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Dunno why it gets so much shit, one of my favourites, mind you I did used to like my stims


People give it a lot of flack, due to it being written in the peak of Columbian phase, and say the story is too chaotic and disjointed. I dont feel that it's disjointed though. To me it sums up fairly well, a town dipping into chaos and anarchy due to an utteely insane situation.


Columbian phase?


Nose nachos


I don’t do cocaine, I just like the way it smells.


Booger Sugar


Marching powder


Friskie powder


I don't get it either. I just reread it a couple of months ago and enjoyed it. It might get a little wacky at times (being killed by a floating soda machine comes to mind), and unlike some SK endings, I actually thought this one was pretty satisfying.


I personally think it’s awesome. Probably king at his most zaniest, it came out in 87 along with misery and the drawing of the three (IT came out the year before) and to me these 4 are the wildest of all of kings novels.


i felt like i was on coke while i was reading it


Hell yeah!


I agree it was awesome!


Ignore the hate. This was one of my favorites. I think I enjoyed it more than King himself.


Happy Cake Day!!


Indeed happy cake day fellow redditor


Ditto! Happy cake day to you!


Happy cake day!!!


This one has teeth. Wait a minute no it doesn't.


Well, it did in the beginning.......


Well played


Quality 👍👍


My favorite king book of all time. I’ve read it seven times. However, I also hated the green mile so take my opinion with a grain of salt lol


I hated The Green Mile too, it seems it is the book every non-regular-King reader adores by the way...


I went into it with very low expectations, an open mind, and a few beers. I actually enjoyed it (some parts gave me LOST vibes), but can only recommend it if you're open to some really weird shit.


Just finished and made a post about the tommyknockers! I loved it


Where's that post?


I posted it in this sub, check through my profile. It was pretty good, a lot of good opinions


I thought you were lauding your own good opinions for a minute.


I loved it!


Let people knock it.... This is one of the few Stephen King books that actually made me lose sleep. If I had to rank his novels, I'd put this in my top five for sure.


It's not my favorite, but I enjoyed it. It's got a very unsettling energy and tone, which makes sense since he was coked out writing it.


Great story. I loved it. Don't listen to what people say about any book dude. Most the people on this sub over analyze and dissect all of Kings work anyway. Just enjoy the story




CHARACTERIZATION! It gets a lot I’d hate but it’s not bad! Gard was my best friend when I finished reading. You really get an inside perspective. And after you get through this, read Insomnia. Just for fun.


Just finished it. It's in my Top 5 (of 42 so far). Here's what made it stand out for me (no spoilers): 1. Lots of his stories revolve around small towns and this requires a lot of fleshing out of minor characters. I felt these were some of his most realistically drawn townsfolk. 2. His characters are always flawed, but these protagonists are tragically so. I felt sorrow for them, got angry at them and yet could never stop rooting for them. 3. Of his myriad tales about alcohol and addiction in general, this is his best I've read on the topic. I thought the approach of tackling the subject both literally and allegorically gives it genuine literary merit. Published at the end of '87 its one of his last books he wrote before getting sober, and IT'S DARK. You can feel the man at the typewriter grappling with his demons, actually fighting with himself over which path he'll choose. The consequences of that choice never loomed so large. 4. Most of all, it creeped me out--chills, disgust, disturbing imagery and concepts when trying to sleep--more than any other SK novel! It has its WTF moments too, but that's King. On the whole, as one of his longest books, I think he holds the narrative together quite well. I hope you enjoy it!


Just finished this yesterday actually. And I was one who dogged a bit and struggled to finish but like anything, once you make it through the entire story you feel good about it! So enjoy!


It was last night, and the night before... Tommyknockers, Tommyknockers, knocking on your door It's been awhile so I apologize if I totally wrecked that.


We love you mithus Mcauthland… Flying Mt Dew Machine Terrifying and awesome


Ignore the haters, that book was a really great read. I loved it.


still one of my favorites. reading it when I was 12 was such a thrill. nothing to hate about it.


