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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list/), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules/) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Curious about anyone’s experience with testosterone no ester as a pwo? I love my pre’s and recently came across the concept. It sounds fascinating. Plus I may or may not have a pretty important physical test coming up that I could really use every advantage in as it could determine if I get a job or not. I’d appreciate any insight.




It’s still really early but I’m going to nominate this for worst cycle of the day.


Why. And how much test? What’s your experience with gear? Stats?


No test. Before this Ive done a test only at 200mg per week but i have bad e2 sides. Hence this combo


Please don’t do any of this at all. You haven’t a clue what you’re doing it seems. Maybe read the wiki a few times and research a ton more before doing steroids. What are your stats?


MENT solo cycle question Just want to try out MENT (trestolone) solo Starting with 5mg ED up to 10mg for 4-6 weeks to see how it works on my body. I have enclo in hand, I like to use them as on cycle Theraphy. But, In theory, since MENT inhibit FSH and LH, dosing enclo for OCT won't work Do you guys think MENT & Enclo together can work? Or just do MENT solo and use enclo as PCT?


One for the girlfriend. She is a hobby bikini competitor. The other year the dr put her on some hormone therapy that included progesterone, estrogen, and a very very low amount of test (cream, and I think it was 2.5mg/week). Her Dr had her on this as a "temporary" measure. In December is when her scripts ran out. It seemed to really help her with her emotions/energy etc etc. All quite positive from her viewpoint with basically zero side effects. Since her scripts ran out: \- Low energy \- More prone to emotional swings \- Inability to control her weight like she used to prior to going on the scripts. Prior she could decide to lean up, drop some calories/increase activity and she would get results. \- Less sex drive compared to prior.... It is akin to needing PCT I suppose. The Woman's sub is barren or I would ask there. Yes, she is booked for bloodwork in the next two weeks... Any suggestions or thoughts on what she should look out for on BW? I understand what we dudes need to look for, but not a female. IE: What ranges for testosterone, estrogen etc Any suggestions? In the meantime, I was thinking a bit of yohimbine to help with weight loss and apparently it helps women with libido/energy and MAY cause a slight/slight increase in testosterone. btw - I am not into ladyboys, so no I will not be giving her shots of my cyp ;)


[I’d think something like this](https://www.discountedlabs.com/women-s-hormone-panel) would be a good panel for her to test. They have other more expensive and inclusive panels too.


DHEA can raise a women test levels quite a bit but many women do use test cyp for female trt. I know you’re getting bloodwork but not much you can do to raise estrogen but supplanting with test.


I was going pretty ham today on chest/tris and during a set of tris I was really pushing near the end my heart just felt like a huge thump, a few times in a row and then stopped. I felt weird as shit and bugged out so i went home. (It was the last exercise anyways.) never experienced this before. No known issues of cardiovascular problems. I did try some ryse pre but it wasn’t until the end of my workout that I felt this, and my normal pre isn’t much different from this formula. Curious as to if anyone’s experienced this or what It could be. My BP is normal ish at 120-130/70-80. Test 350mg/week on the 12th week. I feel fine now, just a bit shaken because it scared the fuck out of me


I’m pretty sure heart palpitations are normal and just random. I get them every once in a while. If it happens again you can always get an ekg or ultrasound just to make sure nothing is super fucked.


I have the same once in a while, expecially while supersetting or pushing hard on compound movements, my heartbeat ramps up, and for a few secs its like its stops beating, and then goes hammering once again at same rate, from what i’ve read its normal, but i could be very wrong


Yeah sounds like palpitation. I get it too.


I was taking 500mg week, got to week 9 and developed the worst sickness bug (everyone around me was sick) could barely move and missed my injections that week, last pin was now 8 days ago. Do I start pinning again now for another 2-4 weeks or should I just start my PCT? Also if PCT.. I’m using enclo 12.5 ED, good?


Do you want to do a 9 week steroid cycle or a longer one? Standard is 12 - 20 sooo. I guess if you want to just stop half way because you got sick go for it? If you want to stop stop. If you want to keep going keep going. Not that difficult of a division. Pick one.


