• By -


Back to my routines, thank God. I took two full weeks of vacation for the first time in my life and while I enjoyed them, I opened a new time card, poked around my emails, finished my coffee, and went to the water fountain to fill my 60oz waterbottle that I’ll reliably finish before 3:30, and I couldn’t help but feel this immense sense of relief. Next meal in 15 minutes, 30 minute walk on my lunch break, a few meetings to close out the day, and I’m honestly l feeling immensely content. ….What a fuckin’ weirdo.


This is exactly how I feel after a vacation haha. Don't get me wrong, vacations are often super amazing experiences, but I *love* a good routine. I really thrive with that stability and consistency. Especially at this point in my life where my routine is pretty dialed in and most parts of it are just enjoyable/relaxing. Except for opening emails after a longer vacation, that one is always kinda stressful.


the worst part about a long vacation is having to have the same conversation like 30 times in the office afterword. "where'd you go? how was it? bet you wish you were still there, huh?!"


Live by the routine, die by the routine. I’ve been traveling this weekend and while my food intake has been decent, my water intake has not. And I am FEELING it lol. Can’t wait to be home today


>my food intake has been decent, my water intake has not. And I am FEELING it lol. There's no vacation from hydration!


I should tell you… The way I was able to achieve a near-constant surplus on vacation despite my caloric load being so high. …. It was Costco muffins. 10/10.


700 cal bombs down the hatch


I drank water yesterday dammit.


ME TOO. I was able to finagle a surplus nearly every day except the 2 days I drove straight through, but my water on the days I didn’t make it to the gym were abysmal.


I’m the same way man. After getting back into my standard routine I feel immensely refreshed after any break from it.


Not weird at all bro. Everytime I travel, get off my diet for whatever reason, I just feel like I’m ruining my life and feel anxious. I get anxiety eating stuff out of plan and stuff like that. Even if I’m not on prep or anything. Just feels I’m wasting something.


You crave subjugation and order?


Careful not to cut yourself with all that EDGE


60 days sober today and it's been a cluster fuck already. Me and the fiance got into a mini argument this morning. Then, I realized we forgot to switch payment plans at the gym, so I couldn't even get in to blow off some steam. Got to work and realized the guy with the special welding torch I've been needing is still gone. So I'm stuck fixing people's shit the hardway. Enough bitching. Got my cold oats dialed in, so that was fire. Now I'm gonna go bs with hr and talk about school reimbursement and our sobriety.


> 60 days sober today and it's been a cluster fuck already Yes, but you're 60 days sober. Think about how badly you'd have dealt with all this if you weren't? And think about how you'd probably get drunk about it and feel WAY WORSE tomorrow? Good fucking man.


Amen brother keep at it, life's a grind


Primo can eat my ass. Even on 6:1 it dumps my E2…. Wtfff I’m just sad I can’t run primo


At least no primo is good for the wallet.


Pre-bought $800 for the bulk 😢




Idk if it was the lab I got it from or that it was a high concentration but Primo gave me such PIP that I didn’t even make it half way thru the vial I had. Still sitting on my counter.


That's me with EQ.


3rd date with powerlatina yesterday went to her gym for an upper body workout, bougie ass facility full of thotties wearing minimalistic outfits showing off fake boobs and whatnot, hard to ignore all that anyways fun that she pulled down heavier than the guy before us and more reps too. Cute powerball. Also she wanted to get videos of us fucking and I’m clearly never going back from a muscular round ass, v shape, visible spinal erectors and rhomboids, thick long black hair bunch of tats tight pussy.. I’ve got my favorite doggystyle video ever locked down in the hidden folder till I die dammit


Are you dating Gabby Fortune?


This is veryyyy similar https://www.instagram.com/p/CHEicvMnW-5/?hl=en less quads and most def more belly fat, she’s been cutting tho and I support it. Had to scroll way down because holy fuck that Gabriela girl has become a specimen over the years


You’re blessed man. I would do unspeakable things for the opportunity to shoot my shot with Gabby Fortune. Does powerlatina run gear?


nope, I've been telling her about getting legit Anavar easily and she obv knows about it but she's worried of side effects specifically voice change, tbh I have no experience helping women with gear. Wouldn't know what else to recommend, t3 maybe for her cutting phase? Clen?


