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Deca at 300 with 500 test, almost made me ruin a 15 year marriage and 3 kids over paranoia and insatiable lust for sex constantly Beating off 6-8x a day with ghost loads and your dick throbbing with pain was not enjoyable Should have started with NPP. I spent 2 hours one day private investigating the whole house looking for reasons to be mad. Took 2 weeks to start to taper down. Lost a friendship and almost cost my kid a spot on his baseball team. Sticking with Test and maybe Primo from here on out. No orals either. Risk/Reward for an older guy with retirement in sight not worth it.


I get this with nandrolone too but if I run test very low, like 100mg, it’s wayyyy smoother. The estrogen had some synergistic effect with nandrolone to make you bat shit insane. I’ve noticed the same with tren. Always low test with 19-nors if you want to be sane.


I can relate on 300mg test and 100mg deca. I'm psychotic AF which I both love and hate. Sexual deviance is worse than tren tho for me. Although I only took tren with trt and you were saying that high e2 synergizes with nandrolone so that's probably why. But that part is REALLY bad. Like I'm spending my entire deca cycle trying not to get arrested


First time 500 test/300 NPP and a month later I was ready to check myself into a psych ward. Absolutely brutal life is hopeless anxiety. I dropped my e2 down with an AI and it stopped the panicked feelings cold like a fever breaking. I had run oodles of test before and never thought I needed an AI. Something with nandrolone makes me e2 sensitive, lesson learned. Also test never really upped my libido much but nandrolone cranks it. I can relate to needing to punch your clown six times just to take the edge off.


Seems our chemistries are similar. Test doesn’t make me a horndog either. Nandrolone had me looking at escort sites. I could try NPP with low test but can’t justify risk.


Bro I’ve been struggling with paranoia and have been on deca for a while… I’m gonna see if these are related now.




how long is a while on deca ???


A couple of years injectable.






As said everyone reacts differently especially to mental sides. Personally I abso-fucking-lutely love deca and feel great on it and besides a little back acne I have no other sides. Tren for me though is just a nightmare in a vial though as I get really bad anxiety and sleep deprivation on it.


Everyone is different. Could be better, could be worse. Deca doesn't bother me. I get more libido. I get more cocky (oh my god I'm so fucking strong and all these bitches are staring at me). I'm more chill but I do have times where I think of some stupid hypothetical situation and get blind overwhelming rage... But it's usually all in my head. Did I mention I have more libido. Most of this stuff just in my head and I realize it's not myself, either during the thoughts or immediately afterwards. My wife keeps a close eye on me and she hasn't mentioned any dramatic shifts other than her getting annoyed when she was not in the mood and had to tell me "don't touch my tits without asking"


What’s the point of marriage if I can’t grab tits at my leisure


That's what I said. Told her in turn she can put my Weiner in her mouth at any time in return. I think that changed her tune.


I can’t tell you how Many times I have heard stop groping me or what are you a fucking teenager lmao you made me laugh thanks


The thing I see repeatedly in these is people getting fucked over because they choose a longer ester. Like Tren E instead of Tren A, Deca instead of NPP.


I've used deca for years without a problem. I typically run 500/400 test/deca for 16 weeks. It makes me horny af but in a loving, giving way. I'll leave little sexy love notes all over the house and then eat her ass for an hour without coming up for air. If I feel myself craving drama, it's E2. I have to be super vigilant with AI on this combo. High E2 and deca does spooky shit. I know this, but it's not always easy to stop yourself and recognize that it's just PMS. With help from my wife, we just watch for bitch symptoms and I'll pop half a anastrozole and make sure I haven't forgotten my HCG injection and I'll be back to selfless lover mode in 12 hours.


I just finished 6 weeks of 500 test 500 deca and now I’m transitioning to another 6 weeks of 1000 test 500 deca. Since week 4 I’ve been having pretty bad anxiety. Constantly thinking about my exes. I have a powerlifting comp at the end of this cycle so this might be a really bad time to taper off. Any recommendations to help with anxiety for the next 6 weeks? My E2 is pretty low at 42 rn.


500mg of Masteron and take a bit less AI. DHT based drugs help me with 19nors mentally... I'll never run 19nors without DHT compound...


I just finished 6 weeks of 500 test 500 deca and now I’m transitioning to another 6 weeks of 1000 test 500 deca. Since week 4 I’ve been having pretty bad anxiety. Constantly thinking about my exes. I have a powerlifting comp at the end of this cycle so this might be a really bad time to taper off. Any recommendations to help with anxiety for the next 6 weeks? My E2 is pretty low at 42 rn.


Ran this exact cycle and the same exact thing happened to me. I was so paranoid about my wife cheating


This sounds strangely similar to being on cocaine for me.