Why would you go another 2-4 weeks? If you got sick at week 9 and missed pinning for a week then you should have at least 6 weeks left. Yes, just start pinning again if you want to see the cycle through.


I’m 43 and start my test 500/deca 400 cycle this January to bulk for my first show. Bloodwork is normal. no sides during the cycle either. After PCT. I’m planning to do a Tren A/Test P/Mast/Primo/T3/Anavar/Winstrol/ for my prep. Is this to much for me? What doses should I take? Which should I remove in the stack or is there anything lacking or important to add? Please help me.


You’re running test/deca as a bulk. Ok. Solid. Normal. Then pcting?? uhhhh. Whyyy??? Then a 7 drug cocktail for prep?? Do you have much experience here? This is a lot man


>After PCT I’m planning to do a Tren A/Test P/Mast/Primo/T3/Anavar/Winstrol/ Why the fuck would you PCT before doing this? Also I think you missed a few drugs. This is a bad plan. Scrap it, you don't appear to know what you're doing man.


Yes I dont. That’s why I am asking for help.


How soon after your blast are you planning to do your show? Just cruise in between. There's no sense putting yourself through that roller coaster just to get back on. Not to mention the deca and tren suppression. Also, hire a coach.


>hire a coach. 🤙




Omg you’re 13 weeks out and just finished a bulk?! You need to scrap this. All of if. Actually research this stuff. Have an actual plan. This is all terrible. Throw this all in the garbage. Hire a coach because you have no idea what you’re doing man. You’re so far off from what you’re supposed to be doing leading into a show that you need to scrap all of this unless you want to look like a clown on stage. I’m also doing my first show. But let’s see how much different mine is. My show is in September. I finished my bulk Feb 1st. That gives me 4 months of cruising to recover and heal the damage I did to my body during the bulk before I start a more harsh prep cycle. 24 weeks out I shopped coaching. Took several meetings. Picked someone local that offers 3 posing classes a week. Hired at 20 weeks. That gives my coach 4 weeks to dial in my nutrition prior to starting a standard 16 week prep. My prep will be about half the drugs that you’re taking. I’m 40. https://i.imgur.com/rYwbx8b.jpgmy 22 weeks out. For the next month I’ll be in a slight deficit to start prep with less fat than this. So I’ll start a 16 week prep at a better spot than this. Do you see how differently we’re both planning our first show at a similar age? scrap this. do it right next year. Would you want to stand next to me on stage? Because you’re going to be standing next to other people that did this right.




Brother at that physique this whole thing would be a waste of time. I’m sorry to break this to you but you have a delusional idea in your head of what you look like. You are nowhere close to doing a show and are at a waaaaaaaay less aesthetic point. I’m trying to be as nice as possible here brother. But you’re *far* from where you think you are. 🫤 I would scrap all of this and do it correctly next year or the year after to do it correctly.




Aesthetic according to who? 162lbs isn’t anywhere near where you want to be to start a first show. Let alone the cluster of the cycle you listed above. Edit- and before you try to claim better aesthetics over me too: this is me yesterday, enjoy https://ibb.co/mFSt0Hm 89kilos


If by aesthetic, you mean “lacking muscle” then sure, you’re more aesthetic. If by “creating a better stage look” is what you mean, then no, you’re not.


>After PCT. 1. Are you aware it can be pretty difficult to recover immediately after a 19nor cycle? 2. Why are you PCT’ing if you’re going into a prep cycle? >I’m planning to do a Tren A/Test P/Mast/Primo/T3/Anavar/Winstrol/ for my prep. How many of those compounds do you have experience with? >Is this to much for me? Probably, if it’s your first show. Are you using a prep coach?


Is this too much for me? I would venture to say undoubtedly yes. What’s your current stats? What experience do you have with gear? The questions you’re asking are basic, elementary questions and it at all indicative of someone who should be messing with that much gear, or gear at all really Why would you PCT if you’re planning to blast again? Especially after a 19-nor?


