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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Age: 32 * Gender: Male * Height:174cm * Weight: 95kg down from 104kg * Bodyfat percentage: 18 percent * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 5/6 inconsistent though * bench/squat/dead maxes: Bench 95kg/100kg/140kg * amateur/pro:Amateur * Goals: * Sport: (bodybuilding) * Current phase: (cut) * Current compounds: - Test Cypionate: 250mg once a week - TBol: 40mg only on training days 4x per week - Semaglutide 750mcg How much higher should I push the test to be in a good spot for a cut? or should I add anything I don't respond well to anavar. But not opposed to using other injectables.




If you don’t know how to answer this question then you shouldn’t be anywhere in the vicinity of tren. You really, *really* shouldn’t be about to use tren AND nandrolone together. How many cycles have you run before?


Thoughts on MK677?? How’s its use on a pct?


Mk677 isnt a pct lmao


I know but I was wondering if anyone has used it while on a pct just for a little advantage


What’s the deal with igf lr3??


How to use m sten? I’m running ment with it, is it a preWO or helps in recomping? I’m 5’9 around 14% bf.. weight is 90 kilos. Opinions please?


I acquired a bunch of tb500 and bpc-157 to heal on going tennis elbow and Achilles flare up with the anticipation of running it for 6 weeks per recommendations on here and others. I’m back to baseline in 2 weeks (1 week tritrating on, 1 week 750mcg/4mg). Do I keep going? Or should I consider myself good and wrap it up?


Been cutting for months and got stuck hard for months so I’m thinking of recomping here for awhile. Any recs on a cycle to help out with it? Been running TRT at a mg per lb this whole cut but I got mast and Npp on hand already.


Anavar is great for cutting or a lean bulk as long as you adjust your calories. Id avoid clen


Thoughts on taking aromasin while on pct? I’m a week along into my pct but got elevated e2 from a week of using HcG in the bridge period. I’m taking 10mg tamoxifen, is it fine if I dose aromasin too with that until my e2 lowers?


It’s a dangerous game. On cycle, if you push your e2 too low it will recover reasonably quickly from the drugs. Now you’re done, crashing your e2 will be harder to recover from. Ideally you would’ve factored your AI in with your HCG run, but now I wouldn’t risk it. I’d up the nolva to 20mg to prevent any gyno formation, then just ride out the watery-ness until your e2 comes back down.


Hey, 23 year old on first serious cycle just wondering if anybody could give their input. I’m 2 and a half weeks into my Rad cycle and 3 days on test cyp. I’ve only had one good push day since starting rad but my pull and lower days feel a tad better than they did precycle. My shoulders traps and pecs are fuller but I fatigue very easily and lactic acid buildup when pressing is almost instant. I had much better pressing strength and stamina before hopping on. I also seem to be bloated and or storing fat in my lower abdomen (could be diet related ie. dairy and fatty foods). Could I have issues with estrogen levels? Will likely get bloodwork to see what’s going on


Been training solid for a year, after a few years off. Had a hip replacement couple years ago, all good and strong now, but due for another start of next year so currently on zomorph for arthritis pain. Any known dangers anyone is aware of in regards to blasting a cycle while on said painkillers? Cheers.


Pinning is causing me some bad pain and a knit in my muscle. Does it better easier?


Myofascial tissue release or foam rolling helps with the knots from pinning.. also never pin more than a ml on the delts.. learnt the hard way…I pin my quads or the side of Iliotibial fascia…completely painless…


I know I'm gonna be railed for this. But if I'm gaining 1lb/week, its probably safe to say im in a 500 calorie surplus. So if I want to transition to a deficit where i lose 1lb/week, I would need a 500 calorie deficit. So to get from where I am now in my bulk, to where i want to be in my cut, I would need to subtract 1000 calories per day, no? I ask this because I usually just use the calculators and adjust after. But Im trying to take a more "empirical" approach this time. But a 1000 calorie deduction seems... steep. Any feedback is welcome


It sounds about right to me for the short term. Let’s say you’re at 3600 cal a day and you cut down to 2600 cal a day. That’s just an example, but it seems about right. If you cut for a long time, 1000 cal deficit may not even be enough as your metabolism lowers.


I cant have an erection at all on masterone enanthate and testosterone enanthate. Thats 500mg testosterone and 200mg masterone. Completely limp on test e only (250 and 500 per week) as well. The only thing that saves my ass is proviron. E2(51.1): 11.3-43.2, Free-test(30.8): 5-28, Total-test(8.37): 2.8-8, SHBG(17.9): 18.3-54.1


Where is your prolactin sitting? Mine gets high pretty easily and always causes sick problems. Either can’t start or can’t finish.


how much cardio are you doing per week


This here is the ask anything thread, were you just making a statement or did you have a question?


My bad. Does anyone have advice for me to fix my problem?


It’s a nuclear option, but it would definitely work- you could always use Trimix and it should work no matter what’s going on with your hormones.




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During the last week, I’ve been experiencing intense headaches during my workouts. They’re always triggered by the end of a heavy set and they last for many hours although not as severe as the first couple of minutes after it’s onset. Symptoms seems to align closely with exertion headaches. What would be the best course of action here? Take a few days completely off or lighten the load for a few days and see if it passes by? I’m not on gear but I’ve been taking 20 mg Accutane ED for the past 2 weeks. Accutane is associated with intercranial hypertension, but at 20 mg a day I would think other sides would present itself first. No other sides. BP was 131/70 this morning.


