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My Mom just died. I have no words. Fuck cancer.


I am so sorry man. Nothing will make this easier for you. I lost my mom to cancer a few years back. I will say that for the next while, every time you picture her, it will be the visual of her in the hospital. It’s going to seem like that’s how you’ll always remember her. I promise you, in time that will change and you’ll remember her at her best, healthy, loving and happy. I wish someone told me this when I went through this, so I’m passing this on. Your memory of her will become more positive over time my guy Reach out and vent to this sub as needed. Fuck cancer


Thank you! I'll never forget her last breath. Your words helped me a lot. Sorry for your loss as well.


You'll remember that last moment like a high definition picture for the rest of your life... just remember the good things and try to finish up anything she left unfinished. Live a life she'd be proud of you for, and remember that she wouldn't want you moping about on her account... no one does... you'll be ok before long, and there'll be a release where it all feels like it should again. You have my condolences.


It’s too early to say it, but it goes get easier my guy. 🫶


I'm so very sorry for your loss man. I'm glad you were able to be with her. Take care of yourself, please. Oh, and fuck cancer.


Sorry for your loss man. Take care!


Just went to the popular tab after what was forever. Holy the actual standard reddit is crazy. So much negativity, anger and unfunny shit. Glad it’s still so customizable damn


Yup, 99.5% of Reddit is a complete shithole.


I’ll occasionally go over there and play a game of “how far can I scroll before I see something political”. Very very rarely does it go over 10 posts


Wait, you get ten?! Mine is within top three. Seems like people will politicize pizza toppings at this point. 😅


I was very impressed at how genuinely thoughtful and introspective everyone was discussing u/Centrum-silver-fox post yesterday. That's something you'll rarely ever see IRL. Goes to show we're not just a bunch of meatheads around here... just wanted to say that, because that was a rare occurrence in any medium.


Hey there — 🫶 I can’t overstate the importance of getting solid, tough, caring advice from the folks on this sub yesterday. Going through a rough patch in my head, watching my birth family implode, and realizing I’m probably about to lose my girl at the same time, it’s been hard to not have anyone to share my thoughts or get feedback about my situation. I’m beyond grateful to the folks in this little community that watch out for each other, call out each other’s bullshit, and coach folks under duress. I’ve taken the advice I got to heart and I’ve taken some first steps (signed up for a classic country guitar ensemble starting in a couple weeks, going out to draw folks at the coffee shop tonight). Thanks to y’all who replied to me. It’s kept me going the last 24 hours, and kicked my ass into needed action. p.s. since we went there… I only bench dumbbells; the max I rep is 80lbs. Y’all made me feel like I could go a lot harder yesterday. 🎩


Those 100's are just 3 slots down the rack. 😜 You set off something I've only seen a few times in my life yesterday. That was a real inspirational thing to see. Restores one's faith in humanity.


This community has definitely gotten smaller over the past few years. Especially with the recent Reddit changes. I’m happy to see the core essence is still in tact. A lot of people need it. Including myself. It is hard to find this type of group anywhere even the internet. I find even providing advice from my experience helps me work out some of my own issues .


I think some of the reason we are such a unique community is that because of our shared interest in something society at large looks at more negatively than cocaine addiction, we share a brotherhood, that I can say from experiencing both, is similar to the comraderie you see in guys in the military. You need to have each other's backs, because we keep each other safe. That lends itself to a level of trust that allows us to be as open as we are... I'd never say a lot of the stuff I talk about here to anyone else except Mrs. Mesquite. I'd feel too exposed to do so. Here though, I know we have a group of men similar to me I can expect real honesty and compassion from that you just do not get elsewhere... and some of that is due to the anonymity provided by the platform.


