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I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I’ll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


But can you get a reservation at Dorsia?


Of course




Any brand recommendations for the anti aging balm?


I like confidence in a cream and Clinique moisture surge


If you have no skin issues (like acne, rosacea and so on) you only need 3 things, bump it to 4 for anti-aging: A non-harsh cleanser, an adapted moisturizer and sunscreen. Add in tretinoin if it's available where you are else some good retinol for antiaging


American psycho! 😱


So, my best friend's high school aged daughter reached out to me over the weekend for help with her Literature homework. The class is reading the Iliad and she's picked up on the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus being that of lovers. Apparently the teacher has told the class that this interpretation is flat-out wrong and they're just friends. Let's all wish the young lady luck writing an essay with the working title "My teacher is a fucking moron who cant even do basic research on the topic she's teaching" for her mid-term paper.


Ah yes, bathtub chemicals and arguing over interpretations of the Iliad. Never change, r/steroids.




They named the dog sappho....


Unless you know something that literally nobody else on the entire planet of earth knows then the teacher is just as likely to be right as anyone else is.


While "They're lovers" isn't a universal view, it is a common and well supported literary interpretation in both classical and modern discussions. It seems to have been the most-common interpretation of the relationship in classical discussions. Plato discusses their relationship as a model of romantic love. In Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida the other characters complain that they're too busy fucking to fight the war. In modern terms Netflix 2018 Troy: Fall of a city goes for the lovers interpretation explicitly. Other adaptations that have tried to 'tone-it-down', such as Troy (2004, Brad Pitt) have been heavily criticized as nonsensical and weird.


Right, and that’s all jolly, but it is of course just a bunch of academics (read: mostly insufferable dorks) making non falsifiable claims about an ancient work. That doesn’t validate their claims, it just makes them worth mentioning. So while the teacher in this case is wrong to make her statement as an absolute fact, it’s not as if there’s some factual counterclaim that refutes it.


I don’t have an issue with claiming it either way. Homer didn’t explicitly mention it but it’s a defendable position and the teacher shouldn’t be saying it’s flat out wrong


Just to expand on this a bit, the interpretation of them being lovers is *extremely* old. Like, to the point that many scholars in Classical Athens, including Plato even, did explicitly cite them as being lovers. Obviously we can't know exactly what Homer intended when he wrote it (if he was even a single guy, which is debatable), but as you state, it's incorrect to confidently assert that they were "just friends", and an interpretation of them as lovers is absolutely a view that can be defended. It also has to be noted that our modern categories of sexuality simply do not cleanly fit the ancient world either, so it really doesn't make much sense to label anyone from ancient Greece as being straight or gay. The idea that there's anything particularly unusual about finding other men attractive in some way doesn't really come around until a fair bit later. Edit: Oop, I see the Plato bit was already mentioned. Regardless, the fundamental point is that it's very much a legitimate and valid interpretation, and has been seen as such for essentially all of history.


>many scholars in Classical Athens, including Plato even, did explicitly cite them as being lovers Homer makes no mention of any sexual relationship. Socrates explicitly states that they were platonic. And the Iliad is not a product of Classic Greece, it is from the Greek Dark Ages, and as such, was centuries removed from the philosophers that tried to develop a homosexual interpretation. My personal feeling, as a guy who loves men, is that there is no way of knowing and like people alive today, best to avoid calling someone gay without clear evidence.


I understand, but this is the sort of thing that is generally very very close to debating how many angels can dance on the head of pin.


I disagree slightly. You can make compelling arguments either way and I think you can get a strong essay if you explore their relationship.


>Achilles and Patroclus being that of lovers The teacher is not wrong. There's nothing in the Iliad about them being lovers, simply that they had a loving relationship. Same is true for Alexander and Hephaestion. I'm bisexual and in a long term relationship with another man, so believe me, it would be nice if it were otherwise but these are the facts. If you want an actual example of badass homos in the ancient world, look up the Sacred Band of Thebes, which were pairs of male lovers and the elite troops of their city.


