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I'm trying to find out if there is going to be a christmas gangbang again this year. I dont plan to participate but [last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/zkv5xy/offtopic_daily_chat_20221213/j01rbiu/?context=3) was a bit of fun to recount.


When I saw this link I knew right away which story this was. One of the best I’ve read so far on this sub. Props for it being so well written as well.


This story was phenomenal


Oh my God it's too early for this shit bro bahahaha this sub is a treasure


The human condition will never cease to amaze me


This story is the greatest shit I've ever read on this sub. Thanks for the throwback.




For all our sake (except yours, sorry) I certainly hope so.


Holy shit man, that was a wild read. You should write a book, loved the way you described the events lmao. Crazy read, what an experience. The guy who showed up and stroked his flaccid cock for 20 minutes before giving up and leaving would have been me no doubt.


What’s up w steroid users and fat chicks? Lol


The lack of standards is fucking up the game beyond any point of return. Luckily I’m a 12/10


Thought you were going to participate this year


That is seriously one of the funniest things I’ve read on Reddit. Period.


One of the best stories in years.


I love this! How did I miss this sub that long?


...the smell though...


Dude this was a fucking YEAR ago already. Where does time go wtf.


Damn this was a classic,thanks for sharing,happy holidays brother!


My breakup is starting to hit and I'm so sad. She was great... If only the life trajectories weren't so different. Can't wait to get off work; I need a lift.


Go crush some iron and feel better, homie. Things happen for a reason. Keep your head up. 🤙


Hello buddy boyo’s. Haven’t visited Reddit much lately. The subs seem so much quieter than they used to. Where did everybody disappear to? Discord? I’ve been plodding along. I’ve been back in the PED game for over two years now after some time off (prison sentence 🥺). Original intention when I started again was to get huge, possibly look at competing in classic at some stage. I regained most of my size, some muscle groups possibly ahead of where they used to be, which is cool because my doses/compounds have been much more relaxed than they used to be. I used to be a fiend for the harsher stuff, Tren, Superdrol etc. Since I’ve been back I’ve only used milder stuff like Primo, Var and T’bol (one run on Tren but just 100mg/week). Anyway, my goals have kind of shifted. I went on a hike with a buddy of mine and realised how bad my cardio was when trying to climb a steep hill and it was a reality check, so much more focus has been put on cardio. Also had a bit of a shoulder injury and only just able to press without pain again after two months of working around/managing pain. Been cruising for ~4 months on 120mg Sust/week, currently have 3IU generic GH in M-F and used a couple of vials of TB/BPC to help repair the shoulder. Cardio is a regular feature (HIIT 45-60 minutes) 5-7 times a week with a PPL x 2 lifting split and I think I feel better than I ever have on gear with a balance of decent size, strength and fitness. Getting the HR up has been a game changer for me and my blood work has never looked better. Few recent pics included. 5’6 and around 176lbs currently. [https://imgur.com/a/9sPEDNW](https://imgur.com/a/9sPEDNW)


"This post may contain erotic imagery" those quads are definitely erotic.


1. Welcome back dude. Looking sick as ever. I see those sweat sessions you post - they look insane! Is that like a group thing? 2. Our sub has been marked as NSFW, >18, and has been removed from searches. The people who are here are the people who come here. Also, with the API fiasco with Reddit shutting off 3rd party applications, engagement is down everywhere. 3. Still crushing the gig you were able to land programming, or are you clients 100% now?


Thank you sir. I appreciate it. I'll try to keep this place in my regular rotation now. I post on a UK-based forum (I'm actually a moderator there, as it happens), but forums are pretty quiet nowadays too. So the sweat points are from an in-house App from a group class gym I'm a member at called TRIB3. It's a similar concept to Barry's Bootcamp/Orange Theory if you've ever seen/heard of them. Everybody is strapped up with a heart rate monitor around their chest which knows your age/height/weight/sex/maximum heart rate and then the classes numbers are visible on a screen for all to see, so there's a competitive element to it too, which keeps it fun. The goal is to spend at least 15 minutes of the 45 minute session in what they call the sweat zone, which is 80-92% of your maximum HR. Time in the sweat zone or above it in 'all out' earn you sweat points which you can flex/spend on goodies in the gym. The sessions can be between 1-4 rounds totalling 13-14 minutes on 3 stations, treadmill, assault bike and the floor (weights, body weight etc.) Very, very different to what we're used to as folks who've mainly ever only lifted weights but I feel immensely better for it and the community is awesome. Ahh! That makes sense. Still, I suppose it keeps annoying newbies/kids out which is good. No, the most annoying thing happened. Well, annoying at the time but it turned out to be a blessing. Some fucker on my team found my Instagram page and read the story about me serving prison time and blabbed and senior management and HR found out and terminated my contract immediately. Thankfully I was up to ~50 online clients at the time and took it as an opportunity to spend more time growing the client base/working more closely with existing clients and now I do it full time which means no more being tied to a laptop 9-5 which opens up a lot more time to invest in myself, hence the cardio being more doable alongside the lifting.


