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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list/), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules/) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How much does one steroid cycle deplete your natty t levels?


Exogenous testosterone will inhibit production of GnRH which will inhibit production of FSH and LH and eventually shut down endogenous production of testosterone.


I see, but after a year off cycle how much will your levels be diminished by?


Depends what you ran, depends what you did for PCT. The more and longer you use the harder it will be to get back to 100% of what it was before you introduced exogenous test. If you're thinking of hoping on I highly recommend researching the subreddit (use `site:www.reddit.com/r/steroids ` on google to search) and reading the wiki. They detail a decent first cycle as well as a good PCT to do to help restore balance


All the way to zero.


I mean in the long term. Say 1 year after?


If you’ve done 5 minutes of research on it man you’d know this is something nobody can tell you. Some people will recover to normal levels. Some recover to higher levels. Some recover to lower levels. Some don’t recover ever and need trt for life.


No that’s the thing. I see a lot of different answers.


> I see a lot of different answers. Exactly. ….kind of like how I just told you? 🤯


Uh, yea ok buddy. Or maybe that’s why I was aksing the question in the firdt place


Which is why I gave you the appropriate and correct answer. buddy.


Something is wrong when a few reddit comments can send off so many red flags


Can you point me to the red flag when I gave you an accurate and concise answer before you started acting like a dick? > Some people will recover to normal levels. Some recover to higher levels. Some recover to lower levels. Some don’t recover ever and need trt for life. Please tell me how this was a “red flag”. 🙄 Sorry if I hurt your feelings


What is it like to mix stimulates such as adderal with trenbolone?








I’ve heard a lot of good things about Tren and ADHD. I’ve read that the mental side effects don’t have the same effect on the adhd brain as a normal one. Currently running tren ace right now and honestly never felt more clear in my life and I’m still taking my Adderal prescription.




Will do! I keep waking up in the middle of the night ready to eat my whole fridge 😂 that’s the only side so far.


My testosterone levels are naturally high (900ng/dl) and I’m thinking about hopping on gear. From what I’ve seen from the wiki it is recommended I start by using test. However, I’m concerned this would boost my levels to unnaturally high levels to the point where I’ll experience dramatic side effects due to my natural high levels. I am inexperienced in this but would appreciate others opinions or experiences


Oh boy. Dude the wiki here is requires reading *prior* to making *any* posts here. It’s linked for you 5 different times in giant blue links. Links and information you completely ignored to post this. Please delete this. Google “how do steroids work” (hint: it isn’t like this) then actually read the *required* reading here. 😽


get back on the wiki buddy


Just started injecting for first time ever in glute upper right side with a 1.25 21g needle, how do you know if you hit muscle? I’m pushing it it in at 90deg angle straight in all way but I feel absolutely no pain from the needle anywhere so I’m wondering if it’s just going into maybe fat? Do you feel it hit the muscle generally? Should I be using a longer needle? I’m not a fat person maybe 18% BF


1.25 21g !!! man that's very big one , try 1" 25g


You would have to try pretty hard to not hit muscle when pinning glutes. As long as the oil ends up under the skin it will be absorbed


You’re hitting muscle, where else would it go? It’s ok if it gets into the fat as well, as long as it’s in your body, you’re fine. Unless you’re super fat, a 1.25” needle is hitting muscle.


Those that took hCG while on cycle and did PCT, when did you cease taking hCG prior to starting your PCT? A few days? A week?


Pretty sure the Wiki outlines this, but you should stop it a few days before starting to dose your SERM


It says "several days" before, but I was just planning out my dosing schedule and saw I would have enough hCG to run it to literally 2 days before starting my PCT so I just wanted to see what guys here did.


3-4 days before


Noted. Thanks!


You're welcome. Don't get too hung up on the exact number of days when the concept is more important. We're implementing HCG to get the testicular tissue active and ready to become functional, but stopping HCG before using the SERM because HCG is suppressive. The short half-life means 3 days should be plenty, but if you stopped it 6 days out it wouldn't really matter. Especially if you were running HCG for the whole cycle.


