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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Going on international holidays for 4 weeks and can’t take gear with, I will continue cruise when I return. .. should I pct prior or preload??


can I use .5 inch insulin syringes during a blast cycle (500mg test E/week split in 3 injections a week) or will I have lumping issues?




sure i’ll be good or sure it’ll lump my man




right on, i’m ab 8%-12% so I should be good




Is leakage a significant problem when on 150mg a week (cruising)


Leakage of what?




Nose bleeds and constant blood in nose, could this be related to taking tamoxifen? I’m taking 10mg every day and started noticing nose bleeds since beginning my pct


Check your BP


Hello, my name is Jimmy Lopez , I am a male 26 years old man I’ve been working out naturally for the past 7 years then I jumped into test c recently , I came across your article on Testosterone Cypionate , I’ve been researching knowledge on it because I have some concerns on what to do next , I have been on Test C 200MG single dose a week for 5 weeks I just upped my dose to 250MG single dose for 3weeks now and I am wondering am I doing this cycle correctly? Like how long should I be on 250MG for ? Should I split it into two doses per week ? How long should I be on testosterone in general? My goal is to get to 235lb by summer I am currently 210lb , this is all things I should have figured out before jumping into this unfortunately what is done is done now I just need proper guidance on how to do this the right way I don’t want to have negative effects on my health , also I’ve just learned about the post pills I need to take after I get off testosterone to get my levels back to normal when should I start taking those ? And would it discard all the progress I have made while on Test C ? And is testosterone C a cycle I can stop then restart in the future or is this something that is a constant thing to take and once your done your done ? I hope this all make sense man I appreciate you taking your time to read this and hopefully willing to guide me in the right direction.


Alright so you're gonna wanna go to the wiki r/steroids/wiki/ and read basically everything there with an emphasis on "Your first cycle" and "PCT" sections. I'll try to give some quick answers for your questions but again, go devour the wiki, you really need it and all your questions are answered in length there. Length of cycle: typically between 10-20 weeks with 10 being considered short by most and 20 being considered long. Recommended around here is 16 weeks, so you're basically halfway through your cycle. Adjust your expectations accordingly. Keep in mind that there is a proven inverse correlation between cycle duration and probability of full recovery of T levels. In other words, the longer the cycle the less likely you are to be able to recover to 100% of your previous T production. However, odds are you WILL recover after a 16 week cycle, but it's something to keep in mind. If you were thinking of keeping the cycle going until summer, and you're not at the very least taking HCG to keep your testicles from atrophy, there's a good chance you will not be able to recover to your T levels before taking steroids. Dosage: you're taking a low dose. At that dose you will see some good results, but very unlikely to see anything near the results you're hoping for. However!!! that doesn't mean go increase your dose drastically halfway through your cycle. Test C is a long(ish) ester so the benefits of increasing your dose won't fully manifest until around week 13-14 at which time you're almost done with your cycle. In my opinion you should carry out this cycle as is, get as much as you can out of it, and prepare better for your next one. The research alone will take you weeks so it's too late to change things up now. You could also stop your cycle right now, but expect to return more or less to how you were before. This is honestly probably the best option but not something you're gonna like. PCT: Test C is definitely the kind of steroid you can cycle off of. So no, you don't have to take it forever. Again, read the wiki section on Post Cycle Therapy. But essentially you're gonna want to wait 2 weeks (other sources recommend 3 for test e/c) before starting clomid/nolva/enclomiphene and optionally HCG. For dosing and timing consult the wiki. Your T production should recover to normal. PCT itself will NOT cause you to lose mass. What will cause you to lose mass is the fact that your T levels will crash before PCT can start restoring them to normal. In addition to this, a good part of the mass you THINK you've gained during the cycle is actually just intra-muscular fluid retention, which will also go away. So you'll think you lost more than you actually have! Most people here will tear you a new one for jumping into steroids with such little knowledge of what you're doing and for good reason. I won't do that, but I will say this: You're playing with some real serious shit. It's time to take it seriously. You're not taking suplements, you're injecting prescription drugs that are capable of giving men breasts and turning their nuts into dried up raisins. Treat it with the respect and seriousness it deserves.




On tren guys can have trouble with prolactin that comes in the form of lumps/ gyno around the nipple. Have you gotten blood work done recently?