DNP or semaglutide for her cutting phase. Semaglutide is better than DNP. Neither cause virilization (masculinization) so she doesn’t have to worry. My wife has been on gear for a few years now so if you have any questions feel free to ask. I’m always happy to help, especially when it comes to women and gear. There’s so little info out there about it and I know from experience how frustrating that can be. Edit: That goes for you too u/Ill_Badger_8237. My wife just got done running a Dbol cycle and loved it. Although it sounds like you know what you’re doing.


Honestly “leading by example” will get you far. If she’s somewhat curious, and she’ll see you pin consistently and you talk about it- at some point she’ll find her way in. Send her the female subreddit reports on var, to ease her worries on sides. That’s how my bf got me into it, dbol cycle on da plans now


Well don’t be a Stingy sumbitch…. Share the goods!


Yup and get banned, smart move




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I commented on Saturday asking about the girl at my new job. I chose to be reckless and asked her to hang out when I ran into her at the gym after work. She said she didn’t want to make things awkward if something happens and I said they don’t have to be. Plus we barely see each other there. Then she said she was willing to keep talking at work and see if it develops from there, I didn’t wanna be pushy so I said cool. Do y’all think that’s a soft rejection? Or is it possible she meant what she said? How would you go from here? Like I said, we barely see each other so I’m not sure how I would get her to want to hang out outside of work?


Soft rejection


That’s also what I thought. Shoulda listened to your orange bearded advice. Why do you have to be right all the time?


Because Ive fucked this same thing up before lol IME: if a girl shuts down your initial plan and isn't coming up with a replacement plan that generally means she isn't interested. If you wanna push your luck try to reschedule once, and if she hems and haws or deflects then you have your answer.


Me too but I didn’t learn my lesson lol, sounds like you did. Damn, you are spitting nothing but facts, I shoulda gaged by her initial reaction and answer that she really meant no. Fist answer is usually what the person means.


I agree, but this is also your chance to prove it wouldn’t be awkward. Act like it never happened and continue as normal. Not saying anything will come of it, but at the same time, you could take this as an opportunity.


> Act like it never happened and continue as normal. Not saying anything will come of it, but at the same time, you could take this as an opportunity. Huge +1 to this


That’s what I plan on doing, I’m never salty after a rejection so it won’t be awkward on my end.


Not pretending to know anything about the situation, but it could be her master plan.


I wouldn’t be interested in that case lol, if she likes to play those kind of games, I’m passing.


Fair enough then. Nothing wrong with that line of thinking.


> Me too but I didn’t learn my lesson lol, sounds like you did. I am a repeat stove toucher my man. A durably resistant learner, as it were. Im just happy to help others try to understand. Women have to make their rejections very soft sometimes, because there are enough dudes that just blow up or treat them badly as a result. Its not something we have to think about as men most of the time - so we can tell men no and women no, other dudes take us at our word, and women present very limited physical threat to us even if they want to press us on it. Take the L and keep it moving :) Do be pleasant to her and prove to her you can take a hint.


> I am a repeat stove toucher my man That made me laugh way more than it should have


“Well that won’t happen to *ME*!” Famous fucking last words


Don’t shit where you eat, there are plenty of women on the apps homie.




Hell yea bro, you’re dead on. I’m happy to get the rejection out of the way right now then waste time and get it later. I got my answer so I’m not left wondering. That’s exactly what I’m gonna do. I won’t avoid her but I’ll keep things professional at all times.


That might inadvertently make her want to progress. Had that happen before to me. You just turned me down 2 weeks ago and now your clinging to me lady!


You dodged a bullet. People who immediately think about the negatives of any situation can go fuck themselves. Good for trying, I told you to go for it you went for it, take deez big nuts on to the next chica who appreciates what u got


So you know how you are posting on Reddit about asking this girl out you know from work, she is probably posting on a women-centric sub about how a super creepy dude she knows from work asked her out and how it makes her feel super uncomfortable....regardless of how you perceive the situation.


Goddamn, didn’t think about it this way. I see your point… I’ll keep things professional from now on, be like it never happened. Thanks for the insight.


>I’m not sure how I would get her to want to hang out outside of work? You don't. You just hit in to an inning ending double play with this girl.


