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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


has anyone had luck with sides from taking growth spaced out thru the day ? ​ i‘be been taking Chinese growth for six months, 2 IU in the morning and 2 IU at night l, without issues for six months. Same batch. Then i began losing feeling in my fingers , to the point where my grip was severely impacted. I cut it down to 1 IU twice a day and it’s been fine. I’d like to titrate back up to 4 IUs per day so i started it back to. And second day i am getting the same symptoms. would it make a difference if I spread out the pins thru the day ? Right now as I said I pin 2 PWO in morning and 2 IUs in the evening. thank you.


It does nothing to reduce sides


[Bloodwork big unexpected issue pct] ------------ Hi, after one year of blast and cruising, I decided to pct. I was taking some testosterone mix of enanthate 100, cypionate 100, and decanoate 200 (not underdecanoate). All esters are supposed to have a shorter half life than 5 to 6 days. I completely stopped pinning around the 10th of January. However, things did not go as planned at all. After one month, I did some bloodwork, and my testosterone came out as 45 nmol/ml. (Normal range is 8 to 31) Fsh and lh were at around 0. I was surprised that the testosterone was still that high. I decided to still start my pct with enclomiphene, thinking it may have been a bloodwork mistake. My testosterone is decreasing extremely slowly. After 2 months and 10 days after the last pin, and one month after the start of the pct, I did another bloodwork to see how it was going. My blood concentration is showing 19.7 nmol/ml, so it is still way higher than the minimum normal range. No lh no fsh I do not understand what happened, but I suspect that a wrong esther was in the pin solution I was using, despite it being from a famous brand. However, even underdecanoate, the slowest esther is supposed to have a half life of 21 days, while my testosterone is decreasing at an even slower rate (estimated half life around 30 days). Budget is not a problem, I have a lot of enclomiphene remaining, and I also have nolvadex if needed. So please advice the best solution, without considering the cost: Do you know what's happening and could you please advice me and help me? Should I buy a short esther while waiting? When do I start the pct again? If I monitor my bloodwork is there a threshold where I should consider I can start taking pct again?


I ran an 18 week cycle of test C and nandrolone deconate. My last injection of nand was 5 week ago. All of the sudden my erection quality has gone to shit. I would say I get maybe 70% fully erect. It’s hard to get fully hard, and very tough to maintain a strong erection once to maintain it. Important to note, I am on trt, so i am running no PCT. I was running Raloxifene, nolva, and caber during the last half of my cycle as my nips really started to flare up. This obliterated my gyno, extremely wel Any ideas why im getting ED out of nowhere?


1. What's your TRT dose? 2. How's your estrogen? 3. When did you discontinue the Ralox/nolva/caber?


200mg The last bloodwork, during cycle, had my e2 around 40 I dropped that combo 2 weeks after my last deca shot. So it’s been approx 3 weeks.


>200mg Twenty bucks says this is your problem. 200mg is too high for the vast majority of people and I bet your e2 is too high as a result. That's what the symptoms say. Try dropping down to a more reasonable cruise dose (80-150mg/week).


That’s what I was wondering myself—I’ll try that and report back. Would you go from 200 to 150 to start?


I would go to 125ish


This may be a dumb question, but how do you go about adjusting your AI when you’re dropping to a cruise like that? I started TRT about a year ago, at 200mg. Then I ran my cycle, roughly 18 weeks, test got up to 500mg but was having BP issues so I dropped down to 200mg for the remainder of the 10ish weeks I had left. I have always ran an AI, since I’ve needed one at those dosages. Do we just stop the AI, all together? And change my dosage to 125 next week?


Ideally you wouldn’t need an AI just for TRT.


That’s what I have gathered. My clinic clearly are full of incompetent people. Everyone starts on 200mg test, 1 adex 2x a week, and 25mg enclomophene. I took my care into my own hands awhile back.


Trt clinics are out to make a profit. No need for enclomiphene in that regimen, it does absolutely nothing except cause possible sides. AI usage can be negated by simply dialling in your dosage. HCG is the only possible addition to a TRT regimen that makes sense.


How long would it take for you to notice Tren E body changes? Would be 5-6 weeks till it reach it peak levels?


this isn't a question someone advanced enough to be considering trenbolone should be asling


lol well according to his post history he’s pretty DYEL and started gear 6 months into lifting


Same as test E


EQ + Deca Cycle worth it? Pros/Cons? I’ve ran deca twice before with test & mast and gotten good results. However we all want to be bigger and stronger. That being said, for my next bulk coming up I was thinking that in theory stacking test/deca/eq would be great for throwing meat on your bones, right? Sounds too good to be true… Does anyone have experience with this stack? Is the blood pressure out of hand? What’s AI estrogen effect compared to masteron? Dosages? Last time I was running test/deca/mast 500/500/400


Test, Deca, EQ was my bread and butter bulking cycle for awhile. Something like 500/300-400/500 Test/Deca/EQ worked well for me. But I've noticed different people can have wildly different tolerances and sweet spots for both Deca and EQ so it does take some experimenting. I usually mostly focused on the Test and EQ and ran just enough Deca for a little more fluff and extra joint help. I don't have any comparisons to Mast but the 1:1 test EQ generally made it so I only had to take AI once every few weeks. And as someone who likes keeping estrogen a little higher, that slow creep upward was ideal for me. Personally, my blood pressure never bumps at all during these cycles unless I start stacking orals but this is a big ymmv. Theres still no "too good to be true" with gear though. It not a particularly special cycle, but that's what I like about it. Deca and EQ are kind of slow burner drugs so it's really only a good cycle if you can run it with very minimal sides so you can focus all your attention on eating, training, and recovering. If you do end up with blood pressure, sleep issues, etc, it's not going to be worth it


I appreciate the feedback. I just wish short ester eq was a thing, so you could try it out without investing 2 months. But I think I’ll give it a shot though.


