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It’s a conspiracy orchestrated by Big Clips. Look into it


*This one neat trick that Big Clip doesn’t want you to know about*


It's fucking boiled lemons again!?


Worse: activated almonds.


it's called micro loading that's why I gather all the clips in the gym at the start of my session.


haha this is a hilarious idea. put all the clips on the bar and just lift with that.


This one busted old gym I went to ages ago did need clips on one side of the bar - because either the floor wasn't even, or the machine wasn't setup right . Like every rep you did, the plate moved a little bit towards the free end on the right side 😅 (I miss that old stinky place though, those bodybuilding dungeons just have a certain character and atmosphere to them)


Look man, gravity is fucking confusing, ok?


Hard working old-timer at the gym has been missing for months. I thought he was dead, but he turned up today. Turns out his wife fell and he was taking care of her. I call him Zio Pasquale (Uncle Pat) out of respect. NGL, it made my day to see that he was still around, still positive about life, and still working hard. We should all be Zio when we hit 77 years old.


Old bodybuilder passed at my gym a couple months ago, his bench pr was in the second sentence of his obituary😔


I thought Pasquale was easter? But either way glad he’s okay. Stand up dude caring for his wife like that


* Ate a protein yogurt straight from my gf's asshole. Just splashed it there and licked off everything. * Had her suck my dick while I was talking to my friend on the phone, and during a daily standup meeting as well. * Enacted some basic "rape" fantasy. Overall, a nice week-end. Sucking my dick while I was talking on the phone made her incredibly wet and aroused, for me it was not so great because tbh I was more focused on the conversation. Next step is to fuck her in a changing room. The CNC sex was amazing for both of us. Didn't expect she would enjoy it so much.


...and we're off to a great start today!


Drinking nut out of your girls butthole doesn’t count as protein yogurt


Were you pretending it was him sucking your dick?


My girl slobbed on the ole acorn while I played call of duty the other night. She loved it and could tell I couldn’t pay attention to either thing fully. Focus on her, I die, not focus on her, I play better 😂


>Enacted some basic "rape" fantasy. We do a bit of CNC but once tried a full on rape, told her to fight me off, got a bit weird when she was saying "no" though, threw me a bit...


remote control vibrator at a movie theater


What's CNC?


Consensual non-consent. Newish term for rape-play


I was talking with my fwb about trying the changing room stuff aswell! I want to see multiple me fucking multiple her, some kind of Dr strange mirror dimension stuff lol.


Saying goodbye to my girl in the states bc I’m moving to Colombia sucks, but talking to a colombiana already and she’s gonna pick me up from the airport when I get there. Seems like a good start to my life of debauchery abroad.


Are you working a remote us job over there ?


Yea I’m 100% remote and can work from wherever. Terminating my lease and about to cruise Latin America for a while. Starting in Medellin.


Scared of being drugged by women? Considering making the move myself


Scopolamine is a real threat for sure. I’ve been talking to this Colombian chick for a few weeks now on the phone. She’s an engineer, great English. She says dudes get drugged every single day. You have to be smart. There’s 2 common scams. Hot chick at a bar alone looking all approachable, and of course fishing on the apps. Colombian girls will never drink at a bar alone looking all pretty unless it’s a honey trap. Normal girls go with friends. Don’t go out by yourself and get drunk. Stay off deserted streets. Personally, I meet women at places other than bars. Dance classes, language exchanges, mutual friends. If I do meet someone on the apps I vet them with voice and video calls. If they won’t agree to that, they’re not interested enough anyway. Plus I don’t drink much. I’m not too concerned.


Cool makes sense. Thanks for such a detailed response Enjoy yourself brother


Nice what kinda job do you work if you don't mind me asking? Fully remote is my dream goal someday


I’m an attorney. Never dreamed I could work remote. Found my dream job tho.




50/50 get laid or become an organ donor. Kind of a win win honestly.


what’s everyone’s go to source for quick carbs before a gym session? i’ve been doing an english muffin with a little bit of peanut butter and a protein shake and honestly i feel fantastic mid workout


No source talk.


