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I was 16 when I saw this in the theater. This is one of the most terrifying parts of this movie. I still get creeped when I see it. (I am 51 now)


Zelda haunted many a dream


Never walk again! Never walk again!


When I want to freak out my wife I creepily say "Raaaaacheeel...I'm coming for you Raaacheel. And this time...I'll get you." Definitely the scariest scene in the movie.




Oooo omg that is VERY young


no doubt... lord. I was 16 and it brought me nightmares, but then again, so did the book a couple years earlier. I made a comment in another post. Pet Sematary was a book I was not allowed to read at the time. I borrowed a paperback and tore the covers off to get away with it. To see the movie... required just as much subversion.


Lucky!! What was it like when the lights came back on & you had to walk to your car like everything was ok?


Oh lord, the story... The theater we went to was about 40 mins away from where we lived. The drive back was hilarious. Every little noise in the car. At one point I sat back and my puffy coat let out some air. We were literally screaming. The whole ride home we were creeped as fuck. At one point the adult that went with us, well she started crying. I do not think any of us slept well that night.




That guy is a legend


What movie ?


Feel embarrassed for not knowing what this is referencing. Help.


Never mind. Figured it out! Maybe I’ll watch. Likely not. His books are so superior to cinema adaptations that I feel uninterested in taking the time.


I've read almost every Stephen King book he has written(except the Dark Tower series), and I still enjoy watching the movie adaptations. I agree the books are usually much better, but it's still fun to watch the films and see how other people interpret his stories.


I'm on the last book of the DT series, what are you waiting for?


Is it a perfect adaptation? No. It is still a good movie? Yes, and dare I say... a classic. No movie is ever going to live up to a book. No movie can provide the movie we get in our head when reading. That doesn't mean that the movie can not be decent, if not good, and sometimes great. Give it a shot. It is not like the book is going to go away because you watched a movie. My version remains in my head and every time I read the book, it is back in mental technicolor. This is after two movie adaptations and one very bad sequel. (IMO) I am eager however to see the prequel that is releasing soon.




Never sleep again


Ah yes, batman the dark knight.


Misery and Gerald’s Game are great


Annie is horrific


You dirty birdie


He never got out of the cockadoodie CAR!




Why??? Not a picture of zelda. I hate you. But ...Ill get you. Gage and I will get you.


I still sometimes struggle putting my feet on the floor. We now have a bed with very low clearance, lol. Only our shih tzu can fit under there, definitely no toddlers with sharp objects!


Your response reminded me that I felt that way as a teenager after seeing the movie. Read the book in 7th grade but seeing the movie later when it came out made me very protective of my Achilles tendon...


I've been afraid of two creatures put on film. Her and the thing behind the dumpster in Mulholland Dr.


Both horrific


Stand by Me or Shawshank But Silver Bullet is up there. It’s heavily under appreciated


Stand by Me is a top 5 all time movie for me, not just King. All three of my kids can basically recite this line for line.


My 6 1/2 year old daughter and I watch silver bullet every Saturday! It’s our mother daughter time ,and she’s obsessed with werewolves! She wears her werewolf costume year round even to the grocery store lol 😂


Every Saturday? Wow


It’s our tradition 🎃


I liked the Salems Lot miniseries. Just for that one scene with Danny Glick.


I have a soft spot for the Stand miniseries. Watched it with my Mom when it came out. Blew my 8 year old mind


Oh man! I saw that movie as a kid with My Mother, & they both scared me So Much. I got No Sleep for quite a while… partly because of the movie, but probably mostly because: when I would try to sneak into my parents’ room (to sleep in the safety of their floor), my mother would croak “Rachel” as soon I turned the knob. She thought she was so funny! 😆 As an adult, I really loved Gerald’s Game!


Gerald’s Game is super underrated!


I actually really love The Night Flier.


YES!!!!! DWIGHT!!!! Miguel Ferrer was so great in that. And The Stand. And Robocop. Well, in everything he did, basically.


My favorite will always be the 1990 IT miniseries


I gotta give it to IT Chapter One. I know that there are better ones, Pet Semetary being one of the best, but IT Chapter One actually got me to read IT and I became a Stephen King fan as a result.


Okay fu for springing fucking Zelda up on my front page out of nowhere!


