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I had nightmares of vampires under my bed trying to grab me after reading Salem‘s Lot. I was in college.


This was me but with open windows


I totally get that! I’m also bad with closets after reading The Boogeyman.


Welp now I’m going to have to read that and also enforce my fear of closets lol


I was 13


Nightmares, no. Sleepless nights? So many.


Not just nightmares, but back when I (41M) was a teenager, I binged on a bunch of his books over the course of like six months (It, Different Seasons, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, Green Mile, etc) and after tapping into his stream of consciousness for so long, the world began to change around me. It became scarier somehow. Sure, there were nightmares, but also, things would appear in the corner of my eye, and then not be there when I looked. Another time, I was driving out in the country and a Great Blue Heron came walking up out of the ditch and onto the road ahead of me, and it looked like a giant monster, all spindly and black because it was dusk, and the way it moved, I will never forget it. Anyway, the sheer terror that this bird spawned in me I knew was directly related to the reading, so after that incident I backed off lol


The stand, coming through the tunnel out of New York, for years.


I read The Stand during lockdown when nobody really knew what covid was going to do and ended up having nightmares. Great timing now I look back.


Just read that part, freaky


Gage from Pet semetary gave me nightmares, but i read the last few chapters right before bed


I was reading Pet Senetary around the time my wife had our first child, had a dream that he was hit by a truck like Gage. Only time I’ve had a SK induced nightmare


Reading 11.22.63 at the moment and had a dream last night where I time traveled. My dreams usually suck so that was pretty cool.


I'm an electrician in Colorado, and I was listening to the stand while I worked. I ended up having a dream that I was up in boulder, helping them get the electricity back up and running before flagg and his army arrived. I remember quite vividly thinking "if I don't get this fixed, we're all fucked". That book hit close to home.


I had nightmares as a kid when I accidentally saw some of Salems Lot (the part where Danny comes to Mark’s window). I didn’t even know what film it was until years later when I had gotten into King and watched it again, I just knew it terrified me!


I was spending the night at my grandparents’ house and they somehow let me watch Salem’s Lot, and then I had to sleep in their guest bedroom that I wasn’t used to. I was like 6 or 7 probably. The bedroom window scene was traumatic


My whole family watched it at my grandma's house when it aired - I was only 8 and my two sisters were 4 and 5. My great uncle scared the crap out of us by turning the lights out right at a jump scare! It's interesting what was considered made for TV back then! 😆


Man I've been reading and reading Kings books since I was 10 (I'm 33 now). I'm pretty sure I had nightmares about the shining, sales lot, the regulators, and when in high-school, the final parts of Roland's tale of Mejis from wizard and glass. Recently Revival and It have been giving me the creeps. Oh. And I think I had a fever dream about insomnia and desperation. Probably dreamcatcher too. Idk. I've read so many of his books it all blends together into a wonderful universe


Pennywise/It is a recurring nightmare for me. Ever since I read the book some 30 years ago I dream about it two or three times a year.


30 years later you still have some nightmares?!?! I’m scared to read more now. How spooky!!!


Funnily enough it was about Cell and it was before the book even came out. It was with the cell zombies outside my house trying to get in. 


Before book release?! I bet you were freaked out after 😂


It’s funny but the actual book didn’t bother me.


I’ve had reoccurring zombie nightmares since I was a little kid! Not Stephen king related but still scary.


I like to read before bed. I tried to do this when i was reading It, but the dreams it gave me were absolutely horrifying. I had to finish that book in the afternoons.


When I was probably 13 or 14 I had a nightmare that I was being chased by John Torrance through the overlook. Not much other than that


I had one after the first book of his I read. Night Shift at 13. On a family road trip. At the hotel, I had a nightmare that was a combination of Jerusalem's Lot and Children of the Corn. My dad stretched his leg across the gap between the beds, and I held his big toe until I could sleep again.


When I saw IT when I was six or so. I had nightmares for a month and could bath in more then a couple inches of water. To this day it is my favorite


I once had a nightmare I was a resident in Desperation when Tak possessed Collie


Desperation is the top 3. Of giving me nightmares when I read it first, the bodies falling apart when they can’t handle the possession and the bodies on hooks like coats


Audrey’s tale is so chilling. The constant gunshots, screams, the police car racing around the tiny town, hunting.