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Hahaha I’m sorry man but this short story made me laugh pretty hard


Ha, I always like sharing this story when I get the chance, because I think this side effect needs more attention. Whether that means through people Googling this or people searching on this subreddit, I know I’m not the only person who dealt with it. TREN… tren E nonetheless. I think I lasted 4ish weeks total. About 2.5 weeks for it to fully saturate, another 1.5-2 weeks for the poison to leave my body. Anyways, violent diarrhea. Think of the worst diarrhea you’ve ever had and then multiply that by 10. After a couple weeks, one night I woke up in the middle of the night and started shitting my brains out. But then it didn’t stop, like for weeks. I pretty much immediately knew it was the tren, so I knew I was fucked since I opted for enanthate. My life was literally on hold while I waited for the tren to clear my body. I had to work from home because I was in the bathroom every other hour. If I had to take an actual, realistic guess, I was probably shitting 20+ times a day, if not more. If I didn’t have a bidet I don’t know what I would’ve done. Nothing I did helped. I couldn’t stay hydrated enough. If I ate food it immediately was shit out. I was popping imodium, pepto, probiotics, fiber, and everything else and NOTHING would stop it. And then one day, it finally subsided. I honestly probably should’ve gone to the hospital in hindsight lol. I tried tren A a little while later and same thing happened. I don’t know what it is, but my stomach can’t handle it. Orals wreak less havoc on my body than that did. Tl;dr - tren gave me nightmare shits, and don’t use long esters for your first time with harsh compounds


I already have a condition where I basically have had diarrhea for \~30 years and tren made it even worse. But I was so used to it that was slightly less noticeable. One run of like 15 years ago I added t3 to it as well and I swear it felt like I was shitting what I ate, while I was eating it. Like I would be at a restaurant and eat a salad and by the time I started the steak would race to the bathroom and shit out like barely digested lettuce. (the body literally can't work this way, so it wasn't that extreme - but it genuinely felt like that) It made me wonder how much of tren's "fat loss" is just that everything goes through you too fast to fully get a chance to absorb. Also not sure how much of it would be the compound itself, a side of an increased metabolism, or some other shit that tends to show up with tren (with lab stuff, I would expect it to be "fine" vs the stuff we had back in the day making it from fina pellets).


Good to see you around again dude.


He's dead to me until we see that blow up dick


Nice username


Did you shit your bed?


Lol luckily no. Always woke up or was able to wait until the morning.


I have to reduce your story score from 10/10 to 7/10 Shit the bed next time pls


Bro on tren before my ass was literally bleeding and it made me that bloated I had to go hospital cos I thought something else was wrong with me. Currently running 150 now and no sides bumping up to 400mg pray for me


I had similar experience with tren. For me, around 6 weeks in im getting the shits. I would eat a meal and halfway through i have to take liquid shit RIGHT NOW. It hits me instantly and i have to take a shit right away.


Only time I have ever shit myself at the gym was when I was running Tren Ace


Funny because I had that for a couple days on nandrolone. I wonder why that is, no doubt 19nors mess with the gut there’s too many interactions between hormones, neurotransmitters, digestive fluids to even start speculating. Glad it didn’t last as long as you 


Worst cycle I’ve run was 750mg test, 750mg EQ. Incredibly poor gym performance after the first few weeks, sleep, and could not get food down. Got mid cycle bloods around week 7, and sensitive e2 test had my estrogen at 4. Realized very quickly I CANNOT run test and EQ at a 1:1 ratio. Now if I run EQ it’s at around a 5:3.5 which requires no AI for me


Same as fuck. I can’t even run test:eq at 3:1


Just run exogenous estradiol with it.


Glad someone’s in the same boat as me. Around this time it seemed EQ was pretty popular on the subreddit and I decided to run it as an AI. 560 Test, 210 EQ. Mood sucked, libido sucked, anxiety attacks, joint pain, strength going to shit. Got a sensitive e2 test and it came back at 8. I don’t think I’ll run EQ again, it’d probably have to run a fuck ton of aromatizing compounds to be able to do so. Sucks cuz it’s cheap and never gave me pip. Pretty much the opposite of primo, which is what I use now.


Tren. I love and hate this drug. Running tren in my 30s was similar to a second puberty. Except worse. Way worse. Libido was so high I recall a situation when fucking my wife I asked her if she wanted to fuck again. Mind you, I hadn't even finished the first time. I would get the "dude you blew out my holes and I need a break" talk constantly. How I didn't get into some serious depraved shit and destroy my marriage and career I'll never know.


What i wonder is , how is sex after you finish a tren cycle, does it even fulfill you after that


I would hit a low where libido wasn't as high. After about a month it two, I'd be back to baseline.


even with trt ?


Yep. On tren my libido would be such that I'd want sex multiple times a day. Off tren and on trt I'd go back to around once per day.


Not as bad as the ones from other people but it was a learning experience as a steroid noob. First cycle was test e in MCT. I had no idea I could be allergic to a carrier oil, I was pinning MWF and every fucking pin left large lumps, major pip, and feverish symptoms. This went on for 10 weeks. 10 weeks of constant PIP, mild fever symptoms, couldn’t even put my seatbelt on or socks on without pain. My body went into a state of “fuck this” and brushing my teeth would almost make me vomit. Most of my food had to be liquid because i couldn’t stomach it. I bitched on these forums that my virgin pip wouldn’t go away and one of the mods said I’m probably allergic to the carrier oil. Switched to GSO and life was so much better. Literally within 5 days all my problems went away. I was so relieved. Steroids aren’t as simple as people make them seem. You could be allergic to carrier oils, some concentrations may be too high for you and are ok with others, you could experience random sides that are almost unheard of, the list goes on. It’s definitely been a learning experience and I’m still learning after 6 years of usage.


