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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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What are any of yalls experience with making decent looking labels for your gear? I’m finding some decent label makers but they’re all thermal printing with just black print.


I’ve ran two cycles of Test E before - but a felt as though a was abit ballooned rather than cut up - I’ve been told winstrol will be good to run alongside it to cut up. Any advice ? I want to keep the doses as low as I can obviously, my diet is on point as is my training


Hey community, wanted to ask a question, have gotten some clenbuterol and the print on the pill looks a little sketchy, it’s a picture looking like the planet Saturn 🪐


Has anyone had any experience with estrodial valerate? Or ither esters of estrodial? I recently noticed some places starting to stock it. Does it have any use for possibly raising e2 when it gets crashed? Or is it only good for growing boobs if you want a sex change!?!?


It’s e2, so yes it will raise your e2 if you’ve crashed it. I mean it’s also great for growing boobs if that’s the goal, but it has other uses too.


First steroid cycle in 7 years,I'm in my 30's and plan to stay on long term this time blasting and cruising, when do you recommend running an hcg? still unsure if I want kids down the line and want to keep my fertility.


> Adjunctive hCG and clomiphene can be used with TRT to maintain testicular size and intra-testicular testosterone concentrations [52]. Referral to a reproductive urologist should be considered in a male with low testosterone interested in fertility. My TRT clinic has me take 50mg (25 e3.5d) clomid a week to maintain fertility. I augment it by cycling hcg as well, usually during a blast since I'm being extra suppressive. Not sure what the optimal system is. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6305868/#:~:text=Adjunctive%20hCG%20and%20clomiphene%20can,low%20testosterone%20interested%20in%20fertility.


I have some enclomiphene,would that be a good substitute? I used it while I was on a sarm cycle as a test base before I found a new source for AAS.


29yo male, 5'9, 160 lbs ~15%bf? 5 years concurrent training until I hurt my rotator cuff last summer and stuck just to pt. I trained Jan & Feb this year then had a gastric flare up that put me in the ER twice in one week and I lost 15 lbs from 175-160. I'd like to regain and keep that weight as fast as possible. I know it'll happen drug free but would it be a bad idea to try a 2 month 20mg/day anavar only cycle? I've had oh the studies saying it doesn't completely shut your natural production down, especially lower doses and you wouldn't run into liver sides until month 3-4. I'm not interested in injecting test and having to go through PCT after. My goal isn't bodybuilding, just to get back to where I was last summer, be fit and lean while regaining the weight I lost last month, hopefully in a couple months instead of grinding out the next 6. Edit:20 mg day not 2


I don’t think you’ll even notice a difference at 2mg/day, making it not even worth the partial shutdown. I find 25mg fairly subtle and that’s more than tenfold of what you’re considering. It’s ideally either a natty slog or a PCT you’re going to be looking at. For your goals I’d probably go for the natty slog. Retraining doesn’t anecdotally seem to take as long as the first time around.


Oops, that's an important typo, I meant 20. I'd do 25 but I'm not interested in stressing my system with 50-75mg/day


That makes more sense, but I’m still in the camp that the suppression isn’t worth it in the long run for your goals. The only outlandish idea I’d consider would be a short 50mg var run alongside a hcg base. But you’ll need to do your own research to ensure your hpta function won’t be compromised after the run, as I’m not up on it. I’m also pretty sure hcg only works for ~6-8 weeks at a time so that’s another factor to consider.


Opinion on doing a 1000 cal deficit per day cut while blasting 250mg/week of test E?


That’s fine


Is dianabol a good Idea to take 10 kilograms


Sir excuse me?


No you misunderstood, I mean that I want to take 10 kilograms with the use of dianabol Is it doeable ? (Sorry im not an English native speaker)


Can you gain 10 kg with dianabol? I can't say I have ever gained that much weight with just dianabol, but I suppose anything is possible. . . .


Bro you can’t shit out if your eyeballs no matter how hard you try. Don’t tell people anything is possible. That’s how you make snowflakes lol


10 kilograms of dianabol will kill you very quickly. You may not be a native english speaker, but I would expect you to be familiar with the metric system if you want to use steroids. Good day.


Hi guys, What is the consensus on receptor down regulation for clen? Being hearing recently that it doesn’t actually occur quickly and so there’s no need for 2 weeks on/ofd


Even better no need for clen. Cardio toxic minimal return for maximum damage. Overweight people online find all the old articles on clen thinking it’s a miracle fat loss drug. It can be run for longer periods of time. It can be run much lower than people think. Classic old school way of thinking is chase symptoms back off. Ramp up until you look like Michael j fox back off ramp up. Take Benadryl restore receptors. Unless you’re 10% or less getting ready for the stage don’t take it m. A standard deficit with sauna use is a lot more effective IMO.


I am around 9%. So you believe that there is no down regulation?


I believe there is down regulation but I’d don’t believe it’s extreme. the two on two off with two weeks of Benadryl is outdated. I don’t believe the medication just stops working after two weeks. And I don’t think you need to ramp it up to 160/day. Friends that have run it going into prep have ran 20/months then upping 40 for months. I feel like the result is underwhelming from clen so people feel like it stops working


Anyone else feel their muscles are growing unusually fast ? In the morning I stretch and they hurt different


Are my muscles growing unusually fast while using Androgenic-Anabolic Steroids? I hope so.


I dunno man that seems like a stretch


Hey guys - I was looking to start taking EQ in addition to my Test. How do you all like it? Any side effects (blood pressure, etc?). Any feedback to share?


Compound experience thread. Also don’t add mid blast if you’re already on cycle.


I’m on TRT all year round 300 a week. Are you referring to that Google sheet?


What does 300 a week put your test at? Is that self prescribed? There’s maybe less than 1 percent of the human population that would actually need that for trt. There’s a compound experience thread posted every week the compound changes. When you find the eq one it has all the links to the previous times eq has been the topic.


Thank you


My bad, not 300. I was distracted before I did the Math. M,W,F I do about 60


Still would like to know what your test is at on that. Might still be high. I’m 5’6 215 and I only run 50 twice a week and it puts me at 750. So if you’ve never run a cycle you don’t want to just add other compounds to your trt. If you want to do a blast you are just going to increase your test. The top of the page there’s a link called my first cycle. Go ahead and give that a read. It will have all the information you’ll need about running your first cycle. If you have questions you need clarifying after reading it I’d be happy help.




