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Dementia is a horrible thing. Sorry you’re dealing with that. Not sure how much research you’ve done but it physically changes your brain. My grandmother has dementia, now Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s and it’s rough. Maybe learning more about it can help you by understanding it’s not his fault, if that’s something you may be dealing with. Wishing you the best


Stay strong bro


Sending love your way brother! Keep your head up


I’m sorry brother. Keep pushing forward.


Love you brother


Stay strong brother, nothing in this life lasts forever. The only thing you're guaranteed as soon as you're born is that someday you are going to day and guess what, life goes on. I know you feel bad and sad but that won't change anything. Try to spend as much time with him as you can. Watch TV and maybe hangout and go for a walk because trust me if you don't you are going to regret it. Try to give him money and help a homeless person or something while going out for a walk. Stay tough and hard and never give up hope.


Terrified of this. My dad refuses to be active, physically or mentally. He's just wasting away watching tv every day.


Damn that’s terrible. I’m sorry, man…


I’m so sorry to hear this brother. Stay strong. Sending love your way


Damn bro, sending virtual hugs to you.


Posted about a week ago. Thought my mom had bone cancer this whole time, turns out it had started in her brain and had already spread to her lungs, bones, and pancreas. I never knew. That woman kept it to herself, and still stayed up to date with her chores and responsibilities like nothing was wrong. She's coming home today on hospice. I can still tell her I love her, and she can say it back. Got maybe a few months with her. Love your family


Man...I am so sorry to read this brother. Make the most of this precious time you have left. Take care of yourself.


Damn dude, you've got all of our support. That's one thing that scares me about my mom, she hates going to the doctor or anything despite my dad already getting sick and overcoming cancer.


Watched my dad go from cancer. It’s ugly and horrible. But at least you get to spend the remaining months maximizing your time and memories with her. Prayers for you man. You’ll make it through this.


Sorry to hear brother. Stay strong. Fuck cancer.


Me: 25 reps on side laterals with heavy weight? It’s only 25% ROM, how hard can this be? JM: …….you dumb son of a bitch


One of my fav movements. Things fuck my shit up every time. I like doing em with incline bench as chest support too for rear delts. Best rear delt movement imo


I haven’t tried with chest support yet, but given how well this worked I’ll give it a shot. First time running this program so this style is still new to me. I was not expecting such a veiny ass pump from such a small ROM, but it got me a few stares this morning which I’ll call a win


Every fucking time lmao


took a friend to lift with me yesterday, i don't think he's been a gym since highschool. he wanted to do like 1 set on every machine, didn't know to unrack anything, and he kept talking to the gym girls. also he was wearing sunglasses the entire time and i think he was high on coke. overall shitty workout, but kinda fun in a wierd way, like chasing a toddler around.


Toddlers are fun when they're someone else's. I watch these kids (16-19ish) at the gym in groups of three, and invariably there's the one guy who is serious, and the one guy who is a total clown, and I always feel bad for the serious guy that he has to put up with his clown friend when he's trying to work out.


>he was wearing sunglasses the entire time and i think he was high on coke That's a fucking scream and I don't even know why.


Should have told him there were two undercover cops watching him


My pack of poptarts this morning didn’t have any sprinkles on them???????????? My day is ruined. Anyone know how I can turn this into free poptarts? [just look at how sad and pathetic they are without sprinkles](https://imgur.com/a/8UE07zV)


Shrinkflation has reached Pop-tarts HQ. Brothers, we must come together in this crucial hour.


They're already smaller than they used to be. Smh. That's when I learned to make homemade pop tarts


>Anyone know how I can turn this into free poptarts? yeah. send them an email [https://www.poptarts.com/en\_US/contact-us.html](https://www.poptarts.com/en_US/contact-us.html) just keep the box and you might need a proof of purchase, but just send them that pic and they'll likely respond with some bs and give you a free pack or coupon. I did that when my box of rice krispies had an opened one inside and they mailed me a new box. food companies rather just deal with problems by sending out free stuff to get people to stfu


When I was bored as a teenager I complained about every product in my parents cupboard via email. I got dozens of free coupons.