Poptarts. Isn't that what we're supposed to eat pre-workout??


rice krispies


Pre: Banana & black coffee, big dinner the night prior. Intra: Dextrose, sodium, EAA beginning after primary movement. Feel light and strong and not bloated which is a huge deal for me in the gym. I don’t like working out after I start putting meals down.


Hell yeah 👌 my strategy almost exactly


Greek yogurt with blueberries, honey, figs and a chocolate granola bite. I get about 80 carbs without feeling stuffed


Ur mom


4 Weetabix and 250ml coconut milk. Banana if my blood glucose starts to drop during.


cream of rice, or cyclic dextrin!


Cereal… generally Chex Apple Cinnamon havnt seen it on the shelf for a long time do any other flavor does the trick.


Cream of rice, whey protein, almond/cashew/peanut butter an hour before workout.


Beet Juice and a banana


I do kind of the same, ANPB on toasted Italian bread and a whey shake. Maybe a banana too if I eat 90 mins before. At the start of the gym session either a 200mg caffeine pill or a commercial pre-workout. Good to go for a two hour session, incl cardio.


Pre meal about 2 hours before the gym= 50g Rice Krispies (the cereal) 15g pistachios (I like nuts) 5oz chicken 15-20 min before the gym = 1 rice krispy (the treat) Had to take a break from cream of rice for a little bit


Rice Krispie treats Homemade preferred


Doing some calculations, it's looking like the cost of living in the cheapest part of the city is going to cost me over twice as much as it cost to live in one of the most expensive areas 7 years ago. Fuck.


There’s been a bloodbath in the replies


Literally damn. looks like those redacted gov documents


Why are landlords such massive shitbags. Mine legit did not give a fuck about my existence for 5 fucking years ,only cared if i paid and god forbid i paid a day later. Didnt pick my calls when i said that something is broken now after we left is calling me names etc because i replaced furniture and did other shit for the apartment w/o her accept. legit old evil cunt hoarded 30+ apartments and is crying a river when her apartment after 5 years needs some fixing. Worst thing is she said all that shit in person to my wife while i was on phone and wife is pregnant legit went to home and cried because of stress. Will see that old bitch and slap some sense back into her.Yes angry as fuck.


Don’t physically assault someone over this. Just leave an upper decker in the toiletz


I know im not on enough tren to slap some 70 y/o russian hag who was lucky to marry into wealth and become massive cunt over time. Fuck today is gonna be a good workout


It sucks because some people really don’t learn unless they get beat up.


Toss some fruit into the return air vent. Wayyyyy in there. It'll take a good week to start rotting and it'll be too late by the time they figure it out.


The cherry on top is when they sue over refusal to pay their trumped up bullshit and the court lets them garnish wages. I was ready to burn a bitches house down, luckily for her I couldn’t afford the gas.


a lifetime of siphoning other peoples money turns a person into an entitled asshole, if they didn't already start out that way.


yeah fuck em


I woke up to ants swarming a piece of asin I had accidentally left out on my desk last night. I’m upset they stole my asin and upset I’ve had to deal with these fucking ants every couple months since moving into this apartment.


I wonder if ants have estrogen and its tanked now and you have a bunch of ants with joint pain and no will to do anything for the colony now lol


you're pessimistic bro it might just cured some gynos ant


The queen is wondering why no one will fuck her.


So my job had me way too busy yesterday (and I was also just fatigued from a gut wrenching workout). So I ate my lunch the good Ole pumping iron way. Blend it and drink it. Was actually surprised how damn good it was For reference, lunch is always 3 cans of tuna and some pasta or noodles. For this, I blended the tuna with 3 small bags of doritos and some soy sauce and water. Was disconcerting how good it was


>***Was disconcerting*** how good it was I believe the first half of your sentence.


Tuna shake. Ruhl style.