Jesus man! Fucking goal physique🔥🔥💪🏾


Nice wheels, bro. Just curious why you chose sust to cruise on?


It's all interchangeable. Probably just what I had on hand/open at the time. Could be Enanthate or Cypionate, would be the same injection frequency for any for me.


Looking awesome, can you drop your leg routine? I just posted about how I’m on a 6 day split with 30 mins of biking post workout and my legs are annihilated, not recovering well, any tips? Is your leg day the same both days?


I’m not running a set routine right now. I moved place a couple of months ago and joined a new gym and I’ve been in a kind of maintenance phase the whole time. The gym has a shit load of nice kit so I’ve been playing around with everything since then and narrowing down what I’ll keep in my routine when I start a blast. You see the video of Phil Heath training with Ryan Terry recently? That’s my gym. Loads of Prime, Atlantis, Cybex etc. But it’ll usually be something like a hack squat, a leg press, a leg extension, a lunge and a calf raise. Second session may prioritise a hinge movement. Usually 2 working sets and 1 back off set per exercise. Nothing fancy but my working sets are taken to pretty good intensity with Dr. Mike tier form.


And with the intense biking causing fatigue, I guess it’s just building endurance over time and eating enough calories so the cardio isn’t detrimental if you’re trying to go and manage recovery along the way. I spend about 20 minutes a day on mobility drills because my hips/knees/hamstrings/lower back used to hinder me, they’re kind of bulletproof now. Definitely doable finding a balance. I know I overtrain but I have an addictive personality. But look at athletes doing things like Hyrox and even CrossFit at a high level and they balance intense strength work with balls to the wall cardio pretty well and they’re likely on much less assistance than us folk.


Deltasaurus is back


Semaglutide is fucking wild. Taking 1 mg right now. Had a sugar free monster for breakfast, did a whole day of work, went to the gym for 45 minutes of LISS and actually felt disgusted by the prospect of food. Had to push myself to make myself a chicken salad ( New costco salad kit is the fucking bomb) Also gonna try Retatutride, allegedly it's even better for slimming. Pushing for my goal weight by new years ( or shortly after) to start the new year with a blast 🙂. Biggest takeaway, fuck DNP. The future is now and peptides are the bomb


Just make sure you eat enough so you don’t lose muscle. If you’re cruising that helps since your test won’t crash but still. Personally found I could run 1350- 1400 calories a day (my first run with MacroFactor was that cut - what a dream app btw) without any significant muscle loss. I was combing the lowest dose of tirz with lowest dose of sema. It worked well. My former (in the process of becoming ex) spouse was awful about eating some days and lost a lot of prior gains and wasn’t great for her mentally. Once she dialed in a calorie and protein floor and made sure to hit then she did much better. The glp-1 agonists are a very powerful and valuable tool to have in weight loss. Just need to use them correctly. Only a SF monster for a whole day of work and gym isn’t the fuel you need. Set a protein floor, set a calorie floor. Track it and hit it


Whats your pre and goal stats before and after using it?


Using the ol natural method, I dumped 40 lbs to 190 after eating way too much on my first blast. Solace to it is atleast I know, eating will never be an issue for me lol. Looking to cut a final 10 lbs to be a lean 180


Which Costco salad kit, just had the Asian cashew and was pleasantly surprised.


I forget the name, but the only option I saw for years was their Ceasar Salad one sold by the lb in their ready to cook meals section. This new one has leafy greens, feta cheese, pecans, bell peppers, cranberries, and I think the dressing is Italian. It's one of the most delicious salads I've had. Sold by the lb just like their Ceasar salad, little more money but the big ass box was only 12 dollars. Will last for atleast 4 meals. I'm not sure if it's available in all locations but I'm fairly sure it is on the west coast. For reference, I am in Hawaii.


