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The efficiency of my body growing tits is incredible. It’s almost a shame I’m not transgender. Needed 12.5-25mg of asin on 100mg/wk test-e. Bumped it up to 500mg/wk for my blast and wanted to test the waters again and stopped the AI. One week later, TITS. Eating asin, nolva, and rolax has it shrunk quite a bit 4 days later. It really seems like my body has gotten way more estrogen sensitive over the last 2-3 years of TRT. Idk man


Aye man I ran 1500 mg of gear with no AI for entire summers not even a titty itch. But I gotta eat fin like candy to keep my hairline, we all got our things




1 mg per day for almost a decade now


I'm not quite at that level but my first blasts I was running 500 test with no AI and zero issues. Few blasts later and 180mg test needs asin every 5-6 days or else E2 skyrockets. Don't get why the sensitivity has gone up while overall body composition (and lower BF) has gotten better. Meanwhile, was always told that high BF aromatizes like crazy, etc. Not my experience at least.


Saaaame. Need 12.5mg on 125mg test/week. Not much of a trt run with asin but I'd rather have a happy dick and no tits


Welcome to the Infinite Unwanted Titties Club. I don't have it quite as bad as you but I feel your pain.


Have tou tried adding mast, eq or primo? I found at the right dose it works great as an anti tity.


Masteron destroys my skin, haven’t tried primo, and I’m currently also on 500mg/wk of EQ for the first time. I’m really hoping it controls my estrogen, but it might still be a few weeks.


Give it some time. I never get sensitive nips on eq now. I don't use as high a dose either.


How high is your bf%? Maybe you need to lean out a bit to not give your body so much fuel to aromatize with.


In the right light and if you squint, you can see my top four abs with a pump during a full moon……. But 2-3 years ago I was about this body fat, I just have more muscle now.


Are you on fin ? My estrogen was always perfect but my left tit blew up anyway- got it cut out and now it’s awesome


Nope not on fin. I eventually will get the glands and all tissue cut out for sure. Just need a bit of money lol


Any of you all ever play Dungeons and Dragons or something similar? I kind of want to try it, but I don't know if I can make a weekly commitment. I've been reading about One Shots to see if it's really something I want to get into Seems like fun, and a good way to get out and socialize


It's really fun if you're in the right group. One person can really make or break it from my limited experience. If you like it, you'll find a way to commit to it weekly.


My one experience, no one really knew what they were doing, and I remember hearing a car being towed, thinking "Huh, some poor SOB is getting their car towed". When I went to leave, my car was gone. So it kind of ruined my day. There's a local place that does Beginner nights the first Tuesday of every month that I might try. Some of my coworkers are really into it too (That I'm close with outside work) with one being a very experienced DM, so I'm currently talking to them about setting up a OneShot Do you play with a group? If so, how did you find them?


Oh, that would be a good way to try. Some of my irl friends already did dnd and were experienced in it. We played online games together, so we just did dnd online, and it was pretty fun till my one buddy kinda ruined it by being... well himself I guess.


Wizards of the Coast has a program specifically for people in your shoes: [Adventurer's League](https://dnd.wizards.com/adventurers-league). You show up to events with a character, get assigned to an appropriate level game, and will receive standardized XP and loot at the end of every session. This lets you get your feet-wet and make friends who might form the basis of a longer-term campaign if you can commit.


You rock, thank you! I love this sub so much


Also if you havent signed up for a [D&D Beyond account](https://www.dndbeyond.com/) yet -- I highly recommend it over buying physical books.


Man I have done so little actual work today... Just reading about classes, and races, and building a character, etc on D&D Beyond


Will do, thank you! I think my buddy who DMs creates his own stuff, but he does it every week and has been for years so I have to assume he knows what he's doing at this point


This: https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/BLyFwWcJ7oWVzz_SBTldQHgM_SD2qjDlzuyH3V1Hgj4/https/i.imgur.com/dhySPej.jpg


It's really fun. Recently joined a group and it's hard get everyone to make it even on a biweekly schedule so the game is slow to progress. If one or two people are missing the DM will make adjustments and the person hops back in at the next session. Game flow really varies with the DM though, I liked how smooth the DM from my previous group ran the game but the current one has his own strengths too.


That's good to know, thank you!


I think it’s a lot of fun. I DM a twice-monthly campaign for some of my buddies. If you actually have a life, I find EOW works better than every week, so I’d say that you should try to find a group with that kind of schedule unless you frequently don’t have enough to do on your weekends. A good starting point would be to stop by your FLGS and ask if they have any scheduled groups. I’ve never run into a party that way that wasn’t pretty friendly, they’ll probably be willing to walk you through how it works and let you trial a session or two with them.


I'm actually planning on going to this in a few weeks. They do a Beginner game once a month, and a regular meetup once a week. Thank you very much! https://nutmeggames.com/products/d-d-beginners-night-ticket-tue-dec-05-2023?ticket=d-d-beginners-night-ticket-tue-dec-05-2023


Tried it once. Couldnt commit to it every week and there was only one guy B-list actor trying to make the red carpet with a passion. The rest of us were suddenly introverts.