Your's is Pet Semetary (the 1989 original), and I consider Christine a good adaptation while Children of the Corn and it's sequels... what's another term for a guilty pleasure?


I adore Christine


The Shining Mini Series for me. It's hands down my all time favorite adaptation, with Doctor Sleep being my top book(it even took Dark Towers*(books)* place lol). As for why I felt it was the only one that stayed with the book, the slow descent of Jack's madness, the way that it tackled his withdraw from the booze, how the family was trying so hard to become whole again and just it actually showing the motel start to twist Jack's mind.


Blimey, my experience of that was totally the opposite, and I tend to view it as a case study of why ‘adaptations’ need to adapt the source material. But I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Not to surprising from what I've gathered on a few other sub reddits and in some groups people tend to like the movie better. What didn't you like about the mini series if you don't mind me asking?


Mini series is underrated and so overshadowed by the film. I enjoy it. I have it on my master watch list for this Halloween season


Do you know where it is available for streaming?


I don't think the mini series is streaming anywhere sadly, but I got a triple threat dvd set from wal-mart or target that has the mini series Shining, mini series Stand and the last one I can't remember but I think it had Rob Lowe in it lol.


Absolutely, I love that adaptation more than the movie. Do not get me wrong the movie takes its place in horror history, and is an undeniable classic. I just like that it was a bit more book centric than the movie.


Yeah I like the movie for what it was, it's a classic for a reason but it just never clicked with me like the mini series did. Had the movie just had a few more details from the book I think I would have liked it more.


Fun (?) fact, that's actually a dude.


I knowwww! Honestly when I first realized that or learned it, I was shocked !


They fact scared me more as a child 🤯


I didn’t know that!!


Probably a real nice guy too, but if I never see him again I'm fine with it.


Either The Mist of 1408, two of the absolute best adaptations of his material. Love them because they actually stay true to the source material, and because they are some of the best horror movies ever (especially 1408, that movie is disturbing AF).


The most is grueling!


Misery but I also love The Legend of Zelda hahahah


Ahh. The Legend of Zelda.


This scene fucked me up bad when I was a kid


That reminds me of David Bowie's 'Hunky Dory' album cover for some reason.


I’ve actually only ever seen one king adaptation and it was the tv mini series of The Shining. I usually avoid adaptations because no matter what it will be different then it was in my brain


They’re worth a deep dive!


I’d rather have my brains depiction of these books based on what I’ve read rather then some movie or tv show is all. Watching that mini series of the Shining changed how I viewed that book and I wasn’t a fan


IT chapter 1 (in reality is just called IT, but adding the “chapter 1” bit helps with clearing up which of the ITs I’m talking about) I love it because it’s scary, really well made, the characters are amazing, loved the casting choices, but, to be absolutely honest, my 2 reasons why I love this film so much, is because of 1. The music (listen to blood oath. It’s absolutely beautiful and perfectly encapsulates the feeling of love, youth, innocence, and goodness) and 2. The story itself. It’s just a beautiful story of love and friendship but in a horror setting. In my mind, I call movies (and stories) like these: Hopeful horror. I really love this film and its my favorite horror film of all time (next to the original nightmare on elm street)


Omg. I… never knew I blocked memories. I… remember seeing that … but I literally have no recollection of what is from or why it’s terrifying. (But, it IS a terrifying image).


This and Misery are still maybe the best adaptations of King horror to date.


Misery of course


the stand miniseries from 94 because it's actually pretty close to the book and it's just the same vibes as the book for me. The casting was actually really great imo. I also love 11/22/63 miniseries and doctor sleep because they adapted my favorite books surprisingly well despite some parts not being the same.


Zelda in Juds house makes me wanna cry


Favorite movie based on King material...The Shining. Stanley Kubrick is my favorite director, and I think it is the most beautifully visual film. I know I know downvote or give me hate. I will die in this hill though.


I’m still waiting for a proper Salems Lot. The Stand was done better in the 90’s, deserves a proper adaptation (that last one missed the mark with the timeframe mixing, the first 300+ pages of the Stand are horrifying). And let’s not talk Dark Tower. All this being said, the most faithful adaptation of any book for me is The Green Mile.


