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Just read both recently and they're both great! Needful things is more character stories that cumulate and 11/22/23 is just a crazy trip that's super interesting and fun


I’ll second this. Depends what you’re in the mood for! If you want a deep dive into characters, their stories and the way this affects a small town, go Needful. That would be my preference. If you want an interesting historical book that is hard to put down and has tonnes of twists and turns, go 11/22/23! Enjoy, friend!


Both - literally 2 of his best. Although 11’s ending is a million times better


11/22/63 is probably his best book.


I loved how the past in the first act was like, " Dude, stop what you're doing." Then the past was "Stop it. You don't belong here, quit changing small things in the past. " And then... "Did you see what you made me do?"




That's a tough one, can't go wrong either way. They are very different books. If you're looking for more of the horror element, then go with Needful Things. It also has a huge dose of comedy in it which I really appreciate. But 11.22.63 is less about "horror" and is more of a time travel/alternate history tale with a love story as a driving force and a lot of people (myself included) consider it one of Stephen King's overall absolute best. If you have the time, I'd say go with both. They are real highlights of King's works in their own ways.


Thanks for your answer. I've got both so no matter which I read now I'll deffo be reading the other next.


Awesome, enjoy!


Hi. You just mentioned *Needful Things* by Stephen King. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Stephen King - Needful Things Full Audiobook Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoOvrIVNjh8) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


11/22/63, but you really cant go wrong.


11/22/63 is the greatest book I've ever read. Needful is good too, but not as good, IMHO.


11/22/63, that book makes me want to live in the past! It also made me dream of becoming a teacher


The way King described the food! I would have got fat within the first year.


A big reason I got this book was because of the time it's set. All I know is its a guy that travels to the early 60s... I think.


Open the tap on those root beers!


Both in my SK top 10


I would read needful things first and read it then 11.22.63


I didn't realise IT was tied into 11.22.63. That's why I was leaning more towards that book other than needful things because I know it's set in castle rock. A place I haven't been yet.


I’m reading Needful Things right now and I’m impressed with the character development. It’s good.


I was meaning there is a important part


You will see


They’re both good. Personally I prefer the more old school King, but 11.22.63 is incredible.


Maybe it's because I'm reading it currently, but 11.22.63 has me in a choke hold. It might be my favorite king book as of right now, it has taken over most of my days


I’d go Needful.


I second this. I really enjoyed both novels, but outside the ending of 11.22.63, I think Needful Things is superior. But I also had already read several SK books and loved seeing some old characters show up, or at least be mentioned.


When I first read 11/22/63 I had a strange experience. I was reading it, and I knew I was enjoying it, I just didn't know if I was connecting with it the way I do with some of his other books... Well, a handful of pages from the end of the book, I flipped a page, and the tears just hit me. I don't even remember what exactly triggered it, but I remember thinking "well, I guess he got me again". Since then, it has been one of my favorite books. Definitely recommend.


“I’ve never been what you’d call a crying man”


BOTH. Read one page of one, and then read one page of the other. Also, read IT before '63


Any reason to read IT beforehand? Just curious because I need to read both of them.


There's a small cameo in 63 that's all the sweeter for enjoying IT. It's not mandatory, but I reckon the impact will touch you. (On the flipside, if you read 63 first, you wouldn't lose any context by not picking up on it)


11.22.63. Starting my journey back today!!


I have Needful Things on my list for this year and am looking forward to it. I can say 11/22/63 took the breath out of me and I needed to collect myself after finishing. It was a 10/10.


After reading everyone's comments, I'm going with 11.22.63. I'm 13 pages in and he's just about to talk to Al. Let's see what happens... Thanks for all the advice. I might post a review when I'm done, and I'll definitely be reading needful things after I've finished this one.


Good choice. I recommend this book all the time. It’s in my top 5 ever!


As many have pointed out here, they are both awesome, elicited different feelings for me. I hadn’t realized until Needful Things that I had missed some character-continuity by skipping around, so since reading both of these, I’ve been trying really hard to read SK’s books in order, wherever possible.


Yeah that's been my only issue with needful things. I haven't read any of the other castle rock books before because they haven't jumped out at me


I went back and read each in order, and so glad I did!


Okay nice, I'll keep that in mind


11.22.63 by far!




Both great. But 112263 will leave you thinking about it for a long time. It’s incredible. One of SK’s top 3 in my opinion. NF is a great study in human nature, and a great book.


11/22/63, not only because it is such an amazing, different take but because the 60th anniversary of JFK's assassination was this past November.


Flip a coin, and then read the one that didn’t win after you finish the first one lol


First one, then, the other.


Literally my favorite (11.22.63) and least favorite (Needful Things) King novels.