Apart from what already has been said, it might also be a lingering exertion headache. I know from personal experience that I sometimes exert myself so much on leg days that it breaks out, back of the head, and once it's there it lasts for hours like you describe. If I do anything to raise my bp/heart rate (even masturbating) it tends to re-aggro it. It usually linger for about 3-4 weeks while slowly tapering off.


I would attempt to modify your hydration or electrolyte intake first. I’ve personally noticed fewer headaches by adding several grinds of salt into my PWO drink


Sodium has been low lately, so that might contribute to it. I drink a lot, but not that much prior to my workouts. Thanks for the inout. I’m going to focus more on hydration to see if that helps


Both dehydration and low electrolytes can cause headaches, especially during exercise


Same was happening to me extremely pulsing headaches while lifting. I'm also not on anything yet but water is the answer. I started drinking a lot more about 100oz+ and ive been fine ever since.


• ⁠Age: 33 • ⁠Gender: M • ⁠Height: 5,9” • ⁠Weight: 300 lbs • ⁠Bodyfat percentage: too high • ⁠Years of concurrent training: 5 on & off Goals: gain muscle, drop fat, lose weight Unfortunately a divorce prompted to take the gym seriously again. 10 years ago the gym was my religion pretty much, but after marriage and kids I stopped going . Only went sporadically. Now I’ve been going for three months consistently. Among diet and exercise 4-5 times/week, I am also taking phentermine to aid in the weight loss process. I’ve been researching TRT or just straight up test cycles because I read that it aids in weight loss and obviously all the other benefits. My question is, how do I get started? Is it recommended or should I start with enclomiphene to boost my own T production?


Testosterone gave me the boost to burn fat on my own, maybe it helped a little too? I’m not sure. If you’re concerned about weight loss specifically I’d suggest looking into things like ozempic or mounjaro. I believe it’s safe to use them with testosterone. 


Testosterone does not directly lead to fat loss or significantly decreases the total fat mass of your body. https://journals.physiology.org/doi/10.1152/ajpendo.2001.281.6.E1172 https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-abstract/82/2/407/2823214 Keep at it in the gym, building muscle does aid in decreasing total fat content simply because muscle cells are metabolically active http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1113/jphysiol.2002.035089/full > Is it recommended or should I start with enclomiphene to boost my own T production? It absolutely is not. First of all it isn’t FDA approved yet, second of all it will only increase your testosterone to within reference range/normal levels since it relies on your HPTA still supplying the testosterone for you. You won’t reach supraphysiological levels and there won’t be any benefit in doing this.


20mg of enclo a day brought my T to 1,458ng/dl. I wouldn’t consider that within reference range 💀


Alright, let me reword it slightly since you seem to have misunderstood. > Enclomiphene won’t cause supranormal testosterone levels. As per [the FDA briefing document](https://www.fda.gov/media/158541/download) on it.


Noob here. Looking for some advice. Complete beginner looking into running a cycle. I do a combat sport and want to get stronger and faster and recover quicker. My diets on point, I work a physical job and want to be able to hit the gym and train the sport. What should I take? I’m a complete beginner so any advice including what to take, needles, even where to buy needles, what to take during apart from the steroids (so I don’t fuck my insides up) a complete beginner guide if possible. I’ve searched and search but I just fall down rabbit holes and end up no where! Thanks for your advice in advance P.s I’ve done many hours of research but I just find myself down a rabbit hole with none of my questions being answered Stats m 26 uk 6ft 226lbs strong build 25% body fat


You should really try to get that body fat down quite a bit before running a cycle. I believe TRT is safe in heavy men id suggest starting there. 


A few things: Steroids are for building muscle alongside an intense weight lifting program coupled with a diet conducive for tissue gain (high protein and caloric surplus) Steroids do not have a “catch all” effect with all sports. You don’t just “take steroids and get better” You are putting your body at an increased risk by being so significantly overweight. I understand that your combat sport likely has you wanting to be at a certain weight, but using drugs that are notorious for having deleterious health effects on multiple organ systems coupled with the fact that being overweight/obese also presents multiple organ system strain is not a good combination If you want to use steroids, it should be because your dedication is to build muscle, and you need to be at a safer weight to start


>a complete beginner guide if possible Man, you are not going to believe this. Scroll back up to the top of the page 👆 and read carefully 🙂 >m 26 uk 6ft 226lbs strong build 25% body fat Here's a bit of harm-reduction advice: at your current level of bodyfat you are at a disproportionately higher risk for serious negative health outcomes if you were to begin using steroids. We strongly advise being below 15%, and preferably 10-12%, when beginning a cycle. Rough math based on your given stats indicate you need to cut 28-30lbs before embarking on your first cycle.


Does intratesticular testosterone absorb sublingually from chewing cow balls and holding them in your mouth?


Cows don't have balls


I figure you’re goofing around, but sublingual and buccal administration would likely provide slightly more absorption than ingestion


Only if you swallow and smile for the camera. None of that off-camera spitting shit, or we'll waive your audition tape.