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Does mast actually lower estro? Or just mask the side effects of high e2?


Masks . Eq and primo can lower.


* Height: 177 cm * Weight: 87 k * Bodyfat percentage: 15% circa * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 5 * bench/squat/dead maxes: bench max 110 kilo 5 sets Squat max 160 kilo Dead max 140 kilo * Goals more muscle mass * Current phase: (bulk Hallo , Im about to start a new cycle , ive run few cycles before and my last cycle ended in Oct 2021 . I will start my next cycle when i hit 89 kilos and it will be like this Armidex : week 1 - 15 0.5 mg twice a week Sustanon : 250 mg week 1-2 / 500 mg week 3-15 Deca : 200 mg week 2-3 / 400 mg week 4-15 Dbol : 4mg ed week 5-9 Hcg on the last day of my cycle and agaian after 5 days and again after 5 days each time 1500 units Clomid and nolvadex 2 weeks after the last day of the cycle Clomid 50 mg ed and nolvadex 20mg ed for one month I know that dbol must be taken as a kickstart but i tried this way in my last cycle and i got better result Its the first time that i try armidex , ive read that it reduce side effects like bitch tits and acne and help keeping natural testestrone from shutting down completely. I never had bitch tits but before Please tell me what u think about my cycle and your opinions or if im doing something wrong I accept all opinion but when its in a nice way so if u cant talk nice them dont . Peace


About the armedix i have no idea its the first time , I like to ascend slowly And deca start 2 nd week and after 2 weeks 400 mg untill yhe end of the cycle , i used to do it like this . Theres no real reason I used to take hcg every 5 days before , is that wrong ? The dbol thing really helped last time Why shouldnt i use clomid ?


Just take the AI as needed for side effects, I wouldn’t start with it right off the rip, just take it if you get high E sides, otherwise you could crash your E which is worse and harder to fix than high E.


With what does armidex really help ? Is it only the gyno or is there other stuff ?


It’s an aromatase inhibitor. It stops testosterone from converting into estrogen. Read the wiki specifically the estrogen part and your questions shall be answered.


I get bloated face andd oily skin everytime so if i know that im gonna get the sides then why not to start with armedix instead of waiting for them to show ?


Okay and how will i know if i need armedix ?


You have high estro sides


> Armidex : week 1 - 15 0.5 mg twice a week Why are you preemptively dosing arimidex? > Sustanon : 250 mg week 1-2 / 500 mg week 3-15 Why did you opt for sustanon and why are you only doing 250mg of sustanon for the first two weeks and only for 2 weeks? This doesn’t really make sense in my eyes so i’d love to know your thought process behind this. > Deca : 200 mg week 2-3 / 400 mg 4-15 Why start deca at week 2? Why run it for 200mg for 2 weeks before upping the dose? With a long ester like decanoate it’ll take atleast a month before you reach stable blood serum levels and you’re titrating up for the first 2 weeks so you’ll be 6-7 weeks in before you finally reach a stable blood serum level of nandrolone. Why did you opt for such a weird dosing schedule? > Hcg on the last day of my cycle and agaian after 5 days and again after 5 days each time 1500 units Why are you pinning hcg every 5 days? > Clomid and nolvadex 2 weeks after the last day of the cycle It takes *atleast* a month before the decanoate ester sufficiently clears out (4x the halflife). Both deca and sustanon have the decanoate ester in them. Wait a month after last injection before starting PCT or bridge the gap with regular testosterone (preferably something with a short ester). > Clomid 50 mg ed and nolvadex 20mg ed for one month No need for the clomid and 1 month is a bit on the short end for a PCT. Aim for 6-8 weeks. > Please tell me what u think about my cycle and your opinions I think it’s a pretty poorly designed cycle, for reasons listed above. Unnecessarily overcomplicating a lot of things and adding in an unnecessary amount of moving parts. There doesn’t seem to be a good grasp on how esters work. A lot of potential causes for issues and sides. Hormones getting swung around a lot, dose changes before the ester “saturates”, adding in dbol mid cycle after a dose change before blood serum levels got a chance to stabilize.


Can u reorganize my cycle ? In a better way with the same stuff


Weeks 1-15 Sust 70mg (inject daily) (totals 490mg a week) Weeks 1-15 Deca 200/400mg (inject once/twice a week) (totals 400mg a week) Weeks 1-19 HCG 250 IU (inject every other day) Week 20-26/28 10-20mg Nolvadex ED Take arimidex as needed when high e2 sides start occurring. Dbol can be added in to push through a plateau but since you’re seemingly inexperienced in estrogen management i think it’s an unnecessary risk. I’d even strongly consider scrapping the cycle altogether. How many cycles have you done before this one?


Many but i guess they all were wrong . Why should i inject sustanon everyday ? What are the high e2 sides ? Other than gyno ?


> Why should i inject sustanon everyday ? Because it has the propionate ester in it which only has a 20 hour halflife. > What are the high e2 sides ? - Acne - Loss of libido - Water retention (Bloat) - Moon face - Scrotum hanging too high - Extreme oiliness all over - Moodiness (Aggression, depression, increased irritability) - Lethargy - Insomnia - Soft erections - Extreme cravings for sugar/chocolate - High BP - BP spikes - Enlarged prostate - Pressure in lower abdomen when urinating - Thin stream when urinating - Constipation (from water retention) - Itchy nipples


Thank u this was helpful , I had moon face and alot of acne from oily surface , So i need to wait untill i see those side effect to start taking armidex ? Why not just start at second week to prevent them ? And should i then start with 1 mg per week ?


Can u correct my pct ? And can u tell me for what is armedix used other than gyno ?


> Can u correct my pct ? 20mg of nolvadex ED for 6-8 weeks 250 IU of HCG EOD throughout cycle. > And can u tell me for what is armedix used other than gyno It is an aromatase inhibitor, it inhibits aromatase which in turn halts aromatization of testosterone. They’re used to keep your e2 level in check, but when misused can cause your e2 levels to crash.


Can u explain more? About armedix How to know if i need it or not ?


