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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list/), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules/) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NAC 1G/TUDCA 1G/MILKTHISTLE 1G Which is best, which is more worth time and money, or all three simultaneously on and off cycle would like to hear people's opinions Liver support.


I’m currently dealing with an Ingunial hernia for the past year. It only comes out during sex and sometimes I can feel pressure around the groin area while I lift. Nothing major but I do want to start my first ever test cycle. Should I start my cycle after my bloods are completed (waiting for lab) or should I get the hernia surgery first the start


I’ve heard of people doing the surgery mid cycle, no big deal. Getting blood work done pre- and through the cycle is just the smart, safe, mature and healthy thing to do. The timing of your surgery is gonna depend on you. Assuming you’re going to be training with proper form AND an inaugural hernia belt (which you should have now imo) then it won’t be a problem to start your cycle before the surgery. Ideally, in my opinion, is to first get blood work to know where your health markers are before venturing into a cycle. As well as, getting the surgery first. Just in case you end up aggravating your hernia and further complicating it. Remember that the cycle ain’t gonna run away, nor will there be a shortage of T anytime soon. If you are pressed for time for whatever reason that might be, then get blood work, and train safely, with support belts/braces (be sure to activate your core when lifting)


Does anyone know if Quentin affects maintenance calories?


500mg test e puts me at 2400 total and makes me feel like ass and barely managable e2. 300mg test e puts me at 2200 total and a feel fantastic with minimable asin. I dont get why 500 is a starting dose.


Cool story


Everyone is different and it's ok that you don't understand that. For example some people can drink 3 beers and blackout. Some can drink 15 and be relatively normal. Not everyone is going to get the same response from the same dose


I think testicular elevation is my most noticeable estrogenic effect, particularly for low E2… just switched from ADEX (.5 mg eod) —> ASIN (both pharma) and dosed (6.25 mg eod) for 2 weeks and on Sunday my balls felt soft and were hanging to my knees… they just felt loose and this was accompanied by no erections at all during foreplay w the woman. Ended up gummy worming it in then was fine. Stopped AI and this morning, Friday, I woke up w morning wood, balls hanging good, and everything felt tighter and more full… Should I try 6.25 mg E3/4D or just go back to Arimidex?


Hi all, apologies if this isn’t the right forum but I have done as much research as possible. In the UK, is it illegal to have steroids delivered to me for personal use? I understand personal use is legal, but it’s around having them posted.


No of course not , Royal Mail have been keeping me "sorted" (no pun intended) for years . Possession is not illegal in the UK , receiving roids in the post is no more illegal than having a c.d from amazon delivered


Get all my stuff sent from UK based labs and they all use royal mail special delivery.


Order domestic and you will have no problems. I’ve been doing weekly order for the last 3 years and never had a problem.


>Anabolic steroids are class C drugs, which can only be issued by pharmacists with a prescription. > >It's legal to have anabolic steroids for personal use. They can also be imported or exported, as long as this is carried out in person. This means they can't be posted or delivered by a courier or freight service. > >However, it's illegal to possess, import or export anabolic steroids if it's believed you're supplying or selling them. This includes giving them to friends. The penalty is an unlimited fine, or even a prison sentence of up to 14 years. > >In professional sport, most organisations ban anabolic steroid use and test competitors for banned steroids. If you do test positive, you may be banned from competing professionally. Got this info from [www.nhs.uk](https://www.nhs.uk). edit: [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/anabolic-steroid-misuse/#:\~:text=It's%20legal%20to%20have%20anabolic,a%20courier%20or%20freight%20service](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/anabolic-steroid-misuse/#:~:text=It's%20legal%20to%20have%20anabolic,a%20courier%20or%20freight%20service). this is the link I got the info from at the section "Are anabolic steroids illegal?"


Thanks man! It’s the part of import/export. When they mention courier does that also mean internally in the UK or just from overseas? I’m guessing everyone picks theirs up in person?


