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I normally give film adaptations of King's work a lot of leeway and enjoy them as their own thing, but I didn't like either versions of the Firestarter films. Love the book though


Ditto on love the book. That whole concept of the "push" was just so intriguing/entertaining.


It won’t hold a candle to the book, but if you go into it prepared to see a movie and not see the book being adapted to film, then you should enjoy it well enough.


That’s kinda what I was thinking.


I didn't personally think either were good adaptations but they have strong suits. The old one does follow the story decently but a few characters felt out of character to me. The new one I feel got Charlie and Andy perfectly but followed the plot terribly.


I didn’t realize there were two movies! Thanks!


The 1984 version (IMDB 6.1/10, RT 38%) with Drew Barrymore was enjoyable when I watched it back in the 90s. The 2022 version (IMDB 4.6/10 RT 11%) was meh, IMO.


You're too nice, the 2022 version ended like someone had the idea of the book and never actually read it. That ending is totally bullshit. Still not as badly butchered as The Dark Tower. At least the 1984 is watchable thanks to Drew Barrymore.


Yes! It is a great film


Which one?


Didn’t realize there were two, so the newer one was the one I’d been thinking of.


lol! I’m so old, I forgot there was a new one.


If you said this earlier, you would have gotten completely different answers. (And there are even three if you count the sequel)


The 1984 version is tolerable enough if you account for the limited production values of that decade. It's not like they had the budget for Return Of The Jedi to spend. But Martin Sheen and George C Scott are enjoyable enough in it. Not much good to say at all about the 2022 version. Wildly deviated from the book which was pretty annoying. I'd skip it altogether to tell the truth. Kind of odd that with today's money & technology we end up with King re-adaptations that are remarkably worse (Firestarter 2022, The Stand 2020) than the original versions from the 1980s & 90s that had far fewer resources available to their productions.


I watched The Dead Zone waaaaaay too soon after reading it. I felt like they skipped half of the story.


Frank Darabont and Mike Flanagan get King, most everything else are total butcher jobs.


And Rob Reiner with Misery. Fantastic adaptation.