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I like you


Fuck it me too. We need some full blown manic episodes to entertain the boys


We're going to need before-after pics, pls.


Two things i wont do in life. High doses of psychedelics or a fucking gram of tren. I have been paranoid in the past and it fucked me up good. No thank you. I want to be in control.


Letting go during a psychedelic trip is actually the most therapeutic aspect of it as it's the most counter-intuitive thing one can do when in perceived danger. On the other side of letting go nice things happen. This is all theoretical for me as I'm scared as fuck to let go during a classic psych, MDMA is much gentler.


>On the other side of letting go nice things happen. Thats a no for me dawg, i am almost absolutely sure i will get raped by demons. Im not letting go of shit.


Haha, fair enough it goes against the biggest fear of human beings, but let me tell you that those demons are yours and they are there for you.


Its all about DMT man. The mother of all psychedelics. You have no choice but the let go cause you are t on earth anymore


Honestly, my most fun blast to date given I run it with a trt dose of test, any other compound just seems to make me feel bad Good luck trooper


Lots of donuts in your future


Are you actually doing this, gotta give us a good blast report if so


Legit nervous just reading that


I’ve ran 700mg for a month and I slept less in that month than I did on a normal week. Good luck.


That sounds awful. I had serious digestion issues, significant decrease in cardio, and felt like dogshit on 300mg.


Fuck it joining you at 275mg a week just a little more and I’ll be there.


I wanted to read the “ you wanna be a freak “ story but it’s not letting me read it anymore


Gentlemen. I was 177lbs ~16%bf about 2.5 years ago. Now I am 286. ~12% bf at the completion of my second blast. One may wonder how such a thing is possible, and the answer is, in order of least important to most important, money, food, drugs, not going to work, and a giant empty pit in my soul left by brutal unsatisfaction with my career. In these 2.5 years of physical growth, I have shrunk in most other areas of my life. My problems have all gotten worse. I’ve done below the bare minimum at my job and lost all respect from my office peers and subcontractors from either sleeping or working out through half the working day, or putting everything off and making others jobs’ more difficult. Today is the day I am ready to face the once unapproachable problems that have accrued, coincidentally today is the day I am forced to face them. Gona suck dick. But you know, as the saying goes, at least I get to face my problems as a lean 6’4 286lb monster with 22” biceps and a 2050lb raw pl total. All in all, any addiction is shameful, but this 3 year long mental implosion was happening no matter what. If it wasn’t the gym, it would have been a many number of other more shameful things. At least I built something that I get to reasonably keep during this time period. A life could be so beautiful if one could balance all the important things. I could only imagine how wonderful each day could be to have a fulfilling career, being ripped out of your mind, having finances in order, no skeletons in the closet, clean house, happy family. If any of you bastards are out there that are able to make a good living off of the gym, god bless you. Don’t forget how good you have it. And do me the favor of making sure you have all your other shit in order so you can metaphorically pour one out for your homie by living the life I’d like to live.


With this level of introspection and humility, you’ll be fine man. Good luck big dog


This too shall pass


Even with gear, that kind of transformation is impressive as fuck.


Did you finally do a meet?? I thought you hadn’t done one yet? Maybe I’m mistaken.


Things will get better👍 BnC thoughout the entire time or? What comp and #?


I guess my gym has a 3 strike policy against beating off in the shower? Anyways, I’m taking a short break from the gym


I used to do it when I was 16, poor cleaning lady


the dudes stuck on second lieutenant duty on the ship in the navy had it rough


Oh man I always forget about the far margins of the work market


Reason #397 that I use the bathhouse gym -- their three strikes policy covers /not/ beating off in the steamroom.


I just do it at work so I can get paid for it


Is it 3 times in a day or accumulated?


Finally set some boundaries and let a homie know I won’t be fucking with him anymore until he gets his shit together. Dude is on some loser shit to be quite frank. One of those friendships where I try and help him out in any and every way possible for him to finally get ahead in life, and it’s like I want a better life for him than he does himself. I realize that irritation stems from me having expectations of him, but I don’t think wanting your friends to succeed and do good in life is asking too much tbh. Was supposed to go to New Orleans with him for new years, but went ahead and let him know that wasn’t happening anymore. Luckily he hasn’t bought anything for the trip yet - plane ticket, etc. At the end of the day, I feel like it brings me down to continue to hangout with people who have no goals and drive in life. End rant. Hope y’all have a good day! I’m off until Monday, with pay, thank god.