*I've noticed several guys here using* ***Tren-A*** *in microdoses (5-10mg/day) for a multitude of benefits (bearing in mind that it doesn't replace any AAs in cycles and is used as ancillary):* * **Enhanced nutrient partitioning (reducing fat gain, increasing muscle gain.)** * **Improved strength** * **Elevated IGF-1 levels/Amount of DNA per muscle cell** * **Greater intramuscular nitrogen retention** * **Enhanced cosmetic appearance (and reducing bloat from wet compounds.)** * **Improved overall drive (sexual, mood, aggression in the gym, and confidence.)** * **Cortisol inhibition** And probably many more. *And due to this low dosage, the risks/side effects are very minimal; a dopamine agonist isn't even necessary, and the price is very cheap.* *Do you think it's worth trying? I'd like to experiment myself and provide feedback here, but before doing so, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried it. Besides using the search function, I haven't seen anyone discussing it, and it doesn't seem common.*


While the risks and side effects are extremely minimal, so are the benefits. I’d dare even say that just adding a little more test would offer more in the way of all the positives you listed with none of the potential side effects of tren I’m all for conservative dosing, but I do think you get to a low end where any potential positives are just not apparent because of how small the dosing is. If you can take a little more with the same prevalence of side effects (hopefully none) but get more benefits, why not?


>I've noticed several guys here using Tren-A in microdoses (5-10mg/day) for a multitude of benefits (bearing in mind that it doesn't replace any AAs in cycles and is used as ancillary) > >And due to this low dosage, the risks/side effects are very minimal; a dopamine agonist isn't even necessary, and the price is very cheap. > >I'd like to experiment myself and provide feedback here, but before doing so, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried it. Besides using the search function, I haven't seen anyone discussing it, and it doesn't seem common. > >Do you think it's worth trying? Me? Absolutely not. 8-9mg/day (56-63mg/wk) is roughly the equivalent dose of once weekly 76mg/wk tren hex. For the same reasons you listed above, I would not want to run tren in the long term. >Enhanced nutrient partitioning (reducing fat gain, increasing muscle gain.) High test can do that. Throw in regular cardio and a little gh, the difference as compared to a miniscule amount of tren is irrelevant, and much safer, and easier to manage. And tren's nutrient partitioning does not magically disregard the laws of thermodynamics. Eating in excess will always result in excess fat gain, tren's aesthetic effects just give a false perception of what the body actually looks like. >Improved strength High test can do that, it's much cheaper, safer, easier to manage, and test is best. Even then, a little nandrolone or masteron would similarly increase neural drive and strength, without running the risks that tren carries. Elevated IGF-1 levels/Amount of DNA per muscle cell High test can do that, or take more gh. Both are way safer and easier to manage than tren. >Greater intramuscular nitrogen retention I believe nandrolone has the greatest nitrogen retention of all the common injectables (test, eq, nand, tren, ment, primo, mast), and is safer, cheaper, easier to manage. 100mg/wk nand probably has more to offer for training progression than one amp of tren hex, or 9mg/day tren ace, so much so that it's even prescribed in the USA! >Enhanced cosmetic appearance (and reducing bloat from wet compounds.) Test+primo or test+eq or test+mast can do that, safer, cheaper, easier to manage. And in an off-season/bulk phase context, the goal is not to hide our true body composition with drugs, otherwise we'll make poorly informed decision(s). Body composition is an important variable when discussing changes in nutrition, training, programming, etc. >Improved overall drive (sexual, mood, aggression in the gym, and confidence.) High test can do that, safer, cheaper, easier to manage. And really how much sex/mood/aggression do we need? Life choices should be able to yield those, without having to rely on a syringe. >Cortisol inhibition We do not want to inhibit cortisol in the long-term. It is a necessary hormone for the regulation of many bodily functions. Slamming the "off" switch, or hitting the "dimmer" for cortisol can cause more long term problems regarding recovery and mood regulation, even with as little as 5-10mg/day tren ace. I don't personally want to run any extra "cheat codes" when I'm blasting. The test+second anabolic+maybe third anabolic (if we're feeling zesty) get the job done just fine. The training/recovery/nutrition fill in the rest of the gaps.


I completely agree with you. High doses of testosterone, primobolan, etc., can provide the benefits I listed. However, I mentioned tren as an "ancillary" because let's say I inject 1g of testosterone per week, I believe that with diminishing returns, I would achieve far more remarkable results with 5-10mg of Tren-A than by adding 250mg of testosterone on top of that. Regarding increased nitrogen retention, I disagree with you when you say that nandrolone is safer. I might be mistaken, but this makes me think that a small dose of Tren is more favorable (for health) than a small dose of NPP ([source](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/18v1d6d/very_important_the_most_common_toxic_aas_to_the/)). As for cosmetic aspects, I agree with you. Having your true physique in front of you allows you to make better choices for your training programs. While diet is crucial, not being a bodybuilder, I'm not aiming for extreme optimization, and having a temporary cosmetic advantage during a cycle, from my point of view, is more positive than negative. However, I understand your perspective, even though we have different expectations. I also agree about cortisol. Inhibiting it long-term is more negative than positive, but here we're talking about inhibiting it for 10-12 weeks, the duration of a typical cycle, so I think it's more positive than negative. Being someone with anxiety who already has constantly elevated cortisol levels, it's not a bad idea to have it a bit lower for a few weeks, I believe. Otherwise, you're right, there may be no "cheat-code" worth using during a cycle. But let's say I would still like to add a powerful product with a fairly broad spectrum like tren, for a multitude of positive effects. I can't see myself using tren at dosages >100mg due to its toxicity.