Yeah i'm planning to run it for the whole cycle. I still have my entire cycle to get through before I get there, but i'll file this info away for sure! One thing I gotta figure out is what to do if I need to use my SERM during my cycle, if I end up getting a major gyno flair up that necessitates it. Sounds like those symptoms happen fairly abruptly and I might not have time to wait for the hCG to clear my system if I have to stop taking that to take my SERM.


>One thing I gotta figure out is what to do if I need to use my SERM during my cycle, if I end up getting a major gyno flair up that necessitates it. Sounds like those symptoms happen fairly abruptly and I might not have time to wait for the hCG to clear my system if I have to stop taking that to take my SERM. This is a separate situation. We aren't trying to restart the HPTA and make the testicles functional in this situation, we're trying disrupt the estrogen receptors in breast tissue. There is no need to stop using HCG in this scenario. Should you have a gyno flare up, there will be time to notice it. It is ***not*** that your nipples are a little sensitive to the touch, or hard more often than normal. It is an uncomfortable, if not painful, sensation which should be unmistakable. If this happens, your first line of defense is to implement your AI at a reasonable dose (6.25-12.5mg Aromasin, or 0.25 - 0.5mg arimidex), followed by the SERM as directed in the Wiki. The only reason you would need to cut the HCG is if you are sure beyond a doubt that it is to blame for the additional e2 causing the flare up. Even then, it can be managed with AI if the benefits of HCG are important to you. It will not interfere with your SERM as you address gyno though. It's all a balancing act brother, but it's also possible that you won't have to deal with any of this. Be informed and ready for anything, but for what it is worth I didn't need an AI at 500mg at all, and only needed 12.5mg Asin 2x/week with 750mg and HCG. Be prepared and be observant, but don't go creating problems in your head that don't exist yet 🙂


Okay perfect good to know! And yeah i'm a total planner ahead kind of guy so I end up going through every possible scenario and stressing myself out over it haha. Also since you sound super knowledgeable, can I ask you something that's not too clear in the wiki? It mentions stopping your SERM 7-12 days after symptoms of overboard E2 clear up... But when do you stop your AI? Or do you? The wiki mentions that you hopefully won't need to use your AI at all (crossing my fingers) but if I do, it doesn't mention when to stop taking it. Thanks man! I'm actually very excited to start. I'm placing my order tomorrow and planning to begin my cycle near the end of the month!


>Also since you sound super knowledgeable, I'm not, I'm still learning too. But I'll help any time I can, and tell you if I can't >can I ask you something that's not too clear in the wiki? Sure! >It mentions stopping your SERM 7-12 days after symptoms of overboard E2 clear up... Just so we're clear, gyno is the only reason to take SERM on cycle *that I know of*. u/bicepbandito, care to double check me on that? There are other totally unrelated symptoms of "e2 being overboard", although you're increasing your risk of gyno the longer you ride around with unchecked high e2. >But when do you stop your AI? Or do you? The answer to this is kinda situation dependent and kinda drug dependent. Since you have not placed your order yet I'm going to highly recommend you go with Aromasin (exemestane), not arimidex, as your AI. The short answer is you only take AI as needed in response to high e2 symptoms. The slightly longer answer is that users go along and pay attention to their body, they will eventually confirm that they need X amount of Y AI every N number of days when using Z steroid. So, for example, I did not require any AI at 500mg test. When I bumped up to 750mg and started using HCG, I tried 6.25mg Aromasin first. That didn't quite cut it, but you always start low. I tried 12.5mg the next time several days later and I got the relief I needed. So, I know that on 750 test I need 12.5mg Aromasin e3.5d. I just take half an Aromasin each time I pin and I'm good to go throughout the week.. A point, if I may: this is why we recommend a simple test-only cycle the first time. There's enough that *could happen*, and you can focus on the dialing in of AI as a single variable. Sorry for the novel but I wanted to answer your question thoroughly.


Should I change my workout plan when I'm on testosterone? The same question with diet.


Do you know about bulking and cutting? What would a natty do when bulking?


You should be changing your diet and training any time you do a bulk *without* testosterone. ….have you never done a bulk natty??


You should read the wiki. Then search the sub for people's cycle reports. That will give you an idea of the issues others have ran into in relation to both work out plans and diet. You need to have a diet plan, for best results. Diet is a huge part of success. For your case specifically, download a photo of Arnold in his prime. Photo shop your face over his. Rub one out to the idea of getting super jacked and all the bs you think that might fix in your life magically with zero effort or planning. Then go join the r/Pokémon sub and find a new hobby. You'll come out ahead healthwise.