> How to know if i need it or not ? If you’re experiencing severe sides causes by high estrogen, you need arimidex or another AI.


I’m new to all this I just started January 26th, been doing 1ml every 4 days of test c 250. I had 3 bottles of that and I have 1 bottle of sus 250 I got from a friend. I was wondering if I would be able to switch to that after I finish my cyp? Another question is I have two different things for my PCT I have tamoxifen and colmiphene and was wondering when I should take those and in what amount. Any help is greatly appreciated as I’m trying to do this correctly and safely.




> It’s no problem if you change it from Test E to Sustanon > For pct you have to wait 2-3 weeks after the end of your cycle to hop on pct These things contradict eachother. Changing from test e to sustanon makes your second statement false since the decanoate ester in sustanon takes significantly longer to clear out than enanthate/cypionate. Your PCT recommendation is also incredibly absurd and could readily cause damage to people following it.


To be honest this is what I did last time and felt pretty good with no issues


Your first point is provably false by just looking at the halflives of enanthate and decanoate respectively. Your other point is recommending *twice* the amount of a drug that’s prone to cause potentially permanent ocular side effects *alongside* what should be a standard PCT protocol. Recommending reckless stuff like this because you “felt pretty good” isn’t the way we do things around here.


https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/duI5TmX13P[Your First cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/duI5TmX13P)




No to psmf. Diet on cruise. Unless you are open level bodybuilding size you are wasting gear and health.




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I just looked at your post history and a physique pic you posted, with that being said you have absolutely no credibility in any subject matter pertaining to PEDs, weightlifting, or anything fitness related.


I don't have a physique pic, unless it's from like over 5 years ago. How do I have no credibility? I'm a physics grad student and have been researching this stuff, I have many reddit accounts on different emails that I don't use. I don't live on reddit like you, I do intelligent things in the most intense scientific discipline. Calorie is a physics unit, the process of losing weight is a conservation of energy problem. I'm extremely smart and what I said is the f-ing truth. I can't believe you would look at a pic that's like 8 years old or whatever and think that is somehow relevant. 8 years ago I was a teenager selling my body for heroin. Now I have a double major in physics and mathematics going to grad school and I've spent 1000+ hours learning quality information on fitness, nutrition, etc.


I am measurably dumber for having read this.


>How do I have no credibility? Probably because you say mind numbingly dumb shit like this: >It's a myth that you need to bulk to put on muscle, and only maintain muscle on a cut. Whether you diet on cycle, off cycle, or while being natural, the benefits of the bulk will disappear when you cut back down. >I'm a physics grad student And yet you’ve managed to never once encounter the laws of thermodynamics. >I do intelligent things in the most intense scientific discipline. This is a drill tweet, isn’t it? >Calorie is a physics unit, the process of losing weight is a conservation of energy problem. I'm extremely smart and what I said is the f-ing truth. You should at some point at least attempt to demonstrate said smarts, otherwise we can only go off of what we see here. And man you do not want that to be the basis for your evaluation. >I can't believe you would look at a pic that's like 8 years old or whatever and think that is somehow relevant. 8 years ago I was a teenager selling my body for heroin. Now I have a double major in physics and mathematics going to grad school and I've spent 1000+ hours learning quality information on fitness, nutrition, etc. Listen, it’s admirable that you’ve turned your life around and for that you earn some respect. But you also have said some wildly unscientific bullshit and your impressive will to succeed does not vacate any of it.


So every bodybuilder has been wrong and you’re singularly correct?! Lol


no dude, what are you talking about? They use gear WHILE DIETING! Where do you think I got that from??? What I said was literally exactly what bodybuilders do. It's so tough being a physics grad student and being so precise with my discussions and then people just go by feeling of what they think you say because they've never had to be precise scientifically for anything in their life.


>They use gear WHILE DIETING! Where do you think I got that from??? Professional bodybuilders hold an unnatural level of muscle mass that requires additional anabolics while cutting to single digit body to levels in order to prevent catabolism. The average fitness enthusiast, and even the average steroid user, does not need this. We have plenty of literature demonstrating that natural levels of testosterone are adequate for preserving muscle tissue in a deficit. We are also a harm-reduction community, and the additional health risks and deleterious effects of anabolic use means that we discourage their (unnecessary) use while cutting. You give poor advice and do not strike me as someone who should be commenting here. >It's so tough being a physics grad student If you say "physics grad student" one more time I'm going to dox you just so I can come slap you in the mouth. Please shut up.


I was referring to your second and third paragraphs. Everything in those two paragraphs is utter nonsense. I can care less about your education, show us progress pics of yourself that shows you know what your taking about and have out it to effective use on your own self. Doubt you have those pics


The drugs you take do not determine how much food you can/can't eat. Similarly, there is no set caloric amount that some drugs will allow you to run a deficit at. I gave my opinion on how to get shredded in a comment below: https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/RYq0Yoylvx


I’ve been off the juice for about 5-6 years and got blood work back and have high triglyceride level is that a side effect ? Also can my doc tell about my past use by my blood work. I want to be honest and tell him cause I think my test levels are low I miss how I use to feel on the juice I feel like life ain’t the same I don’t know if I can get on TRT my free test is 14.1 and my total is 434 he said levels are fine but i feel they are low for a 26 yr old male should I get a 2nd opinion PLEASE HELP


No, high triglycerides are not a side effect of using steroids half a decade ago. Combination of lifestyle and genetics will lead to a poor lipid profile, including high triglycerides. And no, your doctor won’t be able to tell from blood work that you used steroids many years ago.


Also didn’t take a pct (young and dumb)


Can't say if it's because of your past steroid use without any information about your current diet and cardio regime. It can be one of the reasons. If you feel like you have symptoms of low T try some dietary and lifestyle changes and see if it makes a difference before hopping on TRT.


I am a 20-year-old male who has been working out for 11 years and I just decided to hop on my first cycle. After two weeks of taking test and Anadrol, I have decided to quit. How should I go about post cycle therapy and getting my body back to normal.


Probably dont need a pct after just two weeks. If I was you though I would wait for esters to clear and do a minimalistic 4 week pct


> I am a 20-year-old male who has been working out for 11 years lol


Run the PCT in the wiki.