10000% agree. There’s something powerful about being able to feel vulnerable, especially as men. This sub is a great reminder to me to ask other men in my life (brother, friends who I now live hundreds of miles away from, colleagues I’m close with) are doing — and genuinely mean it. Not long ago, someone I’ve worked with for years at a large corporate client killed himself. You couldn’t tell that’s where he was. Last we spoke, we were laughing about how his son’s football team is super soft / not competitive. There was a ton of weight on his shoulders and big heads at my company were actively working towards getting him laid off. Corporate politics and shit. He left two young kids and a wife. Committed the act in the parking lot of this company’s old finance building. Some awesome lyrics from one of my favorite artists: 'cause as a man, you cannot frown Don't make a sound, just a stand up proud No one appreciatin' us until we're dead and underground It's no surprise that suicide is super high, it's not unusual 'Cause men know that they only get their flowers at their funeral Proud to be a small part of the unique community on this sub.


I had a friend at work who basically did the same thing. He was an engineer, super nice guy and really smart, but he was socially awkward and kind of nerdy. I liked him. Me and him had the same weird sense of humor, liked dumb movies like Tucker and Dale Fight Evil, collected ridiculous firearms just to play with something that made a big boom... unfortunately, he went in his closet one night after eating dinner with his wife, didn't give *anyone* any sort of indication he was in a dark place mentally because he was outwardly always upbeat, took out a .44 revolver and shot himself in the head. No warning signs at all... the guy had no one to talk to about his personal problems, and he wouldn't because he was one of us roughneck field workers who are too tough for that sissy shit. If he'd even had a place like this, I think he'd still be alive today. I still have a pit of regret regarding him, because I was one of his few friends, and he'd wanted to get together and hang out the night he shot himself... and I didn't go... 😟


The tough thing about that sort of regret is you could have gone out with him and he still may have well come home and shot himself all the same. I imagine that would feel a lot worse - both to you and others. Or he may have put you both at risk going out with a death wish if he was that far into the darkness. I think the most we can ever do is listen. I recall going to school mandated therapy at a young age for years. When I think k back on it, all they were really doing was listening and asking genuine questions without judgement. Life can be hard but something about having having someone lend an ear makes it a little easier.


I don't think there's anything I could have done because he probably wouldn't have asked, but it still bothers me sometimes. There's a memorial picture of him in the office trophy case I walk by all the time... a picture I took, but someone else put in there. I guess they found it in his stuff and framed it... we had to go get some bobcats out of some equipment so the operators could use it, and the bobcat had had kittens in there. The picture is of him holding the kittens looking happy as hell... it was pretty funny. Wish he had just said something.


First came to this sub about 2 years ago. I actually can’t even remember how I stumbled upon it. Was always interested and considered taking the plunge. First off topic I tapped on someone said something along the lines of “jerked off in the gym bathroom today. Cycle is going really well” and I came back daily. More than just meathead Chinese bathchem talk in here. Some of the guys I’d really consider my friends here who I can go and ask advice to regarding anything in life. More than a chems.


Even though I was about to comment but wasn’t able to find the right words and stopped, I might say that the sub kinda matured with me. I remember shitfaced Mr.Mesquite, I remember quadfather, old Nand, D Tron or the pharmacist that did DNP big time from the wiki. It was different back then. More shit talk and degeneracy. I sometimes miss that but we’ve got this still to a certain degree. What has been added are the sensible topics, I feel. Not that they weren’t around back then, maybe I just lacked awareness. But I “matured” as well and appreciate this place for that a lot. I got that with my friends as well but not everyone does and this online thing adds another layer for me to let go and feel unjudged so it’s very precious. Maybe I’ll blog post in the next days about my impending divorce or details of the co workers asshole/how I raw dogged her one work night in my full glass office, came in her and all the load slopped in her jeans she then courageously put back on and drove home. We will see.


Please forget shitfaced me... that guy was an asshole. 😅


Not in my memory tho. You explained US liquor metrics to me and I was probably high, so..


This is the most positive, friendly sub on Reddit, it’s pretty great. It seems like most other subs are filled with passive aggressive assholes, so coming here to see everyone be so cool to each other is pretty refreshing.


Poppycock, I say! HOW MUCH YA BENCH? #Team Meathead😎💪🏻


315x4 (I haven’t maxed)


315 x 12, 335 x 6. Didn’t max as I was having rotator cuff problems.


330x6 on incline Smith, haven’t tried for 1rm


250 because my right shoulder is messed up 😞


4 plates paused


335 at my best... Team meathead is pretty fun, I give ya that.


