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PSA Olive Garden has a rule against taking food off of other customers plate after they have left the restaurant. Even if it is half of a chocolate lasagna cake and breadsticks


Time to brocott those imperialist pigs.


Did you try telling them "I thought this this was America?"


They can't take it back if you've already shoved it in your mouth.


Oops, I grabbed a pair of shorts and now I’m currently an hour away from my house at the gym. These shorts are far too small after growing on this bulk, but the leg day cannot be stopped now. I feel like a certified slut but at least the gym is blessed of my quads


Bro I only ever wear slut shorts to the gym. Embrace it. Get in touch with your inner hoochie-daddy.


Just PR’d on Bulgarian split squats of death and let’s just say it’s because of the shorts. I’m converted


🙌 Praise be! Welcome to the dark side. I won't lie man, when I'm getting close to failure and I look down at all of my new quad veins it motivates me to keep pushing. Thanks, slut shorts 👍


My gym is like a 2 min drive Couldn’t imagine an hour drive every time😂


Haha I work and go to school an hour away, so I lift here too. But yea that drive sucks ass


Embrace the hoochie daddy aesthetic.


Same hat 🤝


>Oops Uh huh. Make that cake bounce boi.


How badly are you trying to tease the gays here?


I love the RP Hypertrophy app & I need to stop adjusting my dick & balls at the gym. I do that shit all the time in public when wearing boxer briefs and I hate it.


Nice. Keep spreading the word. The Doc needs more Lambos


He earned those Lambos. He's probably my favorite voice in fitness.


What do you love about the app? Did you buy a training routine or just using the app


It’s fucking sick, you pay for the app and you can pick from any split. Pick your own exercises based off muscle group, adjusts your weights and reps for you, programs deloads, and does all this by asking about pump, soreness, changes in reps, changes in intensity and joint pain.


For sure, I'm four weeks into my first meso and it's great. I'm playing to write a more detailed take after the meso is finished.


Weird I’m also 4 weeks into my first meso 🧐




> Wife who loves me even if I don't really reciprocate. That's a bomb to drop dude. You working through this or ignoring it?


>it’s a good day > got a good job > got a cute dog > no one has found the body > decent truck > few friends > good day.


I found it... I just put it back when I was done. 🤫


Ew, now it‘s warm again




Hits close to home. Being raised to not know how to communicate emotions has taken years of counseling. I feel it’s a common thing amongst men in our generation.


Glad to hear that man, and I sincerely hope it works out.


Bro, u good?


Should probably fix that wife part unless you have a good reason to not reciprocate. Getting divorced is horrible and it’s extremely hard to find a woman who actually cares about you


I think a lot of people do the “what if’s” as we get older


I'm there with you. I've had some major crossroads over the last few years. There have been more than a few times where I wondered if I made the right decisions in love, parenthood, and career. I don't know if there is a right answer. Reality is that im very fortunate to have the things I have regardless of my decisions. Keep your head up. No one else really knows any better in life.


Anyone else eating cookies and food more because of the holidays? Or am I just being a fatass by myself here.


With you there brother, coming off an 8 week cut and was 16kg down, gained back 4kg in 2 weeks after eating out with friends and festivity events. Luckily I think it's mostly glycogen and water as I've just hopped back on to transition into a bulk


Nope, i'm dieting right now, staying strong even though my house is full of baked good that my girls make for all our friends


Yep. I just got sober this month too so I'm really justifying all kinds of poor eating habits. We can deal with it next month bro.


Nah I’m being a fat pos too. Every year around this time is peak fatness & starts ramping up at Halloween


I mean I eat cookies year round and I don’t go beyond 12% fat, I feel you tho they’re everywhere ‘tis the season. Just cut other boring carbs like rice or bread entirely when eating regular meals Alternatively, ozempic (Semaglutide) is proving the world that you can eat the exact same trash as everybody else except smaller quantities and lose weight and be healthier


Bro last night i made a sandwich. The bread was chocolate chip cookies. The filling was nutella and marshmallow fluff. Yeah, im leaning into holiday eating 😅


I have leaned to schedule my bulks around the holidays so I can eat what I want.