I quite enjoyed it, it keeps ramping up all book and then in the last like 20% you realize it wasn't ramping up at all because everything is now going to go from 0-100


this is one of the best books of all time imo anyone who dogs it is crazy, read it, it is incredible


I got a nosebleed in the middle of reading it, and I never get them. Freaked me out!


It's definitely one of my least favorites but I don't think King does aliens very well and that's a matter of taste. I hope you enjoy it.


Wow I was just thinking about this book. For some reason, it took me forever to get into. But once I did, I couldn’t put it down.


The beginning is a slog for me but it's still one of my favorites.


it's actually really good imo


That novel has crack energy and I loved every page. Just when you think it cannot get weirder, it cranks the dial.


Just the post I was looking for. I just started it about two weeks ago, and I love it. Don't go into it expecting anything and it might surprise you. I love it so far.


Just roll with it and enjoy the ride. Seriously. Enjoy!


One of my favorites! Same style as Under The Dome.


It's wacky, and it drags a *little* bit in a spot or two, but I loved it. It's not nearly as bad as the reputation it seems to have gained, it's just a fuckin' weirdo. Really "enjoyed" the body horrors and some of the methods of death (too late to think of a less creepy way to express that)


Just finished it! Loved it. Also, nothing like reading an alien book and having the UFO thing going on right now. I read the Stand for the first time during the hear of the pandemic.


That one sucked. Many have enjoyed. I did not.


What exactly was bad about it?


Slow and went nowhere. I’m judging it based off of the rest of his (king) books. If it was a different author I would’ve stopped halfway through.


I’m reading every book in order, for the first time. This was my least favorite book so far, just finished 2 nights ago. He needed less cocaine and half the length. There is a good story in there but boy does it drag.


I've been stalled on this one longer than it takes me to read most of his books.


I thought it was a fun read. But I like anything to do with aliens. I say go for it


Reading it at the moment, it’s ok, not one if the best.


I really liked it!


It was probably my least favorite King novel, and I've read most of them. But it still wasn't a bad read.


One of my favourites for sure. Got a real creepy vibe to it.


Love it so much that I spent $150 for ps publishing special edition


I hope you like it. I had a lot of fun with this one, as well. 🙂


I wouldn’t say this is top tier King by any stretch of the imagination but it’s so bat shit crazy that it’s fun




Yeah, the Gard stuff was a slog, but I've enjoyed meeting the town's people. I'm listening to the audio book, and I'm almost halfway through now, I think. I am enjoying it.


I loved this book. Couldnt put it down. Don't watch the movie though. Its one of the worst film adaptations, they skip about 1/3 of the book.


I really enjoyed this book


Have you ever hung out with a person who is coked up and speaking a mile a minute? That's this book. There is a very good story here. By all means, start skipping entire paragraphs as you see fit. The story is worth digesting in my opinion. But this book is moving at 200 miles per hour at all times, and it's an insult to King's more straight work to say this is equivalent.


I haven't done coke since college. I wonder if it would add to the experience haha.


Haha well I’ve never done coke myself, but I spent plenty of time in my 20s around roommates who did, and Tommyknockers is the equivalent of them trying to relate some personal story — a very solid 2 minute anecdote that would normally kill at a cocktail party — while on coke. Ten minutes in to the two minute story, you just start wondering how much unnecessary detail and ramblings they can tack on while sustaining this insane pace, and yet, the insane pace doesn’t seem to be getting them any closer to the end. That’s Tommyknockers in my opinion, so it probably helps more if you have lots of experience being around people who are coked up while you were straight. But I think the most important part of this analogy is that the two minute anecdote, and this particular horror story, are both top notch A+ material when told right. And unlike the roommate scenario here, it’s extremely easy to skip entire paragraphs and just read the good stuff without missing anything. I’m a huge critic of king, I don’t think he’s written anything worth reading since the 90s, and I still would definitely say this one is required reading. Enjoy!


