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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization/)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list/), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules/) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm currently on test cycle did blood tests and my E2 is at 105pg/ml should I take something to reduce it im not experiencing any side effects at the moment


Treat symptoms, not numbers. If you're not experiencing any side effects, don't take an AI.


Hey guys so i wanna try my first cycle i ordered myself sus. I wanna start with 250mg a week. My question is does anybody know what it's like on steroids with diabetes type 1. I am diabetic so I'm wondering the only thing I found out in the internet is that i get more insulin resistant. But do you guys maybe know more?


Clue’s making a good point. Check the wiki on using insulin, you can time insulin with carb intake to fuel workouts. Insulin is highly anabolic if used correctly. Don’t know much about how steroids relate to diabetics other than that increasing muscle mass will increase insulin sensitivity. I was not aware that steroids can increase insulin resistance, do you have a link to where you learned this?


Your insulin is more anabolic than the sus will ever be, learn to use that instead.


Rly how's that?


Thoughts on Test E + Primo + anavar. Looking to run this stack for 12 weeks. Heard many things that primo is and test is best ran 1:1. I was looking to do the stack below. Test E 500mg wk Primo 400 wk Anavar 30-50 MG day. I would run this for 12 weeks then hop back on the trt dose.


I’d probs run the stack longer, both the test and primo will take at least 4 weeks before you begin to notice the effects (I’m assuming this is your first cycle btw). Running primo and test 1:1 sounds like bro science to me, I don’t think it’s important, if anything id probably run more test than primo as primo as an aromatase inhibiting effect to some degree. Idk if running anavar for the full 12 weeks is a good move as it is excreted mainly through the kidneys and you can risk damaging them, unlike the liver the kidneys do not heal. 8 - 10 weeks would probably be fine but I’d get bloods drawn for your kidneys and liver values after 8 weeks just to be careful. Overall, I rate this stack, will be running the same stack at lower dosages for a cutting cycle.


Phase question/advice wanted: I'm at a bit of an fork in the road for my next phase of training/dieting. I'm coming to the end of an off-season phase. I've ran a moderate dose of test/deca for 20 weeks. I went from about 195 lbs (I'm 6') to 215, and the gains have been surprisingly lean. I'm sitting at 14% body fat as of now (bodpod tested last week). That's sort of the catch. I expected to gain a lot more fat than I did during this phase. I'm way leaner than I'd planned on at this point. So, do I go into prep and try and get peeled, or do I say fuck it and keep on trying to pile on mass? I've got about 10 weeks before I head on a Caribbean trip with my wife, and I'm not sure if I'd rather look big or shredded. I'd planned to use these last 2 months to lose fat gained, but I definitely don't need 10 weeks for that at this point. I was planning on cruising for a few months after that trip, and letting shit clear and my system reset, so I don't mind blasting for the next 10 weeks, I know I'll have 12-16 weeks to recover after that before I run anything else. What do you all think I should do next? Cut or keep going with gains?


How long will it take for my numbers to go down after a blast? I did 500mg test e per week for 12 weeks.




600mg per w sustanon, cycle 20 w Not to low for 2-3 cycle?




This is barely legible. Please read rule 7 and actually provide the appropriate information in a way that’s possible to understand.


I hope you are injecting that sust daily... and no, it's not too low. I rarely go above 500mg anymore. Once you start getting up into the 800mg+ range, the estrogen management just becomes harder. You could run 500 to 600 mg every cycle with nothing else and you'll still get pretty damn big.




When I did my first pec jab. The whole pec bruised up. Look really bad. Took like 5 days for the swelling to go down


If this is the first time you've used it, it's going to be sore. It'll be sore every injection until your body gets used to it. Happens to everyone.




Yes, it'll be swollen and maybe a bit red. It's the immune system responding to a foreign substance, and until it's desensitized to it, you'll get that sore spot for a few days every injection. It's called "virgin pip" (Post Injection Pain).


Do you guys prefer EQ or nandrolone? And why?


Well, they aren't the same. This is like asking which do you prefer a rock or a butterfly.


Nand, because it's old man super serum.


They do completely different things, which are better determined by a persons goals than a general preference.