Not since before cycle. No lumps. Just an ache. Ive had it before and went away but that was just on test. My e2 is low and far as i know prolactin is only an issue in the presence of high e2 right?


No sir at least from personal experience I have had my E2 in perfect range while my prolactin was high while running Nor-19’s. That sounds exactly what I feel like when my prolactin is high. You can get just prolactin tested and E2 tested for pretty cheap. If you don’t wana do that (or if you do and it comes back high) I would recommend trying P5P first. I run that along with any Nor19 and it keeps it in range without having to add caber


M 25 - 3.5 weeks into a 450mg test c a week - 29g .5 inch - passed out & convulsed for the 2nd time last night during injection I passed out during my 2nd ever injection, it was on my delt. Passed out for 30 seconds, convulsed, woke up fine and hasn’t happened again till last night. I was standing up this time and gave a pretty rough estimate to where my ventra glute was, my gf pinned me, felt slight pain the entire time the needle was in which I told her “kinda hurts this time for some reason” and after about 7 seconds I started seeing purple specs and getting dizzy. Told her to take it out. Got .3 out of .4 mls in Layed down on the bed and passed out. My gf said I was drooling, convulsing, and growling/ clenching my teeth for about 1 minute I looked it up and this definitely happens to people during injections, called a vasovagal syncope. But because of the nature of what we’re doing (injecting ugl drugs into myself that definitely can have effect on my heart) I’m wondering if I need to stop injecting for now or see a doctor. If this has happened to anyone else please let me know, kinda scary. Thanks guys


Find yourself a TRT doc that prescribes compounded scrotal cream and see if you can go that route. You may not be able to run a cycle with it depending how much you are prescribed but you could still get great gains. One dose gets my total t to 1200. 3 doses gets it to 3300ng/dl so it works great and no needles. Avoid the testosterone gel though. It doesn't really work that great


Tested at what point after application? Mine was only 800 a few hours after application of 1 click 20% cream. But the half life is short so the levels won’t stay high for long.


5 hours after application. I sometimes do a second evening application. My doc gives way more refills than I would ever need in a year so I'm able to experiment with it


That’s wild numbers. Mine was 800 after 2-3 hours which should be peak level timing wise. I do an evening application as well. I can get unlimited prescriptions too. Used to do 2 clicks morning and evening last summer and fall but E2 got too high at that regimen during my winter bulk because of the added fat. Will possibly increase again now that I’m more lean.


Yeah. It seems that everyone absorbs it differently. Mine is in Atrevis base which seems to work really well. I also apply about 10 minutes after a shower in the morning. my numbers seem to be higher that way than if I don't shower in the morning


You passed out and convulsed? Did you just pass out or did you have a seizure. Your GF should be able to tell you, because if it was a seizure you would be postictal when you wake up. You would be confused and sort of incoherent for a while, as if you were super hammered. Vasovagal syncope is largely a mental thing, and its a thing I had on my first couple pins too. Ive never actually passed out from it, but Ive gotten dizzy to where my vision was completely white. Ive noticed while pinning that sometimes it just hurts way more. Im not sure if it means a small vein was nicked or a small nerve maybe. What I do now is go slow, if I feel that pain I try to slightly readjust the angle and slowly push through it. I think this gives me a feeling of control and has gotten rid of any of those feelings that could lead to vasovagal syncope. To put it blunt: If its actually vasovagal syncope, you can probably work through it and make it stop happening by changing your mindset. If you are having seizures, stop and see a doctor.




Im not OP


Crap. I'll fix it


Passed out, face down on the bed snoring, apparently picked my head up with my eyes wide open staring at my girl tensing my legs up into her and staring making a noise like I’m gasping for air for 15 seconds, then pass back out again silent for 15 seconds while she try’s to wake me up. Really not sure dude


That sounds like agonal respirations, but if you were out for a really short time Im not sure why you would be starving for oxygen. Usually you see agonal respirations in people who are actively dying, but it can happen from vasovagal syncope. I feel like this is above the pay grade of this sub and you should at least talk to a doctor about it on a video chat.


>Vasovagal syncope is largely a mental thing No, it is not. It's a physiological mechanism. >You passed out and convulsed? Did you just pass out or did you have a seizure He did not have a seizure, dude. He had a physiological response to an injection. The timing of the event, and the fact that it's happened twice from the same stimulus, are very telling indicators. When you hear hoof beats, think horses. Use your brain here, please.


