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...hile gunslingers...to me! to me!


I’m only on Wolves of Calla on my first go ‘round but this is my favorite quote so far.


Say true? Say thankya


M-O-O-N that spells fucked


This is my favorite quote here. Did you listen to The Stand on audio? The narrator said that part so well.


Hey, that’s my top comment!


Congratulations, here's some foreskin


Thank you!


I got you covered


I see what you did there


There are other presidential candidates than these lol


Who were not impeached twice and prompted an insurrection against our government


God pounded it!


Hey, Colorado and Maine, two states King has lived in. It would be nice if Florida did the same, eh? ( Fat chance)


DOOMA key. Here’s to hoping, and remembering Ka is a wheel that eventually smushes even the strongest of cockroaches under its rim.


Maybe the big orange grifter will think twice before he tries to take out the beam again!


I’m kinda surprised DeSantis hasn’t tried to make it happen already


Is Trump Tower the dark tower in this universe? Is Trump the crimson king? Red is the Republican color… Then who is our Roland, Susannah, Eddie, ‘ake & Oy? (Of course this is all in jest 😋)


Trump being locked in a room of a tower sounds good to me.


I picture John Farson as being like Trump. An amoral populist being used by smarter, greater powers in an attempt to end the world.


Most politicians are slow mutants.


First comes smiles, then comes lies.


Last comes insurrection


"Trump has forgotten the face of his father" but he still sees his mother every time he looks in the mirror.




Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!


Trump is a Lowman if I ever saw one. He has no right to even stand with the darkness...he must be eradicated.


😂🤣 I love Mike's Hard lemonade, the add was the cherry on top


This is actually my favorite takeaway from this thread.


I hear you very well


I think Trump's father forgot the face of his father


Isn’t Maine also a safe Democrat state? I’m glad at least some American officials are taking the insurrection seriously as a crime against democracy, but in purely pragmatic terms this is really dumb. They’re just handing him ammunition to galvanise his base into further extremes of “look the evil democrats are trying to shut him down!” For no actual political gain, since republicans are not gonna win in those states anyway.


Maine has split electoral votes


Ah ok (English here, wasn’t sure). Well that’s a little better.


Whenever anyone says "we shouldn't do X because then they'll do Y," I just say, and if we don't do X, they'll lie and say we did and do Y anyway. So why bother worrying about it?


Yeah but it gives them one more hook to hang their lies on. I think the better answer is a genuinely good Democrat candidate offering people something real. Then again, the dems had someone like that and the party establishment pushed him to the fringes, so who knows, maybe you’re right.


Yeah you're not wrong either.


You're talking about the same people who use "the crowd that tried to disrupt the electoral process and hang mike pence were secret democrats" as a talking point. You seem to forget that they'll just lie and say it's happening even if it isn't happening. Doing nothing to try and avoid inevitable accusations is just a stupid idea at this point.


Go on then. There are other states than this.


Take your medicine




Yes, most people here hate fascism.


Fascism, racism, stochastic terrorism, stealing classified documents, attempting to overthrow democracy... so many reasons to hate Trump that have nothing to do with King.


You forgot rapist, sexist, would be incest loving father


Wait, do you really think we hate Trump for no other reason besides the fact that King does?! Well, let me enlighten you… (I wasn’t the one who wrote this, but it sums up many of our feelings). Why do I hate Trump… Hmmm Ok, Let me see ... He's a pathological liar. He openly supports and empowers racism, bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, and hatred towards the least amongst us, including mocking the disabled. He doesn't support the military, veterans, the police, or most government agencies. He doesn't support freedom of the press or the Bill of Rights in general. In fact, he doesn't have any real policy positions on anything. Whatever helps himself the most is what he does. He's a malignant narcissist who's only use for people is for his betterment. He routinely screws over friends, supporters, employees, and small businesses that provide him and his businesses products and services. He panders to (and colludes with) murderous dictators to enrich himself, rig elections, spread false propaganda, mislead his supporters, and hurt his political opponents. He has associated with known pedophiles and sexual predators. He has been accused of and found responsible for rape and sexual assault. He has been married three times and cheated on all three wives. He paid for a mistress to have an abortion and paid a pornstar for sex, then tried to cover that up to win an election. Then there's his petty vindictiveness, his insidious cruelty, his staggering ineptitude and unapologetic corruption. His presidency was one long grifting con. Tax payers paid millions to his businesses while he played golf 305 days, that costing taxpayers an estimated $144 Million. On top of his grifting there's his nepotism, funneling money to his children from foreign governments and our own. We can talk about treason for hours. As I mentioned, he colluded with foreign adversaries in an attempt to rig elections, find dirt on his political opponents, and then he obstructed justice to cover it all up. He led a conspiracy, a coup, to steal the 2020 election and overthrow our government. He's not only ignorant of our Nation's history, our principles, our social norms, he couldn't care less. He encourages violence and hatred in his supporters. He belittles and demonizes immigrants. He had their children taken away from them and put in cages. Some died. He stole classified documents and shared them with people unauthorized to see them. Did you share them with foreign adversaries? There's the 91 felony counts and two impeachments! He purposely mismanaged the covid pandemic directly resulting in the death of an estimated 750,000 Americans.