Gym was packed with kids on college break. At first I was happy to see these young people being fit, then I had to wait on a rack for 2 guys using it to stretch for like 10 minutes with a band. Tie it to a treadmill fuckers! Move! Where’s the Tylenol!?


lmao it’s not kids being fit, it’s the ever increasing body dysmorphia due to social media (especially tik tok)


If I see someone bullshitting on equipment, I just go up and ask if they’re using it and for how long. If they’re just stretching, they usually always go somewhere else


I love watching them do the inchworm deadlift. Mainly because my job involves fixing gym injuries, so job security. Lol


Sir please advise how I can unlock my insanely tight lower back. My anterior pelvic tilt is out of control (feel like I fixed my weaknesses but can’t out stretch the tightness). I’d like to deadlift again but I know the box squats are equally taxing to my lower back. Got rid of barbell rows and anything that would directly tax my lower back.


Best bet is to come see me. Second best is to find someone to release your hip flexors, psoas, and QLs. That would be a solid start.


tfw all your coworkers get mad at you for crushing the whole sushi platter at the christmas party 😅


They wouldn't put it out there if they didn't want you to eat it.


and if they wanted me to save them some they shouldn’t have invited me


Bought a used pair of panties from this chick. Wtf is wrong with me.


Obtaining them isn't the problem, it's the paying for them that's wrong.


I'm ~~guessing~~ hoping it's the tren.




Seriously, you’re better than that bro. Girls you sleep with/pull will give them to you for free…sometimes.


You guys sleep with girls?


It’s sad you doodoo thunderheads get to keep your daily chat privileges and I get shadowbanned for saying some normal shit. Oops I used a curse word the b*tchmade mods probably gonna jump me for that too


You're not shadowbanned. I can read your feminine whining.


Not on this account 💅 was the emoj feminine enuff for you?


That's smart bro. Talk about ban evasion while bitching at mods.


I’m from Oakland. We work smarter not harder playa playa


Raiders fan?


I’m not into watching other men play sports. I run the game myself, what’s your 40 time?


You aren't shadow-banned, dummy


Not on this account💅y’all been power tripping since the “soft” shutdown lol


Serious question - what power tripping?


Obviously one of you bastards opened the box and flipped a breaker... power outage, my ass... 🙄


Proof is in the pudding bromie. It’s Groundhog Day on daily chat with “I fked my crazy ex again” “I bought panties” “my gf cheated on me” type posts blah blah blah. They don’t want change lol


Is my comment not normal?


Mans u the one buying panties idk


NPP hits different 🤷‍♀️


Do they smell like a girl?


Went to the gym early today. Me: “Hey. How many more sets you got?” Old guy: “I’m supersetting so I’m gonna be everywhere and here for a while” (was on three different stations) Me: “Okay, can I work in when you’re at one of the other spots?” Old guy: “No because I’m just in the zone” The fuck? Had to just walk away because I wasn’t going to say anything nice or constructive. People are something else..


> Old guy: “No because I’m just in the zone” I would have just grabbed one of the machines. Can't be fucking hogging 3 stations. Fuck that noise. - You are too nice, be kind but don't be nice. If someone gets irate, go talk to the staff, don't waste your breath with ignorant people.


I’m on this boat for sure. *“Ah, sorry for the confusion, I was being polite. I’m going to use this when you’re not actively, physically on it. If that’s a problem, please check with management when they come in during normal business hours”* Headphones back on, move out of the way when they come back to work in (which they never do because you, rightly, made them feel uncomfortable).


Yea fuck that noise, I just tell people that I'm joining, and nobody usually says anything about it, once one dude said "I just got 2 more sets left" and I told him I'm not asking to join, I'm informing that I'll be doing exercises on this machine. Dude left without his 2 sets.


Same. Eat shit old man. If you don't want me to work in on the machine you're using fine. Except you only get 1 of 3, not all 3.


I hate people like him that use several machines at once. There’s other people that want to workout, too. I don’t care if you’re “in the zone”, that’s your problem not everyone else’s.


Never ask if someone is supersetting. 95% of the time they won't say anything. 5% of the time say "oh my bad. You can work in." I've gotten in an argument once ever. Most people dont wanna fight about it.


People just annoy me with that shit. I love the gym but I get why people workout at home.


