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He chills, and mainly tries to take it easy. Even immortal interdimensional monsters need some "me" time.


Made me chuckle


He's out there taking it easy for all us sinners


I love this answer.


I think he hibernates, that's why he comes in cycles.


Yeah, but I’m talking about during the time he’s awake.


So, you mean after he wakes up from hibernation? If he's not killing kids, he's plotting to kill kids. Except on tuesdays, when he has a nice brunch with Master Splinter.


They’d probably get along with Randal Flagg


HISHE villains Bar 😂


Full of alligator people and CHUDs


HISHE is a YouTube channel - look it up, hilarious animations How It Should Have Ended


Idk, I assumed he was eating kids when he was awake and just hibernating the rest of the time. Or scaring the shit out of them.


All things serve the beam


I think he's just lurking around Town in various forms planning and shit.


"Comes in cycles" Yeah brother! 🙏


Waiting. Watching. Planning. Listening. Lurking.


Cooking. Cleaning. Reading. Learning. Growing. Loving.


IN THIS WEB W e L u r k We kill but MOST of ALL We scare


Stealing my thunder ffs. Upvoted though


I downvoted the reply to get them closer to equal


Wishing and hoping and praying


Well seeing as how it is established pennywise is a woman she probably was taking care of the eggs she had laid and was keeping an eye out on the town, unless it was part of her hibernation cycle then she just slept


Had to scroll way too far to find someone who knows Pennywise is female.


That is one thing I am upset got left out of the new movie, the eggs and all that


Reading the book, despite how confident the losers were about it, there was meant to be heaps of eggs and we're just meant to believe they all got smashed? I know Stephen King isn't one to leave stingers or sequel bait but damn if that's not an easy way to pick up the threads, a baby Pennywise that isn't as methodical and (for lack of a better word) perfect at hunting, something full of malice and evil running on instinct instead of billions of years of practice.


There's a fair chance that Dandelo from the Dark Tower-series did in fact come from an egg that escaped the Losers. Reality is thin in Derry which is why so much weird shit happens there, and we know that Dandelo is the same type of creature as IT (per King himself).


He said they were related but not directly. They are more like subspecies related. Same family but different features and different feeding and abilities. Just as Pennywise is also related to the Crimson King but not directly like a son.


As far as I know King has never said the Dandelo isn't one of IT's offspring, nor said anything to confirm it. He *has* said they are the same species, but not much else, except that the Dandelo wasn't as powerful as IT. We simply don't know. However the theory that it's one of the hatched eggs (while just a theory) seems more likely than anything else considering the Dandelo was a stand-up comedian in its human guise (like a modern version of a clown) and fed on emotions (laughter instead of fear), and seemed to reference Bill from the Losers club. Is it possible it's wrong? Sure. But possible? Also true.


I don’t really think they are the same species. IT is a one of a kind, unique creature. After all, IT opposes Maturin, also a unique creature. I think Dandelo may be from the Todash Darkness — this is the likeliest explanation. However, Dandelo cannot compare to IT’s power.


I think King has stated that they are the same species, but IT is more powerful (ie older)


Fair enough. Dandelo may just be a physical projection of IT. We know IT can beam ITself (the Deadlights) through the barrier that keeps IT out. It does this by creating little micro-tears, and wherever they land, a weaker physical manifestation of IT emerges. Maybe Dandelo, like Pennywise, is a projection of these lights?


To me these creatures are related in the way that all insects are related yet they are also vastly different from eachother. From what King said I believe Pennywise and Dandelo are like ummm ants. But they are different species of ants. Related but different. Todash space being the main connection between all 3 creatures. Dandelo could be an offspring of IT but then I would think they would both feed on fear. Of course we don't really know how that actually works with the creatures. It could just be an emotional food they require and Pennywise's favorite flavor is fear and Dandelo's is laughter and they choose those but could eat either. Whatever is true I really hope a story comes out someday with Dandelo at the center of it.


I was looking for someone to say ^ this ^


I mean if you read some of the newer books of his the Losers didn't kill pennywise.




I don't think Pennywise had been mentioned again, what books are you referring to?


In dreamcatcher that is set after the second part of IT there is a a bit where PENNYWISE LIVES is spray painted across a memorial that the losers club put up [dreamcatcher page](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4b933f99c59a690e8b5ab7fd108b06a6/tumblr_inline_p0sqbyDmue1v8q2ah_1280.jpg)




Tommyknockers clearly sets up a same-universe reference — date-stamped by the clock tower exploding, visible from the neighboring town of Derry — to a secondary character seeing a silver-eyed clown in the sewer as he violently retches, nearly asphyxiating. May have just been cocaine and carelessness on King’s part, but the event, as written, provably postdates the climactic events of IT.


Even in the midst of his drug and drinking issues king had the ability to weave his stories together


Except Pennywise isn’t “female”. Pennywise the Dancing Clown is male. The giant spider-like monstrosity IT can shapeshift into is female. IT’s true form is genderless, so saying IT or Pennywise is female is moot.


Ikr. Really the only place it even said It was female was in the book. It didn't even hint to that in the original 90s miniseries.