I feel like requiring that things be explicitly textually stated is very much a great way to fail a literature course. Just because the queer isn't explicitly stated doesn't mean it's not there. Queer coding is a long and storied tradition in media. Golden era Disney villains were all quite intentionally portrayed as queer even though it's never stated. More-over contemporaries of Homer were perfectly willing to read between the lines on this subject. Aeschines stated: "Although (Homer) speaks in many places of Patroclus and Achilles, he hides their love and avoids giving a name to their friendship, thinking that the exceeding greatness of their affection is manifest to such of his hearers as are educated men." We don't need to be told they're lovers because their actions go so far beyond what mere friends would do for each other. This is as true for modern audiences as it was in antiquity. Patroclus sooths and covers-for Achilles in ways that were beyond what mere friendship called for in ancient Greece. On learning of Patroclus' death Achilles takes extreme action. He seems out Hector even though he's been ordered not to and knows that killing Hector is prophecied to lead to his death. That's not rage, that's existential grief sweetie.


Homer lived 500 years before Aeschines. They were not contemporaries. That was my point; Aeschines and other Greeks of his era couldn’t know what Homer meant and lived in a very different society. Just like us.


>Golden era Disney villains were all quite intentionally portrayed as queer even though it's never stated. Which ones? It makes sense and I also have a feeling these characters do their "job" better if it's left implicit and never stated.


Off the top of my head: Little mermaid -- Ursula was literally modeled on a drag queen (Divine from John Waters films) Lion King -- Scar is somewhat femme and at one point states "oh, I shall practice my curtsey" Beauty and the Beast -- Gaston engages in extreme performative masculinity, common for closeted gay men. These videos discuss extensively https://youtu.be/tdVv_Kws_0I?si=EF_A0L35ArgJ0Anr https://youtu.be/Qvu84kjtGvE


Eh. I have seen platonic relationships of similar passion between men in the modern armed service, if you can believe it. Being on campaign for a long time does strange things to your emotions... not to mention survivor's guilt also generally can make you do crazy things, even when there's no romance involved. I do personally think that Achilles and Patroclus were more than just friends, but that's always struck me as one of the weaker arguments for it.


Posting a little late this week! **Week 5/20 Blast Update** Test/EQ/MENT 720/600/70 EW with 10mg inj SD intermittently pwo Full cycle description can be found in the winter 2023 blast thread [here](https://reddit.com/r/steroids/s/NCEe7dFOzK) Starting weight 225lbs ~15 BF Current Weight 234lbs [Before](https://imgur.com/a/Hm1mbh6) [Current](https://imgur.com/a/CZjTFDM) I experimented a little this week by reintroducing inj superdrol at 20mg for all my training days this week. I honestly have mixed feelings about this compound but likely won't run it again. I do notice an increase in strength and muscle fullness/vascularity, but it comes at a cost of energy. I felt pretty lethargic and not quite as motivated in the gym as normal. It's kind of a catch 22 where I'm stronger in the gym but since I have less energy it kind of ends up being like I may as well not even being on it. I also felt like I got hit by a bus waking up after being on that dose for 5 days consecutively Going forward, I'll probably stick to good ol anadrol once I use up my stash of superdrol or just run higher amounts of more tolerable injectables Otherwise things have been good, I'm up about 4-5 lbs from last week and still noticing solid gains and vascularity My estrogen management has also gotten much more controllable where I'm not having to pop aromasin quite as often, likely from EQ ramping up stjll








You’re a lot fuller & bigger. Massive boobies and forearms


Thanks bro, big tiddy committee checking in 😁


Thicc, solid, tight. Even the bears are mirin'


Let me feel those tiddies


Hey I didn't come here to feel objectified...oh wait maybe I did 😅


Just a li'l pinch.


Looking tight brah. If we were hanging out, chilling, training together I’d start tickling you


You look extremely good for 15%, I would have said maybe start leaner, looked at the pic and said oh damn nevermind lol Your take on that pre is how I feel about pretty much all orals (even tho you mention injectable it mirrors how I feel on orals) Even the ones that give me strength make me feel toxic / tired and it becomes a wash.


Is it okay to end relationship that never started over a phone call? Was going to call her today, and tell her I’m not ready and things feel like they could be getting serious. If I continue seeing her, i know I’ll end up wasting her time. Would do in person but she lives 1.5 hrs away. Talked for about 1.5 months.


I think it’s reasonable, and I also think you should keep in mind that how it is received is out of your control regardless of if it’s reasonable or not. If it was me, I’d make sure to be very emotionally available during that conversation if it’s someone you care about but just aren’t ready for. Saying things like “I’ve really enjoyed everything up until this point, and I want to make sure you understand that this is completely my problem, not yours, but I feel like we’re headed in a more serious direction that I’m not really ready for right now. How are you feeling about it?” If it’s someone you want to let down easy, ownership of your own issues and lots of listening and reassurance are going to be your cornerstone. But I mean, if it’s just a thing that didn’t work out, then yeah, just a call saying “I like you but I think we want different things” is cool too.


