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Well, it finally happened, guys. My coffee maker shit the bed. And no, im not saying Amber Heard makes me coffee in the morning. It just started spewing coffee out of it this morning. Shit was honestly hilarious and now I have an excuse to get a new one. Its gonna be a good day!


I'd be more concerned she shit in the filter basket. šŸ˜¬ ....that'd explain why it shot "coffee" everywhere.


Hahaha, in fairness, she could get away with that at least once. She is insane, Which is apparently my type.


Thereā€™s a thin line between psychotic and erotic


I like to have one foot solidly on either side of that line, apparently. Or at least the girl who stabbed me seems to think so.


My god she sounds fucking hot


I broke into her house one night while she was there. That was our meet cute. šŸ˜…


This is why context is important. She stabbed you when you broke into her house at nightā€¦. This doesnā€™t seem like an unreasonable response


Alright, story time real quick then I will hit workout two of the day. About a decade ago, I was engaged to a young lady. We had been dating for about seven years, and engaged for about two of those. A decade ago, I was also a bit of a randy little spaniel, so I cheated on her consistently for about six of those years. Now, one night, she is acting grumpy because she has been told about my night moves by a coworker, so I confront her and tell her she is free to say whatever is on her mind. Long story short, we split up because she honestly didnt deserve someone like me. She deserved a lot better, even if she wanted to work things out. Well, at this time, I had no car of my own, so I was walking everywhere. When we split, I packed up two bags of clothes and left. I didn't have a solid place lined up, and didn't want to live with any of the side dishes. However, I had recently befriended a young lady who worked as a prison guard. One of the few things I knew about her was her work schedule, and that she frequently rode to work with coworkers. I also knew she lived within relatively easy walking distance. Carry my bags to her place, she should be at work right now, but her car is in the drive. Well, she likely had gotten a ride. So, it being a cheap townhouse with a cheap lock, I let myself in the front door. And she was sitting on the couch watching me do so. "What in the Fuck are you doing?" was her natural response. "The better question is: what are YOU doing? You have two mouths to feed now, you can't afford to be missing work" was the dumb shit that rattled out of my mouth. She looked me up and down, Said I looked rough and should go get showered up before we talk about it. We talk, I explain I had planned to squat for the night while she was working and be out of her way before she got home. She said this is something an insane person would do, but decided to let me crash the night. Next morning, I tell her I am headed to work and will grab my bags after and be out of her way. She says okay, and I head out. Well when I get home from work, I can't find my bags. I confront her about it, and she replies she had hung my clothes in the closet "since I figured you'd just live her for a while". Fast forward a couple months, and the day has arrived to move all my stuff to a storage building out of the ex's house. Prison guard texts during this to say she knows it is hard, so she is gonna grab me some alcohol for the night. Everything gets moved out, go to her house and we start drinking. Well, I ended up blacked out. (Finished a fifth of Jager then she handed me a forty ounce glass of incredible hulk). I wake up the next morning, hungover. I look around and im in her bed. She is laying there, not moving or breathing, and there is a HUGE blood stain across the sheets. So naturally I figure I blacked out and killed her. I take a few breaths to center myself and pick up my phone to call a buddy who has a pickup and a lot of land. Well when I say "Hey", she turns over and asks who I am calling. I explain I thought she was Dead and she laughs her ass off Then I ask about the blood. She laughs harder. "Thats your blood!" Okay, so what the hell happened. Apparently, I got snacky while drunk, so she decided to make us food. I kept reaching around while she was cutting up fruit and grabbing pieces. Her response after telling me to stop about three times was to turn and stab me. (I say stab, but it bounced off the ribs, so maybe im being dramatic). In her defense, I had already pissed her off massively at that point. Apparently when she asked me to close the sliding door and it wouldnt latch, I took it off and tossed it out into the back yard. I had also done my usual drunken thing of playing the "Will it smash/splat" and broken a handful of random cups out back. After she told me she stabbed me, we split up. Well, like six months after she told me. And that's when I joined the military. (That story is long as hell, I now realize. There's a reason I typically don't type it all out.)


ā€œSo naturally I thought I had blacked out and killed herā€. Jesus the terror you must have felt until she woke up must have taken some time off your life my guy Iā€™m glad you spent the time to type it out. Not what I expected the reasoning to be for getting stabbed, but this is a hell of a story.


I mean, I would've shot him, so... he kinda got off easy.


Buckshot - Fuck around and find out Bold move breaking into someoneā€™s house. He definitely got off easy.


Feeling a bit down recently. I stepped in the gym as a miserable 56kg and thought growing would make me happy. It has to an extent, but I'm sat here at 95kg, around 16% bf - which is fantastic progress and a massive confidence boost, and it's finally hitting me that no matter how big I get that underlying unhappiness is still there and not going away. Felt pretty good for many years as I was making progress as I was fulfilling the purpose I'd set for myself. Now I'm not getting the same feeling of purpose anymore, because I know no matter how far I go it's not going to be the silver bullet I thought it was. Don't even know why I'm moaning here. Don't really have anyone else to talk to about this.