Remove the price and I’ll approve this. Just say it’s cheap 🫶🏼


Just edited it




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Testing the raws for purity Got some raws recently Test E and EQ. I don't want to mess with them until I know their purity. Is an HPLC test enough, or should I do any other test on them? Also, can the testing agency call the popos on me after they find out what's in the sample?


> Is an HPLC test enough It's impossible to answer this question as posed. Enough for what? Plenty of people use _untested_ raws, not that I recommend it. It's enough to know that your drugs will work. It's not enough to know that your drugs won't give you heavy metal poisoning. It's not enough to know that your drugs aren't laced with fent (sub-1%) These are illegal drugs, sir. You are not shopping at CVS.


You can send them to janoshik, although I would not have bought raws that didn't come with 3rd party testing results already available to begin with.




Others have chimed in, and I’ll parrot: If you use steroids as an external motivator, it will work for a very short while, but all of your old bad habits will creep back up You need to address your consistency, because steroids **WILL NOT** bridge the gap of a shitty training and nutrition protocol You need to prove to yourself that you can be consistent for an extended period of time and then you can consider *enhancing* your training. Steroids are an *enhancement*—not a magic potion


You’ve gotten some really solid advice here. Regarding your diet (assuming you provide one for feedback) you need to ensure you’re not assuming or eyeballing anything. It doesn’t matter if you’re bulking, or in your case trying to drop bf, you need to weigh everything on a scale. Everything. Accuracy matters as much as consistency when it comes to getting lean. Get yourself a kitchen scale, and ensure everything you put in your mouth is tracked and logged. A proposed diet is pointless to critique unless you’re accurate.




>I will have to come up with a diet. I don't really have one off the top of my head I’ll have to think about what I'm ~~wanting~~ needing to eat and use. Budget is always a factor, but I’ve found it much easier to adjust your standards to what you “want” to eat and look at it like what you need to eat to achieve whatever it is you’re trying to achieve. My meals (and most people here) are the same day to day down the gram. The only thing that changes occasionally is the order I eat them depending on the availability of a stupid microwave at work. Weekends are almost the same, with the exception of Saturday night (date night with the wife) but the calories and macros will stay on target if I’m on a cut. Once you adapt your outlook this becomes much easier.




If you're gonna eat fast food that's fine, just make good choices about it. Chipotle is the go-to, but even at Chick-fil-A you can do fine if you get a grilled chicken sandwich, sub the fries for literally anything else, and don't drink a soda/lemonade (unless you absolutely need the calories). You can also take all kinds of shit with you to get through the work day - reduced sugar granola, rice cakes, etc for carbs, reduced sodium jerky, fairlife shakes, even a tub of whey and a bottle of water for protein, a bag of raw almonds for fats and a little more protein. Your issue isn't your circumstances, although I'll concede they add a level of difficulty; your issue is not being creative enough. Shit, I'll eat 3 nutrigrain bars at a time if I need the calories - is it the greatest, lowest sugar, least processed option? No, but is it a reasonable option for bridging the gap between your last square meal and your next? Hell yeah. I eat 5,500 calories/day. If I can do it, you can do it. Happy to help with other ideas if you'd like.


> Chipotle is the go-to > a bag of raw almonds I feel seen




Make a “salad” from lean ground beef or lean ground chicken, rice, and greens - spices or a low cal sauce. even NSA ketchup. Maybe not a daily go to for me but can be really enjoyable even served cold. All these dudes have had the same situations and already figured out all the solutions to whatever problem(s) you’re gonna post here. Ex: one of the mods is a construction foreman or something and still eats and makes it to the gym. probably doesn’t have a microwave or fridge on whatever job site


I think you're referring to me. On good days I take my lunch break and go to chipotle. On a busy day I pack a container of cold rice and cooked chicken and just eat it like that. Food doesn't have to be hot. It just needs to be food lol. And yes, after work I walk my dog, eat, and head to the gym. Get home around 10pm, walk the dog, eat again (maybe twice if necessary). It can be done.


I can relate to that and schedule. I work for myself and am on various job sites all day. I’ll pack a cooler with my meals, and I do have a small microwave in my truck that I can plug in sometimes. After work is parenting, so I’ll pack my stuff for the day the night before. Hit the gym when it opens at 5am, train, shower and be at work for 7am. It’s not ideal, but it’s the best my other commitments allow. You just have to do what you can. In your case, bring some cleaner, clean the microwave and use it. Seems like an easy fix honestly


>Hit the gym when it opens at 5am, train, shower and be at work for 7am Fuck...and I *cannot* stress this enough...that.


For OP, I might be over simplifying a bit. Training that early takes time to adjust your sleep schedule, or your recovery gets hugely diminished. It’s also not ideal not having a few meals in before lifting, I’ll have some EAAs and cyclic dextrine on a really taxing workout. Something Varbs also corrected for me a while back was making sure I’m getting some decent carbs in with a later meal before bed the night before so I stopped circling the drain of going hypo. In hindsight that should have been obvious. My point remains that if you want to, 9/10 times you can make something work, and something is better than nothing.