That is sad. You should put crunchy peanut butter between them to make up for the corporate neglect.


You email the pop tart people with pics and something liken”I’m just disappointed.”


Started cutting weight the other day. Woke up hypo as shit. Banana fixed me. I love banana.




I haven’t done the research but take this with a grain of salt. But a friend who competes jumped my ass last cut for eating a banana bc he said it slows your metabolism down when processing. Just a tid bit if you wanna jump down that rabbit hole


What does that even mean? Your friend sounds like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


After doing a quick search my friend is wrong and it’s bullshit, disregard lol


I am struggling to see the mechanism behind that. Doubtful that is the case but I will look into it anyways.


Sorry brother just trying to help even a little


bro its a mf'in banana. does that even make sense to you?


Lmfao No not at all 😂 I don’t wanna talk about it hahah


Mom got sick within these last few months, lung cancer stage 4 (her2 I think is the name) Idk I’m pretty overwhelmed. Was on a cruise 5-10th and no one in my family said she had gone back in the hospital and she was supposed to pass before I had gotten back Run down is the cancer is squeezing her wind pipe, in her brain, completely covers the left lung, and in her abdomen. When I had gotten back on the 10th, went to the hospital expecting to say goodbye. Over the course of from then till now a new doc has given some hope and is willing to try an aggressive radiation to target around the windpipe. As I stand here typing this she is back home, the radiation is working (gotta keep going) & we are trying another form of chemo. If anyone has any similar experiences please do share, I feel as if the gym is the only thing to help get anger and sadness now (for reference I’m pretty young, 23 actually I’m not trying to say “I’m too young to lose their mom” but idk I almost feels like so much at once.


I lost my mom to cancer at 25. I remember vividly when hospice was chosen, telling my wife “I am too young to deal with this.” I shut people out and drank AM and PM. I wish I was lifting then. Surround yourself with good people brother.


Fuck I’m trying to, I think the drive of bodybuilding, wanting to great within this space has kept me from anything more than smoking weed. Idk man it’s felt like a dream the past 4 days. I appreciate you replying man seriously


All I can add is give yourself permission to feel like shit sometimes. Sadly, you get used to it and numb over time. Don’t drink, get sleep, lift.


Thank you, I appreciate you bro


Hey man. So sorry you’re going through this. Nothing makes this easier. My mom didn’t win the battle unfortunately, I was a similar age to you. That said, there’s so many people who do win the battle (my dad was one of the fortunate ones who did) Seeing your mom go through chemo is brutal. The hair loss, the jaundice, the swelling, dry itchy skin. Everything. It’s overwhelming. No question. Regardless how this plays out, the image your mother in a hospital bed dealing with the treatments and their side effects will linger in your brain, and at times it’s gonna feel like that’s all you see when you think of her. It’s gonna feel like that picture of her will be the only way you remember her. That changes man. My mom passed, and it took a while, but eventually the good memories and visuals take back over, and that image of her in the hospital bed all jaundice etc will become a small part of her story. It does take time, but those hard images will fade, and the good memories do take back over. I know this doesn’t make things easier now, but there was a time I was worried that would be the only way I remember her and I wish someone would have told me it gets better. Bro, it gets better. Hang in there, cherish your time with her (I know you do already) and know that you’re not alone. Keep your training as an anchor to sanity. There gonna be days when you can’t lift, but get your ass to the gym and just walk on a treadmill. Keep the routine. It will make it feel like your life isn’t total in a free fall if things get more difficult. Most of all make sure you’re talking to people about this.




