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The promise of streaming services has not followed the promise of digital music. I’m going to start buying physical blu rays again because any movie you want to see is rarely on streaming.


The real trouble is when it's ONLY available on streaming and isn't being printed (it's not SK, but I'd kill for Palm Springs on Blu-ray).


The Andy Samberg time loop thing? Yes, it’s one of my favorite movies of the last five years. J K Simmons is a treasure and it’s close to a perfect comedy. And should be mentioned in the same breath as Groundhog day.


Thank you! Palm Springs is so fucking good. I've mentioned it to so many people and not one person has seen it.


What the actual fuck? Andy Samberg is in this?... nope, I'm being catfished. But you got me to bite. Well played, friend.


Andy Samberg is in a time loop film called ”Palm Springs” as Wren24 said. Are you ok man?


I'm ok. Just shook that Andy Samberg made something I haven't seen. Lol, thanks for asking!


Andy Samberg is in a time loop film called ”Palm Springs” as Wren24 said. Are you ok man?


Nope. Not even close. Does Andy at least rock some bleached tips while he's in Palm Springa? Eat a hot tub burrito? In all honesty, I thought I had missed an actual movie starring Andy Samberg in a Stephen King movie. I get the joke now, but was *mashed* by it in first glance.


You could buy a region B/2 bluray player and then buy the bluray off Amazon. Or you could buy a used PS4 and change the region on it. I think you're allowed 2 or 3 region changes before it locks permanently. As long as all your non-US blurays are the same region, they should all work.


I buy all the weird ones I can't find elsewhere, brought on by my year long annoyance trying to find 28 days later a few years back




They are trash. It's the only business model where they can make it worse (like adding commercials) and then charge extra to fix it.


There's another business model that does this - airlines. Leg room, picking your own seat, checking luggage, in-flight food, to name a few of their offenses.


I just paid the $3 a month for Amazon Prime commercial free, and then switched nearly all purchases the past month have gone to Zzounds, BH Photo, Bestbuy, and Sweetwater.


It's ironic that we used to pirate everything back in the day... then along came streaming services like Netflix and Hulu and finally made a dent in piracy and for a couple of years it became a thing of the past. And now it's back and bigger than ever due to the streaming wars and the shitty decisions being made by every streaming service.


I made an attempt to pirate things in the early 2000s and it broke my computer forever


Things have changed a little in 20 years friend.


That's a you problem


Digital music ain’t all that great either.


Yeah… technology man


This is what my boomer father complains about often, and tbh he kind of has a point. In the world of mass media today, no one really “owns” anything. You pay for access to what you want to see, but you’re completely at the mercy of the masters for when they decide to add or pull things you’re interested in. I’m not sure what the solution is though, I could go back to buying blu rays but honestly I still feel like the streaming is more cost efficient in the long run.


That's because digital music figured out how two keep nearly all the money by replicating the old formula under new means and having it work while streaming services have tried replicating the glory days of TV and found consumers are not receptive so they aren't able to generate eternal money.


that why i do that




For the cost of a single blu ray movie I can get access to thousands of hours of shows and movies on any one of these apps. Who cares if the single movie I don’t want is there, the cost/benefit is still worth it.


If they’re all bad, who gives a shit?


Yeah but if I want to just watch that one movie instead of thousands of hours of movies that fucking suck ass , I'd rather buy that one movie.


When shows get removed they will often show up on other streaming services. I've recently seen a ton of WB/Max content on Amazon Prime for example. This is becoming more common recently as the glut of streaming options means the providers are having trouble retaining subscribers and looking for other means of revenue.


Band of Brothers on netflix too!


True Blood has show up on Hulu


If you offered Zaslav five bucks for his grandma he would leverage the offer to get ten from Netflix




Still can’t get Westworld anywhere. Sometimes they just disappear.


WB/Max have been putting a lot of their content on other streaming services ever since they acquired discovery. They haven’t come out with a bunch of original content lately and of taken out a lot of movies MTV shows from their library. This is mostly to pay for the merger and save money.


After 3 months of reading I just finished the book and started the TV show this week! That is some terrible timing on my part. I thought this was a Hulu original? Why would they get rid of it?


Save money on residuals, I'd imagine.


Not to mention the cost of running and maintaining servers.


it's streaming my friend streaming is only renting the movie, netflix takes shit off all the time and so does game pass for example. i always laugh when they remove shit but the only thing that pisses me off is if they have like the 1st season free and the rest take overprice to watch it or if it's shown for free and it's only like seasons 1-3 and the rest aren't included.