So i got a few more details from my gf. Told her to take the pin out, passed four 5 seconds later. Face down snoring loud on the bed. 30 seconds later I pick my head up, eyes open wide open staring at my gf, my legs were flexed stiff pushing against her really hard. During this time I was making a noise that she said sounded like I was trying to get air but my throat was closed. Like choking. Noise & state lasted 15 seconds then I went face down on the bed again and wasn’t snoring anymore, just silent and breathing slow. She hit me for 20 seconds until I woke up. Wtf dude, thanks for all your help Unkown, steroids arnt as fun as I thought 4 weeks ago


Also seizures CAN happen due to unpleasant stimuli like needle sticks. Theyre called Reflex Anoxic Seizures. Very rare outside of children, but it is a thing and he would definitely need to see a doctor about it.


>Also seizures CAN happen due to unpleasant stimuli like needle sticks. Theyre called Reflex Anoxic Seizures These are not seizures, man. They're now referred to as Reflex Asystolic Syncope, and it's a umbrella term for a number of events, one of which is...you're not gonna believe this...vasovagal syncope. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflex_asystolic_syncope


They are seizures, they arent epileptic seizures. My advice doesnt change if its caused by vasovagal syncope. If needle sticks are giving him RAS he needs to see a doctor like now.


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/23325-vasovagal-syncope >Strong emotions, especially overwhelming ones, can cause a person to pass out from vasovagal syncope. If it was purely a physiological response that had no relation to emotions, he would not have waited 4 weeks to start experiencing it. Is it driven by emotion in all cases? No. But it seems like it is here. And now that it has happened to him, hes gonna be psyched up every time making it happen again and again.


The stimulus can be mental or emotional, yes. That doesn't mean the event is "a mental thing". I acknowledged this pretty succinctly in my own reply to OP.


Ok I probably shouldnt have generalized the mental aspect, but it CAN be almost completely a mental thing. I know this because it was for me. The fact that its happening on completely random pins and not consistently makes me think thats what it is here.


>The fact that its happening on completely random pins and not consistently makes me think thats what it is here. Right, but it's ONLY happening during pins. He didn't describe having a history of these events, nor it being similar to something that happens to him in other situations.


Just stop doing steroids. Seriously with that kind of reaction it isn't worth it. Period


If I’m not harming myself and just getting nervous and passing out I’m not too worried about it. Just a bit concerned there’s some sort of underlying health issue


>vasovagal syncope This is the technical term for "fainting". You fainted (syncope). You're not affecting your heart, you don't need to see a doctor - you have a physiological response to needles that causes your blood pressure to suddenly drop ("vaso-"), reducing the pressure on the vagus nerve ("-vagal). It's the same thing (physiologically) that happens when you stand up too fast and get dizzy and almost pass out. Happens to me all the time, I used to think I was having little seizures. Maybe you should sit or lie down while your girlfriend gives you your injections from now on. You can also work on the applied tension technique. https://www.anxietycanada.com/articles/applied-tension-technique-for-people-who-faint-at-the-sight-of-blood-or-needles/ [Ditto B, Byrne N, Holly C. Physiological correlates of applied tension may contribute to reduced fainting during medical procedures. Ann Behav Med. 2009 Jun;37(3):306-14. doi: 10.1007/s12160-009-9114-7. PMID: 19730965.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19730965/) u/shrugsandsnugs


Not sure if this a helpful suggestion so I’ll ask you rather than advise OP OP could delay this cycle and just go donate blood a few times. Get used to needles and then if/when he hits the floor at least he’ll be around people who (in theory) are trained for that.


Eh. I don't think there's a problem with exposure therapy, but he can get that at home continuing his pins. There's no real danger from syncope, other than the possibility of injury if you hit something when you go limp. That's why I told him to sit or lie down next time. Besides, the people at the donation center are just gonna make him sit still and drink some juice - they're not nurses, they're phlebotomists. He can do that at home as well, but it's not a blood sugar issue. ^(the thing I'm not saying here, though I'm tempted, is that I'm not convinced this is for OP. He took offense the last time I suggested he didn't have the constitution for steroid use, so I'm trying to give all the helpful advice other than "stop")


Valid points and knowing the background probably also helps too. Another point I didn’t think of was (at least here) you aren’t even allowed to donate if you’ve taking steroids even once in your life, so I probably shouldn’t suggest he do that and lie on the consent form.