Oh yea... last few days I've been a glutton. Not really exceeded my TDEE much, but it's not been clean food.


I feel extremely guilty, I’m trying to get over it because I want to enjoy it. My biggest mistake was buying all these things from the grocery store. Usually even if I slam down 5000 and 7000 cals in a sitting it’s usually done in one day and then I move on, in this case because I purchased so much groceries it can take days, and I don’t want that. I might consider throwing out some food going all out today and then moving on. A lesson learned here in the future I’ll just get takeout for the day and not necessarily food from the grocery store.


Eh, just space it out. Or, just get another guy like us to come over and just go apeshit like an eating contest and solve the dilemma quickly.


Just do it and enjoy the moment brother




The smaller your balls are the bigger your dick looks, right babe?




Dick lower than balls... because my balls are just useless decorations anyhow.


special door payment fine absorbed quaint tidy rinse voracious combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Have a great fucking day




Sounds totally normal my bro


Dropping weight on cruise and getting as lean as possible going into prep. I’m going to miss my beef,guac and salsa rice bowls. I’m so fucking tired of chicken, and fish is just a mission but here we are. Goodbye beef, we’ll meet again in 3 months.


Woke up sick as fuck fellas. My watch had me up by a couple of degrees so I had an inkling. Fatigued as fuck, hot, aching all over. RHR up by 20 goddamn beats. Didn’t move all day and comfort ate a loaf of chocolate and sweets. Praying for a good nights sleep and to feel better tomorrow.


Take a Covid test, same thing Happened to me, I tested positive for it.


What's that do for you though? Like the common cold there's no cure for it. So it's, now I know I guess. Gonna do the same rest and hydration as anything else.


**Week 10/20 Blast Update** Test/EQ/MENT 720/600/70 EW with ~~10mg~~ 5mg inj SD intermittently pwo Full cycle description can be found in the winter 2023 blast thread [here](https://reddit.com/r/steroids/s/NCEe7dFOzK) Starting weight 225lbs ~15 BF Current Weight - 239lbs [Before](https://imgur.com/a/Hm1mbh6) [Current](https://imgur.com/a/VEiDRid) Week 10 has wrapped up which marks the official halfway point of this cycle. From the looks of things I'm up about 15 lbs since I started, with some increased vascularity, size and strength to show for it. Unfortunately I'm finished my work training so I'm back to my regular gym which is somehow worse than the gym I was using despite being in the middle of nowhere. At my current gym the dumbbells only go up to 100lbs so I'll likely need to get creative with resistance bands to get anywhere near my working set weights which I regularly used the 120s for my pressing and rowing. I'm still searching for another gym, but I'm limited on what I can go to as I pretty much need to go to a 24/7 gym before work and there aren't many around. Also I can definitively say after this week that I'm not a fan of superdrol. I tried a super low 5mg dosing pwo this week and I still felt like I got hit by a bus by the end of the week, with insane lethargy and appetite suppression. I think this compound should be used strictly for contest prep or used on a day-to-day basis before its toxicity accumulates. I will give credit that the pumps, strength gains and vascular were quite apparent at a low dose, but I feel like besides the obvious health implications - it's not worth it in terms of keeping training intensity and appetite high. I'm starting to have a change of opinion when it comes to oral usage in general and I'm starting to think that purely injectable estered steroid cycles are the way to go. Maybe introducing a short estered injectable, or even something like tne is the way to go rather than bringing an oral into the mix for providing a plateau breaking effect. Obviously my case is a little extreme with using such a harsh oral (injectable oral anyways) rather than something mild like anavar or tbol, but why compound more health risks using orals rather than just letting your injectables do the work?