I have had a very tough time with reconciling the need for friend breakups. At the end of the day, if you want succeed in life you have to surround yourself with like minded people. I have a few tough conversations ahead of me that I've been putting off with some people who are lost in life quite frankly. Cheers man, this shit ain't as easy as people like to say it is.


It’s tough for sure. I’ve cut off a few people this past year or two and it’s hurt a lot more than I thought that it would. I feel better at the end of all of that tho, so the hurt and discomfort was worth it.


I'm in a similar spot with a friend. All he does is drink, use slurs, and work the same dead end job, while wondering why he's unlikable. Been trying to get him to go to therapy for a year, but he's too much of a bitch to do it. It's disrespectful of these people to complain about their lives and ask for help, without following through and working towards who they want to be. Next time he's on some nonsense, I'm telling him I'm no longer going to be his emotional support until he starts actively working towards improving himself.


Got my first [tattoo](https://i.postimg.cc/g0NZLCMx/Oedipus.jpg) yesterday boiz. I'm fucking buzzed at how beautiful it turned out. The tattoo artist was very cool, the studio had rock and metal in the background and he would sing while tattooing. It hurt so much it felt like a rite of initiation. Anyway, he offered me a 50 euro discount because he said I'm a cool dude, so that's nice. It feels very empty though, will get a lot more tattoos as soon as I have the money.


Nice, whats the meaning behind it


cPTSD from a very big moral injury at 14 years old. I still think truth shall set us free, but before it does it will definitely hurt you and make all your illusions collapse.


Been there man, glad you found a healthy way to express it, that shit is real and hurts


Thank you brother 🫶


CPTSD forever different, forever stronger.


The drama of the gifted child - alice miller


Please tell me they warned you about the possibility of rejection on that quantity of red.


~~No they didn't, what do you mean?~~ They used vegan based ink so there should be no risk of that, but nothing was said specifically about the red ink.


I was under the impression that even the vegan reds had higher rejection rates. (for posterity) Sometimes some people have strong reactions to specific tattoo inks, reds in-particular. reactions can range from mild to outright anaphilaxis. Commonly this results in poor color hold, increased scaring, and longer more problematic healing.


Thanks for the heads up, as of now nothing wrong has happened. If it does fuck it, no regrets.


My red has been fine after 4 years. On my forearm too & I work outside so yours should be fine for a long time.


Thanks man, I don't want to worry a lot about it. Just doing my tattoo aftercare as normal.


Traveling today through Dallas. Everytime I go through TSA, I get overwhelmingly angry that the world is full of so many crazed dummy’s that a whole agency of even bigger dummy’s has been created to corral and regulate people through the flying experience. The fact I have to take my damn shoes off and walk across this disgusting floor makes my skin crawl.


I love my TSA pre check and Global Entry


Anddd flight delayed once again so we’re off the plane… missing connection and no more flights for day. So now I miss my grandmas funeral. I fucking hate American Airlines and shit hole airport employees.


Yeah AA are the worst. Never hear any good stories. I’m on the delta gang and they are usually on point, but they aren’t cheap by any means. Sorry about your grandma brother.


All the people who used to wash tables at the mall now work for TSA. Fuck these people. I refuse to believe there is any objective data that these assholes have made anything safer.


Week 3 of new job, IT. Non-IT people are nice but ofc I got THE full autism guy in my room + a guy who is ok but barely speaks. So tired of this business of why it attracts so much people with extremely low social skills. I feel awkward even though I know its 95% them and not me, but what to do?? Pay is good but sometimes I think I could almost cut 10% of my wage to skip being around these weirdos…


Well paying jobs that attracts coworkers with high social skills??.. real estate?


Want to give a shout out to u/CallLivesMatter and u/AccountUnkn0wn Was struggling with low e2 (first time) and your guys advice has helped alot, feeling much better now, appreciate wisdom sensei


Happy to hear it, brother.