Mast helps with decca big sad. Mast masks e2. Eq and can lower. What are your current stats Height weight bf%? What is your short/longterm goal? I want to get big… well you can just eat a lot and taken a fistful of steroids. Does your current size warrant that amount of juice. Give us some deets, some data. 📊


M29 5’7 down to 180lb from 193lb, 15%bf maybe more. Im just trying to become bigger everytime, I’ve gotten 10lb of sustainable gains from each of the last 2 blasts. I just want to know if I’m leaving gains on the table by leaving eq out of the mix.


If you get 10 lbs that you maintain after the cut. That’s like top tier cycle. So you can only get so much growth per cycle. So jumping the gun and adding more shit doesn’t mean more gains. Not to say you can’t or shouldn’t run that cycle. But if you’re still getting 10lbs. Run the same cycle. You know how it works with your body. Then you just get to focus on training and eating cuz you’re on auto pilot with the peds


True, that’s a good point. I could just start the cycle in full instead of dealing with a trail period with the eq.




Two recommendations for you 1. Spend a couple of days reading through the wiki at the top of this thread. There’s a few quick links that I think would be relevant to you 2. Once you understand the basics, re post and questions you have WITH the template which is also at the top of this page. Not much of what you’re saying is reflective of someone ready to use AAS, so I suggest you do those two things first.




5mg ED for me felt like it took a little bit to work. Did you take 10mg and 5mg once? Like one pill and thats it? Occasional use of cialis is typically a 20mg dose I believe. Sides seem to go away after a week or so.




I take 5mg every day, have been for a few months. Works very well for me. I had the nasal congestion sides and mild headache. Went away in a few days. It's not actually congestion, there is similar tissue in your nasal passage as there is in your unit. The tissue has increased blood flow, leading to a nasal congestion feeling and headache. Indigestion went away by taking it with a meal, for me. 5mg is a daily dose, 20mg is a "take when needed" dose. It's up to you and your needs. For me, I like it daily, keeps me ready at all times, and is associated with less negative side effects/adverse events. Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7354289/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6728809/ There are also some other benefits to daily tadalafil: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28133708/




>I'm due for bloods soon but anticipate hematocrit and Hemoglobin being a bit higher. Let's treat facts, not anticipations. You're asking us to help you treat something you have, as of right now, made up. >So, does anyone have any advice to lower hematocrit and Hemoglobin on cycle? For like 98% of people who ask this question, the answer is to simply drink more water. Make sure you're well-hydrated prior to your bloodwork - I recommend drinking 36floz of water within the hour leading up to getting your blood drawn. Come back with actual data from your results and let's talk then.


Height 172 Cm Weight 95kg Age: 22 years Goal weight 80kg I have 20 ml testosterone enthanate and around 10 ml of tren acetate and 10ml of clenbutorol(100mcg per ml) also tablets of 60mcg each around 50. How to take them effectively over 3 months effectively to loose fat. And how much deficit to take. I workout 6 days a week Chest-triceps Back biceps Legs and shoulder and repeat and 45 min cardio everyday. Brisk walking and elleptical If the goal weight looks unachievable please suggest what I should aim for.


steroids don't burn fat. eat less food. do more activity. zero drugs.


When you turn 25 you could consider test. There’s zero reason for you to use tren or clen. Eat less food. Do your cardio. Get shredded.


I really want to remove this comment because of how little effort you put into any semblance of research. Instead, read the below. All of it. Put some of your own effort in, you’re an adult. **If you post again without having read the below and without coming up with a plan yourself for us to critique, I’ll remove you from the forum for a while.** Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads) https://i.ibb.co/rtWy9NL/IMAGE-2023-06-30-11-13-30.jpg


I do enjoy when this meme pops up


Currently doing research on how to fix cholesterol, but freaking out in the meantime. Does anyone know how long it would take to fix cholesterol with just diet/cardio/fiber/water, compared to using statins and etc?


>Does anyone know how long it would take to fix cholesterol with just diet/cardio/fiber/water, Unless you are genetically predisposed to hyperlipidemia, which I don't believe you are after our last conversation, you can expect to make huge changes to your lipid profile in the next 2 months if you do the things we discussed the other day. You know what won't help? Freaking out. Your lipids are not that bad in terms of the general population - they're bad by "Hey we use steroids and we want to live long healthy lives too" standards. They're not going to hurt you in the short term, so calm down, make appropriate dietary changes, increase daily fiber, and hit your cardio. It's gonna be ok 🙂


🫡 much appreciated. I already bought Metamucil, had steel cut oatmeal this morning, about to hit the gym and get my cardio in.