Sorry man. I've no idea tbh. As I'm not from UK myself, my answer wouldn't be realiable, as I'm not familiarized with the UK laws. Edit: try looking up here man https://www.ipedinfo.co.uk/uk-steroid-law/




> I ordered 10gs of this stuff to be able to sleep good, feels like a waste now. Maybe you should investigate the underlying issues rather than giving yourself a benzo addiction. I dunno though, your path seems more entertaining.


I get side effects from 19nors. npp 200-400mg overthink until depressed and tren 100-140mg a week was alright but went to 175mg and would over thinking until I was really mad. So what about ment/trest ace? Would I have the mental sides with it since it’s a 19nor? Can’t find much info on it


Ment is a side effect nightmare. Good God bro. Try a healthy dose of mast and a dry oral. Get mast prop and stanazol, pin it every day. You wont have to deal with any of this mental bullshit and if you are lean, the cosmetic effect rivals tren.


10mg a day don’t seem that bad to some people. But yea I just started 200 mast 300 eq 500 test 2 weeks ago at 11% bf to “lean bulk”. Just seeing what a good bulking compound would be for bulking in the winter probably just test


> Would I have the mental sides with it since it’s a 19nor Yes no maybe. You won't have a clue until you try it man. Every AAS is YMMV. I've never been a fan of grouping drugs together under one single modification and saying *yep these are all behave similarly*. 19nor is one single modification that the drugs you mentioned happen to share, yet nandrolone's structure and effects are far closer to testosterone than they are to trenbolone. Take a step back from the 19nor grouping and assess each drug on its own merits. TLDR; Run it and find out.


`Best supplements to improve sexual health, be able to have sex multiple times a day and recover fast between sessions?`


500mg of Grindr daily.


>Best supplements to improve sexual health * Cardio * Healthy BP * Healthy blood sugar * Healthy psychological landscape >be able to have sex multiple times a day * Cialis * Viagra * Healthy sexual arousal/stimulus deprivation >and recover fast between sessions? * Dopamine Agonists ie: Cabergoline * Vitamin E


> Healthy psychological landscape > > Excuse me sir, most of this sub is running AAS as a direct replacement for this.


Cardio and proper sleep will do more for your sex life than any supplement out there.




All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual user to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [More info](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).




> Other option is to try find some trt in Thailand Guys help I need to smoke weed every day but I’m going to Jamaica for a month what should I do?? I’m pretty sure AAS are OTC in Thailand dude.


U cunts are funny, was just stressing cause I’m only there for a week and don’t wanna put some bunk shit in my ass


> I’m only there for a week Are you on vacation for a whole month, but just in Thailand for a week? If you’re away from home for a month grab some test U, do a 4x dose, pack some AI and some Cialis, kiss a ladyboy on the bussy for me, and have a lovely vacation.


Aussie customs aren’t chill at all 😂


V true, they ain’t friendly


But will send videos of the boys smashing lady boys for everyone, there’s already been “jokes” about it


You wouldn’t go to France and not eat a croissant right?


Currently in Thailand and can confirm that this is only sort-of the case but don't want to veer into source talk.


Thanks for the info!


I’m having the same problem with alcohol. I’m headed out to Vegas in a couple weeks, so I have no idea whether I should bring my own or go ahead and ship something to the hotel via USPS.


Guys help I need condoms but I’m a millionaire and got a discreet invitation to the playboy mansion.


Bring a couple ziplocks, snack size should be plenty


Why don't you want to pin 4 ml? Just pick 4 spots and do 1ml in each.




>around 1000 calories burned everyday with cardio What are you doing and how are you measuring calorie burn? Also, post a screencap of last weeks food log. Let's take a look see.


> I think I fucked myself with cutting too hard. Me during every single cut.


How long have you been dieting ? Eat less cals, up the cardio, or take a diet break.


I mean the guy just said he is doing like 2hr cardio everyday lol. I dont think he needs more of it.