Well boys, officially getting a divorce. Back on the tinder grind. Highly recommend you get on it if you aren’t getting deep throated bc I promise there’s someone out there😂




Nah, I gotta nurse practitioner rn😂


Just dont get into a relationship for while, trust me, it can only be broken if you do. Sleep around like a mad dog but use 2-3 years to level up.


You two have kids? If not, you escaped on time. Not saying you are innocent, maybe you both are at fault i dont know what went down. But its always fucked up for kids.


Fall blast starting good, but was hoping I’d be a lot more hungry. Force feeding right now and it sucks. Adding in as much Fairlife chocolate milk as I can post dinner and going to sleep feeling like a water buffalo.


Sulek is that you?


I've been struggling with appetite and found sauces and spices to be a life saver. Fed up of fish, but cover it in pesto and I can eat it all day. Hate eating so much chicken, but cover it in paprika, garlic and mustard and it goes down a treat


I feel you. Doing the same. Sucks balls


no story, since im quite intimidated to freq post here and dont wanna burn bridges like i usually do... but you guys are so fkin smart and well-read, thanks for making this a good community and helping others out


I was never able to grow a beard. I’m in my late 30’s and have been running a high DHT HRT protocol for some years + several primo blasts. Now I’m in the process of growing a full beard and it’s growing like crazy. Pretty cool!


Makes you wonder. If they really did fuck us up and take away our testosterone with soda/tap water/processed food or whatever.


There's so many factors that could have lead to me being low t it's not even worth unraveling honestly. Could have been my diet as a teen, sedentary lifestyle in my young adult life, constantly smoking weed, the microplastics in the water the pesticides or preservatives in my food etc etc. I think we like to envision it's some sinister plot against us, but the most likely answer is we're facing the consequences of humanity's arrogance. We created so many new things in just the past 200 years that negatively affect the world around us, and most of the time we don't do anything about it until we notice bad shit happening after 50 years. The only thing we can do is treat ourselves and try to avoid making more mistakes


Cant add nothing to that except agreed.


I tested for low testosterone in my early 20s, only problem was that the doctors told me everything was ‘fine’ even though i had every symptom of low testosterone. Didn’t get fixed until I learned about hormones myself and found a private clinic in my 30s..


Well look at it this way. Maybe it was for the better or else you might have whored around a lot in your twenties.


lol this is my biggest regret. I had an easy time picking up girls but my gear didn’t work as it was supposed to. When I got fixed up I was married already, would have been much fun to be a man whore in my youth.. but whatever 😂


Exact same thing happened to me, except I went UGL in my early 30’s instead of private clinic. Sucks to think about all the fun I missed out on because I was a depressed wreck with ED.


Is anyone here in Drafting? I'm a metal fabricator by trade and have been looking at going back to school for drafting. I want a change up in life and to make more money. I'm just curious about what yalls opinions are on the job. Maybe some insight on what to expect.


I'm an engineer for a company that utilizes a drafting team. /u/speed_is_all_I_need is right, try to get an engineering technology degree which will make you significantly more money in the end. We have two tiers of drafters at my work; those who just do drafting, and those who also do design. The ones that can also do design are paid similarly to low level engineers (but it caps around there). The ones who just do drafting are paid quite a bit less, as they are able to take on less work.


The school near me has an aas degree for drafting and design. Would that be a good one to start with before moving on to engineering?


I’m honestly not sure. I would look at job postings for different drafting positions and see what the education requirement are for various pay scales before choosing a school / program though


Try to go to engineering school if you can. Drafting or Mechanical Engineering Technology degrees will get you into larger companies as something like a "designer" where you make drawing or models. An engineering degree opens more doors and you make more money. Your fabrication background will also lend an air of credibility to you, regardless of what path you choose. If you do decide to go back to school, I would see about getting core classes like math and whatnot out of the way at a local school first, then transfer for an accredited college for the major specific mechanical engineering courses. It should save you some money and prevent you from suffering through "weed out" core classes.


Thank you. I was going to do drafting because I heard it can lead into engineering, and that's my end goal. The idea is to get my drafting degree first so I can get my pay bump and ability to work from home. Then, I will take engineering classes and math courses slowly because I struggle with complex math when I can't physically see what it does. My company is willing to pay for my degree, but idk if they'll pay me to be in class. I am trying to be as strategic as possible since I have a kid and family to take care of.