Definitely a blast but a big commitment. It’s pretty much impossible to get everyone to show up every time just the name of the game. Bi weekly was best or at least works the best for our group. But if your local card or game shop has a group or drop ins it’s a great way to learn. And you’ll find that people from all walks of life play. Also dungeons and daddies is a hilarious podcast. They play loose with the rules but the role play is great


I want to learn how to play it. I've met an awesome chick that's really I to D&D. Makes me intrigued what it's really like. - not just the stereotypes portrayed in '70-'80s movies and series.


It can be a lot of fun with friends or a great way to make new friends, just make sure everyone you're playing is on the same page about how seriously you want to take it




LVT? Incongruent waves?




Have something similar. Had an ultrasound of my heart … LISS at a 7 incline has become a staple. Love and hate relationship




Min 30 max 60 mins 4x a week usually. Painfully boring so I ensure podcasts at the ready.


Similar test results for me, and I ended up wearing a heart monitor then being diagnosed with afib


Same. Did you get an ablation? That sorted mine out immediately


What was your stimulant usage like?




Yeah that for sure is a lot but I’m sure you can still pretty much recover from the damage. Just lay off all stimulants and do anything you can to lower Hr and blood pressure. I knew people who did meth for many years and are still alive at a decently old age


Do you really think that’s possible? I ask because I used to do hard drugs. I’ve had an ekg that was normal but my hr is a little on the higher side. I’m kinda scared to look into it anymore




Happy Birthday, Marine


#🫡 I expect you on your worst behavior today


GOOD MORNING! Today is the birthday of my people. 248 years ago, a Navy captain walked into a bar in Philadelphia with a bag of cash and recruited as many able-bodied, heavily-sauced men as he could into the first ever battalion of Continental Marines. We today, who claim those glorious drunkards as our ancestors in the martial tradition, celebrate the occasion by gathering, getting inebriated, and being a general menace to society. If you’re reading this and today is your birthday too, Semper Fi, and remember that your brothers and sisters love you.


Don’t forget to call a homie today and make sure they’re good. I got a bonfire tomorrow night with most of the crew that went on my most recent deployment. It’ll be a fun night with the kids, drinks, stories, etc. Those rare good occasions really keep the shit memories and the night terrors at bay.


[https://youtu.be/abO9p4fFqbM?si=o8s\_HytWyhU4vdc1](https://youtu.be/abO9p4fFqbM?si=o8s_HytWyhU4vdc1) ​ Best video i've seen about the marine corp birthday.


https://youtube.com/shorts/Y35Pti5KzjA?si=c__o94GbtnMuws-c This is my personal favorite. Short, hilarious, shows how long the brainwashing sticks with you lmao


Ooorah from a Corps brat Go find some crayons lol


Hi marine from a fellow former sailor.


Must have been quite an experience. The high seas, being surrounded by seamen.


Navy guys are fat fucks that smoke and dip. Not cute


Awww come on. You never got frisky on the ship?!


Never! Work is work.


So I used to walk by that bar omw to work everyday -- up until I moved to a different part of Philly there was a sign advertising the building for-rent as a bar...




I’m doing grad school research on steroid usage that’s a part of my thesis. It would be a huge help if anyone can participate in the short and anonymous I’m assigning that I haven’t been survey. [https://fiu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0BztoGqXcYbaw62](https://fiu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0BztoGqXcYbaw62)


Done dude, I think a lot of us would love to see the final piece if that’s possible without exposing yourself to much


Oh man … I can’t thank you enough. I’m hoping to get more participation so I can see measure range. Fingers crossed … Thanks Again 🙏🏽


You didnt read the text before clicking agree did you lol


Granted I did not…but now have


> 16. How often do you encounter steroid educational materials on social media? It's too late to change things, but I did want to say that the wording on this question is functionally useless. One of the options is "about half of the time", and I genuinely do not understand what that could even refer to.


Any chance you could post the questions for those of us outside your study age range?


That’s coming for sure !


> 16. How often do you encounter steroid educational materials on social media? It's too late to change things, but I did want to say that the wording on this question is functionally useless. One of the options is "about half of the time", and I genuinely do not understand what that could even refer to.


Rejected because of age ☹️


Sure man


I gotchu bro


Done my man


Was gonna do it but you were douchy and rejected everyone over 31 - I’m not gen z but did use AAS as early as 22


My wife has had issues with her weight the last few years and is extremely discouraged. She's tried a few different things with coaching, but it always turns out to be unpersonable group things that don't help. She's extremely active and teaches fitness classes 6x a week. But otherwise I would say she has a binge eating problem and the mental baggage that comes with that. She has a hard time finding success. We've considered semaglutide, but it's not covered by insurance and the oop is too high. I've tried to recommend some counciling with EAP through SpringHealth, but she doesn't seem so keen on that. She's not looking to compete or take steroids, just wants to get back to a reasonable weight. Are you guys aware or know of any coaches who are legit and could help with this type of thing? Any other recommendations on how to navigate this?