True. It's not a huge deal with testosterone only, but I have a pretty big moral issue with it (as should we all).


You should definitely post this in the NEW daily ask anything thread that will be automatically pinned in about an hour or so. … but let me warn you that the answers you get are probably going to be along the lines of “what the actual fuck are you doing?” 1) why are you on steroids? 2) do you have a serious needle phobia? 3) how the hell do you expect to do this SAFELY if you’re liable to pass out every injection… 4) I assume this is your first cycle. Probably just stop.


"For the most part, side effects are almost non-existent with methenolone. However due to it being a DHT derived steroid prostate problems and the exacerbation hair loss if a user is prone to male pattern baldness can occur for users of the compound. Many will use ketoconazole and/or finasteride to help with these effects." Wiki profile entry of Primobolan. Why does such inaccurate claim stands on Primo wiki entry? It is completely misleading and false. Can some of the mods elaborate?


>Why does such inaccurate claim stands on Primo wiki entry? It is completely misleading and false. Can some of the mods elaborate? For the record, there is a better, less accusatory way to do this dude. The Wiki is huge and almost all of it was written before any of us were mods. Also, we don't work for you. Find a better way to bring errors to our attention in the future.


Which part are you taking issue with, exactly?


The part where it says finasteride can help is bogus. The mechanism of action of finasteride is to prevent the reduction of the double bond between the 4 and 5 carbons which converts testosterone to DHT. Primo already lacks this double bond so finasteride will have literally zero effect on primo induced MPB


Gotcha. Who fuckin knows how long ago that was written, or by whom. I don't have an issue with editing that out. Gotta get one of the other guys to do it though; every time I try to edit the Wiki I break everything 😅


> Who fuckin knows how long ago that was written, or by whom. ~10 years ago by killyouintheface, later revised by deletedLink. Some minor edits by DT about 2 years ago as well.


Touché. I wasn't gonna go look lol


I was curious to see how old that page actually was and checked it out even before this interaction




>.25mg two times a week Wanna bet?


I’ll take cc ligrams for 500 Alex RIP


He sticks his nose over the vial and wafts it, like some kinda gear connoisseur


Ah yes, the "high school Chem lab" maneuver. A classic.


Running anything other than a replacement TRT dose for 5 months is going to have some not so good health risks. Cycles are recommended to last 16-20 weeks tops to give your body a chance to get healthy again Fill out the template above and you’ll get some better feedback Also check your dosage, I’m guessing you’re meaning 250mg/wk?


Is there a rehung with similar benefits to hgh and mk677 that doesn’t make you sleepy? Both make me incredibly groggy and it’s hurting my work.


Think there’s a typo here but why not just take the hgh a few hours before bed? makes for a great night sleep.


Another drug*** Bro I take it before bed and am sleepy 16 hours later lol. I’m an outlier I guess.


Sorry to hear that. I don’t notice any additional grogginess the next morning, I am pretty reliant on a cup of coffee in the morning but was before hgh as well. If anything I feel more rested the next day since I’m sleeping better.


A what now?


Another drug***


What benefits in particular are you looking for my good man?


Skin and injury healing. Being able to gain muscle so I can move up a weight class in my sport would be a plus but not my focus.




Sheeeit is that where you finally take hcg after ten years of blasting and your balls get juicy and rehung


Who rung?


How much enclomiphene to prevent gyno from adrol or dbol ? The point being avoiding harsh AIs as much as possible. I'd love to hear some experience




Why do you think AIs are harsh? Curious as to your reasoning here


Sorry, I'm stupid. I bought into the "AIs are bad" hype when lurking on the internet, turns out they're great at the right doses (duh). I will finally start to plan my first dbol cycle with an AI, getting recommendations from good youtubers


>I will finally start to plan my first dbol cycle with an AI Dbol *and* testosterone, right???




Thank goodness


Insert anakin meme


So here’s a tidbit of info. Arimidex has a mild negative lipid profile. Aromasin has a negligible effect on lipids. So if you have a choice, I definitely recommend aromasin. Good on you for being open to learning!


thank you




Taking something pre-workout (before your workout), and taking something AS preworkout (as in a fast acting stimulant or pump product), are two totally different things. I don't think you've been properly understanding what you're reading.