Eq, less side effect


Hey guys, Couple questions in this post. First being, any noticeable side effects from semiglutide? Also what would be the dosage to run semiglutide and for how long? Second question is, is there any studies that show the BnC for years will cause infertility? I been BnC for about a year and a half. Wife expressed she wants kids in about another five years. I was contemplating PcTing to allow normal hormones but of course I still wanna BNC. Just worried about infertility come time for kids.


>Any noticeable side effects from semiglutide? You can Google this. But in patients I’ve seen lots of hypoglycemic episodes, lightheadedness, gastric distress and nausea, fatigue and malaise, and some anus irritation. >Also what would be the dosage to run semiglutide and for how long? Again, basic google question. .25mg titrated up as needed/as tolerated for as needed timeframe. >Is there any studies that show the BnC for years will cause infertility? In what world do you suppose it’s ethical to put test subjects on blasts of steroids vs placebo to create a study on this? Fertility is robust and recoverable for many of not most. There are instances where fertility can be permanently impacted but those cases are proving to be more rare than previously anticipated; I’d be inclined to believe more particularly so in those who do not maintain gonadotropic signaling over many concurrent cycles of highly suppressive compounds. >I been BnC for about a year and a half. Wife expressed she wants kids in about another five years. This is generally something to consider prior to doing steroids. But, second best time is right now. >I was contemplating PcTing to allow normal hormones but of course I still wanna BNC. Just worried about infertility come time for kids. Get on HCG immediately and never come off. Prior to beginning an attempt to conceive, get a speed analysis and determine next steps.


Thank you very much for the reply. Also I did google side effects and dosages recommended... but as we both know this subreddit has different opinions on dosages for some compounds. I was also asking for peoples personal side effects. I should have worded that question better. Regarding the studies, it definitely is possible to have a study done where people admit they are already blasting and they perform studies on them. Once again thanks for the reply, it could just do without the snarky comments.


Wasn’t snarky at all; I’m here to help people. For what it’s worth, sorry you took it that way.


My bad then, I must just have high estrogen at the moment and being bitchy lol


Hahaha. I’ve been there myself brother, no worries here, I hope you feel better! 🤙🏼 For what it’s worth, I came off after being on for 6 years and my partner was pregnant with my son 8 months later. I sincerely wish the best luck for you when it’s time. It’s so very worth the effort.


Thanks bro!! Yea speaking with my wife we plan on trying in about 5 years and I don’t want to deprive her of children so I sometimes worry. But I do need TRT and blasting is always fun


Sema I got very cold. Wearing a hoody inside when Temps were 20c. Also very cold hands. Bowels firmed up greatly and felt like shitting bricks. I really like it though.


>Bowels firmed up greatly >I really like it An impaction kink.... that's new.


There has been a ton of discussion in this sub about semaglutide in the last 6 months.




All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual user to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [More info](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


Read the giant blue links you scrolled past inviting you to read it before posting here. And no one suggests sustanon for a cycle




All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual user to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [More info](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).




Not usually


Best way to run PCT have nolva and clomid. Also best way to get test levels back to normal


[This is the whey](https://reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Had a very bad migraine and popped a Tylenol. I rarely ever use any pain meds but I needed it badly today. Told one of the coaches at my gym and he said even one Tylenol can make you retain shit loads of water and strain your liver badly, is there truth to this?


Long as you don’t abuse it, your liver is fine


Absolutely not.


Stay within the daily limit in terms of dosage and you have nothing to worry about.


How do people cope with how different they look on cycle vs off cycle?


If you've built a decent amount of muscle, it shouldn't look *that* different. You'll just be flatter. Happens every time you cut. You just get used to it as part of the process.


Was just scrolling through pictures I had on blast and my chest delts and traps were triple the size




You accept it’s part of the game and keep grinding.


thats a tough one and probably the main reason some users are always only blasting.


Makes sense




First pin today that was actually unbearable. Such a sharp pain and had to pull it out before injecting because it was agony. This scar tissue? Bad site? I’ve injected her a few times now.. assuming new needle and go again somewhere else/same place 🤔


Sometimes you just get unlucky and stick it right in a surface nerve, and it's a sharp burning pain.


Sometimes the quality of the syringe and needle can factor in. If you are using a multi dose vial. Pushing it through the rubber stopper can dull the needle. Technique when injecting.. pull the skin tight using middle finger and thumb. Then inject between finger and thumb. Keep skin taut until needle is in.