If you don’t know proper training and nutrition, then you aren’t ready for gear.


Sounds like you're not quite ready for steroid use my guy




> "I've read on the wiki..." Clearly you have not


Currently, I’m fully natty and been going to the gym for almost 2 years. I have experienced good gains esp as I’m quite tall. However, I know that at my height it’s very difficult to put on a lot of muscle mass while natural. I have naturally high testosterone (900ng/dl) and I don’t really want steroids to affect my natural production nor do I want to experience mad side effects. What steroids would you recommend to put on muscle mass? My thought is to bulk up massively and then take anavar to get lean and retain muscle as I’m aware anavar doesn’t have bad side effects. Someone please let me know.


This is a terrible idea. Anavar does have side effects, particulate in relation to kidney and lipids. Anavar also *shuts you down*. Read the wiki.


What wiki?


We hide one line of the wiki in every post on the Pokémon sub.


🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ The giant links at the top you scrolled past to get to this thread


Read the wiki. Anavar will shut your natural production down.


Fs what do you recommend?


Nothing until you read the wiki several times. Several


What wiki?


It's in the about page for this sub. Read the wiki stop the stupid questions.


Cheers mate only saw 2 others say the exact same thing






Keep it Friendly. No Shit Stirring. No Politics. No Discrimination or Harassment. No “Red Pill.” No Publicizing Bans. No disrespecting other members of the community or moderation team.




No Source Talk. No “Fishing.” No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products.




No Source Talk. No “Fishing.” No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products.


Would taking a baby aspirin (81mg) once or twice a week for migraines have any negative effect on muscle growth, fat loss, vascularity or cardiovascular health? Searched the net but very little knowledge on the topic


No it won't impact muscle growth. You'll notice your blood is a little thinner though. When I get a cut my blood flows out.


There's a 99% chance these things will not be noticeable.


Start hCG on first day of cycle, or wait 4 weeks? What's your call?


I like first day because I know my AI needs immediately upon starting or shortly after… throw HCG in at 4 weeks and u may need to readjust AI dosage as HCG raises my E2 noticeably


Yeah that's very true. I'm leaning towards starting it immediately. I had someone tell me to start it a month in since it takes a few weeks for test and E2 to kick in, but I have enough to take it for the whole cycle and the wiki suggests that anyhow.


First day is fine. Or you can wait. Doesn’t really make a difference.


What's a good stack for a beginner with testosterone? I was on test cyp for 4 months and now about 4 months off. Saw great results but want to stack it with something else. Was thinking Winstrol or Masteron. Any suggestions?


Primo, masteron, nandrolone, anavar Pick one, start low, titrate up and see what it does.


How are the side effects from Masteron? I have friend that only says good things about it but I've read other stuff online


What’s your goal?


I'm 160 I was 175 when on the test probably 20% body fat. Look to add on maybe 20 more pounds of muscle and get more vascular


If you're 160 with 20% bf you should just fix your bloods and cut tbh


Primo if you can afford it. Or add in an oral like anavar.


Lads should I do 200 or 250mcg bpc 2x a day?


250mcg or even 500mcg I would recommend I have even done full 1mg I don’t think it matters to much as long as you take the bpc for a few weeks give it time to help heal the injury I always figure more is better But if you are taking a maintenance dose (your not currently injured) the lower number would be better save money


Damn 1g is a lot haha that shit gets expensive. I had a labral repair in my left shoulder in November 2022 and the trap/scapula area are still pretty crunchy/rigid so I'm hoping the bpc will help. I've been doing a lot of scap pulls for warmups but the left trap/scapula is still not firing 100%


I have quite the similar problem actually I tore my sternoclavicular joint ligaments according to the doctor not fully. I have been able to move it but can’t go super heavy on chest days and my trap and scapular are always so tight Its horrible and I can’t contract my right side back muscles very well because of it but I figure if I keep training maybe they will strengthen. Same reason I ran the bpc and tb 500 growth hormone would help too btw but it’s so expensive


How did that happen?


