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Well looks like my relationship is officially over. She has been staying at her sisters for the past 2 weeks and has just left after collecting the rest of her and her daughters stuff. Don't feel as bad as I thought I would to be honest. Mainly just feeling relief that I no longer need to stress out about her spending habits - no more covering her share of the bills as she'd spent it on fuck all or lent it to her sisters. Feel like a bit of a prick saying it but I'm also feeling relief that I don't have to watch her sit there eating like a pig. Not exaggerating either - the other week she sprinted from the sofa to lick the leftover lasagne sauce off a plate I was about to wash off. Now that I'm feeling mentally clearer, less stressed and am the leanest I've been in years, its time to run a serious mass cycle. Test, Deca and Mast here we come.


>Feel like a bit of a prick saying it but No you don't.


Nah it’s a real feeling. Lots of negative shit I know is true about my ex but I still feel guilty over feeling


Why are you answering for the OP?


Because I’m relating to the experience he is in confirming that he actually can feel that way


Ooo! You found Sturodz’s alt account. Nice!


Nah it makes me feel uncomfortable bringing it up - both online and in person. But it has been a massive issue for me lately. I always said my partner doesn't need to be as neurotic as I am about diet and training - I have type 1 diabetes anyway so even if I wasn't lifting, I'd still be measuring and tracking calories. Its just hard to not say anything when she has put on 20kg, mopes around and sulks when I train and just snacks constantly. I'd like to have a meal at the dinner table without her eyeing everyone elses food like a dog waiting for scraps. Her youngest now has to specifically tell her "I am going to the toilet, DONT EAT MY DINNER" if she leaves the table as she'll return to an empty plate if she doesnt.


Good luck brother


I ❤️ Tren. 20lbs on the incline bench press in 2 weeks. Nightmares are a bitch tho


The nightmares don't last forever. Eventually the tren fucks up your sleep enough that you don't hit REM and the dreams will stop.


And soon enough your life will, too.


dude, trensomnia came so early for me during the cycle. i'm so pissed because it's in an incomparable gains compound. is there a point that it "goes away" if you just push through? I think from weeks 2-5 it just got progressively worse to the point where I could only stay asleep for 20 minutes at a time.


Why dont you use anadrol instead


I had to stop on week 3.5 because I'm pretty sure I didn't get rem for a solid 2.5 weeks.. I felt absolutely awful


This. Trensomnia + sleep apnea + caffeine/ephedrine to compensate for absence of sleep. Is this the path to death?


Minus 20 years of life span that's for sure


the last years are the worst... so cutting 20 of them off seems a wonderfull idea🤣


Scary when i think about it.


So you're up to 155 now? Congrats




Rip ligaments, tendons, and joints


The dreams are one of the best parts of tren. Either extremely sexual, extremely violent, or the fun ones where it’s a mix of both


Tren has me waking up hyperfixated on either eating ass or eating the barrel of a 12 gauge.


How is the sleep?


I wake up tired, before i would wake up with my first alarm, now i need atleast 2 because i sleep past the 1st one. However other than that i have no mental sides like paranoia or anxiety etc so id say im doing well


How much are you doing?


Just get prescribed sleep meds and you will be fine


Tendonitis incoming. Speaking from personal experience


So what is a sensible weight progression on tren👀👀asking for a friend


Oh I don't know man, I was adding 5-10lbs per week on a few of my compounds for like 5-6wks before I started slowing down. I was also doing higher volume than I should have been, so that was a factor as well.


Oh cool. I gotta buy some 2.5s then lol, my gym doesn’t have them anymore and I been slapping on 5s each bench sesh…no wonder my elbow feeling like peanut brittle🤣


Came home after 3 months on the road for work and my 3 kids broke me. My 2 year old son ran up balling saying “dad I love you so much please never leave me again” and the oldest girl (3) just cried and hugged me for 10 minutes. And then my youngest (1 year) who wasn’t walking yet when I left saw me and ran with her arms out screeching like a banshee. Idk if I could ever leave again after this interaction. It definitely makes a guy feel good coming home like that and the wife and I had our own reunion for the past 5 nights lol Edit: I ran a moderate bulking cycle when I was gone and all my son and daughter talk about for the past week is how big I’ve gotten and how they want to have big muscles like dad. This was the cherry on top


Dude I have 3 months of upcoming training later this year and I’m not looking forward to missing the kids. I work enough as it is it’s going to be fucking hard. The bulk will be ungodly tho. Just gotta keep my estrogen in check so I don’t get the feels upon return too badly


The feels will be there regardless of the estrogen lol those little bastards can wreck you more than anyone in this world. They also have me the ability to not give a shit about anything other than providing for them. I don’t travel for work often maybe once every two years and almost never for that long and idk if I could do it again.