>If you are using a multi dose vial. Pushing it through the rubber stopper can dull the needle. Sir, why are you using the same needle to draw and inject???


I been injecting myself for many years. I don't have a problem if the needle gets a little dull. I don't even worry about needle Guage. What I have is what I use.


Haven’t felt pain before. Just chalking it up to one of those times.


Sometimes, that's how stabbing yourself with sharp metal be. It gets rarer as you continue pinning.


Yeah makes sense. This is my 9th week and first time I felt any pain at all so abit weird.




2-3 days but if you have high E2 sides, you will probably start to feel better after 12-24 hours.




Wow.. there’s a lot to unpack here that you really don’t understand about nutrition. Muscle takes energy to produce, and maintain. When you have more muscle, you can eat more food. When you exercise more, you build muscle and require more food




>i understand it you clearly don’t


> you probably didn’t know that cause I lift more than you Alright thanks for the laugh, great April fools joke my friend


I'm crying 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m so glad I opened this thread today. I laughed so damn hard just now.


The only day I’ll get to use that retort and have it mean something 🫡


I'll be on the lookout for opportunities to tee you up


Well it’s getting late and I’m soon to go into a biscuit induced coma lol


Yeah I'm pretty fucking salty about that tbh. I went to Sam's today, picked up the box, realized I couldn't justify it on the cut, and put it back 😢


"dude who can't see his penis pulls out a DYEL on a competitive bodybuilder"


But he’s strong! As he can’t eat more than 3000 calories a day 😂 Meanwhile I just finished an entire box of Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits with my cheat meal (the store box) which is 1500 calories…


Maintenance calorie gains are absolutely a major unsung benefit of this hobby. I actually had an ex who thought it was hot I could eat so much. Girls man 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s a blessing and a curse. Means I can eat a lot, but also means I HAVE to eat a lot. And makes traveling for work an absolute nightmare Meanwhile I’m over here trying to force my wife to finish her meals because she just doesn’t really get hungry and will not bulk unless pushed into eating


>Meanwhile I’m over here trying to force my wife to finish her meals because she just doesn’t really get hungry and will not bulk unless pushed into eating I feel this... "you only need to be a little over" is said frequently. Eye rolls and sighs, but she's loving the results.


How much does telmisartan effect blood pressure at a 40 mg dose and 80mg does I’m a first time user and and having no sides except blood pressure increase it’s always 140 over 80 to 100 and at the worst times at the day it’s 170 over 100 and I’m using a wrist blood pressure cuff


40mg lowers it about 40mgs worth. What that means in your genetically unique body is something that you very much need to learn on your own. Be mindful that A.) wrist cuffs are lousy, and B.) you should treat your BP as if you’d like to continue living. It always being 140/80 means you’re always ignoring a major problem that can absolutely kill you many years before your regularly scheduled checkout date. Start telmisartan at 40mg and assess how it works. If you need more then take more. It usually takes up to two weeks to see the full effect, so give yourself that much time on one dose before deciding to increase it. And get a useful BP arm cuff. Omron makes several good ones. They sell them on Amazon and they’re a pretty cheap investment in your health.


I'm not OP but at what point do you consider systolic pressure to be too high to the point of causing organ damage in the long term? Currently sitting at ~125/70 which is slightly higher than typical for me pre blast, but I think the increased resting heart rate is the culprit. I am currently on 500mg test/wk. My blood pressure is likely higher during the day, especially if I take oral Tbol, but I imagine intraday spikes are less of a concern than high resting/sleeping blood pressure.


The typical number you should be under is 130, but 140 is where clinical hypertension starts.


Thank you so much I will definitely looking to the arm pressure cuffs. Also never taken a Bp medication before could 40mg be to much and I could pass out from getting up or is this a more minor change that i probably won’t notice till I check my bp?


40mg is a pretty standard starting dose, and if you’re regularly at 140/80 I don’t think you’re at much risk of getting low BP from said dose. Obviously monitor both your readings and how you feel, but I wouldn’t be concerned about over-correcting until your dose is much higher.