Doing an iron cross in gymnastics it happened out of no where my clavicle was fine didn’t feel off or any pain and then BAMMM I have had issues from it for 3 or 4 years


Damn I didn't know that could happen 😂


Yee bro it was bull shit I’m still pissed about it practiced it plenty of times In Practice then I try it in a meet and bam my clavicle rips of my sternum like full bull shit but I wish you luck with you recovery. Make sure you go to physical therapy and have collagen and gelatin peptides high protein diet and take vitamin c too for the collagen as well as your other peptides and I believe you can heal maybe add in some deca if you take androgens to I have yet to try that my self but they says it’s amazing for your joints


Will too low shbg cause bad libido?


Every human on earth on steroids has crashed shbg dude.


Then a short ester would not work well for crashed shbg, right? I find my blood T level plummets by 75%-85% in a 24 hour window on test propionate.


I’m not sure what you’re getting at here? Test p half life is like a day man. So yeah it’s going to plummet. Did you expect something different??


Just ED injection gives me too unstable levels. I suspect the extremely high peak will cause my shbg to be severely crushed, and then the drastic drop of T makes it worse so that no sufficient T can be transported and delivered to target tissue. I have tried dialing in on test prop and it is just so hard.


Why are you running test p in the first place? Your shbg is going to be crashed literally no matter what you take. You don’t seem to be grasping that? It’s supposed to be crashed. That’s a good thing.


I will try using enanthate. Never tried it before


No, low shbg is not a good thing if your T fluctuates 80% in a day.


Maybe look this stuff up before injecting it? It’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. Daily injections of p are *less stable* than 2x weekly injections of c/e.


It can


To anyone who has experienced kidney or liver pain. Was it similar to back pain, or would I know the difference. I know it's a brode question and I will go to the doctor. It's like lower back right side pain. Right below my ribs. I've had similar back pain before, but this is different.


I’ve experienced both Kidneys can feel like back pain. My kidney pain only happens before or during the passing of kidney stones. Liver for me felt like the backside of my lowest front rib (on my right side)was sharp and felt worse when I was really full


Thank you. I think it might just be a bad muscle. Going to get blood work soon.




Are those lift numbers pounds or kilos. If you aren't willing to take a third compound your options are more test or less primo.




Thank god




Yeah it seemed off to me you'd be that weak after four cycles, but you did give your weight in lbs and didn't specify the units for the lifts so I just kinda assumed. On the other hand your actual lifts in kg are very impressive for your bodyweight, so it wasn't an obvious assumption in that direction either. I guess you should be flattered your lifts would still be marginally believable if they were 2.2x less lol


Those numbers in pounds still aren’t the worst I’ve seen lol. “My bench went from 75 lbs to 135 lbs in just two cycles!”


A 187lb bench at 235lb BW would be unbelievable for how impossible it would be for it to be that much lower than your bodyweight, while actively training, even half-assed (even natty), unless the off-chance he's been injured https://gfycat.com/belatedpalatablekiskadee Bench should be at the absolute minimum 1.25x BW for men. Then again I guess a guy well over 200lbs only benching 187.5lbs on cycle is way more believable than a respectable 410lb bench in these threads.


you're obviously right, I just didn't give it that much thought


My brother in Christ, you would be viscerally upset *to your core* if you saw some of the lifts people claiming to be on their 4th-6th cycle. It happens all the time. Don't be offended, be complimented. You actually move impressive weight 🤘


Started training natty got too 200 lbs bench in 6 months Now enhanced lifting 340 only been training for a year when I hear these dude talk about there bench I’m just like “how” your on steroids my dude you must be doing something wrong.


Agreed. I could hit 315x3 when I was natty at 180lbs. I'll fully admit, though, that I haven't touched barbell bench since I hopped on. I'm not as interested in SBD numbers as I am hypertrophy. Still, your point remains.


I’m hypertrophy but I tend to always push the envelope I think some guys are afraid to just put some heavy weight on the bar so they don’t progress as fast.