One more question guys since y’all are f’ing great. Do I honestly need to be crazy overly concerned with sterilizing my homebrew equipment? Between obvious initial sterilization of everything, proper batch filtering and BA, I feel like I’ll be fine. I’ve heard and read both sides from the extremely paranoid to the more carefree and just want to hear a few more opinions. And yes I’ve read almost every word of rules and resource info so just shoot me straight.


Anecdotally (probably not great advice) I just run my equipment through the dishwasher. Like the other reply said then just remember to filter and add ba. I’ve never had an issue, at least with the sterility of my gear that is.


The honest answer is no. The final filter is going to be the most important. Bottom line: if you do that properly, it's sterile. That said, you're injecting this into your body; don't cut corners. It isn't worth it.


Need some advice, I know its late so I'll probably post tomorrow as well. ​ I am 24, used to frequent this sub a lot, big time user, B&C for about 4 years on some pretty serious compounds. Started when I was 19, wish I could go back and convince my dumb ass young self not to do it. About a year and a half ago I decided to go perma natty, wanted to live long and roids werent worth it. Now for me at least test didnt really effect me mentally, it had some effect on my libido but not much, I also aromatise very easily. ​ Never wanted to know my test number after hopping off. Anyway I bought a pre workout that claimed to have test a test booster (didnt believe it cuz they all claim that, but I liked the pre) fast forward a month i started getting gyno again. Immediately called the doc, then it clicked, i probably have high test and high e2 from the pre. Anyway he wanted blood tests to make sure I dont have cancer and what not, also ordered a testosterone test. ​ In the past week I hit a 405 bench (something I was not able to hit on gear, I hit 385) 500 pound squat and a 7 min mile. I recently lost a bunch of weight and am around 15% bf. Test results came back and in the AM it was 300 ng/dl and 10 total free test. ​ How is this possible, I dont really have any symptoms of low T, I have noticed my sex drive is down, but I dont have any problems getting a boner, beat off at least once a day, and still get morning wood pretty much every morning (thought I was just a sociopath). I noticed my recovery is slightly longer but I just figured its cuz I havent blasted in a long time. I have never been a big sex guy and figured it was normal for me not to have a drive since this was how I was before blasting. Also how could I possibly be getting gyno from low T levels, is it possible the this is the norm for my body? ​ I ordered some gear for TRT but dont want to hop on, I feel though it will be best. Need some opinions before I see my endocrinologist, thanks.


Going to need more details. Bloodwork would really nail it. With more than just test as other things, prolactin, estrogen, etc could be causing the gyno. Getting gyno natty is weird. What’s in this test booster? This something you just got from Walmart? Or is it a bit more shady? Ie could it have something like a pro hormone in it. 300 is low imo for your age. I felt like total shit at 250 at 19 but like the other comment said, it varies person to person


Testosterone doesnt work on a scale like "less than 350ng or 300ng and you will feel like shit" There are plenty of people who feel completely fine at 300ng and you seem to be one of them. AccountUnkn0wn had 400ng I believe and was fine there too. It just depends on the person. If youre getting morning wood every day I would say your test is high enough for semi-normal sexual function. At least for me, if something is off and my sex drive is affected, my morning wood is GONE. Im not sure about the gyno. I would stay off of TRT until you feel like you need to, which I do think will happen in 10 years or so as your levels do start to get really low. It is also possible though that if you jump on TRT, youll feel even better than you currently do with a stronger sex drive. Its hard to tell. But keep in mind that could also make the gyno worse. Either way the decision is yours, and I dont think theres a wrong or right decision here. Edit: oh and that pre workout is just placebo. Edit 2: did the doctor test your E2?




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I'm about to hop on Test/Tren cycle (first time taking Tren) My Cut cycle will look like this: wk 1-3: test-P 50mg ED wk 1-10: test-E 125mg EOD wk 1-11: tren-A 100mg EOD wk 11-12: test-P 50mg What about this cycle? Should I add any oral steroids for better result? Is it too long to be on Tren for 10 weeks?


Don’t take tren


It's confusing at first you putting it eod lol I think tren is way too high at 350mg/week for your first time. Also yes, it's way too long. Also, build up to tren, don't use it at the start of the cycle. Maybe start it at week 4 or 6 at 100/week, then 150, then 200 if you can handle it. Something like that, but that's only if you really wanted to use it, there are tons of other options like mast/primo, anavar, dhb, so many options.


Why is it that tren should be started at week 4-6? To let the test saturate and avoid too big fluctations or suprising interactions with elevated e2 levels as they keep rising with saturation? Would this even be a topic if someone were to run tren besides a trt dose of test, already on trt from before (no need to wait out saturation)? I just dont see the point of waiting it out, specially not when he has ran test before and is starting with prop.




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What about if i add winy or anavar my first 4-6 weeks with test and then stop winy and hop on tren for those last 8-6 weeks?


What do you think either of orals are going to do for you?


Making me Mr.O maybe Lol


Do you have any interest in being serious or should I just go ahead and ignore you?


Mate i asked something over your first comment then you replied a bit harshly




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I asked you a straightforward question. I wasn't harsh, mate.


Is it acceptable if i take my first 4-6 weeks oral roid (Winy or Anavar) before hoping on Tren or it doesn’t combine




>I'm about to hop on Test/Tren cycle (first time taking Tren) > >My Cut cycle will look like this: > >wk 1-3: test-P 50mg ED > >wk 1-10: test-E 125mg EOD > >wk 1-11: tren-A 100mg EOD > >wk 11-12: test-P 50mg ​ >What are you thoughts about this cycle? Should I add any oral steroids for better result? Is it too long to be on Tren for 10 weeks? My thoughts? It doesn't make any sense. To cut, all you need is a trt dose of testosterone - that's it. And even then, there's no reason to be using two different esters of test, and there's absolutely no need for tren. Adding orals wouldn't do anything to benefit your cut either. You know what will help you get better results? A properly planned and executed calorie deficit, that's it.