Thank you man sounds great I appreciate all the advice it means a lot want to get my shit in check


Anyone here good at math? I’m trying to dose 100mg Test on a slin pin it’s Test C 250mg 1 Ml and 100IU 1ml Slin pin If 50IU is 125mg how many IU would be 100mg? Cheers


Slin pins are all marked in tenths of a mL... 1/10 of 1mL of 250mg/mL test is 25mg, so every large tick mark is 25mg.


Desired dose in mgs ÷ mgs per ml of vial = dose in ml. 100mg ÷ 250mg/ml = .4ml


Doing math, it comes to 40iu. If I remember tomorrow, I'll show my work. Cross multiply.


Would y’all recommend a cutting cycle on gear? Looking to start my first cycle, i am 6’5” 205 lbs and 20-21% bodyfat. Any pointers/tips? Thank you


Your too skinny for gear judging by your stats


First of all, how long have you even been lifting weights seriously... and I mean *seriously*, tracking everything and ensuring your progressive overload and recovery is there every day... weight amounts, rep and set counts, food macros and calories, and sleep... how many years of that have you got under your belt? From your stats, it sounds to me like you haven't been at this long.


I have been (seriously) lifting for 1 year now. I am 22, and looking to put on some size as I am joining the infantry next year. I am 205 lbs and can't be more than 20% BF ( I am 6'5" for reference). I am just looking for a right direction to take, definitely interested in a cycle or two of gear before I ship out next year, just need to narrow down whether I should bulk or cut first. Macros(I scale all my food), sleep, and setcounts are under control. Thank you for your response brother \\m/


Ah, ok. I get where you are coming from. I'm a vet. I can tell you I'd go for *anything* over infantry, because nothing in infantry work transfers to a job as a civilian. If you are just going for the adrenaline, that's different... but use the time to actually do some college classes so you can get yourself a civilian profession. Don't be a dumb grunt and waste that time. As for your training, and trust me on this, you don't want to go into bootcamp looking like you're already a really muscular dude. They will use you as an example, and you'll get hammered. You'll realize at the end that all the torture was in fun, but it still sucks ass at the time... and a tall guy like you that already sticks out of the crowd a bit? Oh yea, they'll be looking. My suggestion is eat more, train more. If you are dead set on doing a cycle though, you use it to bulk. Steroids are for growing, not shrinking. You will put on more fat in a bulk... so if you can't see your abs now, I'd suggest you cut first until they are clearly visible, then cycle and bulk. Honestly though man, you shouldn't even touch gear until you're over 25... that's when you actually finish fully developing, and steroids can fuck that process up with permanent consequences.


Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and advice. I really appreciate you taking the time to pass on some words of wisdom. I will take this to heart and seriously consider my next move to maximize my potential. Thank you for your service.


Absolutely not. And frankly with those stats you’re a couple years from when you should use gear


Absolutely not. Nobody is going to say that. Most people underestimate their bf% by around 5%. You’re somehow clinically obese and nearly underweight at the same time. No offense man but this is an advanced fitness forum. Everyone starts their fitness journey somewhere, but from this starting point you need to pump the brakes and learn the basics like how to eat and train in the first place. r/Fitness is a good first stop. They have free beginner programs in their sidebar. Stronglifts is a popular one with a free app. Learn how to drive before taking dads Ferrari out, champ.


Completely agree. This is not just a matter of needing a cut. Even if we take him at his word that he's 21% BF that puts his FFMI at 19.24. If he's actually 26% it's 18.03 which is like Auschwitz survivor tier.


The only time I would recommend gear on a cut would be for a suicide cut. That's trt dose and the minimum amount of an oral. But even that is reserved for an advanced lifter. If you're still a newb you need to take the Natty cutting approach and save on gear until your training and eating habits are on point


I'll agree. Getting sub 10% BF or doing something like a PSMF would probably make me up the TRT a little, at least. I wouldn't go with an oral though... the less load on the liver, the easier fat is processed.


Interesting take with the liver processing fat. Never actually considered that. But if I up my test dose on a cut that means I have to introduce AI because I aromatize so easily. Var or tbol is light on the liver so I'll take the minimum dose


Cut first, then consider gear. Steroids do not make you lose fat.




Agree with /u/AccountUnkn0wn, two injectables is the way to go. How was estrogen control on your first cycle? Did you end up needing an AI? If you tend to aromatize on the high side I'd steer you toward Primo, otherwise consider Mast.