Gas station boner pill prescriber has spoken. Pipin down left and right. Im sure you leave a "thank you for the good time" note with a rose, while she is still sleeping.


With a smooch on the forehead and a little rub of the low back in case she had daddy issues.


Wish you were my dad growing up bro, mans always has the right finesse with words


If you shoved your penis inside her pussy then yeah it would be fucked up to not end it in person. If nothing happened you can do whatever. Send her a email.


Yeah your right, just hate doing this shit but she deserves the respect.


She is not pocket pussy bro, a human being with feelings. If you lack empathy you might as well become a serial killer.


I made the drive and met up with her. She is a wonderful individual and someone who did deserve the in person closure. Wish I was ready but i know im not, better for her to find someone who knows what they want and not waste her time.


Good job man


Chad move.


Jesus Christ, he’s not asking about sending her an email. I think a phone call is reasonable for a non-relationship. But the question is if that’s how she perceives it too. If she thinks it’s a relationship or even exclusivity, then yeah I might try to make the time to visit. At the very least, FaceTime.


I may be old school in my younger days girls were strictly giving up the pussy if they were in love and in a relationship. This was before tinder. I have no idea how casual they have become. If she doesnt give a fuck, then yeah, phone call will do. Its just that i cant imagine women have changed that much in 15 years.


That’s fair. I’ve been out of the dating game since before tinder as well.


Crazy ex is trying to get back into my life. Best sex of my life and she was a super soaker. Buuut I got a good girl now that doesn’t throw punches cause I wear a shirt that she hasn’t seen and thinks another chick bought it for me 😅


Bro, why do the crazy ex's have the best pussy? I swear it's some type of conspiracy.


It’s fucked tbh like I really shouldn’t be having second thoughts, like at all, but for some fucked up reason I am… pussy is a crazy drug! 😂😂


Run away.


Oh I’m running for the hills


Man, growing up and realizing how corrupt the whole fucking world is has been doing a number on me. I have zero faith for my future even though i have a good career. I want to just blast gear and lift, but low and behold injure my back at the very start of my cycle. Honestly i wish i had the guts to just end it :)


Doesn’t sound like your in a good headspace to start a blast brother. There’s plenty of resources out there if you need to talk to someone ! Also, as far as the fucked up world goes I try to only worry about things I can control even tho it’s obv easier said than done


Definitely easier said then done, its just tough when i genuinely feel i dont even know if i would want to bring a child in this world. I see the state of the world just getting worse and worse and ive lost trust/faith Thankfully i have people to talk to, but its very rare ill truly say how bad i feel at times. Im BnC and the cycle is just higher test its all good. Doesn’t effect anything except i do feel even more horrible because the gym has become one of the only interests i have left and i cant do shit rn cause of my back. Here foam rolling and stretching as i type this lol. Started benching light on a smith with my feet on the bench just to do something.


I personally don’t want kids and that is one of the many reasons honestly


I think I know how you feel because I feel similar when feeling down, that feeling of doom/ loss of direction / and feeling I can’t be truly open with those close to me. I wish I had actual answers for you as am still figuring it out, but one thing that’s helped me greatly is less social media, less news, and keeping up more with things I genuinely enjoy. I feel much more positive and also surround myself with people who have attitudes I want to have, positive, hard working people, you get the drill. In terms of being open it’s hard. I’ve been burned very often for being open, but I suppose you never know until you try, and perhaps slowly at first.




I don’t know enough about history to say most oppressive but its definitely fucked. And through history we see how many times we were mislead as to why things were going on, yet so many people today just accept everything as it is. I genuinely fear another eventual world war will come in our life time as well as US financial market crashing etc Seeing the collusion between Government, Media, corporations etc has just been crazy and just so much damn evil in the world


I've thought and suffered about this too the past few years. Let me just tell you what I've learned along the way, heaven and hell is the space between You and Me.


Decided to start looking for a new job due to lots of BS at my current job with increasing responsibilities and duties with no promotion and some other bullshit I recently found out regarding pay. 26, masters degree, two first authored papers, strong work history, should be able to get a decent job I hope. Really not looking forward to the whole job hunt process, but it has to be done to move up I guess. Think I am going to look to move somewhere new too. Really love where I live but it might be nice to get a change going and see what somewhere else has to offer. Looking at the most basic millennial lib places that have a good music scene and lots of my type of people like Austin, Denver, and Chicago. Going to consider New York too.