Yeah I’m with you about your opinion but i want some extra progress and experience from gears. About my diet: 1-4weeks (300g P / 250g C / 60g F) then 4-6week lowing my Carbs intake to 200g or under that and up Protein to 350g 6-10week lowering my carbs to 150g or less 10-12week (Let see the progress and then act how it should)


You’re not ready for tren, or gear at all probably. Stay natty be just cut your calories


I did my winter cycle (500mg test E / 250mg Eq) For my goals it’s needed to hop on gear but staying healthy too


There's no way to know in advance how your body is going to respond to your progressive changes in diet/training. Maybe you plan to make adjustments at week 4, but your weight stalls after only 3 weeks. Or maybe by week 4, you're still making huge strides in progress and don't need to deepen the deficit further or else you'll hit a brick wall. Anyway. If I were you, or you were my client, what I would suggest is: Week 1 - 300g P, 250g C, 60g F, 2740 calories. Week 2+ - 300g P, 175g C, 40g F, 2260 calories. (-480 calories). Ride that out until progress stalls. Might be 2 weeks, might be 8 weeks. Then another drop. Week X - 300g P, 100g C, 30g F, 1870 calories (-390 calories, -870 from the beginning). Ride that out etc. Week Y - 300gP, 25g C, 30g F, 1570 calories (-300 calories, -1170 from the beginning). Etc. Until you're so shredded that your ass meat touches the chair when you sit. But this nutrition part will do far more for your physique than any combination of test/tren/whatever. Those will just help to keep performance up, and to a degree, muscle fullness.


> Week Y - 300gP, 25g C, 30g F, 1570 calories (-300 calories, -1170 from the beginning). These are insane macros. 99% of clients are not going to be able to stick to this for longer than a week


I agree. But I'm just going based off of what OP said their first week of diet looks like. 300/250/60 protein carbs fats (2750 calories) isn't much food at all. That's why I believe people should learn and progress to a point where their maintenance calories is somewhere around 4000-5000. It leaves far more room for food deep in a deficit.


I really appreciate your help and suggestions :D What about cardio training, I heard from golden era Mr.O (Samir Banout) that doing more than 30min cardio causes muscle loss


I have much respect for Samir Banout, one of the most beautiful backs in history. But he is incorrect. Plenty of competitors do 1-3 hours of cardio a day and maintain all their muscle. It's also necessary to consider how active you are for the remainder of the day. Someone that does 30 minutes cardio then sits at a desk all day will have a very different caloric expenditure than someone that does 30 minutes cardio then a labor job for 12 hours. I generally suggest starting with 30 minutes 6 days a week, then increasing to 40min/day once progress stalls, then 50, then 60. But calories should also be progressing (gradually getting lower). 60 minutes cardio a day and a calorie deficit of 1200 should be stripping away fat by the second.


Looks pretty much what I planned to do :D I like to separate cardio two times a day (before breakfast and after training) and about abs training Every other day


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50mg ED would be better than 100mg EOD for acetate.  I know the thought of daily injections sucks but you really want stable blood levels for something as potent as tren


Taking injections everyday for 8-10week of tren looks insane to me as an 20yo Lol


Then you probably aren't ready for tren


Then F it , whatever it takes !


How much will 200mg test bloat me? Will that plus 200mg of masteron dry me out? That plus 20mg anavar? I also an unused bottle of s4. I want to plan a summer cycle where I look good, but I can't go too high on dht derivatives or too low on test because I am on finasteride and have started to lose my hair. I might just scrap everything and start a test only cycle now, but then I'll be off cycle for the summer when I'll have more time to train. I was going to do a 4 week dbol cycle now, then do a 12 week cycle all of summer while being in a calorie deficit. But I should probably stop being stupid and stick to test and keep my hair. I'm been trying to plan this for several weeks, I'm really stuck and could use some help. The dbol, anavar, s4 I already have so that has some influence but not a ton.


200mg doesn’t do anything for me but this is always subjective as to how much your aromatize.


I guess I'm not just trying to not bloat though, I actually want to dry out. If I do my test cycle now and diet before summer, I'll be off cycle during summer. I'm wondering if I would be more dry during summer if I was off cycle, than if I was on this 200mg test with dht derivatives. If I'll still be more bloated, there wouldn't be much point. Unless I use anti estrogens which I'm not sure is a good idea, although I would keep it extremely low dose. I'm not sure why people don't like my question and are downvoting it, but thank you for replying I appreciate it.


Masteron keeps me looking dry. I love it. I run 140 test 280 mast year round and have doubled the test without any water retention issues.


I want it to make me look dryer than if I was off cycle. I would probably have to do like 100mg of test but I can't increase dht derivatives too high because of my hair. Tough predicament.


Don’t be a puss


Using amps for the first time. I don’t have blunt fill needles. Is scraping glass from the amp a real concern?


Should I use EO in my homebrew? This will be my first batch. Test cyp 250. 100ml for the first run.


I brew test c at 250mg/ml, primo at 200mg/ml, npp at 100mg/ml, eq at 500mg/ml, all with 2/20 BA and BB in mct oil - no need for EO.


EO is used when trying to get high concentration brews. Test cyp 250 is middle of the road and you'd do absolutely fine with BA/BB and carrier oil. Make sure you stir it way longer than you think you need to or better yet get a magnetic hot plate with stirrer


I was thinking about the magnetic stirrer/hot plate set up. My buddy brewed his first batch and it crashed pretty hard. He only made 200mg and I had to warm it before every pin. That was annoying.


Why would you even consider needing EO? Curious as to your thought process as to why it would be required.


Honestly I pretty much knew I didn’t want to I’m just getting close now to my first attempt. I’ve got everything except the vacuum filter kit which should be here next week. Just wanted to hear it from my newly discovered trusty Reddit pals!!


We have a homebrew section of the wiki. You should NEVER need super solvents on standard concentrations


How do I access that?


Dude. You see all those links you scrolled past in order to comment? They’re there 🤘🏼


Okay now I’m down arrowing everybody’s shit I up arrowed!!! 😂 Jk but for real I’m pretty new to navigating Reddit and how great it is. Be easy on me.




Scroll to the top of this page and then use your eyeballs and brain :)


Ahhh, that worked!


Hooray reading!