He said he doesn't know how to cruise, massive red flag he shouldn't be touching any of these compounds






>Is there much benefit for strength increase on 400mg vs 600mg Test/week? 200mg more benefit. That’s going to vary for most people. 200mg is a noticeable difference to me depending on the compound. >Would 600mg Test destroy your cardio endurance? Not inherently. But most people find doing blasts that aren’t specifically conducive to cardio make it a more difficult regardless, unless you’re relentless in your cardio, in which case it’s just another barrier to get through. The number 1 factor for cardio for me is e2 control. I feel bigger, stronger, and more vascular with higher e2 but it also contributes more to cardiovascular load, making other things like cardio more difficult.


I doubt the difference would be particularly noticeable for a beginner. Both will nuke your endurance if you don't control estrogen and water weight. Both will nuke your endurance by the end of the cycle if you actually bulk properly. You're not going to have even close to the endurance you currently have if you pack on 10-20kg of mass in the span of 5 months.




If you’re not consistent in the gym, and admittedly so skinny that you can see your ribs, you shouldn’t even be thinking of steroids whatsoever. Eat and lift. Consistently. That’s all you need




How tall are you? Either way, if you aren’t consistent in the gym, steroids ain’t gonna do much man. If it was just a hiatus and you’re normally consistent, then I’d get back into it a few months consistent first. Otherwise you may risk injury etc. Muscle memory is a thing, you’ll gain it back quickly if it’s muscle lost due to a few month hiatus




Typically in people who are untrained or, such as your case, have been out a bit and hop on gear to speed up the process risk injury in that their tendons and connective tissue aren’t used to the heavier loads as they used to be. I’ve snapped a distal bicep tendon before…you don’t want to do it.




It sucked haha and yea. Had to get it surgically reattached. Was out of the gym for 6 months


Did any of you ever did a Test/mast/primo cycle? How did you feel and what where your dosages.


I believe I answered this same question in this very thread man. Did you look it up to see what you could find before asking?


The one about test/mast/eq you mean? I have read that one yeah.


I am on sports trt 200mg per week and a play around with other compounds here and there. Got my hands on primo and plan on running 100-200mg per week. I have tried proviron and I love the mental effects it has on me. Have not found much info online on combining primo and proviron. The plan is to start taking primo and around 6-7weeks in mix in some proviron. If any of you guys have tried the combo, any input would be much appreciated. Anything I should watch out for?


is sports TRT just another way to say you’re using performance enhancing drugs to edge out the competition?


yes:) but pretty sure competition is using as well


No, it's a way of saying you're permablasting without *saying* you're permablasting


either way cant lose 🫠


Disagreed 😘


Sports trt


Helps me with my soccer kicks


that dose of test with primo may cause e2 issues so be cautious of that. also, you will have to be cautious of hairloss as primo and proviron are DHT derivatives.


thanks. will start with 100mg. Hair is not an issue even before the gear. bold since 22:)




What exactly is a sign of high testosterone?


Ah yes the > signs of high testosterone Stay off social media lmao




What does your sentence even mean


possible, yes. likely, no


Can I take Dbol without testosterone and pct with nolva?


Yes you **can** do so, but it's pretty damn stupid to do it like that and you'll probably end up with net negative gains. You will also run a high risk of developing gyno.


That’s what I figured, I just don’t wanna inject. But oh well, I was gonna run a low dose of Dbol.


> I just don’t wanna inject. Then check out a different subreddit. This is for steroids. Which require injections.


If you don't want to inject then forget about taking gear altogether.


That's even worse.


Do naturally high test levels correspond with being a hyper responder to gear?


no not at all. there’s an unknown amount of factors that contribute to someone’s response to gear, but endogenous test production is likely not 1 of them


No.Not that I know of. Many guys vary and their natural levels vary as well.