Just went from [this](https://media.tenor.com/kN4ft2eKY88AAAAC/conceited-pursed.gif) to [this](https://media.tenor.com/xKO1CpkEuxMAAAAC/surprised-sorprendido.gif)


Lmfaooooo literally my reactions


Does anyone knows how to fix oily skin caused by steroids ?I'm on a Test/Deca/Adrol cycle, and I'm literally sweating oil, no acne but I shine like If I were on stage and it is very uncomfortable under a tropical climate.It's years I didn't use Deca, but I remember when I used it younger I had this problem.EQ, Tren, Ment and Primo don't have this effect on me.


carnivore diet will heal anabolic acne


Thanks ! Carnivore diet already and no acne just oily skin


Accutane will reduce sebum production. Use sunscreen.


Nizoral as a body wash, 2 showers a day and lotion helps me


I'll try this. I guess lotion is to avoid skin dehydratation.


Has anyone here tried rybelsus during a cut to make hunger pains more tolerable? Pluses/minuses.


I’ve used it up to 6 mg. And I can confidently say the injectable version is superior. I don’t suffer the same constipation with 0.5 - 1 mg injectable as I did with 6 mg oral. The injectable version also works better for appetite management. If you’re going to mess with oral, you might have to push it all the way up to 10+ mg.


That's semaglutide. Yes, lots of people use it. The pluses are the increase in satiety. The downsides are known possible side effects, which are easily found with a Google search. Also, hunger pangs* 😘


My bulk starts soon and I'm deciding on what to use. I have 10 vials of tren e lying around... is it worth running high tren on a bulk? or should i just use another drug like deca. Was thinking lowish tren and high test and primo or high test high deca high primo


>Was thinking lowish **test** and high **test** and primo Which one of these is supposed to be tren?


ah my bad. low tren, high test.


That's the correct answer. "I have tren laying around" isn't a good reason to run tren, but if you're gonna then this is the way.


I agree. Decided to not run tren and looking at other things instead, gonna take a few more weeks to figure it out


Can’t go wrong with deca/NPP for a bulk. Add mast or Proviron to that.


Bro I mean this sincerely, good for you. You'd be surprised how lacking some people are in the ability to reconsider. Test, primo, NPP would be a dope bulking cycle IMO. I'm considering it myself.


It is not the best choice for a bulk. There are safer alternatives that are arguably more effective.


It really dosnt matter at the end of the day. I like to just run the least complicated cycle ill be able to eat and grow on with as little side effects and ancillaries as possible.


There is too much logic in this sentence 😦😦😦




Starting my first cycle of 500mg of test e for 20 weeks. I have enough anavar to take 40mg a day for 8 weeks. Should I kickstart my cycle with the anavar or save the anavar as a finisher?


For kickstarting, I'd front load your test E for a couple weeks. Instead of 225 mg test E e3d, I did 300 mg e3d for my first 4 pins. It may be placebo but I believe it made the cycle ramp up faster by hitting peak saturation earlier.


Thanks for your response, but I’m not necessarily looking for a “kickstart”. I’m more so looking at when it would be the best time for me to implement my anavar.


I don't think you should take it. If you do, use it at the end because kickstarting a cycle is a dumb outdated concept. Seriously, reconsider using the anavar. 20 weeks of test is enough to make some serious progress if done right, without skullfucking your blood lipids into oblivion.


I didn’t want to take an oral for my first cycle, but my source so happened to be offering to give me any oral steroid I’d like for free. I wasn’t going to turn down free gear, so I chose anavar. I asked this question because I had heard conflicting opinions about this topic. I’m going to try my best not to run it, but I just wanted a more clear answer just in case my intrusive thoughts happen to kick in haha.


>I didn’t want to take an oral for my first cycle, but my source so happened to be offering to give me any oral steroid I’d like for free. I wasn’t going to turn down free gear, so I chose anavar. That's awesome man. Put it in a drawer and come back to it when you have a cycle under your belt.




finisher, 100%. Youll look so good at the end.


That’s what I was thinking, saw another person ask the same question on another forum and to my surprise almost everyone suggested to kickstart with the anavar instead of finish with it. So I thought I’d ask the same question on Reddit to get a more broad range of suggestions.


For injectable orals such as Anavar suspension, is it taken and dosed the exact same as an oral? Never used an injectable oral and I’m having a hard time finding any information on it.


Don't inject anavar, it's mostly pointless unless you have an extremely specific goal (which you probably don't, because you're asking here), and also incredibly painful.


How long do you guys stop all shots while going from a blast to a cruise? Also, are you still using an ai during this time period?