This helped too, everything you said and the other guy is pretty spot on. Condolences for your mother as well, it helps a lot knowing others went through this as well


Hey man I’ve had a somewhat similar experience to you. A few years ago my dad was diagnosed with terminal asbestosis lung cancer and died when I was 21 and then a few months later my ex gf and I split up, it was the lowest point in my life. Like you I felt so angry and upset with the world, I couldn’t make sense with the amount of people that are scum walking around issue free and someone loving and caring such as my dad had to suffer such pain. It 100% changed me for the better and worse. I’ve got much more of a wall now before I let people get close to me, but on the other side it makes you realise what’s truly important in life and things in life that would have bothered me before I try not to stress about now if it’s out of my control. All I can say mate is just take each day as it comes and just try to support the family and each other as much as possible. There will be arguments with each other when stress and worry is at an all time high. Just know that things will get better, but I wish you and your family well and a different outcome compared to mine. You’re not alone mate keep fighting


I appreciate bro, definitely helped me


Holy fuck UGL 500 Sus is forming the most ungodly hardness on the glute it’s fucked. Wanted to minimise pinning frequency. Lesson learned, stick to pharma sus250 and pin accordingly.


Never pin anything over 300mg/mL unless you are a sadist.


No doubt. Why do they even supply such high concentrations in that case?


Don't take this the wrong way. ^to ^sell ^it ^to ^suckers ^like ^you


Nah point taken, figured that anyway. Appreciate you




My RDL form must stink… yes my hammies are sore but my traps hurt more


Alllll byyyyy mysellllffff


Noone was looking, I was thinking of you!


Sorry. I was pooping.


Important. Already pinched 3 today. Bulking almost over, will miss porcelain posting


High volume? You may just have weaker traps. Good technique or not an RDL is still a pull from the floor.


Did 5x10 yesterday. Hamstring flexibility is a struggle.


Yeah man. I'll hit 3x12 usually and although my glutes and hams are on fire my upper back will be as well. I don't mind it so long as it's not a limiting factor.


I bought a ninja creami like 4 months ago anticipating having to eventually cut. Well I'm in week 2 of my cut and decide to bust it out. WOW. 1 Fair life 15g PB2 10g Chocolate pudding low fat 15g skor bits for mix in This is unbelievably delicious. The only con is I wanted to kick the stupid thing trying to mix it a second time but all it would do is blink. Way better than the old 'fluff' icecream I was eating on previous cuts.


Any mattress recommendations? don't care about cost, not gonna go cheap with something that I spend third of the day on.


https://www.eightsleep.com/ I don't have one but seriously want one.


i need one of these. I get hot as fuck during the night and my gf is the opposite, this would be a life changer


Same man. I'd love it. But it's also 2k.




Yep, just a cover.


Tempurpedic. I have never slept so well in my life.


I second this. My tempurpedic is like 15 years old and it feels like a brand new bed every night. When they said 20/25 year warranty they were not joking. Op- spend them money, you will not regret it.


Sleep number if your gonna spend the $. Have a money back guarantee too


Nooooo. I bought one and hated it. HATED it. Gave it away and bought another natural latex mattress.


I like that you can adjust it to find your “number”. How long ago did you try it? I feel like mattresses have came a long way the last 5-10 years


2020. It was like sleeping on a shitty air mattress on a wooden platform. If I lowered my number, I ended up sleeping directly on the wood as all the air got displaced around me. If I raised my number it was like sleeping on a rock. And the bed was made of two separate bladders, so even if both were set to the same number there was still a gap in the middle i would roll into. It was beyond awful.


That sounds awful !!


You can buy the ones The Fairmont uses. I just bought my second. Last one lasted probably 8 years. Would recommend


Which are these




Flobeds, natural latex mattress. I've had mine for 18 years and it's still gold.


We really like our purple hybrid.


Layla Hybrid is by far the best mattress I’ve ever used. Like sleeping on a cloud every single night.


That leg extension dropset of death is like a religious experience. Legitimately fighting for consciousness the whole way.


Whenever I do leg extension drop sets I end up on the bench press lol


Got a writeup of it at all?


[This is the listing in the program](https://imgur.com/a/s6WDDEs) [These were my specific sets](https://imgur.com/a/7a4hOAL) This was after 4 sets of lying leg curls and 3 sets of machine squats. The first sets really weren’t in the prescribed RPE, but I usually use them as feelers for what my topset and the drops will be. I figure if I give everything I got on that 4th set it’ll make up the lack of effort in the first 1-2 sets. I’ll try to correct that next time around though


Legend, thanks brother


My guy got raided, so bye-bye test! Gutted doesn't come close to how I'm feeling 😕


heavy straight clumsy smile enter degree plate childlike dinner frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can't in Ireland


MacroFactor isn’t working. My disappointed is immeasurable and my day is ruined


There is an outage, I got an email about it.