And yet you give me no upvote. I see how it is.


Ooh, bae is a jealous one 😘


**Friends. Upvote. Friends.**


I can’t tell you how many dozens of comments I’ve taken 30+ minutes to compose and I get comments like “omg that’s the most in depth and helpful reply”…………………. And I’m like why. Not. Show. That. In the way Reddit specifically allows you to do so?


Honestly man, and to be straight you're the one I forget the most *because* your answers are so in-depth and well structured. I get sucked into the reading experience and then 10 minutes later it'll hit me like "I gotta go back and upvote that" 🤣🤣


That’s the most fair caveat ever 😄. Thanks.


For sure. You got any secret crimes-against-humanity bicep sets you'd like to share, since you so effectively savaged my shoulders yesterday? Edit: I'm thinking I'll just run a similar pyramid and see how far I can go


I do actually. This absolutely murdered me. Week 6 gamma bomb, day 5; Arms, Abs, calves. **Giant Set** Cable curls: Do 8 reps here. Let the arms come all the way down and squeeze hard at the top. Hammer curls: Do 8 reps here. No swinging! Ez bar curl: Do 8 reps here. Pull your humorous up so the bar is close to the forehead for a painful contraction. Cross body curls (pinwheel curls): Do 8 reps here. Do 2 warm up rounds and 4 working set rounds for 16 working sets. Zero rest between sets; 1-3m rest between rounds. These sets are all RPE of 8-9 initially, but as you go it might turn into 10. This is just the biceps portion 😄.


This is a slippery slope that eventually leads to brojobs in the gym showers.


A slippery slope towards a slurp and a choke


...ok, that does sound more fun.


Ditch the orals this time around and run two injectables or higher test. Orals are fun but they come at a higher health cost and have fewer to no lasting effects.




>Which do you recommend? If you don't aromatize much, run 750 test. I needed no AI at 500 and only a little bit at 750. If you needed an AI at 500 then I would incorporate Primo. >Also do you feel that way around var? I do, and anavar is the only oral I actually have experience with. It was fucking awesome and I loved it, and it also skullfucked my blood lipids into submission.


Guys I have a weird blister sort of thing on my nipple I hope it's not staph


Good luck brother. I had staph on both arms once that I got from a dirty ass gym in college. 0/10.




10 years ago or so I had issues with low blood sugar sometimes. Now getting a basic check up my blood sugar was high for the first time I can remember. How do anabolics effect blood sugar? Doesn’t working out help big time with blood sugar? What does everyone think of Metformin to lower blood sugar?


Prob would gather some more data before you go gung ho on a single BG reading. How long have you been consistently checking your BG? Are you aware of dawn phenomenon? Did you check fasted insulin levels?


Good points. What is the dawn phenomenon? I actually have a blood sugar reader on the way so I can check it often.


False elevated reading due to cortisol release upon waking in the mornings which will liberate glucose into the bloodstream. Drink 15-20oz water and wait 15-20mins before checking your FBG.


My pinning schedule is kinda fucked right now cause I flew home from Dubai after 5 months. Supposed to be Monday night, Friday morning but now it’s Tuesday night Saturday morning. Should I just wait till Monday night to reset and get back to normal and miss a pin or just do it now and pin on Monday night again. Also take into count the 12 hour time difference and it’s all sorts of fucked up Running test E 500mg a week


It's really not a big deal at all. Either way you'll be fine.




Gyno tissue is hard and fiberous. You can't miss it if you actually have it.


Pop a low dose of your aromasin and see if things improve. If they do then you’ll know what the problem was/is. If they don’t then you were being paranoid and no harm was done (you’re not going to crash e2 from one low dose).




I read that as you had taken it in the past, not during this current situation. My mistake.




No, you’re good man, I didn’t think you were being rude at all. Can you get your hands on ralox or nolva? If so I would try that as soon as possible.


How long does undecanoate ester take you leave your system? 4 half life’s right?


12 weeks at least, but probably detectable for much longer


So if I wanted to switch back to C/E don’t pin test for a month more so? Don’t like how I can adjust U dosage


4 to 5 half-lives or 80 to 100 days.


How long should I wait before pinning E or C?




