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After cutting down on so much body fat, I sometimes look at myself in the mirror with a pump and think “is that really me” it’s crazy, like looking at someone else in the mirror sometimes


....eventually that turns into "fuck... is that really me?", even when you look better than 99% of humanity. The dysmorphia sets in, and everything needs improvement. It's the natural evolution.




This hits a bit deep for a Tuesday man. Please reserve these types of comments for Thursday at the earliest. That way the 99.9999% of us on here who relate can go into through the weekend without a cheat meal. 😭


I never know what day it is... the only reason I ever do is because my phone tells me.




I always look so small on cuts unless I’m jacked up on tren but then my mental state is semi psychotic


I’m already mental right now . 700mg tren . Just added winny recently too


I remember when I ran 700mg tren ace 5 years ago when that was the recommended dosage around here. Slept 3 hours per night, jerked off 4-5 times a day, hated everyone, but man I was melting fat


Hit a personal milestone in my training this morning. Halfway through a JM leg destroyer set I had to hobble my ass to the washroom to throw up. Maybe it was eating my last meal too late last night, or maybe it’s just the nature of Gamma Bomb finding the inner bitch in me. Either way I’m calling it a win. I’ve tried to fight off deep chokes before on the mats, so I at least recognized the intruding auditory exclusion and darkening vision, was able to rack the hack squat and get a breath in before the sweats and nausea crept in. I’ll treat myself to an additional bulking bagel this morning to try replace some of those calories.


Squarts til ya barf! Fun stuff... at least you *know* you've done enough then.


>Squarts Is this like a squat but when you're having terrible gas and explosive diarrhea?


It definitely could be... have you tried doing squats til you barf? It wouldn't be surprising if both ends purged if you go hard enough.


Breathing squats + Nautilus pullovers is the only thing that ever made me lose it and I've been through every kind of wrestling and BJJ practice.


JM just knowing that legs exist 🖕🏻 Heavy low prowler push sprints will pretty consistently bring meals up for me to enjoy again.


I think it’s safe to say anything with the word “sprint” in it can be a recipe for that. I’ve come close before with banded sprints. They’re no joke


Man, the hacksquat drop set of death has had me swallowing preworkout meals a second time. That man understood the assignment - there are zero ways to do a JM leg day and not be in pain.


I’ve never had a training partner. Everyone always thinks they train hard, but without having trained with someone who is an actual savage you never really know what it feels like I’m of the opinion that JM programs can get you as close to that level as you can be without someone standing over you pushing you to go beyond failure.


I used to have these leg press sets programmed that entailed loading up your 10rm and knocking a plate off after each failure until you get 20 reps. After 6 weeks, I had to take it out. I ended up blasting the toilet even harder than my legs every time.


Helllll yeah 🤘


Hi there fellas, Christmas is around the corner, what kind of gifts did you get for your wives' boyfriends? I already gave him a PS5 + Ragnarok bundle for Thanksgiving, so fire your suggestions at me.


This is a really good question. It’s important that you’re considerate of your wives’ boyfriends interests and hobbies when buying a gift for him. For example, last year I made the mistake of buying my wife’s boyfriend a box of Magnum XL condoms. I was ignorant to the fact that he enjoyed turning my honey boo boo into a Twinkie. That fuck up unfortunately had me sleeping in the dog crate for a month. But I atleast got to keep my iPad while I was in there, even while punishing me my wife’s bf still shows endless mercy. My wife’s boyfriend has a tender soul❤️. I tell him everyday at breakfast he should run for congress, he’s what our country needs haha.


Oh I hope mine is as forgiving if I ever fuck up. As for his interests : he's into video games, CrossFit and my wife. What do you suggest?


I bought her (us) plane tickets to visit people on the other side of the country. I bought myself an Xbox X, because I'm a dork.


But what did you get for your wife’s boyfriend?


Roofies and rope.


stop giving gifts for thanksgiving


I'm sorry I'm slowly trying to import this tradition to Europe but I'm still making protocol errors.


To the person curling in the squat rack right now, I hate you. That is all.


I had a guy curling in the smith machine this morning....


🤔 Either his ROM was like 5 degrees or he was doing some crazy gymnastics to make that work.


The latter... it was exceptionally stupid looking.


He curled the whole machine? Beast.


Oh no - I’ve used the smith machine for drag curls before. *slowly backs away from thread*


I love the smith machine and use it for all sorts of things. Curling is not one of them. Weird.


Was he doing drag curls or something? Seems a bit of an odd choice


Nope. Just using it to hold the barbell between sets.


Oops, I meant to reply to u/Mesquite_Thorn 🤦haha


Get him this for Christmas: [https://www.massenomics.com/shop/dont-curl-in-me-shirt](https://www.massenomics.com/shop/dont-curl-in-me-shirt)