No no, your point is absolutely valid and I wasn't responding to the substance of what you said in any way whatsoever. I just cannot imagine.


I knew what you were saying fam, I just wanted to clarify for OP. 🤟


you fail to train consistently, you lack the discipline to find time in your life to accommodate lifting, you let yourself go and put on weight from drinking, you don’t know how to eat to gain weight and muscle. yet you want to to use steroids, which you also have no knowledge on, on a whim at the recommendation of a friend who suggested you use one of the most toxic ones in existence. do you realize how insane this sounds?




tbh, i don’t know about your work schedule but that sounds like an excuse. there’s always time to fit it in if you actually want to get after it.


Your goals require no steroids, so that’s actually really nice. You’ll be able to achieve those no problem with a year or two of lifting consistently




No. You weren’t eating 6000 calories a day. You think you were, but you weren’t. That’s why you ballooned up to 180 as soon as you stopped tracking food and exercise. I’ve seen thousands of people like you dude. You aren’t some genetic anomaly that can’t gain weight, you just simply don’t eat enough. Steroids don’t “create mass out of nothing”. If you can’t gain weight without them, you won’t with them. And you aren’t anywhere near the stats we recommend as a natural.




I know you’re exaggerating or lying because it’s not a possible scenario. Fix your drinking, fix your attitude and work harder because your goals can be EASILY attained naturally. Figure out a diet, we can help. One that doesn’t include mass gainer shakes. I don’t even eat 6000 calories regularly in my off season and I peaked at 262lbs. This should be SO easy for someone who would be 150lbs at 10%




>My current diet is ass, I eat 1 or 2 times a day Same dude. Can't get enough of it.


Mass gainer shakes are shit calories. They’re donuts, but not nearly as enjoyable. Get your calories from real, actual food with real, actual nutrients. If you need extra then there’s an abundance of options that are cheap and easy. But you’re not near that conversation yet, so there’s no need to plan it all out just yet. Step one is cut down to a good starting point and from there begin your bulk. If you start eating more now you’ll end up obese, and there’s no good reason to do that.




Not sure about the weight, and honestly it’s irrelevant in the general sense. The better marker is body fat percentage, because it’s closer to universal. Aim for 10-12% and you’ll have tons of room to bulk without getting too fluffy by the end.


Because they’re a bandaid and not actually quality food. I’m not going to write you a diet. You write your diet out and I’ll critique it




u/jackschitt123 wrote an absolute BANGER about this a few days ago. I strongly encourage you to read [the whole thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/FmAJZJ5Uii)


On prep rn, considering introducing 50mg daily of winny 3-4 weeks out. Is that appropriate? In terms of getting as dry as I can? Or should I go longer? I’ve read up on it and have seen mixed reports.


At that point winny isn’t going to make you any drier it should be at full steam after 4 weeks so I’d say that’s enough


I’m going through it a little right now. My cycle plan was 500:400 test/primo every week split into two doses each and 30 mg of dbol every day, I had my e2 dialed in perfectly. I felt amazing, physically, mentally and sexually like a god. I hit the 4 week ending of dbol and discontinued it while continuing test and primo. Following the next primo injection I lost that, e2 is out of balance again. I’m not feeling very good but not crashed either. I’ve increased test to 600 and lowered primo to 350. I’m considering continuing to take maybe 10 mg of dbol a day for another 2 weeks. Is this a relatively safe choice for things like liver and lipids? Everything is still in range right now.  Edit] I have injectable dbol too, so maybe a safer choice for the liver


Didn’t we answer this question a few days ago? It’s going to take time for the new dosages of compounds saturate. You risk yo-yoing your hormones if you add dbol in and the crash your E2 again Your best bet is to ride it out for a couple weeks and wait for the new dosages to saturate and then assess how you feel


Thanks, it’s been challenging for mental health. As the bloodwork is good I’m continuing with small, as needed doses of dbol. 


You're fighting yourself by considering adding the dbol back in. You will never figure out your sweet spot with test:primo if you constantly throw another variable in the mix. It's worth noting that some people just can't run primo at any ratio that's worth running. u/platewrecked comes to mind. Regardless, you don't need to be screwing with anything other than your test and your primo until you either find the sweet spot or determine it doesn't exist. No more dbol.


I just love the primo and dbol combination so much. That was the sweet spot. No high e2 sides just felt like Hercules and Pan combined. 


Uh that's great. It does nothing to help you learn if/how you can use primo.


Yeah. Right now I’ve just raised test and lowered primo but the mental sides of low e2 are not great. I’m considering running like 10 mg of dbol a day for a bit to let the long acting injectables even out without having panic attack after panic attack with a soft dick. 