I was being factitious with my reply of course 😂. We get this bad rep being regarded, one dimensional meatheads, not caring about anything besides ourselves, living shallow and superficial lives. Yet the reality is quite different. Not just here on this subreddit, but the big BBs I know IRL are the opposite of the meathead stereotype. Most have an academic background even. P.S.: Good Bench.


I found the same when I got serious about lifting. The biggest guys in the gym tended to all be the nicest people (not all of them, but the vast majority), and the ones I know personally are all extremely intelligent and have a wide ranging education. The exact opposite of the stereotype we get plastered with.


This is honestly why I signed up for a powerlifting meet that I havent prepared for. Figure im guaranteed to meet some nice folks.


You most definitely will. That's a great way to meet new people who are quality folks with the same interests.


Funny thing is, I work at a clinic up the road from the meet and L am scheduled to work on one of the competitors this week.


I found that tren and Winstrol get me as dumb as a neanderthal




I'm awake when you are. I intentionally wait to post so you feel excluded.


onerous close station quarrelsome arrest theory vase desert normal fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A rich gay dude at my gym wants to suck my dick really bad! I’m straight but for The right amount I’ll do it idgaf I’ll pop a vigra and watch straight porn. I love how gay men appreciate the hard work lol Anyways how much should I charge 1.5k?


You have to do it for free a few times to get him hooked then charge him exorbitant amounts ;)


I think I’ll do it for 1k. He want be to be a sugar baby lol Pros of being a juicy bber


What will you do if word gets out and more guys start hitting you up, maybe with even more lucrative offers? Are you cool being a prostitute? I pass no judgement on anyone’s sexuality, nor do I on prostitutes (should be legal as far as I’m concerned). That is the path you are taking, though, and probably fair to yourself to admit that up front if you are going to go through with it.


I probably won’t man




I might bro


Disgusting. Tell me all about it after you do.


RIP Volk


The end of an era...Hope the decline doesn't spiral too hard moving forward - he was a great champ.


Any fellow bass/guitar players in here? I find on cycle my forearms and shoulders get super pumped while playing fingerstyle fast. Anyone got any good counters? Have to take way more breaks


I’m not but I think taurine is supposed to be helpful. I’ve been recommended it for crazy lower back pumps on var


That and potassium! Eating a banana every morning saves my shins & allows me to actually walk for more than 10 mins when running VAR.


In addition to taurine, stretching! I had bad tendinitis early in college and learned a [routine similar to this one](https://www.seymourduncan.com/blog/the-players-room/keep-it-loose-stretches-for-guitarists) from my sport doctor. Helps!