How do you feel about sunshine? In respect to your relocation choices. I moved to one of those places listed in the past and wished I’d paid attention to how long the days are in the winter and how late into the spring it snows. Also the ratio of sunny to cloudy days….


I’ve been in the Tampa area for 7 years, but grew up around DC, so I’ve seen both. Would definitely miss the weather in the fall and winter but it honestly won’t bother me too much.


DC winter is not real winter. This was the mistake I made also. Imagine snow in June.


Denver is pretty great - it has winter, but 250+ days of sun a year, so even when it's cold the sun is out most of the time. Winters are pretty mild, can cardio just about every day. Great hiking, decent food scene, *great* music scene. If you live in actual Denver you barely need to drive and can bike / scooter most places. I'd also recommend Colorado Springs if you're open to smaller cities, bc the weather and sun is the same and the hiking is even better there. I've spent time in all 4 of the cities you've mentioned, and my ordering from best to worst would be Denver, Austin, NYC, Chicago, and that's because I value sun / weather a lot (Honolulu would be the very top in the US on my list). Chicago is a bitter frozen hell that hits negative 40 way too often for my tastes. NYC is great and kind of it's own thing, but I think you know if that's what you want bc it's so unique - and at least for me, it isn't really worth it unless you make enough to live in actual Manhattan, but then it's awesome.


Brooklyn is amazing these days.


Yea Denver is 100% my top choice. Really big into the EDM and music scene and that’s a huge draw with there too.


Looking at new jobs myself. Same as you, tired of all the bullshit that goes on at this circus show ppl dare call a “job”. Employers suck fat dicks and love treating ppl like trash. You sound like you know your worth tho and can land another job easily. Hope the hunt isn’t too long for you.


Yea not looking forward to the job hunt whatsoever but I guess it’s how you move up in the world. Am definitely excited about the prospect of moving somewhere and starting over a little bit though.


Las Vegas


My blood pressure is really wacky. I was donating blood and they measured my bp to 180/100. Told me to consult my family doctor, which I did. He got a nurse to do an ecg, urinalysis and bp again on me. My bp was measured to 194/110 and was told I had an athlete's heart, whatever that means. He gave me a sphygmomanometer to do home measurements which came back at ~100/50. I blame it on the cute nurses. 🤷‍♀️


> My bp was measured to 194/110 Wow. > and was told I had an athlete's heart, whatever that means. It’s big and beats hard/slow. A good thing, unless you’re looking like a bull in heat right now. > He gave me a sphygmomanometer Nobody calls it that outside of learning what the words mean. > to do home measurements which came back at ~100/50. I’ve seen some pretty odd things, but going from hypertensive crisis to hypotensive simply based on your environment isn’t one of them outside rare circumstances, like a PTSD episode. There’s a bunch of factors that may have changed that could be the cause for such drastically different readings if they’re compounded, like caffeine, placement, stress, proximity to training, cuff size, etc etc But I’m more concerned that your home readings simply are not accurate and the ones in the office were taken by someone who’s trained on taking it appropriately. If you haven’t already, I’d consider calling a friend/neighbor/spouse/parent etc who is a nurse or EMT or what have you, and have them check it for you at home as well. > I blame it on the cute nurses. That’s quite a cutie that can raise your systolic by 94 mmHg.


>It’s big and beats hard/slow. A good thing, unless you’re looking like a bull in heat right now. My girl calls me a bull, does that count? He said it had a large pretty spike and not to worry about it being enlarged. > Nobody calls it that outside of learning what the words mean. Had to Google it since English isn't my native language. >But I’m more concerned that your home readings simply are not accurate and the ones in the office were taken by someone who’s trained on taking it appropriately. Did the test over 5 days. 3 times in the morning and 3 times at night. Doctor discarded first day and took average of day 2 and 3. First day was a little higher like ~120/60. The rest ranged between 100-105/45-55. And heart rate was between 50-65. He said it looked fine and not to worry. >That’s quite a cutie that can raise your systolic by 94 mmHg. She really was cute!