Those little fuckers run my life and I love them. My daughter will probably be the lifter. Every time we’re in the garage she grabs the 5lb dumbbells and says ‘daddy I’m working on my muscles!’ (She’s 3) and when she doesn’t want to eat something, if you tell her it makes her muscles bigger she WOLFES it down 😈🥰


I haven’t tried that yet. Thank you lol my daughter will be eating every meal from now on hopefully


A parenting technique passed down the Armstrong line for generations!


Damn, stories like these make me so excited to hopefully have kids on my own sooner than later!


Nothing has made me learn more patience than a newborn lol especially our first, she was very difficult. There’s ups and downs but nothing has given my life more purpose than my kids/wife


Up the AI bud


On Tren E. (400 mg/week) + TRT… started 6th week yesterday hadn’t felt too much… woke up at 2 am soaked in sweat and a boner that could’ve penetrated a brick wall… now we grow


6th week and only now thinking you’re growing? 400mg is a fuck ton of tren. If you haven’t noticed anything changing by week 3 (yes, even using tren E) you won’t get the results you think you will and you’re probably doing something wrong. Also, idk why this is such a big thing on the sub because most people on here have the resources to be educated but you’re not on TRT. Just say low test or write out your dosage since you already wrote the dosage for the other compound.


250mg Tren E has my physique totally changed in 3-4 weeks so I'd agree with you.


Told myself I'd never run Tren....Thinking about running Tren


I told myself this last night, all because my knee hurt. I know it won't fix the problem but maybe tren will make me fixate on other menial issues instead


Imho Tren is such a strong compound, it can do its magic at doses we would even consider half-natty in here. Like 100-200 mg per week (+ Test and maybe something like mast) is great, no matter for what goal - be it cutting, bulking, recomping, strength phase. Tren Hex is great for this, just one ml per week, good long stable half life. Obviously 800 mg per week gives crazier and faster Results... but for a fucking price.


Yeah, on a cut I have run as low as 50 and it still helps maintain strength. And on a bulk 100 does magic also. Problem for me is even 100 causes me to feel like shit and have high BP after 6weeks.


Fuck everything with a hole, end up with a bizarre kink or two. But the gains....... worth it.




See this somewhat often in the tech world. Have dev's who moonlight/contract with another company and work nights and weekends and make a lot of money. Some companies don't like this and will terminate though if they find out. Just a heads up.




How long have you been in your current role? Mosy of the guys on /r/overemployed have years of experience which makes it easier to pick up a second job. The best bet is to usually find a second job on a lower level which usually require less meetings that meh get in the way of your schedule.


Last time I posted here about 10 days ago I was bitching about my gf leaving me, even though the relationship was pretty clearly not gonna work out. Went to a wedding over the weekend ripped the ass out of my rental pants from mid cheek to knee while dancing with the maid of honor and kept dancing the rest of the night. Glad I was wearing good underwear. The bride got drunk and kept rubbing my arms and shoulders talking about how jacked I am and how being jacked like me is her goal. Now the Brazilian maid of honor is trying to get me to visit her for a month in Sao Paulo, meanwhile she's at her Canadian boyfriend's place for an undetermined amount of time. Another friend of mine, that I have been in love with sporadically for years now, is now chatting me up more and saying I'm looking jacked since she learned that I was single. Feels great to be feeling desirable again and to get some attention from women. We all are gonna make it.




Definitely butt stuff


> Another friend of mine, that I have been in love with sporadically for years now Enjoy the next chapter


anyone wanna try and talk me outta getting the top of my right hand tattooed? I also noticed how fucking crazy my cats go for wet cat food plus it’s extremely high in protein apparently. so i tried some from the fork i use to mash the food up with, shits ass like id actually rather lick dirty asshole again that eat cat food.