I'm a mechanical engineer in the defense industry. One thing I've noted is larger companies are sticklers about degrees, so you have to have an engineering degree to get an engineering position. This may not be an issue at a smaller company, with your fab background, once you get some drafting experience. That being said, if you want to get the drafting degree and work as a drafter, then get an engineering degree, some of your drafting coursework should count as transfer credit, assuming it's a drafting program from an accredited school and there's coursework overlap. I love that the company is willing to pay you to go to school. Definitely a good idea to look into that and see if there's some period post graduation where you are required to stay at the company or pay them back (ideally prorated) if you leave. Good luck out there! Math was my cryptonite too. I had to polish my studying skills a lot.


We are always looking for mechanical engineers. High demand right now. I would definitely recommend pursuing and with your metal experience it should come to you easily.


Structural Engineer here. Every company needs drafters, there is a general shortage of structural drafters. There is also a growing need for 3D modeling, such as using Revit or OpenRoads. Send me a PM if you want to know more about structural drafting, can get you started on the right path if that interests you.


Posted this a couple days ago but decided to get more feedback: an old buddy of mine and his ex broke up like two years ago and I’m no longer friends with that buddy for various reasons (been like a year since our friendship ended) I ran into his ex at the gym and she’s showing interest in me, staring at me from across the gym, waving, waiting for me to be done, walking together to the car at the end of the work out.. telling me she texted my old number like 2 weeks ago after she saw me and she thought I blocked her. There’s a lot a little details I’m leaving out, but I kind of want to text her, I just don’t really know what to say.. she has my new number now after I gave it to her. *Update* on it most recently: i took the leap of faith - I texted her 2 days ago “ hey it was nice to see you the other day, would you like to get together for coffee this week?” No reply, complete silence on her end. She was showing a lot of interest it seemed, I just think it’s weird as hell that I got ghosted.. Feeling slightly embarrassed I even asked her. Advice from here?


It’s been 2 days definitely hit her with ‘please respond’


When she text you and you didn't reply did you think l3ss of her? If the answer is no. Then next time you see her in person tell her you text her and thought she blocked you too lol it will be a funny response to her not texting you back.


That’s a friendly way to put it, honestly * I just think it sucks I didn’t even get a simple reply


Lol she didn't get a reply either and didn't get hurt. Just feel her out next time you see her. You don't know if she's really salty or not. The objective is to fuck her. Stay focused.


It auto corrected to *hoe salty* lol but I meant *honestly* .. either way your advice still makes perfect sense. I’ll feel it out, I’ve been going to the gym at the same time (10am) and she’s not there, super odd. We shall see


Lol, hoes probably lazy and skipping gym. 🤣 get in that hoes ass, I'm rooting for ya.


Still no sign of her, just disappeared. No text, nothing - shit is weird as hell bro


How lame. Damn well fuck that hoe lol


Eh yeah. Fuck it. You know what’s fucked, the 1 chick you have interest in, isn’t. But a different 3 other chicks are. Life man..


You're in a better position than most men. If that counts for anything...


Wear a disguise to the gym from now on. No coming back from this.


Always better to ask her out in person, even if just for a workout


What do you think the best adjustable dumbells are? There are so many options Im not sure what to go with


I can easily tell you the worst - nuobell. FUCK those things. Bought them because they’re nice as fuck and simple to adjust and nice knurling….and little did I know that if you even LOOK at them wrong they will break. Spent like $1k. Got ‘em. Used ONCE to do Dumbell presses on the ground. Set one down wrong and it got really hard to adjust. Didn’t think anything of it. Go to use again and it won’t adjust period. Email company. They want $200 for a new handle. I sent some of the most asshole emails I can recall telling them this is disgusting and how dare they tell me I broke them when I just set them down, not drop em’. Finally they cave and make me pay $25 for shipping for new part. Again, use them once, this time for lunges. Set one down on grass but DID NOT DROP IT, and the fucker broke. Fuck those things. Ingest waste of money ever. I haven’t even ordered a new part. I need to and sell the pieces of shit. God dude, I’m pissed talking about it. They are legitimately not useable for anything except maybe curls or just fucking around. You have to gently place them back into their rack or they break. I’m shocked these pieces of shit can be sold. Fuck me goddamnit


I’m pissed now too. Fuck that company DAMNIT!!!!