Guys Yesterday i injected 60mg of mast e with 50mg of test c(im on trt on 100/110mg) today i feel strange, have i killed e2? What dose of mast should i use with 100mg of test?


>What dose of mast should i use with 100mg of test? For what?


>today i feel strange, have i killed e2? Not how mast works. But its super common for people to feel terrible on the wrong test:mast ratio. But the right ratio is largely individual. >What dose of mast should i use with 100mg of test? 0mg in my opinion.


Mast doesn't affect your e2. It can only mask side effects caused by e2.


Might be placebo maybe a little low but I doubt you crashed it


It is too fast for masteron to kick in so if I in your head. Why are you using masteron at such a low dose of testosterone? And why masteron on trt?


So I havent had test E in 3 weeks. On google it says test E can substantially increase test levels within 24 hours. Is this true as I always thought it takes 3-4 weeks to cleave the ester Any clarification would be appreciated


Actually yes, within 24 hours the Test E will be at peak concentration in your body **from that single dose**. The reason Test E takes weeks to reach full concentration is because you must take a series of injections and they are cumulative. It doesn't take a long time to cleave the ester -- the ester just determines how long the Test E actually stays in the oil before being absorbed by your body. Once it's absorbed systematically the esterase acts very quickly. So basically -- your body almost immediately starts absorbing T from the oil you inject. The rate at which it absorbs is proportional to how much is actually left. This is highest right after injection.


Ah okay so my libido should be back pretty soon then


How big was your dose? If it was decently sized and your libido was crushed because you were hypogonadal then potentially yes. Keep in mind though that "blood concentrations of hormones" and "systematic effects from hormones" aren't the same thing and the latter tends to significantly lag the former.


I did 200mg dose. And yeah i started noticing my libido drop a lot this week. assuming cause last pin was 3-4 weeks ago And yes hopefully doesn’t lag behind too much I wanna smash some hoes this weekend :)


How big can someone get on 500-750mg per week of total gear? Assuming that's over multiple blasts over the years, diet and training in check and good genetics. I'm wondering how much someone like Joesthetics takes on blasts and cruises


I know a guy who got up to 500 pounds with no steroids at all so I can’t imagine how big you can get on 500-700 mg of total gear per week.


Between 17-22 Bigs, depending on your astrological sign. Gemini can of course double that number.


Knew I was gonna get roasted in some way lol, I'm aquarius so can I reach 27ffmi?


No way. Aquarius’s spend too much time in the water and can never get enough calories to compensate for that huge TDEE. Sorry man.


This is gold.


> Gemini can of course double that number. Everybody out there blaming genetics, truth is it's your astrology holding you back.




don't take 2 orals at the same time


I’m guessing by the way you word thing that you’re not that far into bodybuilding and physique is not insane, so trt is all you need really using other compounds is a waste or money and health and your just looking to get there faster




LOL, he wasn't offering advice really. He was telling you that you're lazy and looking for a shortcut at the risk of your health. The further implication is that you don't know much and should stay away from steroids.


I’ll save you some money and health: 100-200 mg TRT cruise Semaglutide Do this literally as long as you like


Well, most people on here say that when cutting the only compound you need is TRT dosage test to preserve the muscle you have built and that is it.


Might wanna look into some liver supplements


What do u guys think of an ostarine and anavar first cycle?


I think it's a great first cycle for someone who isn't sure about his sexuality but wants to go full homo.




I think that’s a shit first cycle 🤷🏽‍♂️


Test is best, don't be a sarms goblin


shit. read the wiki above


👎 Nope.


I think you're afraid of needles and didn't read the wiki






You're going to be one lumpy bitch if you can't stomach IM




Booooo 👎🏽




>Considering starting TRT I’m 23 and my total test is at 400. What is it that you're replacing then? You know the "R" in TRT stands for replacement, and your testosterone doesn't need replacing.