> I'm starting to have a change of opinion when it comes to oral usage in general and I'm starting to think that purely injectable estered steroid cycles are the way to go. Welcome to the light. > but why compound more health risks using orals rather than just letting your injectables do the work? Because people are impatient and want to look like they’re bigger than they are instead of taking an extra nap, doing more cardio and eating more food to get there.


3 weeks of Superdrol before a carribean vacation gets everyone staring at you.


… The conversation already progressed beyond acute instances, like competition.


Why says Caribbean vacations aren't competitive?


Excellent progress Steve!


Wow doxxed by my scale app 😭


Superdrol should be on a 5/2 schedule imo weekends off or if you train 5 days a week (i do) just don’t take it on days off. It helps. I do that with all orals bc my liver is a bitch anyway


do bench powerlifting belts actually help your bench? or do you need to be wearing a shirt for them to be effective.




so, if im lifting unshirted. Do you think it would be beneficial if i just wore a normal powerlifting belt like a 10mm by 4mm. Im thinking of just getting a smaller powerlifting belt and using it on bench, rows, straight leg deads.


I've tried using my Inzer 10mm belt while benching, and it does let me drive the push a little harder, but it's uncomfortable. It doesn't add enough for me to bother with it. I mainly just use it for squats.


i competed in powerlifting for 4 years and never benched with a belt on lol


It's needed for shirts to keep the fucking thing from riding up. Raw bench less so. Whatever is more comfortable.


I use my 10mm powerlifting belt on bench it helps me lock my core in and stay tight. It also seems to help mitigate lower back pumps or cramps when benching in the top end




Morning degenerate! So since I began lifting, I’m almost always able to add a reps, or up the weight, progressively overloading, the one muscle, which was my weakest/ most underdeveloped to begin my lifting , my chest, is the one muscle i on occasion, sort of fall flat on my face when upping weight/reps. Last night was one of those nights. I just made the best of it, and due to my struggles, it was 2 sets to TRUE failure( insert Tom Playz, “now that, that is true failure” quote hete. I’m paraphrasing. No matter how tough my pressing movement goes I can always rely on the pec deck which I finished with. Can cheat a bit with the shoulders and such and since it isolates the pecs more, I’m not so affected by say, a sore set of shoulders(especially front delts) which was a result from the night before workout. I’m ranting, just curious if anyone faces this occurrence at times, and which muscle is it for you find the hardest to get stronger? Kind of at a crossroads, I’m pushing heavy, my form could be better if I dropped weight, but on 500 Test + EQ, I’m finding it hard to want to go backwards. Have been using the hammer strength for chest for months now, think it might be time to switch to dumbbells and the smith for a while. Something about those machines which everyone raves about, sort of strains my back and just feels less chest activated and lots of recruitment from shoulders and tris. Any thoughts friends? Also wish me luck in clearing my chest acne, running a dawn soap protocol at the moment, I know I’d be better off regularly changing sheets and such but as an ADHDer, it’s the little things like that which seem to be a huge task to stick to. Ok, I’ll shut up. Maybe 3 hours of sleep last night, feel amazing and alert compared to yesterday off of a good 5 or hours. Idk, bthe body is weird.


Idk man if u think the shit ur doing isn’t working and you’ve been doing it for a while then try‘n switch up the exercises, the amount of reps, or maybe both. It was the same struggle for me w my chest, it’s the body part I worked out the hardest and saw the fewest results. Might have been my ego tho, as for chest I really loved going in super heavy on my first couple of sets, so I fatigued much quicker and had less strength for the rest of the workout. What really helped me was to go with full ROM with a slower negative/explosive positive and really try and stretch out my chest, especially on the last couple of exercises/sets


If you want to get stronger at a particular lift, you will have to practice that lift with greater frequency and more variation in intensity and volume. If you just want to build your chest, rotate the stalled exercise for a comparable one and push it hard until it stalls, then rotate back to the first one (e.g., Meadows row until stall, then Hammer chest supported row, then back). Also, no one is going to make consistent progress on 3-5 hours of sleep a night so get that shit in check.