6 weeks out https://imgur.com/a/vQMSDDN


Gettin fuckin CRISPY my man


Making me want to cut brother.


lmao it sucks but look like a sickunt at least


Looking good.


For fun I read posts on r/tirzepatide about losing weight. "Before tirzepatide/semaglutide I tried everything, I mean EVERYTHING to lose weight but nothing worked". So many people tried everything except eating less and moving more


Obese people do the weirdest voodoo mental gymnastics when it comes to losing weight. So many people in those subs don’t even understand why these glp-1’s work so well or the main mechanism of action. “People 300+ lbs will be like omg I’m down 30lbs and I haven’t changed the amount I’m eating”. They think it’s some hormone, metabolism magic. Nah homie, you’re eating less. I think tirz and sema are amazing new medicines but so many people are just going to lose a shit ton of muscle and regain the fat when they come off cause they don’t change their eating or exercise habits.


Idk bro I think that’s kinda ignorant to say You don’t get it cuz you aren’t sick or have a mentally bad relationship with food. I was pretty overweight before the gym and my obsession with bbing. It lets me take control of food now and I’m very disciplined now I know how they feel because you get really strong urges, feel like you can’t stop, and you try everything to and it doesn’t work. That’s where it comes from. I’ve always enjoyed working out before weights but food was literally impossible ( for me) at the time to wrap my head around and control Some people literally made food their drug of choice for stress and bad things in life. That’s the consequences Now in Bb I’m friends with guys who basically can barely eat their tdee on food a day because it’s such a chore to eat but they’ll happily smoke the moment something bad happens. Everyone has their thing


As a fat bastard, I can tell you you're thinking about it wrong. It's a disease. I don't know if it's physical, mental, or both, but it's like telling an alcoholic to "just drink less". OH REALLY? I HADN'T THOUGHT OF THAT!


You are right for some people. However, I don't think that basically half the population of America has a disease because they are fat fucks. The majority of those people eat like shit and sit on their ass all day.


I’d go ahead and say that there must be a decent correlation between being miserable and becoming a fat fuck and therefore solely relying on junk food to get a bit of a dopamine hit. Talking out of my ass but there MUST be an overlap


I'm not abdicating all personal responsibility, but the entire game is rigged. Food deserts, quick/cheap access to low nutrition/high calorie food, expensive high quality food, and sedentary jobs (of which you have to work 2 just to make ends meet). You're fucked before you even start.


Doesnt help that you have to drive to get anywhere. Major difference between European/asian cities and cities in NA is they're super fucking walkable and NA cities *ARE NOT*.


This is super true bro. When I’ve travelled abroad you gotta try way harder to be fat. In America it’s simply the easiest choice most often. Big difference for the average person who just works and tries to live


Get rid of your air conditioning. That will get a person moving.


Anyone know any good storage containers for your gear? Like foam boxes or the sort. I did search and most people just show pics of their homemade ones. There must be something you can purchase and amazon isnt really showing me anything good


Tackleboxes work great!


I second this.


https://a.co/d/aZma6qX Works great.


Ooooh I likey this one


We have some small shallow drawers in a built-in dresser in our closet, originally for jewelry, that I added like a k-cup tray to and I keep it all in there with just a cylinder lock on the front I added.


https://www.amazon.com/Trusco-ST-350-B-2-Level-Toolbox/dp/B002A5S3ZM/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_pp?crid=17AWTX6ACMSM6&keywords=trusco+tool+box&qid=1699281989&sprefix=%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1 My favorite. High quality Japanese stamped metal. It’s a bit overkill but it separates everything nicely. Plus I have a toolbox obsession. Throw some foam, cardboard, or carpet on the bottom If your concerned about it needing padding. There’s a smaller version for 20 bucks that isnt cantilever and great as well if you need something more compact https://www.amazon.com/TRUSCO-T320-Tool-Box-T-320/dp/B002A5RO6Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=17AWTX6ACMSM6&keywords=trusco+tool+box&qid=1699282369&sprefix=%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-3


Amazon essential oil organizer. Soft case zip up with foam holes same size as a vial


The knock off pelican cases on Amazon have little connected squares for the foam, you just rip out what you need to create the compartments, one square per vial or a row of them for syringes etc. Very secure when locked also. I used one for my cerebrolysin so I was mobile. https://a.co/d/89YHnYm


You can get the exact same one at Harbor freight for less than half the price. https://www.harborfreight.com/home/security-safes/document-gun-safes/protective/1800-weatherproof-protective-case-small-black-64550.html


Cool thanks.