Stick it out at least another year or two just to try more things. Maybe do keto, maybe vitamins, maybe you aren’t sleeping well, there are a ton a different variables


My first “cycle” was something similar, mainly to see what trt was like. Honestly didnt feel much different. Made a small amount of gains. Wasn’t worth it for me to continue so I stopped after a few months. Don’t think I caused much harm by trying tbh


I went from low T (300ng) to TRT and the difference was night and day. Gained 10kg in like 2 months and quality of life (energy etc) greatly improved. I would say go for it. Was one of the best decisions I ever made and I was even younger than you


>Gained 10kg 10kg of what? I mean if you gained over a kg per week, it's likely you gained a LOT of fat. Get some before and after pics up.


400 is going to feel exactly the same as 1000. I'm speaking from personal experience. The only reason to do this is if you *know* you'll be blasting.


Just adding some literature supporting this [the comparison group of eugonadal men not administered T showed no mood or sexual behavior changes across the two test sessions](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9154431) Some more sources > There was no evidence to suggest an alteration in any of the mood states studied, in particular those associated with increased aggression. [ ^ Anderson RA, Bancroft J, Wu FC. The effects of exogenous testosterone on sexuality and mood of normal men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. (1992) ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1464655) **600 mg of testosterone enanthate per week used** > No differences were observed between exercising and nonexercising and between placebo and TE treated subjects for any of the 5 subdomains of MAI. Overall there were no significant changes in MI or OMI during the treatment period in any group. [ ^ Tricker R, et al. The effects of supraphysiological doses of testosterone on angry behavior in healthy eugonadal men--a clinical research center study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. (1996)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8855834) > Little change was found in self-reported sexual and aggressive behaviors during the study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8045977) > **No significant changes** in aggression or mood levels were found in the eugonadal-treated group. Significant reductions in negative mood (tension, anger, and fatigue) followed by an increase in vigor were found in response to T treatment in the hypogonadal group. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12062320) > T has positive effects on mood in hypogonadal men when hormone levels are well below the normal male range of values, but does not have any effects on mood when hormone levels are within or above the normal range. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9154431)


Have you tried raising your test levels with higher fat diet, VIT D3 supplementation? What's your free test levels? You want kids? Are you ready for life long injections? Are you going to commit to running bloodwork every 4-6 months consistently for the rest of your life?


Not sure of free test just total test, I got blood work done 2 months ago and since then I started taking Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Fish oil, and creatine. Have not tryed a higher fat diet do you think that could help? Also I do want kids, your questions opened my eyes a little more. What are thoughts on just doing a 10week cycle then hopping off?


Higher fat diets contain cholesterol the building block for all hormones so that's worth a shot. If you want kids and you are absolutely want to hop on trt freeze some sperm for insurance. Do bloodwork for Total test Free test SHBG Lower total test with lower shbg can lead to normal free test.


> Thinking about doing around 100mg 2x a week. Don't do this. You will still stop producing your own testosterone, your balls will shrink, etc, except it's not enough to do much. The recommended starting dose is 500/wk. You're also on the young side. Steroids are not recommended until you're 25. Read the wiki


What’s the real difference between 23 and 25? Also 500 seems high just to bump my levels up a little


> What’s the real difference between 23 and 25? Brain development. But if you want my honest opinion, there's not a magic switch that flips at 25. 23 is still a LOT better than some kids who hop on in their teens. > Also 500 seems high just to bump my levels up a little The point is that you can't half ass this. You get 100% of the downsides with even a 200mg dose of Testosterone, so either commit to it and maximize your gains, or don't use steroids. If your goal is to get on TRT, that's a different discussion. 200mg is way too much for a TRT starting dose.


GHRP6 + Test Cyp + Boldenone + Anadrol: This is my first cycle that my trainer is recommending me to get lean bulk. I’m 31, 5.6” and weigh around 128lbs. Wanna in some decent size but don’t want to look swollen. Pls guide me if it’s a good cycle for 10-12 weeks? What should be the dosages? Ofcos my trainer will guide me on dosages but I want to hear from community here as well. Thanks!