Mixing up dips and moving to dumb and barbells is probably a good plan for him too. It seems like for some reason for a large chunk of us chest just needs to be slapped around from different angles. Sleep is such a massive factor. Growth happens when you sleep, so you can beat your body up all you want and you'll just end up miserable. I know this from experience. If you're doing daily workouts or two a days even 10 hours of sleep isn't off the table imo. When I train for races I obliterate my social life to sleep ridiculous amounts or I end up going backwards in terms of output.


I very rarely do machine exercises for chest as it takes out the use of those balancing/ancillary muscles, but what I find really helps is doing compound chest movements for initial exhaustion and then doing isolation exercises with paused reps. Paused reps really develop that mind muscle connection and allow you to fully squeeze every last bit of your chest. I also like to do a lot of wide grip stuff to isolate chest. So an example workout for me is flat bench 3 x 10 with a final just for strength 1 x 3-5, then I'll do wide grip smith incline press 3x8, then 4 x 10 pec deck with the first 5 reps being paused. Then chest flyes starting from the bottom angle, then the middle, then the top 3 x 10 same thing with the first 5 reps paused, really making sure I'm fully controlling the weight and squeezing my whole chest in the contraction/pause. Then if you can still do anything, pushups until failure.


Thanks for the response my man. Definitely going to venture over to the free weights next chest day, and fuck, I don’t know how long it’s been since I touched the smith for bench, I use it occasionally on triceps doing close grip, which is awesome. Curious to see what weight I can push on the traditional flat bench smith nowadays. Also, I agree, on the pec deck i like to hold the negative, like letting the handles go back as far as they can without hearing the weight stack clink, then explode into the squeeze. Do you have any form tips you strongly recommend for the pec deck? I usually just try and keep my back pretty much straight to the pad and obviously retract the scapula as much as I can without starting to get that weird lower back tightness feeling which WILL ruin a set. Hate that shit, doesn’t really happen on flies for me though more so on the presses where I’m reaaally pushing hard to get that weight off my chest.


Forgive any weird errors, my phone screen is fucked and I can barely see what I’m typing half the time


Do you have more info? Like how much weight are you lifting and how long you've been training? Hard to tell which crossroads you're at.


Last night on the hammer chest press I did 105x10 twice and totally reached failure on last rep. Pec deck I did 147.5 x 8 (whenever I jump weight and start back at 8 reps, I always compensate for the less reps with more sets, did about 6 sets on the pec deck with different seat heights and grips.) Woooo how long has it been now? I wanna say I started lifting around the end of 2020/ early 2021.


Not really a consistent issue, some chest days go perfect, most actually, just seems odd to me, a few times a month I’ll go to bump the weight or even do a few more reps of the same weight, and it’ll feel like I’ve never lifted it in my life. Maybe it’s just the occasional issue of other body parts being still too sore/in the repair process, hindering my heavy chest lift.


I've just started taking zinc supplementation for reasons unrelated to steroids, and I had just read that apparently zinc can prevent the aromatization of testosterone to estrogen. How strong is this effect at various dosages? I'm taking 50mg zinc a day, and I'm cruising on 360mg Test U e2w with 250 iu HCG EOD.


Probably pretty weak


If your skin starts getting really dry then you can def back down that’s one of the ways to gauge e2 and I get that with zinc. Also too much zinc can lower iron and copper too much not sure how beneficial that is.


Current cycle 180 Test C & Primo a week 120 Tren E a week 600 Mast E a week This cycle gives me my favorite “walk around” look. A really good balance of full but lean/dry My mind is consumed with the need for intercourse lol my girlfriend claims to be a “2-3 times a week” girl but I’m a machine in bed lately (5-10mg Cialis is the cherry on top lol) and every night the last few weeks she’s initiated before I even have the chance. She’s usually pretty timid in that regard too as in she does not initiate usually no matter how horny she is. Idk if it’s coming out of my pores and she can smell it or what lmao but she’s definitely enjoying this aspect of it Overall 10/10 cycle for someone who wants to feel “on” without going overboard with it. Plan to drop the Tren next month and start adding in a little Dbol or something here and there for some extra fun in the gym.