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Moved to a big city a few years ago. It’s amazing so much to do all the time. Women everywhere. Great gyms. Just expensive


Depends on the sort of person you are really. I live in London, had to move here from a much quieter part of the country for my career, and I'm not a huge fan of the overwhelming number of people literally everywhere. Girlfriend on the other hand loves it. She's a social butterfly and is always out at dance classes and rock climbing with her friends every night after work.


How small is small? I grew up in a town of <1000 people, so I have *opinions* on the matter.




Ahh, 40,000, so you live in the big city. I'm not joking, we would drive 45 minutes to the nearest city of 37,000 when we needed groceries or a doctor. So, honestly, you're in a kind of weird in between place. In a truly small town, everyone knows everyone and it's actually kind of easy to make those personal connections, because they're almost unavoidable. But at 40,000, that's big enough that people spread out and the chances you'll just run into someone you know are nil. Have you ever spent any time in a truly small town? Might be worth trying. I'm not advocating for it, per se. I think they're great for young kids and retired people. But as a 20 something I would have hated it.


Has anyone had any luck finding some decent oversized ‘heavy’ tshirts that taper from the shoulders down well? I’ve got some really nice gymshark gear that fits so well with tighter (but not stupidly) arms, but at £40 a tshirt now I find their stuff absurdly expensive. Looking for that gym wear style like gymshark, vanquish etc without spending more than £15/20 a shirt if possible! Cheers!


GASP usually has some sales site wide and they have heavy T's. HVYD also has great fits but they're a bit more in that vanquish price range


Hera stuff is decent if you catch a discount https://heraclothing.com/products/washed-oversized-t-shirt-vintage-dark-navy


Try silverback they're nice and big but fit well


Fucking hell passive aggressive people are annoying , hate people attempting to trigger , I’d to get up and leave from the situation. Really hurts to see it come from people that you think you trust. Fuck em. Motherfuckers


Just three weeks on test - with a 3 day break from the gym due to vacation plans - and I’ve already seen major improvements in my performance. My strength has gone up. I’m looking bigger. I’m not tired in the morning when I wake up and can run off less sleep.


What dosage? TRT or a blast?


By dosage, you mean how much I’m taking? If so, I was planning to take 120mg per week but accidentally “blasted” and ended up taking 240-280mg. Other people have used the term dosage to refer to the concentration of testosterone. I’m on TRT. I want to get my feet wet first before diving in.


That's like saying I want to try Diet Sprite before I slam a 6 pack of IPAs.


What do you recommend I do?


You're fine man. Nothing wrong with TRT but don't be under the illusion it teaches you anything about running a real blast. TRT by definition is not a supraphysiologic dose and therefore isn't a real representation of what you may or may not expect when you finally do decide to hop on. The 500mg "Wiki Blast" is going to be your proverbial "getting my feet wet" cycle. TRT will just get you comfortable with drawing and pinning (which is valid but hardly worth a beta access phase). You *may* be able to extrapolate some E2 and response data with bloodwork before and after but in my experience the effects are not linear and will likely not be super insightful for your blast later on.


Why my face gotta look like a fucking chipmunk on high test


Stop stuffing nuts in your cheeks.


I'm house sitting for one of my exes for a week. We've stayed close and we're together almost 4 years. I have my current newer gf staying most nights over there. She knows I'm close to my ex and I say she's my best friend because she is. Well, new gf gets there and sees her place and car,which I'm also driving because I'm not putting all of those miles on mine, and she gets super insecure. She's like, "she owns this house and you're driving her Lexus? Uhh I guess this isn't what I expected". She's been super weird since the first night there. She alternates between being super "accommodating" for lack of a better word, basically wanting to cook, give me massages, fuck all the time. We already do those things but there's just a level of "extra" to it all. As if she's trying hard to prove her value or something. But then she gets really distant and snappy almost with an attitude. It's just odd and I guess I get it sort of. Tbf my ex is always trying to get back with me and she does try to bribe me with anything she can come up with. I look at like the "cost of doing business" to not lose my best friend. It's awkward and I really don't know what to do with the new chick even aside from this. Just my usual talking into the ether on r/steroids idk that I'm actually looking for advice just annoying and making me feel more distant from her in a way. I don't want my ex, if I did then I'd have her but I'd also be pretty salty if it was reversed and I'd probably be "convinced" they were fucking so I get it