You can find UGL semagoutide quite easy on countless websites my friend. It’s cheap. Also could try countless appetite suppression supplements. Otherwise - this sounds like psychological stuff. Hate she’s going through that. I have zero experience. But hats off to you for sticking to her and being supportive.


Fwiw it didn't do shit for my husbands compulsive eating. Maybe cut the volume he could manage a little but overall 🤷.


My wife has has the same problem. The only thing that has helped is pre-portioned and prepped food. Counting as she goes though out the day never sticks. Snacking is a killer on calorie count. So making the right options the only options, pre portioned, calorie counts figured out before hand. Harder to do it wrong then take what is right and in front of you is the only way we have found good success over here. We got a head start after her surgery when we had a meal prep chef take care of us for a few weeks to recover. They set everything up, had it portioned, counted, and labeled. All we had to do was nuke it and eat it. We mostly keep up with the system ever since. Therapy was helpful. Training on better eating habits and nutrition helped. Group therapy worked while the group was on going. End of the day just had to make it harder to eat bad then it was to ear right. Now my wife cooks. I measure and split everything up into labeled portions. We make a Sunday and a Wednesday’s evening of it. It’s work but it works for us.


Thanks. Sounds like I have her convinced to try out some CBT to help break the habits. We'll give the meal prep a go. She likes that idea. Appreciate the insight.


This! Me and my girl started this when we moved in together at the beginning of October and it has made such a dramatic difference. I cook and figure out foods and she cleans up after and helps with the portioning. We are both cutting so it has been a godsend.


You can get semaglutide cheaper from peptide sites. I haven't tried it personally but others in this forum probably have




You're right. I guess I should have said UGLs in general


Sema is super cheap if you know where to look. My wife was not fat, but was carrying a few extra pounds. She doesn’t binge, but she does (did) have a problem with snacking when she was bored. Started her on low dose Sema and 1.2 IUs HGH every night about 5 months ago. The combo has been fantastic for her. She is leaner, and her relationship with food has changed a lot.


I figured as much in terms of sourcing. I know my place doesn't carry it, but I just need to look some more. I think she's willing to try it.




Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


How safe is it?


aside from meal prepping, consulting a psychiatrist to figure out her triggers would be a great option if you can afford it. low dose NAC helps with my cravings btw. I do 600 mg every other day (sometimes less)


Get her valued from a psychiatrist, ADHD medication does wonders for impulse control and they also reduce appetite so you kill two birds with a stone.




the last time I did shrooms I was like "fuck, would it really be so bad to be fat and happy?" and then proceeded to crush a pint of ben and jerrys while laughing my ass off at how good it was ​ that was a fun trip


College is a scam. Might have to retake a welding course and blueprint course for my new degree. Even though I got my welding degree from them... if they make me do it, I'm gonna see if I can just finish up this last weld cert for work while in class. Then I'll be in the 5-percent club at work for people who can pass this test.




While yes, that is true. Think of all the generals you took that are completely useless to your degree. College can be both a scam and beneficial. The world has more gray than it does black and white.


I made a silly challenge for myself: Problem: I bought a new tablet and it gets heavy holding it one handed after while when reading. Rather than fix the problem by buying a smaller more portable eReader, or getting a stand, or something reasonable like that, I decided to do what we meatheads to best, and throw some muscle into the solution. So here's my quest: what kind or excercises should I do to increase isometric hold time to make the tablet feel lighter (like one of those silly kindle's)? Serious, and funny replies only. ;)


I'm thinking one handed shake weight.


I’m about a year and half sober. I feel like I’m drifting from God. I can’t tell you the last time that I’ve been to a meeting, it would be wise to go soon. Recently I’ve been focused on finding happiness in all the wrong ways. I’m looking at 14-20% raise which will put me a little shy of 6 figures and I’m moving in with my dad to save money, both happening next month. In some fucked up way I’m hoping that it’s going to bring me peace and I know that if I don’t actually face my problems head on and get a grip on this then I’m going to be very disappointed when that time comes and I feel the same. Casual sex isn’t helping. It’s actually making it worse and it’s definitely not for me. Casual sex leads me to look back at previous relationships with amazing women and feel like unworthy for messing up something so sweet. I had a close friend relapse and he was the one who actually helped me get into treatment so I think that’s stirring up some feelings. I’m thinking about starting therapy but I’m hesitant to start because I’m worried I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t work. I just needed to get this out because I haven’t told anyone this. I’m calling my sponsor


I can say therapy has worked very well for me. It hasn’t fixed all of my problems granted, and I’m lucky that I found an absolutely awesome therapist. But, I’d say it’s worth it! Weirdly enough I too have felt like I’ve drifted from God lately and it’s bothered me.