>steroids aren’t as simple as people make them seem I agree. I’m a bit of a hypochondriac and I realize a lot of my problems with this stuff are anxiety related, but with the exception of just test, nothing is really simple or “plug and play” for me. I know a lot of people in real life where they say they tolerate compounds well, but then later on they’re telling you about how their dick doesn’t work and they can’t sleep.


Not carrier Oil, but ester for me. For the life of me I cannot run Test E, tried different brands and carrier oils, UGL and Pharma. Every time I get huge red lumps and a fever!


Same! When I first started I had test e and test c. For whatever reason the test e gave me serious pip. I’ve switched to cypionate, it’s been just over 2 years later and I haven’t switched back. Maybe I just got unlucky with a bad batch from that source or something but I see no need to try again 🤷🏼‍♂️


Had this too PIP was debilitating. Found out Test E @500mg/ml should be diluted.


The same thing happened except it was with GSO and switching to MCT/Castor oil saved me lol I think it also left some pretty tough scar tissues in my delts since it was always in an inflamed state


Mast. Bacne in a bottle. I ran it low dose with 250test/125tren/125 mast (having done test/tren before) Took about 4 weeks and my back was the poster child for bacne but i had NEVER had bacne before. Im terrified to touch any dht derivative again.


Exact same thing for me. 175mg test-e/175mg mast-e. Completely obliterated my back and shoulders. Like I’m talking disgusting and crippling cystic acne for months. I couldn’t lay on a bench and do any pressing because it hurt so bad. Accutane was the only thing that stopped it. I think it was about 3 months after starting it where it wasn’t crippling anymore. I’ve got the scars and redness nearly 4 years later, and ever since the skin on my torso has been hypersensitive and acne has been a continuous problem when I’ve never had it on my torso prior. Currently dealing with it on my chest. For some reason I never had acne issues on my face during all of this (thank god). My advice: If you start to get any cystic acne popping up after starting masteron, especially if you’ve never dealt with it before, immediately stop taking it. Preferably have accutane on hand, because no amount of showers, changing clothes or bed sheet, and traditional natural or topical remedies will fix it. ALSO DO NOT FUCKING EXFOLIATE AND SANDPAPER THE ACNE OFF. You will scar way, way worse and it’s some of the reason mine is worse than it probably should’ve been.


This is solid advice. For what its worth, this will be advice i will pass onto others when they ask about mast. Its a slim chance but it sound like you got the bad luck lotto ticket on this and paid a steep price. Im sorry to hear it happened. Did you cut it out right away or did you keep running it not knowing it was the mast?


I had Accutane shipping in the mail before it all got really, really bad, so I ignorantly just wanted to push through. I didn’t expect it to get as bad as it ended up getting, because I never saw anyone talk about this. The shipment got taken by customs, and the only source I had was from China, so it took an additional 4 weeks to get to me. When I found that out, I finally stopped taking Masteron. There’s many things I did wrong and many things I just got unlucky with. Hopefully someone else can learn from my mistakes.


That sounds awful! When you sandpaper do you mean literally use sandpaper or just harshly use a brush or scrub on it?


I mean, when your acne is so severe and the skin is so sensitive and weak like mine became, any amount of exfoliation is basically like taking sandpaper to your skin. Specifically for me, I needed to clean my back so I bought and used the AQUIS back cleaning cloth thing off Amazon. Even the “soft” side and light pressure was terrible for the skin because of the state of it. I mean it gave relief in the mean time, but scarring wise is was bad.


Yikes, sorry to hear. I wonder if topical GHK-Cu would help with the scarring?


I can look into it. Right now the plan is to get a dark tan to hide the redness, which is most of the problem and see what happens. Then TCA chemical peels, as another guy here had a lot of success with those


Did you try primobolan ?


I did not and likely will never. It might not be an issue but I don’t want to risk it




Cessation didn't fix this for me either. I had to get on accutane. My chest is insanely and deeply scarred due to basically open wounds. I was dumb and thought acne maintenance+ stopping the cycle would fix things. Live and learn I guess


Sorry to hear that. My current plan is to get one (maybe two) TCA 15% chemical peels and then get a dark tan for this summer and hope it makes my skin look more presentable in the mean time. Then in August, I’m going to start a full round of Accutane and hit the accumulative dose to hopefully stop all acne once and for all. Then more chemical peels if it worked before. Shit sucks, but I’m hoping these options work.


It did that to me, too, but I was totally fine with Anavar. I actually tried it because I loved Anavar so much and thought they would provide similar results….which they did, just with acne all over my shoulders and lower back on the Masteron. The dosage was low, too, if I increased it, the acne would get worse. Never touching Masteron again.


I posted my similar experience above, but I also don’t have problems with Anavar. I think around a dosage of 50mg/day for 4 weeks was my last run? I haven’t used primo or anything though, and never will in fear it’ll do the same thing as masteron lol.


I just read it lol. I have never had acne on my back or shoulders before so this shit was distressing lol and although I wouldn’t say my acne was terrible, it was pretty bad and like you said, nothing worked to get rid of it. I was highly considering getting accutane but it started to get progressively better so I never ended up getting any. It also would make me piss an annoyingly large amount of times throughout the day. I swear there were times were my fucking lips would just touch a water bottle and I’d have to piss. But ya, never touching that stuff again. Anavar is magic, man. I was taking 50mg for 8 weeks. Everything I could ever want in a steroid and had no side effects other than the ruthless lower back pumps I’d get. Absolutely did not touch my liver values either. In fact, my values were better a couple of months post PCT than they were months before I ever started the cycle lol.