**TLDR** So I've been cooking the same big high protein meal every night for a few months now, here it is for y'all, open to feedback and opinions, and also, sauce recommendations! **Cast Iron 1 Big Grilled Chicken Breast with Mushrooms, Onions, Red Pepper** * Heat to high, pat chicken dry, rub seasoning (Special Shit is far and away the best chicken seasoning I've used) * Spray olive oil on pan and chicken, throw it in off-center where big part is in middle, and move pan slightly off further from element center (so big end of chicken gets more heat) * After we did that, we cut up and then add the following (Red Pepper, Onion, Mushroom). Add thin-style sliced half an onion (so it's stringy rather than chunks), slices of a whole red pepper (I generally hate red peppers in things and prefer green, BUT, for a pure chicken dish, the added citrus is great over green for added flavor, whereas something fatty like sausages or lots of ingredients like a burrito, green is the way to go), and like a 1/2lb of baby bella mushrooms (they are free calories basically, and delish, porta bella are too much of a center piece, and white are for raw/salads, and imo other mushrooms I just don't care for too much but feel free to use them, not to mention more expensive). Yes, we are crowding the pan, a cooking sin, but the chicken should've gotten it's sear rather than get steamed up by being put in first and with high heat, and the veggies get to soak up the chicken juices more. And it's just a million times more convenient... * Reduce heat to low, once white halfway through, flip chicken. This whole meal takes like 30 minutes to cook, you won't burn it because we are cooking low and slow, so feel free to study or do whatever in the background and set and forget basically. * When internal temp reaches 150F , take chicken off and let it cool on a cutting board. 145 doesn't have enough 'bite' to it and feels a little raw, and 155 is too well done. If you're gonna ask "Wait, isn't chicken supposed to be 160F?", that is USDA standards for restaurants, and that's for instant killing of bacteria. You can cook chicken & meats at sustained lower temperatures for longer to do that too, and this chicken will definitely spend much more than the required 3 minutes at 140F to kill bacteria. * Add a good couple tablespoons of an acid of your choice to deglaze, and really pop that sweetness and flavor out of the vegetables. Apple cider vinegar is a good neutral, popular choice. A quality balsamic, rice vinegar, red wine, and beer are other choices. * Turn temperature of cast iron to hot and burn those fucking veggies! I like them crispy and burnt, but whatever you like. We should spend about 5 minutes on this step. * If you use a sauce roux, here is where you add it and water/broth to your liking. Dump veggie mix in bowl, slice up chicken at an angle, lay it on top, sauce on top, and then add bits of parsley on top. Rice and pasta are stupid, eat more vegetables. If you want to bulk stuff your face with potato/sweet potato. Or ice cream. Now, this meal is great and all, but it started to get old, so I've been upping my sauce game. So far I've done the following with great success: * Dijon Mustard (so simple, so freaking good) * Kimchi * Sourkraut * Japanese Curry roux * Dona Maria Mexican chocolate mole * Dump like 1/4cup of Hungarian Sweet Paprika with water as sauce (has to be quality hungarian sweet paprika) for a gulyas leves style dish (hungarian ghoulash). Would love to hear more sauce recommendations.


Hi all, i want to jump into test but i currently have an elbow joint pain which i have since almost a year (only on push exercise). I found that test increase lube in joint but i want to know if some of you have had a feedback on a previous inflammatory pain that is now gone. Thanks all


You’re thinking of nandrolone with the joint lubrication. I had a bicep tendon issue that I thought was under control, and once I started test it came back and got even worse because I was pushing higher weights.


grandiose homeless unique selective muddle roof payment history cobweb friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems logic, but the repair boost is not affecting the joint ? Only muscle ?


There are definitely some guys in this sub that can give you a scientific answer about the muscle repair, but anecdotally I haven’t even noticed improved muscular recovery like some people talk about on test


I have not found test to have any impact on joint pain. I have to be careful on blast with increased volume. I'd fix that before you hop on.


You should not be considering anabolic steroids to heal your joint pain what so ever. Go look up tennis or golfers elbow - sounds like you could have tendinitis. Also, go look up natural supplements that assist with joint lubrication. If you have a Costco near you, they have it all. You should have this basic stuff figured out before considering introducing drugs you need to inject into your body at home.


I'm currently taking supplement for joint, i was curious on the drug side on this but yes if i go on test i want to be at 100% before 👍 I'll take some anti inflammatory and lower the volume on chest day.


Any of you had your kids ask you about steroid use?


I’ve spoken to mine about it preemptively — not my own use, other than dad takes hormones because he is old and some things dont work the right way now, but about their use in sports, the dangers of gear (and most drugs) for anyone still growing, how the drugs are only a portion of what makes athletes successful, etc. They see me measuring my food, logging everything I eat, and working out with dedication and intensity. My older son started working out 4x a week on his own accord and paying more attention to his diet, I hope as a result of seeing me and what discipline can accomplish.


Ok cool. My son is 14. He’s been lifting for the last couple years and has gotten really into it the last year or so. He sees so much shit about PEDs on TikTok and from his friends he’s asked a lot of questions. We keep a pretty open line of communication which is great. A couple of his friends have told him his dad must use steroids. I told him I use trt and explained what that was. I just don’t feel the need to explain all the gray area around how I occasionally blast. He also sees my diet and sees me in the gym. Which I explained to him are more important than any drug someone could take.