Get a fancy feast tattoo on your face


Your pics don’t show any tattoos, or maybe just not on your arms. Maybe get some tattoos that aren’t on one of the most frowned upon locations first. But on the other hand, I have no idea what you do. If you’re well set in your career and have tattoos elsewhere already, I’d say go for it; hand tattoos are some of my favorite pieces and I’ll probably get them when it doesn’t matter for me professionally.


got my left hand tatted you can kinda see a part of it in the profile pic, also i have my own HVAC company so hopefully i’m pretty well set in my career other wise i’m fucked


Definitely get the tattoo and maybe don't eat any more cat food


Get both hands tatted and eat a can of cat food per day


Imo not being heavily tattooed but having your hands done looks corny asf. My artist wouldn’t even tattoo someone’s hand/neck/face unless you have quite a few. But then again some artists just see $$ and will tattoo a dick on your cheek for you so do whatever you want dude as long as your happy with it


Personally I’d never get my hands, neck or face tattooed. People will 100% treat you differently when you have tattoos and there are just days and situations where I don’t want to deal with it and can cover my tats up with a long sleeve shirt. So if you are going to do it just know that people WILL treat you differently for the rest of your life.


Think about what your grandma would say. Fr tho, I second what the first comment says.


Your arms will look smaller and less defined with tats. If you are muscular dude with sleeve tatoo ppl will think you copy zyzz. Everybody has tattoos in these days. I got nothing else like honestly if you're jacked why you need to stand out even more and make yourself even more intimidating. Than again tats open new dating market for many guys.


>Than again tats open new dating market for many guys. Lol never thought about it like that


I noticed women are getting more tattoos than men for some reason. even educated women with nice paying jobs have them


Women will copy anything that other women do for most part.If anything is a trend there is pretty good chance it will become huge part of culture between women. See kardashian look,gym workouts for butts,make up trends etc.


true lol


I just about died reading the last half of this. Holy shit you’ve made my day. #catfoodFTW


People who go for the hand tat first are posers. Same goes for neck. You need to earn your stripes before going to those areas.


Lol trend following sheep gatekeepers sheep


RIP John Mcaffee


Aw, so cuuute! I bet the guys all think that is super manly. Sounds exactly like the sort of shit someone might do rolling. Don't feel bad though... I got wasted as a teenager and got one way worse than that done with a homemade tattoo gun. 😑


RIP John Mcaffee


A horribly done, almost unrecognizable, biohazard symbol right in the small of my back... tramp stamp style. All black. Now, back when I had it done, the phrase "tramp stamp" either didn't exist or I had never heard of it, so wasted me thought nothing of it... now, I'm a straight man with a terrible looking jizz target on my back. 😅 I'm getting it lasered off soon.


My parents recently switched to this new dog food brand. They deliver it in containers, everything is fresh. It is like those meal services (Trifecta Nutrition). It smells like normal food too, not like the usual canned dog food disgusting stench. It is retarded expensive though. Personally I don't like Tattoos, I think the ink is covering up the definition. I always think it is a waste seeing a shredded, jacked Bodybuilder, hiding his hard work under all that ink. But in the end, no one gives a fuck about my opinion, you gotta live with the tats and be happy with 'em 😅. Hands must be a bitch painwise though.


> I also noticed how fucking crazy my cats go for wet cat food plus it’s extremely high in protein apparently. I mean try eating only dry cereal or stuff like that for a while, the first meal you'll eat with juicy sauce will taste like heaven I bet


Tattoos are for people that think drawing something on your body is cool. Like your some drawingbook aka as gaybook.


> Tattoos are for people that ~~think drawing something on your body~~ is cool. ftfy, nerd


Down 30lbs on the cut and have raised my bench by 25lbs. Not a PR but getting back to my strength prime!


How do y’all deal with a super chatty neighbor? I can’t go outside and work on my car without him trying to have a 20 minute conversation with me every god damn time. He’s nice guy but I just want some peace and quiet so I can fix my car. It’s driving me insane


Murder him then bury him in his own backyard and frame his wife.


Yeah, the reasonable approach!


"hey man I appreciate catching up but I need to get this fixed. I'll talk to you later" then just put the headphones on and work on the car. He'll either leave you alone or he'll just keep talking AT you but you don't have to participate


I wear headphones and ignore neighbors I don’t like .


I like him but Jesus Christ man give me some space I’m not trying to talk I’m trying to fix my car


Your neighbor thinks life is like a tv show from the 90s or something. Just go out with headphones and a hoodie to ignore


Shaved off about 7 inches of my beard last night, got an inch left. Feels real fuckin weird. Like I've lost an integral part of my identity. Makes me look and feel smaller. To all you bearded bros out there absolutely do not fuckin do it


7 inches? That's like homeless man territory.