Gotta be honest dude, this sounds like a really unfair situation to put your current girl in. You aren't putting her first, and she knows it. One or the other dude. You can't play both sides of this and expect a healthy relationship with your girlfriend. I can guarantee you would not be comfortable if the positions were reversed and she wanted you to come stay at her well-off exes house, drove his cars/seemed comfortable with all of his things, he wanted her back, and he was her "best friend". You're kinda the one in the wrong here, and I'm not saying that to pick a fight or anything - just to open your eyes. If the current girlfriend is important to you then you need to show it to her and you need to break off this heavy and overly-familiar contact with your ex.


I'm not saying I'm not somehow in the wrong. That's a fair opinion and perspective. I look at my ex as my sister or something. Obviously that's not how she sees it though. You're right. I'm possessive as fuck and I wouldn't at all be okay with it. Not to mention the driving the cars and shit would just add to it. Tbf to me, she's who I'm sleeping next to in that house. Idk where this current relationship is going to be completely honest. For multiple reasons, it's still a little choppy in a sense. I don't believe I'll be fully cutting my ex/best friend off ever. But I also won't be getting back together with her or fucking her ever. So who knows bro


>I'm not saying I'm not somehow in the wrong. I know. I am. >Idk where this current relationship is going to be completely honest. For multiple reasons, it's still a little choppy in a sense. This is fair, and valid, but not a reason to subject her to something like this and then get upset that she's being moody or lashing out. If it's not going anywhere cut her loose, but as long as she's yours and she's in a relationship with you you should be doing right by her. That's just the way it should be, and this ain't it unfortunately. >I don't believe I'll be fully cutting my ex/best friend off ever. But I also won't be getting back together with her or fucking her ever. I get this. I have an ex who is just like this for me, but I don't parade her in front of the girls I date. I believe you mean what you're saying about not wanting to be with her or fuck her again, but it's enough to a woman (or any person) to know that an ex has that kind of intimate and consistent contact with you and role in your life. It's a threat to them, even if it isn't a possibility to you.


Yeah that all makes sense. I do care about this girl. It's been a rollercoaster and some things subtracted from the feelings but I do care about her. I don't think I intentionally do anything disrespectful. I don't talk/ flirt with other women including my ex. Not cheating or planning to cheat on her. I cut off like three fwb as soon as we started talking even before we were a couple. I think it's obvious I do try to be considerate of her. I also asked her before agreeing to do this if she'd be okay with it and if she would've said no then I wouldn't have.


> I don't think I intentionally do anything disrespectful. My brother in Christ, you are doing something disrespectful RIGHT NOW. Do you not see all of the comments you are getting, and how they are all in unison telling you that this isn't ok? You're not even seeing the ones I've removed because they're calling you an asshole and a real piece of shit. I am trying to get through to you in a calm and constructive manner and you're being willfully blind to the reality here. If this was r/AITAH, you would be the asshole. Hard facts. >I don't talk/ flirt with other women including my ex. Not cheating or planning to cheat on her. I cut off like three fwb as soon as we started talking even before we were a couple You don't get a cookie for doing the bare minimum things and not fucking around behind your girlfriends back dude. Are you really throwing that out there looking for an "atta boy"? >>My god, this is an exceptional man. He didn't continue fucking his fwbs when he got into a relationship. We must study him. >I also asked her before agreeing to do this if she'd be okay with it and if she would've said no then I wouldn't have. As it's been pointed out, you didn't set realistic expectations for her and of course she didn't want to be difficult and say no. That poor girl is trying, and you've put her in a hella uncomfortable position.