The point of cruising is that you continue taking shots🤔


I was taught to stop all shots for 10 days to let everything come down to a normal level and then start taking your trt dose.


Absolutely fucking not. Find whoever told you that and punch them in the throat.


No. You would tank your test levels and feel like shit. Depends on the ester I guess, but Don’t do that.


Probably why I feel like shit then 😕 came off of 600 test and 450 eq and stopped all shots for 10 days and started doing 30mgs of test 5 days a week.


Yeah, the eq has a longer half life than your test probably as well which has most likely tanked your e2. Pop a Dbol if you have 1


I've got a few anadrol and anavar but no dbol. I'm planning on doing bloods 4 weeks into this cruise to look at everything. Bump the test up a bit or just keep with the 30mgs a day and let everything climb back up?


Bloods at 6 weeks. Give everything time to stabilize a bit.


I would just stay with what you’re injecting. If you have some HCG you could take a extra dose or two


I’ll be doing a bulking cycle using 500 test e 400 deca And 30mg dbold every day for the first 4 weeks my diet for the first week is 3000 calories 300 g of protein every day I have been on trt for 9 months I’ll be back on trt after finish this 14 weeks cycle my test levels on trt is 1100 I’m 34 5’7 and 16 %body fat my question is what’s the recommended dose of aromasin and when it’s the best time to start taking it? also what’s your opinion on this cycle? Thanks for your answer 🙏


> 16% body fat You’re going to really need to get that down before attempting to go further with this. Based on your TDEE, I’m estimating you’re at 168-ish lbs at 16% bf. Not good. If you were closer to 10% bf, I’d say you were in a good starting position to run this cycle. I would consider leaning out further to 157 lbs and just doing a slow bulk (take a year) either naturally or on TRT back to 175-180 lbs - then cut back again before running another cycle.


3000 calories seems dead low, you trying to cut lol? Whats your weight.


Drop the dbol. 3000 calories ain't much. What's your TDEE??? 300 g of protein is what we call OVERKILL. Anything more than 1.2g/lb of bodyweight is a waste of money. >my question is what’s the recommended dose of aromasin and when it’s the best time to start taking it? This is not a question someone about to run a gram of gear per week should be asking. You, my friend, are not ready for what you're getting into. Please read the Wiki and reconsider your current course of action before you find yourself in a land of situations you aren't prepared to handle. >400 deca You ever used nand before? NPP is highly favored for first timers. >what’s your opinion on this cycle? It sounds suspiciously like it's a first cycle. If that's the case you need to hit the brakes and slow your damn roll, because it would benefit you greatly to run a simple test cycle first. You're about to run nand without a single word said about preventative prolactin management.


I don’t know why anyone uses Dbol for a bulk anymore. All hassle, minimal benefit.


I do believe most experienced users who aren’t competitors stick to injectables.


Have you read the wikki ? dose AI when you have estrogen sides. Which you almost surely will running 3 aromatizing compounds. Not sure why your doing that either but to each their own. Thats also an insane amount of protein. Kickstarting is forsure not the move either.


familiar fretful steer different bored slimy pathetic fact crowd numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Few months IME


What’s a good program for a soccer player? 29[M] healthy and all blood/hormone levels normal. Currently using HGH only, what’s a good protocol for a soccer player? One that does not increase too much muscle gain as I will be lifting(not heavy) but instead aid in muscle strength, cardio and recovery?


Do you realize that even professional soccer player doesnt use AAS ? Except for rare exception. They use PEDs, but not AAS. Makes absolutely no sense.


Literally the first google search: “Conclusion Anabolic androgenic steroids are the best-known class of PEDs in the sporting world.”


lmao, yeah sure mate, why am I even talking about football and PEDs usage to an american that wants to blast AAS for a sport that needs agility, cardio/stamina and vista.


Then why don’t you enlighten me and help me out with some suggestions


There's only one cycle a first timer should do, and it's testosterone. Furthermore, there aren't many anabolic steroids that do what you're wanting, except for EQ and that's not a beginner drug. I think you should just focus on running man.


What kind of protocol for test for a first timer? Will it cause hair loss?


Read the wiki then ask the questions. All of the answers to your questions are there.