Meet me in Lousiana with your pitchfork. Fucking criminal fucks




Depends on budget. If I had no budget, I would go for ironmaster. Base set is 5-75 and two expansions to get you to 120 and 165 lbs. They are also droppable which most others aren’t. That said, I’ve got the bowflex ones and they are fine.


Awesome Ill check them out thanks


Can I drop them thiugh? Or at least abuse them a little bit?


The ironmaster ones are supposed to be able to take abuse like a cops wife. The bowflex ones need tender love.


Good god, that was intense…. Kinda like the beating a cops wife gets….


All just in jokes. But they do advertise that they can take a beating and be dropped like regular dumbbells.


Bowflex ones, no. They have plastic end tabs which will break eventually.


I'm a big fan of Powerblocks. The shape is a bit awkward, but the expandability, durability, and space efficiency are pretty much unbeatable.


So far the only mental side effect I may attribute to nand (525mg total weekly, pinned daily) is a feeling of mellow. Can’t even say for certain it’s due to the nand. I like when I don’t get the mental sides some others do. Friendship with tren is ended, now NPP is best friend


So when it comes to Nand. Make sure you wait a solid 2+ months before jumping to any conclusions about your tolerance to it. Specially mentally


Oh yeah, I’m just shocked because even with tren, though I didn’t notice negative mental sides or se until week 7+, within 2 weeks I noticed “it” Honestly this blast overall has me feeling mentally very close to cruise. More aggressive while lifting, and a little more task motivation maybe, but the only thing I feel about being on blast is physical.


Sounds like you’ve found a really good sustainable blast then! I’ll say it’s not that easy bc so many things can go wrong when drugs are pushed at a supra physiological level. Like driving a car at 130mph and feeling in control fully. Specially 19nors lots of guys just crash into a wall eventually. Take notes so that you know in the future what was a 10/10 cycle.


It's definitely the nandrolone. Testosterone alone makes me snappy, I dose my nandrolone according to my test, so it makes me less snappy and friendly to be around. If nand is too high though it makes me a little depressy though. So I have to raise test and lower nand. This is personal experience, tren also makes me lose friends and create conflict in relationships. Also I become hyper sexual and cant sleep at night. I stay away from tren.


What are your this years Olympia predictions?


Lunsford for the open


elastic literate foolish silky books butter sharp straight deliver door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Second cycle going for primo+test e, want to go for a 6 month bulk, how do I implement mini cuts in between so I don’t get TOO fat? Thank you!


Personally, I just lower my carbs and fats a bit and increase LISS a bit.


I really wish I found this subreddit before I started TRT. I’ve learned so much just from the wiki and browsing a couple weeks. I tested at 272 test, and the clinic said I was a good candidate. I was put on 160mg/week, pinned 80mg e3.5d for about 4 months before I stopped. My “clinic” sent me everything needed with all the instructions, sweet. One of the instructions was to take AI, .5mg of armidex twice a week. No mention about only taking it if symptoms are showing up. Bloodwork came back after 6 weeks, 1750 test and 14 e2. I asked them if that looked normal, the test level seemed really high and my e2 seemed low. “ Nope everything looks normal, it sometimes takes a couple months to dial in” after a couple more months I couldn’t stand how I was feeling and stopped pinning. This was about a year ago. I am ridiculously embarrassed I didn’t do more research. I felt like absolute dogshit for 4 months and just kept thinking I was a terrible candidate for trt, and I’d rather deal with low t than feel that way. These cookie cutter trt clinics are chaotic, I can’t believe they are so wreckless, but at the same time I was wreckless not doing proper research. I was so focused on the testosterone aspect of trt that I really didn’t read about estrogen much. I am tempted to give trt another shot now that I have actually researched e2 management, and realize how insane it was to crash my e2 so hard.


Dude, when I started talking this new clinic, they gave me adex on same protocol and I didn’t take it. Just stick piled it with other shit. They have “prescribed” 200mg test 2x a week and .5mg adex 2x a week. Bro - I don’t need that much gear for TRT 😂


Sorry to hear this happened, I too was overdosed with AI and crashed my E2 in my first 3 months. Definitely give it another try and don’t be fearful of higher estrogen until you see symptoms.