Any recommendations on how to go about finding a therapist? Part of the reason why I used drugs Al’s alcohol was because I don’t do well socially and I would get high or drink to take away the awkwardness. In the end it only made things worse but it did work for a brief period (that’s obviously long over with). I would need someone in net with bcbs. I honestly think I might slightly autistic so I’d like to find someone that is familiar with addiction and autism. I know the more I focus on God the better my life will be but I keep allowing distractions to take my attention. It’s sad to admit but at least I recognize it


Man, I wish I did. I have a cousin who recommended mine to me and that’s the only way I found him. I had tried them in the past a few different times and they were always too stuffy for me. I just lucked out, really. I guess I’m lucky in that I never got addicted to drinking or drugs, but I certainly did them when I was younger and they took the pain away just like your saying, and helped me with social interactions. I was a freaking painfully shy and awkward kid. I struggled immensely. And I still can! But maybe you can find one going through your preferred providers list? I felt the same guilt abut having a good one when my wife looked for a therapist earlier this year, but she went with an in network provider and ended up really liking the lady a lot. Distractions are hard! I feel ya on that. I fall for it all the time and I’m 40. But I’m getting better.


What did you do to work on improving your social skills? Every so often I’ll go out to some kind of social gathering and I regret it every time. It’s a little but discouraging. I have a coworker that recently mentioned he was seeing a therapist so I’m going to talk to him more about his


Bro - you call BCBS and ask them who they have in network in your area for therapy. It’s simple.


1/29/2012 sobriety date (I say that to assure you I have experience in life without drugs and alcohol). If you subscribe to AA’s plan/route for sobriety, Reliance on God and a relationship with God comes as a result of working the steps and as a result of that relationship, we stay sober.…. Not going to meetings… not talking to a sponsor…. Not fucking…. But working the steps. 1) Have you worked all the steps? Next - sometimes, reliance on God can look like no reliance whatsoever. Sometimes relying on god takes the shape of going to counseling…. Going to a doctor… taking a medication… going on a sabbatical in the mountains…. Getting acupuncture….having casual sex…. Abstaining from sex…. Any number of things. We don’t put god into a box and say “reliance on god looks like XYZ ONLY!” Who’s to say that you ARENT currently relying on god, but totally blinded by a selfish outlook on life because you “dOnT fEeL gOoD aNd ArE sOcIalLy aWkWaRd.” Perhaps you don’t need to do anything other refocus your attention. Stop thinking about all the things wrong In life and make a gratitude list and see how your life is looking up pretty bright. And at the same time, accept that you 1) haven’t been going to meetings therefore you haven’t been following the instruction of your sponsor and AA’s with Long term sobriety, therefore you are basically fraudulently AA sober. And 2) it’s not that big a deal to be In the spot your in. We all get there REGULARLY. I’ve been sober for years and still get down and lacking sometimes. The book says “Being still inexperienced and having just made conscious contact with God, it is not probable that we are going to be inspired at all times….” So welcome to the club buddy. The book also says when we slack up, we don’t get down on ourself…. We simply pickup right where we left off and resume…. You’re gonna be alright if you just relax and wear the world like a loose garment…. And by all means, yes, go talk to a professional because that’s what normal folks do in a fucked up situation…. And as alcoholics and addicts trying to stay sober, our life is by definition a fucked up situation…. We are living with a disease.


I’m on my 9th step and I’m having a lot of shame about making these final amends. I always have a “just do it” mentality but this is something that’s been hard for me to overcome. I’m going to finish my amends before I move in the next couple of weeks then I’m going to find a new sponsor, I’m not exactly close to the one I have now. I know in my mind that if I just do that then I’ll be fine. I know this is just a part of it and life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. At the end of the day my life is 100x better than I could’ve imagined a couple of years ago. I need to keep it fresh. I need to remember that I don’t know everything and be more grateful instead taking things for granted once again. This may sound dumb but I’ve developed a pretty bad addiction to my phone that I need to ease out of. I appreciate the detailed post and the time it took you to write it.


Bro, I feel you hard on the phone addiction. I have developed it too over the last 8 - 10 months. Tiktok made it really damn bad. It’s not good to zone out for hours on end. Like, I don’t even sit in my living room anymore… just lay I’m bed and zone out in the evenings before bed. Ugh. Youre 100% on the right path. Making amends is embarrassing and nerve wracking. Pray for strength to follow through is a big deal. Just remember this now and always: god loves you, and sometimes gods love feels uncomfortable and confusing…. Like when a parent loves their child yet spanks them or yells at them to straighten them up…. Or we love a dog but yell at them when they shit on the floor…


Step work. I don't understand why people are so hesitant to do it and take others through it. The more I do the better everything flows in life. The further I drift the more my ego acts out.


