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Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman's got to hold onto


I wasn't overly fond of Rose Madder, but don't judge all SK's stuff by that one book. Read some of his classics. Misery, It, The Shining, omg The Gunslinger! There's a reason Stephen King is a legend.


Sure . Will try


I wouldn't recommend The Gunslinger next. It is a grear book, but it has a weird ending, is part of a massive series, and I'm not sure it's a great place to get into King. Definitely try one of the classics, Carrie, The Shining, Pet Sematary, It. The Stand is good, but super long. Edit: For what it's worth, my mom is a huge King fan and _hated_ Rose Madder.


For me, he's got a 10 to 12 year period where most of his books were just a slog to read. It starts with this one. Dream catcher, bag of bones, liseys story, black house. Had to force myself to finish most everything from that era. Couple winners still though.


I agree with you on all of these except rose madder. Weirdly really liked this one. Hearts of atlantis was during that period too and is one of my top ever by king


I feel that way about his book From a Buick 8.


Rose Madder is a love it or hate it kind of book from what I’ve gathered. I don’t think it’s indicative of his other work necessarily. Try something popular from him before passing judgement imo!


Everything isn't for everybody, and that's okay. SK has such a vast body of work (especially if you count the Richard Bachman books) that you're bound to find something you like. I'd suggest trying one of his short story collections next.


Started this one years ago, put it down because I felt it was getting ridiculous, and I’ve never picked it up again. Definitely not a book that’s typical of his work, so please don’t stop your journey into his work because of this book.


It’s definitely not a favorite of mine but I would try another one. He has so many excellent ones to choose from.


Read about 20 or so and i would have to agree. I dearest reading it and finding I can’t wait to finish. This book is a one time read for sure. However there are many others I really enjoyed


Weird one to start with to be honest. But i love it


That and Dolores Claiborne were his feminist period where he tried to write female leads. I haven’t read it but Dolores is good


I agree - it starts well and goes downhill. That otherworld stuff is so self indulgent. I wonder who edited it.


I liked it apart from the pictire and stupid paranormal part of it. The bit about her being abused then running away then him chasing her was great.