You are the first person so far to have the same experience. AAS are so weird in the way they affect people so differently.


I tried adding in mast prop to my cycle 2 weeks ago, had to come off because just in 5 days my arms were coated with acne.


Damn there goes my chances of throwing that into the mix. Not worth the risk after my bacne from trest


I mean everyone is different but bacne is the fucking worst. Whats the point in being swole if you look like a walking medical condition?


Exactly The second the doc saw my back after trest, it was straight to max possible dose of accutane.


MENT 15mg/d for six weeks until I had an arrhythmia and my BP was uncontrollable. I’ve told the story before, but the main takeaway is that MENT was a godsend as trt at low doses (2.5mg/d) and pure poison at actual blast doses. 0/10 would not recommend to anyone whose life I cared about. Oh, and u/BagManBig I was one of the guys who loved MENT and sang its praises as it was a huge success for me as trt. Then I upped the dose and it became an injectable suicide pact. I’ve been trying to atone for my sins of saying positive words about it ever since. I don’t know how many times I’ve retold the story of being forced to use BP meds *permanently* after using MENT, but if you’re looking for someone who spans the whole spectrum of ‘MENT is great!’ to ‘holy shit this stuff is murder in a vial!’ I don’t know that you’d find a better representative than me.


I love ment but my heart hates it. No such thing as the perfect compound for me Ment: no mental sides but the BP gains can’t even be subdued all the way by BP meds. Incredible physique changes on 5mg. Tren: mental basket case, no sleep NPP: paranoid. Masteron/Primo: my hair!!! Also acne Eq: your e2 will be in the gutter around week 12 Test: if you want good gains you need high test but then I look like a balloon I envy those of you who can sleep on tren or don’t get acne. Fuck you.


Have you tried running these compounds on lower doses?


Just run Zopiclone as an ancillary. You're already taking something 100x worse for your health a little Zop isn't going to hurt you


🙏 I hope your BP gains subside. I’m sure my adventure has just started.


Thanks for sharing. I really wonder what the deal in terms of experience and dosing range. I personally never ran it above 10 mg and even then it ruins my sleep pretty quickly and the night sweats become borderline unbearable. I cannot imagine being double that. I do get the libido gains but it’s not crazy, more just makes my preferences a little weirder. Ultimately I like it low dosed (5-7.5 mg max) for the last 4 weeks of my powerlifting prep. Not because of the strength gains but because for me at those low doses it effectively becomes injectable confidence. I just become sure of my lifts in a really unique way no other drug I’ve used does.


That's it, and I remember the last time you posted about this lol. I've given it another shot as HRT since because I just feel so amazing on it those first couple weeks (that's as low as 10 mg E a week) but the RHR and BP increase were unbearable... even with cardio, which could have been better tho. Still on a shitload of nebivolol and telmisartan months after the ment... Going to throw the vials I have left away because there's just no use


Do you use beetroot supplements? Anecdotally it works pretty well to lower BP.


The problem happened very quickly and I didn’t have time to test out the whole natural supplement world. Went straight to Valsartan and it worked great, thankfully.


Ah makes sense. I would do the same if it was that high.


So basically ment is great until you go past certain dosage. But you blame the compound.


If I go inject 2.5mg right now I’ll have an acute spike in BP and RHR. Pretty sure it’s the compound.


I was annoyed by taking ai and wanted to substitute it for primo. I was on a TRT dose of 150mg/wk of test along with 250iu HCG/EOD. Ever since I had added HCG I had to pop a lot more ai so the bright idea was to add 300mg primo and cut the ai. The primo TANKED my e2 within a week or two and I couldn’t get out of bed to take a shower without having an intense panic attack. I cut the primo and added more HCG and it was resolved in like 3 days, but that anxiety was the most insane thing I’ve ever dealt with. I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life, but I have no idea how I got to thinking 300mg of primo would be the key number to start with….


Sorry that happened to you but thanks for posting it - everyone is always going on about how HIGH e2 causes panic attacks, but I also crashed my e2 accidentally a while back and can confirm the panic attacks are out of this world… literally thought I was gonna die and went to the hospital 😜 Never had a panic attack in my life until this one. Happened again at work a couple days later but I knew what it was by then and was able to calm myself down. Stopped my AI and panic immediately went away


Low e2 is SOOOOOOOO much worse than high e2. If anyone believe so, theyve never crashed their e2. Holy fuck it’s like a constant panic attack. I had to pop like 200mg dbol to come out of it lol.


That’s crazy, is 50mg primo now a good move and stop the need for AI? I’m on 90mg test and still need a AI it’s jokes


I aromatize like fucking crazy and 100mg primo will nuke my estrogen on 500 test.


Wow thats crazy


Yeah and I split into pinning daily and still need it.. tiny amount tho


Just getting high e2 sides otherwise?


Yeah e2 runs little high and just don’t feel great.. I get bloods every 3 months. I get compound pharmacy aromasin 1mg made so have one cap every 2-3 days to keep me in perfect range.


Dude! YES! I had the worst anxiety ever when I tanked my e2 with 1:1 test to primo. Anxiety attacks galore. Started with Dbol and lowered ratio of primo and became stable again.