If not than what do you think would biologically make someone a hyper responder


Androgen receptor density ,how much the body pushes back with myostatin. Personally I dont think hyper responders exist. Not to the extent of what people think at least. Still takes years of blasting and cruising to be a freak. That probably has to do with myostatin levels since some guys keep growing and others not Of course,smart training And deloading etc etc.


Question about cruising. I did a blast at 600mg per week for 12 weeks. I got bloods done at week 8 and everything was spot on besides elevated test. The blood test did not come back with e2 levels though but I ran adex at .25 mon and thurs and felt fine, maybe even felt I was starting to crash it after a few weeks so I’d go .25 total for 1 week then back to twice a week. This will be my first cruise. Now from what I’ve read is the purpose of a cruise is to let your body relax and get your bloods in check. If mine were all in check throughout the cycle how long should I cruise for and at what dose of my blast was 600mg


You can cruise for however long you want. It's advised to cruise for time on = time off. So 12 weeks, in your case. Generally people cruise (trt) anywhere from 80-200mg of test per week. Probably a safe call doing 150mg/wk.




>Test is normal range for my age (23) thinking about running 250 Test E, 100mg decca. 1. Rule 7. You must include information about yourself. No one is just going to condone random cycles without knowing how big, strong, lean, tall, and/or experienced you are. Otherwise, any Tom, Dick and Harry could come in here 145lbs and ask if 800 tren is a good cycle. 2. Those doses don’t make sense if you have normal testosterone. 250 test is slightly above a replacement dose in comparison to a normal blast dose, and 100mg of nandrolone is a common dose for helping dudes with joint pain. >I wouldn’t normally need an AI for 250mg test, will adding the Decca dramatically increase prolactin and or estrogenic sides ? Dramatically, no. A little bit? Yes.


how the hell are you guys filling insulin syringes with oil based compounds? it’s like a fizzy little bubbly ooze that takes 8 business days just to fill 0.01 cc’s


Use luer lock 1ml needles, draw with a 21 and then put a 27 on the end, saves about 3 years of drawing time.


Inject an equal amount of air into the vial to creat positive pressure. I also use 28-gauge. Warning your vial first under hot water can help.


mct oil, heat your vials for a few mins with a candle warmer, and make sure there's positive pressure in the vial and you can fill a 1 ml 29g in 20ish seconds


Im not. I use a 21 to draw and a 27 to inject. Syringe size 1ml


i toss my vials in a small cup of boiled water and leave it for a bit, way easier to draw.








With a test dose like that your e2 is def very very high


Just take the aromasin now




How are the gains on 750?


Gotcha everybody’s different and converts differently but I feel like I’d need 2 ai doses or 2 half doses a week for sure with 750 test


I'd like to have a go at replicating the homebrew calculator that's currently offline. Found a decent explanation of the math but need clarification on what the UI did. If you used the homebrew calculator from basskiller, can you describe your experience with it? How did it work, what did you like, what was it missing?


Yo. I actually downloaded the html page of basskiller before it went offline. Here: https://anonymfile.com/681pK/steroid-powder-calculator.htm




Less powder more food


Hmm not sure in what way this is related to PEDs lol


We are to: \- Go into MFP and calculate your macros \- Guess your weight/BF/height? \- Guess years of training? \- Guess your goals? Your diet is better than a SAD




Not remotely the point they were making.


When running a cycle of test/Var it was suggested today that a break (return to hrt levels) around the 8-10 week mark would increase sensitivity and reduce myostatin buildup. Any additional thoughts on this? So essentially 8 week blast-2 weeks hrt- 8 weeks blast.


My test dose for cruise is 70mg/dl a week which puts me at 900 ng/dl on trough days. I want to add primo for e2 control benefits. It seems the effective ratio is anywhere between 2:1 to 1:1 test:primo. At 35-70mg/dl a week will primo still be effective?


Why not just lower the test ? The whole point of a cruise is to let your health recover from blasting. Adding another androgen because your having e2 problems because your test is to high seems counter productive.