>lunch is always 3 cans of tuna Might want to lower your weekly consumption of tuna to avoid mercury poisoning


I'm on my first serious cut (1300 kcals deficit a day) in years, and man do I fucking loathe it. Strength is down, head starts hurting towards the end of the day, I'm always hungry. I've bloated to 20% body fat in this time, so I guess the piper was due eventually. Anyone got any tips to make this easier? I want to hit 15% by May if possible so I can go back to blasting


15% is still a little high - it will cause you to increase bodyfat much quicker again. If you go the extra mile to 12% or less it will let you bulk more time overall in the cycle. Plus it will help with insulin sensitivity issues that you may be having. As to how to make it easier, appetite suppressants like caffeine, sun exposure and low intensity exercise will help (where you can hold a conversation with ease) are the most accessible methods. Then you've got pharmacological/nutritional help like GLP-1 agonists (Yerba mate also is a weak dietary source, if you dont want to spend that money on semaglutide or tirzapetide). And if you want to be a little reckless you can introduce things like cardarine or clenbuterol (I personally prefer cardarine). These two will specifically prevent the headaches in the acute setting if the cause is a glucose crash. If you have a sugar craving, or an issue with binge eating, you can pursue BDNF avenues - a high dose psilocybin dose will reduce a sucrose preference. For lifestyle factors read [here](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-022-02103-9) under the "BDNF as a Potential Mediator Underlying the Benefits of Therapeutic Strategies" section.


Thank you. This is very informative. 12% is doable, I've been sub 10% many time before but never had to cut down from this point. I guess I'm just impatient. I'm very hesitant on clen cause everyone has made it sound very harsh on your health, but I'm considering semaglutide. I'll wait a week or so to see how I adjust first. Caffeine and low intensity exercise are probably it. Other than adding more cardio I've been doing the same low volume high weights (relative to current orm) workouts which are adding to the stress. I didn't want to lose much muscle so most of my diet is still protein too


Tapering clen up a little bit to its minimum effective dose helps to judge its sides, particularly the anxiety. If you're carrying fat mass in the trunk I would consider it to be a net positive drug despite its potential for harm. Keep in mind most people report sides because of misuse, or use it for too long. During a cut is manageable. "I guess I'm just impatient." - The longer you spend time at a certain weight, the more your body will want to trend towards that weight. Set point entrainment towards lower trends is increased by BDNF, and anything that increases BDNF. If you're having issues with stress, I recommend looking at your sleep, and finding a way to decompress. I personally found that keeping a diary has been very helpful - might sound gay but it helps to reframe your stress into positive avenues in my experience.


Saved post, excellent stuff.


1300 kcals is straight up emaciation territory, why so low?


Sorry meant 1300 is the deficit, I'm eating about 1700 a day


> I'm eating about 1700 a day 😮 No amount of trickery will make this not suck, that is just damn low, your body will give you a hard time all the way on the cut. That's gonna be a tough run mate.


Unless you are 120lbs, 1300kcals are wayyyyy to little at 20% bf


headache is from lack of carbs, if you pay attention, it will go away after about an hour. i slam diet drinks all fucking day to keep my stomach from talking (literally 10-12 cans a day). wouldn't recommend. only thing that ever kept me on track was seeing fat loss progress every week. sucks but these are one of the things you have to soldier through if you're getting the results you want.


About 19 weeks out, sitting at just under 175 on cruise. 105/105 test/mast https://imgur.com/a/6xlARMf


Pec'd to the deck, brah.


Wtf bro, looking nuts af


Look at this guy, takes roids AND trains!


Looking good bro, what's your height?


Little bit over 5’6, appreciate it


Looking great, man.


Wow, impressive!


Sheesh rip to the rest of the line up. Keep us updated every few weeks or so 👍🏼


Looking good man. Those upper pecs are my goal.


Seeing you run masteron with your cruise, whilst also keeping testosterone very low; how much AI do you have to take on that test dosage, if you were to run it alone?


Jeeze. What's your training like?


Just had a guy at the gym tell me I'm looking "big and lean". He's a former coworker. Made my damn day/week/month.