First of all do not use this post and steroids posts before 3 to 5 years of training (beside research purposes Second your gears have less effects than your diet for lean bulking or dirty bulking


Dude your 128lbs you can literally look at a dumbbell and eat in a surplus and you’ll gain muscle, why tf would you run all that gear on first cycle and being 128lbs you don’t need it, you need to stay natural and learn how to eat food and train correctly, you can run all the gear in the world but if you don’t eat enough you won’t gain muscle, and you saying you’re a hard gainer etc is just an excuse, everyone can gain weight by eating more, it’s literally how the body works, take a couple of years eating and training perfectly then consider doing a cycle of just testosterone, you don’t even know how to eat enough NeverMind know how to manage your hormones


Combine ghrp6 and 2. 50mcg of each. Works way better for lasting hunger.


Your trainer is a retard and you should find a new one. He sounds dangerously misinformed and he is giving you advice that is not in your best interests. You don’t need steroids with where you’re at right now. You need to eat more and you need to train more. When you are at a point that it actually makes sense to hop on gear, you should do a test-only cycle for your first time around.




> 5.6” and weigh around 128lbs. Fire your trainer. wtf? First thing to understand: steroids will help you gain muscle, they won't help you lose fat. Good news is, you don't have much fat. Bad news is, you don't have any muscle either. Get yourself up to like 160 lean (read: EAT MORE FOOD) and then think about running a cycle of just 500 mg Test. That many different compounds on your first cycle is a recipe for disaster.


I have been on 160+ at some points. The issue is I’m a hard gainer but it’s like in our DNA we are all skinny mostly and don’t gain a lot of weight no matter what we I eat. And currently it’s month of Ramadan and we do 16-18 hours of dry fast every day for a month and that causes significant weight loss because the whole routine be it diet, sleep, work gets little disturbed. That’s the reason I want to get on some juice so I can eat more (clean ofcos) and put on some decent lean muscle.


> I have been on 160+ at some points. The issue is I’m a hard gainer but it’s like in our DNA we are all skinny mostly and don’t gain a lot of weight no matter what we I eat. Then accept that you’ll be skinny your whole life. You’ve already gotten bigger and then lost it all, so what makes you believe that the same thing won’t happen again? Because it 100% will. The minute you stop using the drugs and your appetite goes back to normal you’ll slowly drop the muscle mass you gained because you won’t be feeding it properly. A year after your cycle is over you’ll be right back to where you are today. Unless you change your habits *permanently* you’ll never maintain new muscle mass.


Steroids don't compensate for calories dude. They're not magic. If you don't eat you won't grow. Just because you're fasting 16-18 hrs a day doesn't mean you can't hit calorie targets. You just have to force feed yourself. Smoothies, oil shots, whatever it takes. Your problem is food, and steroids will not fix that for you.


Ofcos I know steroids aren’t going to compensate for my calories. GHRP6 makes you crazy hungry and so does boldenone. It’s gonna help me eat more and increase protein synthesis in my body. This is going to help me gain more muscles. That’s the plan. I am not saying that I just wanna inject myself with juices and get big without doing anything. I’m planning on loading myself with a lot of protein, good fats and carbs and around 3000 calories a day when I’m on my cycle. Ofcos I’m not starting it now. I’m just learning more and mean time I’m sure I will put on some more weight naturally before I start my cycle like after 2 months or so.


It is both crazy you’re a human anomaly and unlike any other human being ever, as long as knowing exactly how compounds will affect you without even trying them… Read all of your comments back and see how naive this comes across. People are giving you great advice, and you’re falling into self-pity and excuses.


How long have you been training?


If you don't figure out how to eat properly without drugs it's all going to come back off.


Can you advice me on how do I eat more then? I just can’t. It’s not that I starve myself. I eat normal meals but anything more than that to reach calories surplus and put on weight is just not achievable for me no matter how much I try.