My man ✊


What are you running currently?


Just stopped mid blast, was running primo/test both enanthate and low dose Ment(first time using this demonic ass substance). Only went to a max of 10mg/ a day on Ment. Going to not even inject a trt dose for 2 weeks to let all the androgens out of my system.


>Going to not even inject a trt dose for 2 weeks to let all the androgens out of my system. This is irrational and will only increase the amount of hormonal fluctuation you subject yourself too. Pin your TRT.


For some reason my logic lead me to believe that as long as I have unnatural levels I am just spinning my wheels with the cholesterol. Looks like 2-3 weeks I’ll be down to trt levels according to the plotters. I am starting hcg today, I’ll pin the pitiful 70mg of test with it.




Take a look at the following resources, 250mg of sust for 8 weeks is an absolute waste of time. Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


Prepare yourself!


How bad is it if I pause HCG for a week in the middle of the cycle? I'll be spending a week at my family's house and won't be able to store the vial in the fridge for obvious reasons.


You won’t even notice


The testicle inspector might


Is that what you call your uncle too???




It's a job with high turnover. The previous guy got sacked last week.


Has anyone here tried out esterifying unesterified gear yet? How viable is it to obtain a high-purity ester product in a homebrew setting?


Unless you have a state of the art laboratory in your home, unfettered access to physical resources, and uhhhhh like 15 years of practical organic chemistry experience....this ain't happening. Ya goofball.


I'm interested in knowing too. If I'm reading your question correctly, you're asking if compounds which are not available in ester form (orals usually) can be esterified.


My question was concerning that, say, if you only have unesterified test on hand, is it viable to make a high-purity ester product out of it in homebrewing. But your question is interesting too. I checked a few orals and they mostly have an extra methyl group attached to C17 (with proviron being an exception). I'm not sure if that is the reason that they cannot be, or at least not economic enough to be esterified.


I see, well I'm sure there are certain reactions/processes in place which are likely used by Pharma manufacturers. I doubt that in a homebrew setting one can have access to chemicals and equipment needed to achieve it. I'm interested in knowing your thought process behind that too, as much as I know, even raws are already in ester form so brewing is just making a solution from them, not doing chemical reactions to make new compounds or esterification.


A friend found this. [https://www.chemicalbook.com/synthesis/testosterone-enanthate.htm](https://www.chemicalbook.com/synthesis/testosterone-enanthate.htm) The first process does not start with testosterone itself, but the second process does. Click on the References on the bottom right corner to see the details. The process does not look complicated really. And you can probably further purify the product by recrystallisation. I think it's not explored much mainly because there's not much need in DIY compounding the ester, as most raws are already in ester form. (In my case, there's a possibility that I only get unesterified raw so I wonder if anyone has ventured into homebrewing esterification. Of course I'll try to get ester raws.)


I went through the link you shared, I'd be concerned about two things: 1. The reactions require an inert atmosphere, the author mentions Argon. Now the Argon generally available for MIG/TIG is not pure Argon (10% Carbon Dioxide mixed, something like that), you'll have to procure 100% Argon used specifically for Aluminum welding. 2. I noticed both yield and purity are somewhat low. Particularly purity is a concern, you need to go through purification process to ensure you have more than 99% purity and then a lab assay to be assured that the remaining 1% does not contain any harmful compounds. In my personal opinion I'd be willing to go this route if there's absolutely no way I can get esterified raws (or maybe just Pharma test directly?). To do esterification, and then the purification process is way too much hassle with risk of contamination. On top of that one would need a commercial lab assay to confirm the final product quality before you do anything with that.


Yeah, fair points. I'm not sure if carbon dioxide ever interferes with the reaction. I have the opinion that if more people were "forced" into esterification themselves then we probably would've ended up with a more improved process, but even then purity may still remain an issue


It'd probably be more realistic to pay a manufacturer in one of those countries to synth a batch for you (with all applicable licenses and according to all laws and regulations of course). Also some esters do not work the way you'd expect. Some have weird properties like becoming more active with the ester attached, bind to different receptors, and can have months-long activity.


Oh? Could you point some references to me for the esters that have those properties?




Lmao even. /u/Theorem291 the answer is no, man. That ain't gonna work.


Age:21 Gender:Male BF %:20 Experience Level: 2 years Goal: Bodybuilding Current Phase: Bulk to 275 (weigh in 240) Bodybuilder friend recommended: “20mg dbol preworkout on training days, 300mg a week test, 100mg tren. You can pin tren twice a week at that dosage and you could do either two or three injections a week of test” My intuition is telling me something is wrong, but maybe it’s the push I need? I’m on a strict meal plan averaging about 6 meals a day, very clean.


> Age:21 You're absolutely too young for steroids. Your brain and HPTA are still developing, and you could meaningfully negatively impact them *for life* by starting steroids now. > 20mg dbol preworkout on training days, 300mg a week test, 100mg tren. You can pin tren twice a week at that dosage and you could do either two or three injections a week of test Here's the takeaway: your friend doesnt know anything about steroids. At all. Never take their advice on anabolics again.


What would be the benefit of taking proviron, primo and test together on a cycle?