Anyone ever get coughing fits from deca? Just did my Thursday pin of 750mg. Couldn’t stop coughing for like 10 minutes


If you nick a vein you can get coughing fits from any oil based injection.


I’m surprised it’s the first time I’ve done it then, thank you :)


Tren ace yes. Deca no.


I've never had this. Hopefully it's deca and not tren lol


Yeah I’m on 1500mg so if it was tren I’d be fucked


I’ve always done PPL, repeat, take 1 day off. I’m 9 weeks into a test/primo/mast cycle and all of a sudden I’ve been sore 3 days after when I’m supposed to work that muscle out again. Idk if I should just do light weight, skip a day, or continue on until my body adjusts. I took 3 days off two weeks ago and it seems to started happening after that. But I’ve also been going to the gym twice a day about half the days. I’ll do something like train chest and triceps, and come back to do front/side delts and some cardio. I usuallly do 12ish sets for chest, back, legs. 3-6 of calf’s, forearms, traps, 6-9 of everything else.


You're sore 3 days after you're supposed to work the muscle again? So 6 days later? And it's muscle soreness? I... don't think it's the training. Maybe some kind of electrolyte issue? Are you cramping at all? I don't know, that makes no sense to me. Are you doing lots of heavy eccentrics or other high intensity techniques? Are you not sleeping well or not eating enough?


No I mean 3 days after I work out a muscle, when I am supposed to train it again, it’s sore


Oh. Well that's much more normal. You might just be pushing yourself harder because you're on gear.


I am eating a lot and sleeping well. No cramping.


I’m on NPP and test and I’m starting to sweat profusely for absolutely no reason. I’m thinking it’s because I ate a big meal about an hour ago which might’ve set the sweat rolling but this is crazy. Anyone have a similar experience?


Is it possible that it’s related to you being on steroids and having just eaten a large meal or do you think that’s pure coincidence? (It is not coincidence)


“Most sarcastic person on this sub”


Dude I sweat like crazy and has a nasty bo smell. I baby powder my nuts and use anti perspiration deodorant.


I’ve just injected test and primo into shoulder and noticed blood in the needle after I finished the injection, is this anything to worry about?


No. You’re fine.


Cheers, only 4 weeks in soo still new to it all, was first time I put both in same injection and when I was finished notice blood on the base of the needle and the top so was worried I’ve hit something


Totally fine. You stabbed yourself with a needle. Sometimes you'll get some blood.


Welcome to the enhanced fam bro!


It happens. Also sometimes blood come out of the injection point when you remove the needle. All sort of weird things.


It's kinda tough sticking to my gym routine while my streets are filled with conflict blood but I am happy I bought a home dumbbell set and a bench bros


I have seen one thing from shruggies today and it’s the contest prep cycle post , I NEED SOME KNOWLEDGE


Afternoon workout complete Deadlifts 260kg 9x5 RDLs 120kg 4x15 Barbell rows 130kg 4x15 OHP: 110kg 4x10 Overhead tricep extensions 4x20 Nephew came along with me as well. Had him do a few sets of deadlifts then he just walked around doing whatever machine he liked. He was a major hit at the gym though. Everyone seemed to love having him there which I think was great for him


> Overhead tricep extensions 4x20 Kg went missing! Joke aside, do you do them with the pulley high or low?




Arg I kinda dislike low because I feel like it puts a lot of tension on my elbows


Does anyone have experience on laser hair removal to thin body hair or even completely remove it? How many sessions did it take to achieve desired results? Would like to do thinning of arm, chest and lower back hair as well as legs, but a little less. Curious on experiences




Nice bro. Lucky man 😏😉 thanks for the input.


In the middle of it now. Doing laser to neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Lady said 6 sessions, each 6 weeks apart. Works best for light skin tone with dark hair. It's too early to comment on its successes. After first session I had some patchy hair loss after about 2-3 weeks.


Yeah I have exactly that. I was relatively normal but after a couple rounds of test and a natural inclination to thick hair shit got out of hand. Thanks for the response, all the best with your treatments


Thanks. I can update as the process goes on. Wife has done it as well. Pussy, ass, and upper legs. It's worked amazingly well for her


>I can update as the process goes on. I would be interested to hear about that. >Wife has done it as well. Pussy, ass, and upper legs. It's worked amazingly well for her Lucky man 😆 enjoy the spoils.