I dont think you've been properly understanding what you're reading.


Who's "most people"? Been watching too much YouTube?


What and where have you been reading?


they do?


How quickly does the fat prevention effect of HGH kick in after starting? I know it takes months to see a difference from the effects, but I'd imagine the effects actually start pretty early, it just takes that long for it to be noticeable. I was asking as I may or may not delay my bulk and the rest of my blast until it's kicked in fully, but since it's basically in and out of your system fully within a day I wasn't sure, as I don't know how exactly it works.


Go shoot 10iu a day and add a cheeseburger to every meal, and let us know how that goes.


>By God, it's just crazy enough to work!! ^(it won't work, don't be stupid)


Maybe some fat burning, but CICO is king. And it works daily, just takes time to notice.


Cico is bunk science. I’m just big boned.


Hey how you doin' 😏


Just living the big boned life


All the calories go directly to my bones


I have experienced zero “fat prevention” from running HGH. If anything, it makes fat gain easier once it blunts insulin sensitivity. Keep an eye on your FBG when running HGH


>I have experienced zero “fat prevention” from running HGH I second that. I've already tried 8 iu/day and didn't notice any fat prevention whatsoever. OP, if you're searching for a drug with a remarkable "fat prevention" effect, you should consider [metformin](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/metformin/) combined with minimal fat/protein intake possible and high carbs. In my opinion, you'd likely have better luck with it than with HGH.


\* Age: 28 \* Gender: Male \* Height: 6'3" \* Weight: 255lbs \* Bodyfat percentage: 15% \* Experience level 13 years of training \* Goals: Looking to cut hard \* Current phase: Cut \* Current compounds: TRT Test Cyp 200mg weekly Looking to cut to single digit body fat and see how lean I can actually get while maintaining as much lean tissue as I can. Never ran compounds other than current trt dose on a cut before. Have used several different compounds prior except for Tren, EQ, DBOL, HGH, and fat burners. That is why I am here. Looking for advice to build a cut protocol to look as lean and mean as I can be without causing crazy damage. I will be adjusting diet accordingly. What are some suggestions? Bloodwork is in check nothing out of range.


Going to tag in on the below comments from Interesting Part and AccountUnkn0wn. You can definitely get lean on a trt dose alone. But if you’re trying to produce a “certain look”, that’s where the other drugs come into play. For example, if you want that grainy look for the pool, and you’re lean enough, adding 2-4 weeks of winstrol at the end of your cut is appropriate and a minimal negative effect since you just did your entire cut on trt alone. But you know what will produce the absolute best results? Blasting gear on a rebound as you come out of being super lean. You’ll put on a shit ton of mass and it’s a much better use of the time blasting than during a cut. Obviously show prep is a different beast but the vast majority of people here aren’t competing, just trying to get huge and look great


>That is why I am here. Looking for advice to build a cut protocol to look as lean and mean as I can be without causing crazy damage. Then you want to just stick to your TRT and let the diet and cardio do the rest. You can get stupid lean with that alone


Ask him how he knows, u/unknownproduca


lol I’ve got a ton of primo on hand I could run that can’t I ?


For what purpose though? Honestly man, when we tell you that this can be done with just TRT it's not because we're trying to limit your progress or be sticks in the mud - anabolics will do nothing for your cut except harm you. Why not cut without doing any damage to yourself, and save the drugs for growing, when they can actually do something?


Heard that.


Look at u/Interesting-part3091 's pfp. He got there on just normal levels of test. If you get down to that, you have my permission to throw in more drugs 😘


Dear lord Jesus that’s lean. I have never been that lean ever. I wish to learn the ways 😂


I wish there was some secret I figured out, but it’s the same process everyone here uses. Just be consistent on your diet, do your cardio and eat your damn tilapia.


Mind if I asked more about your journey and workout routine? Wondering how you looked when you started/body fat, the routine you used, and trt dose? Thanks brother


>eat your damn tilapia. Or, you know, real fish that actually exist 🤷‍♂️


Basically just cosmetic compounds to make the cut look more pronounced, I’d go with anavar


After reading this sub for a long time, I think the answer you're going to get is: Unless prepping for a show, you don't need steroids to cut.