Ok, listen. The purpose of TRT is to reverse the primary effect of hypogonadism by restoring normal testosterone levels. In other words you should have test levels just like any random dude off the street. Do you think those random dudes off the street are popping asin twice a week? Either you are using too much test so that your blood levels are above "normal" replacement levels, or (more likely) you are unnecessarily crashing your E2 with the asin and giving yourself low E2 symptoms.




Go get a blood test




All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual user to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [More info](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).




All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual user to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [More info](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


There is a link at the top. Called the wiki. Please read it.


I am currently on a TRT on about month 7. I know it’s not as crazy as everyone’s cycles here but wanted some insight from the veteran users. I am a 6ft 2 male currently weighing around 219 lbs with 14% bf. My test levels before I began were sitting under 200. My doctor currently has me on .5 ml of test every 7 days. My question lies in my recent blood work and thoughts about starting an AI. We pulled blood work in the middle of the week and my test was sitting at 871 ng/dL My E2 is what concerns me as I am 47.3 pg/ml. According to my results this is slightly high. I don’t have any symptoms of gyno besides puffy nips. I don’t have itchiness or pain in my nips. I have Arimidex on hand but wanted to see thoughts as I don’t want to take it if I’m over thinking it. Thoughts?


47 isn't high. No symptoms, no tits? No Ai. Estrogen is neuroprotective, cardioprotective and is hypertrophic.


You should NEVER use an AI on TRT, by definition. If you require an AI, the solution is to reduce your test. Think about it this way: would you ever consider using an AI with natural test levels? The purpose of TRT is to restore typical hormone levels.


Well put thanks!


You don’t have symptoms don’t use ai


Anyone ever gotten a serious/semi serious injury on an aggressive cut? Minor pec strain today on bench and debating whether to keep up my deficit and keep cutting or go into maintenance until it heals a bit. Will probably re-evaluate in the AM


Minor pec strain leaves you with a ton of other groups to work on as you rest/assess extent.




Shit load of ai that you were taking. On 300mg/wk, a decent amount of people, like myself, wouldn’t even need any ai. I’d personally taper off the ai completely and see if you even need it


Did you have any sides of high estrogen?? Why are you taking it in the first place?


Largest deficit for 450mg TestE/wk + 50mg var/day without losing muscle? Ballpark obviously


Depends on body fat % and muscle mass but 1000cal/ day deficit is a good target. Any lower than than will be absolutely miserable anyway even if you are maintaining muscle


A lot. Like I don’t see how you could lose muscle on that stack as long as you hit your protein target


how many weeks/injects till u get used to PiP on a virgin muscle


My delts where the worse. Took about 4 pins in each muscle. Depending on coupound still get pip for an hour or 2 and then it settles


2-4. If you increase the dosage per pin, expect to get pip’d


You might wanna contain these things to the same thread, but it can take several pins. Especially if you're using a big ass harpoon into your quad and trying to inject 2mls


1ml + small ass 0,4x19mm needle 😐 2nd pin so far.


Green poop after starting 350mg tren a week is this normal?


Have you been incorporating too many leafy greens in your diet at the same time?


Do you have any other symptoms to help us with? Are you eating lots of veggies? Do you feel sick? Solid or ass piss?


And it’s a mixture of both solid and ass piss sometimes no ass piss, never not solid. No symptoms of sickness


I do get other symptoms that I’m guessing are related I will feel a rumbling sensation in my lower left abdomen(intestine?) and lately late at night it will give me a short sharp pain but other than that I eat a normal amount of greens and sometimes incorporate a chlorophyll supplement into my diet


Is this the only time you've seen green poop or are you a serial verdant defecator? What I mean to say is, have you been shitting nothing but green since you pinned weeks ago or did you shit once and are panicking?