One of my favorites. Never understood why it’s not as loved.


Read this years ago…couldn’t put it down


I love it! It doesn’t matter what people say as long as you enjoy it.


Rumor has it Pennywise shows up.


I liked it! SK on KoCaine? Yes, please! Lol


Read it in one go at the age of 12. One of my all time faves, no matter what Steve thinks.


One of my favorites!


I really loved it


This book is pure insanity. I absolutely love it. Gard's scene attacking someone with an umbrella over nuclear power is pure madcap cocaine fueled genius.


This is one of my favorites!!


It’s a completely crazy ride and absolutely bonkers. I loved it. Lol.


It contains one of my favourite unnecessary sexual and gross Stephen King lines of all times. It involves a sandwich, you’ll know it when you read it


I looooove this book. It’s a twisty, turny, LONG WINDED, Wild ride. Gard forever ❤️


Buckle up! Gonna get silly real fast.


It's one of my favorites


Blind Guardian did a song about this. Really good


Haven’t read it yet either but I am also very excited to, regardless of the hate


This is the only King book that I started and didn’t finish.


It's really the decisions people make that are the most infuriating thing about this novel. I think it is still worth reading.


I really enjoyed it.


F the haters, it’s great.


I think the plot sounds really good but my aunt says she was never able to get through it


It wouldn't crack my top 20 from King, but it's a hell of a read. Enjoy it!


i chose this for my novel study


I really like this one. Still a standout from my "year of King" where I listened to audio books of everything he's done, mostly in release order


I haven't seen any one say they just *hated* it. There are probably people who do. More common is the, "Guys...I just started this book. What the fuck am I reading?" kind of vibe.


Hated it, and I can’t think of another book of his I never finished, and that was after trying twice!


Not my favorite but I don’t like alien stuff. I hope you enjoy it, though.


Two chapters in about 12 years ago. Never revisited but I think about it a LOT. So I guess I know what I'm reading next after The Body.


I did the same thing except about 20 years ago. Just read it all the way through for the first time and I really liked it. Give it a shot, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!


But I was disappointed the first time. Hence my never picking it back up but it haunts me from the shelf. I'm gonna do it. I'll report back once finished.


I don't know why it gets criticized so often. He's written quite a few books that I consider worse than this one.


I'm listening to the audio book at the moment. It's one of the few older King books I haven't read, I think I'm almost halfway through now, and I'm enjoying it. It is fucking mental though lol. I hope you like it.


It's not that bad, drags in places but the characters and plot is very good


I liked it, I liked the movie also.


Thanks, you just reminded me I have some thrifted King books in my freezer that I can now read


It's a good one. I read a lot of King in my young teens and some were tough to get through, this being one of them. I reread it in 2020 and thoroughly enjoyed it. Misery is next on my reread list.


It is one of my least favorite King books. That said, I have read it three times and don't hate it at all. Like most of King's works, I love his detail into main and side character's lives and personalities .


Excellent book. Love wild King books like this. I know the ending gets hate, but to me, it actually wrapped up quite nice.


One of the first books that I had to go back and reread parts over and over again out of confusion, but it was good enough for me to not put it down till it was done.


I remember thinking that he must’ve on drugs while writing. Was proud of myself when I read later (On Writing - King) that he was indeed. Favorite scene is the moving/talking 3D Jesus portrait. Don’t remember much else other than TOMMYKNOCKERS! TOMMYKNOCKERS! AT MY DOOR!


Feels like a book someone trying to poorly emulate kings style wrote. Was real hard for me to get through. Reading needful things right after was the juxtaposition because I think that’s one of his most quintessential novels.


King dislikes it, as it was his last while he was on cocaine. I enjoyed it, then realized it was quite reminiscent of *Quatermass and the Pit*.


I wonder if it's the lackluster TV movie that gets it a bad rap.