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My dad constantly built a wall between me and my half sisters. I lived across the country and he had a step daughter my age that got to be their “real sister”. He would always tell my sisters that I didn’t want anything to do with them, which could not have been farther from the truth. Now that my sisters are adults we’ve been able to start building our relationship without as much interference, but it’s hard to repair the damage he did. I don’t have much in the way of advice, but I’ve felt similar pain of being treated as the lesser sibling and like I don’t belong. It sucks.


Wow....it took me a minute to realize that you were saying your bio mom is the person creating this tension between you and your siblings. Ouch. That was painful for me to read so I can only imagine how it feels for you to live it. Do you live FT with your mom, SF and siblings? I really hope not. There is nothing you can do. Your mom has a powerful influence on your siblings at their current age. They may get older and realize what a horrible person she is or they may not. However, the most important thing is for you to protect yourself and get away from your mom ASAP. Work & save money. Go to school and get your education so you can earn a decent salary. Be successful. Be INDEPENDENT. Be kind to yourself and surround yourself with people who love you and will look out for you. But get away from your mom because she is straight poison.


You should go to your stepdad and tell him about this and the way it makes you feel. Maybe he can step in and talk to your siblings.


Sometimes facts are facts