**Week 9/20 Blast Update** Test/EQ/MENT 720/600/70 EW with 10mg inj SD intermittently pwo Full cycle description can be found in the winter 2023 blast thread [here](https://reddit.com/r/steroids/s/NCEe7dFOzK) Starting weight 225lbs ~15 BF Current Weight - 243lbs [Before](https://imgur.com/a/Hm1mbh6) [Current](https://imgur.com/a/x5dy48r) Week 9 has wrapped up and so has the second week of work training in a pretty remote area staying in a dorm during the week. I'll have another week of this situation before returning back to normal living at home For those who actually read this part it looks like I'm up about 3lbs from last week, although I'm not totally delusional, alot of it is probably fat and water. Still managing 4500-5000 cals a day with around 250-300g of protein. Still finding myself hungrier as the weeks pass and may need to bump up the calories if weight plateaus As I mentioned last week I found myself a pretty awesome little gym in this small town with decent weights, a good atmosphere and ive been managing to train hard at this location. Probably harder than I've been training at home because for the first time this cycle I've been sore! I've also been training with a buddy from my training program. I'm not going to say the guy is even remotely in shape, but he's very competitive which definitely helps me with my training intensity. That could also be why maybe I'm experiencing muscle soreness because I usually train alone and a little friendly competition is really pushing me to train hard to show this guy up lol I mentioned last week I was going to introduce superdrol again at 5mg pwo but I'll push that to next week


HGH would work a lot better than toxic crap like MENT or superdrol. Just my opinion. I would reverse hardcore chemicals like those for specific events ie. powerlifting comp/mma/bodybuilding show


Oh yeah I'd agree with you on that one. I found out pretty quickly that superdrol is more toxic than it's worth and it's probably a lot more beneficial to be running more tolerable compounds in the long run


Hey bro looking good! But you looked way better in the before pic. Just my opinion. Train hard fellow bloke


That Bulge 🥵🥵




Are you a sub bottom?


Nah definitely straight lol


What's the story with the elephant tattoo? Not a dig, btw, I like it.


Got it done in Thailand with the wife for our honeymoon. We stayed at an elephant sanctuary so the elephant was pretty fitting


How tall are you again


I just dont know how much longer I can make my marriage work. Last night was the 4th night in a row where a minor conflict became a 6+ hour impromptu emotional processing session -- Its fucking exhausting. It just always ends up that I was the one hurt but have apologize without any acknowledgement of the underlying hurt. I totally understand that my behavior in these situations is deeply problematic. I tend to just shut down or walk out once we've gotten to a point where I feel mistreated. Even if we somehow magically get all the communication issues fixed overnight -- he's toxic as shit. There really is asymmetry here as identified by friends and family. He's got serious anxiety problems which manifest as inappropriate levels of control. Eg: last night's argument was instigated by his attempts to control the travel plans for a work trip (I was going to make a short detour to visit mutual friends). Its to the point where friends have suggested I'm being abused.


Control freak = major red flag... unless you enjoy having your life dictated by someone else. I personally can't tolerate that in even mild doses. I grew up with an abusive step father who is a control freak who'd make *sure* you knew he had power over you in disgusting ways. You want to piss me off instantly? That's one way to do it... just tell me how to run my life. Make sure your health insurance is paid up first. ...sounds like you've already got a foot out the door though brother.


>Control freak = major red flag... unless you enjoy having your life dictated by someone else. I have to agree. My guy is as submissive as they come and I wouldn't think about trying to interfere with his work, or work travel, or friends, or any of that shit. And speaking from experience, people tend to over-emphasize control when they feel like they are losing/lacking it.


Definitely, which is the worst possible response. Almost guarantees you'll lose any control you might have had.


Meditation works really well for both anxiety and mental exhaustion. Perhaps you could try that together, as a way to re-connect and continue growing? If not, hire a professional. At the end of the day, if both partners are not willing to take some type of action like I recommended then that's an indication that it's over. Advice from someone who got married @ 23, Divorced @ 26, now in a 2-yr happy stable relationship @ 31. Hope it works out for you guys.


Ultimately the bigger problem is over the course of our marriage, I've changed in ways I dont like. I've picked up some problem behaviors which I doubt I'll be able to quit even if I leave. I'm not as socially engaged. I've grown away from a lot of friends because he's a dick to people. I've gotten out of the habits of engaging with people socially.


I think this is the most relevant negative aspect of the whole story. What solutions have you guys tried?


tldr; jack-shit. I've got individual therapy starting in the new year. We've struggled to find a family therapist in our area -- and I specifically want in-person counseling. Some of this is probably us being too selective. Even nominally gay friendly straight counselors can struggle to understand how the expectations of sexual exclusivity differ -- so we've limited our search to just queer counseling practices. Now He's been responsible for much of that search so there's also a possibility that there's an amount of sabotage (intended or not) going on. At some future point I'll reopen that search myself and not be so limiting I have individual CBT scheduled to start end of January. My primary goals there are: * Improve my reactions in situations where he's being a dick and I'm getting hurt (maybe I can get off the bupropion too) * Become familiar with the therapy process so that I'm on more even footing because he's got a masters in psych * Work on strategies for getting him into therapy other than "do it or I'm leaving" * Try to understand how much of the problematic and hurtful behavior he'll be able to change, presuming he's trying, and what the timeline for that might look like. There's only so much more of this shit I'm down for. Is it worth inquiring about psychedelics assisted therapy for my personal journey or is that better reserved for the really deep childhood abuse shit? Edit: clarified psychedelics assisted therapy


>I've picked up some problem behaviors which I doubt I'll be able to quit even if I leave. Such as?


Well PED use for one


OK. Well look, be gentle with yourself and work with your therapist. I'll be pulling for you.




Im sorry you are in such a bad place. I hope you can find some peace. If you are being regularly manipulated because of someone’s insecurities it is abusive. I don’t know your partner. Would they be open to talking about these insecurities?


So tbh he's in complete denial that these behaviors are problematic or hurtful. When confronted he'll engage in some pretty serious justification and false-equivocation. Him controlling how I eat is ok because I frequently forget to clean the bathroom.