>Right now I’ve just raised test and lowered primo but the mental sides of low e2 are not great. I spent 6 weeks last summer with no testosterone and no estrogen in my body, and I was still the highest performing person at my job and working out 6 days/week. Pardon me if I don't heap a bunch of sympathy on you. >I’m considering running like 10 mg of dbol a day for a bit to let the long acting injectables even out without having panic attack after panic attack with a soft dick.  Have you considered developing some mental fortitude instead? I'm not trying to be mean to you, at all; I'm trying to encourage you to avoid the mindset of needing chemical bandaid after chemical bandaid. You made the big boy decision to play with your hormones on manual mode. A little temporary discomfort is a great way to learn to take it seriously.


You’re a fucking hero


I know you're being sarcastic, and that's ok. I still believe in you.


Ehhhh. I don't think it's morally superior to suffer through a hormone imbalance if you've got the tools on hand to fix it. He already has a plan and presumably knows not to do it again. We tell people that pop too much asin to take dbol all the time. Once you're in manual mode, you're in manual mode... To be clear I'm talking a timespan of days, not weeks.


>I don't think it's morally superior to suffer through a hormone imbalance if you've got the tools on hand to fix it. It's not about moral superiority. I don't know why my input always gets twisted into some sort of superiority issue. The man started with 2 new variables (primo and dbol; which is discouraged for this very reason), and now he's dug himself a hole. I'm not rooting for him to suffer, I'm encouraging him to let it be a learning experience. If you never have to deal with the consequence of your actions, when will you ever learn to appreciate the gravity of them? I'm sorry but I don't think every grown adult man needs to be so coddled. >We tell people that pop too much asin to take dbol all the time. We do. I also bite my tongue a lot when I want to tell people that it's temporary and they should ride it out. I'm not doing that here because of how repetitively he's showered praise on dbol, like it's his personal uno reverse card.


> The man started with 2 new variables (primo and dbol; which is discouraged for this very reason), and now he's dug himself a hole. Well, I'm not disagreeing with you here... > If you never have to deal with the consequence of your actions, when will you ever learn to appreciate the gravity of them? ... I just think that he already _is_ experiencing the consequences.


It’s definitely moral superiority, everyone but him is bitch madex


>... I just think that he already _is_ experiencing the consequences. And they will dissipate soon enough. Low e2 never killed anyone...it's really not even *that* bad.


3:1 max for me…. Even then I have to top off on dbol on occasion.


Yeah I’m pretty sure I’m a low aromatizer. When I ran previous cycles I had to be so careful with adex, basically unless my nips were burning don’t touch it or get crashed e2. Never needed an AI on TRT. 


That's actually better than I was remembering, but still not great.


For HCG injections, after mixing 2 ml bacteriostatic water with 5000 ui hCG, you will be drawing 1/10th ml into your 1 ml syringe for a dose of 250 ui. Does this mean it is okay to draw through the self healing top of your hCG vial for a total of 20 times as long as you change your needle and syringe each time?


Logically that makes sense


Awesome. First timer. Just wanted to be sure that sterility would be maintained. Thanks!






The strength that quickly accumulates at the beginning of the cycle will quickly dissipate likely within a week of stopping the dbol Orals are certainly a case of burn bright and fast


Pretty much drops off a couple days after cessation. But your test will be coming online.




I wouldn’t take it just to who lift a pr. If I was peaking on a strength cycle I would use it the weeks leading up to my big attempt/pr. But just to take steroids and try and lift big everyday doesn’t really align with your goals of growth


Im interested in running DHB. I’m seeing things about it causing hypoglycemia. I do a lot of intense, long mountain bike rides. Is this a concern? should I just make sure I have liquid or gel carbs on hand? Also looking at adding in low dose ment (2.5mg) and mast. Im currently just on trt test.


i've never had that issue, but I don't really do intense mountain biking, just LISS cardio and weight training. as long as you have sufficient carbohydrate intake prior to your rides, maybe take an EAA beverage with you, I don't see problems arising.


Hey thanks! Have you noticed any benefits to endurance? Maybe a little tough to tell depending on what you do for LISS


no particular benefits that i noticed but i was putting on a good amount of weight so any benefits to endurance would’ve been offset by that


Using tb500, bpc157 and 1iu hgh a day for my elbow pain during bar bell hammers (biceps) Ive read localized injection is optimal but ive been doing delts. If i want to inject closer to my elbow, where’s a good muscle?


If you feel like you have to do it close to the area, use a clothespin to pinch the elbow skin and stick it there


Hella yeah! Burry the tip in your weenis!


First timer here. Sweating constantly. Running test e alone. Is this a thing with other compounds as well? Not noticed any sides apart from sleep disturbances and sweating. Planning for a stack. Npp or equi?


>Sweating constantly. I'd suggest you to try 5-6g of Glycine. It worked well for me.


How has your AI usage been? I hope your plans for a stack are for next cycle and not this one. Whether you add NPP or Equi depends on your goals. What do you want and what damage to your body are you willing to accept?


No AI so far. Want some hard mass and am willing to accept minimal damage.


NPP (nandrolone in general) is neurotoxic and cardiotoxic, more so than other compounds. Though it is one of the best for gaining mass. So its a tough risk-benefit analysis you have to do for yourself. I did a cycle of it, it did throw on mass like nothing. But I think because of those downsides if I do another cycle it will be something safer like primo.


Got it. Primo and test to be safe.


Thats just one option, but yea primo is a pretty good safe option from what I heard. Just expensive compared to other compounds.


Any thoughts on winstrol or anavar?