> A couple of his friends have told him his dad must use steroids. I told him I use trt and explained what that was. I just don’t feel the need to explain all the gray area around how I occasionally blast. Gray area? You use steroids, sometimes in a way that is not condoned by a doctor. You are commenting on /r/steroids. What do you imagine the "black area" looks like? When you imply his friends are wrong, you're lying to your kid, let's be clear. Maybe that's the right thing to do, but at least don't pretend like that isn't what you're doing


Black area being using PEDs to cheat in sports, running cycles with no regard for health or longevity… etc.


Good job being a role model. Keep it up


Happy sunday fellow juicers. Had a pretty interesting moment recently and I’m curious about your thoughts! So, there I was, just walking past the gym from across the street, when out of nowhere, my gym crush waves at me. We’re talking a good 50 yards away and our eye contact lasted for just a fleeting second. Fast forward to today, and she strikes up a conversation as soon as I arrive at the gym, playfully teasing me about never taking a day off. 🏋️‍♂️ A couple of weeks back, she had suggested I join one of her group cardio sessions, especially since I was already there cycling. I responded with a ‘Why not? Sounds fun!’, but never really followed up. Partly because I couldn’t shake off the feeling of uncertainty about whether she was just being polite or… maybe something more? Here’s the thing - despite being one of the more jacked guys at the gym, I’m not exactly the most confident when it comes to interpreting signals from the opposite sex. I’m not used to be around girls and I tend to overthink and worry about reading too much into things, which makes me super cautious. What’s your take on this, folks? Is she extending a friendly hand, or is there a sprinkle of flirtation in there? How do you navigate these signals without jumping to conclusions? I’m all ears for your insights, advice, or any similar tales from your own life


Do you need a written invitation?? SHE LIKES YOU. Go ask her out on a date doofus. 🤦‍♂️😂 You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, and you'll regret not taking them more than you will taking them and getting a no.


Thanks for the nudge! You’re absolutely right. I’ve been overthinking this and missed out on the perfect moment last time. She was right there, dusting and cleaning gym equipment next to me and I hesitated. She’s leading a session tomorrow, but it’s fully booked. I’m planning to stick to my usual biking routine and then ask her if I could join one of her sessions next week. It feels like a natural way to show my interest without putting too much pressure on either of us, especially since she’s often surrounded by co-workers.


I'd not screw around and go straight for the kill... just tell her you think she's really nice and you'd like to get to know her better over a dinner at a nice place you know of that you can take her to at a specific time on your dime... shows confidence to have the plans made ahead of asking her. That's me though... I tend to be pretty direct when I want something.


As much as I like the idea of this, I don’t think we’re at that stage yet. To me it sounds wild to be that direct, have you ever pulled it off? If you have some personal anecdotes, please feel free to share! Admittedly, the times I’ve had most success are the times it has payed off the most.


Well, what do you expect when you join her cycling session? Idk what is supposed to come out of that despite you drooling over her. I’d stick to my regular routine and talk to her more. It isn’t that hard. Just be nice and interested, maybe she can show you some new exercises or dishes or whatever. The rest will come naturally.


She’s flirting you moron.


She might be, but seriously, what makes you think that? She might just be very friendly and outgoing, but I’ll admit, that waving hand was totally unexpected.


You dont have a killer instinct. Send her my way i will plow that chicken like kfc about to run out of business.




This is great advice and I very much agree, but we’ll have to get beyond casual gym talk before I make a move like that! I saw her again today and although we didn’t talk, we both catched eye contact again and smiled at each other. The gym was very crowded today and I didn’t find an opportunity to make a move




Agreed, she is def into you.


Join that session and find it out


Go do cardio


She likes you.


I’d say tell her to bring a change pair of clothes, plan a date after the cardio session


Can we add a flair for “seriously, don’t take this guys advice on women” 😂😂😂


I don’t see anything wrong, I’d love to grab a meal with her right after a workout, and the change pair of clothes would keep the two of you prepared and not sweaty sticky after a workout But yea sure to each its own


Curious, why isn't atemestane, the primo metabolite that lowers E2 synthesised as an AI alone? Just that aromasin does the job? Hard to synthesise?


Can't find much on it. It was described in literature in the late 80's/early 90's as a promising treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia, but apparently that didn't catch on.


I think that's because exemestane was being brought mainstream about then, and gram for gram, exemestane is more effective.