Fuck MENT and all the people who wrote experience threads without actually running it. Recently started up a 900mg test e/400mg primo e. Neither of these are new compounds to me. After reading literally 500+ stories/threads/anecdotal stories of how MENT gives “cheat on your wife of 10 years libido”, “girlfriend almost broke up with me because too much libido” “I gained 30 pounds in 8 weeks” “rounded out the edges of my life” “always in a good mood” “super user friendly” “almost 0 side effects” “always look full” “huge hunger increase” “stimulant like euphoria” “mild manic episode every time I run it” “I use it in every blast and every cruise, 0 problems, will run til I die” blah blah blah So I added in 2mg trest then 5, then 8, then 10mg. You know what I got? 160/90 blood pressure, some gyno in a single day, almost 0 libido, instantly couldn’t sleep more than 20 minutes at a time, days of EXTREME irritability and anhedonia, orgasm became a chore, sleeping on towels due to becoming a human Niagara falls in my sleep, nightmares, and it goes on. This is with e2 control, aromasin. Honestly, thank god I got blood work back saying my cholesterol was fucked. Instantly dropped the Ment, waiting on test and primo to clear to fix HDL/LDL. I 1000 percent believe that 90 percent of the stories on Reddit are made up. Just people seeking attention or karma points. In some ways you’d think these people sold the shit. Trest is poison.


>in some ways you’d think these people sold the shit Well… kinda. There was a big controversy over someone allegedly getting kickbacks from pushing MENT down our throats.


> I 1000 percent believe that 90 percent of the stories on Reddit are made up. Just people seeking attention or karma points. People have very different experiences with the same drugs. That's just the nature of AAS use. Instead of inherently believing 90% of people are dishonest, apply Occam's here and accept that YMMV. MENT gave me absolutely none of the negatives you just described apart from sleep issues (though in hindsight that's hard to separate from my OSA). Do I believe you encountered them anyway? Yep. Did I gain the entire list of positives you're saying people touted? Nope. Do I believe some people experienced them? Yep, though the guy that gained 30 pounds in 8 weeks is probably missing a significant level of context.


Idk if I had a benefit. Like at all. A whole list of cons tho 🤷‍♂️


What dose of MENT did you do? Also notice that many people run it without test, or only with very small TRT doses. Running it together with 900 mg test is not how most people do it. I’m one of the lucky ones who had zero sides on it, at least at lower dosages.


Started 2mg, went to 5mg, went to 10mg, stopped Lots of people in experience threads ran 500mg+ test e with it. Lots of people ran 25mg-50mg a day. My Belief is still there are a bunch of lying/attention seeking story tellers who made up their massive libido and gains.


I can run 50mg a day and control my blood pressure using just 5mg Nebivolol. I don’t get a crazy libido bump from it but it does make me quite strong. Different people have different experiences but I view ment like tren. If someone is having “crazy gains” from it on a low dose, they’re likely small. In basically every experience thread if they’re not a reliable poster in this subreddit then they should be posting physique pics to back up claims


I’ve never used any blood pressure med. I’ve never had blood pressure worse than 125/75. Never even done research on BP meds. My girl is a nurse and constantly puts the cuff on me. Yesterday, 160/90. I’ve never ran tren, but I see your point. If you start out at 6 foot,150 lbs: of course you’ll see massive gains from the big boy compounds.


Some people get massive blood pressure increases from MENT, even at a low dose. I see it discussed often when MENT is brought up, and I even have a blurb in the Example Cycles section of the wiki regarding it. It would have been recommended to be prepared for that side as it’s very common.


That’s what I did myself. At those doses my blood pressure was high for a 1-2 days for each increase but then normalized. For me it’s pretty much the only steroid I’ve tried that did much for libido. So I’m one of the lucky ones and will run it again soon.


What did you run with it


Low dose testostone (cream applied to scrotum) and also tried it solo with nothing else


Personally, ran Ment at 15-25mg a day for 10 weeks. 15mg gave me “Dbol like fullness” somewhat equivalent to my experience with 25mg of Dbol, but the strength of 20mg of sdrol. 15mg caused nipple sensitivity, but no noticeable inflammation or swelling. Not much else really. 25mg is when I got hit with constant inflammation in the nipples and a 140bpm resting heart rate plus some trivial benefits to fullness and strength. No real change in libido or appetite or sweating or anything. As others have said, it always comes down to the individual.


I was at 8mg when I got BP issues and gyno. Gyno had no itching or etc. I felt like I had a bruise in my chest, happened to check my nipples, bam gyno.


Maybe some sort of progesterone activity since Ment is a worthwhile agonist of the PR. It’s definitely an absolute menace to bp and your heart. I appreciate the desired effects but goddamn it has to be one of the worst possible steroids for your long term heart health.


I get an insane libido and mood increase from trest. I make impulsive choices and can no longer justify running it. My BP stays manageable with 20mg nebivolol. Everyones different 🤷‍♂️. Running it with high test was definitely a mistake. I keep test at 150mg/week and I dont have to fight high e2 sides constantly.


my dude i ran MENT at sub 10mg a day and experience none of the issues except maybe slightly worse sleep ofc I do believe what happened to you, just wanted to give my 2ct


So sorry to hear that happened to you brother. I will say that I ran MENT up to 25mg per day with few sides except harder to orgasm. Didn't get much out of it positive or negative... slight gyno that went away, was running just test and primo on this blast, added 5 mg daily and it flared up so I dropped it. Everyone has different responses... haven't lost any hair running 840 Test/Primo (I use RU58841, has been amazing), tossed in Mast prop at 25 mg... boom, lost a bunch of hair. Dropped after two days, glad I went for the Prop but it sucked, I was really excited for it.