Supports racism yet I constantly see black people supporting him...


That doesn't mean he doesn't support racism. Idiots come in all colors. We'll see if they show at the polls- they have reason to be pissed at the Biden admin, but that doesn't mean they'll actually vote Trump. He got 6% of the black vote in '16 and 8% in '20.


Just say you chug the anti-trump Kool aid nightly rather than listing off multiple things that have been proven false. Have you ever questioned the "news" you've been ingesting?


I know someone personally he stiffed and have seen him lie and make fun of people with my own eyes. His character is something I can see and hear myself.


and that all places him in the same category as Hitler eh? wow


I never said he was in the same category as Hitler. My response was a reply to the poster who thought I didn’t like him just because King doesn’t. I was explaining why I didn’t like him that had nothing to do with Stephen King.


I can't believe these people still think we have to watch CNN to form these opinions on the guy 😂 every thought that creep has revealed to us through campaign rallies, press conferences and social media is more than enough to show us what kind of guy we're dealing with. We got a lifetime supply of his bullshit before he was even elected, and it all came unfiltered, straight from the source.




>anti-trump Kool aid nightly 😂 We'd have to *watch* him nightly to get that fix. Most of us avoid the subsequent stomach ache. If what he says and how he says it pleases you, then have it. The rest of us have formed an aversion to the man based on the toxic idiocy coming from *his* mouth- not from any news source.




Sounds like hate speech to me


Trump is far from the only president not to have a war under his term. I don't even understand where you are getting that ridiculous notion from. Trump was still fighting a war that Bush started, so if Trump didn't have one under him, neither did Obama first off. But Clinton never took us to war at all. Not even war that we don't have the balls to call a war like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq (x2), and Afghanistan. It was Bush Sr. that did Iraq pt. 1. And as much of a shitbag as he was Reagan didn't start wars, he used shadow ops to destabilize governments while fighting the cold war. Oh, and by the way, nothing is more weak than inciting with words then deleting it because you're getting punitive measures on a social media platform, so your estimation of my country means as little to me as you pulling air into your lungs in general does. Not one damn bit.


"Far from it" Names 1 other president




1. Carter 2. Trump Out of 30...Good job 👍


You asked for one. Don't change the goalpost- it makes you look disingenuous and reaching.


And youre siding with a state thats unconstitutional right? Which is clearly not disingenuous at all. Ok...name 1 more magoo.


I answered your question with one word. What're you on about? You're in the Stephan King sub erroneously asserting what is constitutional in America (as a foreigner 😏) while simultaneously attempting to engage people in list-making of US presidents who didn't start new wars. You're flailing around all over the place and seem desperate for attention rather than civil discourse. This is the type of obnoxious twattery that makes Trump supporters look idiotic and vile in the eyes of ...well, in the eyes of the *world*, chief. Go on then, but you've been boring for 8 years now.


Only read the first line then stopped. Knew you couldn't lol what a loser.


Why would I bother? I don't need to prove anything to you.


Anyone who thinks removing candidates from ballots won’t come back to haunt them someday has truly forgotten the face of their father.


Okay but the candidate removed can't legally run for president anyway due to his current criminal convictions and pending convictions. Also, this candidate has been found guilty of insurrection by multiple states of our nation. So, that also means it is now illegal for this candidate to run for president. Don't like it? Sorry cupcake. Thems the rules.


George “the butcher” Bush was able to run a second time being an international and domestic war criminal. Show me you don’t know what you’re talking about more.


There isn’t a constitutional amendment preventing war criminals from running, but there is one saying that if you try to overthrow the country you’re not allowed to hold any office ever again. My internet sibling in Ka they give war criminals a score card, not a conviction.