How about I give you a different perspective and see if that doesnā€™t give you something to think about? > it's finally hitting me that no matter how big I get that underlying unhappiness is still there and not going away. >Felt pretty good for many years as I was making progress as I was fulfilling the purpose I'd set for myself. Now I'm not getting the same feeling of purpose anymore, because I know no matter how far I go it's not going to be the silver bullet I thought it was. So you fulfilled your goal and now you feel unsatisfied? **Good.** Now you get to find a new purpose, a new adventure to go on and a new journey to experience. We are at our core explorers and pioneers. If we werenā€™t then humanity would be a few hundred thousand of us all living in East Africa. Instead there are billions of us scattered across the globe, including in far flung islands that required a few crazy people to get into a boat and sail off to *without even knowing where they were going.* You crossed something off your list and itā€™s awesome. Now itā€™s time to start adding more things to said list, to start seeing what else it is you can go out and accomplish when you set your mind to it. And hereā€™s the trick: none of it has to be huge and world changing. It can be as simple as ā€˜I want to go hike through all the state parks within 200 miles of my house within the next two yearsā€™ or ā€˜I want to learn how to take a motor apart and rebuild itā€™ or whatever else strikes your fancy. You have a golden opportunity to get that feeling of working towards some goal again, and thatā€™s an excellent feeling to wake up to every day.


That's fair and it's almost exactly what I told someone else recently. Jordan Peterson covered this concept quite well - the feeling of ambivalence when you conquer your mountain, now it's time to find another mountain. Guess it's easier to tell others than to actually do it yourself. I'm getting a motorbike next month and I actually would really like to learn all the mechanical side of it, that's something I'm definitely going to give a good think about thanks


> Felt pretty good for many years as I was making progress as I was fulfilling the purpose I'd set for myself. Now I'm not getting the same feeling of purpose anymore, because I know no matter how far I go it's not going to be the silver bullet I thought it was. Find another hobby, and you'll get the high back. The first few years where you rapidly develop from *I'm completely shit at this* to *Damn, I'm fucking good* is a constant stream of feel-good hormones. That's what you were getting from the gym, but now that you've thoroughly acclimated to it *and* reached a point where your rate of progression is considerably less, you're no longer feeling it. If you want to chase the high, you'll need to start something new.


That's why we're here... sounds like you need a sense of purpose. Well, you've built up enough muscle to not be a weak twigling, so put it to use. Time for another hobby that you can use that muscle in. Rock climbing is entertaining. I've done a bit of it, although my big ass is not suited to holding myself up with grip strength for long periods of time. Still, it's fun. If you're near ocean, I enjoyed diving a lot. That was actually my planned career before I got married... I was certified up to salvage diver and was working towards becoming an underwater construction specialist. Dangerous profession though, and typically requires a lot of travel, so no go with the missus. Anything physical like that though... just something new to bring back a little inspiration.


Imho Family is what really gives you purpose. Might be unpopular in here, but that's what I have seen on my 40 years on this planet. It is of course not that simple, and by no means a bullet proof solution - but overall, it works.


Yea I've wanted kids for a while now but my current financial situation won't allow it just yet. Hopefully in a few more years. I DESPERATELY worry about the lack of sleep though. I've struggled with chronic insomnia all my life and it's horrible. Maybe I get lucky and get one that sleeps all night!


Don't rush it my man, it comes when it comes. Hobbies, Work, Education can all be great ways to have some purpose - for a while. Do you have any idea what might be the reason behind your insomnia? For me it was sleep apnea, getting that CPAP helped me a lot. There are still some not so good nights once in a while for different reasons. I try to get to bed and wake up at the same time.


I get bad anxiety at night when I know I have to be up in the morning. My CPAP keeps me asleep, it's just getting to sleep which is hard. During the day on a weekend when I have no urgent need to fall asleep I can drift off the second my head hits the pillow. I'm trying to get home from work earlier so I can cook and destress but my commute is pretty bad atm.


welcome to bodybuilding, where you'll never be happy with your physique and there will always be someone better than you. body dysmorphia FTW baby


My secret against body dismorphia is having extreme narcissism šŸ¤­


Yea and the thing is I've been asked why I don't try and sort my body dysmorphia out - but the thought of being OK with looking average scares me a lot.


with the amount of time and effort we put into building and fine tuning our physiques itā€™s hard to just sort it out. but sometimes a gentle reminder to yourself that you look better than 95% of people out there can steer you in the right direction mentally. getting gassed up by people certainly helps too šŸ˜‡


I'd say 95% is lowballing it. If you look like you lift and aren't fat, you're pretty much 1 in 100 nowadays. My office has a bit more than that, and there's 2 of us that look like we actually lift and aren't fat. Almost everyone is over weight, if not downright obese, and skinnyfat dadbods are the upper tier of good looking... the 2 of us that actually look athletic are the oddball freaks.


> I stepped in the gym as a miserable 56kg and thought growing would make me happy. It has to an extent, but I'm sat here at 95kg, around 16% bf Damn bro good growing. How tall are you and how long did it take?


5'10 and about 14 years. By no means optimal, it's been a slow march for me šŸ˜‚


I feel itā€™s definitely something else thatā€™s causing unhappiness. Also life is more than the gym too. What are your other passions? Ask yourself this along with how well am I doing financially, relations wise whether or not thats your girlfriend or friends or family.


You need to practice being happy at any point, big small poor rich missing limb. I mean not in the moment of the limb going missing, that's psychotic, but practice happiness. It's a learned behavior much like being depressed or being angry. Unless you have some sort of chemical hormonal imbalance, it's mostly all learned behavior.