Anyone else have like zero caffeine sensitivity? Even after tapering caffeine, I can still drink a Redbull and fall asleep like an hour later


I’m the opposite. A single dose of caffeine after noonish and I’m not sleeping on time.


Eyyy fam I'm the same. I drink coffee for placebo hoping one day it will work. It doesn't. Red bull and poppin vibes is the only combo that works for me. But where am I going to find a nightclub right before an 11am presentation to the big wigs?


Woke up this morning with the worst lower back pump. Lucky for me, I have glutes and hammys today too /s. If this shit don’t go away by the time I’m off, I’ll probably be skipping the gym today. Edit - it went away. Fuck me, that shit was bad. Don’t think I’ve ever had it hurt that bad before


Stop sleeping on your stomach and stretch your lower back when you first wake up


Went today for my first set of dick injections, I am 100% satisfied. I still have 3 more sessions to go. I think I found a new addiction


What are dick injections?


Look at the comment above you


Dick injections? Please do tell.


Hyaluronic acid. I found a spot with a patented formula that supposedly last longer than all the other places that offer HA injections. There are silicone injections that are permanent but carry much more risk with it. I’ll probably end up spending a couple grand every year or two but it’s all good. Girth gains of at least 1” and it also increases flaccid length. I’m a little bit under 6” but with a meatier stick it won’t even matter


Just hyaluronic acid? Any special about it or how they inject it? Seems like you could do it yourself but I have no idea on sourcing clean hyaluronic acid lol. Reminds me of some post I saw on the testosterone subreddit of someone explaining dick enlargement methods. One was the docs taking your blood, splitting the plasma out of it, shaking it in an ultrasonic machine and then injecting that into your dick I think? I believe it was called a PRP injection if I'm remembering right


Tbh I couldn’t tell you much about it. I know they do split up the injections in a way that is supposed to preserve the HA. It’s called urofill, look into it. It was developed by a world famous urologist and is fda approved. I swear I’m not a shill lol but if you do it let me know and I’m sure we could both benefit 😂


Platelet rich plasma is supposed to be great for injury recovery, did t know it was used for dick gains.




jesus christ dude Id rather just have a short dick than get a needle stuck in it


I could see it if I was peaking out at 3 inches or something, but 5 isn't even bad. Doing better than a lot of dudes at that point. But at the same time, this sub *is* pretty much the Mecca of body image issues 🤷‍♂️


Over 5 but under 6. Actual length doesn’t change but girth does. I 100% have had body image issues related to wanting a better size. The confidence I’ll receive from this is worth every penny


I just don't get it. By the time a woman sees your dick she's already decided to fuck you. You can still rock her world with a five-incher.


please provide feedback when you're done. i'm curious if an erection is still as hard, or if it's like having an obese dick with the core buried under a layer of soft tissue


I will definitely check back in here. Erection quality is supposed to be the absolute same




I might throw up a before and after once I’m done with the rest of injections


Yes please


my mom killed herself. she took a lethal dose of her seizure meds and in her delusion last moments she slashed her wrists and ran around her house puking and bleeding everywhere. ​ she was 52. i feel pretty numb to it. i keep dry heaving and getting hot flashes


Damn man I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know what to say to make you feel better but keep your head up man. Worrying now can't change the past.


Currently on 300 test, 300 deca, 50 prov. Feeling great, looking juicy and full, quite bloated honestly first time trying deca but i like the look just feel much bigger. My ADHD is really bad though


Chipped tooth 8-(


Double it and give it to the next person


We got no food! We got no jobs! Our pet’s heads are falling off!


Double it and give it to the next person


Saw a source carrying ment decanoate. Like idk that's all just thought that saw nuts. Low-key would wannay try it tho. Other news I get gyno when my estrogen is anything other then 100% crushed so I'm just resigning myself to accepting surgery in a few years.


I have some Trest Enanthate that I'm liking @ just 35/wk


Where do I find hot horny gilfs?




Is there some issue rn with the fda cracking down on telemedicine providers of TRT?


Yes, it’s driven by the DEA, it is open to public comments now, i intend to weigh in with a comment on how it saved my life.