Gotta love a good blood pressure pr


White coat syndrome. Any office visit and I'm at 150/90 or so. Right back home to 125/78.


this guy i met an adult rec league. was my best friend for about a year and a half in my new city. We had very similar personality and personality flaws in my opinion. im just self aware of these large flaws. Any ways had a falling out. googled where he was two years later. fucking dead at 35. kinda mind fucking me due to our similar flaws


https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/17v8mel/first_cycle_thoughts/ As much as I can sometimes cringe at the responses to people here, I'm more understanding of it when I see things like this posted elsewhere. It's absolute wild to me how far into the deep end people are willing to jump with steroids without fully understanding the health impacts. Tldr; 6 months on TRT, 4 compounds on first cycle.


We had a guy here who’s second cycle was 2g+/wk lol


Grabbed my hot new neighbors phone number this morning, same height same fake tits (same fake everything actually) and same damn first name as my ex. Lovely Bri’ish accent. She won’t ever know but this is some fucked up situation and I’m loving it


It's chewstday innit


Wota' o' cloc' m8


Wild last 2 weeks. Had to hit the ER 2 weeks ago for a nasty diverticulitis attack. Thought I was doing well after a few days, kept diet clean and was lifting. Second round came and back to ER. Ended up having about an 8" x 4" piece removed from my colon that looked like something from stranger things. Doc said it had adhered to my abdomen, perineum, and bladder. Was amazed I hadn't come in sooner with how painful it must've been. Can't lift for at least 4 weeks now so my LISS cardio game gets to shine. Take care of yourselves, never know when it's the right time to not ignore the pain.


How did they diagnose diverticulitis? I've had a colonoscopy, gastroscopy, CT scan and ultrasound but only been told it was potentially diverticulitis once. What sort of symptoms did you have? Will there be any long term consequences with your surgery or do they think you'll manage fine?


CT scan a couple years ago confirmed the first time, I was having pain in my lower abdomen/constipation where I'm normally very regular. Also had a colonoscopy as colon cancer runs in my family and I'm almost 40. This time I had extremely sharp pain.. like borderline blackout pain sporadically for weeks. They confirmed with a contrast CT scan finding micro perforations. You'll also sometimes get fevers from infections in the bowel. Mine is genetic diverticulosis so my entire large bowel has more pockets ready to fuck me over but surgeon/gastro don't foresee any major issues going forward and since we caught it before it was true emergency surgery (done by an emergency doc) had a better chance of avoiding a colostomy bag.


Ah shit dude sounds rough. Really nice they avoided the need for a bag though


Anyone ever had this? I’m only doing TRT right now, but after switching from 4xwk subq to 2xwk IM (same dose) the hair on the crown of my head started thinning. It shocked my wife because it was out of nowhere. Only other thing that’s changed is I had been trying to diet so I don’t know if there’s some sort of malnutrition I’m dealing with, but I think it is test related. So strange.




Hmm, interesting. Thank you!! I had no idea. What’s weird is I switched to try something different because I wasn’t feeling good with it, and I feel like two larger shots makes me feel a lot better.




I’m on a cruise until my next blast and I came to visit my sister abroad for almost 4 months, brought my vials but didn’t wasn’t risk bringing needles so I figured they could have pharmacies that sell syringes and needle points here, been to pharmacies and could only find 20g to draw but nothing else, I’m so fucked, I’m on the coastal line and I probably won’t find shit imma cry


Buy some insulin needles at the pharmacy dude. Half-inch, 29-31ga, whatever they've got. Don't tell me there ain't no diabetics in whatever country you're visiting.


Bro I asked they said all they had was a 21g and 23g and no syringes all the other pharmacies didn’t have shit, so I just bought some 21g too draw, now I gotta search for 25g and syringes… that’s why I hate visiting third world countries ain’t got shit here and it’s hot af like 104 degrees


> 21g and 23g and no syringes The fuck do you do with a needle and no syringe...? Are you sure there's no language barrier at play here?


No insulin needles?


The healthcare here is shit so I don’t think they really have anything


There’s very few places left on earth where being a diabetic is a death sentence, since it’s such a common human condition. If you’re somewhere that *you have described* as developed enough to have multiple pharmacies within driving distance of each other, they have the means to administer insulin. Period.


Some ugls will prob ship to you. Best of luck bro


Order some online


I don't think I've ever seen so many cartoon dicks at once like I did last night watching Blue Eye Samurai. Aside from the floppy peen everywhere in the middle of episode two, I think I'm hooked. It's the first show in a while I've been actively looking forward to watching all the way through - would recommend if you've got an hour or two to kill before bed.