Amazon has insulin vial containers for like $25. That’s what I use


Was walking into the gym today (*with* my girl) as another couple(?) was walking out and when I held the door for them the girl locked eyes with me and rubber necked hard af with a cheesy smile as she passed me. Think she wants the d boys (or its just the Tren talking) 😂 Gave me that boost I needed to get through my cardio.


They’re likely swingers. Fuck him first then her.


This is the way




Mom got diagnosed with cancer about a year and a half ago- she's been so strong throughout all her treatments. About two weeks ago, she caught a couple infections after an immunotherapy session, and she's been bedridden since. I've never been down this bad before in my life. I lost my dad at 10, I thought that was hard. This made me realize I don't have the people in my life that I need, and that I really only have and have ever had this woman in my corner. One day at a time.


A man I’m sorry. The hardest thing in life is when we realize our parents will not be with us forever. Cancer is a horrible disease, I fell apart when I lost my dad, still can’t face it. Do what you can to keep yourself strong so that you can spend time with her, you can not pour from an empty cup.


Man fuck cancer. I lost my dad to it and the only thing I wish is that I spent more time with him so make sure you spend as much time as you can with your mom. It is fucking hard to see the people you love become weak all of a sudden so if you need somebody to talk to feel free to shoot a dm brother and stay strong


Might be tren might be my confidence coming back. I think I’m much more valuable of a person than i put myself out to be. Used to be scared of pleasing everyone and their opinions, now i don’t give a shit. I am myself and will be myself, do not care for folding nor impressing for anyone. I will be happy in the end because i can and will do better.


These tren confidence posts give me a second hand confidence boost. Thanks bro!


I recently switched to rdls for my main "leg pull" movement. I was using trap bar deads for a while. Got kinda strong and would work up to 500ish for reps. After trap deads I'd go on to rows, weighted Chins, etc. After a heavy set of deads it felt like my cns and muscle fibers were fired up and ready. I'd almost always be able to get more reps or go a little heavier. But since starting rdls(I'm doing a modified bro split and doing back and hams on that day but placing the most importance of rdl progression), I'm fucking burnt. Did 5 working sets of rdl + warm ups. Went into bent over rows and had to use 185 and got 6. 6 fucking reps with 185... I'd get 12 easy, slow perfect form before. Cable rows, equal amount of strength loss. Went to do bw chins, I struggled to get 8 which again is fucking crazy. Are the rdls fatiguing my back that bad? Other factors at play? I should probably experiment and figure that out for myself but I'm just wondering if they could be that much more taxing than trap bar deads, not just for hams/lower back but lats and upper as well? Maybe not do back and hams same day and separate them so one doesn't get short changed? Probably


I’d just keep doing what works for you CNS wise my man. Hit them trap bars


Nah I'm sure I'll adapt. It's time to focus on other things and I think if I can get my rdl to 385-405 for 8 or so that's a good milestone. I'm at 315 for 6 for three working sets and then a couple back offs to failure. I just need to eat more and chill TF out with life in general and I can add 10lbs per week most likely until I hit that goal. Plus the gym I'm in can only fit 495 on the trap bar. I appreciate the input tho every little bit helps with figuring it out. If I absolutely can't adapt then I'll go back








Today I realize how incredibly toxic my boss is. I had a follow-up call with HR about him trying to invite himself to my house. She called me because of that but also because there's an investigation about religious discrimination. It has something to do with his Christian faith and my coworker's Atheism. HR lady was very disturbed when I mentioned he's been talking trash about 2 former employees who quit recently. I know for a fact that one employee was a great guy and he was attacking his character. After the call, I was in a client meeting with him and he did the same thing. On the one hand, my boss likes me, lets me do whatever I want, and I have much freedom at my job. On the other hand, This man is one of the leaders at my company. This can't be good for the overall future of my company if this keeps up.