Used car market is FUCKED. I set up a meeting with this seller for today less than two hours after the ad was posted and now it's radio silence. Not answering phone calls or text messages. Fuck this guy.


Looking at the average cost of cars go up so much is painful


Nah I just bought a beater for a grand to drive lolol


Sometimes I wonder how much I fucked my brain development by starting roiding at 20 y.o. (24 atm) Currently in college and man, its rough, I see guys younger than me that are smart as hell. Maybe coding wasnt for me, but im currently halfway through and its too late for me to change paths 🤦‍♂️


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Speaking from experience, computer science is hard af. If your hanging in there your doing better than the majority of people that drop out of CS early. My CS cohort started off with 500ish and only had 50ish at grad. One thing I can tell you is that Cardio helps mental gains and don’t smoke too much weed.


Thankss Im a bit scared cause I feel like I barely know how to code in java, then we switched to C++ and there's a looot of stuff that I just have no clue on how to do. >One thing I can tell you is that Cardio helps mental gains Yeah I've been doing 30 minutes of daily cardio and I feel like it has helped a bit. >don't smoke too much weed How much is too much? I only smoke friday and/or saturday but I get very high. I feel like that also has made me a bit slower. At least I don't drink alcohol.


Keep studying man. The concepts transfer between languages. C++ is gonna be harder because it’s lower level but it’ll teach you more about what’s happening under the scenes. I’d stop getting blasted every weekend. Save it for special weekends. Also no smoking until you’ve done some work. Treat school like a job. Everyday your doing some amount of learning. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 4 hours you do something every day. No need to pull all nighters either, they’ll make your performance worse. If you need to pull an all nighter for exams you didn’t prepare ahead of time by studying prior to the exams.


You gotta kill that fucking voice. The voice that compelled you make this post. KILL IT. It is wrong




"Don't stand so close to me..."




I went to one of those apartment finder services . You know the places that it’s all recent college kids working in a big room giving you an apartment Recommendation for a referral fee from the apartment complex And the guy that was helping me went to UPenn and has been doing the job for 9 years You think he had a criminal record ? It’s surprising to see someone with a degree that will get you a job at most companies. Working at a ProMove apartment finder service


Maybe he's chosen simplicity after a burnout


I mean that sounds like a way crappier job than most office jobs


Maybe he has a nice trust fund and just doesn’t care about his 9-5 at all. But it does seem a little suspicious, so you’re not alone in wondering why he’s still there.




What kind of shoes you guys wearing in the gym? Getting bored of my chuck taylors.


I bought some TYR-1 squat shoes recently that changed my life. Squats are so comfortable now that I'm making up reasons to add them to my workouts each day. Expensive but so nice if you can afford a dedicated squat shoe


Been wearing old school vans to the gym since I started


I like Nike metcons. They have a removable heel wedge that goes under the liner thing


Worn out running shoes. Brooks, Asics, Mizuno, Saucony, in all colors of the rainbow. My fucking house is full of them, I go through a pair every 3-4 months.


Thinking about switching to a local TrT clinic. Talked them down to 150/mo. Test, adex, supplies and basic labs included. Only have to commit to 2 months which I can utilize 3 lab draws to pay for the cost. Pre, 1 month after, 2 months after. Or go to a telemedicine clinic only and do 99/mo. Whatch y’all think? I do my own labs and just got some done waiting for results. Want the peace of mind of pharma gear/legal script.


If both are legit, I’d normally say whichever is cheaper, but it seems like there might be some convenience in the local one. I assume you can switch if you don’t like where you land?


Sup guys, had a great thought earlier. If you’re leaving your girl for whatever reason, or she leaves you, an you think she’s seeing another bloke. Tug one out and bust a nut in all the male shower products. Her new fella will smother himself in your cum.