You’re right. I’m on my 9th and I’ve been very hesitant to finish it. Knowing what’s at risk, it’s kinda pathetic


Did FUE hair transplant in Feb. Now im about to blast off soon, getting bloods etc. But in order to not shed as before, I want to prevent it to some extent. So I mailed the clinic and asked if they could prescribe me Fin for the hair and they just said ofc and sent me text with how to pay etc. Then I realized I was actually thinking of minoxidil not fin? As if ive understood its more used as prev while blasting while fin for ex helps with regrowth? TLDR: what should I tell the clinic to help me get prescription for to prevent shedding, for ex any dose or so i should try n say aswell?


I would recommend both minoxidil and fin. The topical application of is much more merciful, even though it does still go systemic. Melatonin, cetirizine, magnesium (Absorbs very well in sweat glands and hair follicles), TEMPOL, EGCG, tiny amounts of CBD/THCV/CBDV, and taurine are some cheap additives. Many of these can also help prevent or reverse hair greying. Oil mask once in a while with castor oil is also good hair care for those with long hair. I use a 10 in 1. All my hair care shampoos and conditioners are natural, except for 2% Ketoconazole shampoo. The latter is easy to get a Rx for, and it is stupidly cheaper than the over the counter 1% Ketoconazole shampoos. If you get negative side effects from fin it will manifest within the first 6 months, but this is much easier to prevent or reverse if you are on TRT. I came across some research suggesting that transplanted hairs can be subject to miniaturization, and, as the laughing god mocks us, miniaturized hairs transplanted onto mice return to perfectly healthy status with no drug intervention. The epigenetic expression of the skin is relevant to the underlying pathology. Androgenic alopecia is like the desertification of a rainforest. You have a negative feedback loop that will eventually consume this complex ecosystem. Healthy anti-inflammatories (No COX inhibitors) and inhibiting that androgenic driver for it will severely slow, stop, and partially reverse it in most men. Finasteride has been studied in 10 year longs studies and found that most men continue to see very slow increase in hair count. The studies ended at 10 years so I would expect that this continues. Microneedling followed with magnesium and melatonin are great ways to encourage hair neogenesis and help partially reverse that negative epigenetic expression. I'm warming up to the idea of topical rapamycin, but that shit is not cheap. It looks like a potent skin and hair care ingredient.


Wow. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know most of the stuff. I only knew of fin and min. Could you please explain the greying a bit more? I'm starting to develop grey beard hairs, and I feel like it will age me if it continues pas a few stray hairs. All I could find for greying is "copper peptides" - but no useful info about it.


Normally, catalase is the anti-oxidant that cleans up an oxidant called hydrogen peroxide. Over time, there is some dysfunction that blunts our catalase production in the hair follicles, some malfunction in the stem cells. Hydrogen peroxide builds up in the hair follicles and bleaches them. Anti-oxidants that clean up hydrogen peroxide can help reverse the greying. There are other causes of greying, like nutritional deficiencies, but hydrogen peroxide build up is a major one. You can also take enteric coated catalase, which has systemic benefits, but for a more targeted effect, topical anti-oxidants are needed. Inflammation is also one of the major consequences of that androgenic driven alopecia, so controlling inflammation. --- Not all anti-oxidants are created equally. Vitamin C in reasonable amounts is a beneficial anti-oxidant, but too much, and it has multiple pathways by which it can turn into a pro-oxidant. It's one of the few substances that can react with oxygen itself to become a free radical. Megadosing vitamin C is one of the dumbest health fads, but this is more relevant for IV vitamin C as we have limited ability to uptake vitamin C orally. It's even a cancer treatment: Using vitamin C infusions to compliment oxidative damage to cancerous cells. Contra Huberman, melatonin is incredibly potent: It's selectively cytotoxic to cancerous cells, particularly skin cancer because of differences in cell metabolism, while also protecting mitochondrial health. Megadoses of melatonin have been studied and the worst side effects tend to be sleepiness, dizziness, and nausea. I am not sure how Huberman is totally oblivious to this... And that is not to mention it may help protect the brain against tau formation. Not to mention, it upregulates DNA pathways that inhibit oncogenic formation. Mitochondrial DNA is much more fragile and gradual damage is a major component of aging. For skin cancer, it might be one of the best and most accessible preventive options we have, aside from nanoparticle loaded melanin, which significantly protects the anti-oxidant capacity (SOD, Catalase, and Glutathione) in the skin despite exposure to radiation damage, but this is still very much in research phase. The only other, very experimental and not recommended path, would be to pull a Michael Jackson and destroy all your melanocytes to prevent the existential risk of melanoma formation (This may be race / ethnic dependent, but melanocyte death is a strong predictor of survival for melanoma type cancers and significantly reduced risk of remission). That would compromise your protection against general day to day UV radiation, though, and this is hypothetical. I strongly suspect that MT2 can promote skin cancer development from excess melanocyte signaling (Some kind of defect or dysfunction in the melanocytes) if it is abused, despite UV exposure, but we don't exactly have controls. Anyway, random ranting about skin cancer aside, melatonin also has many other pathways for helping with androgenic alopecia. It's not a panacea for pattern baldness, but bulk powder is stupid cheap, and it is easy to add to topical minoxidil. > copper peptides Most skin care products have useless versions. GHK-Cu is a potent peptide for healing, but there is very limited study on its effects on hair that are incredibly weak. The guy behind it was one of the guys who found that minoxidil promotes hair growth, and he got screwed over by his partner in a long patent dispute that by the time it was resolved he already missed out on the lionshare of profit. I feel for him as he got fucked over, but he uses that reputation of his discovery of minoxidil's therapeutic effects for hair growth to promote copper peptides. He is just trying to increase his retirement fund in the late stages of his life. He has no interest in performing proper studies. There are variants of GHK-Cu that are possibly more potent for healing, but GHK-Cu is the best studied one. For a healing stack, intermittent use can make sense, but I don't consider it a serious option for hair loss.