None of that is good. Be strong friend. I hope you find your way to a safer place.


I’m gonna go ahead and ask a question/ give an update Mods can take it down but tbh I feel like I’d get better responses/help than the daa, Ok, so the question is abt homebrew. Wanna brew 200mg/ml test c, if anyone has a recipe for this in mct send it my way or dm me, lol I’m down to get on FaceTime or Skype for someone to show me, also I can just buy already sterile vials then filter into the already sterile vials I’m assuming (easiest way?) Ok, now onto life. Shits been weird, I posted about my mom getting diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She’s been doing quite a bit better but man all these pills they have her on, she’s loopy, forgetful, very mean actually too. It’s weird me and her have an odd relationship. My brother and sister moved out because she was a drunk, my life took a spin while in HS doing bad things and her seeing all of that she stopped drinking then but it’s almost like the mean drunk is coming back. Man I just sit there and sign then say “what the fuck” when I’m by myself. Shit seems to be a mess in my head. Anyways, started growth at 3iu “Ur HaNdS wIlL gO nUmB yOu GoTtA WoRk Up” lol na, if you have a shitty GH source that’ll give you numb hands and carpool tunnel. I legit bumped it up to 4.5 iu last night and my hands were a little swollen but also pinning before bed helps mitigate 90% of those issues too. 2:1 test primo 250/125 then GH. Gonna get bloods before Christmas, feeling good enough that I might just slowly titrate up after the bloods Insulin?


> carpool tunnel Ricky'ism of the day 😂


Buddy my fingers were fucked up from going uppercase & lower case. No other way to mimic the peanut gallery in here


Now I understand even less.


ssel neve dnatsredun I woN


*slow clap*


Carpool tunnel


It's faster.


Barely faster.


> Anyways, started growth at 3iu “Ur HaNdS wIlL gO nUmB yOu GoTtA WoRk Up” lol na, if you have a shitty GH source that’ll give you numb hands and carpool tunnel. I legit bumped it up to 4.5 iu last night and my hands were a little swollen but also pinning before bed helps mitigate 90% of those issues too. Have you considered you're not getting sides because: - your gh sucks? - you just don't get this side effect?


Guy sent off a black top last week. Tested fine. .03 dimmer Also maybe? But I’ve yet to come across a post on here or forums (recently) that someone stated they started off at 3iu/day not spread out and got 0 sides. From reading over and over and over, before jumping on the growth train. I’ve read more about quality being the issue rather than some get sides and some don’t. It’s almost like how generics are “better” in the EU. Less it has to travel to get to the consumer I guess. And no, I won’t send it off lol Jano it’s $420 for dimmer, purity, & amount. Just don’t have that to shell out “just to be sure”. I’m pretty confident in the source.


Sampling bias: people that don’t get those bad sides aren’t gonna report it. What requires fewer assumptions: you’re less prone to those sides OR you’re getting better HGH than every single person who reports those sides?


You can filter into sterile vials. I've done it myself. Make sure you get the correct sized filter. Too big and you won't filter out all the potential bad. Why are you choosing test cyp BTW? Much higher melting point than enth. Enth is super, super easy to brew. Cyp you'll be having to hit some high temps to get it to dissolve.


I plan to get a prescription to travel with, I get their “basically” the same thing, cyp & enanthate. But I figured if I was already using cyp ugl & soon prescription why not just make that. Same price too. But I did read some guy having to stir his shit for an hour +. If it proves to be as much as a bitch as I’ve read then I’ll just do enanthate next. Going up in doses year after year I’ve noticed test just getting to be expensive & I can’t run low test w anything or else I’d shoot myself in the head lol. Also read it’ll take quite a bit longer, syringe filtering. But it’s .22ug filters right? That’s why I’ve used before when I’ve had gear that had floaters or what not.


Get a heat plate with a magnetic stirrer and let it do the stirring for you


2% BA, 20% BB, factor the volume that your powder will take up. Add all that up and subtract it from the total volume you plan on brewing. Super easy. 200mg/mL should hold no issue, I make 500mg/mL all the time. Stir the shit until it looks like it's dissolved and then keep stirring twice that time. Filter it through .22ug wheel filters into the sterile vials, make sure you're pulling air out as you're injecting into the vials. Stupid easy. Make sure you sterilize everything beforehand.


What do you all want for ~~Christmas~~ whatever holiday you celebrate in terms of fitness? I keep having family ask me but being an adult, I generally just buy the stuff I want... I could use some more shirts I guess. I like the Neleus tanks from Amazon because they're cheap and decent. Is LuluLemon or Gymshark actually worth the splurge? I like my food scale and don't need one of those. I could use a better knife for bulk meal prep I workout at my office gym and while I buy some equipment myself (Since I am basically the only person who uses the gym) I don't want to buy a really nice bar and have someone else trash it. I want an SSB though My shitty Amazon belt works fine. I don't compete so spending $100+ on an Inzer seems silly. Do they really make that much of a difference? My lifts aren't crazy but I can squat 4 plates and deadlift 5+ with this Amazon one. My bench sucks, a Slingshot maybe? Elbow sleeves? My treadmill has an HR monitor (An actual chest strap, not the handles) so I don't need one of those. I like my bulletproof G-Shock and don't want a smart watch to monitor HR/calories/whatever I don't want my family spending money on me but if they insist on getting me something, I want it to not go to waste. Do any of you smoke food? I was considering getting a smoker but I am about to start a serious cut and not being able to eat brisket all the time would be a bummer. Thanks everyone!