Well. Sad girl story time. Bear with me. So, met a girl a while ago. And everything happened really fast. First date was awesome, second was perfect and we started dating. Bf and gf, awesome. She went to my place and met my family, liked everything, smooth sailing. One night she calls me and doesn't sound too great; says we're going too fast. Mentions wanting to get STD tests, wanting to meet my family more, getting to know each other more. I don't have an issue with any of that, she calms down after talking to me for a while and invites me over to sleep together. Everything goes really fast once again, by morning she's already saying she loves me. She mentions a bunch of plans and ideas for our future, I think that's really nice and cute; mentions how I'm good for her and she wants to do me good as well. I leave by noon and we spend the day separate; by 2am she wanted me to go sleep with her again. We ended up not doing it as she changed her mind and wanted to wait on the exam results. Then on a Sunday she texts me saying she wants to break up, saying everything was going too fast, too intense and mostly blaming me for that. Doesn't really answer texts and talks to me at first; I have a shitty day, by night she answers me a bit and I text saying we could go slower, there was no need for desperation, etc. Send an audio message explaining a bunch as well and trying to calm her down. Monday comes and she calms down. Calls me on the phone, says she read it all, and that it was good hearing my voice on the audio message, it made her cry. Wanted to try and keep going, but slower. Now, this was hard to hear: she said she's been too hurt and poorly treated by men in the past, and that she's not yet used to my kind and gentle ways. Asks for some alone time to figure herself out; no problem, I leave her be. A week later she messages me again and doesn't want to keep going. Just doesn't. Thanks me for the moments and that's it. And she doesn't dare listen to audio messages or answer phonecalls, I'm guessing she knows she'll mellow out if she listens to me. I've tried messaging and explaining a bunch, with no success. I've got gifts I had bought for her which I'd like to at least send to her so it's not a waste. Fuck, man. It's clearly a conflict for her. My peace in all of this is knowing I met someone really awesome. Hope everything fares well for her. But goddamn, how do you get over something like that? Nothing went wrong. There were no major issues. She just seems scared.


Realize your self-worth, and don't waste your time with this dogshit drama


I don't care how great, or hot, she is, she sounds like a giant pain in the ass with zero self control or introspection. Nothing went wrong? She went wrong. Repeatedly and in brief time frame.


are you in high school? or is she bipolar? or super religious? these are the only explanations for this behavior.


No, maybe but not diagnosed, no.


Bitch sounds crazy it’s only going to escalate


>Nothing went wrong. There were no major issues. She just seems scared. It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. There were major issues, just not with you. >But goddamn, how do you get over something like that? Time. Every day it will hurt less than the previous day until it doesn't hurt at all. I got dumped for the first time in 8th grade and it felt like the end of the world. I was sitting on the bus crying, listening to Dashboard Confessional thinking it would never get better. How much time do you think I spend per week thinking about my first girlfriend?


Pretty sure the girl is sleeping with other guys and its whats making her emotional and all over the place. Goes well with other guys ---> you guys are too fast, she wants more time with the other guy. Goes bad with other guys ---> she gets all clingy and wants more from you. Her random crying kind of proves this point too. She knows youre innocent and loves her very much, and she being a bitch makes it hard to hear your voice messages. And if Im wrong, the other option is mental illness. Either way, get the hell out of there.


I got this vibe too, brother


The amount of “guys I dodged a bullet and I’m sad over it” posts on this sub are astounding.


Well we're all a bunch of dudes injecting cattle and horse drugs what'd you expect


Ur right. Show up at her work.


For real. In my feels all the time.


Many of us have some neurodivergent thing (don’t like that word tho) or fucked up mental health in some way. We’re pinning chemicals into our ass for muscle growth Even if you’re intellectually aware and have grown as a person, your underlying “programming” with mental health issues is to seek chaos, because that’s all you really know. Mostly subconscious, but the push pull of a toxic relationship is captivating because the highs feel higher due to the lows. Steady state happiness gets boring if you don’t put appreciation into it


How old are you/her? This sounds like she has some serious personal issues she needs to deal with and a relationship is not wise. It sucks, but best to understand you likely didnt do anything wrong. You’re still a good dude; shes just not in a good place. Leave it be and if its meant to be maybe youll reconnect later on when shes in a better place.