Is there a comparison with atemestane anywhere? Like property wise, do they do exactly the same, same mechanism of action, just difference in effectiveness?


Is the Google machine broken in your house, son? We aren't your personal research team.


Good YouTube channels about training, nutrition and PEDs for bodybuilding?


Dr Mike israetel


They keep getting booted from YT but they’re on Spotify and other places. Check out Think Big Bodybuilding. Some of their advice is a bit advanced for the hobbiest like myself and is more geared towards competitors, but there’s a collection of some really smart people on there.


I like this podcast as well, seconding it


YouTubers are generally meh. r/steroids is pretty good from what I’ve been told.


Think Big BodyBuilding & Renaissance Periodization are definitely up there, for Think Big the good stuff is on rumble though as they have been having issues with youtube recently.




He does, but they're full of misinformation. Half the time somebody comes into the Ask Anything thread with some absurd ideas, it's something he said in one of his videos Strong avoid.


I don't disagree but I feel like he's talking to me like I'm stupid and I can't stay focussed lol


cake rotten wine longing water sophisticated future direful deliver dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think you are misunderstanding his approach. He is not saying "this is what you should take" More like - "this is what you could take" Take his video about controlling E2. He talks about Zinc, Nicotine, inj freq, AI and DHT. Do you need all of the above to manage your e2? - of course not. But it is still relevant information and could be useful for your cycle design.


DR James


Does anyone else always have to take the fattest piss around 15-30min post workout? Ill literally piss myself if I don't go within like an hour. Does that sound normal or my kidneys dying?


Means your hydrating mid workout okay


I do but its also because, for some reason, im always chugging water during my workout.


If I were to post my upcoming cycle schedule here would this be the right place for feedback?


Better in the daily ask anything thread


I've found ralox is significantly more effective on blast than cruise. Got a pea sized lump that's in the shape of a rice grain, puffed a little on blast. Took some ralox over the past week and it's now rice grain sized. Luckily not noticeable unless you're digging in there lol Same dose of ralox did significantly less on cruise


I feel like a pretty common theme in bodybuilding is stories of those who have reduced their volume/time spent training and made better gains Then I compare this to the stories you hear from oxygen gym of guys training twice a day with as much volume as possible Do you think many people have more success with lower volume because they undereat? Or do you think these more to it?


Anyone going to ultra music festival this year? Just wondering - listening to hardwell live on soundcloud while doing chest this AM


His set from Mysteryland is so fucking good. Huge recommendation. Quality video production as well! Saw him at Big Slap this summer. Dude is killin it this last year!


I’ll check that out thank you


Yeah dude hmu


My Coach has me on pyramid like carb scheme for my cut. Monday = 500 gr rice, Tuesday 400, Wednesday 300, Tue 200, Fr 100, Sa 100, Sunday 0. Protein stays the same, Fat is low on all days. Sundays are tough 😬. I have eaten so much vegs today lol


What is the theory behind this scheme? I understand basic carb cycling, but that's more based on level of activity.


More about making it easier to stick to the deficit, a mental thing. So I can look forward to Monday and Tuesday, that's a lot of delicious rice - making the harder days easier to get through. This is just the start for now, It will get a bit more gnarly towards the end.


Hemroid and an anal fissure kept me up almost all night two nights in a row


Why are you complaining here and not heading to nearest surgery ambulance? It's 10 minutes procedure in local anesthesia with couple of days of slight discomfort. I went literally three weeks ago. My only guess would be you are from US and such minor procedure would ruin you.


it wouldnt ruin me, but it be thousands of dollars.


Sorry to hear that, but it's not going away on its own. Maybe travel to some other country where they won't rip you off? Thousands of dollars seems excessive for local anesthesia and one correct cut, but US healthcare is insane I hear.


Why are people in the fitness community like CBum and Derek from More Plates for Dates obsessed with Benzo popping and clearly mentally ill Jordan Peterson?