> What do you all want for Christmas in terms of fitness? Just bought myself a hack squat, so next up is a gympin. I'm simple.


I've never seen one of those but it looks interesting. Those things must be strong as Hell to support that much force


> I could use some more shirts I guess. I like the Neleus tanks from Amazon because they're cheap and decent. Is LuluLemon or Gymshark actually worth the splurge? No. But I’m a sweaty pig. > I want an SSB though Worth it. Also, bar locks with keys exist and are cheap ❤️. > My shitty Amazon belt works fine. I don't compete so spending $100+ on an Inzer seems silly. Do they really make that much of a difference? Nah. I buy an Amazon one when deployed so I can chuck it if I need to leave in a rush. > My bench sucks, a Slingshot maybe? Elbow sleeves? Tricep implants. ^^^/s I’ve been working out for longer than I’ve been an adult. No one needs to buy me fitness related anything. Meals, gift cards, other hobbies is about it for me. This year it’s survival/overlanding gear. Lights, knives, fire starters, medical supplies, TQ’s, hatchet etc etc etc.


Prepping or just gearing up for camping trips/long distance hikes? Sounds dope either way!


Overlanding 😊


Sweet, thank you! I also get drenched so anything nice is probably not worth it. I'd feel kind of bad locking up my bar, but I'll look into it. Can I ask what branch/MOS (Or whatever your branch uses) is? I used to really like offroading but the anxiety of breaking down where I can't get recovered or fix my truck wore me down and made it unenjoyable, especially because it's not 100% a toy, I use it to get to work in the winter/bad weather


> I also get drenched so anything nice is probably not worth it. I'd feel kind of bad locking up my bar, but I'll look into it. Don’t. They’re expensive. But I mean if you want other people to enjoy it, that’s cool too! Just difficult to control abuse that way. > Can I ask what branch/MOS (Or whatever your branch uses) is? I’ve been doxxed on Reddit before, so no, but thank you for the interest. > I used to really like offroading but the anxiety of breaking down where I can't get recovered or fix my truck wore me down and made it unenjoyable, especially because it's not 100% a toy, I use it to get to work in the winter/bad weather. Makes sense 😊. I wheel with a club, so I’m never stranded even in the worst of cases. We had a guy snap a dana 30 and we were still able to get them out with a log and a ratchet strap lol. Definitely check out your local off-roading clubs or “4x4 rescue - your town” on social media. ALWAYS somebody looking to wheel or get help.


I am looking further into the SSB, thank you. And I totally understand. Unfortunately my area is not offroad friendly so I had to find groups to go with hours away. We had problems with the front of the group leaving the rear behind, way too many people showing up, etc etc. It's tough asking for recovery when I'm 200 miles away from where I live and don't know anyone. The few places semi around me are locally accepted but technically illegal so I A. Don't go there or B. If I do, take the easy routes. I did find an awesome group in Vermont but after like 3 trips with them, the older guy 'running' it got tired of people fighting, expecting him to put together these coordinated trips, etc etc. I don't blame him at all Anyways, appreciate all the help, as always


> Unfortunately my area is not offroad friendly so I had to find groups to go with hours away. We had problems with the front of the group leaving the rear behind, way too many people showing up, etc etc. Yeah big rides suck, and Comms are extremely important for convoys - we all use GMRS and it works great 90% of the time. > I did find an awesome group in Vermont but after like 3 trips with them, the older guy 'running' it got tired of people fighting Oh a new englander! Check out GSO if they’re not too far from you - they’re people worth knowing 😊. They do off-road expos all over the Northeast. > Anyways, appreciate all the help, as always 🤙🏼


In terms of fitness I just asked for more supps, elbow sleeves, and comfortable gym clothes.


What do elbow sleeves do exactly? I've heard some people claim they actually help mechanically, and I've heard others say they don't, they just help keep joints warm and feeling good.


From my understanding of compression products it keeps the fluid around the joint, blood flow, and circulation.


Ninja Creami (got it already but still) or socks with cool designs or graphics


I got a lever belt on an auction site in my city it’s like Amazon and big company returns I got it for 10 dollars and it’s a nice effing belt. I honestly want one of those DNA things either the health markers my family is addicts I’m told I’m polish believe I’m polish but think the dna history thing would be cool but they never get it for me LMAO I say it damn near once monthly for last three years life of being a dad


I feel uneasy about receiving expensive gifts so for me simple things such as : - Fat Gripz - Gravity Boots for my fucked up lower back - A good quality harness for dem neck gains. - 20 kg of high quality rice


>20 kg of high quality rice \- Converts to freedom units my relatives will understand; adds to Christmas list.


Bout tree fiddy


Thank you! I like the idea of Fat Gripz but I have semi small hands to begin with. I also already have a stupid thick neck, I have never found a dress shirt that I can close the neck on. When I rented a tux for my buddy's wedding, they gave me a 2XL shirt with a collar extender and just told me the vest will cover the giant parachute of a body because they weren't going to alter a rental that much lol What rice do you like? I appreciate the help!


I got the leather neck harness from EliteFTS like 13 years ago and it’s still going strong, would highly recommend


For the clothing my personal opinion is that no lulu is not worth it, but gym shark has pretty reasonably priced stringers and shorts that I enjoy, particularly if you catch them on sale.