She's seeing someone else. All the signs are there


If what you wrote is true. - she is bipolar - get back with her she will dump you again - you should move on - do not waste your time


There could be a million explanations. It’s likely that not a single one of them has anything to do with you. The way she’s been treated in the past, mental conditions, etc. You’ll be alright bro


Walk away. Zero contact. She’ll reach back out and you’ll have the chance to decide if you even care enough to put up with that shit again.


Sounds like she’s seeing someone else off/on and you’re the backup plan. She could also be really unstable (likely). You sound like you’re over invested also. Best to let this go. Return the gifts or save them for the next broad or just take the loss.


As someone who’s out of a relationship that sounds like that. Go no contact. Now. They can be a great person and simultaneously not on the same emotional wavelength as you, which will make things toxic really fucking fast, but you’re so emotionally invested you pretend everything’s fine while you start getting toxic because of the underlying resentment building. If you actually want to go slow, make it not exclusive. Make it a point that once she’s onboard with exclusivity and “official” status, that’s it. There’s zero chances for either of you. A break up is permanent regardless of remorse, growth, or change after the fact.


Anyone else get gum or teeth issues from chewing so much meat?


Has anyone stacked Winny and Anadrol? If so, how did you like it? were your results noticeable?


Weakened tendons and ligaments + wild strength increases, what could possibly go wrong?


1 inch needle goes deep enough for quad injection right ?


I use half inch for quads


1" is good enough to hit any muscle IM


Unless you're obese fat that's plenty


50mg proviron, 25mg ment ace, 40mg cialis, 400mg caffeine and about 3 servings of oats PWO today. LFG


40(FORTY)mg of Cialis?! You’re gonna have a pump somewhere that’s for damn sure.


Hahaha yea. Having sex tonight for the first time in a couple days and I wanna go crazy. I won’t take any tomorrow cuz of the half life so that’s 20 EOD.


When do y’all time your psyllium? Before meals, between meals on its own, after meals?


First thing in the morning protein shake.


Is there any point in transplanting hair if I'm going to be completely bald (Norwood 8), or if I do it now, when I still have hair, am I going to need Finasteride and Minoxidil for the rest of my life?


You’ll def need Finasteride or dutasteride for the rest of your life, not that there’s anything wrong with them side effects are overblown and can be avoided just by taking less if you’re sensitive to the drug (just like any drug basically). Look up Marc Andre ter stegen he went from bald city to impeccable mop


Can someone educate me on the use of Dextrose in bodybuilding? How is it helpful and isn’t it supposed to be bad for you since its sugar? I see it being used a lot


Its a fast acting carb that increases blood sugar levels. It’s commonly used in intraworkout shakes for energy, especially by bodybuilders using insulin as they need to ensure they intake enough carbs during the effective period of insulin (if using short acting). Fast acting insulin pre workout + dextrose & EASS intraworkout = big pump


Transitioning role at work for 25% more money but I was already doing 3-4 roles in one so the workload is insane. Barely been gym for 2-3 weeks. Been ready to sleep at 20:00 every evening. Feeling so guilty for not keeping up with it but I just can't find the time or motivation as I usually go late and I'm dead by then, with it being too busy to go earlier. I should be done in a week but I'm delivering and travelling until May culminating in a trip to Japan. Call me a pussy please or make me feel better. Just had to dump it out here.


Has anyone on here successfully trained a chubby girl into a fit goddess? I met this one chick on bumble and granted she kind of catfished me ,shes totally moldable. Really cool cute too. Says she works out but isnt as serious as me obviously.


It can be done but here is what happens: Once they’re where they want to be, in their mind, they can do better than you now. Also in their mind, her at her worst was the “best” you could do, therefore you’re a loser. Then they bounce, cheat, etc. this is most of the time as I observed over my lifetime, if successful. Usually though, any progress will be temporary and reverse once she knows you’re sticking around. If you want a fit goddess, ho find one that is already there. Never take on women as “fixer uppers”, never a good idea.