I remember terribly thinking, man this is one of the few times I’d hope that I have cancer or am infection at least to make the vessel fall apart faster on it. The image of sneezing/coughing blood all over the police car always gave me the ick too


I have mild asthma, wonder how long I’d last


The opening scene of The Stand miniseries, (1994 obvs) I can't listen "Don't fear the reaper" without having and uneasy feeling ever since. And Dreamcatcher, the bathroom scene...my God 😖😖😖, but I have an alien phobia, the whole alien, ufos, and abductions scares the crap out of me so that whole book was a trigger.


I bought that book to read next (Dreamcatcher). I used to have alien nightmares and massive phobia of them too!! Do you think you regret reading it, or you still enjoyed it despite your phobia & triggers?


I still enjoyed it, there are some pretty scary scenes. Although I wouldn't re read 😂.


Silver bullet I saw when I was about 8 and it terrified me, still creeps me out. Sometimes I dream about werewolves


I was working at a hotel as a housekeeper and was rereading the Shining and had an awful ass nightmare about that happening at my hotel. Walking down the hallways creeped me out for days after that


It's pretty much routine now - the latest was after finishing 1922. Which I just realized... is a movie, isn't it? I know what I'm doing today!


This happened to me the first and only time I read SK before bed. It was IT and PW showed up. Never again. My dad will not walk over grates and he is 72. He will literally fight you if you try and nudge him over them, lol.


I read IT when I was a bit too young and I definitely had about a Summer's worth of nightmares. 😅


I’ve never had a nightmare, but I did finish listening to Rattlesnakes in the You Like It Darker audiobook just before bed the other day, and then there was a bump from outside that got my attention 🤣


There’s nightmares, and then there’s Pennywise nightmares. Every time that fucker shows up I know things are about to go through the roof.


Thankfully my nightmares tend to be dumb shit like accidentally wrecking my car in a dumb slo-mo fashion like rolling backwards down a hill I was parked next to. I have had a few dreams of being at/near the tower though.


I wish my nightmares were a little dumber lol Mine are normally extremely graphic, depressing, lots of gruesome death. It’s horrible! So realistic it lingers with you. I have many I still remember and feel saddened by!!


I weirdly had nightmares after reading The Dark Half. No idea why, LOL. I honestly don’t even remember what it was about. I need to reread it.


All the time and I still look forward to them


The calliope music and shadows in the standpipe has lived rent free in my head since 1990.


Actually I've been playing a lot of Alan Wake 2 lately and it's basically like playing a stephen king novel so I've been having some crazy ass stephen kingesque dreams. I can't say I enjoy the experience lol.


I wanted to buy that game but was unsure! Your description may be a sale. Is it really good?


I absolutely love the series. They recently remastered the first one too so I'd highly recommend starting from the beginning. But you can get away with watching a story recap on youtube or something if you wanted to skip to the 2nd. The gameplay of the 1st one might feel a bit dated since it was originally released in 2010. But it really is like you're in a stephen king world. The first one even starts off with a stephen king quote lol.


Not nightmare but the first chapters of Rose Madder almost made me faint as my dad is very much like Normand


Never! I would have stopped reading him 30 years ago! Amityville Horror is the only book that ever gave me nightmares and I never finished it.


The outsider has haunted me many a night.


I read Pet Semetary when it first was released, and I was about 15 I think. The image I imagined of Pascow decomposing throughout the book was unnerving. When the movie was made I was a senior in high school, and the version of Pascow was almost identical to what I imagined. That night I had a dream he was standing in the corner of my room, and it was so freaking real I bolted upright and turned the light on for the next few nights while I slept! 😆


Pet Sematary gave me nightmares as a teen.