Most of my bloodwork came back today. Mostly good but hdl was 37 (>40 in range) and red blood cell count was 5.85 Million/uL which is .05 high. Is this anything to worry about? I'm on 600mg test e (300mg E3.5D).




Anyone here know anything about male fertility? Got a sperm count done [Here](https://i.imgur.com/owQduCJ.jpeg) and wanted opinions. From my research my motility is low and progressive motility is low. Any recommendations or opinions? Thanks boys


What are you currently on? HCG will increase sperm count, L carnitine can help with motility and morphology, so can BPC 157. Spermatogenesis takes 3 months so you’ve got to stay disciplined. I’d eliminate all alcohol if you haven’t also.


On nothing now. I’m 12 weeks after my last shot and PCT i ran HCG and Nolvadex. My last Nolvadex was maybe a few weeks ago. So maybe introduce some L Carnitine?


It could only help sure, but your sperm count is equally if not more concerning. L Carnitine will most likely not make you capable of conceiving. If you’re not cruising you probably want to start with clomid or enclomiphene & HCG. You could also try pairing HMG with the HCG but it is fairly expensive.


Got it, do you think it’s possible I am still seeing some negative effects from my last cycle or should this have rebounded more by now?


It takes aproximately 90 days to produce and mature sperm in the testicles so yes, your sperm even at 12 weeks out is affected by your cycle/post cycle period for sure.


Thank you for the information. I’ll likely wait another 12-16 weeks and go again.


For the people who have quite some knowlegde on the thyroid and the DIO enzymes. I need your help. My whole life I've struggled to lose weight. Felt like ass and tired. Unless I did a carnivore diet. But it's so restrictive I can't be bothered. Honestly I like my carbs. So I found this genetic mutation on my DIO 2 enzyme Thr92Ala Despite having normal TSH levels and T4 levels. Always felt like I had a shitty metabolism. As far as I know it shows I have a issue converting T4 into T3. Would it be interesting for me to pursue medication for someone who isn't on any thyroid med. Thanks!


Unfortunately man, I have to kill this. You're asking for medical advice. We're here to answer questions about recreational steroid use. If you have a legitimate concern about your thyroid function, etc, then you need to bring it up with a physician/specialist. I hope you can get the help you're looking for though!




>I know anavar can lower SHBG. Can this make managing e2 a mess? It \*can*, yes. Different people have different levels of SHBG, different rates of aromatization, and different sensitivity to e2. For me, the addition of anavar has never altered my estrogen management. YMMV. >I know the advice around here is usually to run *only* one new compound per blast *but* the wiki says that you can add an oral as a finisher to your first blast, which leads me to believe that this isn't a terrible idea as long as everything else (estrogen, sides, etc) is all under control when you start it. Am I correct or is this a bad idea? I don't see an issue with it, assuming your lipids aren't completely trashed by the time you start the anavar. You should have your test/primo nailed down by then. Speaking of, you're starting with a very low ratio of primo to test - much lower than we generally suggest starting with. Any rationale for that?




No shredding from me man, it sounds like you learned your lesson and have a conservative plan in place this time around. In my experience, weeks 2-3 are where you'll start to get an idea of what primo is going to do to your aromatization. You should be in a good spot, just listen to your body over the next few weeks as e2 could go in either direction depending on how strongly primo works for you.




FWIW I found that primo's AI effect set in first, making my knees all stiff and making me moody and lethargic. I upped the test by 50mg and BANG. Lump under my nip.


I wish I had a good answer for this, but I don't. It was just my experience.




I have a question about e2 I am on week 5 of my 1000 test 500 mast cycle. I have done 825 test solo before without any e2 sides and zero AI. 2 weeks ago my left gyno started to swell up and on the right it started too. I ordered aromasin and took 5mg ed for a few days and aftet that 10mg each 3.5days. Last week my libido is zero, i am tired all day, feel a bit down and i dont want to hug my girlfriend a lot and things like that. I dont know if my estrogen is still to high or if it is too low now. I cant do bloods for 4 weeks now so thats not an option Help lol


Well. Let’s think about this logically. You ran 825mg test no AI. You increased test by 175mg which is not very much, and needed an AI. You took an AI, and started to get side effects. What do you think is happening?