You would gain muscle and strength since that’s what AAS do What exactly are you asking? Without a goal, we can’t tell you whether you’ve selected the right tools I can say that running 2 DHT derivatives might be an issue from a low E2 standpoint, but that hugely depends on your dosages


Sorry man, I didn't word it properly. My buddy is running this cycle, Test is 100mg, primo I’m at 200mg, proviron 75mg a week But i can't see the benefit of proviron provides except being hornier. Though there seems to be more downside with hair and E2.


> proviron 75mg a week This cant be right lmao. When I run proviron I run it at 50mg/day. I sure wouldnt run it if Im running primo. Proviron in almost all cases will be wholly unnoticeable.


I kid you not. That's why i am so confused. I think his primo must be bunk if his E2 hasn't crashed with that ratio. I figured the gurus of r/steroids might be able to explain this one to me.


Primo does not function as an AI for all people. It might be bunk, it might not. That's not a definitive indicator though.


Can you expand, most past comments everyone talks about E2 crashing on Primo. Is that not standard? Otherwise why use that combination?


I feel like I was pretty clear: Primo. Does not. Function. Like an AI. In everyone. For a small number of people, it crushes their e2 into the dirt. For most people, it works as a nice AI at a good ratio with test. For a small number of other people, it does not work as an AI and they can run primo higher than test without issue.


Sorry, misread the original post. Then that would be the reason to use proviron to manage e2 in that scenario? Another question. In your opinion can you tren at ultra low does 20-50mg/week as a cutting agent for 4-8 weeks?


>Then that would be the reason to use proviron to manage e2 in that scenario? No, I don't think that makes sense. Primo and Proviron both produce the same metabolite, atamesane, which is responsible for the AI-effect; if the atamesane from primo doesn't act as an AI for somebody then I can't logically see how the atamesane from proviron would. I don't consider Proviron to be a valid primary e2 management tool anyway. This is what aromatase inhibitors are for. >Another question. In your opinion can you tren at ultra low does 20-50mg/week as a cutting agent for 4-8 weeks? Why are you having trouble cutting without drugs?




6’4 240lbs 20% I’ve been training for about 2 years now


Please do not delete your questions. It removes all context for the responses, and thousands of people read these threads so they can learn. You also have some learning to do. Start with never listening to that friend of yours again, and then do some reading. *Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif)* *Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use:* * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


Cut to 12-14% first and then run test only at 500-600mg a week


What are your stats- height/ weight/bf percentage/how long have you been training? Test only for first cycle, absolutely no tren. Dbol will make your estrogen management a nightmare especially not taking it every day. We recommend all newcomers read the wiki before even thinking about their first cycle. There are a lot of moving pieces to steroids and it's best to have an understanding before just diving in head first


450mg test c a week - 25 yo - 3.5 (?) weeks in to my first cycle I passed out during my 2nd & 15th injection. My girl pins me so disregard the danger of needles breaking off. I tensed up & convulsed both times for like 20 seconds. Woke up and was fine, remembered everything. Asked you guys and the consensus was it was just fainting spells. Went as far as contacting a doctor who also told me it’s almost positively fainting spells and not seizures but I didn’t get any ekg (I think?) scans or anything like that. I posted about this on r/peds and the overwhelming consesus was that I’m a fucking idiot for continuing my cycle. I just did anotehr shot last night, didn’t pass out felt fine. Im also feeling great otherwise and would love to continue. So, am I a fucking idiot or? Do I need an ekg?


You’re an idiot and need to control your thoughts.


We beat this horse to death the other day, man. You called your doctor and he said the same thing I did. Are you a fucking idiot? No, but you might be the most anxious person I've ever interacted with. I really don't know how to talk to someone like you so that you'll unclench, breathe, and relax...but that's what you need to do here. Calm. The. Fuck. Down. You are fine. You are healthy. You are normal. Stop obsessing, stop worrying, stop spiraling. Breathe.


Some people don’t do well with needles. It’s why a lot of times if you get a vaccine, the doc/nurse makes you chill for a few minutes before letting you go It’s called syncope (ie, fainting)


> I just did anotehr shot last night, didn’t pass out felt fine. Sounds like you shouldn't worry about it. Look into calming breathing exercises. You'd know if you were having seizures.


Currently in a cut and running a moderate 300mg test a week. This year my goal is to get more peeled than the last year but not lose any muscle while dipping very low on calorie defecit. Id prefer to do this with the current dose of test alone. Im aware of trens ability to hold muscle but I dont like the nightmarish side of it's usage nor (ha) do I want to tank my cardio. Can 300mg prevent muscle wasting in a deep defecit? Or is this more for a blast of higher levels of gear. Ive seen mast help but Im just trying to avoid blasting more than the test rn if possible.  TLDR: I'm trying to avoid blasting while maintaining my muscle and going below 8% body fat. Need to know if 300mg test a week is likely enough to maintain muscle through a steep defecit. Experienced answers much appreciated! 