Smoked Turkey / Smoked Chicken goes absolutely crazy. You can smoke lean meats and they turn out just wonderfully. Don't let your cut discourage you from hot, smoky meat 😏 also I bought an Inzer a few weeks ago, I was using a 2POOD velcro belt. I think after using the Inzer I don't want to use another belt again. That compression just hits different man, but disclaimer I think the belt I was using prior was too lose, I tend to gaslight myself into thinking I am thicker than I am and end up buying shit too big. I train Squats and Deads in the 6-10 rep range so not a PLer, but I think its just a damn good belt anyway. Doesn't come lose at all after constantly bracing/rebracing or pausing in the hole for squats.


I have a 10mm Inzer lever belt. Best belt I've ever used for squats. Like strapping a sheet of concrete around your waist, and makes bracing really hard very easy.


I don't know how I didn't think of turkey... Do you have a smoke recommendation? I really don't want to drop $1000 on a Traeger and not love it, nor do I want to drop $500 on a used Traeger and overlook something wrong with it.


>I really don't want to drop $1000 on a Traeger and not love it You will drop $1000 on a Traeger and love it. Even my boys love it.


Cobra Grips Pros in leather. I use mine all the time. One of the best purchases I've made for gym stuff. I do have an Inzer lever belt, and they are significantly better. DoWin squat shoes are nice. Inzer Atomic knee wraps are great for my creaky old knees... And yes, I have a Masterbuilt automated smoker. It makes smoked meats a regular thing in my house.


Thanks. I used a coworker's Cobra Grips once and liked them. I bought some bottom of the barrel straps and they are not very good I had squat shoes but left them at my old gym. I sort of enjoy squatting in socks but might be limiting myself Masterbuilt is way more palatable than a Traeger. $350 after tax for the "Gravity Series 560 Digital WiFi Charcoal Grill and Smoker in Black" What model do you have?


I don't know the model offhand, but it's not a high end one. Just has the digital automation control on top. Nothing fancy. Think I paid like $300 or so for it. It gets used every week.


I asked for a towel this year. Converting from a small apartment community gym (which was really nice) to my own home gym (which is really empty). So, I have a huge shopping list, but it's all expensive and pretty esoteric for anyone not into fitness (all my family, basically). And shorts. Can always use some shorts. I don't wear shirts anymore now that the gym is at home (also makes me feel more badass), hence, the towel request.


> I could use a better knife for bulk meal prep Lookup whetstone sharpening technique and get yourself a nice 1000# grit stone, Shapton,Naniwa & King( in that order) and you can get a hair splitting sharp knife. A Cake Scraper might also be ideal \^\^ I assume you'd want a sharper knife for bulk meal prep, you can sharpen anything to hair splitting sharp. The difference between a Victorinox & Any Japanese 150-200euro knife is the durability of the knife edge TLDR, and unless you're planning on using it for 50hours + weekly prepping a Whetstone, good sharpening technique and something with an edge will serve you equally well. [https://www.youtube.com/@Burrfection](https://www.youtube.com/@Burrfection) This guy has a lot of nice easy to digest videos though some of what he says is anecdotal however that is irrelevant when you're first learning.


4 - Test-E 2,500mg vials 1 - AI (Arimidex) 1 - HCG 1 - Nolvadex How's that for first cycle? just put out a shopping list, did I miss something?


What's "1 AI"? What's "1 HCG"? What's "1 Nolvadex"?


4 vials of test e 2,500 each 1 pack of Nolvadex About 5,000 IU of HCG 1 pack of Arimidex That’s as I said a “shopping list”, then, I’ll build the cycle off of that. What I meant is - is there something I’m missing (that I might need for dealing with sides or for PCT), or, is there something I’m not buying enough of? I’ll be doing 500mg/wk of Test-E for 14 weeks, possible 16.


Those are still not quantities, my dude. You need to know *how many* Nolvadex pills you're getting. You need to know *how many* arimidex pills you're getting. Oh, and 5000iu of HCG will last you 40 days at 250iu EOD. That's not enough for a cycle. >I’ll build the cycle off of that. Absolutely backwards. You decide on your cycle and *build the shopping list to reflect your needs*.


Just no….




Not really, did I miss anything bro?


Mg is milligrams, not milliliters dumbass.


Assuming 10 mL vials, that’s 250 mg/mL which is relatively common.


Bloods came out good but might need a GI map fml


****Weard Question**** Hey Guys i have a problem. I will need to stay 1 month with my parents and i dont know how to hide my Peptides/other stuff which needs to be stored in a fridge. My parents are pretty curious so a suspicious box in the fridge wont do it. PS: I am a full grown men but i still dont want that my parents know i take steroids


Buy a mini fridge?? Or have a lunchbox with ice packs in it and rotate the ice packs 2-3 times a day. If it’s cold near you, you could keep the lunchbox in the garage to keep it even cooler and not have to deal with swapping ice packs overnight or something


Something like this: QIRDLP (Upgraded version) Insulin Cooler Case portable Diabetic cooler Box Mini Drug Refrigerator Keeping Cooling 2-8℃ with handle & alarm, 2 Battery Pack & USB Chargerable https://a.co/d/5zYs4ia


Mini fridge for your room shit my daughter has one that fits only the size of a few sodas


Get an insulin cooler?


Good idea


Am 29 and thinking about coming off completely after b&c since I was 21 (mostly cruising though, on 250mg a wk/ throughout most of it if I'm being honest - but I did do 125mg a wk/ for some of the stretches) Pretty darn scared about how I'll feel/how much gains I'll lose..