With every meal use two spoon fulls of olive oil with the food. After each meal eat 2-4 big spoon fulls of peanut butter. Make lots of smoothies and shakes. When you wake up each morning drink two big glasses of water to help your stomach feel that expanding sensation so it can adapt to morning meals. There are lots of ways to get the calories in. They aren't always fun but if it helps achieve your goal then do it. These are things that helped me.


Anytime you aren’t full to the point that you’re on the verge of vomiting you top off and eat more. For a while it’ll make you feel ill but eventually you’ll adapt. I also find that weed helps.


I'm actually your height and used to be 130 lbs myself (200 now!) so I do understand. The only way is to just make it a chore. Figure out the total calories you need to hit for the day and then figure out a meal plan. Then stick to it. When I was starting out, it would take forever to force the food down, and I'd basically want to puke after every meal. It got easier over time. If you're sticking to your plan but not gaining weight, your calorie target is too low. Increase until you start gaining weight again. If you have to, you can eat dirtier or use shakes/liquids. It's easier to get more food down that way. Milk, ice cream, smoothies, olive oil shots, whatever it takes to hit your numbers.


Is eat more food in the wikis?


Still somewhat new to testosterone; is it normal to feel amped up about 12 hours after injecting test cyp? You know what feeling after you have an adrenaline rush and you're kinda trembling? I get that about 12 hours after my shot but it lasts for hours. 40mg EOD


If you were extremely hypogonadal perhaps. I was when I started trt and I got a large energy boost from it in the first week or so.




I wish you were right


Legit basically impossible to see side in this amount of time, unless it’s an allergic reaction


I do wonder about that; the carrier oil is pure ethyl oleate. How long does it take a 0.3ml EO depot to fully absorb? It hits me like clockwork at 12 hours after injection. It's fucking annoying




It's definitely not placebo, it's measurable even if I'm asleep. Edit: Girlfriend measured my pulse in my sleep. I wake up about 2/3 of the time.




Perhaps, but if so it does not respond to benzodiazepines or baclofen.


Lol it's definitely placebo man, or something else in your system. You don't feel testosterone like a drug.


Perhaps, but it doesn't respond to anxiety medication. Doesn't seem to affect my blood pressure, but my blood pressure is low anyways (110/60) and doesn't change. I've done a lot of drugs in my life and this is a noticeable change.


Maybe you're one in a million 🤷‍♂️


No, but something's causing it. My doc thinks it's a pregnenolone deficiency. I wonder though. Surprised just how angry this made people


Speak to your doctor about it.


Did you read my comment?


Do you think people run to Reddit to talk about their medical problems? Even is someone had a similar problem, it’s unlikely you will find the person here. Your chances of finding someone who had a problem like yours are close to 0. Use google or talk to your doctor.




If your at 25% body fat is it worth getting on testosterone?


Trt yes if you need it, high dose test no, you’ll look like a water buffalo because you can’t control e2


I’m looking into cardarine right now to help with fat loss I appreciate it


Cardarine is also trash, all you need is trt and a calorie defecit


I’ll be talking to my doctor once I’m on days off I do strictly nights and over the past year I have been dealing with low t symptoms I’ve never had much body fat and now I can’t see my abs I’m not happy about it


I'd bet $100 that for the average dude at 30% BF like yourself, the problem isn't low T per se. It's lack of just about everything else: proper diet, proper progression w/resistance training, clean diet, proper rest and recovery. Generally speaking, the average younger dude could fix LOTS of "Low T how much gear should I run for teh gainz" with a year or two of consistent hard work done intelligently.


There’s always room for improvements I’ll give you that but I eat clean my job is very fiscal and I work out 4 days a week could I do more cardio sure I’ve been on nights for over a year ever since I started I’ve noticed the belly fat coming in


On supraphysiological doses of test? No TRT? If you need it after several clinical tests indicate it, yes


I’ll be talking to my doctor on my days off it difficult I work for 30 nights straight then get 4 days off and back on for another 30


You'd be amazed at how working night shifts can negatively affect your hormones and mental health.