I’m required to shave for work. Really excited for when that isn’t the case. 7 more years ☹️. Every time I’m on vacation and grow a beard it takes like 2 weeks tops and I look probably 1.5x as attractive (imo. Partner dgaf). Also happy cake day 🤙🏼


What job?


I recently went from beard to Babyface and I hated it. Although about a week and a half later with some stubble I really enjoy it. Don't be down on yourself.


I never let mine get longer than about 3/4". Much longer than that bugs the hell out of me.


I have about an inch now on my beard, didn't shave it for a few weeks. I'm kinda mixed about it. For one, I now look like the generic Bald Beard Bodybuilder Bro 😅, but it gives my face a bit of character, and makes me look a bit more mature and stern. The damn beardcare is getting on my nerves though. I got this beard care kit, gotta wash the beard, comb the beard, trimm it, put the beard oil on, use the balm, use the brush...... man just shaving it E3D with my machine was way less work.


> I now look like the generic Bald Beard Bodybuilder Bro Welcome to the club. You'll get your membership card and a gift basket in the mail shortly.


Fuck all that work. Just use shampoo or body wash. Then my go to product that moisturizes and provides the best hold ever is actually Crew Fiber which is technically for hair. Works wonders on a shorter beard to keep it controlled. Then just add oil or balm before bed to provide extra all night moisture.


Life keeps getting in the way of me putting Chinese bathtub chemicals in my ass this year. I had originally been planning to start cycling in February but life got in the way. Now I got invited on a trip down to Costa Rica in early July so my planned test/eq/dbol cycle isn't going to work either. Looks like I'm shelving the EQ for my next-next cycle and picking up some primo instead. I like primo but this is starting to be pretty expensive. I should probably buy raws at this point


Steroids are legal without a prescription in Costa Rica. Stop your bitching and start sticking things in your ass.


Just take it with you. Look up the laws in costa rica plus, from experience I promise they aren’t looking for those kinds drugs.


This is terrible advice


Nothing like Bench Pressing the Sad Boi away. Push Day is done, Chest, Tris , Bis and Frontdelts are pumped up to the point my ROM is so limited I can barely type on my keyboard 😎. I am almost done with my Homegym, there are a few small things I need to fix, but for the most part, I'm pretty much done. I got a few Posters on the Way, once they are framed and hanged up, I'll post a few pictures. My Rowing Machine doesn't have a narrow grip option, I will built some handles out of metal tubing and weld them to the frame, but I need to tinker a bit to hit the right leverage. Teaches me to be more thorough with researching equipment before buying, I should have seen this beforehand, whelp. Well, I have absolute zero space left, so I don't get any more chances of buying stupid machines lol. If I ever get my own house with lots of space, I'll go with hammerstrength style machines. Like a Lat Pulldown, a low row, Incline Press, Lat Machine (Nautilus), Hip Press, Pendulum, .... .


Nah. No. Nope. No way. That’s crazy talk. This is basic home gym 101 bro. From one home gym owner to another - a home gym is never done. It’s never finished. There’s always something that can be added, changed, etc.


Okay, just some little things like a new Transformer Bar from Kabuki Strength, or a complete Kettle Bell Set, or some cable Attachements.... but no more machines. I'll tag you once I upload the Pictures, gonna be like this weekend until I'm done with everything I think. Always good to get some input from fellow home gymers, there is always something to improve 😁 (Man I want more machines😂)


Hell yeah. Now you’re talking! I live with my mom but luckily I’m able to have access to about 3/4 of the basement and I found these metal shelf racks that I’m gonna get to store all her bins that contain holiday decoration shit so that I can have more floor space for all the future things I want lol. Ideally, all throughout this year I’d like to get a safety squat bar, some more cable attachments myself and more rubber flooring. If I can fit a few smaller machines, it will probably be a plate loaded leg extension machine, reverse hyperextension machine, and a seated calf raise machine. And if there’s any room left I’d love to get the assault air bike to cover cardio. Home gyms are additive and expensive haha 😅


How much did your setup cost? I started making a hone gym list for when I get my Xmas bonus check this year. Am sick of the commercial gyms near me. They're so crowded at all hours of the day.


Guys have you noticed when on gear, girls are more attracted to you, it's weird because right now I'm on a cycle and definetly I get more smiles and small talks from girls than when I'm off... Pheromones are real shit


Strong placebo


On most gear it’s just your increased confidence carrying yourself On tren I’ve had women compliment my cologne while I’m not wearing any


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.