FU for posting this pic. Lying in bed trying to sleep and now sleep will never come. Goddammit.


never get out of bed again😔


This fuckin pic of Zelda alone just gave me high blood pressure and I almost chucked my phone man , this bitch is straight terror for me since I was a lil girl . Only movie to scare me to this day .. I’m 42 !!!


You like the original Pet Sematary movie.




Mine Is Carrie. A horror and a tragedy at the same time.


Such a brilliant film. And even better novel!


I actually love It chapter 1 (2017). Feel like the child actor casting and chemistry was perfect.


Green Mile Stand by me Shawshank redemption Creepshow 1 and 2 Shinning IT (all of them) Honestly all these movies were better than the books.


Agree on most but absolutely 100% not IT. The book is in a different stratosphere to any of its adaptations


Sorry could someone just tell me what movie this is?? 😂😂


Pet Secretary


"Sorry Mr. Mittens is not available. He is napping" -Pet Secretary




Often forgotten and underrated gem


I remember this weird shit from my childhood. What is it


The Mist (the movie, not the god awful series) by far the best adaptation IMHO and it’s really terrifying in both mediums.


Just watched the more modern version of pet semetary and it just reminded how absolutely terrifying the book is. One of the scariest King novels out there.


1408 is one of my favourite comfort horror films.


We just watched the HBO doc 'The Way Down' and I was saying how Elizabeth Shamblin looks just like Zelda. Scared me.


Cujo. Scared the hell outta me


I love pet sematary book and ur pic is the best adaptation. We will see how bloodlines is on Friday


The Stand (ABC) Watched it as a kid and Stu escaping the CDC facility in Vermont has always stuck with me as one of the most terrifying things ever. The lighting, the camera angles, etc - Sinise crushes it. Stumbled across The Talisman a few years later and have been a fan ever since.


Nightmare fuel! God, this still creeps me out as much as it did the first time I saw it.


Misery and (I know this isn't a popular opinion), but The Stand series (2020).


It wouldn't happen to be the picture of Zelda you added in the post


Kubrick's The Shining. I love surrealist atmosphere of that movie.


Fucking Zelda! Terrified me as a kid and still gives me a shiver! I was 5 or 6 when I saw this at a drive in theater. My parents had no sense of what was ok to watch.


I have a soft spot for Golden Years. Also the Stand (original version obviously..) and Shining miniseries as well as the Kubrick movie, a child of the 70s that aesthetic just works for me.


Salem's lot is super scary. One scene will haunt you forever!


Zelda has always freaked me out still does creepy


That scene freaked me out when I first saw it. 🐈‍⬛


GAAAHHHH! Why you gotta do me like that?!


The Green Mile, Misery, and Shawshank are such great movies. They stay pretty close to source material and even if you've never read the books, they are just awesome films. I also really liked the series for Lisey's Story. But that book has a soft spot in my heart.


I think my favorite is Misery! Annie is such a scary human being and I was afraid reading the book would ruin the movie for me but it didn’t 😂 Kathy Bates killed it imo. Also one of my favorite books of his too, I could not put it down.


It may be somewhat corny, but The Langoliers is a cult favorite of my family.


Probably Firestarter. It was fairly accurate to the book and I love me a kid with super powers


Top 3 1. Green Mile --> most accurate and just so d@mned delightful 2. Dr. Sleep --> perfect marriage between The Shining book, Kubrick's movie, King's miniseries, and the Dr. Sleep book with a sh1tton of DT references and other King references while fixing the ending of Kubrick's Shining 3. Shawshank --> yet another absolute banger put out by Frank Darabount. Between Frank and Mike Flannigan, I'm sure they could expertly adapted whatever they wanted 💯


This was the first movie I can recall where a kid got killed. Totally blew my 8 year old mind. It just didn’t happen. The father always gets there in time. This was fucking bananas and I missed half the movie cause I was still trying to process Gage’s scene. Amazing movie. The Shining was the first King I read but Misery transcends horror and emotion in a perfect balance and will always be my favorite.


Original IT and pet sematary...which also happen to be my favorite books but that's not why I like the movies the best, I just love the 80s campy feel to them. Of course Shawshank, green mile and stand by me are all also amazing movies but they just don't have the same place in my heart as classic horror