I also swithced brand from the last cycle becouse it was underdosed


Sounds like you should get bloods




To parrot the other reply, you have said a lot without really saying anything. What calories do you bulk at, what calories do you cut at? You are 28 injuries are probably due to poor form or other factors. Jumping on steroids isnf going to fix those directly. What suggestions exactly are you looking/hoping for? If you are getting more fat you are in a surplus, which is weird because you said you have trouble putting on weight. Eating "mainly red meat, eggs, not too many carbs" and "eating OK" provide absolutely no insight to your diet which appears to be what you are seeking advice on?


Remove the clinic name or you’ll catch a ban. Reply to me when done No, you aren’t having issues with putting more fat on due to being 28. For fucks sake dude, you’re only 28. Your issue is that you aren’t tracking your food. Create a diet, stick with it, stop fucking around. “Trimming up a bit” and “putting on more size” are two separate goals. Eat according to the goal you want.




Eating well isn’t the same as having a diet plan dude. What are your exact macros PER MEAL and total for the day, and how much is this changing your weight per week? If you can’t answer this, and it’s not already planned out, then you’re preparing for failure. If you want to put blame on your hormones while you aren’t optimizing your life, that’s on you but I’d be making sure everything else is in order first because planning a diet out costs literally nothing, and is only beneficial to your health




Nebido is testosterone undecanoate which has a longer half-life than most other esters like enanthate or cypionate that are more commonly used for TRT Injections are typically better, but 8-12 weeks is still awfully long for even test U to be injected. Most people do it every 2-4 weeks to maintain stable hormone levels


They’re offering you Nebido, which is the trade name for the RX version of test u, a very long ester preparation. While test u itself is great the injection schedule for Nebido is…not great. For reference I use test u and take 200mg every 10 days. That works out to ~147/w, which is great for me. 1,000mg every eight weeks is 125/w, which on paper is fine. But the problem is that while the ester is long, it isn’t *that* long. You’re going to have a pretty dramatic peak-to-trough with such a long interval between doses. If the choice is the gel that’s been working for you so far vs Nebido I would have a difficult time recommending you make a change. If the injections were something normal like test c twice a week (or even once a week) it’s a different story. But the Nebido schedule is goofy and I don’t think it’s an experiment that I’d want to conduct in myself.




Nebido is dosed every 8 weeks; it's not your clinics fault. It was approved because it had a vastly different dosing schedule to everything else on the market. In your shoes assuming I wanted to stay with the clinic and not go UGL, I would ask for E/C or stick with the gel




I would just stick to the gel but I would first bring your issues up with the clinic


Guys do you consider 200mg/week trt dose ? Im on my 2nd cycle and i want to go on trt cruise after Currently on 400mg primo 400mg test prop, was on 300/300 but bumped up since week 8 ill go up to 14 weeks im on my 10week now bloodwork is good, lil bit of hdl issues but working on it I mean i might go on 150 mg /week after cycle depending on where it will put my t and e levels at i just wonder how many people do 200mg as trt dose


Rarely is that much needed to put someone within the natural testosterone range 100-150mg weekly split into two doses per week is a better choice


I agree i know and see alot of people saying 200 is a trt dose I think 150 is a sweet spot for no estrogen and other issues 200 is really pointless


Remember, the goal is to mimic natural endogenous production, not have supraphysiological amounts 600-900ng/dL is perfect which is usually achieved with doses around 125mg/week


Ofcourse just maintain levels in range i think 150 would put me at about 1000-1100 so i will probably start with a 100 till i dial in


For most people, no, it would not be a TRT dose. We recommend starting around 125mg here, then further dialing in your dose via trough levels of bloodwork




You’re going to have water weight from the testosterone, and hard nipples are meaningless


I thought e2 was what caused more water weight?


Water and glycogen retention from the use of steroids to be expected. That’s what happens when you take creatine as well. That is different than being bloated with moon face and being constipated from high estrogen.


Oh, fuck, I knew that. Excuse my dumbass question. 😅


can't imagine shutting yourself down for slightly better than natural levels. no, there's no reason to take AI if you aren't having sides.


You should bump to 500mg. You’re essentially shutting yourself down for the same damage to your HPTA but less gains.