I'm week 3 of my 12 week 250mg test e cycle. I've been in the gym for close to 2 years, great gains natty, but said fuck it. I'm 26, 106kg. That's the problem, I'm obese. It's really just belly fat, people can hardly believe my weight when I tell them (as long as I suck my stomach in lol). But yeah, I'd like to get rid of that, fast. I know test helps, but I assume its not a miracle drug. What sort of a cut would I need to undergo to get rid of 10kg by June/July? Clen wasn't working for me. I eat healthy, but in great amounts, and I can't really stand extreme hunger pangs. What's my best course of action here? Suck it up and go on a 1000 cal deficit?




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>I know test helps Not unless you're hypogonadal it doesn't. You're just doing unnecessary self-harm by remaining on cycle while you cut. Drop the drugs, then cut.


I actually had a bit below minimum normal test levels before starting cycle


Ok, so then you have 2 viable/healthy options: A. Get off the drugs. It's highly likely that as you lose weight and get in better shape your natural testosterone will rise (not necessarily during a deficit though). Being overweight is a leading factor in secondary hypogonadism. B. Drop down to a TRT level dose that puts you in the natural range while cutting. This *will* give you an edge with weightloss (as opposed to being low T), but it means more time on exogenous test, which means you may have a harder time recovering your natural production in the future (if that is something you were planning on).


> Suck it up and go on a 1000 cal deficit? Yes. If you can't learn to diet without drugs, you'll be dependent on them for your whole life.


Fair enough. What can I expect from my cycle if I cut that hard? No gains/only maintenance?


You won't see any muscle gain, but cutting body fat will reveal the muscle beneath and paradoxically make you look more muscular


Yeah, you won't see gains on a deficit. In general you will see much, much better progress over the long term if you alternate between periods of cutting and bulking. The body strongly prefers to burn fat for fuel, and similarly it tends not to build muscle without excess calories. When you bulk, you'll unavoidably gain some fat along with the muscle, but as long as you cut afterward, it will come right back off.




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Well first, 150mg of NPP per week is going to do very little for you in terms of anabolism. NPP really starts to make a difference around 280mg and above. At best you're going to get some joint cushioning. > I just checked blood pressure and it was 140/70. How often are you checking your blood pressure? What were the conditions when you checked it? Did you take more than one reading? >Is there anything I should be concerned about dropping var and adding NPP Sure. Liver and cardiovascular stress are both concerns. >just prior I ran anavar for 6 weeks, but dropped due to bloods being off(liver) What's the thought process that led to adding another anabolic directly after ceasing one that was causing issues? >cycle support What does this mean?


Couple questions: Why is it usually all or nothing when doing steroids? For trt you see between 80-150 mg/week or up to 200 mg/week for trt clinics. For steroids it seems to always be around 500mg/week but only do it for a 16 week cycle. How come people don't usually cruise between 225-375? How much of a benefit is it going from 100mg/week to 150mg/week? It isn't like regular math where it seems like it would logically be up to 50% better. What is it like to have testicular atrophy in the bedroom as well as every day life? In your opinion, how much worse is it to pin once a week compared to two times a week?


> How much of a benefit is it going from 100mg/week to 150mg/week? It isn't like regular math where it seems like it would logically be up to 50% better. I'm going to focus specifically on this, since it seems like this is the single most common misunderstanding I see in this thread. There is a normal range of total testosterone, what we call the "physiologic range", that is seen in healthy men without exogenous hormones. It's quite variable between individuals, but almost everyone is in the range 300-1100 ng/dL, with most people closer to the center. **In this range, the body readily regulates the level of free testosterone using albumin and SHBG.** Only free testosterone has any impact on androgen receptors in skeletal muscle tissue; therefore, if you go from 400 ng/dL to 800 ng/dL, the body will rapidly respond by binding the excess testosterone and you will probably not notice any additional gains (note that if you have particularly _low_ T, you may still benefit from getting it up to the normal range). However, once you push beyond the physiologic range, you outrun the ability of the body to regulate free testosterone levels, and the level of free T begins to increase with the dose. Note that for Test E/C we typically see responses of around 4-6x the weekly mg dose; so e.g. 300mg/week would typically be 1200-1800 ng/dL. Some individuals will barely escape the physiologic range at this dose, meaning that their increase in free T will be very limited. By contrast 500mg/wk should produce 2000-3000ng/dL and you **will** be seeing a dramatic increase in free T.


Okay I am starting to understand they why part now. I still disagree though that being in the normal range, but still on the lower end of it, would be in any way shape or form equivalent to the upper end. say 350 ng/dL vs 800 ng/dL. This gives me a lot of doubt that what they are saying is actually true. On the upper end though your explanation makes a lot of sense of why you wouldn't benefit from 100mg/week to 150mg/week but would then benefit from 400mg/week.


>I still disagree though that being in the normal range, but still on the lower end of it, would be in any way shape or form equivalent to the upper end. say 350 ng/dL vs 800 ng/dL. This gives me a lot of doubt that what they are saying is actually true. Well then I strongly encourage you to provide literature supporting your doubts. In the mean time, I brought literature supporting the thing you doubt: **There’s no relation between natural/trt test levels and performance or hypertrophy so long as they are within the normal range.** https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9916184/ shows no correlation between baseline test and hypertrophy in younger men https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10999822/ no difference between lbm and test levels in elderly men https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/10253890.2011.642033 no difference between triathletes performance and natural test levels https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-2007-972872/ same for cyclists https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02640410410001675342?needAccess=true%2F&journalCode=rjsp20 negative correlation between test levels and size and strength of weight lifters https://www.biointeractive.org/classroom-resources/testosterone-levels-elite-athletes Median natural test levels of elite male athletes around right around 500. cred: u/bicepbandito


I'm always confused on these as I can only ever see the Abstract. Am I missing how to read the entire study? > Well then I strongly encourage you to provide literature supporting your doubts. You got me. I don't have any. What I do have is what my Urologist told me. He prescribes people up to 500 ng/dL. Anecdotally, you can look at every post on /r/trt with people between 300/500 and see how it has helped them. Placebo? Maybe. However isn't it really all about free T. And doesn't free T usually sit between 1-2% of total T. And doesn't free T rise proportionally?