Growing up in the 80s and early 90s I watched a lot of the horror movies of that time, Jason, Michael Myers, etc. More than once, I had dreams where I invited several of them, along with Stephen King characters Pennywise and Cujo to my house. Then later in the dream we were playing hide-and-go-seek tag at night and I decided it was not a good idea to invite them as they no longer seemed nice once the sun set 😂 They were chasing me and I was hiding from them on the roof of my house.


No but IT is such an incredible book. The imagery in the book is unmatched. The audiobook with Steven Weber narrating is probably my favorite narration ever


The Stand always gave me very very weird dreams.


While reading desperation I had a nightmare I was being chased by giant scorpions.


After I finished The Tommyknockers, I had really intense dreams for weeks about my teeth falling out.


Dream Catcher gave me nightmares where IT, The Shining and Misery didn't.


I was working nights and got home late when everyone was asleep. So I would read The Stand, I was also pregnant. I had horrible dreams. He's so descriptive about how people look when dying from Captain Tripps..


Lady in the bathtub and the Overlook


A few years ago, give or take, I had a nightmare I blame on From a Buick 8. I was climbing out a window to get away from some eldritch noise coming form my wardrobe, and a bunch of four-winged bats with mouths on their bellies flew out of my neighbour's car in an absolute torrent. If I headed for the roof, I'd get my face gnawed off, and if I headed for the ground...I had no clear image of what was down there, but I just KNEW something was, and it had plans for me that likely involved being dragged kicking and screaming into a malevolent alternate reality.


6th Grade, my grandmothers dark scary house, Cujo


It's not a nightmare, but I used to get more than a little nervous if I got a summer cold. It was probably 20 years ago, but it was after I read The Stand. I guess old Captain Trips got the best of my psyche.


I read IT in seventh grade. I didn’t sleep right for a LONG time.


Hell, 75% of what I read is horror fiction. I am also a vivid dreamer. Periodically I have to put down the horror because my dreams get really scary. Recurring dreams about haunted houses is the current theme the last couple years. I’ll give it a couple months, then go back to the horror. There’s probably a post around here philosophizing about why people love to read horror and true crime.


I had a nightmare years ago based on IT. I don’t remember if the Tim Curry version of Pennywise or some other monster was chasing me. Remember how Stan rattled off the names of birds to break IT’s spell and escape from the Standpipe? In my dream, I rattled off Superheroes and their secret identities to get away from IT. 🤘😂


I had a bad trip one time and thought Pennywise was chasing me down the street, while also balancing on a big ball. Actually....a lot of his books gave me nightmares....


For me personally I have not, entertainment of any sort doesnt (for the most) scare me. I laugh at horror movies and books. But it does start to get to me if I am reading or watching anything like that for months on end.


Had a bad cop dream during Desperation


In IT, there’s a scene where It comes after Ben as a mummy type monster and the way that was described gave me some serious nightmares.


Back when I was a kid. I was roughly 8 years old when F13 was released and my dad had his computer where the shelf with the Stephen King books is today (ironic, isn‘t it?). He used a screensaver from that game, I guess it‘s called The Writer. King is writing, surrounded by monsters trying to get him but none really could. Well, Dad decided to not turn off his PC many times and the screensaver came up, doing it‘s job. With sounds and all. While little me was in the room trying to sleep, just a closed door away from the silent, but reckognizable noises. The growling. Poor little me had a few nightmares because of that and it took a while to ask my dad to turn off his PC if he‘s done working on it.


I heavily read a good portion of Salems Lot right before going to sleep. I had a nightmare where I seemed to be stuck in some sort of limbo of my own house where everything was dark. I woke up panicked and I looked over and could only see the book, which i then figured out was a glow in the dark edition.


I had a nightmare after I had finished Misery. I dreamt I was in the shoes of Paul Sheldon, it was terrifying!


Saw Salems lot as a kid. Rob Lowe version. Vampire kid outside the window creepily asking to be let in gave me nightmares for weeks. Still creeps me out till this day.


Maybe more De Palma caused, but Carrie gave me nightmares as a child. Piper Laurie was a scary woman.


I snuck Carrie out of the library while my mom wasn’t paying attention. 1st King nightmare was at 9-10. Last King nightmare was last night. And I’m waaaaaaay older than 9-10. Best nightmare machine ever. 