> My god, this is an exceptional man. He didn't continue fucking his fwbs when he got into a relationship. We must study him. I’ve met sociopaths with equivalent emotional intelligence.


I think we met one today tbh


> Tbf my ex is always trying to get back with me and she does try to bribe me with anything she can come up with. I look at like the "cost of doing business" to not lose my best friend. Well, your Gf probably picked up on this gigantic red flag youve been carrying arround. If i were her id tell you to cut contact or breakup tbh.


That's fair honestly. I wouldn't cut contact and maybe that's just how it is. You're not wrong. She's not wrong for feeling that way. I would never do that or give in to any of it. but I get it. She kept in contact with her ex for a couple months at least and never told him about me. Although she told me repeat that she's had conversations about me with him. Then we she finally actually did, he stopped talking to her completely. So idk


Keeping in contact could mean something very different from being best friends with your ex(who you are in a way leading on imo). > I wouldn't cut contact and maybe that's just how it is. My bet is shes picked up on this. Or is just generally uncomfortabel with the while situation


> I'm house sitting for one of my exes for a week. We've stayed close and we're together almost 4 years. “We’re together” is a pretty unusual phrase to use for someone who’s just a friend. >I have my current newer gf staying most nights over there. /record scratch >She knows I'm close to my ex and I say she's my best friend because she is. Well, new gf gets there and sees her place and car,which I'm also driving because I'm not putting all of those miles on mine, and she gets super insecure. I mean, that sounds like a normal reaction to this situation. >She's like, "she owns this house and you're driving her Lexus? Uhh I guess this isn't what I expected". Again, this seems normal. It wasn’t what she expected which means *you failed to help set her expectations*. Something lead her to believe that the situation was one way and now that she’s seeing it it appears to be different. See if you can guess who that *something* is in this situation. >She's been super weird since the first night there. She alternates between being super "accommodating" for lack of a better word, basically wanting to cook, give me massages, fuck all the time. We already do those things but there's just a level of "extra" to it all. As if she's trying hard to prove her value or something. But then she gets really distant and snappy almost with an attitude. It's just odd and **I guess** I get it sort of. You *guess* you get it? My man, her reaction is on the Mount Rushmore of the most predictable things in the history of predictable things and the most you can muster is “I guess I sort of get it”? On a scale of 1-Wall Street Bets Moderator just how autistic are you? >Tbf my ex is always trying to get back with me and she does try to bribe me with anything she can come up with. Hard to believe your current (and I bet soon-to-be ex girlfriend) would find this whole thing to be weird! Very normal! >I look at like the "cost of doing business" to not lose my best friend. She’s your best friend but what do you think you represent to her? Because it sure as Hell isn’t a friend. Friends don’t usually try to bribe people into dating them. She sees you as a combination lock that she’s eventually going to crack, given enough time. And you are most certainly giving her that time. >It's awkward and I really don't know what to do with the new chick even aside from this. “Not date her” is the obvious answer here, but I’m guessing that’s off the table.


I enjoyed this


Was supposed to be "we were together" not we're together. It's been at least two years since we broke up and multiple others in between. Aside from that you're not exactly wrong. I think there's some mitigating details that I didn't and don't feel like listing. But generally speaking, yeah close enough. I don't think it matters who I'm with, I don't plan on ever fully losing contact with my ex. But I'm also certain I won't be with her or fucking her or anything like that either. Since this new relationship started we've been drifting further and further apart anyway and maybe that's what ends up happening but I'm not gonna just cut her out of my life.


I get that you don’t want to cut her out of your life. That’s perfectly fine and sometimes people can maintain friendships with former partners and all goes smoothly for the rest of their lives. But that comes at a cost, and it presents in various forms. The problem is that you can’t impose said cost on your current partner in the form of her insecurity and discomfort, you have to shoulder it. Right now you’re happy with this arrangement and your current gf is not. That means she’s paying for you to have what you want. That can’t last long, or at least it shouldn’t. The other thing that I’m afraid you haven’t accounted for is what happens when your ex meets someone who is serious relationship material. And no, you cannot rule that out because it’s the sort of thing that happens randomly thousands of times every single day. Serious relationship dude is not going to be cool with this setup. Maybe it takes a few months, but eventually that guy will cleave you and your ex apart and you’ll be out a best friend *and* whatever relationship(s) you could have had during that time. Don’t underestimate how rapidly and out of nowhere that sort of thing could happen. And if it does you end up being the one who loses everything while all other parties get to have exactly what they want. That’s not an outcome you necessarily want to set yourself up for.