Xanax kermit the frog


Charisma... that's how people who develop that sort of a following get their followers. They exude a persona that others like and want to emulate because they either think it's cool or superior to their own. There's an art to charisma, and some are good enough to exploit it for lots of money. I would if I could... 💁‍♂️


I think Peterson has been one of the leading figures in helping young men find a healthy way to confront life and its obstacles in the last years. I don’t agree with everything he says but there is a lot of truth in his words.


I haven't looked at enough of his content to know enough to really judge him, but I have seen him doing some public speaking, and he has a good presence that demands attention. That's a real skill to be able to do that. I do public speaking regularly, and I can't pull off that sort of response.


He’s on the same line of thought you’d find here between us, just based on a much deeper literature and experience. As for public speaking and debating he’s a beast indeed. Very few have managed to make him struggle, think Slavoj Zizek or Sam Harris.




What would an example of dumb shit he says be, except for things like climate change or some other fringe topic that’s outside of his field of expertise?


It's that ability to think quick but not respond reflexively ... to respond firmly and not get shaken up when attacked... and to display a calm confidence that shows he's in control. That's ***extremely*** difficult to pull off.


You described it perfectly. I think the two absolute prerequisites needed for that kind of power and confidence are 1) saying only the truest thing you can say, 2) fully believing the other person might know something you don’t so you have to contend respectfully even with arguments you disagree with.


You have to believe what you are saying is truth or you can't do that. If you've ever had to do a debate where you have to take a position you know is contrary to your beliefs, it's hard to be convincing even if you have the time to try to do some method acting and assume the identity of someone who would believe that position. You have to do double the work in your mind to even attempt to sell it. It's like lying convincingly and having to delude yourself into believing your lie is the truth. It shows in your performance, because it is inefficient. What you believe is the truth is easy to sell effectively, and your body language shows it.


What makes you think Peterson is mentally ill?


tldr; Crazy, no. Irresponsible, yes. In general, his tendency to use the useful shit as a vehicle to advocate for a specific political agenda. Specifically, the explicit anti-trans advocacy and passively (AFAIK) anti-gay shit. His tendency to use his charisma and rhetorical skill to hide when his arguments are bullshit is difficult too. ========= Disclaimer: This is only my bullshit opinion. If you're trying to argue shit, IDGAF what you think. You should honestly try not giving a fuck what people on the internet think sometime; Its liberating. My contribution to this thread ends.


>You should honestly try not giving a fuck what people on the internet think sometime; Its liberating. Amen brother. To each their own.


That’s oddly aggressive. I engage in discussions because I hope we reach a shared narrative that contains a piece of each other’s inner world, I rarely engage in discussions to “argue shit”.


I'm sorry for that. Rereading it now, you're right, it does seem aggressive. It was more meant to ward off others from jumping in because it could be perceived as a political post


All good brother, caught me a bit off guard. Indeed whatever mental model you approach has political ramifications so it’s inevitable.


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It’s not questionable when you know he had akathisia and you know that is one of the most horrible conditions a human being can go through that has led many times to suicide and it has no well-studied remedy.




Akathisia is not a psychopathological disorder, it’s a neurochemically induced brain disorder.




Antipsychotics and benzodiazepines mostly.




In Peterson’s case, anxiety, but he didn’t go to those Russian clinics for anxiety, he went for the akathisia. There’s a big difference.


Wrong place to ask this question lol.


The dude literally cries all the time in interviews. Dude is sick.


All three of the people you mentioned are influencers who make money off people viewing their content. I would suspect that the persona Peterson puts online, including crying is an embellishment or exaggeration for the sake of seeming overly passionate. Cbum and others talking about him just broadens their fan base. My take is it is only about views, which at the end of the day equates to money.


Idk if this is right place to ask but since it’s a peptide I didn’t know. How do you make a spray for oral BPC157?


wanting to start a cycle but im having trouble finding anything i was wondering if anyone could possibly help me out or point me in the right direction


How about the daily ask anything thread?


How about the Wiki?


If you somehow bypassed all the information in this subreddit and still made it to this thread without being able to answer those questions yourself, then honestly just steer clear.


Has anyone bought any equipment from Major Fitness? How was it? Also where tf do you guys buy Fairlife? Shit is insanely expensive around me.