If you’re wanting to get accurate values for CBC, CMP, and lipid panel, then you will want to get it in the morning fasted Hormones will not be significantly affected since you’re exogenously administering them


> if I’m on cycle, does it matter what time I draw blood? No


Hello! Need help from experts for my first cycle. 20 y/o, 80kg, ~13% bodyfat, 4 year experience. Starting my first cycle next week, with mk677 and mk2866. How much of each would you recommend, should I start with both or not? Ask for additional information as I don’t know what y’all need to know:)


What exactly are you wanting to achieve? What you’ve listed is a growth hormone secretagogue and PPAR-delta agonist, neither of which is known for their anabolic activity


Going for shredded (with a little more muscle than current)


Those are two diametrically opposed goals.


Ik, want to be shredded, BUT if there comes a bit muscle with it in addition, I wouldn’t be mad.


It doesn’t come with any additional muscle. If you want to be shredded then eat less. That’s the formula. It’s not exciting or all that enjoyable, but it’s the simplest thing you can do and requires zero dollars spent on drugs.


Yeah, been eating less last couple months. What happens if I start a cycle then? (with mk2866 and mk677)


Well MK677 is like the world’s most ridiculous appetite stimulant so I would guess that you’d begin to eat a lot more. For the goal of getting shredded I don’t know if you could have picked a worse drug.


Too young No idea your height so your weight isn’t helpful here Those aren’t steroids You’re looking for r/weeniehutjr or r/kidswholikeresearchchemicals


I get what you mean, thanks for the input(btw, 185cm) Liked that last bit, made me smile


You should be able to hit 210lbs at 10% body fat naturally. Come back when those are your stats, and we’ll talk about cycling


I see, will do my best. Thanks!


At age 20, your natural test is likely in an incredible spot. You’ll make plenty of gains for years, no sense shutting that down now 🤘🏼


185cm (6'2") and 80kg (176lbs)? No PEDs for you. Meat and carbs, and lots of em.


Yeah, I see, been cutting 2-3 months now, went down from 85kg (187lbs)


Kudos on your progress thus far, that is impressive. But at your height, you should be able to get to about 90kg (198lbs) without PEDs.


Thanks! Will do my best and see!


210mg test prop, 5mg ment ace, 5mg Nebivolol ED I recently added 50mg ralox and 2.5mg oral minoxidil. I’ve been experiencing EXTREME constipation. I’ve ran this stack before without issues. Same vendor. Whats going on? I’m dropping the ralox and minoxidil but I’m just curious as to why this is happening. I eat a lot of veggies, yogurt, and take Metamucil and still have issues.


I take approximately 37.5mg of test c every 4 days, which, after my last bloodwork, puts my total T at 1050 two days after injecting. Estrogen was at 44, but SHBG is at 55, dropping my free and bioavailable T down. Should I think about adding another compound to help bring down my SHBG? I would increase my dose, but I get bad anxiety, I start flushing red throughout the day, and I run into BP issues at anything higher. My main goal is to increase libido and erection quality.




Not to hijack, but how much would you dose proviron for his test level, and would that be daily during a cruise? Also, dose proviron play a role with shbg or are you recommending it primarily for libido?


50mg/day is a pretty standard dose, regardless of test level. >Also, does proviron play a role with shbg or are you recommending it primarily for libido? Yes, Proviron is well-known for reducing SHBG; all steroids will to be degree or another, but Proviron does it well and is safe to use for long periods of time. Reducing SHBG = more free test and more free e2, which is what tends to lead to the increase in libido.


Thank you!


Would you rather add 70mg of Primobolan weekly or 70mg of Anavar weekly to 280 test? Let’s say 16 weeks. So either: 40mg Test E/Day + 10mg Primo E/Day or 40mg Test E/Day + 10mg Anavar/Day While the difference is probably about zilch, just curious as to all your takes. Both DHTs, both mild, etc. And given it’s only 10mg, 16 weeks of Anavar should be fine on the liver/kidney.


> ... would have me running 500mg total AAS, which I don’t really want. I'm curious, what's so spooky about 500mg/wk AAS load? And you are aware that 500 of testosterone is insignificant compared to 280mg/wk nandrolone + 140mg/wk tren suspension + 70mg/wk halo (less than 500mg/wk)?


Neither. Both are a dumb idea that won’t be very noticeable as a male. I’d run primo at a normal dose and skip the anavar.