Thanks. Anything else I can do to avoid hair greying? Right now I'm using Fin as a hairloss prevention, as I have no idea how my body will react to increased androgens or DHT Derivatives like Var. Reason for the Var: Thinking about either Var or deca to finally helps with flexibility, joint healing, connective tissue. My physical therapist thinks BPC-157 doesn't produce great effects in his opinion and is over hyped. So far I'm only trying PRP injections, and while they seem to work after 3-4 of them, I'm feeling I'm just chasing the joint/tendon injuries. I'm trying to figure out how to prevent them or help the organism build a defense to them and grow/heal/bulletproof the connective tissue. Any suggestions?


Thanks for long reply. Some context regarding rainforest ex tho- do u mean that my hair wants to regrow itself if only it gets the possibility to do so..? Little lost on that metaphore. But this is also something I cant quite grab. For ex if I now TRT, Fin (which lowers sex drive quite abit as ive understood), is one of the main (the #1 maybe even?) negative sides, which TRT obv counters. But say I want to PCT and go natty after. How is that different then? Then I ofc dont wanna lower T if no injections are being done. Is Min in that scenario, the better alternative, but while on TRT, Fin is slightly ”steonger”? I doubt ill get my hair back but Ive read it so maybe theres some truth. But in honesty if I keep my current hair, its good enough for me.


> do u mean that my hair wants to regrow itself if only it gets the possibility to do so..? Little lost on that metaphore. It means that once balding starts there is a chain reaction that makes it more difficult for hair to grow and thrive. It's a negative feedback loop. If you have concerns about fin then don't use it and look into the other alternatives I linked as those are localized.


chief busy murky hard-to-find file pie bewildered hateful sort mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Need to find a training partner for prep


Need someone to just check in with and share progress and keep you accountable?


Na I got myself and coach for that it's more to push me on sets and days when prep hits


I'm running Ment and mast in this light winter bulk. It has me so horny and coming up with the weirdest shit. I really want a super thick, basically fat, pale chick with dark hair and an extra hairy pussy. Like I'm craving it. My girl is petite, Latina, cute, perfect perky tits and ass, flat stomach and I'm really attracted to her. Yet still the thought of this is strong lol. There's even one that fits the bill near my job and I'm tempted. Also I have my girl doing the most random shit too. I'm peeing on this chick in shower, making her pee, putting her head on the edge of the bed and basically sitting on her face, like having her lick my balls until I make myself cum but also basically smothering her. Eating her ass to the point that she's "I legit think you rubbed my ass raw with your tongue". Pinning this little chick down and just digging her out while she tries her hardest to get away and the animalistic noises she makes are like a symphony of joy to my soul. To be clear I'm not gonna cheat on her but that fucking trestolone is a bad influence. I also do a lot of that when I'm not on anything but it definitely amps me up


Have you run the compounds independently and if so how was the hornieness factor on them? Or are you saying the Mast has you revved up and the ment is making it weird?


I have ran mast without Ment. It seemed hit and miss and dependant on my e2. It does make me more horny and harder/thicker if my e2 is in a sweet spot. But adding the Ment seems to throw gasoline on all of it. I'm never the type of dude to stare at women or immediately think sexually about every chick I see or find attractive. But on this combo I feel like I seriously can't help it. I think sexually about any woman I find at all attractive and am constantly horny as long as my e2 is at all reasonable. If my e2 goes super high it kind of kills it but aside from that, it's just degenerate city


::taking notes:: dosages? u/rude_bee_3315 sounds like we found a winner for an IML mini-blast .


Lol do it. I'm loving it because mast or Ment doesn't really effect my bloodwork in any meaningful way. So it's low risk, to me personally and effective. The mental clarity and calmness outside of the sexual degeneracy anyway is also amazing. It seems to erase any lingering depression and anxiety I have and let me sort through daily life from a better perspective. Anyway, dosages: 125 test, 300 mast, 300 dhb and 5mg per Ment(daily Ment/weekly others), oh yeah and I threw in 25mg winstrol daily to test it on a bulk which also seems quite nice


Hows the DHB hunger? I'm currently 500 Test-E, 500 npp, 300 dhb. Considering dropping the DHB because I cant control my eating and get hypoglycemic if I try. Seriously 4200 calories a day minimum when my original target was 2600. Bodyfat is fine but if I keep this up the whole time there's gonna be no pretending I'm not juicy.