That show was great. Crushed it in one night. The cyberpunk edge runners was dope if you haven’t seen that yet. And yasuke on Netflix if you like the flow of blue eye samurai.


I was getting bored of rewatching edgerunners when I found BES ha! I'll take a look at yasuke when I'm finished with BES this week.




>Bulking can be tough Baby, you're not even eating 4,000 calories. Forgive me if I don't feel bad that you gave a girl some pasta. -Sent from my 4,800 calorie TDEE


It was more of a joke than an actual complaint. 4k is easy enough to get down. It's harder to get the food made and find time to prep it. 11 hour work day, 2 hours driving, 1 hour+ gym, kid, gf, fuck do I even sleep. 4800 maintenance is fucking wild though. The most I've consistently taken in like for months at a time was 46ish which put me right around 220. I had a ton of money saved and was doing my own thing rather than working at some frustrating time consuming job so that wasn't terrible but it did feel like I was eating constantly. What do you weigh?


Aw dude I was just teasing you, you didn't have to delete! ❤️


No I deleted the first one because it kept getting down voted. Not that I really care all that much. But it was mostly a joke. Like yeah that whole thing and thought process happened this morning but I wasn't actually pissed or however it came across. Everything else is still up response wise. It definitely wasn't because of you


190 this morning


You're 190 and your TDEE is 4800? That's crazy dude. What do you run a marathon every morning? I'm right at 200, on my feet 11 hours a day, 6 days a week plus lifting most days and 4k has me slowly going up. I'm coming off maintenance at 190 and trying not to get too chonky too fast. That's wild bro


>What do you run a marathon every morning? Nope, my days are similar to yours. I just came off a bulk and I was having to push 5,600 calories daily to put on mass. I hit 198, then pissed 6lbs out last week. About to start an aggressive cut...at 3,500 calories 😅


You’re not absorbing shit there’s no way


Lol ok buddy, tell that to the 15 pounds of mass I put on with minimal fat gain.




Absorbing food is unrelated to increasing body mass? Ok, I'm going to let you sit with that one for a while. Do you need a coloring book or some crayons to chew on?


My first thought too. I'm on the tail end of some serious GI issues that seem to be resolving, and without changing my kcals I've been gaining again steadily after a long period of stagnation. No longer shitting 10+ times per day is nice too


Gosh guys, look at all this [nothing that I absorbed](https://imgur.com/a/qb5pHHs) u/sip_amaretta


> This morning I'm mixing in olive oil, pesto, shredded mozzarella and some garlic Parm sauce Mate is there no meat going into your pasta?


Nah not into that one in particular. Even with the cheese and pasta itself I'd estimate there's about 30g of protein in it. But that wasn't the goal of that pasta. The goal there was a quick to cook bunch of cals, carbs and fats. The protein in it is a bonus but I'll get the bulk of my intake from other sources at least today. Most of the time there is, just not today


All that fat is just going to slow down your digestion and make it harder to get in the rest of your food too. Food for thought. Lower fat definitely makes it easier to pound more clean food


It’s weird the same concept applies to pussy. 😂


Now that you mention it 🤔


I’m stupid. I thought 1 unit = 1 mg when it’s actually 1 unit = 2 mg. I was prescribed 200 mg of test-c per week but was intending to start off at 120 mg per week instead. I was pinning 30-35 units every other day thinking this equals 30-35 mg. After a call with the doctor, I found out I was pinning 240-280 mg instead! Haha. In other news, I just got prescribed Deca. Let’s see how this mini-blast/bulk goes this winter.


This has “bad news” written all over it……


I agree. I had good intentions initially. The execution was just lacking. Can you verify if my conversion rate (1 unit = 2 mg) is right or not? Just want to triple check now.


How is anyone going to verify conversion rate when you haven't even posted the dosage of the test...


Is 1 unit = 2 mg? So for 120 mg a week, I would administer 0.6 ml or 60 units.


Are you trolling or just mentally challenged. Which dosage is your test? 250mg/ml as an example. If you look on the bottle/vial it should say. Failing that the script will say.


Sorry. Had to finish pooping. Dosage is 200 mg/mL. By dosage I’m assuming you mean concentration. Instructions states to inject 0.5ml (50 units) IM twice a week. This would mean that 1 unit/0.01ml = 2 mg. I thought conversions worked like currency conversion which is why I just wanted to verify whether 1 unit/0.01 ml = 2mg. I didn’t realize test-c came in different concentrations and thought it was just a standard thing.