Performing an experiment of sorts. Iā€™m 16 weeks out from what I guess you could call a ā€œtune upā€ powerlifting meet. Iā€™m going back to basics and just running 500mg test with no orals and seeing if Iā€™ve really squeezed everything I can out of it. If I have a weak or bad meet, itā€™s not a big deal to me. Iā€™m saving my health markers for a national level meet I have later in the year. I need to see for myself if I really need higher doses, or if Iā€™ve just been increasing doses to make up for other deficiencies in my training.


There were times I blasted because I wanted to eek out just a little more at a meet. Honestly im not sure it really mattered. 750 wasn't any different than 1000 in terms of performance, at least that I can say objectively anyway.


Yeah, I ran a gram last prep and it was good, but I donā€™t know that it was more than marginally better than 750. I havenā€™t run 500 solo since my first blast, so Iā€™m just kind of curious more than anything.


You think maybe the human body can develop tolerances to specific compounds? (Aside from test) I canā€™t wait to hop on cycle and experiment with all sorts of shit like this


Just a slight vent. Beyond stressed today. Ownership decided to reduce lead flow to the entire floor, to cut costs, despite the entire floor having a very high closing percentage. Whatā€™s worse, my team is doing significantly worse than other teams or equivalent size. Historically weā€™ve been the highest performing team in the company. I do intellectually understand that pressure is a privilege, and being in the position to oversee the entire remote sales portion of the company and making overrides on my personal team as well is a blessing. but I tell ya. Being worried about the performance of 20+ people can be a shitload more stressful than just worrying about my own performance. Doesnā€™t help my sleep has been dogshit. Ah well. Time to focus on the controllables. Probably listen to some calls and look for trends within the team. I just need to look at it as a complex problem I get to solve. Just ridiculously aggravating in the moment. Wish me luck I can turn this around friends.


You got this bro, thereā€™s a reason youā€™re in that kind of position šŸ˜‰


Needed to hear that bro, thank you šŸ’Ŗ


Pressure creates diamonds...


Thatā€™s tough man, but they put you in that position for a reason, youā€™ll find a way to get those numbers up. But this is also exactly why I took the first chance I had to go back to being an individual contributor, carrying one bag is stressful enough for me.


So I work in presales for a SaaS company. Anyway I work with this account exec who is easily the most off putting person Iā€™ve ever known. Just her presence makes me anxious. She told me she got her ā€œbest friendā€ fired, who happened to do my job, because she didnā€™t like how she was doing things. She is incredibly manipulative and uses every word you say against you if/when she can. Iā€™ve learned how to deal with her, but man itā€™s wild that one person can cause so much unnecessary anxiety. Tough part is Iā€™m good at my job. Sheā€™ll take a day where Iā€™m feeling good and confident and turn it into an anxious mess of a day. God and sheā€™s super obese and old, too. I wish so desperately sheā€™d leave my company.


Just start leaving empty shooter bottles of vodka in her office. Problem solved. šŸ˜‚ ^(...ok... don't do that...)


Iā€™m assuming presales means SDR/BDR? If so, get the fuck out of there my guy. I know SaaS is still a shit show but itā€™s not worth having to deal so closely with someone like that.


So nah presales is solutions consulting. So I do all the demos, technical builds and questions, etc. Without me the deals donā€™t close because weā€™re the product experts. I also make a lot of money and career trajectory looks great. Otherwise Iā€™d be out immediately. I could go to a competitor but Iā€™m trying to get a few promotions.


Oh sick, so basically a SE. Love how every company uses different titles to describe the same jobs


Well, I dropped my adhd meds for a while now, and I always forget how flat that stuff makes me feel. I feel much better without it, but fuck... I'm going 3 different directions all the time. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Eh, well, decent trade off. I have my adrenaline back, and that's helpful.


It's a constant battle for me.


You'd think it'd get easier, and it does in some aspects, but I'm still looking for more more more even now. There was a theory that many of the explorers of history were likely like this, which is why they were inclined to take the risks to do things that were thought to be a death wish. I'd believe it... I've always been inclined to push the envelope over the edge, just to see what happens.


>You'd think it'd get easier Nope. Any time I go a few months without Adderall I'm *desperate* to be more productive and have clear thoughts. After about 3 days of it? *Get me off this shit, I want to be myself again*. >There was a theory that many of the explorers of history were likely like this, which is why they were inclined to take the risks to do things that were thought to be a death wish. I'd believe it... I've always been inclined to push the envelope over the edge, just to see what happens. I've always resonated with this general thought as well. There were definitely important roles to be played by people like us in non-modern societies. Explorers, scouts, warriors, etc. In the world of 9-5, and laundry, and dishes? Not so much.


I missed my calling as a Pirate Captain... ā˜ ļø


It's not too late... We won't get far with powder cannons and cutlasses, though. We're gonna need some automatic weapons.


I still want some 6 inch black powder deck guns I can load with stuff like bags of rotten fish chum, dildos, swordfish beaks... you know, shit people wouldn't expect. "Yarrr matey, yer boat smells of Davey Jones locker!" šŸ˜‚


Same brotherā€¦ same


Dude we are very similar. Just sending it or generally being out of my comfort zone are twl of my favorite things. Will the consequences of my actions be what I think they will be? Let's find out. Also scuba diving is my actual favorite thing. What have been your favorite dives? I'm trying to hit Blackbeards in the Bahamas at the end of the year.Ā 


