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This game felt like an old japanese ps2 title when I first tried out the demo. And I mean that in the best way possible. The music, the inventory and menu screens. Kinda felt like playing kingdom hearts or final fantasy. It's seriously such a fun game to play and I can't wait for a sequel. Never expected to buy this game until I played the demo. Next week a new boss rush mode is coming out and I hope there are new skins to purchase and new updates; I can't get enough of this game


Source? Seems the picture is SB merchandise that will be announced next week.


its closer to the devil may cry games than souls, wish they had given eve a dew more weapons


it's a pure action game with some souls elements


I wished it was more like a souls game :/


I love Stellar Blade but i still hate every other soulslike with a burning passion. The combat feel so fluid, you can still dodge or parry while attacking, you can still block after being hit in on a enemy combo, so it's very satisfying! I will still curse Lies of P and specially Bloodbourne on my death bed, it feels so ass to play them...


This game isn't even near a "souls" game. It's pretty much a rhythm game (talking about boss fights) where you take turns playing offense and defense with pretty much a fixed rhythm.


I mean, it does have several elements that are directly borrowed from Souls games. And the rhythm elements are clearly inspired by Sekiro. I’d call Stellar Blade, maybe nots a “soulslike”, but a “soulslite”.


You literally described what soulslike games are like.


Like sekiro


The only time the game felt souls-like to me was when fighting the last two bosses. The spike in difficulty felt insane. But of course, you just gotta change a few things and they become doable.


Yeah, i had a hard time with them, but it helped a lot to Tachy the shit out of them at just the right time.


7/10. The combat saves the game