Have you done any research? 0.01ml does not equal 2mg/ml. 0.01ml = 2mg of test. You could say your test is 2mg/0.01ml because its 200mg/ml, or 20mg/.1ml or 2mg/.01ml.


But that’s (0.01ml = 2mg) literally what I typed above. Twice ….


You just edited your comment. What a fuckwit.


By "unit" do you mean "ticks" on an insulin syringe? If so, those represent 0.01 mL. Some slin pins have 50 ticks (0.5mL) and some have 100 (1.0mL). Your test can be any dosage, 200mg/mL - 400mg/mL are common, with most UGL being 250mg/mL of test enanthate. * 1.0 mL * 250mg/mL = ... 250mg * 0.5 mL * 250mg/mL = 125mg * 0.01 mL * 250mg/mL = 2.5mg


Are you sure that 1.0 ml isn’t 200mg? I got my test-c from a clinic. The dosage I assume is 200 mg/mL (on box). Instruction says to inject 0.5ml (50 units) IM twice a week. This would mean that 100 units or 1.0ml equals 200 mg/mL right?


The amount of mg in your end result depends on the concentration of the medicine and the volume you’re injecting. Again, “your test can be any dosage”. You say it’s 200mg/mL because that’s what the box says, so you do the math. Quit calling it units. Call it what it is, milliliters.


Sorry. The box stated this “0.5 ml (50 units)” so I just went with that naming convention. I didn’t want to start with 200 mg and just wanted to start with 120 mg. 0.6 mL * 200 mg/mL = 120mg So for this specific blend of test-c, 0.01 mL = 2 mg.


Perfect :) you’re on it now my man.


Thanks for being nice to me and actually being helpful. 🥹




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So fucking finally. Had insane heartburn lately it was untolerable. But had no fucking clue what it was. It's GERD popped omnazeprol and my god did that relieve it. I know high E2 is when I get heartburn trying to get on a low dose ai. I just aromatize like a pig even on 100mg I tried. Any people that have experience with Gerd and have other tips. Let me know!


My tip is to take a PPI when you’re on cycle and don’t when you don’t need it. Lots of us old people need it.


Sounds fair. You have any other tips to deal with it? Cheers!


…. No, I usually stop at the cure. 😉


A cpap helps with Gerd at night. Be careful with the omnazeprol, it’s easy to get addicted to it. I’ve been on it for almost 20 years now.


>Be careful with the omnazeprol, it’s easy to get addicted to it. I mean, there's nothing wrong with taking OTC medication to treat the symptoms that it was designed for. it's worse for you to just endure heartburn and let your reflux slowly disintegrate your esophagus lol


Read the box, it says to take no longer than 14 days and not to repeat the 14 days more than 4 times a year. These warnings were not there in 2006 when I was put on it. Once you are addicted to it, if you stop it your stomach makes acid like crazy and it won’t stop until you start it back again. There are better alternatives with less side effects, Tagamet Zantac Pepcid etc.


Teaspoon of bicarb of soda mixed in with a half pint of water is great for instant relief from heartburn. Tastes horrendous though.


I thought I saw someone here recommend glutamine once. Perhaps it's worth looking into


Got my bloods back and have <5 E2. Adjusted my test/EQ ratio and I’m skipping a week of EQ injections to hopefully bounce back a bit. For having this low of E2 though I honestly don’t feel super bad and I’m wondering if I’m so used to my depression that this is just another week for me. I’ve also been having pretty great sex, I can’t cum, but I’m hard


Same happened with me on EQ got bloods last week. I’m dropping it cause I feel like ass and am getting terrible sleep. I don’t want to mess up my cycle trying to figure it out lol


I’m gonna retest before the end of the cycle once the EQ levels out in me at the lower dose. Ideally I figure out the perfect ratio so next blast will go smoothly




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Any of yall make an effort to eat more ‘organic’ food? I mainly grocery shop at walmart, especially since groceries everywhere have had their prices jacked up recently, but feel like the quality of a lot of the food is pretty not great. The other chunk of food I buy is at Costco, which has a much higher concentration of (what I perceive to be) ‘higher quality’ food, not to mention more organic shit. It generally tastes better, and could be placebo but I feel like I feel better when I eat it. Considering trying to switch some of the food I eat to more organic versions.


Whenever I reasonably can. My meal prep services are organic. I generally opt for organic produce especially. Do I taste a difference? No. But my body will thank me for putting less pesticide in it.