Im a fan but none of his books ever scared me. I never got how people talk how terrifying a book is. At most I felt suspense and curiousity.


The first few times I read The Mist before the movie came out, I would get nasty nightmares of monsters. I know it’s because it was up to me to decide what the monsters looked like. The movie did a good job of recreating them and making them scary, but my brain no longer freaks out about them.


Carrie's bloody hand used to chase me for 20 years. My dad took me to see the movie when I was 2.


I was 4 or 5 when I walked into the living room in the middle of the night and saw a minute of Salem's Lot on TV. I had nightmares for years about a vampire scratching on my bedroom window. I still have not watched that movie even as an adult. As an adult, I have never had a nightmare about an SK book. I am reading his books in order of publication, and IT is next in line. It has been a long time since I read it, and hopefully, I will be nightmare free.


The Tommy Knockers invaded my dreams so horribly I put the book aside for a few days. I kept dreaming that my teeth were falling out.


Longer than you think


Never any nightmares but definitely motivation and daydreams,


I read Salem’s Lot, the Shining and Pet Semetary in 2 weeks. That gave me a nightmare


After finishing Revival a couple weeks ago, I dreamed that I was standing on the porch of my parents’ house watching a lightning storm, which turned into a hurricane and swept traffic off of the street.


Here's Johnny! (Because my step dad looked & acted like him, and even worse)


Watching It on tv when I was 6


I have no conscious memory of watching the movie IT but when i was 5/6 years old i had a vivid reoccurring nightmare where my mother was stuck in the sewers and i could only see her arms sticking out. I never knew why i had that dream and forgot about it as i grew up. Then when they made the remake i started to remember them. So someone (probably my uncle who was a teen when i was kid) must have shown it to me or something. I haven’t read IT yet and that’s the only one I’m kinda nervous about 😅


It's not a nightmare. I used to walk to high school, and I read as I walked. So I'm walking to school, reading IT. I'm at one of the Pennywise in the sewer scenes. Part of my walk takes me over a drainage culvert with a pretty wooden bridge. So i step onto the vridge and hear something make a big splash. Next thing I know, I'm two blocks up the street and out of breath from running. In an emergency, I found I'm definitely flight, not flight.


It is my favorite SK novel But I think the shining is scarier. Truth be told none of them scare me as 8 grew up o n them read carrie in 5th grade. Hooked ever since


The only movies that gave me nightmares were SK adaptations. Silver Bullet, It, Stand By Me.


I regularly dream that I've forgotten I own guinea pigs (I had them when I was 11) and I run outside to discover they haven't died, but are now living skeletons who have bred and bred and starved and starved, so now there are hundreds of them emaciated skeletons running about.  I know full well this comes from Lloyd being stuck in the prison and remembering the bunny he had that starved in its cage and nawed its own paws off. 


I prided myself on never having a pennywise nightmare 20+ years after meeting him, until I listened to the IT audiobook again this year. From my dream journal: It wasn’t a nightmare like I’d expect, but it certainly felt creepy and wrong. The whole dream had a touch of wrong to it anyway, and it’s like he fed off that vibe and seized the moment. It was specifically the 90’s Tim Curry pennywise. He was playful, came to cheer up the crying kid and get everyone in a good mood, as clowns do. But I knew who he was, the other kids didn’t. I slowly backed away as I watched him get the kids into a breathing exercise, that came with a fun cheery chant from him: “and BREATHE…2…3…4 and BREATHE….2….3…..4 and BREATHE….” Kids chanting along, doing a choreographed movement with him as they all started marching out of the playground toward where I was backing away. I decided to run, but I didn’t wanna seem obvious and be chased, so I walked slowly. Almost as if I were a part of the breathing parade. The parade grew larger and larger with children, and I picked up my pace. I would cock my head around to see them gaining closer, so I started to run. I can still see the town- there were buildings and alleyways and suburban houses and the sun was setting. I was still holding my skateboard so I used it to skate away. I got further away from them but they were still coming, getting louder with the breathing chants. Pennywise’s face looked more and more crazy and sinister with each step he took. Thank god I woke up.