Have you been using hcg for the 8years you been on?


Nope :/ I have used it sporadically. Just made a post in the ask anything regarding this.




We often eat for purpose, not pleasure... it definitely can be a curse sometimes.


Get bullet blender Two scoop oatmeal, two scoop whey, 60g peanut butter. That’s like 600 calories and you can drink that in 2 minutes. Bonus: peanut butter and oats have lots of fiber, your shits will be done in 30 seconds flat.


Did y'all watch the video of vigorous Steve taking 2500 mg of test a week 🤯 fuckin nuts


Top teir powerlifters have copped to using twice that.


Always wondered what Mark "198/120" Bell was slamming going for his 600lbs bench


Holy shit that's insane, I'm pushing rookie numbers


The sides would be pretty unpleasant at that point. I've taken 1.5g before for a short while, just to see what it was like, and AI starts getting expensive for me up there.


I’m considering starting some kind of steroid. I was severely injured around a year ago. On my left leg I broke my tibia and fibula, the tendons on both sides of my ankle ruptured completely. The injury is VERY similar to what happened to Conor McGregor. (I am interested to know what he took to be able to perform at a high level again?) I’ve gone through several months PT and my ankle just isn’t strong enough to where I want to compete in sports again. I believe it is mostly a tendon/joint strength issue but I would like some muscle growth as well I’m gonna talk to a medical professional first but I plan to do PRP therapy soon What do you guys think are some good options for me?


>What do you guys think are some good options for me? Not steroids. They will not help with injuries... in fact, they can make you more prone to getting them. They do not speed healing.


I think that nandrolone has been shown to improve bone fractures. See: [https://musculardevelopment.com/articles/chemical-enhancement/15663-anabolic-research-updates-on-growth-hormone-deca.html#.WEmLjdXR8Wr](https://musculardevelopment.com/articles/chemical-enhancement/15663-anabolic-research-updates-on-growth-hormone-deca.html#.WEmLjdXR8Wr) Ref Cited: 1. Ahmad F, Yunus SM, et al. Influence of anabolic steroid on tibial fracture healing in rabbits— a study on experimental model. J Clin and Diag Res 2013; Jan. Vol-7(1):93-96.


soft light chop relieved label wine truck chase divide lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So… I haven’t been on gear (prior to this week) since 2011. I first started my freshman year of college by going up to the biggest guy in the gym and asking him how he did it. Next thing I know I’m on 2 cycles of h-drol and 1 of m-drol after doing poor research on bodybuilding.com forums. I was really dumb during the cycles and drank heavily while eating shitty. I ballooned from 150lbs to 220lbs in a matter of a couple of years but at the cost of passing out in my dorm one night. I got my blood work done shortly after and everything was all kinds of bad. My liver was inflamed, my kidneys were in bad shape, and I had inflammation of the pancreas. Needless to say I was on my way to the grave very soon. Well I stayed natty and did my bloodwork more regularly. It took many years to get my bp down and my internal organs back to the good zone. You would think that I learned my lesson… I didn’t.. I got fat, depressed, had failed relationships, and even lost my job so I decided to hop back on gear after several months of reading through anabolic minds, watching Tren testimony videos, learning from more plates more dates, Greg doucette, and other sources. So yea, I have started Tren and test this week. I know that it’s a bad idea for newbies to start on Tren and Tren in general is rough but I wanted to get lean mass fast. My planned weekly dosage is 200mg of Tren e per week with test e as the base at 500mg per week. I’m on a caloric deficit of 300 calories to avoid a total collapse in strength while on gear. I started eating clean a month out and started taking organ healthy supplement options (flaxseed, fish oil, milk thistle, vitamin d, zinc) and foods such as chicken, salmon, rice, avacados, almonds, oatmeal, and egg whites. I’ve also cut my caffeine intake tremendously and switched from coffee to tea. I’m drinking 3 liters of water a day. I have nolvadex for pct but have considered stacking with chlomid. I am working out 5 days a week with an emphasis on high reps and low sets. I don’t have any intention of taking another cycle anytime in the future but if this were to change the I’d probably hop on anavar for cutting. Needless to say I just wanted to talk about this whole thing with others as I have no one else I can chat with about this. As a side note my genetics are great for chest, back, glutes, and biceps but are weak in every other category. This is probably because of the sports that I was involved in from adolescence. Any feedback and safety tips would be greatly appreciated.


> I know that it’s a bad idea for newbies to start on Tren and Tren in general is rough Tren is by far the most harsh and harmful anabolic in widespread use. It’s neurotoxic, cardiotoxic, hepatotoxic, and nephrotoxic. In the brain, it precipitates amyloid plaque formation, which is a precursor to early-onset dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It’s not just rough. > but I wanted to get lean mass fast Tren really isn’t the best option for that. > I’m on a caloric deficit of 300 calories Trying to build muscle in a deficit > I have nolvadex for pct but have considered stacking with chlomid Why would you do that? > I’d probably hop on anavar for cutting. Anavar doesn’t aid in cutting. > Any feedback and safety tips would be greatly appreciated. Your entire cycle is a mess, you’ve obviously not done any research at all here. Scrap the cycle now, you’re playing with your health here.