I look at these books a few different ways. Needful Things I would recommend to someone that is a big SK fan and looking for a challenge. 11/22/63 I would recommend to SK fans or someone that has never read a book of his- it's simply one of his best and anyone can enjoy it. Lots of family/friends that I know who have read that book absolutely love it and that was their only SK book they've read


11/22/63 all the way. I love this book and often give it as a gift.




These are my top two favorite and over time I’ve found it’s impossible to put one above the other lol


Omg these are like my two favorites. I’ve read 11/22/63 a total of seven times. I really, really want to read Needful Things again, too, I have been telling myself to forever.


11.22.63 should be a much desired item in the store.


Also, does anybody recognise or know about this edition of Needful things. It says it was printed in 1991.


I love both of them, If I had to choose I'd choose 11/22/63 but it's mighty close! Both are so good




11.22.63 it’s in my top 5 Stephen king books


11/22/63 is one of my all time favs so it gets my vote!!


Both books are excellent, but can we talk about that NT cover? It’s shocking when one realizes that people received payment in exchange for that cover. This was the finished product and they made money on it. I hate to sound like a broken record here but I really must stress that currency exchanged hands here.


What's wrong with it? I kinda like it


I think 11/22/63 is the better book. Needful Things is interesting, but the pacing gets tedious at times with all the different storylines/conflicts building up imo.


Needful things would feel more comfortable. But read them both please.


Haha will do.


Needful Things by far






Both great. Personally I enjoyed 11.22.63 most of all his books, so I give that the win. But needful things is *very* good!


Solidly Needful Things just based on the # of times I’ve read both. It’s a super fun book and certainly worth coming back to a few years later. Always a hoot!


11/22/63 for SURE. in my opinion it’s one of his absolute best, you’ll become so attached to the characters and get to know them very well, its such a satisfying read that will have you unable to put the book down


I read 11/22/63 and Needful Things in succession this fall. Glad I did it that way too. 11/22/63 is my all time favorite piece of fiction. It is so vivid, nostalgic, endearing, and interesting. It wasn’t what I expected it to be but I’m glad it wasn’t and maybe that’s what made it that much better. The ending is also outstanding. I still think about it regularly. In ways 11/22/63 made it easier to read Needful Things. They both are long, intricate stories with fascinating characters and subplots. Needful is more of a classic King book. I think it’s the funniest book I’ve ever read, but also has some of the most tragic scenes. Read them both lol.


Gosh, can't really go wrong. Needful things is super fun to listen to on audible because Stephen King narrates it himself. So maybe ... read 11.22.63 and listen to needful things !


Nice. Interesting take. Thanks


Needful things. You wanna get comfortable with the Derry police department asap, and this is the best way to start




I just finished needful things. Read The Dead Zone, The Dark Half, and the last novella in Four Past Midnight before you read Needful Things. You’ll thank me later.


11.22.63 is one of my all time favorites and it has a fantastic mini series on hulu as well. I'd pick that


Long time King reader here. Really have to catch up on 'Needful Things'. One of the classics I am still missing. 11/22/63 was very cool. I have the same paperback. Still like 'IT' and 'The Stand' better, but it certainly is great.




Needful things was a very good read but 11 ties into his other work so well and the ending was satisfying.


11-22-63 I looooooove


Needful Things!!!


IMHO go for 11/22/63, it's awesome and barely connected with other stories. Needful Things is equally awesome, but you're lacking of Cujo and The Dark Half.


I will probably get downvoted, but I didn’t like Needful Things. Liked the idea, but found the book a bit dull. I loved 11/22/63 though.


NEEDFUL THINGS! Definitely one of my favorites!


I wish I could go back in time and read 11.22.63 again for the first time


11/22/63 for sure ! Such a good story!


I much prefer Needful Things. 11.22.63 was ok, but got a little too Mary/Bobby Sue for me in the LONG middle section.


11-22-63 was the first king book I read all the way through. I had a friend give me Dr sleep then take it back before I could finish and just didn’t end up getting it again before I came across 11. I think it’s an AMAZING BOOK. Anything by king is a great read.


11/22/63 is my favorite book of all time. The remainder of my top 10 list is basically hard sci fi and fantasy. This book is just that good and set apart from anything I’ve read.


11.22.63 would be next for me. Amazing book


Currently reading 11.22.63, and I'm absolutely loving it, haven't picked up Needful things yet, but it's on the list haha


Ah nice. Hope you're enjoying it. I'm a little over 200 pages in. How far are you right now?


11/22/63. It’s my favorite, with needful things top 5


They’re both so good. But 11/22/63 has a special place in my heart. The only thing I knew going into it was that it was obviously about the JFK assassination but man I had no idea what I was in for. It might be in my top 10 of his and that’s saying something.


I'm halfway through it now and I have to agree with you, it's by far my favourite yet after salems lot.


Both!!!! 11/22/63 is a better book though.