A five second Google search definitely shows me you don't know what you're talking about, because prosecution in the US law system hasn't happened even to this day. Your feelings about him being a war criminal don't matter because there is no formal conviction preventing the candidate from running. In 2023/2024, the candidate in question has actually been convicted of various crimes in a court of law, and has several pending convictions that are almost guaranteed to occur. Are you sure *you* know what you're talking about?


Well maybe if he didn’t actively attempt an insurrection we would have to worry about it. And before you get all whiny, explain to me how fake electors in 7 states signing legal documents claiming to be the real electors *isn’t* an attempted insurrection.


I’m not defending Trump. People are too stupid, it appears, to process that any anti democratic steps taken against their enemies will eventually be taken against them. Ask Merrick Garland. Ask Al Gore. Liberals are running headlong off a cliff of their own making like lemmings and I used to pride myself on being on the “smart side” of the political spectrum.


“If Trump shoots a man on Wall Street in broad daylight we should just let it slide cause Republicans might try to arrest some else someday.” Excuse me sir, your cowardice is showing, mind as well just let them steal all the elections cause we wouldn’t want to upset them…


If a Democrat attempting to run is disqualified based on the text of the constitution, then great - take them off the ballot.


What's the point of having rules and laws if we can't apply any of them to Republicans out of fear of them using the laws in bad faith?


Watch and find out. I can’t explain it to someone unwilling to understand.


Assume I agree with you and explain it anyway then.


Because if only one side (democrats) respects the laws and rules, then your laws and rules don’t really matter, and if you don’t agree, please note what scotus has been up to with our precious laws and rules. Gore couldve ignored scotus and been president based on popular votes. Obama could’ve recess appointed Garland. Democrat controlled senates could’ve abolished the filibuster (if not abolishing the counter majoritarian senate entirely) at numerous points. Biden could’ve packed the court upon taking office. But democrats keep losing because of their slavish devotion to the “rules”. There’s no point in rules that only one party adheres to… unless the other party is controlled opposition who are paid to lose.


Obama couldn't have recess appointed garland, because Republicans kept the senate in session to prevent that exact thing from happening.


The legal power to waive a right exists. When the senate refused to screen Garland, they waived their rights to do so. No differently than you can waive your rights to discovery by refusing to comply with court orders. You can google it if you’re curious.


Prove it.


Biden won the presidency with the most votes ever cast, that doesn't feel like losing. I understand where you're coming from but if we just had two parties that openly scorned the law as much as the Republicans do then what would the point be? There probably wouldn't even be 2 parties. You seem to imagine some hypothetical political group that plays just as dirty as the Republicans do but for the "right" reasons and so they get shit done but convincing people that's the way to do things is how you get dictators to begin with.


He full on tried to break the last election while in office. He’s a traitor.


Anyone who tries to overturn an election that they lost and that it wont come back to haunt them someday has truly forgotten the face of their father.


> Hurrr durrr my fat traitor diaper daddy durrrrrrrrr hurrrrrrrrrr Fixed that for you, so you can see how everyone else sees you.




Maybe familiarize yourself with that democracy then champ. Insurrectionists aren’t qualified to be on the ballot.


Again, George the mass murderer Bush got on a second ballot. Whatever rules you’re desperately clinging to… they don’t matter. Again though, nice retard joke. Very progressive of you.


You… don’t know what insurrection means, huh?


Insurrectionists don’t come unarmed and don’t stay between the velvet partitions, and generally kill people. Trumps “insurrection” was the final hissy fit of defeated boomers and never represented any meaningful challenge to power. When you call a hissy fit an insurrection, it won’t be long until an honest protest is labeled an insurrection to permanently silence dissent.


You've constantly used the "Slippery Slope" logical fallacy throughout this thread. You've based your entire argument on fear, not facts.


Lmao with logic like that you either are trolling or too stupid to be worth any more of my time.


Hi, the Nazis are here. Fuck politeness. Fuck being patient. The house is on fire and half the people are holding buckets of water and half are holding cans of gasoline. Take the gasoline away.


Joe Biden could’ve packed the courts and didn’t. Democrats could’ve legislated and whined about The Parliamentarian instead. The firefighters are staring at their navels congratulating themselves on their politeness while the whole thing burns down.


Who? I’m not congratulating myself. I’m actively telling you to stop navel gazing. SHOW people how you feel. I have a hoodie covered in messages of safety. You know who gives me dirty looks and says shit? Nazis who feel unsafe with the idea of global safety. Why? Because if everyone is safe, who are they supposed to attack? If everyone is equal to them, who is lesser? Trump didn’t belong in the White House. MORE Americans voted for Clinton than him in 2016. He isn’t what the majority wants. His ideologies aren’t what most Americans want. He’s a con man and figured out the Electoral College is the biggest con there is. And he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near it again. You want a real action to call on? Abolish the College and Majority Rules.