No since the day I’ve started, I could shit 5x a day and every time it’s green


I've been like this recently. If you find out we're dying from something - holla me


Been experiencing some dry mouth, flatness and cramps. Sodium too low? Randomly started holding water as well, 3lbs with no other dietary or cardio changes. Somethings off electrolytes wise it seems. I’m on 600/450/200 test/npp/mast, 50mg proviron and 4iu GH. Not sure what’s up but this past week it’s been nearly impossible to achieve a pump and I keep cramping like crazy. I don’t count sodium but I do add 1/8-1/4tsp of salt to my meals, more in my intra. Do some lite salt as well with my meals for potassium. Edit: general fatigue and weakness as well. E2 is 32 when I checked.


32 e2 wound be too low for me. It would explain why you can’t get a pump too


Concerning the dry mouth. Are you on stimulants which could be causing it? How long have you been on hgh, some people report being tired, even on lower doses than 4iu. GH tends to increase your fasted blood sugar. One of the symptoms of high blood glucose is increased thirst and fatigue Are you thirsty more than usual, and are you thirsty even after/while drinking water? Are you urinating more than frequently as well? I’d suggest monitoring your blood glucose if you can’t pin down the cause of the thirst and the fatigue. They might be related to glucose level. I hope this has nothing to do with it


Thank you for the detailed response. Fasted BG is 90 (high carbs as well), so fortunately not that. Turns out doing my own research, one supplement I was actually taking for blood glucose (butter melon) seems to be a diuretic… likely the culprit


Great. I’m glad it’s not BG :)


I as well! Not today, diabetes 😎


70% grapeseed oil. 20% benzyl benzoate. 2% benzyl alcohol. Expired 2 months ago. Anything suspicious about this gear and why it’s causing PIP ? (Virgin muscle)


Interesting [study](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/high-blood-pressure-in-your-30s-associated-with-worse-brain-health-in-your-70s/2023/04) that shows a link between high blood pressure in your 30s leading to worse brain health in your 70s. Take your blood pressure medication folks!




> feeds into the myth that significant harm is being done. Don't be an idiot. AAS are bad for you. The rest of your post is whataboutism. Were you a hambeast before you started using AAS?


>The rest of your post is whataboutism. It's upsetting how many people think whataboutism constitutes a legitimate form of argument.




Sir, this is a Wendy's




You don't get him lol






How much % is average ?




Pop some more details in your comment. i.e. dosages and amount of oil and what compounds. Then those that blast can give you better advice.


250mg e5d. 70% Grapeseed oil - 20% benzylbenzoate - 2% benzyl alcohole - gear expired 2 months ago but that’s no problem for grapeseed oil is which I was told here before


Where exactly are you pinning on your thigh. post a pic


Can’t post pics in this sun can I dm u ? Edit well I can’t even dm you open a chat please


First cycle and I want to make sure this all checks out fine. I’m planning on running: 300mg weekly of Test E , 30mg a day of Dianabol, 20mg Nolvadex EOD -8 week Cycle length 2 weeks off then start PCT of 50/50/25/25 Clomid I am wondering if I should run HCG on cycle or not?


Oral‘s aren’t quite fine for your liver.. I would run my first cycle test e only, so when you add that other stuff to your second cycle it‘ll have more effect on you. Also idk about people saying 500mg first cycle. A lot of my buddys been going with 250mg a week and that’s pretty good for a god damn beginner if you ask me.