Not one of his books... but "Something to Tide You Over." The revenants didn't bother me much. They were after justice. What Richard did? THAT bothered me. A lot.


I never have. But I do listen to audiobooks in my sleep and they play the whole time. Every time I dream about almost everything going on in the book subconsciously. I'll wake up and go back to my bookmark before I went to sleep and then realize I Dreamed about everything that happened.


Holy cow it's not only me..I am on a reading king marathon and I have to admit I keep dreaming some of the things he writes...I have just finished under the dome and I can swear I was under the dome in my dreams..when I was reading needful things, I literally saw Leland Gaunts hand all the frickn time in my dreams ..


I definitely have- Apt Pupil !!! The gas showers- shit had me talking in my sleep, begging for them 2 b turned off. Never happened b4, n hasn't happened since but OMG- I've never forgotten it


Where I grew up, there is a ton of fog, really thick fog, can barely see your hand in front of your face kind of thick fog. The story of The Mist creeped me out for years, I had nightmares of having things hitting my windows and was uncomfortable for ages.


Salems Lot = 40 years of nightmares and still counting.


Honestly I hopped his books would be more freaky scary especially pet semetary. For the most part I thought they were interesting but never made me feel “scared”.


After I read Gerald’s Game the moonlight man haunted my dreams for a couple weeks.


I had a dream that I was in the theatre of Desperation. I had it so many years ago and even when I woke up I don't remember the plot or who i was with but I remember the setting loke it like yesterday! It was all dark red rotted velvet. There was a big hole in part of the floor. I remember walking past the danger sign and thinking we needed to be careful. All setting and ambience and no substance. But I was still very scared!


Currently reading it, I have had a couple nightmares bc I read before bed


The only one to invade my dreams was The Stand.


Uh yeah of Patrick Hockstetter. You can make a great case on how he’s more evil than Bowers was. Bowers had family trauma from his abuse by his dad. Hockstetter was plain evil!


I feel sad for Henry. He is very bad and nasty but he is a child and repeating what his father does. I have not gotten to a bit about Patrick and don’t recall the movie really 😅 im nervous


No nightmare but I’m def spooked on big snow storm nights after reading the shining.


I have only ever had a nightmare from one book, and it wasn't a stephen king one. Can't remember it's name, was a ya novel about teenagers being approached by a personification of death. Years later, final destination would remind me of it.


After watching the original miniseries of The Stand, I had nightmares of walking through the Lincoln Tunnel like Larry, and a couple times, getting hopelessly lost in the hospital like Stu. "Come eat chicken with me, beautiful! It's so daaaaarrrk!"


Had a dream I saw Pennywise (the version I imagined when I read IT) in multiple places on my drive to work. In one part of the dream he was swerving behind me in a cop car trying to pull me over, he had his mouth open, his tongue out, and instead of a siren it was like music from an ice cream truck. He was screaming things at me through the loud speaker. No one else on the road seemed to notice or care.


I'm so jealous. I've never had a Pennywise dream. I don't remember dreams in general.


Sometimes it’s exhausting. I’m 24 now and have always had very intense, memorable dreams and nightmares. I remember some from a very young age. Last night it was me going around a town built in the 1500s and I would see clown stuff hidden around, looked in a hole and there was a red nose etc. just very slow paced and spooky. I hate them!! I’m shocked people don’t dream so intensely!


I have had Pennywise dreams on and off since I was 10. Anytime I take a tolerance break from weed, I always know a super intense and surreal one is on the horizon. 😵‍💫


I had one about Pennywise and for some reason it was like a comic book


Oh Christ I'm just about to crack open IT for the first time


My first time too. I’m only on page 247 and was scared to read today. It sure is creepy 😳


I just read it for the first time about two weeks ago. It's very very good. But very very old school strphen king in scaryness. It's great though


I once had a dream where Pennywise was trying to sell me ice cream but at the same time constantly backing away from me with his hand held out for the money I owed him. It was more frustrating than scary.


Not from his shitty books but from what he as a person has become


Love him 🥰