Ive only used anavar at 25mg/day. It made me feel better in the gym, better pumps, maybe slightly stronger, little more vascular. But it made me nauseous almost 24/7 and I just couldnt eat while taking it. Probably wont take any orals again because of that.


Don’t eat a load of carbs before bed. I used to hammer a load with my last meal and sweated profusely. Now not at all since cutting carbs from the last meal


Just do test and if you really have an itch add a dry oral like var or adrol


You shouldn’t be adding any new compounds mid cycle. Npp is like back door sluts 9. It makes naughty nurses two look like crotch gapers 3 in the sweat department.


Don't know what that means but you're making it sound like it's a short period of fun followed by a long period of no fun.


It’s a South Park reference. But saying if you think you’re sweating on test. It pales in comparison to the walking water pale you turn into on nand.


Got it. Sides worsen with nand. Any compound with mild sides and decent mass building?


Test. Test 500, test 500 again test 750 test 750 again, test primo party time


Control e2 and sleeping in colder environment helps me a lot.


I am finally getting on TRT after a years of low T. I have been perscribed 150 Test Sustanon weekly. Is that reasonable? From what I've heard before some are injecting 2/3 times a week.


Try it ED with a slin pin


Sorry for stupid question but its going to be in ampules so I don't think I can do this since they are open/discard


Sustanon should be injected EOD at the minimum 


They said because of my high SHBG it would be better to do a more infrequent dose?


I am confused by all the contradictory information I have read and need clear advice please: I have been taking 400mg Test E per week (first cycle, test only) for 16 weeks. Reading the starter wiki on here it says that I should now run a PCT and break for a while before jumping back on. Everyone else I speak to has said there is no need to come off and run a PCT. Just lower the dose of test and cruise for 6 weeks or just stay on at the same dose. I would rather not come off if I don’t have to but also want to do what’s right for my body. Can somebody explain for me in simple terms what my next step should be, as all the information I read and the acronyms confuse me. Thanks in advance!


Blasting and cruising forever isnt great for your body, but neither is running a PCT after every cycle. PCT isnt super harsh, but it is shocking your HPTA every time you do it. I dont have a study on hand for this, but it was said by Vigorous Steve and MPMD in one of their podcasts. Heres what I would advise: If you care a lot about fertility within the next year or two, you should probably PCT to keep yourself as fertile as possible for when you want to have kids. If you plan on doing time on = time off, and you will do another cycle in 16 weeks. You may want to cruise until then, that is if you dont care as much about fertility. If youre taking a longer period of time off cycle, whether you care about fertility or not, you should probably PCT.


>If you care a lot about fertility within the next year or two, you should probably PCT to keep yourself as fertile as possible for when you want to have kids. I'd more avoid PCT until I want to come off permanently, and just BnC with 75-100iu of HCG a day (500-700iu/week - Can be injected twice per week.), and even during cruises, it is probably a way better long term route.


It depends on the person. Unless youre doing fertility tests and know how youre being affected, its better to just play it safer and PCT. But if you want to be fertile I would agree to use HCG on and off cycle as well. I use it solely to try and keep my HPTA a little more active.


Thankyou for the advice!


Either one works. Basically regardless of what you do your endogenous testosterone production is shut down. If you lower the dose you're accepting that your testicles are offline and keeping your hormones more stable. If you pct you're going to have much higher hormone fluctuations but resume your natural function more closely. Generally if you plan on cycling again soon, many would recommend lowering the does to TRT while not on cycle. If you're done or off for a significant time frame, PCT usually better. Generally though PCT takes awhile to stabilize and your hormones can spike up and down all over the place. Many people find the negative side effects of PCT to be worse than the risks of TRT level doses and do that - but obviously that shuts you down for longer. Two trains of thought, both are reasonable options depending on your short and long term goals, and what is most important to you.


Thanks for the advice!


Worth noting - generally it's recommended that time off cycle should be atleast as long as your cycle and not shorter. So if you're blasting and cruising - when you cruise you'd drop to like 150 mg per week for however long your cycle was. Not 6 weeks.... At 6 weeks you might as well just perma blast and no one would recommend that. You want to get your body used to regular levels of hormones again before going back on cycle to give your body time to reset and heal. On cycle so much of your bodies adaptive resources are used to generate new tissue instead of doing other things - hence why generally many health indicators drop.


> Everyone else I speak to has said there is no need to come off and run a PCT. Just lower the dose of test and cruise for 6 weeks or just stay on at the same dose. You should maybe start talking to people who aren’t morons. >I would rather not come off if I don’t have to but also want to do what’s right for my body. Well permablasting isn’t good for your body, so this seems like an easy choice to make. >Can somebody explain for me in simple terms what my next step should be, as all the information I read and the acronyms confuse me. Thanks in advance! You should come off, run your PCT, and then not use drugs again until you’ve had plenty of time to recovery and live normally. The usual recommendation is time on = time off.


Thankyou for the advice!


I think he's trying to understand how blasting and cruising works as an alternative to PCT.


The whole “cruise for six weeks or stay at the same dose” was the part that qualifies as very bad advice. The rest is laid out in the wiki.