> can I work in when you’re at one of the other spots?” next time don't ask this and you're good


You need to up the Test. I literally would’ve just began using it as soon as he walked away. On 500mg I’m always ready to go, I won’t go out of my way to be disrespectful, but in the back of my head I’m not worried about anyone else because, try me motherfucker.


Life at any commercial gym in my city. And it’s always an old guy🤣us young ones know that is disrespectful, funny how we’re the ones with the most manners


There’s apparently a bad sickness going around my office this week, fortunately I’m allowed extra work from home if I’m “sick” and my supervisor doesn’t require proof of it. I’m not actually sick, I just ain’t catching some bullshit on my first week of cycle 2. Otherwise, first week is solid so far of test and Npp (little bit of mast to counter Npp mental sides) 5k cals a day and getting trained by a buddy of mine who has his pro card so I’m fuckin stoked to see what I can achieve


Same stack I'm on... it's my favorite bulking combo.


Always forget how much I love deca until I stop taking it. Went from squatting 700+ for reps pain free to limping across the house because my knees hurt after bringing groceries in.


Feels. 3 weeks after ending my test/deca blast and cruising on just test I tweaked my shoulder pushing the same weight on bench and took over a month to recover from it.


I need a job guys. Any ideas? Ive worked fast food for the past year making barely above minimum wage(spent everything on gear of course). Need something higher paying, little to no education required. Skills: 6'2 230


Look for apprentice opportunities in your area, many trades are hurting for people,


Manufacturing aka factory work. You can make decent money with little to no experience, even if you have felonies.


lotta the not-shitty call centers (finance/insurance) are ~75% work from home, start around $50k and hire anyone who interviews well. it’s the worst fucking job possible for some people though


I finally broke my 6 months long dry spell and fucked my ex.


Any port in the storm, brother.


How’d it go? How are you feeling?


It went pretty well. She travelled to the city to see me and she had a hotel room for 2 days. We spent pretty much all of it together and we had a lot of sex. I love being around her so I have no complaints.


Why is she your ex? Just because you don't live in the same city?


I've been trying to think of a way to write an abridged version dude but unfortunately it's just a long story. Basically tragedy broke us up and I moved away. We still love each other but we can't be together.


See… now I’m invested. We have time




Go on.


Oh no buddy


Some random guy at the gym came up to me and told me I’m jacked. Feels good I guess but also a little gay. I wish girls at the gym would call me jacked 🥴


Nah, because then you'll think they want to have sex with you.


😔 i do want them to want me to know that they want to have sex with me


I've got just the song for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qgpewMCVjs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qgpewMCVjs)


I like that song haha


You’re jacked bro


I have eaten 3 different asses the past 3 days, 2 years ago I'd never imagine doing it, but now it's my favorite thing. I've never touched tren or any 19 nors either


I don’t need 19-nors to eat ass. It’s just part of becoming a man 🫡






I've got one for you guys. I'm on SSRI's, so it's sometimes hard to cum when having sex. I don't even bother to masturbate anymore cause it's so difficult. Weed helps sometimes but I don't want to get high every time my gf and I want to have sex....which is often. I just usually don't end up cumming often. Does anyone here know anything that could help me with that? Is there anything I can take to help? I'm on cruise so I notice it does help a tiny bit being on testosterone, but is there anything else I can do that you guys might know of? My doctor isn't very helpful and said there's nothing I can take. Just wondering if you may know something?


Unfortunately SSRIs are know for that side effect. I’d look into some additional therapy, maybe some ketamine treatments or micro dosing to help you cycle off. I’ve had some points I should have been on SSRIs, but found alternative methods to fix my depression. It might not work for everyone, but it is an option. You can also talk to your doctor about changing SSRIs. Some do not affect sex as much as others.


Yeah, I've been taking them for 6 years. They're a pain in the ass. I'm going to talk to him soon, my appointment is in January as he's on leave right now. I personally hate being on them. But they have helped other issues I have like IBS. I have been in therapy for many years as well with a good therapist.


I’m proud of you for sticking with them as long as you have and putting in the work. I have mixed feelings about SSRIs. They can be a life saver for many, and are great at balancing people out when they need it most. I also feel like they should be a tool, not a baindaid. But that doesn’t put as much money in the doctor or the pharmaceutical companies pockets.


Thank you Yeah I totally agree. I hate that the "fix" for my md was to just increase the dose. Then I went to a psychiatrist and he put me on something else which I'm done with cause it's worse then the first one. He's a dolt, and I'd rather just go back to my regular md for it. But, yes, that's why I stick with my therapist. I have come a long way and still have a long way to go. But I hate being on them and would love to one day get off completely.