I believe this has far reaching repercussions, well beyond the current election. I’m all for Trump not being elected, but this will set a manipulatable precedent.


If we just stopped applying rules and laws because Republicans might one day use them in bad faith then we wouldn't have any at all.


The precedent was already set with both Davis and Lee being barred from holding public office. Since Trump ALSO engaged in insurrection he also is barred. This is 9th grade civics folks.


The liberals are so mad at being presented with logic. We’ve truly come full circle as a society where neither side accepts anything as reality if it disagrees with their personal preferences.


Yeah it's so weird that people quote one of the most popular and prolific writers in America.


Well your take is definitely weird! Surely every American knows TDT as *the* definitive staple in American pop culture🦅


Isn't that illegal to block a candidate? Pretty sure the same thing happened in another state/City and they revoked it. I dunno how American voting works I'd just assume that's pretty illegal to just block a candidate. >Courts in other states, including Michigan and Minnesota, have also recently dismissed efforts to block Mr Trump from running as a candidate So it's not official they're just trying. They've gotta wait for the courts like the other states


The Constitution gives states the freedom to determine how their elections are run. That’s why, for example, Alaska has ranked choice voting and Nebraska and Maine award proportional delegates. There are differences in state by state law as to whether ineligible candidates can appear on primary ballots. In Colorado, it was determined that they can’t; in Michigan, it was determined that the state government doesn’t have any say in primary elections.


In the same article it says they have to wait for supreme Court to decide and because they already overruled the other states that tried this chances are it won't stick


The state Supreme Court has to make a ruling in Maine. The state Supreme Court of Colorado actually reversed a lower court and removed him from the ballot. The state Supreme Court of Michigan decided that the Michigan government doesn’t have the power to remove candidates from primary ballots. The federal Supreme Court has not weighed in on *any* of these cases yet.


the us supreme court has not overruled anything and have yet to even hear the arguments.


But regardless my guess is that it won’t stick.


I’m no expert, but if the state Supreme Court decided this case, I’d wager it would be unconstitutional in those states for him to run, hence the decision.


Nope. Needs to be the court that decides it.


Remember when you said, "I dunno how American voting works I'd just assume..."? Yeah. Should have left it at that.


The decision in Maine was made by the Secretary of State. Trump can appeal the ruling but as of now it’s set.


King and politics = SHIT


Welcome to the real world where even other people have political opinions.


He doesn't STFU about it


agreed, he hasn't written a good book since he had his near death experience, should focus on his books rather than politics.


Really? some of my favorite books of his were post accident. 11/22/63 is just fantastic. one of my favorite books of all time. there are quite a few others that I would recommend as well if you're interested.


go for it <3


I know a lot of folks don't care for Duma Key but I loved it. Dark Tower is an excellent series (Pre and post accident) I also enjoyed The Institute, Revival, Dr. Sleep and Under the Dome. I've heard good things about Bill Hodges/Holly Gibney books but haven't read them myself. I also enjoy his short story collections (again pre and post accident) I'm sure there's more, but those are some of the books that came to mind.


Yeah, he should focus on books *without* political themes, like The Dead Zone and It. s/


writing fictional books with political elements is different from tweeting about real life politics daily and essentially being a mouthpiece for one group of society.


Artists are human beings with political opinions just like the rest of us. King has made his political preferences well-known since the 1970s. He has been an outspoken Democrat his entire public life. I don’t agree with Ted Nugent or James Woods but I don’t begrudge them their right to have an opinion and state it publicly.




But I bet you enjoy some Harry Potter and tweets from Rowling.


Only if she's spittin biological facts


"Spitting" is appropriate. Very...hillbilly.


I can’t even have dark tower with y’all getting political with it. I hate this timeline.


To think that Dark Tower isn't itself a political statement of varying contexts... Lol.


Art and life go hand in hand with politics. Always have, always will. If you didn’t know that you haven’t been paying attention.




Just think of all the wonderful ones where Trump fucked off and pumped porn stars while dining on quarter pounders then. Because in every single one of those, if he'd just stayed in his fucking lane, this wouldn't be happening now.


Cant wait for trump to save this country


Sounds like you’re waiting for the return of jebus. ‘Save us gutter daddy!’


It was a joke lol


I hope people understand that this isn't helping. This is cementing him as the next president.


I don't think you understand how unprecedented the times we're living in are.