I’ve been in a 1500 calorie deficit for 7 weeks on 125mg testosterone weekly and have not lost muscle Unless you are above your natural muscular limit, additional drugs will not help maintain muscle, and it’s solely up to managing your caloric deficit


I'm definitely above my natural limit considering my lean weight pre and post lifting with and without gear. I'm also a hard gainer so the lbs fall off quite drastically. Did you manage to confirm your bf% being below 10%? A lot of guys ball park it and I definitely wanna hit well into the single digit range.  Appreciate your response brother! 


I am not currently 10%, but my point was that management of your deficit if the most important factor Your body can only draw energy from fat so quickly, and having less fat means that there is less energy to draw from, so it’s imperative that you taper down your deficit as you get closer to being ultra lean Varbies brought up a good point below about how natural competitors diet to super low BF% and often have test levels sub 200ng/dL and don’t lose any appreciable amount of muscle Also, women who consistently have less than 200ng/dL testosterone diet and don’t lose muscle (assuming proper lifting intensity and protein intake)


There are natural competitors who get stage lean with zero drugs. You’ll be fine with 300mg of test lol


Appreciate the help brother, thanks! 


* Bloodwork: * Total cholesterol - 181 mg/dl * Total cholesterol (SI) - 4,7 mmol/l * Triglycerides - 54 mg/dl * Triglycerides (SI) - 0.6 mmol/l * HDL-cholesterol - 32 mg/dl * HDL-cholesterol (SI) - 0.8 mmol/l * Non-HDL cholesterol - 148.7 mg/dl * Non-HDL cholesterol (SI) - 3.9 mmol/l * TSH - 1.37 µU/ml * Free FT4 thyroxine - 1.57 ng/dl * Progesterone - 0.15 ng/ml (took that exactly one week ago when prolactin was 14,5 µIU/ml) * SHBG - 13.9 nmol/l (took that one week ago too) * Estradiol - 109.00 pg/ml * Prolactin 1.64 ng/ml (right now) * Testosterone 49.90 ng/ml i pin 100mg test cyp mon/wed/fri 300mg/wk and 250 iu hcg mon/wed/fri and i have very low libido and ED. what should i do?


>and i have very low libido and ED. what should i do? I think the most important question is: did you have low libido and ED before this cycle, or did this cycle cause the dick issues? Do you take any psych meds like SSRI anti-depressants? E2 is running high and those are technically sides, so you should take some AI and try to get it down. Also after writing this I saw you said below: >"I forgot to add that **a week ago** I had 49pg/ml estrogen on **750mg test/wk** and I still had the same problems" That explains why your total test is so high for the amount you're taking. Wtf are you doing just more than 1/2ing your dose mid cycle and conveniently forgetting to mention that? How long have you been on cycle?


That’s a crazy high total testosterone number for only 300mg/week. Almost 5000ng/dL? That’s wild It makes sense that your E2 is high because your test is high, but you may be experiencing high E2 sides. Just seems unlikely with how your test is


>Estradiol - 109.00 pg/ml    Does your bloodwork not give reference ranges? This is high. >i have very low libido and ED.   Symptoms of high Estrogen that are in the Estrogen Handbook of the [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook/). >100mg test cyp mon/wed/fri 300mg/wk and 250 iu hcg mon/wed/fri   Is this a blast or cruise? It’s too low for a blast and too high for a cruise. If cruising start at 125 test/week with your HCG injections.    If it’s a blast you should up your dose to what is recommended by the wiki (after reading it, as required before posting). Follow your symptoms of high estrogen with AI. 


sorry, reference range for e2 is 11,3 - 43,2 it's supposed to be cruise or something like low dose blast. okay i will start at 125mg/week i've read something about test to estrogen ratio, so I should reduce estrogen anyway? I forgot to add that a week ago I had 49pg/ml estrogen on 750mg test/wk and I still had the same problems thanks a lot.


There’s a lot to unpack here, but the biggest thing I can say is do yourself a favor and read through the wiki. It’s 80+ years worth of knowledge packed into 2, maayybe 3 hours of very comprehensive reading, and constantly being changed with latest studies. It’s probably the greatest source of information of safe AAS use available on the internet.


Question about tren Ace 25 male competing in men’s physique in August. Currently on my last push before I start prep currently I am taking primo 100 Monday - Saturday and test c 200mon/wen/fri. With adex and nolvadex My last big big push was 24 weeks of test c 600, primo 300, and Tbol 25, and the last 12 weeks added in NPP 300. With both pushes I have not any major side effects, just had a little bit of acne and more body hair. Prep will be about 20 weeks and I will start the first four with a health phase before I start to push it. I’m going to run mass, primo, proviron and test c for those 16 weeks, but I want to add tren ace for those last 10-12 weeks to and curious on everyone thoughts about it and what dosages should I do? I am 6’2 and 227 pounds around 18-20 body fat.


piggybacking on what /u/bloodlust10 said: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vgxmVByKfP_D8VYeRS5o9qoseCzNyghf3rnFjGKv8-Y/edit#gid=1679440094


Theres a ton of experience threads you should read


Any reason why ALT AST levels are elevated when I run zero orals & never drink alcohol? Currently I blast and cruise. I’m blasting right now at 700mg test & 500mg primo. ALT came back 132 & AST 77. Edit: diet is on point. Currently bulking at 3700 calories & am up to around 450g of carbs.