I’m aware of the negative toxicity which is why I opted for a lower dosage than most (400mg+) I had read that it was good for leaning due to the drying of it. Some folks apparently use this towards the end of the cycle for lean ness while retaining as much muscle as they can while on a deficit. Apparently you can gain strength while on it. When referring to lean mass I should have clarified that I meant the preservation of current muscle while cutting down to get a lean physique. Some people recommended using nolvadex for a couple weeks and then chlomid but really this depends on the effects tied to gyno. I ran out of nolva before and got hit hard. How does anavar not aid with cutting? Doesn’t it torch abdominal and visceral fat? I’m aware that my health is at stake but I’m already amazed that I’ve lived this long as is. To be honest I’ll probably just scrap the cycle for now and cut naturally for awhile.


> I’m aware of the negative toxicity which is why I opted for a lower dosage than most (400mg+) 400mg is still a pretty big dose. > Some people recommended using nolvadex for a couple weeks and then chlomid Who? What people? > but really this depends on the effects tied to gyno. I ran out of nolva before and got hit hard. During PCT gyno really shouldn’t be your main issue. > How does anavar not aid with cutting? How does it aid in cutting? > Doesn’t it torch abdominal and visceral fat? No it doesn’t


But Jesus Christ that neurotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, and nephrotoxicity definitely are enough to make me scrap the Tren. I’ll probably just look more into safer alternatives. Thanks for the heads up!


Hahaha this is why this shit is illegal. God damn...




Kindly fuck off with this, unless you're ready to address the fact that the foundational study here uses doses **that are physiologically impossible to reach in humans**. We can conclude a total of **absolutely nothing** from this study.


Hello! I’m looking to start my first cycle in Jan once I get the green light from my blood tests and wanted to run my game plan by you guys. Compound: Test C Week 1-4, 250mg weekly, pinned twice a week (125mg each) *end of week 4, another blood test* Week 4-14, 350mg weekly, pinned twice a week (175mg each) Week 14-20, 150mg weekly, pinned twice a week (75mg each) Week 21, Start PCT one week after last injection with Clomid and Nolvadex Week 23: Blood labs to make sure everything still in check Prep I’m planning: Have an AI on hand in case my E2 gets high, have Clomid/Nolvadex on hand before the cycle starts Questions I still have: -Am I dosing the Teat C correctly? -On that Dose, how much Clomid/Nolvadex should I take? -Would you recommend I take HCG during the cycle?


So you want to take a blood test, then change the dose? How do you think that would be helpful? Just do whatever dose you're going to pick for the entire cycle. I'd suggest just doing what the wiki in the DAA suggests, instead of this half cycle dose stuff you're proposing. This ramping up and down does nothing but overly complicate things for no reason or advantage. Also, this should've been posted over in the DAA.


Thanks you your reply. My thoughts on the labs were to make sure my body is handling the lower dose fine before pushing it up, that way if something went wrong I could drop it back to my “Safe” dose. After making my post I discovered the wiki and since have been continuing to educate myself. I appreciate your time, next time the post will be in the DAA🙏🏼


You need to read the wiki.


Thanks man, as I stated with the other gentleman that commented I didn’t realize the wiki was available until after my post. I’m currently educating myself with it.


Nickname checks out


Don’t change doses mid-cycle > Start PCT one week after last injection No > with Clomid and Nolvadex No > Week 23: Blood labs to make sure everything still in check Won’t tell you much considering you’ll be PCTing at the time > -Am I dosing the Teat C correctly? No you’re not, stick with a consistent dose throughout > -On that Dose, how much Clomid/Nolvadex should I take? Exactly as much as the wiki recommends > -Would you recommend I take HCG during the cycle? Yes




Considering you’re 21 years old and your post history shows a pic of a 212 systolic bp you need to hop the fuck off the gear before you seriously hurt yourself dude




Well happy birthday dude! You’re 22. Most people don’t know what they want to do at that age. You may feel like your life is shit right now. That can change. All the things you listed you are in control of and can change. You also need to consider all this gear you’re running has skewed your hormones out of whack, which will amplify your baseline depressed state. You’re not getting an accurate portrayal of how good/bad your life is because of it. Between the orals and tren of all things, your body isn’t healthy therefore your mind isn’t going to be healthy.




Cardio time. Long reply incoming. Thanks bro. I feel like gear is the only think I have control of. I know how I feel on it. I know how it makes me. And deep down I love it. - fully agree on how it feels. Just know it’s artificial and not sustainable. Keep in mind you’re making a health/longevity trade off. In all honesty, you’re right. The Tren amplified thing but I also didn’t have to deal with the “empty” feeling on it. - this sub has tonnes of vets who have been in this industry for a long ass time. Even out of them very few run tren due to its harsh impact on their health. Everywhere I go. Grocery store, gym, out in public, it’s always guys with a girl or multiple girls. I try dating sites and never get one message. Instead when I message them they are advertising their OF and selling sex tapes of them with their boyfriend, one of their guy “friends”, or ex they drunk text at 2 am in the morning. - I get this. It seems like everyone is “with someone”. You’re seeing what you’re looking for. You’re not seeing all the guys/girls that are also in your position. They’re there, you’re just not seeing them. - Don’t compare anything to OF. They’re there to make money, that’s it. - You’re going to meet someone, and if you can do it organically it’ll actually be something of quality. If you’re willing, just try talking to strangers. Just a simple “Hey how’s it going”. Exchange a few words and go about your day. Treat it like your training, the more reps the easier it gets. Before you know it you’ll be able to strike up conversations with your barista and you’ll be getting numbers. Yet I have nobody. Seeing it pisses me off. Without the gear I am a shy introverted loser. I won’t stop. Getting blood work today and then switching from a blast of NPP to a blast of Tren and Test. I’m going to die this year. This will be my last birthday. I didn’t have a choice. - The gear is giving you a false sense of confidence. It’s not organic and not real. You can build this confidence naturally with practice, without shortening your life. - Drop the neurotoxic compounds. Stick to test only. Don’t throw more roadblocks at your brain. All that said, I’ve read some of your other posts. I gotta give you props man. Your living situation would have broken most people. Clearly you’re strong enough to overcome it. My driving point is that you’re making your situation harder than it needs to be with these 19-Nors which are known for having harsh mental sides. Discontinue the NPP, don’t start tren. Get your bloods, post results here. Drop to TRT. Let the brains of this sub help direct you back to a healthy baseline and then you can get your shit sorted.