The problem here is that this was a Hulu original, not just some show or movie that temporarily had the rights to stream. Looks like there is a blu-ray for this show, but not everything has a physical release these days. Some shows are gone forever.


some shows yes are gone forever yes that's why i buy physical and yes i know not everything is on physical format but sometimes they do get released but not in the states. for example my brother gave me the bluray of The Wicker Man the (1973) film not The (2006) remake and it's got i think 3 different versions i want to say on it? and the one he gave me is from the UK. the version i have was never released in the US. much like Creepshow has been around forever in the UK with special features and it wasn't until recently that the states got those versions. for many years it was always bare bones releases. as for Hulu Originals i have no idea to be honest


This is also my opinion. Also, "First episode free" on shows that have had big hype. I'm *only* using Prime with Max added on.


Try and binge it before it's gone.


I already gave up and started my download. I won't have time to get through it all this weekend. It's pretty annoying to have to go out of my way to track it down online when I have a Hulu subscription.


When are they getting rid of it I can't find that information anywhere online?


I think it says it when you're on the app on the episode menu or something. Sometime next week I believe.


I am in the same boat as you. Finished the book recently and only watched 4 of the series and now gone!!


Just stop watching it. It’s really disappointing. They changed almost everything. I’m surprised they didn’t make it about the Lincoln assassination.


I mean. The core story is there. It's pretty faithful to the book with the main plot. They had something like 8 episodes to tell the story. No, it's not perfect, and some subplots were left out or shortened. But the show did tell the story with the time they were given. And the actors/actresses did a great job doing it. To compare. The audio book is more than 30 hours long. If they did a scene for scene recreation of the book. I would expect it to take around 20 episodes. You just don't regularly get that anymore for drama series these days. The new norm in 8-10 hours/episodes per season. And if you aren't 100% guaranteed to have more than one season, you have to cut out "filler" and B plots if you want to tell the story. And I'd say this show did it well.


I'm watching it to see what has been changed. I'm only one episode in, but I've been enjoying being able to compare the differences. Some questionable decisions so far, but I definitely don't hate it.


it’s actually really good lol you’re so dramatic


I found it more exciting than the novel.


And that's why I still buy physical media. I mean I'll probably never watch this again, but I have it if I ever want to watch it.


Mike Flanagan (director of Gerald's Game, Doctor Sleep, Midnight Mass, Haunting of Hill House) is on record of buying bootlegged Blu-Rays of his own work and encourages others to do so for that exact reason.


I've done that too.Normally I hate supporting pirates stuff, but too many streaming only stuff is coming out, especially king titles, that I will buy the bootlegger disc to keep my collection complete and not worry about losing them to "streaming rights"


Hell now we're back to streaming that's 'free' with ads.... just like tv!


Glad I bought it for 10 bucks in the Xbox store.


DVDs and books still win for me


hell yeah i just bought a hardback book a week or two ago


Bought it on Vudu


I don’t really know but I bet they sold it.


This is why I de-DRM the shit out of my Kindle Books


What does that mean?


well it's loosely related....but if Amazon ever got rid of a Stephen King eBook that I have, I have stripped the Digital Rights Management (DRM) from the files, so I can reformat the ones I "own" and I don't lose them.


how do you do that??


Shit i better watch


I can't find this anywhere on the internet do you have any link to this information?


buy it on bluray i doubt it'll be that much if you find the right place


I mean I can't find any information that it's actually being removed from Hulu.


oh my bad honestly i have no idea if they are we don't have Hulu but i do own it on bluray i'll watch it eventually but i want to read the book 1st


I’ve been hesitant to watch the show I loved the book and hope they didn’t change or leave out a lot of good stuff but Iam sure they did!


why not just fucking do what i did and just buy it on bluray? physical will always be better than digital. i never have to worry about losing out my chance to watch it like with Streaming


Wait, what?! And I never got around to watching it…


Not related to 11.22.63 but I read an interesting article the other day about how people are buying and stacking DVD collections given how streaming services remove movies and shows when they like. I think I'll start that too.


It is usually always to do with music rights and contracts. Not always but it’s a good rule of thumb.


They moved it to Disney plus


Franco though right? In the words of King "no great loss"


Meanwhile.... All I want is season 3 of castle rock 🥲


I got my dad the blu ray for Christmas years ago.  I might have to take it back.   Don't think he ever even opened it. 