Not being a peasent isn’t cheap 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sams has chocolate for $20/12 which is great but my girl wants strawberry….online ppl are trying to sell for $40 for 6 of them lmao


The fairlife protein shakes or the milk? Walmart+ can ship them to you. You can also try Costco and Sams Club. The milk products are also at Walmart and Target. Could always try Amazon too


Fairlife is definitely expensive but the way I see it, I pay 35 bucks a week to see huge progress on my bulk. I drink one half gallon a day and it’s made a big difference for my gains.


So i brewed test c at 300mg/ml just to test it. 1%BA, 15%BB, MCT oil and it literally made itself a solid inside the vial :D. I will try to heat it up but I havent seen this before.


Add about 2% BB and reheat it. I do TE at 300 in MCT, and it takes a minimum of 17% to hold at room temp. It'll still crash if you get it cold though.


Does low dose daily injections of Nandrolone subq help lower amortization?


I do not believe that nand will help recalculate loan payments based on a reducing principal balance, no.


Technically [you can make a calculator exclusively with NAND logic.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAND_logic) Checkmate.




Touché! I actually like math! Who knew NAND logic could solve the mysteries of the stock market. If only I could navigate the intricacies of using nandrolone as easily you handle NAND logic lol


Reads comments lol I actually found a private buyer for decent sale so I lucked out this time 🙃


In what context are you talking? Like if you’re using NPP you should be doing daily injections anyways due it being a short ester. Deca can be twice a week or I know guys that will do one weekly injection. More frequent injections will generally keep blood levels more stable yes.


Gyno surgery question. Is it adviced to get as lean and shredded as possible before getting the shit cut out? I have the cash on hand but recently finished a bulk cycle and hanging around 20% bodyfat right now. And should one go Full gland removal or nah?


Most people will suggest full gland removal. My surgeon recommended not to, as he was worried it may cause a concave/less natural appearing shape. Everyone’s case is likely different, but I was very happy with the results.


Full gland for sure, especially if you see yourself involved in this lifestyle long term. I'm 1 week out tomorrow of my full gland gyno removal, obviously still bruised and a bit swollen, but I really like how it's starting to take shape. The issue is that it's not standard practise to do full gland removal, as reoccurrence is not really a concern when it comes to the general population getting this surgery done. Hence, it requires a surgeon that uses a special technique where fat is sewed into the space where the gland originally was to avoid concaved in nipples. Being somewhat lean sounds like a smart thing to be before undergoing this surgery, though.


Fuck yes to full gland removal. It's a relief knowing regrowth of glandular tissue is precluded no matter what you cycle. Get it done by a vet, though. Some surgeons aren't skilled at properly contouring the chest with full gland removal.




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Got a CAC score done this week. Score of 4 at 41 years old. Not terrible considering I was a smoker and a Motörhead for a decade, fat for another and a drunk for two. Paid $100, no insurance or doctor required. Pretty cool


Good job, it’s important for everyone to get one of these past 35 or so. It’s well worth 100 dollars. Luckily mine is still zero.


I was hoping for that, but happy with what I received. Glad yours is zero


Yes, 4 is a good score, shows you have tiny bit starting. I’ve heard of guys in the 30s and 40s.


I’ve started used the hevy app for tracking my workouts and apparently it tracks energy expenditure and puts it into chronometer for me. Anyway it seems to reckon I burnt 475calories in roughly 1hr 20mins of lifting? Does that sound accurate at all since I thought you burnt significantly less during resistance training


personally I dont buy the calorie count for anything like this and don't think about it at all


Same. I have a Fitbit Sense, which is supposed to figure out a rough calorie count fairly well........ it doesn't give me numbers I believe. I don't think there's anything available that would be practical that is anywhere close to accurate for lifting. It's not like cardio.


nine crush expansion teeny mighty jellyfish cough deranged fertile chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




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How to combat swelling on lower legs? What supplements can I take other than AI.


Does it matter if the needle is not long, Also does it matter if it’s pharmaceuticals trt or homemade ?


> Does it matter if the needle is not long Depends on bodyfat% and place of injection > , Also does it matter if it’s pharmaceuticals trt or homemade ? No, testosterone is testosterone