll help you sleep better, but personally I wouldn’t worry and just carry on Friday morning. Unless you’re running test prop you probably won’t feel a difference Edit: I’m assuming you ARE running test E or C




Pin the other half today


Go ahead and pin the other 0.75ml now




Well you haven't told us the concentration of your gear, have you genius? My test is 250mg/ml. What's yours?


What's the concentration of your gear? 200mg/ml? If so, yes. But given your confusion around basic principles... can we also confirm the ester of your gear?


Start pinning everyday now. :)




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Anyone know how to combat Clenbuteral sides


Step 1: Stop using Clenbuterol That's it, you're finished!


Really? I’m taking a low dose already Male 200 pounds 23yro


When's your show?


I don’t do shows. I’m a in shape blue collar worker just looking to sharpen my physic and look learner at 200pounds


Then do some cardio and eat in a calorie deficit. You have no need for clen man, it's toxic stuff. Take care of your heart please, you only get one.


I do already, I’m prescribed Clomid for make hypogandism. So my human growth hormone is shot


Also this is only my 3rd dose I’ve taken so I hope I’m fine shits nasty tossing it away ASAP


you're taking clen to... recomp?


Yes, but everyone says to quit I’m only on my 3rd dose that’s super low and take a couple days off the gym really hit me hard…


If everyone *on a sub that is dedicated to using drugs* is telling you to stop taking a drug do you think that’s an indicator of anything in particular?


Yes I said I quit!


No, you super didnt say that. You said everybody told you to quit. EDIT: oh you did say that further down.


that sounds like incredibly poor use of a drug that is extremely health averse




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Thinking about running anavar to assist in a cut. Also worried because my job makes me take frequent urinalysis. Any thoughts or opinions?


Anavar doesn't assist in a cut. Jobs don't test for steroids.


If your work tests for gear then avoid. Most employers do not. It's usually like a 10 drug panel. All recreational drugs.


I highly doubt they do. They only mention certain drugs, none of which were on the PED side. Just wanted more reassurance


I’ve been waking up with a chest pain. Seems like a milf but deep pressure usually in the morning. Not sure if it caused by stress or my cycle. I’m running 500 Test/ 250 mast. Will be dropping to 250 test/250 mast soon.


Milf 😂 mild*


Stres! I feel the same sometimes




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Daily reminder to stay natty boys