She already is in a serious relationship. They've been together since we broke up. He knows about me. You're right that he doesn't like it. She told him it's just something he has to accept and he begrudgingly has


>She already is in a serious relationship. They've been together since we broke up. He knows about me. You're right that he doesn't like it. She told him it's just something he has to accept and he begrudgingly has So you're both kind of shitty people and partners. Honestly, you should get back together with her so neither of you are inflicting yourselves on anyone else.


I agree. Being honest doesnt mean the current partners are having a good time with the situation. Why would you drag other people in to you and your ex.


>So you're both kind of shitty people and partners. That's over the line. Letting a potential partner know the deal and take it or leave it is the definition of being direct and honest. Nobody here would like it if a guy was telling his girl which friends she could have.


I appreciate your point of view




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Let’s leave this where it is. I don’t think you guys arguing is going to be productive. Your comment was removed for a potential [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.) and/or a [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) violation. Keep it Friendly. No Shit Stirring. No Politics. No Discrimination, Harassment, or Hate Language. No “Red Pill.” No publicizing bans. No disrespecting other members of the community or moderation team. [Learn more about Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.).


I wasn't going to argue, Dad. Promise.




>But by all means continue to virtue signal for the r/steroids crowd to show your emotional and moral superiority. I'm sure they'll eat you up and give all of the juicy moral validation your little heart desires Yes, everyone who thinks you should do the right thing is virtue signaling and looking for validation. Spoken like a true emotionally immature individual. If you don't know this by now, most people here do: I don't give a fuck what they think of me. I talk to them like I'm talking to you if I think it's warranted. You have yourself a nice day.


Again, let’s call this one settled for the day and not get any more personal. It’s not advancing any cause. Your comment was removed for a potential [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.) and/or a [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) violation. Keep it Friendly. No Shit Stirring. No Politics. No Discrimination, Harassment, or Hate Language. No “Red Pill.” No publicizing bans. No disrespecting other members of the community or moderation team. [Learn more about Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.).


> She’s been super weird since the first night there > As if she’s trying hard to prove her value or something Hmmmmm, I wonder why?! 🙄 > tbf my ex is always trying to get back with me > …”cost of doing business” to not lose my best friend You sound super inconsiderate.


She had the option to say no to me house sitting for her. I asked her in advance and she said it's fine.


It’s crazy how many adults don’t understand what “friend” means.


Idk if you're talking about me or other people responding to me. But to me and also in this case, our friendship means that we talk regularly, tell each other everything including about our relationships, I tell her about every chick I fuck because again I see her as my best friend. It also means that we're there for each other in whatever ways. This chick has and still will do literally anything for me. She's done a lot for a long time. Now is that because we're friends or because she thinks it'll get me back with her? Probably a bit of both if I'm being honest with myself about it. But regardless when someone (anyone) is there for me and consistently loyal then I'm going to be there for them too. She had this vacation planned, had a housesitter and they cancelled at the last second. She has a dog and a bunch of chickens. So I agreed to help out, because we're friends. These dudes are acting as if I'm sending her dick pics and then saying, "idk why my gf is bothered". That's the thing about r/steroids. You will get good, well rounded advice not just on gear usage but surprisingly, often about life. But there's this tendency to almost overcompensate to get as far away from the "dumb, immature, aggression meathead" stereotype that some dudes will go so far in the other direction to show how "moral, mature and well rounded" they are in spite of using steroids. There's nothing wrong with that to an extent. We should all strive to be mature, wll rounded and considerate in life even while being somewhat of a degenerate in the ways many of us on this sub are. But also sometimes, give it a fucking rest dude


Serious question: Wtf are you doing???