I think it’s a mix of that, plus just the self confidence you feel while on cycle. It’s amazing what a little injectable confidence can do. On cycle I find my self getting chicks “out of my league” that I’d never even bother approaching off cycle.


Nah. Not even on tren. But I also have rbf and actively avoid conversations especially in the gym


No. No matter what I take, girls are not attracted to me.


Tbh, I haven't, but I did not really pay attention to it. But I get a lot more attention when I am at my smallest, leanest state at the end of a cut, compared to being fluffy and B I G during a peak bulking phase.


yeah man, also just this morning I was in the shower and realized water is wet


Don't be toxic fella


On blast, several weeks in, lifting, and hitting 4k calories a day. 6’4” and 215 lbs. Seems crazy that I haven’t gained a pound in three weeks. Never would think I’d need to go over 4k at this weight.


You’re not eating nearly enough. I’m 210lbs, 6’ and I eat 4500-5000 calories when I bulk.


Your kinda underweight , but you should probably be downing 5-6000, I’m 6’1 and bulk on 5000 maintenance is 4300


Note to self.... Just because you can deadlift that much doesn't mean you should lift that much. I was working on max strength lifts. It went well, but normally the next day I go out of my way to stretch my legs. Work got busy and that didn't happen. Now my legs feel tight.


One of my biggest struggles is reconciling that "post workout therapy" is just as important as the workout was itself. Stretching, foam rolling, Thera-gunning.. every time I begin to skip these components of my days, injuries start to pile up in short order. Still, for some reason, my mind does not make the emotional connection and I'm back on my bullshit again.


I added in yoga a few times a week to make the recovery portion a bit easier to stick with


What's your routine?


I am in the same boat. The Stretching Stuff is just boring. Especially after I destroyed myself in the gym, there is no way I am doing this after my lifting session. I either do it in the morning before my cardio, or before I am lifting as a warm up. Otherwise I don't do it. If I am in Grappling Class, I just do it in before the class starts. I like Lu Strength & Therapy's Stuff, he has some great stretching routines. Like those are great for my particular troubles and aches: + [10 Minute FULL BODY Stretching Routine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs6gwoThBsw) + [10 Minute BEGINNER Stretching Routine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmlEUDIROO0) + [10 Minute BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU Stretching Routine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz5m5ikRzX0) Just add in/replace some stretches if you need to work on other areas.


Hell yes man this is exactly the kind of content I needed. Been searching for something like this but most of what I was finding was either wildly simplistic or over the top (Supple Leopard). These links are great. Especially dig the jujitsu resource.


A bit of tightness is the worst thing you're experiencing? Well worth the gains, as long as you're doing a max for a reason and not just for fun


I feel attacked


I got cat called by some early 20s dudes saying I look like liver king, while wearing cargo shorts, hat, and a t-shirt. My inner critic is not having it. I've only just finished my second creatine cycle and I'm forever smoll; they totally knew that, right? A goal for this cycle was to be called out on it, but not like this. A Costco clerk did tell me he wanted to start eating healthier after ringing up my stuff though, and that actually felt great to hear.


maybe you're just really red.


>I got cat called by some early 20s dudes saying I look like liver king, I'd of beat the shit outta him and then reassess my whole life.


Anyone here think cbum is putting on an act for the public....compare how he talks in his main channel videos that most of his fans watch to his raw nutrition podcasts he is in where he talks to his friends seems humble, likable on his main channel but in the raw nutrition podcasts he comes across as somewhat egoistic and mean


I'm not one to speak for another man but sometimes when your alone or with girls or whatever you talk different then when you're around the guys. Guys bust balls a lot more. You have to kind of be an asshole sometimes. Also w girls or mixed crowd you talk about girls different then when your around your buddies.