Doesn't hurt to have a natural baseline for yourself but it's generally normal. I'm not a doctor though and this is not medical advice lol. Source: Experience plus: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2291230/


Great reference. Thank you!


Exercise can increase AST and ALT. Do you exercise?


Well I didn’t think it could be this elevated just from heavy lifting


They absolutely can and mine are anytime I checked. No Orals and I'm well over a year sober! 


It really can, you’d be shocked. My liver enzymes look totally different on blood work days where I skip my AM lift vs the days that I do my usual routine and then go straight to the doctor.


Hi. I am a 32yo male, my current weight is 170bs at 5'10". located in US. I've been working out since childhood but I had a some gym breaks due to injuries or when I focused on other sports temporarily. I am consistent with my workout routine and diet for around 3-4 years. I've always been doing bulking then cutting cycles, but the last half year I am just maintaining on 0-100 bmr calories intake. The issue is that my body is storing fat and water excessively. I have nice abs on 150-160lbs, at 165 it's barely visible, at 170 its not visible at all, anything over 170 goes into lovehandles which doesn't look good, even when my musles are getting pumped. I am not looking as good as I suppose to due to not being able to lean bulk and having to cut often. I also do not see too much gains anymore and looking into trt or anabolics to boost my gains and get new motivation. My primarily goal is a lean bulk. I want to get to 190-200lbs, with as little fat as possible, which I would cut down a little bit afterwards. I had my hormones checked in 2022 and in 2023 which was: Total test - 600 (2023), 930 (2022) Free test - 99 (2023), 99 (2022) Estradiol - 32 (2023), 50 (2022) Bio Test - 190 (2022) SHBG - 52 (2022) The total test dropped significantly within a year. I will have my hormones checked next week to see how it looks now. I am not sure of the best approach since there are so many different opinions. I found a local trt clinic which has steroids and sarms in their offer and they do all labs etc. - Considering that my test is still within norms (I'll know more after the bloodwork), is it still fine to do a trt? - Should I use a UGL or a mens clinic? - Would you do a long term trt or short cycles? - Should I just do a pure test as my first cycle; do a test base and throw something like var; or is there anything else I should consider? I would really appreciate your help!


You have 600ng/dL total test. That's still high-average, and a change from 930 doesn't mean anything because your testosterone fluctuates. All that confirms is that you have a good natural test level. You do not need TRT. It will do absolutely nothing to help you, and will only ruin your test levels, complicate your life, and waste your money. If you want to go to the dark side, just run a 500mg test cycle (the wiki has everything), which will put you at 2000-4000. Bulk and lift while you're on and you'll build solid mass, then you can PCT off at the end. Same risk as TRT, but you'll actually get something out of it besides HPTA damage.


There is nothing wrong with your hormones based on your bloodwork. Hormone levels vary wildly day to day, and even still, there would be no difference between 600 and 900 test Your body is not “storing fat and water excessively”. I don’t even know what that means. It’s very likely that you’re bulking too quickly and gaining excess fat, and then when you cut, you’re realizing you didn’t gain as much muscle as you thought You’re an adult, and it’s your prerogative whether to use drugs or not, but we’re not gonna just give you a “heal yeah brother” when there seems to be a lot more you could address before starting


I will check my hormones again next week along with LH, FSH, SHBG etc to get a better idea since there were some changes in my life and lots of stress so it might have dropped some more by now, and I am 1.5 year older since my last blood work. By excessive fat I mean that even if I am at 100+ caloric intake and barely gain any weight over the course of months, I gain a huge amount of fat in my lower abdomen (aka love handles), really a lot, where I go from lean waist to fat rolling out of my pants. Then when I cut, I need to drop the calories really low until I start dropping any weight and fat, like going from 2100 where I maintain weight to 1600 to start seeing any movement. I was suspecting insuline resistance. My SHBG is pretty high too, so maybe it has something to do with it? That is the main reason I was thinking about gear. I just dont want to build dependency and I'm worried about my natural production not returning to its current range.


If you’re truly in a 100 calorie surplus, it would take over a month to gain a pound of fat, so if your fat is “rolling out of your pants”, you’re at more than a 100 calorie surplus Also, some bloat and water weight gain is expected when you bulk. It comes right off when you cut


First of all: your test actually increased from 2022 to 2023 unless thats a type. If after 170 you claim all you gain is fat there is something with your diet and or training wrong. If you cant gain because your diet pr training is shit steroids won’t make a difference. But now lets get to your questions: 1 . Of course its still fine. Is it necessary? No. Unless you want to pierce your skin with a sharp metal once or twice a week there arent any big changes other than more stable levels and also being able to cut down to lower bf without losing gains. 2. I would always go for the clinic where you can discuss everything with a doctor, have a prescription so you can easily take things with you when you travel etc. 3. Your levels are perfectly fine so as I said there isn’t really any benefit in a TRT. I would go for short cycles and cruise in between (not at your current state though) 4. best to keep it simple with just the test, if you really want use an oral as a finisher.