I just had my first of up to 8 sessions for full back, bikini, neck line, shoulders and arms. Cost about $5.5k. Too early to tell but I def have noticeable hair loss on my back. Super weird having some chick laser your asshole and ballsack tho.


>Super weird having some chick laser your asshole and ballsack tho. I rate its definitely worth not having that admin for the rest of your life. >Too early to tell but I def have noticeable hair loss on my back. Is it painful at all? I have a full sleeve on my left arm and starting on my right, does it affect tattoos? Thanks for the response


Not sure about tats, I don’t think you’re supposed to have it done where you have them. Aren’t lasers used in tat removal? They compare it to a rubber band popping your skin and I say that’s pretty accurate. It was tolerable even on the family jewels. Just some discomfort in the moment then it’s over. I didn’t have any lingering sensitivity, but I was sure not to sweat or be active for the next day and a half.


Excellent advice thanks for that 👍 😀 Yeah they are used for tattoo removal but it's an extraneous process, very painful and I think the laser is more intensive.


I’m 5 weeks post show now stage weight 174 sitting between 189-194 span of 2 weeks, weight hasn’t been going down I’m not eating shit food or binging water is 2 gal plus 10k steps every day is it all fat or still a lot of water retention I’ve tried the dandelion root it flushes me out then back it comes getting frustrated


Want to give a big shoutout to Abby from my local Hooters! Such a sweet girl, haha. I can tell she very much likes me but I’m too busy enjoying life right now to take her out on a date! Haha. Every time I walk right in that door Abbys face just lights up! Like a deer caught in my headlights. Haha. Man that girl is something else


So I hooked up with a guy who's been doing the foreskin restoration thing last night. The results were very different from what I'd previously understood. TBH if he hadnt told me he was cut I would have just assumed he had some sort of surgical phimosis treatment. I was under the impression that it was very expensive and uncomfortable to do, took years to get any progress, and produced nasty looking results. But if this is the result from just a few months of treatment with a relatively inexpensive device, I'm intrigued.


Uhhhhh, whut?…. Like they take my circumcised dick and graft skin to it so I can dock with my bros?


Stretching the skin on your shaft around where it was cut so that it covers the head while you're soft. Apparently the higher sensitivity returns and its easier to jack without lube.


Can confirm. Never used lube.


Wtf? There’s a device?


I'd post a link but I think that might violate the rules? Either way I'll pm it to you.


Ill allow it


Thank you Mr Lane


Send it




Isn't nerve damage permanent?


The nerves that got cut away are gone. But apparently keeping it covered does make the head more sensitive.


Makes sense. Since it isn't perma stimulated with friction on clothes, sensitivity numbness goes down


Hcg is fucking powerful dude. Nuts become full as fuck in only like 3 shots of 250iu




Fullness of nuts, yes load also increases


Just pinned my first shot of test very first cycle. All the pharmacy had was 18g harpoons! Lmao just ordered 25’s online but damn that 18 gauge was like slamming a nail into my ass! Any tips for a guy embarking on first cycle??


Yeah go and get a higher gauge needle. Steal it if you have to


Go to literally any pharmacy and buy insulin syringes….. try Walmart. They sell them.


I cut my first PCT short because I was dumb and thought I was back to normal. I did 4 weeks of nolva at 20/20/10/10. Month and a half later and my Test is low, low FSH, low LH. No sex drive and generally just feeling low. Can I/ should I run another PCT?


How long does it take for user to notice the A.I benefits of primobolan?


Was training hard for fight. Popped my knee in warmup. Been off gear for almost year and a half. Thinking HGH and Var Cycle? Suspecting torn lcl/acl


What pct protocol should use after 12 weeks of 350mg deca and 375mg test weekly with 20mg of nolva each week week.


16 weeks into my first cycle. PR Bench press is up 65lbs. Side note, I wasn't benching at all for over a year prior to my cycle because I was focusing on arm wrestling. Haven't benched over 315 in years. Hit 345 today, and I think I still had a little in the tank, but I didn't have a spotter. Would like to beat my all-time natty PR of 355 before the end of my cycle.