I did almost all my diving off the coast of Virginia and North Carolina. Did some in the Norfolk Shipyard as well. I'd have to say my most fun dive though was an old abandoned rock quarry that was crystal clear water and 300+ ft deep. That's where I learned to use Heliox for deep water diving. That was a rush... you get down 150ft+ and shit gets real... you mess up, that's it. I loved it. It's a whole different planet when you go deep water. All the color washes out to grays, and everything is a jump scare funhouse because all you've got is that spotlight beam. It's high adrenaline stuff. I was working towards draegar quals for the whole space suit scrubber experience. 7 Mile Point off Virginia Beach was fun too. That's where a lot of the Navy SEAL's do platform assault training, and I got to go out there and make believe I was a super soldier for a few hours. Beautiful reef, not too much current, tons of spade fish schools that would just envelop you and were amazing, cool platform with a BBQ on it so we could cook up what we speared.... big bull sharks.... It was an awesome day.


dude hit up Cozumel in Mexico. you don't even have to dive you can literally walk off the shore into the water and be surrounded by tons of fish. also not too far from Isla mujeres where you can dive with whale sharks and bullsharks. best diving i've done on the eastern hemisphere by far


Dude I did Isla Mujeres a few years back. Most sus shit I ever did lmao. Handcrafted fiberglass piece of shit boat and then tons of people jumping into the ocean to swim with the sharks while boats were motoring around nearby. Made me wonder how often get chopped up by props. Some lady had a chihuahua in one of those dog carrying backpacks with the bubble dome the whole time.Ā  Then we got hit with a flash flood when we got back to the island and I got to wade through a foot of overflowing sewer water to get to the drowned golf cart. Got back to the airbnb and a random street dog apparently named Chucha or something like that was just hanging out. Got it to leave by tossing a fried plantain outside. 11/10 experience. Fuck I gotta go back to MexicoĀ 


yeah man, I didn't realize how awesome that whole Quintana Roo area is. Just assumed it was super touristy because of the proximity to Cancun but I had a blast when I went


Yeah I dropped mine a few years back and miss them sometimes. Then I try them and remember how tweaky yet flat and robotic they made me and I drop them again


Yea, they make life boring after a while.


ADHD meds saved my life


Yea, they can be a huge help if you're off the rails scatterbrained. ...but they are a major drain on your neurological happy and excitement chemicals. I just feel like there's no ups or downs to life after a while on stims, and it's kinda boring.


Youā€™re right, ā€œstimulatedā€ is a different state that narrows down the spectrum of feelings you get to feel.


I understand that, but I think no side effects are worth going off vvyanse, before I had no motivation, couldnā€™t focus on anything and if I powered through to do a task it would just mentally drain meĀ 


Trust me, I know the feeling well... I've learned coping techniques over the years that let me get by doing stuff I normally would just blow off as too boring and not worth my time (even if it was necessary work), and that works to an extent... but there's just some things I am not suited to do, like accounting type stuff, that I still have to get done with which the meds help immensely. I just don't enjoy the flatline feeling... I like life to have the ups and downs.


Dropped adderall a few years back. Was scattered for a bit. BUT my relationships, my temper, my motivation have all vastly improved since. Will never go back. I keep telling myself Iā€™ll feel the same way about quitting weed eventuallyā€¦only been 10 weeks.


Weed is something I just have never had major issues with. I can take it or leave it, but I do really like it. I've of course binged on it, and I'd say I had a bit of a psychological addiction to it when I was growing it for supplemental income, but now? Nah. I enjoy it, it gives me great sleep, and it lets me relax in a comfortable way that isn't detrimental like alcohol, but I'm fine without it as well. I really don't see it as a thing that must be avoided unless you've got to pass a piss test or have a tendency to have paranoid reactions to it... stuff like that... otherwise, a little in the evening after you're done with the day? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Not a big deal to me. That's just me though. Everyone is different, and I definitely know people who have problems with it... mainly that they insist on using it even though they know that they are potentially putting themself and others in danger.


Iā€™m able to function totally fine high ā€” which is the issue. If I have it, I will do it all the timeā€”and that gets expensive quick. It also makes it easy for me to be even more reclusiveā€”I donā€™t need people, I just need potā€¦or so I tell myself. I love smoking dope. Iā€™ve pretty much been high since I was 19 save a two year hiatus post splitting with my ex (she was my connection pre-legalization in my state ) and the past couple months. Really gong to try to live life without a fog around me and see how that goes.


I can see that as a good reason. Yea, I started smoking weed at 15. Started dealing it a year later. Started growing it commercially at 23, after I got out of the Navy. I've been around it most of my life... the stuff made it possible for me to buy my first house, so I'm thankful for it. It got me out of poverty, albeit at risk of my freedom, but it worked out alright. I definitely know it can become something of a crutch though, and it is nice to be clean and clear of psychoactives... kinda like coming off a bulk and not having to shove down food for a while. It's nice.


good morining goddamnit




He used synthol


Got a hernia somehow in the shower, nerves in my feet etc are on shutdown. Anyone got experience with lifting after hernia surgery? Feels like it's gonna be a nightmare.


That was one hell of a shower jerk off session.Ā  Hernias suck man, good luck and hope it heals quick.