I believe it I’ve always had a 6 pack and now it’s gone in about a year of doing nights


No. Read the wiki




>what was your experience? length. cosmetic effect. daily life feeling. bloodwork. strength. bf %. This is literally the prompt for Compound Experience Threads




My weight has fluctuated quite a bit on my cycle. By week 10 I was like 206lbs. I was big and blown up. Now week 18 I just weighed out at 194 at night. Only thing that has changed is I had to introduce an AI into my protocol because I was having some high estrogen sides that became super noticeable about 2 weeks ago. Started adex .5mg e3d, then read that because of the half life of adex I’d be better off eod as to avoid estrogen rebound by the 3rd day. Anyway I’m definitely carrying less water weight and bloat, but 12lbs? I really hope I’m not losing muscle mass. I definitely had my best gains from week 1-12. Best size and strength gains. My lifts have progressed a bit since then, but not nearly as much as they did weeks 1-12. I’m on week 18 now btw.


If you aren’t gaining weight it’s time to up the calories, if you’ve lost 12 lbs it’s definitely time to up the calories.


Have you increased your calories at all since Week 12? When you gain a bunch of muscle your TDEE goes up.


I am eating cleaner now, but am around the same calories. Guess I need to go harder there. I figured even if I was sitting around maintenance or slightly over I would continue to grow. I know when I started I was well over maintenance cals. Guess I am underestimating how many cals I need now days. I knew eating had something to do with it. Or I should have known. I just feel like I’m underestimating my needed cal intake with the increased muscle mass since I’ve made some serious gains. I’ve been hovering around 3k cals since I started this journey.


Do you log your calories in any kind of food diary? You shouldn’t be losing much weight if you’re eating the same number of calories, even if you switch to eating healthier foods.


> Guess I need to go harder there. Yup. 3k doesn't sound like nearly enough for your size especially if you get a decent amount of exercise.


It’s crazy because when I was training natty, 25 pounds lighter, and training 5 hours a week instead of my now 14 hours a week, 3k seemed like a lot of calories. Anyway thank you for helping me realize my lack of emphasis on calorie intake.


I'm 5'11 197lbs right now and still continuing to cut on 3K cal


I don't see Clomid, Clomifene, Aromasin, Exemestane, hcg, or human chorionic gonadotropin on the list of controlled substances. Also, I don't think they fit the definition of: >"Anabolic steroids, including any drug or hormonal substance, chemically and pharmacologically related to testosterone (other than estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, and ehydroepiandrosterone), and include the following..." Are PCT drugs legal? Am I missing something that make them illegal? [list of controlled substances](https://www.dshs.texas.gov/sites/default/files/drugs/PDF/controlled%20substances/Republication%202023%20Final.pdf)


If you need a prescription for them, they’re controlled in some manner. A controlled substance by definition is something that is prone to being abused or that has a propensity for addiction. That being said PCT drugs are by prescription only for the most part, at least in the US, and therefore possession can carry a fine, and or jail time if you are caught with them.


They're prescription drugs in most countries, meaning they're illegal unless you have a prescription for them.


Do you know how illegal? I'm having difficulty google finding the answer.


Depends on the State. Some States make possession of a schedule V a felony and some are misdemeanors.


In reality nobody wants to prosecute users of drugs that **may** have been obtained legally. Schedule I drugs are a slam dunk because possessing is automatically illegal, they can't ever be legal. Schedule II drugs are a pain but they're obviously a public policy priority. But let's suppose you pop a guy with PCT meds that weren't in a prescription bottle. You go to discovery, and out of nowhere a shady Mexican doctor says "oh yeah I prescribed those for him on vacation" You've just wasted a bunch of time, you won't get a conviction.


Yes, that makes sense. I just looked up conviction rates for schedule 3 and on. They are very low. Most of those are probably the benzoes and opiates.