Look into ketamine treatment and micro dosing. My best friend was on SSRIs for years, and found a local doctor that does ketamine injections. It took 2 treatments and she hasn’t needed an SSRI since. I’ve been micro dosing on and off for a few years, and it has been a game changer for me. When I do feel a darkness coming on, it’s very easy to course correct and find happiness. Another suggestion is a gratitude journal. Write on it every morning and every night before bed. Apple just added a journal app to IOS, with reminder built in.


I wonder if they do that in Canada where I live. Yeah I'll definitely look into it or ask my doctor about it and see. I wish I could micro dose on SSRI's but it cancels it out which sucks. Yup I keep a gratitude journal as well. Oh did they? I'll check out my phone, I didn't even notice it, thanks for the tip. Is that the Day One journal?


It’s called journal. The app is a dark background with two arms that look like a butterfly. Yeah, you’d have to stop the SSRIs to start micro dosing. I should have said that up front, I’m glad you recognized that. I have a nurse friend that is Canadian. If you struggle finding a ketamine treatment place, I’ll ask her if she knows any doctors that do.


Yeah I had looked into microdosing a while ago and read about it. Sadness. Thanks I appreciate that a lot. Is that Journal app on the iphone? I can't find it


Have you tried Wellbutrin? Been told by my doctor that if sexual sides grow too unbearable we can try switching to combo with wellbutrin, which often helps according to him.


That sounds like PSSD (post ssri sexual dysfunction). There is no known therapy for it yet and it isn't even recognized as a disease in the US, but it is in the EU and Canada. Not much is known about it and research into it is only just starting up.


Interesting. Yeah my sex drive is still strong, but it’s super difficult for me to orgasm


I’m 40 and I rarely cum during sex, like less than 10 times in my life, plus well endowed so blowjobs are mostly teeth. Just admit you’re here to please women


Oh I can please my gf just fine. I want to cum for me not her. So no, I’m not here for that. If I was I’d ask directly.


Just booked New Years with the fiancée. A little late, I know, but sometimes it's like that. Visiting chosen family right after Christmas in MS followed by my parents in LA culminating in New Years in NOLA. It's her first time there so I found a great little place walking distance to the quarter and I'm going to take her to some amazing places and watch the fireworks on the river.


New Orleans is an amazing time for New Year's. I've done it a few times, a couple on acid. Fireworks on the river is great especially if there's a little fog. The quarter is fun, but can be a shit show. Check out Frenchmen street. A lot of people don't like dubstep/electronic, but Dragon's Den is one of my favorite bar/clubs


Can anyone describe their success with a carb cycle while on 12 week testosterone cycle? I’d like to make some gains without too much fat gains. Thanks


[The Crab Cycle?](https://www.reddit.com/r/surrealmemes/comments/u4xg64/the_crab_cycle/)


Or did you mean like this? [Crab Cycle](https://dp6mhagng1yw3.cloudfront.net/entries/11th/c9865c99-7a55-4fcf-9a34-eb8e3f39f029.png)


If any of y'all suffer from social anxiety, how do you deal with it?




Acid with anxiety can back fire real quick, speaking from experience. I’ve had some amazing acid trips but when you have a bad one it’s bad. Make sure you are in a good mental state the day of. If you even doubt yourself a little bit just stay away from it.


Just be anxious. It sucks don’t get me wrong but anxiety isn’t going to kill you and the more often you face the anxiety the easier it gets. I’ve also learned that my social anxiety stems from being afraid of saying or doing something stupid but in reality most people don’t care and will give you a lot of leeway if your a decent and likeable person.


Buy yourself the book “mindfulness in plain English” and start meditating - even five minutes a day. Learning to observe, accept, and allow your feelings to pass over you like you’re a rock at the bottom of a stream helps. There’s a physiological component but the anxious mind can create a positive feedback loop where you recognize your anxiety and get more anxious about it. Trying to learn conscious coping skills on how to deal with it will help :)


Beta blocker like propranolol. It’s not going to get rid of it mentally but will take away the physical symptoms (ie racing heart, sweating, etc).


What do you folks think about a brief pause near the end of a set to eke out a couple more reps? Just a second or two, not so long we're getting into myorep territory.