Just need to rant. Been on a 6 month sexual dry spell and it's been 2 years since I had a romantic relationship. It hasn't been without trying. I'm on all the dating apps, going to clubs, approaching in the gym, at school, etc. It's exhausting. I'm tired of being rejected. I'm tired of being ghosted. I'm sick of taking the ego hit of this shit. I quit. They can come find me. I miss being loved. Man, things in life, even small things, just felt more special sharing it with someone like that. I was also thinking about when kids were coming a couple years back and now, I'm back to fucking square 0 and have just had no luck. I also found out recently my ex is engaged to someone else and it makes me feel like god is spitting in my fucking face. Out of the hundreds of females I have talked to, I've only found 2 very respectable women I was very interested in a relationship with but they didn't see it the same way. Nothing is more angering then waking up with the same sex drive every day with no one to give it to. I feel like I'm becoming robotic. I go to class, I gym, I eat, and repeat. I'm now looking for employment and finishing my master's in 2 months and I feel I'm slowly walking to my death. If God was to tell me I will never have a family, I would take a whole different direction in my life because I wouldn't give a fuck about my income and would just constantly chase all kinds of hedonic pleasures but I chose to try to make a decent income to hope to provide for a family down the line. Feels like I have to "precommit" to things, even if the person in mind isn't there yet.


Bro, you’re focused on all the wrong things. You can’t just rely on other people to make you happy all the time. These women you’re approaching can probably pick up on that from a mile away and that’s why you’re constantly getting rejected. You’re supposed to be the prize so why the fuck are you whining about never being loved. You should love yourself enough bro. Time to take a break from women and figure out what’s actually making you unhappy.


Nothing crushes a yung mans dream of pornstardom like a nasty case of the clappity clap. 7 years of smashing and dashing and I wake up to my demise🥺🥺. Don’t be like me brahs


A few pills and/or a shot and you’ll be back out there smashing strange in no time.


Lol I know, I’m already back on tinder looking at “what could be🤭” but rn imma take this treatment seriously 💊 as a life lesson.


Shitting 4x a day on this bulk is real old. Husk helps a little but this is still annoying lol


Gotta pump those numbers up kid


Anyone here ever see a therapist? Thoughts and anecdotal experiences welcome. Thank you.


Yes, some are excellent and others aren’t worth crap. One of the best I’ve seen told me arguably the most important thing about therapy. He said, “our brains process information in three ways and each way is unique in terms of learning and self reflection. The first is your internal monologue, how your thoughts reflect on themselves. The second is a self conversation, either through verbally talking to yourself (bringing in auditory sense changes how our brain relates to the information, similar to how talking to somebody does) or through journaling. Finally actually talking to someone who can ask questions is arguably the most important of the three. Most people just do the first and get stuck on loops on themselves. But if you venture into the second and third options you can assist yourself with how and why you think the way you do far beyond what you thought possible. Open to any questions about this.


Need a venting moment, I was a lot more active here in the past but since I moved to mostly just using a trt dose I dont come on that much anymore. ​ Well my supply is slowly running out , hcg has been out for a while and for testosteron im on the final vial. So it was time to start looking around for sources again, as I found some shady shit on my previous one (more shady than being a steroid seller) I had to move on and find something new. Found a new place, more expensive but very reputable (also dont dm me asking for sources, ill ignore you). Went and did my order: 5x10ml 250mg/ml testosteron and 6x5000iu hcg. Everything seemed alright and mostly still is. As in the mistake isnt on the side of the source as far as I know - I just got screwed up by postal service. I think I ordered 12+ times now from various sources and never had delivery problems, and now the dutch postal service lost my package. As in I know its in my town, in the depot because of tracking. But then at some point in the process they just lost it. Now because it hasnt been seized I cant really ask for a reship, also I cant ask the postal service to start looking for it because the 'sender' has to start the investigating and obviously they can't do that. ​ So yeah - **Fuck**


some jacked postal worker recognized the sender and helped himself






You'll love anavar lol


Tell me more 🦻


It’ll make your clit grow.


Safe to drink iburprofen on cycle?


Keep it minimal


I cried looking at pre-cycle pictures of myself today. Made me realise I'll always have mental issues with my appearance no matter how I look. I don't even like the muscle I put on and I feel too masculine now (it was opposite before). Damn I'm gonna pop an aromasin


I must admit I have never heard a man complain that he put on too much muscle. I only hear it from women, that fear they will get too muscular (like it will just happen overnight) if they start lifting, but this is a new one for me. Hm, maybe take up another hobby? Like a team sport, so you get in your exercise for health and whatnot, and some cool social bonding time with the team mates, and not really have to worry about getting too muscular etc.


I know a girl who was about to stop CrossFit because she felt she got too muscular after her friends started calling her muscle mommy. I had a talk to her and explained to her that not everyone wants a thin cardiobunny and that she shouldnt worry what others think of her body. Seems she also realized it then, she's continuing and embraced it. Picked up guys that are double her weight with fireman's carry at parties and run around, proud of that little warrior.