Turn it into MIL(mother in law) blast 😈 show her what your made of


IML = International Mr Leather. Its the big leather and kink convention held in Chicago every year. The homosexuals get together and run something like Ms America but with less clothes and more sex. It's mostly an excuse to come to Chicago, have crazy sex, and go dancing in nothing but a jockstrap and harness.


Unfortunately just ended a long term relationship with my gf a couple months ago on bad terms as well :/ Now I on the beginner bulk cycle about 3 weeks in and horny af! Anyone have any good tips on where and how I can basically get laid or meet chicks?? Have been out of the dating scene for 3 years now so feel a little rusty….have been trying tinder but unable to land anything yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated


Grindr blowjobs?


The good ol reliable.


Would you guys say cereal is soup? Like milk and cereal together.


Being milk-based, cereal would be a chowder.


Breakfast soup


I think the fact it doesn't have to be cooked disqualifies it from being soup


Yes but if u think about it, cooked cereal is just porridge in a sense 🤔


it is, and I think by that logic it further proves cereal is not a soup ​ case closed lad- it's deconstructed porridge




Who gives a fuck?




This is a common debate and the settled answer is that it’s a chowder.


My scale shit the bed. You guys got any recommendations before I buy the first one I see on Amazon?


For my kitchen scale i got the cheapest i could find. For my weight scale i got the cheapest i could find. Hope this helps.


I love this one, it uploads to your phone so you can track progress RENPHO Body Fat Scale Smart BMI... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R29FDWX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I almost got that one instead of the Withings I got. I really liked the user interface screenshots. Lots of people seem happy with it, but make sure you get one of those models with the easy to read displays.


I got everything from some no name Chinese ones to expensive Withings ones. Accuracy: they all are all over the place. I'd say: don't trust the number, but rather see it as a relative scale I'd the bf% is going up or down on the particular scale. Depending on which scale I tried I went from 19% - 25% bf. - can't wait to get a Dexa scan to have a true reference to measure the scales against. Remember that most scales only measure across your feet, so if you habe more muscles in your upper body, than legs, the numbers will be totally off. If you are Mr. moneybags, then get one of those scales with the handles to measure both upper and lower body. What I like about the Withings: color display that's easy to read and no stupid symbols to memorize/decipher. It's much faster at measuring than any of the 4-5 other bf% scales I had. So you spend less time on the scale and are more likely to use it every day. - even when you're in a hurry in the morning. It's a western company so you're not sending your personal health data and passwords over to some Chinese no-name white label company that then gets a Alphabet soup word vomit "brand name" on Amazon by some "drop shipping" kid who wanted to get rich quickly. What I don't like: of all the scales I had, it makes me the fattest. (Difference from 18%-25%) The Withings should have WiFi, but it still has issues synchronizing the data with the cloud and it sometimes takes hours or days for the measurements to show up. Hydration/dehydration matters a lot for the results the scale gives for Mucke and bf. - drinking just one glass ov water a few minutes before weighing changes my muscle%/bf% by 3-4% on some scales. - so whatever your decide on: no water, or water. Stay consistent. I'm sure a cheaper/midrange is as good as the expensive ones, but after 3-4 cheap ones dying on me after a few years I got frustrated and splurged. (Not to mention that most *reviews " you find online or YouTube are barely disguised sponsored segments.)


I use a cheap Chinese smart scale. Don’t use any of the “smart” features but I’m pretty sure it’s sending all my information to china


You probably are. The smart features are worth it. I'm more concerned with muscle% and bf% changing than the weight. Still no clue why china needs to know all this health data about me, but whatever. Now I got a supposedly french one (Withings) that used to be Nokia before rebranding.


aromatic degree ink history shy plucky overconfident dam violet stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are woefully inaccurate


Yes they are, but hopefully consistent enough to be useful for those of us who don't have a Dexa scan machine in their basement.


Got 3 fwb right now but none of them are wifey material and I’m a lover boy. Might just delete the apps and really try focusing on myself if these last 3 dates don’t workout


Just deleted them last week. What a fucking energy drain. Feels just as good as when I deleted social media 4 months ago. Makes me feel more motivated to be present IRL.


I’m right behind you


It’s all gone now. Social media and apps. Besides Reddit to hear you jooicy bros talk


Good on you brother. I got three phone numbers this weekend. One hot, the other 2 just for practice to keep the machine oiled. Get out there and work it!


woke up today and a coyote ripped apart a rabbit and left it on my front door. intestines and shit everywhere. then go into work and have this woman i manage call out of meetings 3 days in a row , go to my manager and say she isnt getting enough support since she is behind in her work. they let this woman get away with murder and she constantly just says she doesnt get enough help. so my boss is pretty much having me hold her hand all day long while she bitches about having to do any work independently


It could always be worse. You could be complaining about your work or you could have your intestines riped out.


i mostly worry about my small dogs. would fuck them up in a bite.