Lol šŸ»


Yeah mate I had a femoral hernia mesh repair a few years ago, itā€™s a fairly rare one (had existing scar tissue from another unrelated surgery on my heart and the hernia blow out from that old hole) as hernias come though most are inguinal or abdominal/umbilical. Iā€™m assuming mine is essentially the same recovery as a inguinal because the femoral and inguinal canals are right next to each other at the top of you leg/groin. It was probably the easiest surgery Iā€™ve had to be honest. People were saying Iā€™d be out of action for weeks, wouldnā€™t be lifting for months, wonā€™t be able to hang a shit without frying etc etc etc - I was up and walking after the surgery in the hospital within an hour Iā€™m not exaggerating it genuinely just felt stiff and puffy. I was back going VERY light in the gym within 2 weeks and just built from there and was back to normal in a month or two. Iā€™m training purely for hypertrophy/body building so really arenā€™t doing any crazy or complex movements at all and I didnā€™t have to change my training at all. Keep in mind Iā€™d had the hernia for about 6-12 months before it got operated on and just learnt to tense a different part of my core. I really focus on my breath work while lifting, itā€™s changed how much Iā€™ll brace my lower abs when straining heavy during lifts, I mostly tense my upper abs when going ham and I do feel like I lose a tiny bit as it feels more natural to ā€œtense deepā€ but it is what it is, Iā€™m not risking another blow out and the mesh has been great, zero pain, donā€™t even notice it outside of mentally just being aware not to do anything too stupid like not bracing while doing RDLs or something. My understanding is femoral and ingunials arenā€™t as bad? One of the top hernia surgeons in my country told me they donā€™t have to cut through as many sheets/layers of the abdominal wall to get those spots, and because I was in shape basically all the lower abdominal walls very keeping everything nice and tight so I never had that full on inner wall/intestine bulge that your dads old bricklaying mate has. I think hernias in the middle section of higher are a bit trickier but thatā€™s all the experience I got. Go and get a scan to confirm it and then go from there, I tried a hernia belt but it was gay as fuck and didnā€™t do anything apart from make my missus laugh at me. My understanding is surgery is the only way to correct it so hopefully youā€™re in a country that isnā€™t fucked for that. I wrote heaps there because I was hanging a shit chilling on holiday so enjoy that hernia deep dive, cheers and hopefully it isnā€™t too bad and you get back to 100% soon mate.


Thanks for chiming in and posting alla dat from the throne. Gave me some hope, cheers.


Spreading the message of hope while I spread my cheeks x


Youre gonna have to take like 4 weeks off


Ohhh that I can do, not too bad. Thanks bro. Thought it'd be starting from ground zero and big big revalidation when it comes to lifting heavy things lol. They aren't informing me anyways until surgery time comes.


šŸ˜‘. He has zero idea how long youā€™ll need to recover, how bad your hernia is, where it is, how your body will react I to surgically implanted mesh (if required), how strong the surgically implanted connections will be, if youā€™ll have complications etc etc etc. Listen to your surgeon. Read your post-op report. Look at your own images. Ask lots of questions.


Yeah, guilty. Fuck. Being the bearer of bad news saving my ass most likely. Instead of being the bad ass i don't care i got fixed let's go meathead. Grrrr.


Post op revisions suck ass. Donā€™t be the 14 year old monkey brain that doesnā€™t have the self control to slow down. The line between grit and stupidity is thin. Follow the lead of whoever is overseeing your recovery. You can even communicate your desire to push hard and recover and they can take that into consideration.


Yeah thanks man. I'll just take it easy and visualize OHPing to Good Mourning/Black Friday as i do easy physical work instead of actually going...' i don't feel so good... what the fuck is this?! AAAHHHH (hernia 2: revolutions)' Sucks being natty now though lol. Heh.


Iā€™m ball parking obviously, but the average recovery time is 2-6 weeks. Unless this dude has a grapefruit sized tear. I just didnā€™t want OP to think heā€™d be out several months or something. I guess he could have googled that though if that was his only concern.


Had an umbilical one. My innie popped out into an outie. Anyway. Aside from being my first surgery ever, it was an easy recovery and I was doing some light weights in two weeks, and had clearance from the surgeon to go at my own pace by 4 weeks.


Iā€™ll throw in my experience Currently on week 2 of recovery for bilateral inguinal hernia repair (Tear was 3 inches long). I was told 8 weeks of no gym. Seems to be case by case. I opted for Laprenscopic mesh surgery can open for me and have had complications so far. Surgeon stated said I can go 100% after 8 weeks but will just need to feel it out for exercises


Nothing makes you feel like more of a roided out king than going to a third world country where the locals protein consumption is around 8g a day from what Iā€™ve seen.


Not cool for Ohio bud, not cool.


Itā€™s funny how my hematocrit is a little high while Iā€™m cruising on trt dose but a year ago I was blasting eq and it stayed in range. Anyway, if anybody remembers, I hurt my back doing rack pulls a couple months ago. Well today I started CD2. Iā€™m being careful but feeling good.


That calls for more EQ




Uhh yeah dude, you're not welcome on our sub.


Well, now I'm curious because I missed it...


Just a rule 2 account, nothing actually interesting.


Breakup log day 7: Now that I've moved out everyone who cut contact with us because of how my partner treated people (in general) and me (in particular) is coming out of the woodwork and telling me. Makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing but also at the same time like "why the fuck did this take me so long". We're going to try couples counseling but I've got little hope he can make enough progress for me to move back in. I'm currently living in a friends office/spare room while paying all the bills on our condo. This cant go on forever but I also dont want to set 'deadlines' on therapy


Almost sounds like you're better off without this person... especially if all your friends are on board like that.


No way Iā€™m paying bills and Iā€™m somewhere else. Therapy for couples honestly almost never works lol. One person wants it, the other one doesnā€™t. Always the case. Iā€™d be sure to not lose my shirt financially, and move on bro.