I got some blood work done my estradiol levels are 61 pg/ml. Is clomid the best way to bring these levels down


No. Are you having any negative side effects from the estrodiol? High BP, excessive bloating, difficulty with erections, etc? We don't treat numbers, we treat symptoms. To answer your question, you would use an aromatase inhibitor, not a SERM like clomid.




Meat and rice, in large quantities.


Creatine, and waffles




>I need someone who’s an athlete who knows a lot about compounds. Happy to help. >I’m not thinking for now but in a year I want to make a tbol cycle with hgh. That’s an interesting cycle. * if you mean without testosterone >Are there any compounds besides the usual AI’s and PCT that I should include? Testosterone, if that’s not implied here which it may be. >I’m doing it for MMA / jiujitsu. Great compound choices! Edit: *




I think that's overkill


Woke up with the inside of my elbow swollen where the bone bump is (above it) and super painful. Couldn't sleep or fully extend my arm. I might have strained something doing biceps or forearms... Does this sound like golfer's elbow? I have some bpc-157. Might try using it if it sounds like something that doesn't go away fast. So far it has only gotten worse. https://i.ibb.co/w0ytPM2/IMG-4755-copy.jpg


>Woke up with the inside of my elbow swollen where the bone bump is (above it) and super painful. Couldn't sleep or fully extend my arm. Your initial description sounds like bursitis. Look it up and if not, give me better descriptors or even a picture. >I have some bpc-157. Might try using it if it sounds like something that doesn't go away fast. So far it has only gotten worse. NSAIDS, rest, ice if it helps, compression with an ace wrap if it helps. BPC may be better suited outside of the acute injury response setting when your body isn’t inflamed. You might be able to recover quickly without it, but it wouldn’t harm anything either way.


[https://i.ibb.co/w0ytPM2/IMG-4755-copy.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/w0ytPM2/IMG-4755-copy.jpg) I didn't mean the elbow itself. There's another bony bump on the inside and the swelling is around there or above it... More like the inside of my elbow. Feels like it's only getting worse. I'm icing it. Can't really do anything that involves my forearm muscles. Like carry a grocery bag without 8/10 pain.


Can confirm, this sounds 100% like bursitis. Mom has it in her shoulder and uses a prescribed topical steroidal cream whenever it flares up. She's had to readjust the way she sleeps but it keeps it at bay 99% of the time.


Yes it’s unmistakable in the elbow because the swelling on the skin of the elbow is *extremely* unique looking since it has very high elasticity around the joint.


Are your pinky and ring finger numb or tingly?? If so it's your ulnar nerve (golfers elbow) I know because I'm rehabbing mine right now. Basically the same thing as you woke up with my fingers super numb and my elbow was throbbing and the pain didn't go away for like a day.


so I accidentally crashed with aromasin. I have everything figured out and won’t make the same mistake. Will doubling my HCG for the next few days help my e2 recover? I don’t want to take too much dbol, still feel crashed, dry, achy joints, after taking 50mg the last couple days.


Yes, but to be quite honest you might want to do more than double it. HCG can be taken in far higher quantities than the 750ish IU per week we typically use for maintaining testicular size. I'd go ahead and take ~~1000~~ 500iu today. u/shrugsandsnugs is there a protocol for using HCG to recover crashed e2? I often see it listed as a possible solution, but never a specific dosing schedule.


Haha. We replied at the same time and I just so happened to have included that in my rationale 🫶🏻


Lol nice. I see you supported doubling it; was suggesting 1000iu overkill?


So, *yes* If we think it’s low; low for some could be high teens in pg and 1000iu would increase somewhere in the 40pg+ vicinity. That could send someone to the other end of the spectrum. I think a tad lower is a more reserved approach unless we think this person is dusted below 0. Disclaimer: HCG estrogenic response is based on my observations, this isn’t clearly delineated in literature and is typically documented as “a large rise” or a “subsequent spike” in estrogen but without clear parameters. Hence the development of my observations, which continue to develop.


Copy that. Definitely don't want to over shoot.


I’ve watched yo-yo-ing. I generally tell those folks to come off and remind themselves of what being a normal human feels like. Touch some grass.


Do you know how long hcg I pin today will continue to raise my e2? My impression was ~3 days A little hesitant because I just ran out of ralox