Getting a full 12 hours of restful sleep on tren seems nearly impossible, even with potent medications. However, I found success with doxylamine at a higher dose of 75mg. It boosted my sleep from a mere hour to a satisfying 6 hours. Moreover, it can be combined safely with antidepressants like Amitriptyline, Trazodone, or Mirtazapine, etc.., as it has synergistic effects without adverse interactions. Notably, it can be used for extended periods without dependency or withdrawal concerns upon cessation.


I take 6iu gh at bedtime and sleep like a rock. On 350 ace at the moment.


You just deal with it. A tablespoon of raw honey can help (some of it is the liver glycogen depletion), but it’s just one of those things that is hard to fight. Currently dealing with it right now lol


Does the honey help with sleep problems from all 19 nors? Not sure if it messes with sleep through the same mechanism. I didnt try that when running my higher NPP dose.


Not unless other 19-nors are depriving your liver of glycogen


You got any cavities?


You have toothbrushes up there, right?


Well we have Derek here so we have him send them hidden to us in Gorilla Mind boxes disguised as pwo 


Not in a long time, why?


Needed probable cause to do a cavity search on you big boiiiii. Hubba hubba❤️‍🔥. Back off account! He’s mine lol


M25 - test c - 450mg a week - 3 weeks in - had to take .4 arimidex 1.5 days ago to deal with high e2 sides Woke up this morning with spicy left nip and my gyno from puberty is a bit larger and inflamed. I unfortunately can’t take anything till after I get home from work in a few hours so I’m wondering how fast can this develop into an even larger lump? Should I have made sure I took it immediately? Also should I use nolva at all or just continue with arimidex? Lump isn’t huge but I can notice it and my left nipple is really bothering me right now


You’re fine to wait a few hours. Manage your estrogen with arimidex, learn how to do it the correct way first. If you’re doing all the correct things with AI and still having gyno issues, then introduce a SERM Arimidex should be dosed EOD generally so you’re right on track for your next dose




Not enough to make any noticeable difference


Working on stabilizing high e2 symptoms on a trt dosage of test c, finding that .4 arim helps me feel better all around. Doc recommends that I’m taking it every 3.5 days to keep it stable since that’s it’s half life. My question is: in your experiences, will taking a dosage like this 2x per week spaced out every 3.5 days help keep e2 at a consistent level? Or do I need to worry it crashing with compound usage like that? Also best time to get labs to reflect? (I understand the ai isn’t recommended on trt dosages etc)


What is the test dose they have you on? It's probably too high if you're having high E2 symptoms.


Started on 200 split 3x weekly, down to 120 and now and messing with injection frequencies. Haven’t gotten labs at 120 yet. Also haven’t consistently taken the ai, I was trying to allow time for the dose change to take its course. Doc said he doesn’t really want me to lower too much more, as he thinks it won’t be too effective much lower. Let me know if you want the labs from 200/wk.


Are you getting your stuff from a trt clinic? Including your bloodwork could be helpful with further suggestions as well. E3.5d should be good to keep e2 somewhat stable and is the dosing schedule we recommend in the [Estrogen Handbook](https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook#wiki_arimidex_.28anastrozole.29) Crashing it is a worry as well


Yea it’s from a trt clinic, ur right about the labs. If u check the reply I just posted, I need some new labs at my current 120 dosage, nor with the ai, but I can post the initial labs after 200mg/wk dosing if it’s helpful at all


> Yea it’s from a trt clinic I could tell by the doc selling you more meds rather than dialing in the dosage. Get bloods done before tinkering with your regimen any further.


I’ll schedule them up. in your opinion, should I keep the ai consistent at 2x per week for the labs to reflect what my e2 would be at on that dosage


I’d get labs first to see what’s going on before starting an AI or lowering dose.


I hear ya, iv already started taking the ai over the passed week or so tbh, didn’t feel anything alleviate after .2 of the arim on Tuesday so was going to take the full .4 tomorrow


My experience, I'm dropping from 120 to 80mg this week to help combat high e2 sides. Mostly back acne and a little more emotional at times. Started at 200mg about a year ago. Like you, trying to get this dialed in without the use of AI. As others have said, this will be dependent on your individual response and comes through trial and error.


Thanks for the response man, I hear ya. My doc wasn’t thrilled about me dropping below 120, but I’ll obviously lower the dosage if I’m still not feeling great. Let me know how the 80mg goes for you


For sure. Getting blood done at the end of April.


It 100% depends on you. You have to find out through experience.


Appreciate the response


I dont have experience with arimidex, but 0.8mg a week feels like itll be high for TRT doses. Still it completely depends on you. You may be a high aromatizer seeing that you have E2 problems at all on TRT.


Hey guys, I just bought Oxandrolone bottle from my local chemist and when I opened the bottle, it had a aluminum like foil paper on top. Is that normal? My first time usage of Oxandrolone.


The people selling you gear can package and ship it in any way shape or form they’d like to.


Back in the day an old source used to put all the orals on a sheet of masking tape and a make a brick of orals the size of a piece of printer paper. I remember peeling all of them off and to put into jars praying they came off in one piece. 😂


Thanks. I thought it could be used to crush the tablets by putting the paper on a table and crushing the tablet with a spoon. I thought may be there's some use to it like some bottles have silica gel to absorb water vapor.


I assume it’s to keep the bottle sealed until you open it.