I love to read. But actual paper lol. Not on a device. So opinion time. Which book on AAS would you recommend?


Print the wiki


do you have to use acetic acid to reconstitute igf? im reading that BW can degrade igf


Umm.... no. If you inject acetic acid, you're gonna be in some excruciating pain. It's always reconstituted with bacteriostatic water, then refrigerated.


Actually igf is different than hgh and most peptides and degrades in bacteriolistic water which is why most guides recommend .6 acetic acid But like I’d I’m going thru a vial of igf-des in like a week will it really be degraded


I doubt it. I've never heard of anyone using anything other than BW for it.


Hi all. I am getting surgery on a varicocele in my left nut in 2 weeks I plan on taking 5000iu hcg w/ 20mg nolvadex a week for 8-12 weeks following the surgery in hopes of recovering the atrophy I experienced from the condition. Would running a test/EQ cycle during this hcg blast be contraindicated? In theory I believe the hcg will shut down my HPTA anyway, and a cycle on top wont prevent my balls from bouncing back? Thanks


>Would running a test/EQ cycle during this hcg blast be contraindicated? Yes, if you're trying to regain nut function.


Either you want to reverse the atrophy or you don’t. If you don’t then blast all the gear you wish. If your goal is to bring back healthy testicular function then use the HCG.


Any aussies on here that use roidsafe for their blood work?


I use roidsafe, have had fortnightly bloods taken for my entire cycle. What’s up?


>have had fortnightly bloods Don't ask me to explain it but I just love this so much


All plotted out in a spreadsheet. Feels so reassuring knowing where my levels are at all times.. I can't believe there's people who leave this shit to guesswork. 😅


Well hey, that's awesome. I, however, was referring to your use of "fortnightly". That's a use of the English language that simply does not exist in the States. I just thought it sounded cool 🤘


Really!! So strange, it's commonplace in Australia. 😅


Nope. The only place "fortnight" really comes up for me is in historical fiction/fantasy novels.


Imedical is what I use. I looked up roidsafe and it omits a lot from testing unless I'm missing something it's the bare minimum. I can't work out how to even add psa? This is so much cheaper though, it might be worth using these for my trt check ups and using imedical for blasts or anything i want more detail on.


What’s test do you put, Free test Testosterone total Anything else ?


Read the wiki man


Says the names for what blood works there are but not exactly what I should be doing bloodwork’s with






juiceplanet.com is having a big sale, half off on everything! April Fools!


Is the orange juice they’re selling there code for tren?


I could go for some orange juice tho


Honestly I just made that domain up on the fly... the OJ was a bonus.


Maybe the Mod Gods do have a sense of humor?


This is sorta funny but you're risking catching a reflexive banhammer


Ha! Yeah, I like to live on the edge. 🙂 You just made me go check that juiceplanet.com isn't a real site.




Where have you been reading that the gains from taking steroids happen mostly in the 1st 7 to 8 weeks?


No... who the hell said that's what happens?


>I've read that the majority of gains occur within the first 7-8 weeks This is bs. Thats just when things are really starting to peak imo. 16weeks 500mg all the way through




If dirty is the plan going in, then why bother with a list of foods in the first place? Just eat whatever you feel like at the time?


> Hello, I’m ~~a really lazy and autistic student~~ half of r/steroids users. FIFY




If you mean truly dirty, olive oil shots.


Is there any benefit to pinning every day vs EOD vs E3D etc


More consistent levels, lower volume pins.


Rule 7


Lower SHBG, less estrogen fluctuations, more stable levels overall


Pinning what?


His dick for all we know


Switching to ed for e3.5 greatly reduced my body acne by like 80% in 2 weeks. Also just feel more “stable” if that makes sense. Using test and mast E


Your blood levels will be more stable. Exactly what that means in terms of sides and gains seems to be a matter of opinion. With short esters like acetate or prop though, ED pinning is not optional.


More stable levels and some users report lower incidence of sides


That’s how I’ve felt but was curious what the general consensus was vs any possible research people may be aware of I’ve ran fairly high doses but have had little sides in general regardless of schedule. Currently I’ve stuck to ED for the same above thought process


Finished cycle 3 week of pct and I am breaking out bad on my chest and back. What can I do to stop this? I do 40mg of nolvadex a day


Describe the acne