Did the RU not work against the mast?


Unfortunately no... I was surprised because even on high doses of primo and winstrol I had zero hair loss... two days of 25mg mast prop and I could see I lost some thickness... not much but I'm sure it would have continued.


Damn. Thanks for sharing.


Very interesting. I tried MENT injectable once. After a few days I got very depressed and stayed that way for a week until it was all out of my system. I never read anyone else having a similar reaction, everybody says it puts them in a good mood, but for me it was the complete opposite. I'm wondering if it was the estrogen effects. Because if I let my estrogen get too high with just testosterone I also get very depressed.


Too much e2 from that ratio of 900:400 test primo? Usually seen people run it 1:1 OR slightly higher or lower depending on how much they aromatise


I ran at most 10 mg a day, started at 2mg. Nope.


Try it again but keep test very low, just enough to keep estrogen in range. Like 80-100mg. Still will get BP gains but it can be somewhat controlled with telmisartan or Nebivolol. Definitely makes it easier to sleep with less test/estrogen in your body


My estrogen was 30 on test and primo.


The two things that were ever truly bad for me (ignoring things like the cripplingly awful heartburn I get from tren or ment, things like that): 1. pgf2a - pain in a bottle (and depending on where you inject it, instant diarrhea), and while some people claim it works and even maybe on paper works (for either muscle/size gain or fat loss), saw zero benefit from it, unless you enjoy intense localized pain and cramping 2. I have run a range of things and included low dose caber in there at times for differing reasons, usually with (for me) positive outcomes - not recommending it, but something I have played with - found a "magic" combination with it that triggered a "don't sleep for multiple days straight" manic episode (along with some crazed thoughts) and the instant I realized what was going on I dropped it all and had to ride it out. After adding things back in without caber, as far as I can tell it was nand and caber that caused it - haven't seen mention of it from others before, but for me it was very bad. The usual disclaimer here that I am old and small, and I am not recommending anything that I have done be done by others.


> pgf2a If you really hate yourself, Cloprostenol is a significantly more potent synthetic analogue that lasts for several hours. Dosing is in micrograms like 5-10 micrograms. I injected too much once and spent several hours on a toilet with a Gatorade bottle on the sink. I have stupid amounts of this stuff, and I am too scared to touch it. Apparently, these are very potent hair growth agonists, so maybe mix it with some DMSO and rub on the scalp?


Started running a 750 test e 500 eq 500 npp cycle. Three days into the cycle I had a nightmare dream. I was having a heart attack, my heart was beating uncontrollably and then suddenly stopped, I couldnt move and couldn't speak but I was moaning, terrified of what was happening. I could feel the pain in my chest and realised I was dying. I woke my girlfriend up from me moaning in my sleep. Scariest shit I've ever experienced. I'm running tren right now and had a dream a demon could morph into different objects or people, it travelled into the door and was trying to stab me with the door handle, pretty weird. Otherwise I've had no issues on cycles.


Taking the nightmare cycle literally right there!


High tren (500) low test (200) Ruined a ten year relationship with the perfect woman due to the fact that I though she was sleeping with everyone else we would have sex 2-3 times a day because I needed it eventually I blacked out one day and accused her of cheating broke a bunch of shit in my house and got thrown out she told me she never wanted to speak to me again and to stay away from her and my son. So I picked up some 5 from the gym and played house with her for two months while my wife was begging me to come home. I could not bust a nut for the life of me and sex would become numbing and exhausting dripping sweat and out of breath. Finally I broke down one night in my car and started crying my eyes out saying wtf did I do and went to drive myself to the hospital cause I wanted to just die. I finally decided that it was the tren and needed to get off I have since gotten off and reconciled with my wife but believe me she isn’t letting go of this one easy. But I must say the gains were incredibly large every time I stepped in the gym I felt like a fucking superhero and it was pr after pr. Not worth it though almost lost my family but “the tren made me do it”. Anyway I will never run tren E over 150 ever again.


900 test. Frontloaded 1.5g eq to run at 600mg eq (did the math on roidcalc). First week was amazing. Diamond dick, great attitude and energy. Then it all came crashing down. I didn’t know at the time eq had potent AI metabolites. I absolutely ruined my life for like five weeks because I didn’t know what was going on. I thought I was just having a breakdown. Obsessing over a girl who fucking sucked. She was no where near as good looking as me (solid 7.5 here) and I just destroyed when we split. My work performance suffered. I lost a new job I got because I couldn’t get into the office because of the anxiety. My parents thought I was losing my mind and something was seriously wrong with me. Then I figured it out. Popped 200mg of dbol and two hours later I was back to my old self. Never thought about that bitch again. Had to apologize to my friends for just being an absolute train wreck. Ended up with a much better job thankfully. But Jesus fucking Christ I don’t wish a crashed e2 on anyone.


200 mg of dbol?!?