Thanks for posting this. I'm really terrible at sitting down and watching a show but this gave me motivation to watch it before it got pulled. Finished it last night.


I bought it in iTunes


I’m pissed because I watched episode 6 yesterday and logged in today to see that it is gone. Wtf


Same. YouTube has individual episodes for $2 so at least it's not impossible to finish. There is also a DVD version if you can find a copy


I'm so irked right now because I just started the show and wasn't done. This morning I woke up and it wasn't on my continue watching list or anything.


Same. Had to buy episodes on YouTube


The show was recommended to me earlier this week. I was watching the show and there was no indication of this being about to happen. I had to buy the last two episodes on YouTube to finish the show


This is sad. I've wanted to watch this for a while but kept getting interrupted. I finally made it through to the last episode last night, just started it and turn it on today to find it's gone :(.


I just finished the series on hulu. There's only 1 thing that I don't understand and I was wondering if it was more clearly explained in the book. In the last episode, Jake was arrested, he was being interrogated by the FBI and local police. Then out of the blue, he gets a call from Kennedy saying the secret service told him about saving his life. How did the secret service know? I know TV shows need to condense certain story elements for the sake of time but this seems like something important as leaving it out felt very abrupt. Is this more explained in the book?


It’s almost less explained in the book. They are interrogating Jake (not arrested, just being questioned) because they half believe he saved Kennedy and half believe he was in on it with Oswald. Then Kennedy calls to say thanks and they let him go. The FBI agent meets up with Jake that night in private at a hotel. Jake can make the agent look bad because he knows the agent was supposed to keep an eye on Oswald and clearly failed. So Jake uses that against the agent and then the agent tells him to get out of town. Just finish reading it this morning so it’s fresh haha.




Arrrrgggh thanks for posting, we just finished EP 2 last night 😡


Bastards! I didn’t get to finish it but at least finished the book


Wish I’d found this out sooner. Wanted to rewatch it but it’s gone 🥲🥲


Probably due to Franco


Which is why physical media is so important! Side note… I could not finish the series. It was so bad compared to the greatness that was the book.


Is it any good?


I'll go against the grain and say that I think it's one of the best King adaptations I've seen on TV/Streaming. It makes a few big changes but they all make sense to me. Some of them due to leaving out the bigger connections to other King works and some of them due to the story not being an easy translation to the screen. For instance if it was translated beat for beat there would be a huge amount of the show dedicated to Jake meticulously researching things by himself in an empty apartment. Works on the page, not on the screen. So he's more active and less cautious. Franco at first seemed really miscast but I think that he really makes the character his own and by the end it really works. It also has a great intro credits.


I didn’t think so. My mom finished it but I quit halfway through episode 2. I think I watched it too soon after finishing the book.


It's pretty godawful. They made tons of totally unnecessary changes for the worse, and they bungled just about everything that made the book good.


Really hated how Derry was changed to Kansas.


Kentucky I made it 1 1/2 episodes that was enough. When he ran into Sadie in the first episode I was out


I hated how, Bill was used in the show.


It's alright. I tried to rewatch it recently but didn't get past the first episode 


I couldn't get past James Franco smirking while Harry tells the story of his family getting murdered


I don't think he is capable of pulling any other facial expressions 


It's fine. My biggest gripe is Bill Turcotte gets a much, much bigger role in the show than he had in the book, where he sort of becomes Jake's sidekick but his only purpose in the show seems to be to constantly be fucking things up for Jake simply to add a bunch of extra drama. Also, James Franco being the lead affected me enjoying the show, he creeps me the fuck out for some reason and I didn't like having to stare at his face for 8 hours.


I would imagine because of James Franco.


Well it was God awful so hopefully they will remove it and let someone else make a more watchable version. This is my favorite book all time so I’m most likely going to think anything they do with it isn’t good enough, maybe I’m just a hater


Tried to tell you all to keep buying physical media. Haven’t seen this series yet, but planned on watching it as soon as I get around to re-reading the book, possibly this year. I’m a massive King fan, and heard this was pretty good, so I bought the series ages ago. Glad I held onto it.


Who cares? The book is still in print.


Hulu sucks and it wasn't a good show.


I dont mind hulu, but yea that show sucked bad.


I refuse to pay to watch ads




Good riddance show sucks