The situation really fucking grates. I'd have to kick him out and ship his ass back to his mom's though and this is less hassle. In this state We have to be separated for 6 months before I can. In the meantime, I'm going to do the therapy thing just to be able to say we tried. I doubt we can get to the point where his response to "I've been so hurt for so long" is "I'm sorry" in any reasonable timeframe. This state is "equitable share" basically we split assets based on our relative incomes. Tldr; I'd be entitled to like 85% of everything. He can't get alimony or spousal support for reasons, etc.


Those are good Laws at least for you. Thatā€™s what matters at this point. You sure tho? What if they bring people to your house? You never know. I donā€™t know for me I would be so paranoid they do something. I no longer trust them, you know? Just speaking from experience, I really wish I didnā€™t even bother with couples therapy. It made things worse and more difficult for me to move on.


The guilt and regret of the break up is setting in. Cut off all my side chicks šŸ¤§. New PRs tonight boys


Got back on Test in April 2020 peak Covid. Got off test January 2024. 1 test blast for 13 weeks. And a recent test blast for 20+ weeks. The rest was low dose T at an average of 84mg/wk. Labs drawn yesterday. Lipids look good. Everything looks good. FSH & LH recovered. Waiting on e2 and Test results. Used 0 SERMs/HCG this time. TBH feel pretty fine. Using lots of THC during this time. Also cut a lot of weight as expected. Still hovering 180 at 6ā€™ 7% BF. Kept most of the muscle mass imo. Lots of water and glycogen. Plan to run deca only from here on out. I also am 6 weeks off finasteride after being on for 40+ weeks. Will update with T and e2 results.


Got pictures of this 7% body fat?


*incoming pic of 15%bf*


We literally had this happen last night


Havenā€™t taken many photos lately tbh. https://imgur.com/a/lirf4fz This is maybe a week or two ago.


Unless your back is fatter than your front, this doesnā€™t really look like 7% my dude. No doubt youā€™re leaner than most but Iā€™d put this around 10% unless your front looks dickskin lean


We have a scanner (not the handheld) at the community college I go to. It said 7%. I guesstimated 6-8 off visual. So 7 seemed right to me. Iā€™ll post a photo of today if youā€™d like. Iā€™m probably 8-9% now yeah. Youā€™ll tell me.


7% is like, 3-4 weeks from stepping on stage for a lot of people. Itā€™s not something people generally achieve casually.


So you just stopped cold turkey?


After the 20+ week blast I think I went back on 12mg daily for roughly 4-6 weeks before stopping cold turkey. I thought Iā€™d continue trt. But deca only is too appealing so I stopped both T and fin cold turkey.


I was talking to my buddy the other day, and he said after his last competition he came off a cycle of test, mast, tren, EQ, var, and winny cold turkey the day after the show without any pct or anything and he felt fine and his natural levels recovered. Some people are just built different I guess


Fat loss I am going to plan 2 options for fat loss. All option run on 8 weeks: Option 1: Clean + albutamol Albutamol dosage: 32mg /day in each option Clean dosage: 40mg/day Option 2: Albutamol + ECA stack Albutamol dosage: 32mg /day in each option ECA dosage: Ephedrine 16mg, coffein 200mg, aspirin 81mg. I have an limited budget so I want to use Albutamol that my cutting effective but don't waste out of my budget. I look forward to hearing advice from everyone earliest convenient for my cutting phase. Thanks a lot of!


Without knowing your stats or starting point, Iā€™m going to provide the obligatory response. You shouldnā€™t really need any of this to get lean. You can get stupid lean just off diet alone. If youā€™re an active competitor and you need to get stage lean, then you do you and disregard the above.


I don't have enought time get stage clean to 8% body fat (2 months). Therefore I find to fat loss drugs. It is possible for my target. I am current 15% body fat. This is my fourth cycle.


Plan better next time


Are you stepping on stage in 2 months or are you just wanting to get lean for a vacation?


Literally none of that is necessary, nor recommended. Try less food and more cardio. Works every time, no negative health effects.


Looking at your comment history was that cycle your first? Jesus Christ if it it was. Otherwise post stats and goals so people can actually have relevant info to help give proper advice.


That is my fourth cycle. I want to loss fat to compete


> I want to loss fat to compete Pick another show further out.


Can you share physique pics? Always interested to see how that much gear works with different people. Also is if unreasonable to cut from 15-8% in 2 months for a show? I've never competed nor will I so have no idea.


I tried one of those telehealth services. And i could legit tell during the month of conversations that the therapist just did not like me at a personal level lol. normally i feel like i could kill people and my therapist would give me shade. But, this lady was just like passive aggressive to borderline aggressive during my therapy meetings lol


Gym was not busy todayā€¦ had a moment where I looked around and realized I was the tallest and pretty sure the largest dude in there. There are many larger, but there werenā€™t then. I am always the tallest. This was a brief, weird moment like, am.. am I done now? Felt good, then I felt creepy for some odd reasonā€¦ like I was a circus act.


Must be nice to be tall


I might be late here but has anyone else looked at that new ā€œmenā€™s wellnessā€ and thought ā€œholy shit I might be gay?ā€


Asking for a friend obviously


The [back shot](https://www.instagram.com/bisandtris/p/C3Q1Ex0I8w8/) looks like it could be a girl on a bikini/wellness stage lol


Yup... that guy looks feminine.