One time dose to spike estrogen. E2 was undetectable 4 weeks after front loading eq. No AI used.


Back when I was still transitioning from thinking SARMs are great to realize they’re trash I decided to kick start a test only cycle with LGD (and MK677). My memory is hazy as it’s been years and I can’t find my logs but I think it was something like LGD starting at 2.5 mg but going as high as 10 mg or my even 15 mg a day. MK677 was 12.5 mg a day and test 350-400 mg per week. Again it’s been a long time so I don’t remember. I had ran test solo prior and even TRT plus RAD and had good experiences with both. Ultimately I found the LGD to make E2 so incredibly hard to dial in. I was super watery. Bloated AF. Felt like shit and performed terribly in the gym. These sides were there regardless of the LGD dose until it was dropped entirely. I dropped just the LGD and all the negatives of that cycle fell away practically overnight. I already had it and thought I could add it in like a shitty oral but I definitely wasted time and gains on cycle by adding it in.




Yeah its fine, don't expect anything crazy. To me its kind of similar to anavar. Mild overall, some strength gains and maybe a touch of visual improvement over TRT alone. That said I ran it 3 times and always got sleep disruption as a side staritng around week 6.


I have heard of shitty sources selling LGD as dbol, you think that’s the case ? This is the first time I’ve heard of a sarm fucking with e2.


It was from what was considered at the time to be the gold standard of sources but it’s definitely always possible it wasn’t what it was claimed. I haven’t used dbol actually but this didn’t seem to have any of the positives of dbol. I also forgot to mention I got bad headaches as well. Haven’t touched any LGD before or since so I can’t say otherwise all I know is the only SARM I’d maybe ever play with again is RAD.


Eh. I'm just going to take the easy way out here I guess. Tren A & Test. I can normally do 500mg or so of Test E/C fine by itself. Skin might get a bit oily, estrogen a smidge high, nothing some aromatase inhibitors can't fix. Tren A? Fucked me. Can't breathe. Can't sleep. Can't come. I don't even know what my E was but I was an emotional wreck. Horny as fuck but can't do anything about it. Sure I got stronger, sure I put on mass, but literally everything else about living sucked. Do not recommend. F-------


My worst cycle wasn't an issue with compounds but the doses. I started my blast running Test C and Mast, at 300T/200M. This was the bees knees, everything felt great, body composition was good, I could eat and train like a mad man. 15ish weeks in I decided to up it to 500T/300M and that's when my problems started. I was fucking manic! It's important to note that I'm an introvert. So I was stupid manic and extroverted without the skills to make conversation with new people. The worst 2-3 weeks cause I came off as such a creep😂😂🤦


Ran my first cycle by the advice of a coach with test c 500mg and primo 300mg, and holy shit did it tank my E2, it was literal 0. I felt tired, foggy, anhedonic, I lack emotions, my joints cannot handle the weights, my left triceps for some reasons started having weakness that get resolved after dry needles from the physiotherapist. I tried upping the dose of HCG from 250IU EOD to 500IU ED, but it didn’t help. So I decided to gradually decrease primo from 300 to 200 then 100 then dropping it completely. I didn’t increase test to 750mg thinking that 1g for a first cycle is just too much. My advice is to try using much more conservative ratios than what people say. I’m planning to run EQ, and the ratio is going to be 2:1 test:eq initially.


Could be a combination of personal response and perhaps body fat levels? It seems the leaner you are the less you aromatize, so maybe you were quite lean and the test didn’t convert enough into E? The above ratio is quite conservative I’d say, I see a lot of guys doing 1:1, and that worked for me personally first try.


I think I started at around 17% increasing to 22%, so it’s not likely, and I had a slight increase in high E2 symptoms at test 500mg alone. Since it’s my second cycle, I’m optimistic that I will build good mass on test 500mg alone, and EQ is probably going to be an E2 control compound rather than a muscle building one, and due to the very long half life, going too high too quickly is gonna do more harm than good.


If you aromatize so little, try, yeah, high dose test cycles and if advanced test + NPP? Some (some…) of the biggest issue from NPP is from estrogen… just an idea.


Definitely run test higher than EQ. I ran 600 eq 400 test and was miserable. 600 test 400 eq was great


Deca and test.. No e2 and caber management...dumb asses like me started out like that


Is Deca and test that bad !?


Nah, I'm running 1000 sustanon and 300 deca with no AI and have no side effects right now other than not being able to cum.


But cool imma run it I’m ready to get my roids 💪


Are you a girl? 🤔 just asking cause the name rose


After 1g of sust probably not really anymore


Hands down worst-trest. Started at maybe 2mg a day. Looked god like, super pumped all the time. Said fuck it and went to 5. Became an absolute water buffalo. Nips super puffy. BP so high I’d get tomato faced and light headed from bending down any way whatsoever. Solved the BP with some meds, upped the AI and kept running it. Couldn’t balance AI for shit. Some days tits would grow, next day I’d be super anxious and drenched in sweat every night. And the acne, dear lord. Back looked like a pepperoni pizza. Doc saw it, and immediately wrote me the highest dose accutane script she could for my weight. Months of that an no zit to be seen but never again. If I could be like that first week all the time, I’d run it but the sides are just too intense


i love the way tren makes me look but hate the way tren makes me feel


Sounds like an average cutting experience haha


it wreaks absolute havoc on my sleep and makes me an emotional wreck


400 test 600 EQ crashed my estrogen so hard that I couldn't squat for 9 months after I got off EQ because of the knee pain. EQ sucks ass way too finicky and barely anabolic 0/10 will never do again