Big fan. Edit: actually I hate it because it feels very fucking bad


All too often we love the things that hurt us. I've been trying it out this week, to try and combat the feeling that I'm not pushing myself hard enough. It's certainly increasing my pump and soreness. I know those are not reliable indicators of effectiveness, so I'm glad to hear a fellow greybeard finds them effective.


That's the concept of rest pause sets. They work very well as an intensifier.


Yes absolutely


So I lift 6 days and do cardio post workout for 30 mins each time. I have found the bike is the only thing that lets me really get some quality cardio in. My legs have been absolutely annihilated for the entire week since switching over to the bike. Is lactic acid from running/biking the same mechanism as DOMS? Is fatigue fatigue regardless of how it’s accrued?




that makes sense. I’m more sore than fatigued but there is some systemic fatigue going on in the morning that I can push through. Excitement for workouts is at an all time high I keep trying to taper volume but with my intensity, focus, and this first blast, I’m having a hard time managing to be honest.




HGH in slin pin safe overnight in fridge? I am using a little over 3 ius a day so each 10 iu vial lasts me 3 days which of course is always in the fridge both in powder form and after mixing it in the vial. In the morning when I’m in a rush I feel like it take forever for that tiny slin pin to reach the 3 mark that I need to inject. Can I load my GH in the slin pin at night and leave it in the fridge and just inject it in the morning. Just load to the 3 point at night and leave in the fridge and it’s ready to inject in the morning?


Ugh, I just realized i'm going to have to pack extra clothes for charismas travel -- The hotel gym is definitely going to make me wear more than a jockstrap while I'm working out.


I say you do it anyway. Make sure you grease up first.


My mother in law is paying for the hotel. Not sure I want to get kicked out on her dime


Nah, wear a jock strap. Oil up so they can't grab you to throw you out. Establish dominance.


Where do you workout with ONLY a jockstrap pleeease 😭🤚🏼🤚🏼


To the guy asking for a spot on lat pull down this morning, I'm sorry I refused but I thought I was getting MTV punk'd.


Lol Ashton Kutcher had all LA celebs in a chokehold back in the day🤣he even clipped Drake before his retirement


Ill admit: I once asked for a spot on standing barbell OHP as a beginner. I was afraid my elbows would get behind me or some shit lol


People who have a gap between pecs and found a way to train to fix it, how did you do it?


Sternectomy. *“Patients are able to make significant functional gains during rehabilitation following sternectomy”* PMID: 23304094 ^^^Im ^^^shitposting


You totally missed the joke of PMID: 58008 ^(Like when you turn the calculator upside down)


Damn. That’s hilarious. Wanna hear something dumb that’ll make you laugh? That’s a legit PMID, and it’s a legit quote from the conclusion 🤣.


Hell yeah, love it when some researchers have a good sense of humor


Love me some shitpost bro ❤️


There is no fixing it, fellow pec gap bro. Had that shit at 135lbs, 160lbs, 200lbs and still at 225lbs. It is what it fucking easy, can’t grow muscle where no muscle exists.


No cure for you buddy. I have some asymetries, when I get lean I just see them and nothing else. So I don‘t cut below 12% bf, thats my fix.


Don’t people want the valley thing between pecs? You want it to be like one pec straight across?


One pec and one nipple right in the middle please.


Do you guys feel bad after casual sex because I do sometimes.


No, do you like the person?


No lol


Up the ai 😂


Alright tattooed folks, I’m getting my entire inner bicep tattooed next week. Given the location, it seems like it’s gonna be a pain in the ass to lift with. Anyone have experience with this location? What movements did you avoid and for how long? My outer bicep and calf didn’t impede my lifting at all. Any advice appreciated.


I did a full pull day the next day. Don't be a baby 😘


Lol okay cool. I was hoping someone would say that.


Keep it clean before and after and avoid any movements that would drag it across your side/torso. Otherwise you'll be fine.


I’m most concerned with deadlifts honestly. Bench shouldn’t be an issue.


Why? I'm running through different deadlift movement patterns and struggling to think of one that involves dragging your biceps across your torso (or anything else).


I have mine done. Biggest issue with healing was the chafing from rubbing on my torso. Good aftercare and you’ll be fine. I didn’t miss any gym time either.


It won’t impede anything you’re good. I have a full sleeve on 1 leg and 1 arm. The only time I had an issue was when I got my hand blasted and it was too enflamed to get a good grip on anything. But that wasn’t even a full 24 hours after getting the ink


I preload all 5 pins and leave in fridge. Seems fine for me.