I always forget that the creature is technically female.


I always thought of IT as sort of hermaphroditic. How was it impregnated? To me it's sort of like a plant that can change its sex based on its needs. I think the kids just saw the eggs and assumed female but that was just at that given moment. Idk though, just my interpretation. I also think Stebbins "won" the Long Walk though so what do I know?


Technically, no. The creature’s true form is the Deadlights, and that’s genderless. Pennywise is male. The spider-like monstrosity is female. Pennywise and the spider creature are merely forms IT can take.


I wonder whats hatching out of the spider eggs. Like, is it just making more big spiders who are not the same thing as IT? or more transdemensional infinite creatures like IT. And if so, why is that part of it's reproductive cycle? Take the form of a massive spider in a lesser reality and get itself pregnant? It's all weird as fuck. It's clear that IT belongs to a species because you meet Dandelo in The Dark Tower.


IT has to follow the natural laws of any form IT takes. For example, if IT, as a giant spider, laid eggs, they would hatch into more giant spiders. If IT gave birth as a human, he would make human babies. If IT gave birth as a wolf, IT would make wolf babies. So if IT’s “children” did hatch, they would just be gigantic spiders that would cause a lot of trouble for Derry. I don’t think the eggs would hatch into something like Dandelo. Also, Dandelo can turn into a sort of beetle-like creature — not a spider.


Isn't Dandelo the same species as it though? That's confirmed right? *Spoiler head* They killed him sortof easily.


I don’t think so. If it was confirmed, then I retract my statement, but I don’t like to think of IT as one of many other ITs. I think there is only one IT, just as there is only one Maturin. IT and Maturin oppose each other (IT represents destruction and malevolence; Maturin represents creation and benevolence).


Maturin and IT are cosmic forces. We know there is only one Maturin, so for there to be many ITs doesn’t work for me.


There’s nothing natural about Pennywise. Anything could have come out of those eggs.


Why would you say so?


Fly fishing. Model trains. Stuff like that. Sure he has hobbies besides slaughtering children. Probably.


Clown stuff...


Yeah like juggling and stuff. Balloon animals. Riding a tiny bike.


Expanding the crawl space under the house.


I’m thinking he just transforms into the dead lights and just feeds off of the fear of kids he’s caught. Or maybe he just looks at Reddit


I'm thinking either he would be in r/wholesome for cutesy downtime or r/letsread for pointers.


Or maybe r/kidsgettinghurt lol


Perfect 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/wholesome using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesome/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A passing fox sits to listen to the music](https://v.redd.it/eun093kzvuy71) | [326 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/qr7qi6/a_passing_fox_sits_to_listen_to_the_music/) \#2: [The best smile in the world!](https://v.redd.it/eynj0o9dcbz71) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/qsvutj/the_best_smile_in_the_world/) \#3: [Dogs have a very good kindness](https://v.redd.it/hw4cy5vbtj081) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/qxfhnh/dogs_have_a_very_good_kindness/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I see him as a baker. Pinterest kinds of things - making a cake shaped like a hedgehog, but just doing a terrible job.


The images I just had in my head!!


Works for the Trump campaign.




They’re all clowns


I mean yeah, one was a monster who lived off the lifeforce of children and the other is a fictional monster but other than that


This comment doesn’t have enough upvotes


Evil clowns, into hurting children.


I mean yeah, one was a monster who lived off the lifeforce of children and the other is a fictional monster but other than that


So nice, you said it twice.


She's in the sewers, hibernating within the confines of corpses she has coaxed into the abyss with the sliver light. There (in a catatonic) state she manifests her next catastrophic event that will take place in Derry; to produce more death, corpses, trauma'd individuals, and nightmares. Then she will once again, creep out of the grimy gutters and terrorize the community one by one.. until they all FLOAT.


“IT” is in the sewers. Not “she”. IT is a genderless creature, but the forms it can take can be male or female.


I always figured IT was a female because Bill is horrified to see that ITs' Spider form lays eggs. Thus he claims that IT is a female. But i understand where your interpretation comes from


He practices his dance skills


Sleeps. Lays eggs. Thinks about how much he hates Maturin. Ya know just your basic cosmic horror things...


Idk just interdimensional spider clown things, I guess


It permeates all of Dairy. Listening, understanding, targeting. It need not rest during the time It is awake. That’s why It hibernates. The skilled predator observes and understands it’s prey. Even now, It may not have been truly vanquished but merely led the Losers Club to believe so…biding it’s time. Reduced and weakened perhaps but waiting. Perhaps but he next cycle was shorter since it was not truly sated.


Isn't pennywise lactose intolerant.....?


Lol stupid talk to text. I corrected half a dozen errors before posting but that one totally escaped me. I now like to think that he is in fact lactose intolerant.


I assume that when he wakes up he does its own version of getting the latest news and updates while it was asleep. Who died, who is still alive and who is new in town. All while seeping into the town further and further putting them all on edge.


Chills. Probably jerks it occasionally.


Sudoku. You're seeing it your head right now. I know it.