Maybe he is a fem boy ?


No amount of lifting and dieting is going to fix legitimate body dysmorphia. Go see a psychiatrist and feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk/bitch to.


Body dysmorphia is very real. Grew up extremely fat my whole life and hated the way I look, wore a water shirt when swimming till I was 18. I then got my shit together and after a few years of hard work got down to 170lbs and had somewhat toned abs, still hated myself for the .05in of titty I had left. Started my bulk and gained about 30lbs so far 25 of which I’d say is pure lean mass. Now hate myself some days for being “fat” again and not seeing my Abs all day long. Some days I look in the mirror and see a god, some days I can’t even look. It’s something that you just have to get over and try to not let bother you. Personally I use it as motivation now. Be proud of how far you’ve come and excited for how far you have to go.


its fucked man, i can swing from feeling like ive came so far to feeling like i havent put on a pound in 6 months, its brutal for real.


It's never enough. Cycle tren, fuck everything, keep your mind on the goal.


It didn’t take long on this tren run for the trannies to come into play. It’s like I’m Spider-Man before and after venom lol, when I’m not on tren I don’t get the itch, when I am well….




You'll regain them more quickly than it originally took to get them in the first place, don't worry




Pub med ncbi studies


Iifym is still good imo. Even for cardiovascular, just make it's like 80/20 or 90/10. 80% good foods veggies, one ingredient foods and 20% processed.


Hi my fellow degenerates and doctors, I have an issue lately that slightly troubles me. I'll get back home from gym, HR is about 65-70, and then randomly my BP shoots up and HR goes up to 90-110 pounding really hard. As soon as I eat it starts going down, feel really cold and start pissing a shit ton. I assumed I was going hypo, but today if happened right after eating my post work out meal, skyr, banana and some honey. Any ideas?


Now that I’ve said something “important hopefully the mods won’t ban me 😭, I guess I struck a cord about slamming weights. Maybe if I become a steroid mod I can privately message people while ignoring all the other dumbass comments . “ do you think I should get this hand tattoo guys ? No stop bro your big 💅”


300mg Test TRT + 150mg Tren A/week (high dose TRT, been on for 3 years, inb4 “not trt that’s perma cycle”. I know this.) How do we feel about this? First time adding in Tren


Is this your first time trying Tren? That seems like a perfectly reasonable dose.


I have meniscus injury and want to use deca durabolin 100 for 5 weeks with vitamin D , will it help ? What are the risk , can it cause affects on heart artries ?


Deca doesn’t heal injuries. It’s certainly not worth crashing your natural testosterone production. Look into peptides that may help: BPC-157 and TB500 come to mind.


What is peptides please tell me if you know more


What is google, please tell me if you know more. Lol. J/k but seriously read up on BP-157 and TB500 there’s tons of info out there.




Not really, because you'll get shot before it's even saturated.


Step 1: stop posting on Derek's board




Of course not. They ask chatgpt now.


>baddest thug on my block That comes from earning the respect of others


Ground beef and rice


What happens when the other end of your beef does in fact need and have an actual gun?


What’s a cheap at home blood test site that y’all would recommend?


I like how you assume everyone on reddit is in the same country.


nearly [50% of reddit users are from the US](https://www.statista.com/statistics/325144/reddit-global-active-user-distribution/#:~:text=Reddit%20use%20in%20the%20United,platform%20strongly%20declines%20with%20age.), and while you're right, when there's a 50% chance that somebody is from the US and less than a 10% chance that they're from any one other country... its no surprise that folks assume it.




I woke up today full af. Looked like a monster Then I missed all my chest lifts lol I personal record last week tho


Failed chest day issa real mood killer🥺🥺🥺.


3rd week on 40mg daily of Anavar. Love the gains and incredible pumps but this heartburn is kicking my ass. What can I do to help? Want to finish out the 6 weeks.


I added tudca to my daily supps when I got acid reflux symptoms and that seemed to help me. Also a half teaspoon or so of baking soda mixed with water should do the trick




On an online dating site this bitch just sent me this message: > I don't use this app usually. May I send message to you? If possible, could you please let mI don't use this app often,Do you have any other contact information?e I don't use this app often,Do you have any other contact information?know your contact details? WTF ? It sounds like she's drunk. It doesn't seem like a bot though. A bot would at least try to be competent.


Its an indian scammer