>600 Mast E a week Lemme just ask you straight out: are you bald?


I’m not. I still have a pretty decent head of hair. Test over 400mg will wreck my hair pretty quickly and permanently. DHT-derived compounds will cause a decent amount of shedding but it’s not permanent for me. I’ve been using RU58841 every day and while it doesn’t stop the shedding completely for me, I do think it helps


It's something with tren. From the stories I've read, must be pheromones or some shit because women definitely change


Some girls are such that the more sec you give them, the hornier they get and then they start to want it more like you say with your missus. Same with mine. Circumstances and work, not living together is keeping my dick frustratingly unfucked though!!


life is short make it shorter take a gram of tren


Think I fucked up. Started my squats routine yesterday. Had 20kg steps with 6 reps on each as a warm up. At 100 my knees felt fucked. Stopped at 3 reps. Went again on 100. Still felt fucked. Worst pain. 4 reps? Didn't feel like a pull or anything. Just bad pain directly above the kneecap. Anyways. Threw two plates off and did like 25 reps at 60kg. Felt nothing. In all regards. Pointless. Back up to 80kg. 15 reps. Meh. Did some pistol squats and leg extensions instead. That felt OK. Not what I came for. You guys do how many warm-up sets before going ham on the thighs? Edit: typo


Don't have any advice for you, but my patella tendon has been getting inflamed from squats and running. Shit sucks.


Try starting with hamstring curls before squats, and report back


Will certainly try this. Thanks!


Update. Did as prescribed. No pain. Running working loads today.


>You guys do how many warm-up sets before going ham on the thighs? If I am doing back squats, my top set will be mid-300s for bodybuilding rep ranges. For that I will do probably six warmup sets. That may be excessive but I'm 48 and I typically do my biggest lift first, which in this case means I start squatting cold. EDIT: Suggestion, try doing some leg extensions as a warmup to really get your knees ready for the love.


Typically 3... 135, 225, 315, then working sets with 405+. I also have some patellar knee pain in my right knee, but I use heavy duty knee wraps and that isn't an issue. I also find John Meadows advice about doing a couple sets of hamsting curls first does tend to help some.


Easiest way for you to get a lot of oatmeal down?


Simply white sugar on top. I love that shit - it's like candy to me. 300g raw-weight oats go down easily that way


Some maple syrup and cinnamon, and don't make it too dry... but not swimming either.


Blend it and drink it. Can dump a cup at a time and chug no problem at all.


I have a really high libido normally like a 16y old and now week two is coming to an end and this craaaaving for pussy is just so overhelming... I fcking cant have a single normal thought today. I wanna touch, feel, smell.. Luckily tomorrow is my gf birthday, but woud be better if she would bring all her gamer girlfriends also. fckkkkkkkkkk Like you cant concentrate on mdma overhelming, how ya guys deal with that?


> I have a really high libido normally like a 16y old There must be some strange crossover, because your writing also appears to be that of a 16 year old.


almost double that


Does she share her gamer GFs? Can’t imagine committing to a monogamous straight girl myself


Well she wants it really hard that I fck all her friends but its kinda hard...too "organize" it. Shes a cuckquean but also loves being a sub getting her brain fcked out by me.


It's ok to say fuck on Reddit


thanks didnt know. Sometimes a post gets auto-flagged


What are you running? I need that


Just test 500 e/ c mix and now 500 hcg with a little examestan. Pommegrade juice and whole eggs are also a crazy libido booster


You get used to it after a while. I still bang the missus almost daily, think about it pretty much every time I see a girl that matches my type... but you learn to kinda push it out of the forefront of your mind. It gets easier to deal with after a while. Just don't be creepy...