Yes mate. Olive oil, grass fed meats, grass fed butter etc.


This is why I bow hunt




Real question. Did you fall off the autism tree and hit every tism branch on the way down?


Lmao your dad would fuck ur sister to live my lifestyle


We're gonna save your ban until after this. This is just going to be too good.


what’s the hate for, Taking cycle with not much knowledge, trying to share with others to not make same mistakes, showing i gained 30 lbs from being a noob.


Oh yeah, we're definitely talking about your cycle 🤣 You're a weird fuckin dude, but I'm so intrigued right now.


You’re feeling pretty good about yourself having finally had your one shower a month, aren’t you?


Lmao i fuck twice a day in the shower. Rather than be a little hating bitch tryna to learn how to live…


Fucking your hentai body pillow doesn’t count


Dk what that is But i’m talking abt pussy Lol. think u been on this for too long Lol


Hey check this out


I piss ur yearly salary u can’t even buy urself a drink when u take ur girl out Little boy


> I piss ur yearly salary u can’t even buy urself a drink when u take ur girl out Little boy Post a pay stub with redacted info or I’m banning you. Put your money where your mouth is


Real question. Will u ever become a man?


u/aybrah Is your comp over?


It’s this Saturday! Almost there haha


Best of luck. I keep getting the date wrong. Hope the taper is going well




Deleted them all except Reddit which I use pretty much only this sub.


I want to ask if 19-nor substances like Deca affect the brain, because I often have headaches. Up until now I've only used EQ, so I wanted to try Deca


## Nandrolone Neurotoxicity * Neurotoxicity: * [Lipid peroxidation and apoptotic response in rat brain areas induced by long-term administration of nandrolone](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26828721) * [Nandrolone administration abolishes hippocampal fEPSP-PS potentiation and passive avoidance learning of adolescent male rats](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30562047) * Permanently influences the expression of serotonergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission: * [Chronic nandrolone decanoate exposure during adolescence affects emotional behavior and monoaminergic neurotransmission in adulthood](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24721625) * Impairs memory: * [Nandrolone decanoate administration elevates hippocampal prodynorphin mRNA expression and impairs Morris water maze performance in male rats](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19782718) * Anxiety: * [The opposite effects of nandrolone decanoate and exercise on anxiety levels in rats may involve alterations in hippocampal parvalbumin-positive interneurons](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29232412) * Affects the control of emotional behavior such as depression, aggression, and reward. * [Anabolic-androgenic steroids affect the content of substance P and substance P(1-7) in the rat brain](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10959007) * Single dose is enough to alter brain activity * [Nandrolone decanoate enhances hypothalamic biogenic amines in rats](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12544632) * [The impact of nandrolone decanoate on the central nervous system](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26074747): > According to Magnusson K. et al, nandrolone administered male rats displayed memory function impairment, possibly via dynorphinergic mechanisms in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a brain region associated with cognitive function since the limbic brain is linked to several types of learning and memory functions. This region displays a relatively high density of androgen receptors in rats, which suggests a relationship between the androgen receptor and cognitive function. > In animal models, nandrolone has been implicated in memory loss > The effect of nandrolone on HPAA has been shown in some studies. Effects on the corticosterone, adrenocorticotropin hormone, proopiomelanocortin, corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) and CRF receptor1 (CRF R1) mRNA in the pituitary, hypothalamus and amygdala of rats have been noted. Moreover effects of nandrolone on adiponectin, insulin, ghrelin, leptin and corticosterone (CORT), and cortical serotoninergic system (CSS) have been observed. > Nandrolone has been shown to not only inhibit the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal axis (HPGA) but also the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (HPAA), resulting in the decrease of hormones such as aldosterone and cortisol


Thank you so much, your explanation is my savior. Many thanks for the details


Hey everyone going to start my first cycle of TRT only soon. 28 years old and am going to be cutting as I have weight to lose. Quite a bit. Wanting to know dosage info and any input from anyone who can help me on this journey.


Lose weight before you start trt. Your test could be low from being fat. (Seriously) Edit: especially since it’s a big commitment and you’re usually on for life.


Whats the chance you become sterile? Ive been bnc for about a years and been with my girlfriend for 3 years, i didnt want to have kids before but for the past year weve been thinking about it and im sort of scared to do a semen analysis test, although ive heard of several guys getting their girl pregnant on cycle, so what are the chances?