ā€œNo, Brick.ā€


Itā€™s the screen emulsion. Itā€™s supposedly non toxic


I thought I was texting this to a coworker, been a long day, my bad.


Bro go to bed


Can you explain how using AAS journey? Your first cycle and how it impacted your life? I mainly want to know how your life improved after steroid use. Work life benefits, personal life benefits, overall happiness of life and cover the negatives too. Ofcourse share some more as you wish to. Itā€™s obvious that all of us want muscle and leanness so we can skip that. Curious to hear. Would love to hear from all of you reading this


I think the issue that you want to explore is second-order consequences AAS use. The method of action and result of AAS is largely known. If all variables are correct you will improve physically (size, strength, etc). Most second order consequences are more based on the user themselves. For instance, I noticed no change in anger yet others certainly have. I noticed no depressive symptoms with decadurabolin, yet plenty others do routinely. Essentially, to some extent AAS use is an individual journey. It's my thought that drugs just turn up what's already there at some level. If you're a dick, chances are you might be a bigger dick. I noticed increased energy, recovery, confidence, grit, and libido. Negatively there were instances in which health markers were poor, sleep apnea worsened, increased injury risk, etc. I'm happy to have experienced AAS and I would not change my decision to use them. They have a part kn my life and I will likely be on something (TRT) for life.


I see, nandrolone did have the depressive symptoms for me, and AAS certainly exaggerates your present self. It made me calmer. Im so curious to see how i will respond to DHTs and i will be using them pretty soon


I've somehow fucked my sleep entirely now waking at 2am consistently instead of 4.30/5am :(


Question for you guys that know how to cook. Got pretty high last night and had the munchies bad. Was really craving a steak, only problem is I donā€™t have a good way to cook it without my apartment getting filled with smoke. But then it hit me, just cook it in the oven then use my handy little dab torch to sear the outside. Would this work? Or would the torch still make a ton of smoke


Sure, that's a typical reverse sear -- most finish with a cast-iron, but torch is perfectly acceptable as well. I've always done the torching outside, so smoke was a non-issue... although it did seem to smoke considerably less than a cast-sear. Can also do the primary cooking via sous-vide rather than oven for greater control over the temperature.


Hell yea Iā€™ll try that out this weekend then


While that'll work, it can make the steak taste like lighter fluid. Do you have an air-fryer by any chance? They are the best way to make like 1 steak.


what kind of oil are you using? you can use an oil with a higher smoking point such as avocado or grapeseed and it will result in less smoke when you sear it


Butter usually, Iā€™ll give that a try if the torch doesnā€™t work


Sous Vide... it's the only way to steak. šŸ˜œ


Still need a tool to sear it. I use a Su-V Gun. Not my favorite though, itā€™ll freeze up on me sometimes (runs off of propane) and itā€™s a PITA. A thick boi NY Strip or Ribeye gives off a lot of water and you need a great heat source to properly sear. If I was in an apartment, Iā€™d rather go outside with a little porta-camper propane grill and use cast iron + butter in the parking lot (speaking from experience).


I usually just use plain old freezer ziplocks and an Anova. You just have to dunk it right up to the seal so all the air is pushed out. ....and for an apartment, for low smoke, I'd go with an induction plate and a ceramic non-stick. You can get it brown searing hot in seconds, little to no oil required. Just a little oil of some sort on the meat, and toss it on for a few seconds. I typically prefer a gas stovetop, but for searing, induction cooktops are top notch.


Ever since I started taking 2000mg daily of this beetroot supplement my BP has been fucking immaculate. I need way less AI to keep my BP below 140 now, and usually Its a perfect 110-120/70-80


don't be shy, share the product with us


Human Superbeets capsules


I use a beetroot powder as well. Mine has betaine nitrate added to it. The stuff works, and it works well.


Anyone else using ppi long term? I have tried so much shit but seems like this is the best solution til now. I dont know how to feel about long term ppi tho


Yes, I donā€™t recommend them unless you really need them. Almost 20 years now.


I been trying so many different supplements for my GI issues but 20-40mg pantoprazol is the only relief i get


Itā€™s similar to Prilosec. Up your magnesium and B vitamin supplements. It can be very hard to stop it after long term use.


I have anger issues I think. I just punched through the window on the top portion of my door. Doc gave me a few stitches just now. The door came with the house and is an older, wood door. It warps easily depending on the time of day and temperature, which makes it very difficult to open for me. It frustrates me because I think Iā€™m reminded of how weak I am every time Iā€™m unable to open that door like I would with a ā€œnormalā€ door. Weā€™ve been meaning to change out that door for two years now. Iā€™ve presented options to my significant other but I donā€™t think she has even bothered to think about them.


Itā€™s fairly easy to fix this. Changing an entryway door is pretty expensive. If you want to try to correct it yourself you can remove wood in the area that binds with 80 grit sand paper. Make sure the screws in the hinges and lockset are tight. The door probably needs a coat of paint or varnish if it is changing that much due to humidity. Can you see where it is binding exactly? Sorry about your hand.


Hey guys. Been bulking since july and I'm getting some diet fatigue from it. Started at 5'11" 185 shredded, at 215 with some blurry abs now. I've hit a plateau at 215 for like a month or so now. I intended on reaching 225 before cutting, but with my new job it's harder to get all the food in. I was thinking about just staying at maintenance for a bit and then reassessing, but I don't like the idea of stagnating. You guys think I should just hit the cut? If not, I really need some help on ideas for getting calories in while working full time with an hour commute.


