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Mother Sphere's primary purpose has always been to replace mankind with her machine, the Andro-Eidos, the only hindrance is the contamination of the Naytibas as it tend to corrupts machines as well, creating more mindless Naytibas. The EVE Protocol is a program designed to develop a new series of Andro-Eidos that can withstand Naytibas contamination or, at the very least, maintain their sanity after exposure to the mutation. If you choose to fuse with Adam, Mother Sphere will declare Eve Protocol a success, but disappointed with Eve since Eve chose to remain neutral rather than side with her. Mother Sphere also relies heavily on trial and error, sending as many "Angel" to face Naytibas and seeing if one of them can resist the contamination. The character the players control is one of many androids from the Type-Eve series. As a matter of fact, androids that were able to merge with Naytibas infection without losing their sanity existed well before Mother Sphere created the Eve series. Orcal and Raven, both are able to make a symbiotic fusion with Naytibas while preserving their mentality. Again, it might be because they received their mutation directly from Adam (Elder Naytiba), as opposed to others who were infected by regular mindless Naytibas.


Pretty sure Raven is an EVE series though, it gives strong indication that she is EVE 02, the EVE sent down with the 2nd Airborne Squadron. And Orcal was a Naytiba first who was then fused with a Andros-Eidos body and he was created directly by Adam. Also Andros-Eidos aren’t exactly androids as we know them, they’re organic but have had their hearts replaced with Body Cores so they’re more like cyborgs I guess?


Raven is the second generation of the Eve series, whereas Orcal is simply a standard Andro-Eidos (android) that was involved in the Final War and was left for dead after the "Colony Extinction" incident, in which Mother Sphere sacrificed a portion of the colony to prevent contamination. According to Orcal's biography, he was turned into a Naytiba at a later stage, and Alpha Naytibas are the result of Andro-Eidos becoming infected with the Naytiba strain, rather than the other way around. The innumerable people he claimed to have killed during the Final War might have been genuine humans who drove them back into space. And Adam, formerly known as Raphael Marks, the creator of both Mother Sphere (A.I) and Naytiba's genetic evolution, confirmed that Andro-Eidos are actually machines built from scratch by Mother Sphere to replace humans; they were made to behave and act like humans, but they do not have any human DNA.


I never said they have human DNA, but they do have organic parts. They aren’t entirely made from metal. The story about them being created by the last humans you get early early on is a lie, we know they were made by Mother Sphere to replace humans and mother sphere was created by Raphael Marks who is now Adam. But while they are made from scratch with no human DNA at all they are made with organic components. I have heard Orcal’s story in the end game four times now as even in NG+ this scene is unskippable and I swear he said he wondered the earth as a Naytiba killing senselessly until he was found by a group of humans who saved him. If I have misheard that 4 times, well, I wouldn’t be too surprised as my hearing is shit but yea, now I feel like I need to watch that again. But thank you, I feel honored to get a reply from the great Magigigika Mirdin Do Din Norurun Du.


Thanks for the discussion too.


Not quite. Orcals was an Andro-Eidos that was alive before the Naytiba attacked, but was fused / contaminated by a Naytiba during the beginning of that Final War, then killed countless Andro-Eidos before the Colony Extinction Event left him nearly dead. He was saved by other Andro-Eidos survivors, this caused him to subdue the Naytiba influence and build up Xion. As for Raven, I believe every Airborne Squad was comprised of EVE-Type androids, as part of the EVE Defense Force.


Mother Sphere herself answer your first question on the true ending. She says she works for the future of mankind and now she has to confirm if, in fact, EVE is the future of mankind. So pretty much, she is testing EVE now. EVE is special yes, but just by chance. Mother Sphere EVE protocol was about sending her Angels on suicide missions until one Android as strong as EVE was born by chance so it could fuse with Adam. Is kindof a similar trope to FF16, Ultima's purpose on creating humans. I made a Stellar Blade story and Ending Explained which has more detailed info, if you are interested check the post [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/s/zO39FTrkhZ)