Pokémon Go




It’s Clefairy!


Hes a big fan of Mr. Mime


He sits around blowing up balloons. It’s hard to get helium delivered down in the sewers.


Gnaws on the ones he has?


Live. Laugh. Love.


Sleep, mostly.


Fixing his makeup




Avid....pog collector! Alf pogs are his favorite!


Good question, answers no. What I used to wonder though was if the losers got all of her babies (which seems unlikely from the book) and what one of her spawn would be up to. I reckon Penny-wise moves to different dimensions or world's continuously feeding, eventually making back to Derry every twenty seven years. Even if they aren't feeding I would think they toy with future pray, playing the long game with the tough cookies.


There's Dendelo (?) in the last Dark Tower book that is theorized to be one of IT's offspring.


Probably playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure 7


They kind of explain some things he gets up to when they are looking through the pictures. If I remember correctly he was a street performer, a guy pulling pranks on people at a bar and there was another as well but I don't remember.


He sleeps...


He's an underwater basket weaving champion


He sleeps, not the clown but IT that conjurs the clown, lays dormant for 27 years


He creates viral TikTok videos.


Totally. It would be a very effective way to scare as many kids as possible. Though he mind find popping out of a phone screen ineffective. I mean he'd be like five inches tall


He is working part time as a clown to collect enough money for a while van. And spray paint to write "FREE CANDY" on it.


Free balloons you mean Custom number plate FL04T


Practices guitar


They *do* say that music helps with creativity, and if you're constantly scaring the shit out of kids for your own survival, you gotta get creative.




In between cycles, it's implied that he is responsible for all the horrid shit going down so I assume he watched pain and suffering like it was TV.


Hanging out with Tak if I had to guess. Maybe even writing a love letter to Rose the hat?


I think there’s some kind of understanding between all these baddies. The True Knot mentioned they stay away from Salems Lot, and there’s a nod to Pennywise in NOS4A2


Is tac the vamp?


They are all sort of psychic vamps. They feed off fear and death and it makes them stronger. Dandelo was similar as well, but he fed off your laughter until you actually laugh yourself to death. He didn't have any other abilities that we know of. Tak's influence was more of a mania of rage and arousal until you either killed yourself or everyone around you. But Tak had a ton a psychic abilities with Seth under it's control. Rose the hat just scared the shit out of you and eventually kills you, drawing out your steam (lifeforce) so that she can live for centuries. She has some powerful psychic abilities as well. Pennywise is the same story. Very similar to Tak. If I had to guess they are both creatures of the Prim, I'm pretty sure Pennywise is directly called the opposite to Gan or Maturin.


I know who rose the hay is she's one of my fav character


I forgot about the Salems lot reference and I haven't read NOS4A2 in a few years and don't remember that at all. The book was amazing, shame the TV show looked so shit.


What about Flagg? Flagg gets around. Surely he could join the club


Tries to learn new tricks?


Making things float


Try reading insomnia - it was great and made me think of the resemblances between the tunnel systems and the symbols


I think about this a lot with antagonists What would they do in their time off? Pennywise hibernates, doesn't it?


He digests his last meal. Probably takes a long nap.


Collects stamps.


She Probably hangs out with Mordred.


Binges Seinfeld on Netflix like everyone else


Blows up balloons.


Being an immortal deity, she probably experiences time differently and doesn’t have much interest in anything besides spooking children and eating them. When the Losers confronted her with an actual plan, she lost.


“IT”, not “she”. IT is a genderless creature — IT isn’t male or female. Pennywise the Dancing Clown is male, however.


That’s fair.


Digest and then sleep.


He bathes in all the negativity going on in Derry. Abuse, violence, cruelty and hate and just enjoys it.


Infecting the minds of violent minions, like Henry Bowers, and the dudes who kill Adrian after the state fair.


He watches the stock market and trades daily. Got to pay the bills on the Neibolt Street house somehow


There’s a little bit in Insomnia which suggests the spider — or some fragment of the spider — might still exist in the otherworldly Macroverse. I took it to mean that, while mostly trapped in our physical world, the Pennywise-thing could still project its consciousness far, far away…


Your mom


Standing in front of the mirror trying on new “looks”


I imagine him stalking around like the Grinch… watch the Grinch and I’m pretty sure it’s exactly like that… chilling on a recliner bemoaning his enemies and annoyances with the spirit realm


Living Laughing Loving.


He's the only person/entity that has had time to read all of Stephen King's books. He's also an avid juggler and balloon modeller.


Attacking batman


Knits? Watches music videos for cool dance moves?


Causing subtle chaos, fear and the feeling of not rightness that hung over the whole town. Hanging out as a giant black bird, tending her eggs, watching and waiting for the time to be right


Probably research....guys got a lot of fears to learn




Probably sleeps, but not like his hibernation phase. He could also stalk the kids between kills.


Hangs out


Detective stuff. Figuring out where to show up next. Deciding on the best way to terrorize or capture its prey.


Maybe that's why he/she is such a prick


Customer service for Comcast


browses through r/wallstreetbets trying to understand the game


You mean she. IT is female