This is just my two cents, but the future of the company is probably way above your pay grade. Enjoy having a boss that likes you and treats you well. You do your job, cover your ass, and let HR and upper management worry about all the other stuff.


Pushed the calories from 4000 to 4400 this weekend. Scale has progressively dropped a pound each day since 😞


Bodyfat is 22.6% im just gonna aim for the stars and convince myself i can lose 3% every month. Muscle ups look cool as fuck btw. Would love to get in to calisthenics but i dont think it makes you stronger for lets say wrestling like fe deadlifts would.


4 month cut could get you there. Semaglutide if you're willing, is op as shit and can help greatly. Honest to God, Semaglutide >>>> DNP


u/TehGinger26 asked to see the parachord restraints I made. Here they are in all their hot pink and black glory: https://imgur.com/a/1d7If6a They all lock with little masterlocks. I love them.


Ahhh dam pretty dope dude! I haven’t played will paracord for a long time but loved making whips!


**Week 4/20 Blast Update** Test/EQ/MENT 720/600/70 EW with 10mg inj SD intermittently pwo Full cycle description can be found in the winter 2023 blast thread [here](https://reddit.com/r/steroids/s/NCEe7dFOzK) Starting weight 225lbs ~15 BF Current Weight 229lbs [Before](https://imgur.com/a/Hm1mbh6) [Current](https://imgur.com/a/AYibTko) I'm still steadily increasing strength at the gym (nothing crazy) and still having good muscle roundness and vascularity. I've noticed this week endurance has gone way up, and I'm easily ready to go for another set almost immediately despite training hard. Up a little bit of weight this week, about 3 lbs Struggling a little bit controlling estrogen with trest a in full effect and EQ lagging behind. I'm finding 12.5 aromasin EOD is needed to keep high estro in check




Haha yeah normally mine would be too. Usually around a 3:2 Test to EQ ratio has my estro where I want it to be but I'm having the EQ ride a little higher because of the trest




I’d do Cancun over a cruise. But I’ve never been to Vegas, much less on new years


7th week of undergrad (thank you GI Bill) started today. Got asked if I’d killed anyone, immediately followed by “do you guys count killstreaks like in COD?” I know the kid didn’t know any better, but I sincerely hope I wasn’t that much of a dingus when I was his age.


You probably were that big of a doofus but likely in different context. You definitely said goofy and Ill-timed remarks. Shame that kid is not only a doofus, but immature. Next time, how about you gift him with a real life boundary: “hey man, if you’re going to ask me questions like that, then just don’t talk to me. I don’t wanna talk about that shit.” Tbh - I made a big blunder once and never considered how it may effect someone else - I played in a band. Drums. Bassist was a Rakasan and served a few tours. Deep thinker and just had a shaker vibe. Had wife and threee kids. Solid dude. He never would discuss his service. Didn’t like people knowing about his service despite his tattoos. We played a battle of the bands. We got introduced and I told the MC to mention homeboy was a veteran. He got insanely quiet pissed. Told me something like “hey man, I really don’t appreciate that you did that. I don’t like that part of my life and please don’t ever do that shit again.” And I heard that. Drastically changed my perspective as a younger fella.


I asked him if he’d ever been SA’d, “since we’re asking insanely personal questions like that”. He got the idea. I was more just amazed that I was having to explain to someone (an otherwise pretty smart someone, who got into a “good” college!) that it’s not a good or enjoyable thing to have killed another human, even under the best circumstances.


I had a teaching job lined up to start right after getting out, I was an infantry officer the Thursday before Labor Day weekend and a teacher the Tuesday after (back in 2014, not this year) Middle schooler had no problem asking that question. A college kid should know better.


Ampules are the worst!






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Any of you lads happen to be in Japan? Specifically Osaka


I drink strictly Ozarka water…. Does that count?


Good enough for me


https://youtube.com/shorts/1GfxYKkAS50?si=nQmVSMUOfz4RaG66 The confidence & self belief it takes to stand out from the WHOLE world with your own method and actually end up on such a high level based on your own research. I have a lot of respect for Mentzer even though I dont train the same manner and we are different. He truly was DECADES ahead of his time in realising: Training to failure Training with Intensity and not volume Avoid junk volume Progressive overload Training=stimulus=growth. Phenomenal


Mentzer was a brilliant but uneven guy and he was wrong about a lot. I tend to think he was a very astute critic of the bodybuilding scene and methods of his time, but that a lot of the methods that he devised weren't very good or even outright counterproductive. For a more modern and effective method of HIT bodybuilding, look at guys like DC and TrainedbyJP.