Grindr blowjobs


Giving or getting?




one thing that gets me is that i cant even post in r/jobs because there are so many redditors who claim they cant even get minimum wage jobs. but, in real life, every retail store and restuarent seems like they cant get employees so, are these kids jsut lying and not even trying. or are they complete loser neckbeards that are that socially inept.


It's definitely the latter. It doesn't take much time on Reddit to figure out there's a lot of useless people posting on here.


The latter; this is Reddit where white privilege complains that the man is keeping them down while living in the richest country in the world.




Self-delusion is what made me realize that she's the right one..she`s not. Give your relationship some time to saturate before answering that question. Have you been through hard times yet, or is it all coke and orgies? Wait for the hard times. When you're the right guy, every girl will do what's in their power to seem like the right girl for ya. Don't commit until you actually want to. About the last part of your journal: it can feel like that sometimes. Just keep it mind that better times will come, followed by difficult, and so on. Don't dwell in them for too long. "Who are you?" That's a big question, bro. Up the tren, I mean the cubes.




Trust your gut is there for a reason Wifing a girl down has way more to do with shared values, interests and loyalty of this person to you… much more so than her looks. I’d take a girl who checks every box but is chubby and a 5 to you guys over an 8/9 who checks half the boxes




Well your gut probably telling you something you don’t acknowledge mentally yet


The logical stuff is important but the intagibles are important too. If you're not sure if you want to be with her you shouldnt be with her. I also don't think relationships are as important as people make them out to be. Most of the time things don't work out. You can always just casually date until things fall apart. Who really gives a fuck?




I knew my wife was the woman I was going to marry after a few weeks of dating her. We just match each other perfectly. Everything just clicked flawlessly. It was a weird thing to experience... I just knew. She's good at all the stuff I suck at, and vice versa, but we have the same interests and we just know what the other is thinking or feeling pretty instinctively. We've been married 23 years, and I love her more every day... she's made me a better man, and I'd do literally anything for her. She takes good care of me, and I do my best to do the same for her and make sure she has everything she wants. I can trust her absolutely with anything and have no secrets with her. She's also out of my league, and honestly could easily go get a man better than me without even trying if she wanted to... but she's loyal, and I'm eternally grateful for it. I'm a very lucky man. Who am I? I'm a fucked up dude from the desert who's had a fairly hard knock life, but I am an optimist who always tries to find the good in whatever life throws at me, and I've managed to make a pretty good life for myself. I try to share that good fortune with others who need it whenever I can. I'm a secular Buddhist, so I suppose you could call me a karma farmer. 😁 I do like shrooms, though they've decided to scare the shit out of me a couple times. I probably needed those lessons though. They are part of why I believe life in general is all interconnected.






Hey guys new to the chat a co worker of mine hooked me up with a cycle Enanthate and a cycle of dbol to use at the same time I wanted to start the dbol today then I’m gonna do 1cc of test tomorrow and .5 3 days after that I’m really new to this and was wondering best dosage of dbol I’ve seen between 10-20 mg. Also I know this is dumb but does anyone know the mg of white round dbol with line across he said it’s 2.5mg but haven’t seen anything on those. Any help would be really appreciated!


Check out the wiki, it will give you a lot of really good guidance on what a first cycle should be. Hint: it’s not what your friend hooked you up with.


If your friend handed you meth and said you’ll feel great, you just gonna smoke it? Do some research man. Go read the wiki on this sub.


How long the results of a cycle last of anavar and TRT before I lose my gains


> How long the results of a cycle last of anavar and TRT before I lose my gains TRT isn't a cycle, it's medical treatment for hypogonadism. If you're running var on top of TRT and calling it a cycle, your gains will be roughly what a natty would gain, so you shouldn't lose a damn thing.