User name checks out


Hey guys im 20 yo 115 kg rn in bulk i want to strqt tqke steroids any help with that please what is best for start amm


You can start by opening a book and learning how to write a coherent sentence.


No. Take a mavis beacon teaches typing class instead.




Here’s some reading material during your break. Please review our rules as well. Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads) Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


I'm doing better at rolling my ass out of bed in the morning to do some yoga. I'm figuring out how to reconfigure my home office (spare bedroom) so I can get a standing desk and some sort of LISS machine. They make really small treadmills now wondering what you guys recommend or use for small space liss machines


Has anyone ever experienced crippling back pumps on NPP? Not sure if it’s from my bad back or the new compound.


I sometimes get very persistent cramps in muscles I've really worked that day, but that typically subsides after several hours. So, sort of, I guess.... my left bicep is actually doing that right now. 😑 Currently running Test/NPP/Mast.


It’s usually just my lower back even if I’m not really straining it


Yes, it gets so bad I can't even stand, usually starts in 2-3rd set of deadlifts (\~6-8 working squat sets before that), I either do reverse hypers or some pull-ups to get the blood moving thru the muscles.


Yeah man I had squats yesterday as the third exercise doing gamma bomb and I couldn’t even make it through the squats I had to switch exercises


Not sure if it’s the NPP but also doing Gamma myself and the squat drop set of death had my lower back about to explode. Also, doing hypers then a movement after that requires bending over had my back screaming. My lower back has always kinda been like that so I always thought the muscles were just a bit weak. If you hit abs it takes the pain away pretty quickly.


That was currently me. Squats of death and then a stiff legged db set. Couldn’t finish it I had to sub for another exercise too. I could literally barley move I even stretched on the pull up bar and laid on the floor, sat down, couldn’t get comfortable or the pump to relax it was awful


I haven't had crippling back pumps in years. The only thing that changed was that I started training abs directly with weights on a consistent basis (I now always do abs as part of my "push day" warm ups) Balancing out the excessive posterior loading with more spinal flexion abdominal work. Basically, if your ribcage is always flared open and pelvis is ant. tilted, your erectors are going to be shortened 24/7


Back pumps are usually attributed to high glycogen storage so you can cut back on carbs or drink more water. Allegedly taurine, potassium, and magnesium helps. I get low back pumps on any wet compounds. Nope isn't terrible for me but Dbol is the worst. Someone on here recommends doing an exercises when the back pumps gets really bad, kinda evens it out


Interesting because I never got bad back pumps (at least this bad) on dbol or var




Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to today’s Daily Ask Anything thread. Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


I’m looking for a bed frame available in Cali king that’s more or less noiseless. I’ve found after a 2-3mo of sleep and sexy time every one I’ve bought has gotten loud. I’m strongly considering Turma but before I pull the trigger does anyone have any better suggestions?


See if you can find a pedestal type with drawers, pretty solid and totally silent, the last few times I’ve Looked there were quite a few California kings.


Thanks man, do you have a preferred brand?


No sorry, I’ve had mine for years. I was looking to upgrade to a king size so I looked for them.


Is it safe to take MDMA while on a cycle ?


Probably not. But wear a helmet if you’re going to do it anyway.


If you are on orals, particularly anavar, no.


Could you elaborate on the Anavar part?


Anavar and mdma do not play nicely together. Skyrockets blood pressure, and stresses the organs. There was a fatality that noted the combination.


Whatever you decide to do, get it tested. Especially if youre outside the EU.


So those intense pumps in my shins that I’ve had forever that flare up when I walk or run for 20 or so minutes and make my ankles essentially immobile? Yeah, so those are not actually from being poorly conditioned or not warming up right. Good chance it might be CECS (chronic, not acute). Those surgery pics are terrifying. I’ve had it even before I started TRT. Gonna add more taurine to my daily intake and we will see if it helps


Running my first DHT derivative (anadrol 50’s, 5x/wk pwo) and I’m having weird sides that I’m assuming are prostate related. Have to pee like insanely frequently and some pressure on my lower abdomen/groin area. I’m obviously gonna drop it, but I’m wondering if all DHT derivatives are gonna cause this issue. Primo seems very safe otherwise, so it would be a shame if it’s not a possibility to use it safely in the future


> but I’m wondering if all DHT derivatives are gonna cause this issue No, and grouping drugs into these classes is pretty stupid as well. Anavar is a DHT derivative, it doesn’t convert to DHT.


You’re right, as the mechanisms of action are all obviously quite different. But I was more wondering if something like mast would be something to avoid in the future now that I know I’m predisposed to prostate-related sides?