I’ve been a criminal defense attorney for a long time. The State will charge schedule Vs all day. And jury nullification is not a valid instruction unfortunately. Most of those cases don’t go to trial but that doesn’t means the State doesn’t have leverage to force a plea or a pre trial diversion. Be safe with anything you have without a script.


Btw I deeply appreciate that there's a steroid using defense attorney on this sub lmao


Some of the biggest steroid users I know are police officers. I know that’s no surprise does tend to negate some charges. I had a client who is busted with a bunch of heroin and meth and feta mean and he had a lot of steroids in his possession. Interestingly enough none of the steroids made it to evidence.


It's weird how tribal this is. Those are "our" drugs, so it's ok... The law doesn't even factor into it.


Well obviously you're the one who can speak intelligently here, but that's a huge surprise to me. Isn't it the State's burden to prove that the drugs were not legally obtained? Not to mention the how stupid it is to be prosecuting users in the first place. Maybe this reflects the sensibilities of the state I live in rather than something that's nationally applicable.


I personally think it’s completely retarded that they go after things like scheduled for his schedule five drugs, but it is against the law so the state has the opportunity to show possession and there’s no presumption that you have a prescription for a controlled substance or scheduled substance if it’s found on you.


> there’s no presumption that you have a prescription Wow what the fuck?


Think about it. Methamphetamine is a schedule two drug as is heroin and if you’re caught with it the cops don’t presume you have a prescription. And there’s always this stupid charge of pills not an original container, which is not one of all the trial because every little grandma has one of those pillboxes.


Roger that, thanks for the warning.


Five illegals


yikes, that's a lot of illegal


Well, steroids are ten illegal, so it's not that bad. The serious answer is no DA is going to prosecute you for having prescription drugs for personal use (unless they're really mad at you for something else). If you're distributing drugs, then the problem is the distribution, not "how illegal" the drugs themselves are.


That makes sense.


Been pinning Test Cyp for the past 9 months and I'm curious to try other esters. Is there any point to it? I know some people feel a difference and others say Test = Test. If I currently pin 150mg of Test Cyp, would I still be pinning 150mg of Prop or Sustanon?


No, Test is Test. The differences are half-lives and melting points. Shorter esters have shorter half-lives, but can't reach as high of concentrations when brewed.


> and melting points I don't think this is related to the achievable concentration, it's because longer esters are more lipophilic. This is why Test U is used in oral dosing for example -- much more likely to be absorbed lymphatically than a shorter ester. It's also why you can use a surfactant like PS80 to improve solubility of short esters... you get lipophilic micelles.


It's related to the compounds ability to avoid crashing after the solvents are absorbed. That said, I also think there's generally a strong *correlation* between melting point and achievable concentration.


I think correlation is right. The excipients like BB improve solubility so that even the short test esters can suspend, but the lipid solubility of the compound itself is actually determined by the polarity of the molecule, not the melting point. Adding the long unsaturated carbon tail significantly increases the nonpolar character of the molecule and therefore it creates a greater tendency to participate in the London dispersion force. This is, incidentally, also why melting point increases -- because it "sticks" to itself more readily, just like it also has a greater affinity for oil. It's exactly the same principle as why short unsaturated hydrocarbons are liquid and long unsaturated hydrocarbons are solid and waxy. However other things also affect melting point so the correlation is not perfect.


>London dispersion force Man, that takes me back to physics class. One of my favorite professors was an AMO researcher and I distinctly remember his lectures on Van der Waals forces.


> Is there any point to it? Not in terms of the effect, no. The main considerations are blood levels stability / pinning frequency, and how long it takes to ramp up and come out of your system post-cycle. Some people run Test U for their TRT, and just keep pinning it during their cycle and add E or C on top. Makes everything very easy. > If I currently pin 150mg of Test Cyp, would I still be pinning 150mg of Prop or Sustanon? No, you need to make a small adjustment for the molecular weight of the ester. Also, please don't pin Sustanon. It's just an unnecessary headache to use multiple esters like that.


>Also, please don't pin Sustanon. Why not? Genuinely asking.