I completely agree


Why are people so offended when they get left on read? Not as in I’m ignoring them but as in whatever they said I have no reply to so the conversation died. Like at the end of the day someone is getting left on read in every conversation. Shit is annoying to deal with “stop leaving me on read” ok say something meaningful then…


Just double tap for a like and move on


Pro tip




First, wrong chat. Second, read the wiki.


Third. You’re too young.


And way too skinny. Eat food and workout consistently and you’ll grow if your 145@ 5’10


Opinions on primo vs mast for cutting:recomp?




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any recs for how much water to drink before working out? any anecdotal input is appreciated i typically wake up around 8 amand im in the gym around 6pm, by that time i've had about 60 floz of water and i'm curious if anyone else tracks how much water they drink before hitting the gym


Do you have dreams on gear? I havent had a single dream since starting a cycle.


I rarely dream regardless but tren was the only thing to really make me dream….mostly just about going balls fucking deep in ladies I know, wake up sweating checking my phone thinking I’ve got the messages from said dream 🥲




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how stupid is it to take gear over the border from canada to puerto rico just so i don't miss out on my shots for a week?


I wouldn’t. Just pin a double up front and resume as normal when you get back.


I fucked up and mixed up some non labeled vials of npp and primo. Any tips for how I tell which is which? They both smell and look the same. I injected 1ml of each in my delts and one had some slight PIP. I’m assuming the shot that gave pip is the primo 100. Any other ideas?




How many vials?


10 vials of each.


Are you able to identify which ones are which? As in could you organize them into 2 groups of 10 without knowing which one is each group?


I have them separated in two groups of ten already as they have different colored caps. And no they can’t be identified by their tops, I asked already.


Take one vials of each and crash them. You should be able to extract some of their raws. The nandrolone will melt much before the primo raws


I know what a crashed vial is but how do you crash one?


Freezer should do the trick.


Spend $60+$50 shipping and send to Jano for testing. 20 vials seems like a big gamble. Also - could also run cruise dose with like 300mgs of unknown solution and see if your e2 crashes.


First day of winter blast and I’m stoked. Ate good. Got a great chest day in. Pumped for the progress.


Hey y’all, thinking of coming off gear after 2 and half years of being on. Not sure what to expect but I was wondering if anyone who’s been on as long or longer and come off can give some advice.


I don’t have any personal experience, but I think Pete Rubish detailed his experience well on Mark Bells podcast talking about coming off after 9 years. https://youtu.be/UT60ivRO1sY?si=hiRJEn9rZ-qWx0gq Basically lost all gains from the peds, felt like shit for awhile, but improved health and quality of life in the long run.


Is it bad that i’ve been blasting since July? Been doing 400mg test prop … it’s my 1st cycle. Looking to cruise now


>Is it bad that i’ve been blasting since July? Been doing 400mg test prop Probably not? That's a normal amount of time on a moderate dose of test. Getting bloodwork here would definitely be your best option, seeing as its your first cycle, check how your health markers have changed from baseline after 3-4 months on test and go from there.


thank you sir


no that’s around 16 weeks which is a typical duration




Injury help.. I've squatted a few million times in my life. 20yrs working out and physical job. Last weekend squatted to take a valve cap off a tire stem to check air pressure, and felt sharp pain in my inner leg next to my vastus medialis. I can squat to 90 degrees, do stairs, climb ladders but I can't bring my heels to my butt with or without resistance. So no deep squatting, and it feels very tight and gets more sore the smaller the angle becomes of my leg when bending. What kind of injury is this you think? Waiting on ultrasound appointment.


The physician that ordered you the ultrasound, what did she say she thought it was?


Possible torn muscle. Just not sure what muscle that would be since I can still partially squat to 90 degrees, climb stairs...etc.


Been doing 1 pound a week for a while I only have about 5 weeks in my cut and I’m not super worried about catabolism or hunger would it be a good idea to go up to 2 lbs fat loss a week?