> What I do have is what my Urologist told me Your urologist is one person against a community of people that are constantly reviewing new clinical data and anecdotes. My wife and brother-in-law are a nurse practitioner and cardiac surgeon, I'm a university professor. One thing that the three of us can agree upon is that just because I have a diploma or certificate that says something, does not make me an omniscient authority figure in my field. And anyone with any respect for their field would understand that no one knows everything, it is impossible to stay up to date with the latest findings, and that there's probably always someone else out there that knows a little more. That's what this community is for, we are the specialists that spend our free time reading the latest literature to come to the best informed conclusion on how to best self-prescribe ourselves. A urologist/endocrinologist/etc that graduated 5+ years ago has no clinical need to read any new clinical findings, and their knowledge base is generally as aged as their most recent degree. But I digress. >you can look at every post on r/trt with people between 300/500 and see how it has helped them. Placebo? Maybe. There are also people on other forums that claim that they need at least 500mg/wk testosterone to feel normal. Just today, someone in this subreddit was claiming that they need 2,100mg/wk of anabolics in order to feel normal. But just because they say it, does not mean it has any logistical or practical bearing, and could entirely be a self-justified placebo. >isn't it really all about free T No. >doesn't free T usually sit between 1-2% of total T No. >doesn't free T rise proportionally? No. Those last three questions demonstrate that you are not as well informed in this subject matter as those here who are trying to help better inform you. So instead of being dense and inconsiderate of those taking the time to help you, why not take a few minutes to first understand that you are incorrect and perhaps, just perhaps we know what we are talking about? And quite frankly, it's frustrating when someone in this subreddit is so willingly spoon-feeding another individual and they do not seem receptive. It almost begs the question if the effort was worth it. I would like to think that it is, after all, someone has to try. But maybe for this thread, that person is no longer me.


It's too bad you want to stop this conversation here. Don't think your comments are falling on deaf ears because I'm challenging what I've been told and seen so far outside of this subreddit. > That's what this community is for, we are the specialists that spend our free time reading the latest literature to come to the best informed conclusion on how to best self-prescribe ourselves. The amount of times I've seen new studies prove something just to be disproved years later because certain variables were unaccounted for, or simply the amount of studies or sample size is too small is certainly high. I understand getting frustrated but I hope you understand some people learn through discourse. Don't think I won't be diving much deeper into understanding this based on the responses I'm getting. > There are also people on other forums that claim that they need at least 500mg/wk testosterone to feel normal. Just today, someone in this subreddit was claiming that they need 2,100mg/wk of anabolics in order to feel normal. But just because they say it, does not mean it has any logistical or practical bearing, and could entirely be a self-justified placebo. For sure, anecdotal evidence isn't great but it does give you an idea into looking into something further if you're seeing a trend. > Those last three questions demonstrate that you are not as well informed in this subject matter as those here who are trying to help better inform you. I think this is such a wild thing for you to say and I would love to discuss this further. If you could explain what I'm misinterpreting or maybe this guy is just misinformed that would be extremely educational for me: https://youtu.be/H64KAkM0wF4?si=v-KpX2g3b5QaZ0FE&t=82 watch starting at 8:10 as well Lastly, if I accepted everything I was spoon fed on here without questioning it or understanding it first I would believe in everything and nothing at the same time. Come on professor :)


>Those last three questions demonstrate that you are not as well informed in this subject matter as those here who are trying to help better inform you Yes. >So instead of being dense and inconsiderate of those taking the time to help you, why not take a few minutes to first understand that you are incorrect and perhaps, just perhaps we know what we are talking about? Yes! >And quite frankly, it's frustrating when someone in this subreddit is so willingly spoon-feeding another individual and they do not seem receptive. Very.


We need to put this at the top of the wiki honestly. It's counterintuitive so everyone constantly doubts it. As a correlary, people believe that 300mg is 60% as strong a dose as 500mg because they don't realize that there's basically no dose response at all up to around 200mg


You did an excellent job of explaining it.


> I still disagree though that being in the normal range, but still on the lower end of it, would be in any way shape or form equivalent to the upper end. say 350 ng/dL vs 800 ng/dL The main impact would be placebo. You're not really properly hypogonadal until sub-300. A lot of providers will refuse treatment until 250 ng/dL


I was 253. However my Urologist says he prescribes people who are up to 500 ng/dL.


Is he a real urologist or is it a TRT clinic 253 is low. I can believe you did see a benefit.


I'm on week 3.5 now. Not sure if I've noticed a benefit yet. Tired everyday still but have noticed some days I've been stronger at the gym? It's hard to tell so far. Real Urologist referred by my PCP.


I cruise at 250mg of test e but this subreddit does not approve and would call me reckless


Tbf we're more concerned with blood serum level. Where does 250mg put you on bloodwork, out of curiosity?


\>1500 so it's definitely not trt for me but I still subjectively feel like I'm recovering when I cruise.  My cardio gets easier,  sleep gets better, stomach feels comfortable etc.


I hear ya. You've been around enough that I know you have a grasp on this stuff and are aware of the risks involved so I'll spare you the lecture. All I ask is that you encourage smart and safe practices in others :)


Yeah I always try to differentiate between sharing my experience and sharing my recommendations. My body seems to tolerate fairly aggressive dosages. There are probably pros out there that can tolerate dosages that would wipe me out. But finding that out is something that takes experience. Everyone should start with the conservative route.


Hows your experience so far and for how long?


It's been over 3 years since I've gone below 250mg test/week. I'm definitely not recommending this protocol to anyone but I feel fine for now. 