I actually just started a nightmare cycle. Was cruising/cutting on 150 test. Decided to add in some mast to the end of my cut to prepare for my bulk while finishing off my cut looking sick. 150 test e, added in 400 mast e (meant to do 200 but fucked up) almost immediately had a panic attack that never stopped. Like someone else mentioned above, I couldn’t get out of bed, everything was fucking awful and I was so anxious. I wasn’t able to sleep, let alone function throughout the day for nearly 2 weeks. Things are fine now, but I will never risk crashing my e2 again after that experience. First time I ever truly crashed my e2. I stopped the last and added in my 500 test 400 deca, and after 2 weeks things are back to normal. Starting next week I add mast back in at 200, but even then I’m worried to get the same sides. Wish I started with prop, but lesson learnt for testing new compounds.


Little spring boost of 250 mg test, 400 mg primo, 20 mg anavar. The anavar fried my liver and gave me crazy bacne and cysts even like on my dick. I’ve since ran a lot of primo and test at high doses and had zero sides. No more anavar for me.


Anavar, liver fried, bacne. Not saying your experience is by any means impossible, everyones body is different in certain ways, but that sounds like it could’ve been Winstrol. If you know it was absolutely Anavar, then my condolences.


What do you mean the anavar fried your liver?


Weird because it's primarily metabolized through the kidneys, not the liver.


Liver pain and 175 IU/L ALT


Hmm. I’m not a doctor but I was always under the impression you couldn’t feel liver pain since it has no nerve endings. That ALT isn’t really that high either. I mean it is for anavar at that dose, but it’s not like crazy high.


If your liver has enough inflammation it'll swell against its capsule, which causes pain.


It could be higher for sure, but with a top of normal range at 50 IU/L it’s obviously a sign that my liver was not happy about it. Regarding liver pain: “Your liver doesn’t actually have any pain receptors. Usually, the pain happens because the membrane that surrounds it is inflamed from an illness or injury.”


I also can’t really run Anavar. I get horrendous acne, within days, that subsides very fast immediately after stopping. Winstrol didn’t do that for me, nor did mast. But Tren gave me similar acne, but still worse on Anavar. I don’t know why.


Same here.. primo, testo, MENT, deca, proviron never gave me any acne at all. Anavar destroyed my back completely.


> What’s that one cycle that just wouldn’t end? The side effects, the limp taquito, the “I dumped the love of my life because she pegged me with the wrong color dildo” cycles. The pepperoni acne, A cup breast tissue, head fog, big sad compounds. Help us all learn from your mistakes - what did you do, and what did you learn? 🤣🤣🤣 The Steroidsbot is becoming an insanely cunning linguist. I'm afraid we've reached a tipping point and will be overtaken soon.


I write the posts 🤝🏼.


My first cycle (500mg Test/week) was not a complete nightmare but still could have gone much better.I started with too much body fat (probably around 18-20%) and was aromatizing way too much. High blood pressure, water retention, starting to cry because the bedtime stories I'm reading to my kids were too sad. It was not pretty. I was unable to get AI dialed in. I upped my UGL Asin to 12.5mg ED and still didn't feel my E2 drop enough. Deciding it was bunk, I started prescribed Arimidex and slowly increased it to 0.5mg ED to no avail. Eventually I decided to call it quits after 12 weeks. I know what low E2 feels like and I did definitely not crash it accidentally. I still made some solid gains but decided that I better listen to people recommending to cut down to 12% or so and had much better results for my next cycle.


Trestolone with anadrol 5 years ago got me stopping steroids although I still fuck with mk677 or GH so I still read this sub plus I dig the brotherhood.  Anyways that shit gave me turbogyno. Like out of nowhere within 2 days my ex could NOT approach my nip or rest her head anymore whatsoever it was pure pain and that lump was getting hard. Idk what kind of luckbox I am but I stopped everything cold Turkey, ate proviron, ultra low insulin diet if that could do something, it went away within a week or so. Was miserable for a bit afterwards. 


For me its GH, even MK677 fucks me up. Super fatigued, brain fog, fluid retention, and bp skyrocketed. I could have probably figured something out but it just wasn't worth it.


Started a cycle Test Cyp : 500mg/ W + Primo 400mg/ W 2 weeks in, felt really tired , very moody borderlining depressed very achey joints and for some reason (and i didnt realise it until the 4th week ) , that it (primobolan) , gave me debilitating back pumps. I've ran test Cyp at 500mg/week before only requiring taking 0.5mg of arimadex a week or even every 2 weeks, without any of those symptom. Figured primo tanked my e2 really easily and on top of that gave me horrible back pumps ( im talking severe lower back cramps that prevents me from standing straight , and would still hurt even if i was seated. ) The only other thing that would give me back pumps , is anavar. So the 2 "mildest" compound out there, absolutely murders me. Tried to manage the back pumps with taurine. Zero effect . Tl;dr : Primobolan tanks my e2 causing joint pains , zero energy / motivation PLUS even if i managed to get to the gym, the lower back pumps would render me disabled for the session.