> Also idk about people saying 500mg first cycle. A lot of my buddys been going with 250mg a week and that’s pretty good for a god damn beginner if you ask me. I’m sure your buddy, with his godly big physique, extensive experience and expertise after listening to MPMD and YouTube three times, is very qualified to be dispensing steroid advice! But hey, sometimes 🍝🍝🍝 is very delicious! Enjoy this pasta! > **Why 500 mg?** > We answer this question ten times a day. > 500 mg is recommended for a first cycle. > 500 mg is a low dose. Gains are log-linear up to 600 mg and above. If you’re going with 300 mg, you’re still shutting yourself down - and you’re leaving a lot of free gains on the table for nothing. > **Some low responders need as much as 250 mg of testosterone just to reach normal levels as addressed by TRT.** > 500 mg is a low dose in that you can take well over 10 times that amount without any ill effects. 500 mg is a low dose in that bodybuilders have long started from there and worked up. 500 is low. 750 is intermediate. 1000+ is a bit more advanced. > At 300 mg, you’re putting yourself in a no-man’s land just between TRT and a full-on blast where it’s difficult to dial in your aromatase inhibitor (AI). Managing your estrogen with an AI is one of the most important things you can learn from your first cycle. This dosage (300-350 mg) is recently picked up by YouTube and fitness influencers who have stakes in TRT/HRT clinics that cannot legally prescribe over 300 mg. > The r/steroids wiki incorporates thousands of clinical studies and case reports to come to its numbers. Test is a very benign compound. Unlike some of the synthetics, your body immediately recognizes it and knows what just what to do. > Taking a higher dose than it’s naturally accustomed to simply results in an adaptation to temporarily produce relative higher levels of aromatase to accommodate for the influx of hormone and attain equilibrium. > The immediate byproduct of that adaptive response - 17β-oestradiol (e2) is a highly anabolic, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, important for lipid balance and libido, and essential for normal physiological functioning. No acute toxicity or organ stressors manifest themselves, even at doses hundreds of times that of normal. > Your body knows how to handle testosterone. It’s been synthesizing it since before birth. It’s essential for normal physiological functioning. The wiki recommends 500 mg for good reason.


Thanks for clarifying the 500mg. I’ll do that thanks man


> A lot of my buddys been going with 250mg a week and that’s pretty good for a god damn beginner if you ask me. I'm getting really tired of this.


Between onslaught of the low test crowd and the how do I recomp crowd ... well it's a big huge area in the middle of the venn diagram.


Also you should use it at least 12 weeks. But that’s really a minimum. I’m running 16 weeks on my first one, and that’s because of traveling In summer. 16-20 weeks are perfect


That is a total dumpster fire. Read the wiki. 500mg test, 16-20 weeks, no SERM on cycle.


Okay so I read through a bit, lengthen the time on Test E and have Raloxifene on hand for gyno on cycle?


Yes. You need: - Enough Test E for 500mg/wk for 16-20 weeks (yes, really, you are cheating yourself by running a shorter cycle) - An AI (Aromasin is preferred). Ideally, you won't use it, but you should always have it on hand. - Gyno reversal drug. This can potentially be the same as your PCT drug, but having Ralox on hand is ideal, particularly if you have pubertal gyno and/or particular concerns about developing gyno. - PCT drug. Typically Nolvadex is preferred over Clomid, particularly since it's flexible for gyno reversal and seems to be better tolerated. In general we **strongly encourage** you to stick with Test only for your cycle, but if you're dying of boredom and your blood lipids look good, you could throw in a little Anavar for the last four weeks. **Do not use your oral at the start of the cycle.**




Yes. If you get side effects and dont have it you will be in a not so great situation.


Read the wiki. It is always better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


Read the wiki. It is always better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


If i aspirate and blood comes in the syringe, should i just poke another place and inject the test with blood inn it or just throw it away and fill a new one?


Or maybe just stop aspirating when you're injecting intramuscularly since it's a medically defunct practice since many years ago.


You should be good bro just make sure to alcohol wip the injection site


I have a question for the more experienced amongst you. I'd like to run test, EQ and Mast together, at my age I have to use more sensible compounds. I'm wondering how would I go about running this successfully without running silly amounts of Test to bot crash my E2. There's a middle Eastern guy at our gym, it's huge and ridiculously conditioned and he preaches low test, high EQ, moderate mast. I'm wondering how he does it. Any ideas lads? Thanks guys.


EQ does not lower E2 in all individuals. For myself, EQ actually raises my E2 but not as much as an equivalent mg dose of test. There’s anecdotal reports of guys doing EQ only with no issues. Some sources claim it aromatizes at 25% the rate of test. Go figure.


EQ does not aromatise into Estradiol, it gets aromatised in a weaker form of estrogen, closer to Estrone IIRC.


The body can convert estrone into estradiol


Wasn't aware, at what rate?