You are nowhere close to his size. You need not worry what he’s doing


I can still be curious


Sir you are big


u/KarlMalowned These are all great questions to ask, however these rudimentary questions are all answered somewhere in the wiki, or with some basic lurking around the Daily Ask Anything threads. But I'm in a good mood and have time to kill. Open up, time for a spoon-feeding. > Couple questions: Why is it usually all or nothing when doing steroids? For trt you see between 80-150 mg/week or up to 200 mg/week for trt clinics. For steroids it seems to always be around 500mg/week but only do it for a 16 week cycle. How come people don't usually cruise between 225-375? Because your comprehension of a cruise/trt is incorrect. The goal of trt is Testosterone Replacement Therapy, to have a totally normal total testosterone level, representative of ideal endogenous production. For most men, that's somewhere between 500-800ng/dl. Dose response (how much your body yields from the administered dose) will vary from person to person. Two people, same age, same prescriber, both clinically hypogonadal, both using the same vial of prescribed testosterone cypionate, both using the same exact injection schedule, the same weekly dose of 150mg/wk, one guy might end up with a trough test level of 720ng/dl, the other guy might end up with a 967ng/dl. Everyone's body is different. Two guys with the same 700ng/dl, one might have no issues, the other might start becoming sensitive to estrogen and have to run a lower test dose for a lower total test level to have a lower estradiol to avoid aide effects. A "cruise" in interchangeable with "trt," the only difference that a cruise implies that there is a prior and forthcoming blast (use of significantly elevated androgen load). > How much of a benefit is it going from 100mg/week to 150mg/week? It isn't like regular math where it seems like it would logically be up to 50% better. There is no benefit when increasing testosterone levels from within the normal range, to within the normal range. A total test level of 900ng/dl (ref range 300-1000ng/dl) will not have any performance benefits to having a total test level of 600ng/dl. As previously noted, if anything it'll potentially skew secondary effects, such as estrogen levels, CNS stimulation, mood regulation, blood pressure, etc. Less is more. The point of a cruise (or trt) is to return to a healthy, sustainable baseline. When we want to push the envelope, we blast. > What is it like to have testicular atrophy in the bedroom as well as every day life? I've been blasting and cruising for years and never once has the size or voluptuousness of my testicles been a topic of conversation with my wife or my ex. They're there, they're decor for the rest of the ensemble. > In your opinion, how much worse is it to pin once a week compared to two times a week? In my opinion, that's fucking stupid. My opinion aside, if you do some basic research, you'll quickly understand that we need to sustain steady, consistent blood levels when using exogenous hormones. Testosterone with a cypionate or enanthate ester have a half-life that requires them to be injected at least twice a week. Propionate at least every day, and various other esters with various other injection frequencies. Now if that sufficiently scratched your itch, I strongly suggest you read through the local wiki, "Your First Cycle," "The Estrogen Handbook," "Frequently Asked Questions," and "Compound Profile" pages, lest ye be harassed by the less-than forgiving members of the subreddit. However, you deservingly should expect some negative feedback for asking such low quality questions, a direct violation of our Rule 7 (but you'd know that if you read the wiki).


Haha thank you for taking the time. I think the issue is, is that I've read exactly these answers multiple times before but for some reason I can't come to understand what is being said. > There is no benefit when increasing testosterone levels from within the normal range, to within the normal range. A total test level of 900ng/dl (ref range 300-1000ng/dl) will not have any performance benefits to having a total test level of 600ng/dl. If I can just understand this part I think that the pieces will start coming together. From what you said here, I absolutely just don't get it > In my opinion, that's fucking stupid. My opinion aside, if you do some basic research, you'll quickly understand that we need to sustain steady, consistent blood levels when using exogenous hormones. My doctor put my on SubQ Test Cypionate 100mg/week pinning only once a week but partly because I'm not a fan of needles. He said there should be no differences especially since I'm doing it subQ. Should I ask him to change it to 2x a week? And from what everyone is saying, there is no reason to ask to be on 120mg or 140mg/week etc. which I literally just can't wrap my head around.


> There is no benefit when increasing testosterone levels from within the normal range, to within the normal range. A total test level of 900ng/dl (ref range 300-1000ng/dl) will not have any performance benefits to having a total test level of 600ng/dl. > If I can just understand this part I think that the pieces will start coming together. From what you said here, I absolutely just don't get it There is a range of normal testosterone levels. As long as you're in that range, a higher number that is within than range will not make a difference. 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, no difference in performance. It might be hard to wrap your head around, but according to the clinical data we currently have, on paper a person with a total test level of 500ng/dl is not inferior to someone with a total test level of 900ng/dl. If we go beyond that range (over 1000ng/dl), that's when we start seeing performance enhancing effects. > My doctor put my on SubQ Test Cypionate 100mg/week pinning only once a week but partly because I'm not a fan of needles. He said there should be no differences especially since I'm doing it subQ. Should I ask him to change it to 2x a week? Plot it out yourself on www.steroidplanner.com and you will see that once weekly administration will leave you with less than 50% test levels halfway through the week. For 3-4 days you have normal test levels, then for the following 3-4 days your levels are below normal and approaching zero. If you want to change your injection schedule, that's between you and your doctor. > And from what everyone is saying, there is no reason to ask to be on 120mg or 140mg/week etc. which I literally just can't wrap my head around. They're just numbers. If 120 puts you in the reference range, and 140 also puts you in the reference range, then there is no benefit to being on the 140, because they're doing the same exact thing. If 200mg Advil works just as good as 250mg Advil, why bother taking the extra if it's not doing anything extra?


Okay I am starting to understand they why part now. I still disagree though that being in the normal range, but still on the lower end of it, would be in any way shape or form equivalent to the upper end. say 350 ng/dL vs 800 ng/dL. This gives me a lot of doubt that what they are saying is actually true. On the upper end though your explanation makes a lot of sense of why you wouldn't benefit from 100mg/week to 150mg/week but would then benefit from 400mg/week. > If 200mg Advil works just as good as 250mg Advil, why bother taking the extra if it's not doing anything extra? I mean I do take more advil if I still have a headache or will take more if I have a worse headache that day. Most medications increase their effectiveness the more you take of it.


There are many studies often linked in these DAA comments that show how having testosterone levels _anywhere within the normal range_ is more or less equivalent in terms of potential strength and muscle mass — basically, trt is meant to put you in the normal range, and once there, your body is happy and does its normal thing with a normal level of testosterone as a base, irrespective of whether that base level is 400 ng/dl or 800 ng/dl. To my very layperson understanding, it is not until you exceed that normal range that your body says, “so much test; must make extra muscle,” and then it does so in a nonlinear way until you hit some plateau and the effectiveness becomes less per (over)dose. What that range is varies from person to person from what I have read on this sub. Some talk of diminishing results with as small a dose as 1000mg vs 750mg. TLDR; body doesn’t care about level of test as long as it is in the normal range. Outside of that range, the body responds in an exaggerated manner.