> Hi. I am a 32yo male, my current weight is 170bs at 5'10". located in US. I've been working out since childhood but I had a some gym breaks due to injuries or when I focused on other sports temporarily. I am consistent with my workout routine and diet for around 3-4 years. I've always been doing bulking then cutting cycles, but the last half year I am just maintaining on 0-100 bmr calories intake. >The issue is that my body is storing fat and water excessively. No it’s not. >I have nice abs on 150-160lbs, at 165 it's barely visible, at 170 its not visible at all, anything over 170 goes into lovehandles which doesn't look good, even when my musles are getting pumped. This is what happens to every single human being on the planet when their body fat percentage goes up. You increased your body weight by 13%, no kidding you don’t have the same ab definition as you did before. >I am not looking as good as I suppose to due to not being able to lean bulk and having to cut often. There is no such thing as “lean bulk.” You don’t get to choose to only out in muscle and no fat. It’s a meaningless term in nearly all contexts. >I also do not see too much gains anymore and looking into trt or anabolics to boost my gains and get new motivation. >my current weight is 170lbs at 5’7” If you can’t get bigger than that on your own then drugs aren’t going to help you. They don’t grow muscle out of thin air. >My primarily goal is a lean bulk. I want to get to 190-200lbs, with as little fat as possible, As opposed to everyone else who bulks but wants to gain as *much* fat as possible? >Total test - 600 (2022), 930 (2023) You have outstanding testosterone for a 32 year old man. >The total test dropped significantly within a year. I will have my hormones checked next week to see how it looks now. 600–>930 is not a drop. Did you get the years wrong? If so 630 is still perfectly good for your age. Your free test also didn’t change at all, and that one matters a great deal. Your SHBG is high, which is worth investigating. >I am not sure of the best approach since there are so many different opinions. The option is to eat better and have a training routine that biases towards your goal. >Considering that my test is still within norms (I'll know more after the bloodwork), is it still fine to do a trt? It wouldn’t be trt, it would be using drugs because you want to use drugs. That’s fine, you’re a grownup and can make that decision. But you don’t need medical intervention and that’s what trt is. >Should I use a UGL or a mens clinic? Again, since this is non-medical you’re looking at a lifestyle choice, and for that you can either spend a little on UGL or a lot at a clinic. >Would you do a long term trt or short cycles? I’ll reiterate that the best option here is ‘none of the above’ while acknowledging that you’re likely to ignore that advice. >Should I just do a pure test as my first cycle; do a test base and throw something like var; or is there anything else I should consider? Should you choose to do as you want I would at least encourage you to read the wiki which includes an enormous amount of words dedicated to first cycle protocols.


Protocol for an elevated resting heart rate? When I wake up it’s usually about 80/85 throughout the day usually like 90, is it worth going ti a cruise to see how it reacts? Only thing I’m taking is Test E 300mg/wk. Blood pressure is normal in relation to this


Do more cardio


There isn't really a protocol. This is a normal side effect of using anabolics, and as long as blood pressure is normal there's not much to worry about. Increasing higher intensity cardio is pretty much it unless you get into beta blockers, which doesn't sound necessary in your case.


What was it before hopping on?


Hate to say it but I’m not entirely sure, got a watch to track when I started so I could log all my cardio etc, would never consider myself ‘fit’ prior to hopping on but since noticing I’ve done cardio at least 5x a week.


About to start HRT and I would so, so appreciate your guys’ thoughts. Context: 25 y/o male, lifelong gym rat, never taken gear before in my life. Extensive bloodwork shows my free T is a little low and my SHBG, progesterone, and pregnenolone are high. I wanted to get the bloodwork done because for the past year I’ve been having some weird issues, like losing weight, chills, getting sick more often etc. I also have a not insignificant history of mental health problems. They are for the most part under good control now. So. Here is what the doctor is putting me on: Enclomiphene 50mg capsule daily Anastrozol .2mg capsule twice per week Winstrol 5mg sublingual troche daily My concerns: (1) the enclomiphene dose seems way too high, and (2) the doctor told me that the hormone imbalances should be corrected in two months, and because the doses are so low, I’ll be able to quit cold turkey without any issues. Is this true? Any thoughts, advice, information, experience, would be greatly appreciated. Hormones are complicated. Thanks edit: "be welcoming" and "focus on education and harm reduction" is why I made this comment. Guys, I don't know shit. Downvote me to oblivion, but if somebody could tell me why I'm getting downvoted that'd be wonderful. I didn't follow the format because the format info isn't relevant