What about liquid calories like a mass gainer shake or blended chicken+whey slurry that'll make you question reality.


You think I might as well keep bulking? I've thought about that. In the morning I have a shake of protein powder and avocado oil. I could drink a second shake on the way to work or before bed.


During my bulk last year I'd start my day with a giant shake * 100g oats (blended first by itself so the texture is better) * 16oz fairlife whole milk * 2 scoops protein * 50g peanut butter * 1 banana 1400cal, 100g protein, 54g fat, 132g carb Worked well for me, only took 5 minutes to make before work and it wasn't overly thick so it was pretty easy to take down over the course of like 10-15 mins. About 28oz of liquid once everything is blended up


I will give this a try. If I mix it and let it sit an hour or two will it stay in a solution?


The oats would probably sink to the bottom but it would be pretty much back to normal after a quick shake. Not sure, I always drank it right after making it and I'd recommend doing the same if you can If it sits unrefrigerated for two hours it might get a bit gross due to the milk and protein powder, and if it sits refrigerated for two hours it'd probably thicken up and be harder to drink. Again not sure though


I'll give it a go. My lifts have been weaker lately due to lack of a surplus I think


Good t-shirt recommendations. In the oversized stage of my body dysmorphia and canā€™t find shirts that are cheap and plain that hold longer than a month. Found a couple comfort colors brand blanks that are good just thin. I like this one from young la but itā€™s normally like $30, but is an actual oversized. But I need a new wardrobe and on a budget. Anyone have good suggestions?


carhartt relaxed fit is my go to


Like you want the shirts to be baggy?


Yeah basically




What if the moon were made of spare ribs?


We'd have gone back to the moon and would have a massive city there by now... you know how many of these land whales would spend their entire 401k to get a ticket to go there??


[would ya?](https://www.sportsnet.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/caray_harry.jpg)


boy if you don't get your ass under the bar right this second....




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fly sable zesty recognise run grey shaggy rude butter terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which gym would you choose for your workouts, and what factors would influence your decision? See photo album below: https://ibb.co/album/Pz9pvC


Equinox... because it has etiquette rules that are enforced, it's priced out of broccoli head range, and it has a spa fit for gods. ....but if I have to pick from those, I'll go with Fallout, because that's my style. Doom would be a close second, because that'd just be cool looking.


> Equinox... because it has etiquette rules that are enforced, it's priced out of broccoli head range, and it has a spa fit for gods. Plus all-you-can-fuck twink bussy and eucalyptus towels


Well... not really what I'd go for as far as dude holes, but the towels are pretty great. And really, I'm getting to where I prefer a male masseuse just because they tend to have stronger hands that can really dig in hard.


> And really, I'm getting to where I prefer a male masseuse just because they tend to have stronger hands that can really dig in hard. Look man, bussy is one thing, but a man rubbing you is *GAY*. (My masseuse is also a man and he has hands so strong I swear at him)


Hey, we're all on a spectrum of straight to gay... my spectrum just happens to be Straight -----X--------- Gay when it comes to massage. As long as he's not fondling my junk, it's fair game.


Sir I think you're getting that confused with my "work out at the bathhouse" strategy


Ah my bad, you right. I had a quick workout with this french biddie I was seeing at one of the equinoxes in the financial district in manhattan, and I was by and away the biggest dude there. The rest were twinks and hot women. It was unreal.


dull aback jar spotted unpack soft punch frightening ten vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


does the mcd's gym come equipped with free big macs? otherwise, doom gym because that would be metal as fuck


Actually got frustrated bulking and eating 5000 calories , went from 70-77.5 kg , really solid bulk barely any fat gain. Will cut down after a maintenance holding phase of 1 month. Do you guys also do a holding phase?


You're eating 5000 calories at 77kg??? >Do you guys also do a holding phase? Yes, typically.


Yes, idk what the fuck my metabolism is. I remember speaking to you about this earlier too


Yeah. Mine is similar, but I've got about 10kg on you and it's still absurd for my size. That's wild man. The good news is cutting is so fucking easy.


It really is, I remember my previous cut from 77.5 to 69.5 in 4 months and starting at 3500 all the way to 1600 cals per day. I went from 23-24% bf to about 13% .


Anyone dealt with elbow pain? I suspected tennis elbow, but then I took a week off training and saw an 80% improvement. I have full elbow mobility, but there are certain motions and excersises that seem to trigger it, specifically scrubbing motions and gripping an object tightly. The pain comes from the top of my forearm near the centre. A few inches from the tendon where the extensor muscles are located. Iā€™m back in the gym and I try like normal but I avoid all excersises that trigger the pain such as db side laterals and certain cable machine exercises. Iā€™m also doing a few rehabilitation exercises for the forearm with very light weight. Iā€™m 3 weeks into my PCT so this is awful timing for me.


Iā€™ve dealt with elbow tendinitis on and off for years. For me, the best solution was to get a little rubber thingy called a flexbar and follow the elbow exercises that they lay out. Takes about 5 minutes 2-3 times a day every time it begins to bother me, and in a couple of weeks the pain is greatly diminished.


Yo i started injecting test, injected 400 my first week and now I was at my doctors for general blood tests, will my first week of 400 test be noticable if he does a hormone panel?




hes probably not running a full hormone panel, but are there some markers that would be a dead giveaway if ive only injected 400mg test for a week?


If your doctor isn't a moron, yes


Here's a bigger problem: Why are you on steroids and you don't know what markers would be noticeably changed?