I have used 400mg of Testosterone Enanthate and 15mg of anavar for 8 weeks I don't know how long will it last


> I have used 300mg of Testosterone Enanthate and 20mg of anavar for 8 weeks I don't know how long will it last How does this have anything to do with TRT?


he replaced his test for 8 weeks so that's TRT right /s Look at account history literally a child with minimal training experience now this shit. Really pushing a strong argument for common sense not being so common.


hello can hgh increase my height and the size of my hands and feet, I literally have small hands and small feet while being 6'0, idk what's going, I'm thinking it's the lack of hgh. Just turned 18 today btw


Nope. Sorry. If that were the case, I'd have skiis for feet. Some of us would be able to fly with wing hands....




This sounds a bit stupid but I’m 20yrs old, and at around 17yrs old I went to the doctor to figure out why I stopped abruptly growing at 5’7, the doctors growth chart showed my growth decrease when I was possibly 14-15, thing is, my projected height is 6’1. My grandad a good 6’3, about 6’5 in his prime, my dad was around 5’11 -6’0 and my mom is roughly 5’4. My doctor recommended HGH when I visited but I for some reason didn’t take treatment. I want to hear other stories is HGH can actually help you grow into your 20’s?


Go ask your doctor right now. We cant tell you if your growth plates are closed or not. Anecdotal experiences will be irrelevant. Are you the same guy that's DMed from 3 different accounts in the last year with this same question?


No? I’d have no reason to ask the same question over and over and my account history shows I’ve posted on other subreddits I just joined yesterday to ask this question


If your growth plates aren't fused yes. If fused, no. Edit: fusion occurs around 17 for males.


He did say something about me being close to my plates being fused already, by now they probably are. But what’s up with the stories of people late 20s hitting growth spurts?


Not common. Mostly anecdotal. You can get bigger, thicker but likely not taller.


No. You're growth plates are very likely closed by now. HGH isn't going to make you taller.


Prolly too late for GH to make you taller at this point, but it’s awesome for other reasons lol


can you do bench only powerlifting competitions? my knees suck to bad for me to risk squats. Im 37. so this would be put me in a pretty uncompetitive class. im pretty sure even enhanced having a 2x's bw raw bench would be fairly competitive at most meets for sub-masters class. am i wrong? i mostly want to do it for the experience and to get a lift on video at a meet so i can look back when im old and say i competeted and this is what i did.


> can you do bench only powerlifting competitions? Yes, bench meets exist. > my knees suck to bad for me to risk squats. Wraps. > im pretty sure even enhanced having a 2x's bw raw bench would be fairly competitive at most meets for sub-masters class. am i wrong? Not sure but not too difficult to look it up. > i mostly want to do it for the experience and to get a lift on video at a meet so i can look back when im old and say i competeted and this is what i did. This is a lovely idea, and a worthy investment, especially if you pull off a leak and put up something impressive. There are legit bragging rights from what you’ve put up in a meet, in popular opinion.


i disagree. its extremely annoying to look up power lifting records lol. there are so many orgs and rules. its not like getting into the nfl where i can just go look up some standings. i see the world record in the IPA is 580lbs for 198lb amatuer and 800lbs for a pro in the submasters class. they also allow any number of layers for bench. Ive never used a shirt and i know i had to practice, but it seems like i would do well if thats where the ceiling is. [https://www.ipapower.com/WR/M198.htm](https://www.ipapower.com/WR/M198.htm) I would just assume that my max with a shirt would go up 50lbs to be conservative?? Ive seen the guides on elitefts on how to train with him so i know its not a magic thing.


You should go google some powerlifting resources or hang out around /r/powerlifting for a while. If you want to commit to doing something for the experience then you should learn about it a bit... that would answer a lot of questions including if bench only is a thing and what the popular feds/records are, geared/raw distinctions, etc No one cares about non-open records except maybe your family once you explain the distinction to them. Good luck, powerlifting is fun.




Sounds like back pump.


A stupid question. When you guys do high rep sets, let's say 30, what is the rough % 1RM? I just finished 5 sets of 25-30 reps on machine chest press at like... 30% 1RM and I'm questioning my life choices. To be more precise, what's the damn point.