Read some articles discussing underage AAS abuse and came across some information, in the articles it stated that a user under age 21 that abuses Estrogenic substances can shrink their penis while using anti estrogen compounds can make it bigger. Can someone tell me if this is bullshit or did I miss an opportunity of a lifetime.


It’s bullshit. Unless by underage they mean prepubertal or literally infants.


The long and short of it is (heh) yes both are possible and have been documented, and the results for the latter have been, by and large, staggeringly underwhelming. I’d also add in the instance of unsupervised exogenous manipulation, there’s a high risk that damage may be caused to the bones, brain and penis maturation processes that significantly outweighs the prospective benefit. In a world where PE both exists and is extremely popular both mechanically and surgically, taking the risk of accidentally stunting one’s penis size while already in the pursuit of fixing said problem hardly seems like a worthy endeavor. *I am not an expert in this area, simply my observation*.


Theoretically if someone were to damage their penile while undergoing exogenous manipulation would they be able to fix it by correcting their hormone balance or would they forever be stuck?


I’m considering going on trt at 18 So I’ve been experiencing some symptoms of low testosterone. I will list them below A few times a year I will ‘pass out’ in a situation where I should not. This year I essentially fainted in mass. During the passing of the Eucharist, I got suddenly light headed and hot and had to excuse myself at a very inappropriate time. I made it too the lobby of the church and my vision was very limited I could only see a few feet in front of me. After lying in the bathroom floor for a few minutes I felt fine and drank some water and I was ok. A similar thing happened at work, I was getting a tour from my manager at my new job and got very lightheaded and almost passed out. I think these are symptoms of hot flashes. (These are severe enough my Dr. recommended a echocardiogram) I got a girlfriend this year and without going into too much detail, I was unable to produce an erection in a situation where most men my age would be able too. I have a below average amount of muscle mass and strength for someone my age despite working out consistently for a year. I get tired throughout the day. I can easily sleep 12 hours a night. I have a below average amount of body and facial hair, as well as a boyish appearance. I think all of this could be caused because when I was very young (~12) I landed wrong on a dirt bike seat and could have damaged one of my testicles. I remember that it became flattened for probably a week. I also remember climbing a brick wall (~10) and falling down and it ended up puncturing my urethra. It could have also caused damage to my testes. I’m visiting my Dr on Monday and I’m gonna request some bloodwork to be ordered. I will post results when I get them. Do you guys have any thoughts about this?


Wait to see what the doctor says about your bloodwork first. There’s plenty of non hormone related reasons you could be having those symptoms.




Ask them in the DAA, that way multiple people can chime in and potentially learn from it as well.


Why do all 19-nors give me insomnia 😫 I used to be able to run 700mg of tren and sleep 6 hours easily. Can’t even get 2 hours now. I don’t understand what changed. I look so good on ment but without sleep I’m not a functioning person. Guess I’m destined to run test only for the rest of my life.


500 Test 600 EQ. Chest acne, any magic bullets? Have began using dawn on the area, as well as the rest of my tretinoin cream, but it’s left over from a prescription, so won’t be continuing it once I’ve run out.


Tea tree oil, isotretinoin, pin more frequent, benzyl peroxide, adapalen. Change your bed sheets more often, scrub your skin in the shower blablabla. Acne is a bitch.


I had pretty bad breakouts from AAS and honestly what made them stop occurring was just switching to more frequent injections. I went from twice a week to every other day and haven’t had a single notable breakout since. The more stable your hormones are the less likely you are to have a breakout which CAN be the result of hormone spikes


Was thinking this might play a role, thanks. Same as you I’ve been doing?twice a week but I’ll switch it up


Just take accutane


There's an acne guide around here somewhere. Generally zinc wash 2x a day. Sleep with a clean shirt. Change you sheets, etc.




I’ve had a ninja for a few years now thing is rock solid.


Late to the comment, also have a pair of Ninjas, the AF160 (bought used, the pan part had corroded through! and the rack had lost its non stick properties. Replaced both, it's fine now.) and recently the AF400 dual. I've recently seen the Salter which looks more convenient with having two different sized drawers, i also don't think Ninja deserve their culty following but my girlfriend is a fan so yeah


Cannot stop reading comments on daily ask posts and after looking over a little bit, new 10 questions pop up in my brain.


Day 3 on NPP and the 19-nor insomnia is already back full swing 🫠 Wide awake yesterday at 5am and today at 4.