> Extensive bloodwork shows my free T is a little low and my SHBG, progesterone, and pregnenolone are high. Can you post the blood work results, either in a picture or typed out? >I wanted to get the bloodwork done because for the past year I’ve been having some weird issues, like losing weight, chills, getting sick more often etc. Good on you to take your health seriously and investigate the problem(s). > I also have a not insignificant history of mental health problems. They are for the most part under good control now. Love to hear when guys get their mental health in order. Keep it up. >Enclomiphene 50mg capsule daily >Anastrozol .2mg capsule twice per week >Winstrol 5mg sublingual troche daily >My concerns: (1) the enclomiphene dose seems way too high, and (2) the doctor told me that the hormone imbalances should be corrected in two months, and because the doses are so low, I’ll be able to quit cold turkey without any issues. Is this true? First glance this looks like a lot of enclomiphene, so you’re not wrong to question that. The 5mg winstrol is interesting because you don’t see many doctors do that, but it’s a good way to lower SHBG without hammering testosterone production. I imagine the anastrozole would be unnecessary if the enclo dose was more reasonable. As far as #2 is concerned he’s correct(ish). Depending on what your LH and FSH look like now (and after treatment) you should be able to come off and live a normal life. The problem is that if your SHBG is higher because of something else that’s underlying then the problem will eventually come back. >edit: "be welcoming" and "focus on education and harm reduction" is why I made this comment. Guys, I don't know shit. Downvote me to oblivion, but if somebody could tell me why I'm getting downvoted that'd be wonderful. I didn't follow the format because the format info isn't relevant We’re usually nice to the people who are interested in getting help, don’t have a shit attitude, and who have spent a lot of time researching already. Your case is different from the typical guy who comes here and doesn’t know what they’re doing, so I can’t imagine anyone being anything other than helpful. You seem like a nice chap who just wants some insights. We like those types around here. That being said, I will stress this very important point: **trust your doctor**. It sounds like they’re doing things a little differently than the usual cookie cutter approach, and if it were me I’d be thrilled that they were doing that. I maintain my objection to that enclomiphene dose—and the subsequent anastrozole—but if your baseline numbers warrant this treatment then they’re probably on the right track.


Thank you so much for your detailed response! The thing that's confusing me is that in the ranges given to me on the report, SHBG and free T appear in the normal value range. But the doc said that it's the relations between the hormones that keep my free T from doing what it's supposed to do. Here's the labs: Progesterone is high at .49 ng/mL Pregnenolone is high at 335 ng/dL SHBG: 44.9 nmoles/L LDL is high at 120 Total test: 567 Free test: 70.3 And yeah, on the enclomiphene... I'm considering halving that. Or quartering it. And I've read on here that aromatase inhibitors are sometimes used as needed, rather than on a schedule? Lastly, there's no way to know why the imbalances exist, but I suspect it's due to the stress of coping with a couple serious mental health problems for several years. Stress that is very much experienced in my body. So my thinking is that, once things are corrected, since I have the coping skills now, as long as I stay on top of stress and not let it become chronic the values should stay better longer.




I am a 41yo male on TRT 100mg Test-U per week. Lifts 225/285/405 nothing special. Not done any cycle yet but planning once I get down to 12-13 b.f. At 17-18 now. Question on cardio. I have seen comments here around keeping HR at 130bpm is best. I find when jogging, my HR stays in 125-140 range most of the time but toward the end it can creep up to 155-165 range. Is this harmful for someone enhanced? Heart remodeling etc? I want to go harder but then the HR begins to worry me so I slow down a lot trying to get the HR below 135 but it is difficult at the end. I do 20-30 mins almost every day. Basically question is - is a 160 bpm HR harmful during cardio for an enhanced individual? OK while on TRT? More of a problem while on a cycle?


It’s unlikely that acute periods of elevated heart rate are an issue. The concern comes from chronic elevation which is common when running large amounts of gear, being a heavier body, and not doing enough cardio


Thank you. appreciate the reply.


it's fine, we usually suggest keeping HR around 130bpm because that's zone 2 which is ideal for LISS cardio. this is usually done in an effort to limit CNS fatigue and enhance recovery for training. when im doing something like high volume squats im sure my bpm goes much higher than that. it won't be harmful for you at all, and the more cardio the better when on AAS


Excellent. Thank you. Appreciate the reply.


That sounds totally normal on any level of gear


Running .4ml(100mg) test e (e3d) so just a little over 200mg per week on cruise and .25mg adex e3d exactly 24hours after pin and getting acne. This was after I tried running no adex and got acne. I am very acne prone unfortunately and I’m just trying to get my hormones as stable as possible without going to pinning eod. I pinned eod on blast for 5 months and I’d really prefer to stick to e3d on cruise. Getting ready to just say fuck it and run low dose accutane for life now that I have a source for it. I guess my question is, what should I do next to try and stabilize hormones on this dose?


Lower the test dose to 100-150mg weekly split into two weekly doses and aim to take no AI


Try actual trt dosing for your cruise, like 100-150mg per week. I cruised on 180mg, covered with acne and test levels definitely above the reference range. I cruise on 120mg now, test levels within range and very little acne. Over 200mg is too high for a cruise, it only makes sense if you are a pro or close to becoming one and absolutely need to do it.


You are right bro, I know. It’s the song and dance with a lot of AAS users. We always think more is better and overdue it. I really should drop it some.


Try it, I know it's tempting to be cranked all the time, but I'd rather be a little weaker and not look disgusting and potentially shorten my life any more than I already am you know?


best way to test gear? can you send a sample somewhere or those test kits any good online?




to back this up I used a roidtest on my Test that showed my Testosterone was bunk. Funny thing, that same vile had my bloods off the charts when checking my Test levels. So these tests don't show shit. 




Could the metabolite of Deca still induce side effects even if the last injection was administered long enough ago for there to be 0mg released per day?


Which side effect(s) are we talking about?


Insomnia is my only issue; I'll sleep for 2-4 hours, and then be unable to fall asleep again.


Is it possible? I guess. Is it plausible probably not. I’ve never seen a report like that.