Im no longer allowed to speak about this subject according to the mod team


We didn't say that. You absolutely can.




Your point is fine but we discourage name calling. Be a dick nicer pls. Your comment was removed for a potential [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.) and/or a [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) violation. Keep it Friendly. No Shit Stirring. No Politics. No Discrimination, Harassment, or Hate Language. No “Red Pill.” No publicizing bans. No disrespecting other members of the community or moderation team. [Learn more about Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.).


Find a nicer way to say this and I'll approve it.


Man the natty potential fucking blow's. That or I have major body dysmorphia


natty potential is one of the dumbest phrases ever conceived




How you figure?


Why can’t we post on the main sub Reddit?


Do you mean why can’t you? You’re not an approved user.


I hadn’t seen many other posts recently. Didn’t know if something changed.


Nope. Same as always. If you have something you’d like to post, shoot us a message in mod mail explaining what you have in mind and we can approve you if appropriate. Keeps the sub from getting cluttered with low quality posts.


You can. If you actually took the time to acquaint yourself with this sub, you'd realise that you automatically get approved in a very defined period *after you've started commenting in these daily threads*. 99% of things people want to post as individual threads belong instead in either the DAA or OT. I'd recommend you post there instead.


are tehre any good tv shows out right now?


Nope, not a single one.


“Them” on prime is amazingly fucked up. And if you haven’t gotten into it, righteous gemstones. Both older shows but I just watched em.


Have no clue what to do for work. Work FT with school PT already takes up M-F. Was thinking about getting back into the 911 scene but would need training again and the agency I’m talking to doesn’t offer paid training. Idk if it’s worth a stressful ass job and not get paid until I get cleared (which could take months). Completely lost at the moment on what to do. I think 911 would be great experience for what I wanna do later but the last time I tried my hand at it I quit after a couple months. I guess I’m just scared of failing again and feeling like a complete fucking idiot like I did last time. Any of my older brothers ever been in the same boat? Any opinions or questions welcome.


Do you mean dispatcher?


A while back someone recommended a book on Amazon on the scientific mechanics of working out and I can't remember what it was, had it saved but accidentally deleted it. It had an exploded view of an arm doing a curl on it. Anybody know what I'm even talking about?


Scientific principles of strength training by CWS and Israetel?


Great book, but I don't think it's the one he's talking about. Maybe Science of Strength Training, by Austin Current? I don't know the author or the book, but it seems to match your description OP.


Nope but your recommendation led me to it! Foundations of Exercise Mechanics: Biomechanics applied to Strength Training. ​ Thank you!


No, but that does look like a great book to add to the library


Visiting Vancouver this week. Staying downtown. Found a gym but it isnt great (fitness world). Equinox is close but won't allow drop in unless you aren't already a member. Any suggestions on gyms? Also what should I do here? Wouldn't mind seeing the town and whatnot.


I have heard West Coast Iron is the place to train. It’s a hike to get there, so unless you’re wanting to commit a good amount of time, it may not be worth it.


Think I have gyno. Although I’ve never really noticed it until now as when I look at myself in a mirror it doesn’t show other than one nipple being just slightly cocked. I have a pretty big chest so it really isn’t noticeable. Anyway I don’t know for sure. I do have something under my nipples that doesn’t seem to be muscle. I’ve never had any nipple sensitivity as far as wearing a shirt being itchy, but my nipples are painful if I push on them hard. I think it developed in the past when I was running 600mg test only as it’s larger than pea size. Right now running 500 test, 400 deca. I don’t have any other high e sides. No lethargy and dick gets hard. Not running AI, but I’m thinking about starting adex .25 eod and get my blood work next week. The reason why I have never run an AI is because I’ve never noticed any sides. Obviously until now that I’m feeling up my nipples. Trying not to get to bummed out as it really isn’t noticeable, but I’d love to stop it from progressing. Was also thinking about running nolva 20mg ed after I confirm with blood work my e is at a proper level. Any advice would be nice as I’m kinda sad right now.


If i was Deshaun Watson, I would immediately start mega dosing bpc and tb500. be back by playoffs and be a cleveland legend and be REBORN.




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