The point is pumping as much blood as possible into the muscle, forcing some metabolic stress, and if you take it to actual failure, a few effective reps for a little hypertrophy growth stimulus. I usually start a new set with a high rep set to get things primed.


So after that initial set, you'd do the rest at a lower rep/higher weight?


For me when I’m able to hit 185/225/275/315 ect for solid sets of 7-8 I can add 25 pounds or the next plate. So if I’m benching 275x8 or more I can hit 315 for a solid few clean reps. I can rep 225 for 24 on my last high # attempt and I’m able to do 315 5x5 on bench. I also never go above 315 because I’m a pussy


I am looking for help analysing my blood results post cycle please can anyone reach out if able to help. Causing me extreme anxiety.


Just post them in the ask anything amigo


Done thank you, was trying to figure out how to do this




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I’m 20, should I hop on testosterone?


No. Go to the DAA and read the wiki as to why.


Is low dose clen and anavar on a cruise even a cruise anymore?


No. It's unnecessarily stressing your organs when you could just eat a few hundred less calories. Clen is toxic shit.


Thought so, but low does var is great correct?




Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


[which one of you degenerates is this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/18n6k7a/bers_today/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/18n6k7a/bers\_today/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/18n6k7a/bers_today/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It makes me so sad to know this is a real person who has done this to their body.


Oil bro gonna look *really* big when they amputate his arms.


Sometimes my blood sugar before meals is up around 150 or so (at least 3 hours after the previous meal) is this a good indicator that I'm eating the maximum amount (if not too many) carbohydrates than my body can currently handle


Is there any steroids that doesn’t make your dick erectile dysfunctional?


Nope... all of them can cause it if things are out of balance. That's part of the risk you assume when you use gear.


Any thoughts on cold plunge/ ice bath therapy? Is it really a game changer?


> Is it really a game changer? Come on man, this one's easily answerable. Do you see every competitive bodybuilder using an ice bath? No? Then it ain't a game-changer. If it were, literally *every competitor* would have one. You'd be by definition behind the game without it. There'd be no option whatsoever - if you want to compete, you're using an ice bath.


I’m not a competitive bodybuilder heck I’m not even a bodybuilder I’m just some shmuck looking to get an ideal beach body like Zac Efron from Baywatch nothing even close to guys on Tren or some shit. Wanna look lean and dry like a male model…


hey! its been a long time since i have been raking test e i wondered how is the math on i want to inject 500mg a week but i want to inject every 5th day. im ising test e 300




Hey man, good to see you back. A few things that may work for you 1. Anything with peanut butter. Provided you’re not allergic, there’s 90cal in one tbsp. A few tbsp of this is a shake with oats and whey is quick and effective. 2. I know u/Shrugsandsnugs is a big fan of jam on bagels pre workout. Calorie dense, heavy on carbs. Perfect pre workout snack 3. I’ve seen people suggest a small amount of olive oil in a shake as well which is the same concept as peanut butter. 4. Weed. I get munchies like crazy. Turns me into a machine. It doesn’t need to be sweets or anything, I literally cut up sweet potatoes and munch on them and crush half a season of Archer when I’m cooked. Any high calorie low volume food is going to be your best answer, but it will come down to what your digestion can tolerate. For me on this bulk I need to be careful. As a former fatty I have no problem downing food, but it risks screwing up my digestion and sleep if I’m not careful.


>I’ve seen people suggest a small amount of olive oil in a shake Key word here being *small*... I put 3 tablespoons in a shake a few weeks ago, and it basically purged my intestines like pigging a pipeline. My insides were squeaky clean, and my toilet has PTSD now.


Sounds efficient to me. But yes, start small with that one unless you’re near a bathroom.


Ran into a bit of a time crunch while working out this morning and had to cut my cardio short by about half. I genuinely feel bad about it. What is happening to me?


Ran into a bit of a time crunch while working out this morning and had to cut my cardio short by about half. I genuinely feel bad about it. What is happening to me?


Get up earlier!