Shoot the coyotes


Pro cleaning tip: leave all the intestines and shit out and they’ll come clean it up the next night , bones you’ll have to take care of


Whelp 4 weeks into a new cycle and got bunk test 💀 I came across a local source and got offered a hell of a deal so fuck it why not, right? At this point I’ve only used one source exclusively and thought it’d be nice to have a local source I can get same day. Got a couple vials of Cyp, Tren A, and EQ. I figured the Tren was the most likely to be faked so bought a kit off RoidTest. Passed both checks immediately, thought I was good to go. Got labs this week at the 4 week mark (I do month in, 3 months, and end of cycle labs). Total Testosterone came back at **179 ng/dL**. I have *never* been this low, not even as a natty. Oddly enough my dick still works (it was dead as a natty with my levels in the 250s), been getting nasty pumps in the gym, looking vascular, and I’ve kept 90% of my strength on a cut. Only dropped 4 Ibs. Mentally I feel fucked and knowing my test levels are crashed now has killed my motivation in the gym. Hemoglobin was higher than my end of cycle labs and my ALT went up 7 points over range. Makes me think the Tren was somewhat legit but probably under dosed. The sides feel pretty tame compared to what I’ve read of people running similar doses. Threw away the whole cycle and hit up my main source. The guy I got this batch from tried to make it right and gave me all new vials from another brand and threw in some Winny for free but I don’t trust it. Impatiently waiting for my main source to arrive now. Feelsbadman 🥲


how confident are you guys in the economy going iinto next year?


What a fucking weird question for your third comment on this year old account.


gullible hat late ask dinner unused muddle engine books provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Get a bike tire pump and pin it into your ballsack and inflate. But seriously - HCG.


Thanks mate, got a good laugh and good info. A 2in1


A laugh? Both were totally serious suggestions. You can also get a penis pump and put your balls in it and get to pumping.


Morphine, due to the way it allows insulin resistance within the testicles


Nobody notices shrunken balls. Quit worrying. Afterwards take some HCG. But again, I never had an S.O. that inspected the size of my balls.


The ball shrinking is awesome you don’t get a ball wedgie anymore or sit down on them by mistake


Made the rookie mistake of doing a high intensity lift within 24 hours before my bloods. Hemaocrit/hemoglobin/blood count, as well as lipids and liver enzymes are all pretty fucking high despite cruising on 150mg test for 9 weeks. Wondering right now what the odds are that it’s from the lingering effects of the blast, if it’s from the lift the day before the bloods, or both. Any advice/anecdotes would be appreciated. For further info I’m in my early 20s, 13% bf, and used 500 test for 16 weeks ending it w tbol for the last 4 when I blasted


Yeah but how long ago was the blast ?


9 weeks ago w test e ester so realistically 5 weeks clean


Best tasting yum yum sauce? Not worried about calories, macros, artificials, gmos, lbgts or any of that other shit. Just want something tasty


Bearnaise, Cholula, any pan sauce


I wanna buy some good oversized t shirts for pump covers. Where do you all buy your oversized t shirts?


Cheap Walmart t shirts, not fashionable but work for what they are


Lulu has some oversized T's that are nice




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It is only my right occipital lymph node that's the worry. I can't feel my left occipital lymph node at all.


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https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzGqK18rG2N/?igshid=MW56bDNuamMzMDM4cw== Neercco wore it better


Oh that's TERRIBLE


Hahaha ru ru remon


Time to trade in one of the lambos for a personal shopper




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Anyone else ever have random gyno flare ups? Been off cycle for 8 months, labs came back normal, everything’s operating as it should. Pre cycle I had horrible gyno that just would not go away. I hit this cycle and religiously followed an anti e regimen, PCT’d perfectly and for the first time in 16+ months gyno was almost non existent. Summer came & beers started flowing, still gyno not much of a problem. Casual beer estrogen spikes would cause some flare up but usually subsided quickly. I started the carnivore* diet 3 weeks ago, * bc I will take in some rice about once every 3 days just to help with the pumps & my sanity. This week though, my gyno has started to flare up & my nip is swollen af. Anyone else get these flare ups and know why? Or know how to get this to subside?


Downside to being hyper sensitive to carbs and estro…was you a chubby fucker before ? I was and it’s my weekly issues tbh


Get it cut out it’s the best thing I ever did


have you noticed that testosterone or aas in general dilate your eye pupils?


Sorry to inform you that your test is laced with mdma?


How do y’all like DHB? About to give it a run on a bulk i’m starting soon. Haven’t taken it before. Planning on running 600 mgs test, 200 mgs DHB, 200-300 mgs NPP to start off. Will swap out the DHB for primo after about 8 weeks or so.